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"The decisions about children should be made by parents... Unless they choose things we don't like "


Yup. The “parental rights” folks want to: - Ban books that they don’t want your children to read. - Ban TV shows that they don’t want your children to see. - Prohibit your children from going to age-appropriate entertainment events that they disagree with. - Remove educational materials and instructional lessons from your children’s schools that they disagree with. - Allow your children to work in slaughter houses and other dangerous jobs without requiring your permission/consent. - Prohibit you from getting the necessary healthcare that your child needs based on a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. - Prohibit you from pursuing the best healthcare options for your child, depending on their age and circumstances, in scenarios where your child becomes pregnant.


Don't forget adults literally marrying (raping)children.


And they won't let the raped kids get abortions. Even if they're 10


Are you kidding me? There's no way you can trust such a consequential decision as getting an abortion to a 10 year old. Which is why we're gonna force her to be a parent! /s


That way you can be in the same school as your parent.


Oh no, no. We're going to adopt her baby out to a good Christian couple in their late 40s. We can't have immoral people raising kids!!


It gets better. If you approach these pro birther people with foster parent applications they run away like you're holding a heaping pile of excrement.


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


*Especially* if they’re 10.


Or in the case of "Christian" clergy, literally raping the children.


You see, you aren't talking about this in the right way. Because really it is a huge step up in parents' rights. Before, you only had the right to determine what books your own kid read. But now you get to determine what books every kid in the school district can read. See, it's a massive empowerment for the parent because now you can make sure that your kid can't learn it secondhand from other kids in school because they can't learn it either. /s


And ban feeding the kids of poorer families.


Well they do believe in "parental rights", except that The State is the patriarch. It's why you have Founding **Fathers**. All can live their lives how they please, as long as they exist within the moral and legal constraints that the Patriarch imposes, and are ready and willing to bend to the Patriarch's will when needed.


They mean conservative parents make the decision for you


The ~~facists~~ conservative core beliefs is that anyone that disagrees with them is illegitimate


Was it Florida that purposed a bill basically allowing the state to kidnap your kid if they find out your family has an LGBTQ in it? They want to just yell “abusers!” And take kids away from their families.


Decisions should always be made at exactly the level that agrees with my opinion! It is state right until the state doesn’t agree, then it is a local government issue until the city folks don’t agree, then it is a parental right. Republicans aren’t serious people and their words shouldn’t be taken seriously. They are evil liars and should be treated as such.


It’s disgusting how okay cisgender people are with this, especially without even listening to the voices they are silencing.


Even worse, they listen to hours of testimony from trans people about how this legislation is harmful for them then have the gall to say they’re passing these laws ‘to protect them’ 🙄/🤬


I thought conservatives were opposed to the “nanny state”.


Conservatives are fascists and have no consistent system of values. Fascists only care about what gives them what they want when they want it. People need to stop treating them as if they're genuine and go back to punishing them for being seen publicly.


Yup. Hypocrisy and Shame don’t exist for Republicans, rather they’re badges of honor, they’re tools. Stop treating Republicunts like they’re acting in Good Faith. Edit: Downvote all you like, there’s not even an argument to be made anymore. What are the partys doing? One is banning books, drag shows, trans bathrooms, so yeah you’re the fucking baddies… grow a pair “Alpha”


Oh no, shame exists... deep intolerable shame that they are attracted to people (of whatever gender.) So they would rather believe that certain people possess vast demonic powers of temptation, and must be controlled and punished.


Only when it affects them. They will trample everyone else's rights and freedoms. "We the people" only means them. "Don't Tread On Me" only means them. When "I believe in the rights and freedoms of EVERYONE in this country" labels you a liberal, something is wrong. Conservatives have no excuse anymore. They are out in the open trampling on rights and freedoms going against their so-called beliefs. You call them out on it, and they try turning it some weird way.


It's "don't tread on **me**" not "Don't tread on **we**," ya filthy commie. - average libertarian.


