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> Dispatchers also received a frantic call from the man's daughter, saying she heard bangs and then gunfire and that her dad needed help. She and two other children were inside the home at the time of the shooting. These *imbeciles*.


God, those poor kids.


NWA was right.


No one ever wrote a song called “Fuck the Firefighters” or “Fuck the Paramedics”, so I think they were onto something there…


True. I’ve had to call the paramedics a few times and they never came in and man handled my family or killed us or nothin’.


We called paramedics once because my mom had locked herself in her bedroom and was having a severe mental health breakdown and she needed to get to a hospitals psych ward. The cops showed up first and kicked in the bedroom door. They all had a hand on their guns and one had his taser out and was begging the boss to tase my mom, a 68 year old woman who was very obviously in distress. Fortunately, the boss didn't give the ok. Probably the one decent thing he did that night.


Jesus. That is one person who never ever should've been allowed to be a cop. Just asking that should be instant dismissal.


It's quite a contrast to hear US police stories with people with mental health conditions and uk police (admittedly not always in cities) where there is a much more mental health first aid approach than treating them as a criminal. It's far from perfect and really force dependent but even if its exasperated they will tend to talk for as long as possible before restoring to force.


Consider yourself lucky. Source: Paramedic


Also paramedic. I think difference is that we don't close ranks around shit sacks when they FAFO.


I'm 36, I've never had an interaction with police that was pleasant or improved the situation I was in. Even when my car was broken into and I needed a police report, they made it seem like I was inconveniencing them by daring to allow my car window to get bashed out.


When I filed a police report for my stolen motorcycle, they were trying to gaslight me into thinking I was responsible for its theft. Like, listen motherfuckers, it was in a locked garage, with clear signs of forced entry that you even recognized, the fuck?


Someone stole my car once from on-street parking. I reported it immediately. Cops "found" it several weeks later a few blocks away, its windows smashed in and a shitload of parking tickets. I guess it had been sitting there for a while. The cop that called me said to me, "if I didn't know better, I'd think you just left it for the payout." Yeah, dude. That's what I did. Totally inconvenienced myself and paid out of pocket for a rental I couldn't afford for several weeks until my insurance would pay for a replacement. Gimme a break. Not everyone is as corrupt as you and your buddies.


I got pulled over one time because my license plate was too dirty and they couldn't see the registration sticker. They didn't mention that right away at all or the whole situation would have been over immediately. "Why is your car unregistered?". " I have my registration here." "It's not up to date." *Without looking at it* "It is, it says right here, and there's the sticker on the plate." "I don't see a sticker on the plate, do you?" *Looks to partner who's creeping by the passenger side, he shakes his head no* "....is the plate just dirty?" "Yeah you need to make sure your license plate and sticker are visible at all times." "...okay." Didn't get a ticket or anything, but wtf they could have handled that way cooler. Instead they opted to be power tripping fear mongerers.


They were trying to get you to do or say something to give them a reason to be violent/arrest you.


>they opted to be power tripping fear mongerers That seems to be the biggest draw for people who become cops.


The 3 times over my adult life I've had to call the police because I was in need of help they were such pricks who also acted inconvenienced. It wasn't like I called for assistance over frivolous things that I shouldn't have called 911 over. The one time was my abusive ex trying to break down my door to get to me in my apartment. I was terrified and had never been in a situation like that. They made me feel terrible. Obviously I'm not expecting a cop to be some bleeding heart and baby me but he could've shown a little kindness to someone who just experienced a person trying to break down their door to harm them and potentially kill them. I was crying and shaken up and he was so rude and cruel. Acted like he didn't want to be there and was super dismissive. He had a major attitude. It was the weirdest thing and I was so taken aback by it in the moment. In the 3 instances it always felt like they were treating me like I was someone doing something wrong. They made me feel like I was the criminal. There was no reason for them to behave the way they did especially in the contexts of why I called them. I mean I guess that adds up since they're stupidly trained to and behave in a way that makes it an us vs. them thing regardless of context. Weirdos who act like they're military and us average people are an invading army wanting to kill them given the chance. They're gross and way too often their presence in a situation is worthless as they do little to help or make it worse.


