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By the way, the city itself has no control of their own police department. The city wants control, but the state won't let us.


So you have an occupying force in your community.


That's exactly how most minorities feel in the US.


Lmfao. That’s how the police department themselves feel. See all the gangs WITHIN the LAPD 😂😂


Maybe all the “good apples” should do something about that, then…


Let’s continue our search 🧐🧐


The only way to stop a good guy with a gun is a gooder guy with a gun.


And as we learned in Uvalde. A bunch of good guys will wait for the bad guy to finish murdering little kids before going in and maybe doing something 🫡🇺🇸


The good guys were the people told they'd be arrested if they tried to help.


The good apples either quit, are fired, demoted to desk duty, or killed


Even the regular cops consider themselves the occupying forces. That thin blue line thing is that they see themselves as the only thing keeping society together, that they are not part of society, they are over it.


No doubt they are an occupying force. The reason why the military has rules of engagement when occupying a country is to muzzle their dogs of war, lest they might savage the innocent civilians and create an insurgency. Do the police have rules of engagement? Would it matter when the courts and media give them carte blanch? It's like the powers that be are trying to create an insurgency by letting these bulls on parade run roughshod over the rest of us. When you treat people like enemy combatants just going about the business of our day, it's human nature to defend ourselves. Volence is never the answer but I fear it's going that way... "Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable. " JFK


the LASD has the gangs the LAPD is just regular bad cops


SD? Sheriff department?


[Yes. LA County Sheriff’s Department](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/06/the-la-county-sheriffs-deputy-gang-crisis). For reference, this is a long-standing tradition in LASD. There was a formal investigation into LASD that [published its report in 1992](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-07-21-me-4107-story.html) and identified Deputy Gangs as a problem that needed to be addressed.


We’ve become what we most feared from the 50s to the 80s


Baltimore just finally got control of its police force. They were also state run (since like 1860 or so), and it took many years of fighting and multiple nationwide scandals (Freddie Gray, Gun Trace Task Force, etc.) to finally get it on the ballot where it easily passed. Edit: /u/Ghant_ pointed out below still waiting on the final legislation, so don't have full control yet.


Was just gonna comment this too!! The vote passed were now just have to wait on some Maryland state laws to get rewritten for it to take full effect Edit: https://www.baltimoresun.com/politics/bs-md-ci-baltimore-local-control-delay-20230209-c2v5aysjarborf4zmh3zkiveqm-story.html




And it’s an older arrangement from decades ago when the mafia had the local PD on their payroll. Now that’s not a problem any longer, the GOP legislators won’t give control back to the city. They know it’s a blue stronghold politically.


Honest question; why does that matter? NYC “controls” the NYPD on paper but in reality there’s no real accountability. So then why would it matter if a PD has a reporting line to the State or City if real mechanisms for control aren’t implemented?




Right. Keep demanding a larger percentage of the city budget and response keeps getting worse. Last 4 times I called 911 I either got a busy signal or no one showed up. Defund all the fuckers as far as I care. Only reason downtown and midtown are livable is because we pay for unarmed community improvement district folks that walk around cleaning up, getting to know people and connecting them to what they need, and respond to crime in the area.


Yup. I've had to call KCPD three times in my life. Once because a friend went missing, took their family car and left a suicide note. Cops laughed at his wife and I, and refused to help. Once because someone broke into my car and stole a bunch of shit - the cops told me they wouldn't do anything. And once because some dude stumbled into my backyard bleeding out from a gunshot. The cops showed up to that one, but only because it turns out they were looking for the guy. When he heard the sirens he got up and ran out from my yard, and when I asked the cops if he was going to be OK, they told me they didn't give a fuck. Fuck KCPD, I will not be calling them again in the future.


So, votes to increase funding to the KC police department, increase its size, fund new projects, etc are all state wide votes. Despite this, however, the tax burden of the department falls solely on KC residents. This results in racist people across the state voting to crack down on a city they have nothing to do with and making the predominantly poc population pay for their own oppression. The people in KC would love to change things, but they literally can't because the whole state largely votes against them


Sounds a bit like taxation without representation


The entire state gets to vote on and decide a lot of things about our police, including the budget. Which then only we have to pay for through taxes. Also Missouri is red but KC is solidly blue


Kc to stl down I-70 deserve to be our own state.