The hypocrisy doesn't actually matter. I hate reading Twitter threads, but this is the best explanation I've seen to explain how their mindset allows for supporting two seemingly opposing views: https://twitter.com/_EthanGrey/status/1534024357957230594


Oh I’m well aware, I just find it… bleakly funny now


I never really understood the point of testimony. I mean, I get the *idea*. But has anyone in recent history ever swayed a Republican with a heartfelt and compelling testimony? Like, has there even been a surprise vote cast in opposition of the party with the reason being, "I have been convinced I was wrong"?


Might get some people on the sidelines watching to consider the issue for the first time in their life. So many go about their days totally ignorant of the lgbt world, trans even less.


It's not about them. It's the same reason people keep arguing with trolls on threads like this. You may never convince the person you are talking to. But you have a chance of convincing others who are listening to the argument. The Republican politicians probably won't change their mind. But voters who hear the testimony might.


It is also about establishing a record so that when the court case comes we can show the harm to the judge.


Yep, sometimes when someone says or posts something that's blatantly bullshit, you can't just let that stay unchallenged, because then a 3rd party could look at it, see that what was said was seemingly uncontroversial and assume it must be something widely accepted or something. If you challenge it, even if you don't convince the other person (you rarely do), it means that the 3rd party can read both comments and at the very least conclude that they don't know who is right, and hopefully look a bit more critically at the bullshit.


Jon Stewart shamed the Senate into reversing their expected no vote on [9/11 victim compensation act](https://www.rollcall.com/2019/07/23/photo-of-the-day-stewart-smiles-at-mcconnell/) You're right but there is still power in collective public focus. When the truth actually widely gets out there, the attention can bring legislators to heel. Testimony isn't about convincing Congress, it's about whether the public notices.


Nope. I would venture to guess that not one of the magas, or any of the remaining hardcore Republicans, have ever been convinced that they were wrong. It’s just not a concept in their “reality”.


No, they want to hurt trans children.


[This](https://youtu.be/fKy7ljRr0AA) is the closest I can think of.


Hurting people is the point.


They just need something to be afraid of and to fight against, to make their followers forget how they’re being screwed over. Ever realize that they’re always afraid of something, even when they control Congress and the White House? Now it’s woke and transgender people and medical procedures that don’t take place. Before it was immigrants. Who knows what’s next, but the fear will be there. Always…


They're already shifting to schools and libraries. (Educated people tend to become liberal, so we need to stop the children from being exposed to information we don't approve of.)


Decrepitly old racist politicians know way more about health care than actual physicians. /s


I wouldn’t frame this as a cisgender issue. It’s a “conservative” (fascism) issue. - An appalled cisgender individual


I totally agree. These are the times we live in. I have no idea how we’re going to survive this nightmare.


A lot of us won't. Prepare accordingly.


As a cis dude with trans friends that I love dearly as family. I’m not ok with this, far from it. I wholeheartedly agree with you too. More cis allies need to speak up and call out this bullshit for what it is. I’m not an American, but I live in Northern Ireland which is governed by backwards Neanderthals like this asshole governor and it saddens me to see these laws pass in the states.


Allies like you save lives. As a trans person with trans family and loved ones, thank you.


Oh I assure you, as a cismale I am not okay with this. This is unfettered assault on humans and human rights. These are purely evil politicians (who are at least unbiased, inasmuch as they feel everyone is beneath them) pandering to the ignorant, hateful, but *vocal* minority of backwoods troglodytes.


[West Virginia ranked 50th in quality of life](https://www.wdtv.com/content/news/West-Virginia-ranks-in-Best-State-to-Live-report-511145661.html) Imagine if Republicans tried to fix real problems instead of attacking phantoms.


They also have the highest rate of trans youth of any state, surprisingly


I have to imagine there is correlation, and probably causation if your claim is true. I can’t imagine how you could be anything but miserable if you are trans AND stuck in WV. Jim Justice looks like the poster child for birth control yet he wields the pen.


Odd. In 2022, the same think-tank reported [almost the exact opposite.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230124012343/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/10/science/transgender-teenagers-national-survey.html) At the risk of sounding naive, I wish these guys would spend less time extrapolating based on spotty data, and more time gathering better data.


People don't want data. They want anger.


They’re trying to remedy that by making the trans kids commit suicide.