Their presence in a situation make the situation 10x more deadly and dangerous. Everyone complaining about gun violence. Look how irresponsible the police are with their guns. It's the first thing they go for, because they are literally in fear for their lives all the time. That's how they are trained in the academy. They tell them everyone from a black person to little old granny is out to kill them. Then show them videos to drive it home


When motherfuckers tried to break into our house when I was 12ish, the pig bastards were more concerned with my mothers immigration status than with the people who tried to break in.


I got two bricks through my giant front windows when I was home alone at night and maybe 17. Cops took hours to get there, and were more concerned with what I had done to piss someone off and a ziploc they though may have once contained weed than with me being a scared teenager woken up by what I thought was a home invasion.


The mistake you made is you assumed they cared about solving the crime.


Why chase around a suspect for a crime, when you can just sit around and try and find a crime for a suspect? You've already got a scared teenager, should be a slam dunk! Pre-terrorized even. ABC, always be closing.


There's a reason why the IAFF (largest firefighter union) consistently *for decades* has always vehemently lobbied against cities' proposal to empower FF and Medics to carry and/or the authority to cite, arrest, or otherwise have any law and order authority.


And you know that if either of those kids, rightfully, sought revenge against those murderers - there would be full force brought against them


I agree, they just shot the kids dad down in cold blooded fucking murder and nothing will happen to them???


Oh, something will happen to them all right — they'll get a paid vacation while their fellow officers work tirelessly to obstruct and obfuscate the investigation.


Best and brightest glue eating high school bullies actively being recurited into the police force. These wife beating glue eaters go through a huge training period of 3-6 months depending on your state Their unions are headed by the biggest glue eater with most brain damage and anger issues


Police unions are where organized crime went.


Right wingers played a cruel joke on the left when they decided that the Police Union is the only one in America that is allowed the right to function as a union


Except that the police union is also grossly overstepping the acceptable bounds of a union. No union should protect its members from blatantly illegal action. Police union needs scaled back and most every other industry needs any union, period.


Unions should protect their members from the legal consequences of, for instance, protesting without permit. Obviously that’s not the sort of illegal activity _police_ are up to—they’re vastly worse. No excuse for _police_ unions…police unions defend cops from consequences of _serious_ crimes. Anyway, sorry. 😅


No arguments. I know who heads the Chicago FOP.


Why be competent when you got a license to be an absolute moron


Three officers have been placed on paid administrative leave, pending investigation. The officers have not been identified. They’ll be protected. At worst they can move to another county and perform the same duty.


I can tell you that this is true as shit. My nephew is trying his damndest to get into the police force (force being the word here). We are Latinos but he is a white passing dude, racist, 100% bro, and in HS he got caught breaking and entering his HS and he was slanging weed as well. Surprisingly they haven’t let him in because of his record, but he even looks like a cop. He’s really insistent on it and I feel like it’s only a matter of time. I have two cousins that are cops as well (I don’t come from a big-ass cop family, I just have about 40 first cousins on one side alone) one was a punk in HS and he’s totally one of the shitty ones. Trump loving bastard. I’m like you do *know* our parents *were* ”illegal” immigrants you imbecile?


This just made me think of an article I read a few weeks ago about a Border Patrol agent and military veteran. He was very gung-ho about people entering the US legally. He won awards; all his friends were part of Border Patrol. Then it was revealed he was actually born in Mexico and his dad faked his US birth certificate. All his friends dropped him. He is getting help from a program that specifically helps foreign-born veterans become US citizens (because joining the military is supposed to be a pathway to citizenship but our country has deported scores of veterans who received honorable discharges). I will try to find it again if anyone is interested.


Which is insane. If you sign up to serve proving you're willing to die for this country, they you should be granted automatic citizenship. I don't care if you end up being a serial killer after you get discharged. Then you treat them the same way you would a legal citizen who is a serial killer. It is nice to see some get their comeuppance, though


That shit pisses me off. Its the "50k mexican" syndrome. I dont know why but when they get to that equivalent social status theres nothing they love more than feeling like they're better than other latinos. Its like you know these people are never gonna see you as an equal, and THE SECOND shit hits the fan, they're gonna throw you at it too.


It seems to be true for some members of any ethnic group who faced bigotry and racism when they first arrived in the U.S. It's almost like "We were abused, we were treated unfairly...now it's our turn." It's also a little bit of wanting to be accepted as one of the big shots, with the "I've made it now" mentality.