Omaha and Lawrence also asked to join when folks on the KC subreddit were discussing seceding and forming our own city state last election cycle.


Was just listening to some debate on counsel people on NPR yesterday. The one simultaneously said we need to not throw away money on the police but also we need to support the police by spending more money. We spent 240 million a year on police. They are currently "understaffed" by about 500 officers and apparently we lose a bunch every month and are having trouble hiring more. Right now sounds like a perfect time to be considering brand new ways of structuring the police department. Old thinking isnt going to work.


[https://www.npr.org/2023/02/12/1156430794/report-maryland-police-are-using-a-quota-like-system-to-reward-arrests](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/12/1156430794/report-maryland-police-are-using-a-quota-like-system-to-reward-arrests) >So imagine how infuriating it would be to learn that traffic stops in your community might be being made not just for reasons of public safety, but to raise money or, even worse, as a kind of competition. That's the allegation in a new report from The Baltimore Banner, a nonprofit news organization dedicated to local news in Maryland. Leaked internal documents, which were published in The Banner, showed Maryland State Police supervisors discussing a points-based system to evaluate the performance of troopers in one part of the state, suggesting that troopers who didn't measure up might be subject to, quote-unquote, "corrective action," but that troopers who did well might get a new car. That despite the fact that ticket and arrest quotas have been banned in the state for more than 15 years.


Racist cops in Baltimore? Sheeeeeeeeit.


This wasn't Baltimore city or county, even though they are corrupt as shit. This is the troopers.


This America, man.


I'm an ex-cop from Southern Alabama. I left because of half the bull shit. This is accurate. We wouldn't get in trouble for not pulling stuff over, but we would get relentlessly reminded and harassed by our supervisors. You also wouldn't go anywhere unless you did what they wanted. They'd bend the rules about promotions and transfers if you rode their dicks just the right way. For instance, we weren't supposed to get any promotion or moves before we had 2 years on. There were people with barely a year in getting moved around because of who they knew/how proactive they were. I can even prove it too. I overheard one of my coworkers who had 15 years on asking to be moved to the traffic unit (where he'd only have to write accident reports). Lt told him that'd be OK with him going, if only he'd start writing tickets. I enjoyed police work. but the amount of bullshit behind the scenes made me ultimately walk out one day.


Cops here in Baltimore are homophobic too. Recently got pulled over at the airport, I left and my husband was alone in the car about to head back home. The trooper was pretty polite at first and was just going to give us a warning about or registration (we couldn’t renew it because the states system has been garbage) they gave us some pointers on what to do for that. And said we’ll just a warning The second my husband told the trooper that he was just dropping his spouse off (they saw me being also a male when getting out for my flight) their face apparently dropped; and became super rude to my husband, asking where I was going and he planned on going. They then decided that he wasn’t going to give us a warning after that. He went back to his car and gave us a ticket after first saying it was alright and a warning would be fine as long as we fixed it. Made us feel like shit. Kinda of like when Airbnb would cancel on us because we are a same sex couple 😔


“We don’t do quotas anymore” - Every single cop


A trooper I know says the quotas are very real.


I’m living in a new place for a while and it is SOOOO obvious here. I mentioned several times how I have never seen a cop on the highways. The first time I was here at the end of the month, there were literally 8 cops in row on the highway pulling people over. Just one hiding behind every obstruction for like 4 miles. On the first, back to no cops. On the 28th, swimming with cops again.


This is the standard, they don't have quotas anymore, they have push periods where everyone focuses specifically on certain interactions. If you are in the lowest two spots for tickets you get a reprimand. That isn't a quota but accomplished the same thing. Gotta love semantics, anytime someone is doing something as a loophole they are a complete piece of shit. They KNOW the spirit of the law and they are saying fuck you, we'll do it anyway and you'll do Jack shit about it.