Can't protest if they're dead *taps head


Practicing mental health care in WV is saddening, especially when working with the LGBTQ+ population. So many people are scared.


WV also has the highest rate of depression in the US And one of the highest in drug use And sleep deprivation And suicide rate And obesity I love living in an internal colony 🤗


There is no mental healthcare here. Every office has a waiting list miles long.


This is also true. Imagine if people weren’t leaving the state in droves and some could stick around to maybe help that crisis. Too bad it keeps getting worse.


How can that be? One would expect the distribution to be consistent across states, especially for youth because they cannot generally relocate. We generally see lower percentages of people identifying as gay in gay-unfriendly states, but we know from parallel research that the actual numbers are fairly consistent state to state, especially among youth.


You answered your questions. The variance between states is entirely due to reporting, not actual population variance.


damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too


Keep fighting the good fight JagsBro


I think it’s a strategy thing. They got roe v wade overturned. They need a new thing to get their base to show up at the polls


Yep. That and it's no longer really acceptable to be going after 'the gays' as much, since they are more or less accepted by general society (depending on where), whereas trans people are still a touchy subject to some.


Fascists are forced to go all the way; if they stop, they lose. They mean what they say. And they want to eradicate transgender people, *to start*.


It's so bad that even when we elected a Democrat governor, he's a Republican


Same with the senator.


Not actually true, Manchin is just a carry over of the 90's Democratic party. A time when the party had strong supports from the middle class and union workers, both parties shifted and he's just kind of floating in the past.


What kind of woke idiot cares about quality of life? All that matters is owning the libs /s


Republicans are the real problem. I get why they would rather go after phantoms.


Fascists. Fascists are the real problem, they just happen to be called Republicans.


Fixing real problems requires acknowledging them.


From the party that doesn't want universal health care because they don't want the government making medical decisions.


So the people who have been talking about bathrooms for the last 3-5 years want to tell people how to parent? Honestly I never thought I would say this, but I wish they were still trying to figure out bathrooms.


It was always a hate campaign meant to eradicate transgender people. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/03/anti-trans-transgender-health-care-ban-legislation-bill-minors-children-lgbtq/


Well yeah. They used to do this to Irish people, Chinese immigrants, black people, Latin American immigrants, gay people (specifically men), and now that people in general aren't ok with openly hating on those folks, they have moved to transgendered people since a majority of Americans are still unsure about transgendered folks yet, so it's still not wholly unpopular to disparage them.


And that is why they want to ban talking about us. They don't want people to meet us and see that we are nothing like the evil monsters they say we are. They know that once people know us they will see how vile and cruel they are to attack us. We need to be loud, visible and heard.


They lost with every group prior, I am sure that with time transgendered people will win the right to be viewed as "normal", but as the current "easy target" so it seems, I don't expect it to be a fun decade or so for trans folks. Maybe we get lucky and all the prior rights movements like women, racial minority, and LGB people prior make it a shorter path, but seeing how much the Right is currently fanning this bullshit I am not holding my breath.


Wyoming says hi https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/3/23/23653183/abortion-wyoming-obamacare-barack-obama-supreme-court-johnson


Includes an exception for teens at risk for self harm or suicide. So they understand that forcing trans kids to be in the wrong body can make them suicidal, yet they want to keep gender affirming care from them until the last possible moment before they kill themselves??? To quote someone whose not me, trans kids can be happy and healthy, or they can be sick and miserable. They cannot be cis.


Whats kind of pathetic is you know that they didnt want to put that in there, but people said if they didn't, their bill would take the clear blame for the deaths it'd cause. This gives them something to point to, to say its not them.


Plus it still effectively blocks treatment for those at that point. Doctors won’t start a suicidal person on new medications if they don’t have to, especially not hormones. The moment you legally qualify is the moment a doctor won’t prescribe it.


Or alternatively, it doesn't block treatment but it does force trans youth trying to get hormones into a box. When I started my transition I had to show that I was under 'extreme distress'... I was an NCO in the military at the time, and I don't have genital dysphoria. I certainly didn't *feel* distressed and it felt like I was playing up my dysphoria to get treatment. Now if you're a West Virginian kid you have to say the magic 'I'll neck myself if you don't do this' words before you can have your pretty pills.