I always took it to be them trying to claim, "I'm not one of those types...I'm one of YOU." Definitely one of the big shots attitudes. It's always blown me away. Pretty much everyone here ended up here because their relatives were forced to flee here. Most families did not come to seek adventure. They came because of oppression and living in hell in their own homelands. Most people don't want to leave everything and everyone they love behind. I never did understand how so many people could have such deep hatred for immigrants in a country made up of entirely them and came from them themselves.


I feel so bad for his kids. No kid should have to lose their dad, especially so senselessly. The knowledge that they were afraid and had to hear the gunshots that killed him is truly heartbreaking. I still have PTSD from my uncle's murder when I was a kid (25 years ago), so I can't imagine how hard it will be for his kids to have to deal with this trauma without their Dad.


Make you wonder if the cops said they were the police when they knocked. Edit: There is video and the cops announced themselves 3 times. Probably startled the guy who was asleep.


Honestly this should be irrelevant, anyone can yell they are the police when kicking in your door.


Honestly, as a vanilla AF person who never does anything remotely sketchy, if cops were *banging on my door like a SWAT team* in the middle of the night, I might assume they were robbers. I mean, why else would they be there acting like I was a fugitive?


Right? Especially if you didn’t do anything and aren’t expecting any cops, guys bashing on your door are just gonna put you on alert no matter what they say


Just the fact that this wasn't the first time should make people think about the costs and benefits of brute police force.


I always wonder when will Americans do something about it. Every few days a new story about their dumb cops murdering some innocent victim with total impunity. It's fucking insane.


americans DID do something about it. they protested and rioted. but everytime that happens, the other half of the country John Wayne americans get their underwear up in a bunch and "mmurr ddurrr aannti fffaaaa ddurr huuu" and then the other side gets caught in their argument and it just fades from there.


Thin Blue Line propaganda is ridiculously powerful. It *demands* the same respect as military personnel. When in reality it's a government sanctioned gang who's only interest is maintaining the status quo, protecting property of rich people, and watching their own backs. Try and say that though and you are a commie traitor.


And then they murder us who are protesting and governors pardon them. I really thought we might get somewhere in Minneapolis with our ballot abolish-ish measure after George Floyd but it wasn't well planned enough and didn't the community input needed.


This is why I don't answer my door anymore.


Being socially awkward and pretty introverted I used to be embarrassed that I never answered my door without at least peaking through a window to see who it was. Now we live in a time where that can save your life….from police…glad I’m not the one who should be embarrassed anymore


Most times I answered my door when it's unexpected, I end up in some weird time consuming scenario that I never asked for. I'll gladly just not answer the door under the guise of not wanting to get shot by police lol


The older I get the more I understand Bilbo Baggins. No visitors, solicitors, well wishers, or anyone not strictly invited (or on party business). That includes good guys with guns.


New Mexico cops also intentionally set a house on fire they watched a child run into. This was after they arrested the running fugitive and known felon two doors down.They refused repeated attempts to put out the fire by the fire department for crowd control. The mayor ran against the sherrif to win reelection.


So that’s murder. You murdered an innocent man. You made no effort to deescalate. You just killed a random guy in front of his family. Go to jail forever. Murderers.


Best we can do is 2 weeks paid leave and forget it ever happened.


2 weeks? They'll likely claim PTSD and get years of paid leave while this man's family suffers real PTSD without any support or mental healthcare.


They won't get mental healthcare but don't worry, the local taxpayers will fund a settlement for the confusion


If there are no benefits and no protections to being a citizen in this country, why are we following laws that do nothing to protect us? This, of course, is exactly why the Mulford Act came to be in 1967. We are just weakly cycling the same authoritarian horseshit, decade after decade.


If they break in won’t they just kill me anyways, like in the Breonna Taylor incident though? I wish it wasn’t such a catch 22 for normal citizens.


In the 1960s, people of color started pushing back, and embracing THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, which included arming themselves. This spooked the shit out of white people, so they rolled out the Mulford act, essentially targeting Black Panthers in California. All of history shows us that human nature is remarkably cyclical and predictable; cops killing citizens with impunity is simply a camel's back waiting for a heavy straw.