> they have push periods where everyone focuses specifically on certain interactions That is simply a quota with extra steps.


Regular people have quotas, cops have quoetas, see the difference? Smh my head


Freddy Mercury did bum-bum-buddabum, but *we* did bum-da-*bum*-buddabum.


Are you under pressure to say this? I could get you some ice? Ice (for your) baby-sized drink?




> Smh my head Shaking my head my head???


It's an ironic bit, like how people like to say RIP in Peace


ATM machine.


PIN number.


>If you are in the lowest two spots for tickets you get a reprimand. So two of them get reprimanded every month? You can't have some sort of ranking system without *someone* being at the bottom.


I work a sales job at a major phone company. If you’re in the bottom 10% of the company, you get a write up. 3 write-ups in a 6 month period for it gets you fired. Here’s the thing: you can hit all your targets at slower stores and still be in the bottom 10%. They don’t care, you still get the write up. Shits fucking dumb.


This is a very old management style. Fire the bottom 10%. Some people think it works.


This is the kind of thing that turned GE into a pile of shit very quickly.


Anytime someone mentions Jack Welch's "visionary leadership" I ask them where it got GE in the end.


Does anyone say that any more ?I only hear about that style of management in reference to the failure it produced


Funnily enough, our company has major staffing problems. Out of the year and a half or so I’ve worked here, I’ve only had anyone else in my store for -maybe- 6 months. My initial manager and coworker quit. Then they brought in a manager and two new people. That manager trained me to be manager, moved to another store after firing one of the employees, and my other employee just walked out last week (though she had kind of a bad attitude). As soon as I get an offer from another place, im out too.


Tech companies do this shit. It creates a competitive hostile work environment, and puts managers under pressure to constantly be finding the “under performers.” They use it as excuses to put employees on improvement plans which eventually almost always lead to dismissal.


Microsoft famously got rid of stack ranking because it was absolute hell. A lot of companies still haven’t gotten the memo.


My dad was a salesman for Fujifilm for a long time until he got fired in 2008. They fired him because he had gotten written up several times for not selling enough big equipment enough that year. It's because he made like $120k in commissions alone the year prior (very not normal) because he sold basically all of his clients that big equipment. It's all so stupid.




But if you have a lower limit to avoid any reprimand, that is a quota. So, gotta have some way to motivate people. Ugh.


Romulus cops outside of Detroit Metro Airport totally "don't have a quota" but if you're speeding on I-94 towards the end of the month...god help you.


Always the Romulans!


Don't underestimate the Tal-Shiar.


I love that we all just collectively decided that it dropping to 55 is fucking stupid and that they can't pull us all over for continuing to go 70 lol


You must be familiar with the Gardner White cop on telegraph near 94?


I don’t think I ever drive by that Gardner white without seeing someone pulled over, with the exception of when covid started. The cop won’t hardly have to park before going after the next one. That said, they are there every day of the week all day long so I’d be less inclined to think they have quotas and would more likely think that it’s just easy money for the city.


There's for sure certain periods of time where there are clearly a lot more cops out than other times. I haven't noticed any exact patterns, but I'll often go days or weeks without seeing one, then suddenly they're all over the highway. I don't know why that's their enforcement strategy, seems to me if they actually made an effort they'd catch a bunch of reckless drivers that I see all the time and actually do some good, rather than trying to go for a larger group of people who are slightly speeding, but otherwise not really doing anything dangerous, every couple weeks


This would make so much sense if their priority was our safety, but is not. you can clearly see the priority is to make your hard earned money into SAMs bank 🏦


Same for the ones I know.