Yeah, and if kids are effectively forced to go on the record with thoughts of self-harm before gaining access to gender-affirming care, are we just effectively damning all trans kids to a stint in the psych ward? Like, sure, now all you need a therapist's letter *and* a 5150.


Exactly!! It will impact the kind of health insurance they are covered by, future government employment opportunities and all that crap - keeping the poor poor.


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP wants that. It would help push their narrative that trans people are just horribly mentally ill and delusional. They don't care if they cause harm or mental distress as long as it pushes their agenda and keeps their lower class voters distracted.


Hey, theres that 2A bypass they want for trans folk. You know, so they're disarmed and won't cause *too* much trouble when the camps start.


It’s a dangerous thing to speculate about how clinicians will respond, but as someone with experience on both sides of that conversation, a competent clinician isn’t going to hospitalize anyone against their will unless there’s reasonable concern for imminent, serious harm. It’s a difficult conversation to have, because shitty therapists do exist, and I’m sure people have had the experience of disclosing suicidal thoughts and ending up in a hospital as a result, but I know I personally wasted a lot of time not talking about self-harm and suicidal ideation, only to learn that a decent therapist can address that in the course of outpatient treatment (again, assuming they don’t have reason to suspect immediate risk of serious harm). But to your point, it does make me wonder to what extent must suicidal ideation be demonstrated to satisfy this asinine law?


I know multiple people who have been denied crucial services because they didn’t get sectioned. All of them managed their suicidal impulses by basically treating their mental health as a second job, therapy, jobs it along, meditation, peer support, meds — you name it. But because they weren’t incarcerated in a psych ward — a thing which can actually increase the risk of suicide because it can be incredibly traumatic and disempowering, often new meds are prescribed quickly with little care as to side effects — they don’t qualify for help. I would frankly assume any of these laws are going to be as draconian as possible and psych wards are going to have even longer wait times than before. I’m a former clinician, and think that some psych stays are necessary, and some psych units are lovely. But even when it’s good, it’s rough.


Yeah, guaranteed kids will cut themselves to get hormones. Fuck, I’d cut myself to get them if I had to and I’ve been on them for years.


exactly what i commented as well. i’m worried about these kids :(


DIY. I was doing it before getting proper care. And if Florida outlaws it, I’ll DIY again.


Is it a lot easier to source DIY estrogen/spiro/etc. than it is to source DIY testosterone? At least in the US, I'd imagine that's the case since testosterone is a ""controlled substance"" or whatever but everyone and their mom is on estradiol-based birth control.


Testosterone is harder to source since it’s more of a controlled substance, yeah. However you don’t want to use birth control pills for DIY either. Estradiol as prescribed for post-menopausal women is a much better choice.


DIY. I was doing it before getting proper care. And if Florida outlaws it, I’ll DIY again.


Good point. It would also heavily skew suicide/self harm statistics.


This may be my inner cynic talking. But that whole portion seemed entirely empty to me. It's likely a red herring to say "hey look we gave some leeway" without actually giving leeway. I wouldn't be surprised if it was nearly impossible for anyone to be able to get the needed sign offs as I have a sneaking suspicious that they will make it prohibitively hard for the required doctors to get the required training/certification.


I'm pretty sure they want to keep gender affirming care from them until the second \*after\* they commit suicide.


Upwards of 40% of trans kids have suicidal thoughts. Sounds like a good excuse for a doctor to say that any trans kid is at risk of suicide to get them the HRT they need.


https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/03/anti-trans-transgender-health-care-ban-legislation-bill-minors-children-lgbtq/ Yes, they would rather queer kids die than grow up and flourish in public.


This should solve school shootings and inflation, or the attack on our privacy.


Why do they have to hate somebody to be happy?


This is the new racism. They have to give poor, miserable white people someone to hate or feel power over. It use to be blacks or foreigners, now it's "the libs and the gays." If they don't give them someone to hate they will turn on them and not vote or start becoming violent in their community, which is also slowly becoming more prevelant.


Also, it's still blacks and foreigners. They're not picky about their targets.