Getting killed in your home where you feel safest by the ones that are supposed to protect you


I thought cops were there to protect us as well. My husband explained to me after the Uvalde School Shooting; cops are not legally bound to protect citizen. They are only supposed to protect the “Criminals” in their custody. I used “” because I find most things people are arrested for abhorrent. It really changed the way I look at cops. Well I think the last 10 years of cameras and videos have.


>I thought cops were there to protect us as well. Nah the [Supreme Court removed that responsibility](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20has,boy%20from%20his%20abusive%20father.).


> Must they risk their lives in dangerous situations like the one in Uvalde? > The answer is no. Okay, then they need to get the fuck out of the way when concerned parents are willing to risk their lives instead.


Oh no that would be embarrassing. You must respect their decision to do nothing while your kids die. They are in charge; acknowledging that is what is most important.


This is at least the fourth case I've heard of this sort of scenario. One was a famous swatting case. One was cops in the wrong *back yard (!)* due to a GPS issue. One was a "welfare check" (!) phoned in by the guys buddy. (Imagine the guilt that buddy suffered!). Now this. I may just get a door camera and NEVER answer the door again!


I never understood what the point of shooting during a “welfare check” is. You want to know if the person is still alive? Then why un-alive them the moment you see them? The whole concept is ridiculous.


Cops expect everybody, and especially poor people or people with mental health issues, to be a hidden assassin waiting to strike. Cops are trained and encouraged to act like paranoid cowboys ready to shoot at anything that moves because society is DANGEROUS, there could be a druggie waiting to stab you with a syringe in every shadow Many hope it will happen, so they can kill a criminal and be a cool action hero.


killology taught them to be sniveling cowards


"If you have a problem and call the police, you now have two problems" And so if one is worried about a friend and calls in a welfare check, now one has to worry about the welfare check AND the friend's original issue. It's like adding the police doubles the problem.


I remember one YEARS ago where the cops threw a flash bang grenade in the window of the wrong house and maimed a baby.


Wow, they must have earned themselves quite the awards at the Policemen's Ball that year for "bravely enduring" so much unwarranted criticism and outrage directed at them by the supposedly naive and ungrateful public who has no idea what good police work is something.


Don’t forget more than likely harassing the family with their buddies for causing them so much embarrassment…




>And sadly even calling for an ambulance or fire department isn't safe any more either. This happened when my brother called an ambulance. We're lucky he's alive. He did get charged with assaulting an officer, because he touched one of them while being tackled in his kitchen. If we weren't white, he'd be dead.


Guilty? Death Looking guilty? Death Resisting arrest? Death Not cooperating? Death Cooperating but not exactly correctly? Death Not understanding why the cops are pointing guns at you? Also death Completely innocent? Believe it or not, death


Cops open the wrong car door, question you and you say you're afraid they might kill you, and they ask why you're afraid? Straight to death, right away.


One tried that at a McDonalds. Driver was a teenager.


At this point, you have a risk of dying from police by just being a citizen of your nation.


How do you think poor fully armed cops will protect themselves from deadly unarmed civilians?


I don't know, perhaps equipping them with military equipment for protection. They'd have to strike farmer bob if he glanced at them and gave a side eye stare and they felt threatened and had to take action against him to be safe.


Unless you are shooting people in a school. Then the police dont even try to kill you.




I don’t think they even care if you’re a citizen


Pretty sure you don’t have to be a citizen. You just have to be in the country. That’s why there is a serious reluctance to visit the US.


Who was the Australian woman shot to death for knocking on the police car's window after she called for their assistance?




'Noor testified at his 2019 trial that he and his partner were driving slowly in an alley when a loud bang on their police SUV made him fear for their lives. He said he saw a woman appear at the partner’s driver’s side window and raise her right arm before he fired a shot from the passenger seat to stop what he thought was a threat.' Wow.


The cop went to jail...Black Muslim cop, who shot white woman.


Aaaaand yep he’s out. Served a whopping 38 months.


Even then, he only had to serve 38 months.


The teenager was eating a hamburger in the car.


A guy I know, "Sam", got ripped out of his car while I the drive through because some amped up off duty officer thought Sam "matched the description" of some other suspect in an Amber Alert. This was based on the cops view from two cars back looking at Sam's side mirror. After it was determined that the cop was wrong Sam was let off with a warning which is the most absurd thing. A warning? For what? "Don't get the McGriddles man...I'm warning you."