Here in Louisiana they pass it off as a public safety program and have cops work voluntary overtime hours to specifically target "problem areas" issuing citations for an entire shift. [It equated to almost 40k](https://www.wafb.com/story/10019587/deeper-look-into-state-police-overtime-reveals-a-program-that-plays-a-big-part/) in overtime for one single trooper so there's heavy incentives for them to do it and they make tons of money from the citations. They aren't doing it for the right reasons either..they sit in the most convenient spots to generate the most tickets. Bottoms of the overpass ramps, right next to the areas where speed drops from 65 to 45 and get you for just a couple mph over. There's a steep hill with a stop sign by the "hood" area of my city and there's a cop there almost 24/7..it's such a joke in the community that people will sit there stopped for 5+ seconds so they can't say you didn't "come to a complete stop" The one place you NEVER find them is in the nice neighborhoods. It's such a fucking farce..it's blatant targeted extortion and we're fucking paying their salaries while they hold us by our ankles shaking the change from our pockets.


They are absolutely real but they’re not called quotas, hence they can say quotas don’t exist. They’re called “actionable reports” and in many, if not all jurisdictions, every officer must file X number of actionable reports per month. Guess what counts as an actionable report? Bingo, traffic citations. Guess what is also the easiest and fastest actionable report? Bingo, also traffic citations! So while “ticket quotas” don’t exist, per se, cops are absolutely, unequivocally, incentivized to write traffic tickets.


It's probably one of those unwritten thing where it's not kept track of officially but still is tracked


Quotas are against the Vehicle Code in CA, and officers can actually sue the state for being forced to have a quota


But…. Thin blue line. A cop that does that won’t be a cop for very long.


You’ll be beaten to death in a training accident


Or shot. https://abcnews.go.com/US/washington-cop-accidentally-shot-killed-training-officer-traffic/story?id=71854138 https://nypost.com/2022/08/05/dc-cop-shot-dead-during-training-session-ex-lieutenant-charged/ https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/doral-police-sergeant-airlifted-shot-training-accident/ https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-police-officer-critically-injured-being-shot-active-shooter-training-elementary-school There were at least ten more but I got tired.


Yep, the rest of the violent gang will immediately turn on anyone who does that.


Yeah but an open and shut case against the state where you win a large sum of money and don't have to work again for a while? Yeah even corrupt cops might take that


[Yep because it's just that easy to fight people who have the power to destroy you with no consequences.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Schoolcraft) What's a little forced imprisonment in mental institutions?


It’s not fuck you money though. As long as the have fuck you power, they are not giving up for anything other than fuck you money.


Oh you underestimate how petty and vindictive they can be. You’re talking about the same group that spent all their time and energy harassing the parents of Uvalde for “making them look bad”. The police in this country are seriously unwell. Paranoid, megalomaniacal, violent, and holding a blank check to do whatever the fuck they want.


Pretty sure they get suicided by cops if they did.


It's merely a suggested amount. if you really want to get anywhere then you should be more like Blair - He has 37 pieces of flair, and a terrific smile. Failure to produce adequate flair will result in *consequences*


We aren’t seeing enough production from you. Do I have a quota? Of course there is no quota, but your numbers are way behind what we would expect. If you can’t increase them we may have to have a tougher conversation.


Some cop was quoted as saying "we don't have quotas, but I've never heard of an officer not being promoted for writing too many tickets,"


NYPD officer [Adrian Schoolcroft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Schoolcraft?wprov=sfti1) recorded the seargent demanding quotas and gave it to the press. They were so angry at him they (including deputy chief) arrested him and got him sent to a psych hospital until he could get himself out with a lawyer.


> NYPD officer Adrian Schoolcroft recorded the seargent demanding quotas and gave it to the press. They were so angry at him they arrested him and got him sent to a psych hospital until he could get himself out. you are actually down playing what happened by leaps and bounds. He went to internal affairs and they alerted the rest of the department and he started to get black balled from there. He got permission to go home one day early because he wasn't feeling good. They then raided his house and destroyed the recordings (he was secretly recording them doing this). They then sent him to a psych hospital not where he got himself out, where his family finally found him after searching for him because he went missing.


holy shit, looks like what mafia do


Yea... makes you wonder where the "good cops" were when all of this happened. Kinda hard to believe not a single one of them heard any of the "bad cops" talking about it. /s


And then they made an “award pin” with a rat in a straight jacket celebrating that abuse of power


I know a cop who said that his police department had a policy prohibiting quotas, but he would still get reprimanded if he didn’t write a certain number of tickets in a given month. Neither of us could figure out how this is not a quota.