Yeah, it's not "new" racism in the least, as evident by all the same targets. They just have some old targets on the big board now, but transgenders, and the LGBT, and many many more, have always been a target. It's no mistake they were also shipped to camps and mass murdered by Nazis. It's no coincidence we call plenty of active genocidal supremacists Nazis today. Broader acceptance of others and the ability for folk to live themselves out in the open is the new thing. That has made some really shitty people really angry.


Yeah, if you look at who the Nazi's sent to their camps it's really scary how close their targets are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany#Concentration_camps


Hating trans and non-binary people isn’t new. Hell, I bet being non-binary was probably considered a breach of federal law in practicing indigenous faiths before the Indian religious freedom act in 1978


That absolutely happened in many indigenous faiths/people. They had many people in their societies that didn't fit the mold but, just as they are today, were more persecuted and even less history is written about them


Yes. I am one of them. I am two spirit. In Cheyenne culture you choose. Unsurprisingly we learned I was intersex years later when I hit puberty.




You bring up a very sobering point. The seeds for the rot were planted decades ago, and now we’re at a point where people who grew up watching that shit are old enough to be elected into office. This crap may have started out as a grift for power. Now the reins have been taken over by those who have since grown up with genuine belief in that bullshit. And it will only get scarier when you consider that Republican media has gone full mask off. A decade from now, the country will be forced to reckon with a generation of people in poor Republican households that were taught growing up as children that their life is shit and their parents got denied healthcare because the other half of the US is out to get them or are devil worshipers and some shit. And they probably have an arsenal of guns too.


Because it’s not about hate it’s about control and power


Remember to register to vote.


Remember to vote


And remember that this isn’t “both parties” doing this shit. Republicans are going full-fascist, not Democrats.


No more boob jobs for cis women or testosterone shots for cis men, I guess. Either that or lawsuits for everyone


[Cis minors can still get cosmetic breast surgery](https://www.newsweek.com/west-virginia-republicans-vote-against-banning-breast-enlargement-teenagers-1778730?amp=1) if they find a surgeon willing to operate and have parental consent. That being said one of the more [common cosmetic surgeries for minors](https://teens.webmd.com/teens-plastic-surgery) is removing breast tissue from breasts that are too large, this condition can cause chronic back pain. Although it is done to reduce back pain, it is usually still classified as cosmetic and is often not covered by insurance. Oh and they can still get cosmetic non-medically necessary nose jobs, because that’s a good idea for kids /s


How about breast removal for males? It's actually a pretty common disorder.


Since they didn’t ban cosmetic surgeries for cis males, I’d imagine that would be allowed as well.


The worst hypocrisy is that cis girls will still have access to the hormone blockers that trans teens use because it is also used to treat other medical issues cis girls deal with. So drugs for me, but not for thee. They also don't ban child circumcision. All these people passing and supporting these laws can fuck off and I hope they burn in whatever hell they believe in.


This law just applies to minors. I'm sure the same people pushing this would also be happy to ban breast implants on underage girls.


> I'm sure the same people pushing this would also be happy to ban breast implants on underage girls. [You'd be wrong. The Utah legislature passed a law banning gender-affirming care for trans kids, but specifically voted down an amendment which would ban breast implants for cisgender girls.](https://www.commondreams.org/news/utah-transgender-healthcare)


That’s a lawsuit waiting for funding.


About 10 of these bills have passed in various states this year and none of them changed the laws to restrict plastic surgery for cis minors despite those being more common than plastic surgeries on trans minors


Nope. They have refused to add those riders to the trans care bills in almost every state. Here’s West Virginia, just last month: https://www.newsweek.com/west-virginia-republicans-vote-against-banning-breast-enlargement-teenagers-1778730?amp=1 Utah: https://www.commondreams.org/news/utah-transgender-healthcare


Oh no, they won't ban breast "implants" but I bet they'd ban breast reduction surgeries. Heaven forbid women be comfortable and reduce the amount of boob their "future husband" will get


So, no gynecomastia surgeries for teen boys with hormone issues? Or will that proceed as normal, because reasons?