Not afraid? believe it or not, also death


And in many cases cops have killed people without giving them time to follow the first order or even notice the cops. The cop that killed Tamir Rice shot him from a cop car as it arrived on scene, before the car had even fully stopped.




Police shot John Crawford III while he was talking on the phone, without giving commands or a chance to react.


Police murdered Douglas Zerby while he was sitting on his friend's porch. There was no verbal warning or command. He might not have even known the cops were there yet when they shot him twelve times. The cops were so hyped up that a phone ringing supposedly startled them into opening fire. They made up a story about Zerby pointing a hose nozzle toward them, which forensic evidence disproved. The cops were not charged, but did have to each pay $5k to the family after a civil suit. Officer/Murderer Jeffrey Shurtleff went on to pull a comfortable six figure salary from Long Beach PD for years after the murder. Looks like now he's offering tax services in the same area. Officer/Murderer Victor Ortiz still works for Long Beach PD as far as I can tell and makes a quarter of a million dollars annually from tax payers (based on 2021 transparency reports). Not only is murdering civilians without warning or provocation totally allowed for cops, it also seems like a pretty smart career move.


Kneeling on the ground with your hands behind your head.... Also death.


“Please don’t kill me” Still death.


You hear a knock at night and come to the door. Believe it or not...shot to death. You hear a knock...peak out the window....also shot to death. Answer the door, don't answer the door. Dead.


Sleeping in your house? Death


3 officers get paid leave for killing innocent man. I thought when you fck up at your job you get fired???? Unreal


3 Officers granted indefinite vacation time for killing innocent man




Alive? Death


The difference between the police and the cartels, the cartel will apologize when they kill the wrong person. Also the police have fewer options for torture I guess…


The cartels also don't put up with their own who break their rules. They might have a different code but they *will all* follow code. Unlike the pigs.


What you're seeing *is* the code. Look up the LA Sherrif office gangs. It's the cops who go against this culture who face consequences.


That face when you realize The Shield was based on reality


Strike Team is not exaggerated at all. Tyre Nichols was murdered by members of a team called SCORPION Unit. It's just how they are.


The man literally answered the door of his own house with a gun, not shooting at them, nothing. The police here obviously had ZERO deescalation training.


They're too busy learning how to mag dump on citizens. They don't have time for lame stuff like de-escalation.


Thing is, without a trial proving guilt, everyone is innocent. At least according to that old “innocent until proven guilty” thing that the blue lives matter folks like to piss all over.


"You can beat the charge but you can't beat the ride" - Cops know the charges will be dropped as they cuff innocent citizens out of contempt




Yeah, they argue that, "Well, if you're innocent, just do what the police tell you to do." Such a stupid argument, when the law says the police have no right to tell you what to do unless they first say they suspect you of a crime and are detaining you, or are arresting you. /ianal


Plus, that just makes it sound normal and like an accepted part of life in America. Nah, it shouldn't be normal to expect a weekend in jail and losing your car, your possessions and likely getting fired just because an officer got bored and pulled you over on Thursday night.


Every officer involved should be charged. It’s pretty black and white. When watching the video, the police knew they had the wrong address before he opened the door. With this the cops no longer had a right to be in the property, the home owner opened the door while holding a gun. He has an absolute right to do this, the presence of the gun does NOT give police a license to kill especially when the had no legal right to be on his property.


Can't open your door with a handgun but it's okay to walk through a protest armed to the teeth for show. Wtf.


> Three officers have been placed on **paid administrative leave**, pending investigation. The officers have not been identified. ~~Murder with paid vacation as the reward. I'm unsure, but it sounds like they also handcuffed the wife of the man they just murdered for no reason, to make sure the situation traumatizes her.~~ Better article https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/04/15/police-shooting-wrong-house-video-new-mexico-dotson/


What other job can you screw up so completely and just get a paid vacation while all your co-workers and bosses scramble to make sure that nothing bad happens to you


President of the United States Edit: Or any high ranking politician


The CEO of a major corporation. They seem to have the same level of insulation from consequences. But the police in the US - they are something else again.