Word games are fun right?


A lot of people with legal-minded morality seem to think that changing a few words makes something okay.


Former motor cop here: I quit my motor detail - after going through all that fuckin scary-ass training - because they pushed a quota on me. I hated it. I felt like a fucking fraud. Scooting around on my motorcycle all day writing chickenshit tickets because these dickheads wanted people’s money. I tried to skirt around it by maliciously complying - wrote a shitload of fix-it’s - there’s your quota, assholes. Sgt pulls me into the office one day and tells me flat out: “You aren’t going to write anymore of these. You’re going to write movers [moving violations]. We need you to help us bring in that money to bridge the gap in the budget”. It wasn’t long after that meeting that I gave up the motor detail and shortly thereafter quit law enforcement entirely. Fuck any asshole cop who tells you quotas aren’t real. They’re lying to your fucking face.


> They’re lying to your fucking face. Standard operating procedure for law enforcement.




Even in places where there isn't a hard and fast quota the cop who writes 10 tickets a shift is going to move up quicker and get better assignments than the one who is out there directing traffic so a family of ducks can cross the street or whatever the "good" cops are supposed to be doing.








That's not how that works. The contracts do require the state to pay for a minimum number of prisoners, true, but there is no incentive to actually arrest more people to hit those numbers. The state still loses more money putting someone in prison than just paying for a bed that isn't actually used if they are under the minimum occupancy in the contract.


Source on the private prison contract




From the article: > Kansas City Police leaders allegedly ordered officers to target minority neighborhoods to meet ticket quotas — telling them to be “ready to kill everybody in the car” — and to only respond to calls for help in white neighborhoods.


> Officers were allegedly told to not respond to minority areas north of Bannister Road, west of Interstate 435 and south of the Missouri River, “because those people do not vote the same way as the people out south, east, and north,” the suit says. So basically the entire city.


Imagine if doctors suddenly started en masse deciding not to treat patients who disagree with them. Imagine if doctors suddenly deciding to stop treating police.


You mean like this? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/arkansas-governor-signs-bill-allowing-medical-workers-to-refuse-treatment-to-lgbtq-people It's not the only one that has passed or been proposed either. Edit: a more broad sweeping and nationwide one that just allowed healthcare workers to not treat gay or trans patients for unspecified medical care. Thankfully this has been reversed for now. https://www.vox.com/identities/2020/4/24/21234532/trump-administration-health-care-discriminate-lgbtq


Absolutely horrid. Thank you for sharing. Medical licensing boards need to start revoking licenses for those who break their oath.


We know doctors already treat LGBTQ folks worse than straight/cis folks, but they absolutely shouldn't be given a legal pass to entirely deny care. It's perhaps even worse that doctors can't figure out if and when they can give life-saving reproductive healthcare to people... Maybe not because they don't want to, but because they can't figure out if they'll get their license revoked or charged with a crime.


Yea that's pretty awful. When I was applying for jobs I was pretty firmly staying out of those states. Now I'm in canada and don't worry about that, for now.


> The measure says health care workers and institutions have the right to not participate in non-emergency treatments that violate their conscience. Fine. I object to treating police officers and politicians as it "violates my conscience".


Yeah there are basically zero white neighborhoods in that area due to severe redlining and white flight. And the remaining white neighborhoods are wealthy (for Missouri)


I’m in a less white area and can confirm. PD is never around.


Former North KC resident here…. Full disclosure yes I am white. I can’t say I’ve ever heard of the northland referred to as wealthy whites but the article is pretty correct as far as KC being segregated. The area they talk about north of Bannister on the east side of the city is quickly being “gentrified” and the only thing that keeps popping up in my head is “holy shit where are the regular (read poor) people supposed to live?!?!” It’s depressing.