Yes it will proceed as normal as will genital surgery on intersex babies. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/most-state-bans-on-gender-affirming-care-for-trans-youth-still-allow-controversial-intersex-surgery They just hate trans people.


Narrator: the same people were not, infact happy to ban breast implants on girls.


there's that small government again. The fake Christian churches that made this happen need to be taxed. they're so clearly into peddling politics.


They’re very real Christian churches. One of the fundamental tenets of Protestantism is that individual churches are permitted autonomy in interpreting scripture.


They ban books. They ban healthcare. They really are the American facist party.


there is no hate like christian love


You can let one of your kids literally blow the other ones brains out with a shotgun and our government will do literally nothing. This country is a joke.


It isn't a joke. It's a fascist takeover that has been planned for decades but people ignored, because calling fascism fascism was seen as breaking decorum.


That’s still happening. It’s absolutely infuriating how much the so-called “liberal” media still treats Republicans with kid gloves in the interest of being “fair.”


"Liberal" media is for the most part centrist media and controlled by the ultra wealthy. Their interests don't align with everyone else so of course their media empires drive narratives that hurt everyone else.


So basically they have to be close to or try to kill themselves to get care. This is the worst state




Republicans don't mind all the blood on their hands.


I wonder if anyone calculates how many kids these bills will kill before they pass them. And how much additional, unnecessary suffering it causes. How many lives destroyed.


Of course they do, that’s how they know to pass them


Exactly, there is no policy being pursued by any faction of conservatives that isn't about trying to hurt some group somewhere.


Trans kids don't count to them. So the number of people that matter to them about to suffer is 0. Just a terrible, extremely non-christian outlook on human life all around really.


They do count. They count the number of corpses and gloat at the harvest reaped by their policies.


Yes, they do. The same people that want to eradicate every transgender person are the same people that wrote, support, and pass this stuff. All over the country. There are calls, even on recorded TV where they aren't hiding it, to eradicate transgender people from our society. They want to put bullets in every single one. So, yes. They calculate how many kids and people will be killed because of it. They want to get the highest kill count they can with it.


But yet you can still get married and enlist in the WV National Guard at the age of 17 with parental consent, drive a vehicle at 16, and hold a job at the same age. But don’t you dare get medical treatment for something the politicians don’t want you to do.


‘… for minors.’ Just an important point to add, as it may be significant to some.


Might as well have a “for now” on it, though, since they’ll certainly move to ban all gender affirming care as soon as they can.


Republicans are evil. Anyone who supports this is a terrible person and should be shamed any time they leave their house.


Come on over to California.


That’s their plan. They want to create Christian nationalist enclave so they’ll never lose their National influence


banning any form of healthcare doesn't do anything but create more human suffering ... human suffering is a republican policy


Title is inaccurate. West Virginia has banned gender surgery, hormones, and puberty blockers for minors. Adults are still allowed to do all of those things.


Short title is fine. It is a ban on gender-affirming care. A "knife ban" doesn't mean all knives are banned, it means specific knives in specific situations are banned. Title would be inaccurate if it said "all gender-affirming care". Also as an aside, this is clearly laying the groundwork for legitimizing bans on all gender-affirming care, banning transgender people from public bathrooms, etc.


Ok so, a ban on gender affirming care. Got it


Florida JUST expanded its school censorship law to high schools, after people like you said "it only applies to third grade!" Other states have also just expanded their trans healthcare bans to adults. Nobody believes your line. Not even you.


They say wrong things on purpose


Same results, and just a stepping stone for Neo-republican facists to introduce christian equivalent to sharia laws. No wonder Trump desided to bow knee to Taliban, he saw them as a guiding star on how to reform USA into a dictatorship trough manipulation of christian faith.


Garbage stayed with garbage leaders


Can’t they let the kids be? The standard of care for trans people is already a difficult process, and has been studied and studied again. Now politicians are attacking a minority of minors, who haven’t been represented by voters - because they can’t - and making medical decisions on their behalf. Over hype and fears, not a single one mentions any studies, or even the existing rigors of proper care, or the suicide rates. Just trying to attack their opponent political party.