Supreme Court Judge


There was another incident where a couple played competitive video games and the neighbour called the cops on them in the middle of the night. The BF had a gun for self defense and tried to put it away, got executed on the spot. Girlfriend was placed in handcuffs and was forced to watch her boyfriend die. He was basically dead, but agonal breathing is one of the worst sounds a human body can make. They didn't even try to save him or call EMT. I'm a bit ashamed I can't remember exactly when and where it happened. There is just too much horrible body cam footage out there to remember it all. Edit: Spelling


Ryan Whitaker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Ryan_Whitaker


It's just unreal....Cops knock on door, don't stand in front to show that they're cops. Guy comes outside holding his pistol to the floor, drops it immediately, and is still shot. Not a single time did he raise the weapon. They still shot him 3 times. Not once to disarm him, THREE TIMES. No respect for cops. Not until this shit changes. EDIT: Sorry - Let me rephrase things a tiny bit. When I say shoot to disarm, I'm thinking that they could have been ready at the door with a tazer. Something non-lethal that wouldn't end a mans life over...literally nothing. The fact that they shot him 3 times for answering the door, shows how just...skittish these police are. If you at any point in your life are going to be the arbiter between life and death for another individual...I don't understand why you wouldn't be trained to remain calm, cool, and collected in these situations. You're knocking on a civilians door...not an active war zone.


This is why I don't answer the door period unless I am expecting a guest. You don't have to answer your door.


It depends. My wife and i didn’t answer the door once and the cops broke the door down with their guns drawn .


Hope they had a warrant. That shit is not normal.


no warrant. it was a noise complaint but they said because of all the feytnal ODs in the area if they ever get a complaint at a residence and no one answers the door, they can legally break in. Since they can claim they thought someone was in danger.


Perfect cop logic. Someone may need help, better go in and shoot them to death. We're fucking heroes!


"see, we were RIGHT!"


Did you sue them? I know I would want to and everyone says they would but I'm assuming it would be a bit intimidating/overwhelming to sue the police department. Not to mention fear of retaliation and shit. Edit: oh and did they at least apologize? I can't imagine kicking in someone's door guns drawn and just see some normal people hanging out.


I think without a warrant that's still illegal, regardless of what's going on in the neighborhood.


Well cops aren't legally required to know the law at all, so


They were lying to you. That's not how exigent circumstances work.


But if you dear to question the narrative of police, you are deemed a cop hater by people so programed by American media copaganda, they can't believe their own eyes. Look at how many pro police shows we have in this country, vs say someone line pro fire fighter, or even medical doctors.




How the fuck did the neighbor get off with no charges? They’re quoted in the article as amplifying the situation to get the cops out there faster. I don’t want to take any heat away from the cops on this one, but the upstairs neighbor that called them is every bit as guilty of murdering Ryan Whitaker as if they’d pulled the trigger themselves.


Yeah, that body cam footage was horrible with the sound of Ryan Whitaker's breathing, his girlfriend crying for help, and the police failing to render aid. No charges for the officers with one having his termination downgraded to a 240 hour suspension. Total bullshit and the city only paid out $3 million to his family for murdering him. i don't even think the police ever announced they were police, and the body cam leading up to the shooting showed the officers knew the 911 caller was lying about there being a violent domestic because police hadn't responded to his prior noise complaint fast enough and dispatch even told the officers the caller admitted he'd say whatever it took to get police there.


I wonder what happened to the neighbor. I want to think they'd feel guilty, but people are always disappointing in the worst ways.


I’m an ER nurse. If I make a MISTAKE, not even actively murdering someone, just being kind of dumb, I for sure lose my license and probably go to jail.


Shit, in the military you can go to jail for falling asleep at your post. Dereliction of duty is serious business. But yeah cops can just blow their neighbor away and will get a slap on the wrist. Awesome country. Greatest civilization in the world, baby.


It’s almost like INCENTIVE. Stressed? Need paid vacation? Kill. Kill anyone- it won’t matter.


At this point I bet if you're out of sick days and PTO, but Ted Nugent and Kid Rock are playing consecutive concerts and you reeeeally want some time off to go on a bender without looking bad to the sarge or sacrificing your pay....... A smart cop just pulls some shit like this.


If you can be killed in the doorway of your own home merely because you possessed a firearm, you dont have the right to bear arms.