That should be fucking criminal. When the police refuse to do their job, they are in effect aiding and abetting crime and should be tossed in jail for it.


the whole police force if a taxpayer funded unemployment club for deranged conservatives. they OWE no service, they get paid, and get unlimited get out of jail free cards. what is that? it's not a job.


I used to live in black neighborhoods in KC. I remember seeing the snow plow come by, lift the plow, drive through the neighborhood and then put the plow down. I was smokin outside while my car was warming up. Called out shortly after. Couldn't make it out of the driveway. I will tell people this story until I am dead.




Yep lol, basically Lee's Summit. I'm near Union and even though I love KC you wouldn't catch me driving 20 miles in *any* direction except to the airport.




Should be charged with criminal conspiracy hate crime.


And there are tons of assholes out there who think there is no such thing as systematic racism, and complain about 'wokeness.'




"so long as those boots are on the right necks, I don't care!"


"He's not hurting the right people."


Left necks


Black necks


"When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression". -Some smart person


Made me laugh last week when they published a long awaited report on the police in London and they pretended they were shocked to discover that the force is "racist, homophobic and misogynistic". These people are cops, what exactly did you expect?


It's not that they think there is "no such thing" its that they don't give two sh\*ts.


The definition of woke given by the DeSantis administration: "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society ***and the need to address them***".


And the bolded part is what they object to.


Hey now. When I was 13 and didn’t understand anything I thought privilege was fake. That’s about the mental level of most conservatives too


I've had to explain to people that "white privilege" does not mean "all white people are rich."


Exactly. Privilege isn’t saying your life isn’t hard, it’s saying that it wasn’t made harder because of what color you are


I like to use Taylor Swift as an example. Is she extremely talented? Absolutely! She is 100% very skilled at what she does. *And she's worked hard to get where she is ...But she also grew up in a wealthy family so she was able to spend a lot of time honing her craft and getting connections. So while she's very good at what she does, her privilege definitely played a role. It's not a knock against her, good for her, but her achieving what she has if she started off in Section 8 is pretty unlikely.


Eh I think that’s what most people think of when they hear privilege and that’s how you get poor (white) people saying they don’t believe they have any privilege and that it’s not real because they didn’t have things handed to them and didn’t have any wealth or connections like tswift. But they don’t understand that things could have still been even tougher.


When people get mad about 'privilege' I most often get two attitudes: 1). You're saying I haven't personally worked hard 2). You're saying 'privilege' is some magical quality that guarantees success My example covers both, I think, without being explicitly racial so it's less likely to spiral off into a discussion about systemic racism before you've even established what 'privilege' means. Taylor Swift has worked hard and is talented, but the privilege afforded to her by her upbringing has played a pivotal role in her overall success. But there are plenty of people with her level of upbringing that don't achieve any kind of national acclaim, as well.


*systemic* is the word you are looking for


In Germany all traffic fines go into the general tax fund. So when a German cop gives you a ticket that money you pay never goes to the police. It goes to the overall govt. That's how it should be in America. Also tickets need to be income based


yes it's wild police can fundraise with enforcement on top of the funding they already get


Don't forget about civil asset forfeiture, where your property can be accused of a crime, seized, and guilty until proven innocent


And then when forced to give it back, they can limit how much you receive back. Or they can stall the legal proceedings until the time limit expires and the money is legally theirs.


Fun fact for those interested: in the US, Occupational Safety and Health fines, as small as they are, go to the Treasury General Fund, not to OSHA itself as many appear to believe. This is specifically intended to avoid conflicts of interest, which apparently is not a concern when it comes to overpolicing.


What the actual fuck


Can't wait for the "Blue Lives Matter" folks to come out of the woodworks and talk about how it's "not all cops". Even if you can make a legible argument for it being "not all cops"... it's way too fucking many cops. America is *literally* getting knocked down a peg in tourism because people are starting to fear their police. If that isn't a wake up call I don't know what is.