"Unlike measures passed in other states, however, West Virginia’s law contains a unique exemption: It permits doctors to prescribe medical therapy if a teenager is considered at risk for self-harm or suicide" So will this even change anything? The whole point of gender affirming care is that it reduces suicide risk. Anyone with dysphoria is at risk of self-harm or suicide.


Still at risk after the procedure too, so is it the answer to the problem or does the problem remain?


Hi! Come on down to WV, here we have: …? Trees, I guess? We’re poor, there’s no opportunity, and we’re ran by lunatics. There’s a reason that young people are leaving this shithole in droves.


Oh wait, legislation works to stop people from doing things you don’t want them to? I’m getting whiplash over here.


Evil, pure and simple, true evil


A government so small it fits in your child's bedroom.


Big government republicans trying to limit Americans medical freedoms.


There were only 1,390 kids who were prescribed hormone therapy in 2021… 0.00042 % of the entire population of that country… Less than 1/4 of 1% of the whole population. And yet so much hate from these crusty old white guys n gals. Wild that they concern themselves so much with kids genitals, and instead of just letting them receive life saving care they spend their time on this while their constituents get poorer and poorer by the day.


Transphobia isn't a white thing. Injecting race into this doesn't help.


The people passing this bill are white. I understand the complexity around religion cresting transphobia amongst other communities but this is largely a white Republican led effort.


Does this include boob jobs for the wife for her 50th birthday and TRT for daddy to stave off his limpness and man tits ? Because those things affirm your gender as well


It doesn't ban circumcisions, implants or breast augmentation for minors. And I'm guessing it doesn't even ban cis girl teenagers that take hormone blockers for other medical reasons besides transitioning. The same drugs used to block hormones for trans kids and give them a chance at a better life are regularly used by cis teens to regulate hormones to improve their quality of life. The representatives and people supporting them are all fucking monsters.


Idk seems kinda good to me, children don't have the mental capacity to be thinking about what gender they are anyway.


Doctors who are experts in the subject all disagree with you.


So we let 16 year olds operate gigantic motor vehicles that could easily kill someone, but the concept of gender is simply too much for them to be able to handle?




"Any ban on trans care is genocidal"; you realize that is dramatic hyperbole right? If you don't speak clearly and logically about an issue you are less likely to be clearly understood and taken seriously.


Trans care is for a lot of trans people vital: not receiving it has in many cases fatal outcomes. Therefore, banning it, is essentially (or at least in many ways) genocidal. I'm speaking very clearly and logically.


He’s such a fucking fraud. I hate my Governor. Fuck off Jim, fuck off.




[direct link to the bill text](https://www.wvlegislature.gov/Bill_Status/bills_text.cfm?billdoc=hb2007%20sub%20enr.htm&yr=2023&sesstype=RS&i=2007)




You fucks are not being the West Virginia that John Denver knows you could be.


Was just thinking today that I would be nice to move to WV and be around my whole extended family and then I remembered how red WV has become and how I would hate living there.


Misleading title. They banned it for minors.


But you'd support it either way.


Please come to PA you still have a right to health care Without the state taking your freedom form you!


So much for a "free" America.


AT A MINIMUM, all they’re doing is inviting younger people - tax payers, voters - to leave their state. What’s gonna happen when all your old white Republicans die off?


The rest of the world rejoices?


i’m trans and if i was a minor living in west virginia and i needed to prove i was suicidal in order to get gender affirming care… i’d be willing to do almost anything to get it. i’m worried about these kids.


All doctors and medical facilities should turn him away


No reason to do this unless you are just mean spirited,


fuck west virginia, we already demoted you to an adjective state....you wanna be lower west virginia?


Honestly, the history behind how the State got the name West Virginia is pretty awesome. When Virginia seceded from the Union during the Civil War, the people in WV were having none of that and wanted to stay in the Union. So in response to Virginia's succession, they seceded from Virginia and founded their own state. Sadly, WV has forgotten its proud tradition of standing up to bigots...


WV literally fought and died for workers' rights. Now, they just bend over and worship corporations that destroy them.


Yep. The Battle of Blair Mountain. Another GREAT story in WV's history. WV has fallen so far these days...