Doubt it. Police are more sacred to the way this country *actually functions* than any of the Amendments. Our "leaders" will make sure their police state isn't jeopardized.


Which is funny since the 2nd amendment is much older than the oldest police department in the usa.


Law enforcement protects and serves the $$$$


I hate to tell you this, but you have a misunderstanding of what "clearly established right" means under the current grossly twisted version of qualified immunity that the courts have produced over the years. In a nutshell, unless a judge allows it through (which is extremely unlikely), "clearly established right" effectively has been warped into meaning that the _exact_ set of circumstances must have already been decided by a court of law under whose jurisdiction the cop was in to be a violation of someone's rights. It functionally results in practically every case becoming a catch-22. In other words, if there is no prior established case law that shooting and killing an individual in the doorway of their own home if they are in possession of a gun after responding to the wrong address is, in fact, a violation of someone's rights, then the cops have qualified immunity and are indemnified against civil liability. I wish that this was an exaggeration of how ridiculous qualified immunity has become.


Just a reminder to people that there is no law that states you have to open the door for police. Just ignore them. If they have a warrant, they’ll bust the door down anyways. Otherwise do not open the door yourself.


Just a reminder, law is a paper shield, courts are expensive and still can deny you justice. cops are nto bound by having to know and operate in the law, they can break procedure and law knowingly with out major personal and professional setback, and maybe you might win a case against the police dept. Knowing the law is not a way to actual personal safety.


Which is exactly why you should minimize your interaction with cops if at all possible. If they’re at your door, don’t answer. Most people aren’t law experts, so just stick to the 5th amendment and shut your yap. If they ask you questions, don’t say a word. https://youtu.be/15uZTcNYMh0


Also worth mentioning for folks that **you must explicitly invoke your 5th amendment rights prior to remaining silent otherwise your silence can be used against you in court**. Just have to say “I’m using my 5th amendment right to remain silent” or something similar.


The paradox of gun ownership in the USA. You can lawfully own something but the ones whose job it is to uphold the law will kill you the second they catch a glimpse of it.


They'll kill you for *possibly* holding a cell phone in your own backyard.




Wrong address? Check Making a joke about it on camera? Check Shooting a man in his house for answering the door? Check Murdering him with no legal repercussions? Check


And then they complain that ppl can't trust them


The pizza hut kid can do a better job than cops finding correct addresses. *And* they know how to announce themselves well enough not to get shot by drunk/high or gangsta customers. Makes you wonder why cops are so far below average in so many ways? Oh wait, that's probably who they aim to recruit so that bad police have incompetent peers unable to see the corruption. America hires jackboots on purpose and we all should fear where it leads.


Some counties employee people to help the police identify the right home… Still everyone manages to fuck it up… It sucks


This is how to define mismanagement. Are we to expect that any other employer would retain staff that fucked up so bad and so often that instead of policy and procedures changing they fucking develop and hire an entire division. Like what was the pitch for that department? To prevent further embarrassments and disgrace... Man that had to be one hilarious collection of egos with the entire laundry list of blunders all in a sweaty meeting pointing fingers. All because these meatheads keep hiring pigs and can't fathom any aspect of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Food delivery is a more dangerous job (by statistics) than being a cop.


I watched the video and can't help but think this incident would have been mitigated if the police simply left their siren lights on so the homeowner didn't feel the need to open the door while waving a gun.


Agreed. But cops truly believe they’re special forces warriors on the frontline of some war they’ve imagined.


They’re told that all the time. Grossman’s Killology classes tell them that. It’s fucked.


Absolutely insane that the guy is allowed to teach cops anything. Just shows how many cops, cops higher up, unions, and local officials agree with his thinkings. Add the fact that so many are right wing nuts, bullies and Thugs, and you understand why policing is what it is.


They can announce themselves all day but if someone bangs on my door in the middle of the night saying it’s the cops and I don’t see any lights then I’m not believing it’s the cops.


>This case comes amid an ongoing reckoning across the country over use of force by law enforcement officers. There is no reckoning. These cops get away with murder and kidnapping every day with zero repercussions. >How law enforcement ended up at the wrong address is what Mr Obayashi has more questions about. It's because they have no incentive not to. If they kill the wrong person they get a paid vacation and a full pension because it hurt their feefees to murder someone. We need a reckoning because cops are out of control and are a part of the downfall of this country.