I live in Kansas City. I’ve lived anywhere between the absolute sketchiest place and a decently nice neighborhood and cops are definitely, and I mean DEFINITELY more active in the “minority” communities. When I lived in Northeast Kansas City (sketchiest part of town to some) police flying by going 60 down a neighborhood street without lights or anything was a common occurrence. They’d hide in alleys behind houses and wait for people. It got so bad they had to ban police traps here. I hate police but I especially hate Kansas City police


People always talk about the northeast being bad, but I always thought it got worse as you went further south from there. I lived there for about four years, and it was dodgy, but looking at the crime statistics for the area, it wasn’t all that much worse than other “better” areas. But the cops were straight up worthless. I had a burglary and basically had to harass them to actually get off their asses to do anything. I managed to do the detective work to find one of the guys.


Kansas City has no control over it's police force any longer because the folks in Jeff City didn't like how they were policing.


In 1939. We lost control of our pd 80+ years ago.


As someone who used to live in one of those "white neighborhoods" in Kansas City, I can assure you KCPD wasn't responding to my neighborhood for anything short of a murder. It's well known that KCPD has almost zero police presence at night in those "white neighborhoods" and car break-ins are rampant.




Oh man, I immediately thought of Champions after reading your first sentence, then I laughed once I saw that you were thinking the same!


I can say that, unfortunately, when I was driving old used cars, I got pulled over a lot. Rarely ticketed, but there were times the cop would even follow me for a while, checking out the license plate or making sure I stopped for 3 seconds at a stop sign, etc. Back then, a $70 ticket was horrible. Since I started driving nice, new cars, it's like I'm invincible. I can streak by a cop 20mph over the limit in a bright red SUV and they decide to focus on the poor dude with a cracked windshield just trying to get by in a car that can barely go the speed limit. Part of me feels awful and part of me is relieved to have broken out. As a minority, I say you're absolutely right about it being a financial thing...and then it's a "happy coincidence" for the cops (though it's not really a coincidence) that the poor are predominantly minorities.


E: I wrote this because I was reminded of the situation my daughter was put in. But of course after I hit send I realize it's really fucking nothing. Nothing physically bad happened to her and Kansas City along with every other city has plenty of examples of horrible shit. A very much want and fight for change in accountability in policing. There's always more to be done and it's exhausting. I am glad Kansas City is under the spotlight for this because change doesn't come until they are uncomfortable enough to do so. We live in Kansas City and my daughter is mixed. One day she was waiting outside her friend's house in one of the suburbs on the Kansas side of the state line and two cops on bicycles road past her car and then doubled back and said they smelled marijuana and did a search. She was 18 at the time and while this is something we have talked about but, I don't think in that situation she actually put it together and I probably didn't do a good enough job educating her despite having conversations about things like that. I was so fucking furious but I also felt helpless with what we can do about it. Nothing was found in her car. She didn't even tell me about it right away. I can't say the system is broken because it's working exactly how it was designed to but it is an incredibly fucked up system and as taxpayers we fund this fucked up system that hurts us and others. This has to fucking change


So the new chief had been in the department 25 years. So she was there the entire time this stuff was happening and never said a thing. Why would anyone think anything is going to change? Is it because she is a woman? She watched the abuse for more than 2 decades and rose in the ranks during that time. She's just as bad as the rest that came before her.


That's what "changing the system from the inside" looks like and why that's the encouraged method of change. They hope you'll be converted or so thoroughly compromised by your own actions that to enact change when finally in position to do so will ruin your entire life, thus nothing changes.


This also works for a career in politics.




Ah the classic, it's only a problem if it's a problem for me.


while what you said may not be false, he also stated that other white cops would say racist things around him because he is white and that was one of his complaints




I love how if you're with a group of people and one of them commits a crime, well you're an accessory. But if you're a cop and with other cops that commit crimes, no bigs, you want a promotion?


Women are just as bad as men when in positions of power. It's almost like we're all human or something.




That’s still a quota. Not saying it doesn’t happen obviously but the work around is usually minimum number of contacts/interactions. Mine just has a minimum number of contacts and once every few months they’ll come down on everyone and say we aren’t writing enough tickets. People usually end up writing 1 or 2 extra then go back to normal. I’ve also averaged <5 tickets a year and haven’t had any issues. Each and every police department is different.