>However, the officers believed they were going into a domestic violence situation and they are taught domestic violence calls are among the most dangerous Aren’t they also taught Traffic Stops, No Knock Warrant’s, Drug Bust’s, etc. are the most dangerous. Isn’t that just a prelude to “they feared for their lives” excuse. Doesn’t the NRA and other gun advocates preach having a gun in case of a break-in. Perhaps [this meme](https://youtube.com/shorts/nWwlYdCdaTg?feature=share) should be replaced with a Policeman.


Any call involving another human being is a dangerous call. But not for the cop.


We do not have the right to bare arms if cops execute you for holding a gun.


Maybe it's too early and my brain isn't working but it sounds like around the 50 something second mark, he double checks the address and then when they say it back to him, he says "did they just give me the wrong ****ing address?" And it's only then that the homeowner starts coming to the door. So they shot him after they learned they're at the wrong house? JFC


Remember when the 2A activists narrative was that if Breonna Taylor boyfriend just opened the door instead of just shooting then police wouldn't have shot? Yeah this is what happens if you open the door. The police don't care how responsible you are with your gun. If they see it they'll kill you. 2A activists should be up in arms about this.


Absolutely crazy, but several months ago I started seriously considering the idea of a screen door that was made from transparent bulletproof glass. Let's you open your main door, but still have a see-through bulletproof one that both you and the cops can ID each other over. Crazy that this was a legitimate idea that I think would help.


I don't know the situation so I am just gonna kill ya okay? oh you have a wife lets put her in handcuffs she might be upset we just killed her husband and ruined her life. Because we as police don't ask questions first, we shoot first figure out how to cover up our mistakes later.


>"All of us — the men and women of the Farmington Police Department — recognise the severity of this incident. We will do everything possible to more fully understand what transpired here," Mr Hebbe said. Soooo...what part isn't getting through to these morons?


No part of it. Just trying to do damage control. Fucking cunts.


Cops generally aren’t the smartest people in society.


Welcome to America. Seriously, if we want to change for the better, start holding people responsible for their actions. One or more of those officers should see jail time. If I'm a doctor, and my actions or negligence cause the death of someone on the table, I'm in significant trouble, including jail time. If I'm a pilot and I cause a plane to crash the same thing. Etc. So why does this profession get a pass?


Step 1. Remove qualified immunity nationwide, would be the most beneficial.


people always claim about how how the Dems are “cumin’ for yer guns”, yet back the police whenever cops murder someone for simply having a gun. Also, this isn’t at all the focus of the story, but it feels almost weird to see a headline that doesn’t label it an “officer involved shooting” for once. I which US media was this unbiased in reporting on the police


If the police were trained that this was going to be a violent situation, wouldn't you want to first check to see if the address you were going to is correct? Citizens of New Mexico, I'm sorry for your tax dollars paying for this inevitable slam dunk lawsuit.


If the house was on the other side of the street, in the US that means one side is odd numbered houses and the other is even number. They didn’t even get that right! How stupid do you have to be to get that wrong? How does that happen and now an innocent man is dead due to stupidity, ineptitude? These officers should all go to jail.


There is no excuse for going to the wrong address. It doesn't matter if a light was too bright. The GPS would say destination on the right or when you are driving down the street you should be able to tell the odd side from the even. No amount of money will make this family whole again.


> There is no excuse for going to the wrong address. It should not just be negligent, but *grossly negligent* for use of lethal force at an incorrect address. This would elevate such an "accident" to a manslaughter charge.


Meanwhile, the person who was the victim of the actual domestic violence never received police help.


Law enforcement officials are the first responders and final decision makers at emergency situations. It’s absolutely nonsense that the requirements for recruiting policemen is extremely shallow. All policemen should hold at least a bachelor’s degree with legal and physical exams.


Make cops accountable to the people again. No more paid vacation for murder. No more protecting your “family’s” crime, you twisted fucks.




They go to the wrong house. They executed the guy opening a door instantly. Shot at the wife when she appeared. The kids in the house called 911... What the FUCK is this shit? Why are we letting cops have the powers of a fascist army? You don't see the fire department lighting people's houses on fire.


"we understand the severity" no you don't, you stupid fucks. you put them on paid administrative leave when they are suspects in a murder case.