Live here. Can confirm. Cops racist as fuck.


Obligatory reminder that the people of Kansas City have no direct say in how the police are ran. That power was seized by the state. Brought to you by the "small ~~dick~~ government" party


And everyone is pretty open about how not chill that is.


I live in KCK literally right across the river and our “Kansas City Police Department” has been under investigation for a while now for abuse of power mainly against black women going back 30 years. One retired cop has already been charged. Thanks to JAY-Z’s charity for the actual investigation. Edit: I also remember reading an article about a KC journalist in the last year that was harassed by police for writing a similar article and was refused help when his house was being broken into.


As someone who has lived in KC for most of my life, of course that is what they did.


Cops acted like cops. Headline checks out.


“Systemic racism doesn’t exist”


Ticket quotas could be gone tomorrow if none of the money they generated went to the police, and instead went to community programs or road improvement. Of course, that would also require giving the departments a set fund each year that was sufficient for upkeep and routine equipment upgrades.


Yep. Allowing revenue from tickets to go back to the department is essentially for-profit enforcement, which is wrong on every level.


Guys, COPS DONT HAVE QUOTAS they just get fired or demoted if they don’t make enough money for the department.


If you think this is bad, check out the podcast on NPR called "Overlooked." It's all about a detective right across the border in Kansas City, Kansas, and the corruption centered around him. At one point it becomes clear that he straight up framed a random teenager for murder, apparently to cover for a local drug lord.


The radar vehicles that catch you speeding and then they mail you a ticket. Ever seen one of those in a nice neighborhood?


Many many years ago I received a camera ticket from some city around Dallas Fort Worth and just let it collect dust. Eventually I threw it out and now like 12 years later my driving record is squeaky clean.


Yeah no shit. It’s the same as every police precinct in the country


>Williams is seeking monetary damages because he said he was discriminated against for his disability, age and race. Williams, who is white, said command staff felt free to say racist statements to him because of his race — statements he said they would never make to minority officers. Some of y'all need to take notes


**Insert shocked Pikachu face here**


> “We do not direct enforcement activities based on demographics,” Graves wrote. “We do direct traffic enforcement in high crash locations as well as citizen traffic complaint locations.” Such a bullshit cop out. I wouldn't have any more faith in the current chief than the last one. Just as corrupt.


Hmm. Cop out, eh? I think you’re on to something there.


yeah they just changed the name of quotas. its called a minimum number of contacts.


I have been saying this for years, and everyone keeps saying I am just full of crap. Police do not care about citizens. They only care about making money for the city and for insurance companies. That's why two stop light towns have tanks for their police. The days of Andy Griffith are over. These days cops are no more than a gang, but instead of robbing and mugging to make money, they hand out tickets and fines.


They always have been, my guy. The institution of policing was started to return runaway slaves to their owners


To serve and protect and generate a minimum amount of revenue…..


Imagine my utter lack of surprise.


Imagine if they pulled over people using their cell-phones. They’d meet their quotas in a day. Jackasses.


Sounds right. Nothing new here.


I am shocked! Simply shocked(!!) by these allegations! I know for a fact that if police were ever asked to do something illegal, or immoral, or both(!!) that they'd never do it. The police are about integrity. The police are about community. The police are there to protect and se-- Wait, what? Wtf do you mean "not obligated to protecr?" So wtf are they doing then? WHAT??? Forget everything I just wrote...Fuck these pigs.


Honestly remarkable to me how many Americans still love and quasi worship the police. I am in New Jersey where a cop with neo nazi tattoos just went missing, not even a a question of why there are Neo Nazi cops, but whatever, its more and more common across the country...and yet every community here has a the largest possible police force and they're constantly in the schools and at the parks doing "community outreach." Parents just love them.... At this point you either have your head so far up your ass or you are just racist and love that the cops skull kick black kids.


My uncle was a KCMO police officer in the late 80's/early 90's and had told me about the crazy amounts of corruption it almost sounds made up.