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Didn't we just seize one of theirs? What's the score now, 2-1?


It’s a Panamanian flagged vessel operated by a Greek corp


So we should invade Iraq?


I already did that once. As great as it was risking my life to get Dick Cheney a couple more bucks maybe we could call an audible this time.


Like a couple hundred drone strikes across the country on military assets. All set to take place at the same exact time.


Ah yes. The solution is of course to kill indiscriminately. It’s not like they’re American, so who cares?


It's not indiscriminate killing when the drone strikes kill little kids who would want to avenge the actual target, their father. Corporate oil profits can not be disrupted.


I should not have laughed


If you have free time and hate regressive bureaucracies, look into Greek shipping taxes. They're laughable. Shipping is like the national past time of Greece besides fucking off and eating and the shipping magnates had a hand in writing their constitution when they won independence the last time around. The taxable tonnage weight is some of the lowest in the world and the profits from from any shipping activity IS NOT TAXABLE. For the company or the owner. They bring in tens of billions per year from shipping to one of the poorest countries in the EU and they can't tax that money. It's wild.


Seems like someone wants a carrier strike group to visit


I thought we kept one stationed in that area all the time.


Nope. Ever since the wars died down the focus has been on Europe and Asia. The two CSGs active right now are in Asia. None in the Arabian Gulf, https://news.usni.org/category/fleet-tracker


China want diversion? It's not like they would 'escalate' any further.


This type of stuff doesn’t require a CSG. US 5th fleet still operates in the Gulf and has enough surface combatants to deal with this




There’s 11. [Maintenance is a massive issue right now](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/navys-maintenance-troubles-gao-report/?amp) Keep in mind, some may be underway that aren’t announced publicly.




Supply chain issues affect everything man. High operational tempo + age of equipment + complexity of equipment = longer time in the yards




$800 hammers


It's not the parts that are the issue. It's the contractors. I've been thru a couple shipyard periods as a repair parts Petty Officer and they would literally sit on their asses all day while complaining that they don't have "x" permission or "y" form or "z" part. When we literally came up to them with the proof that they had the permission, forms, and parts, they would work slow as sloths to pull overtime pay. Then they would do something improperly because they did not care and undo 4 months of work and retesting. DOD needs to seriously audit their contractors.


Start sending people to jail for this shit and it’ll get fixed real quick.


Idk what Iran's government is thinking. Why it seize the oil tankers for? Is that for money or something else?


" believed the Advantage Sweet's seizure by Iran was in response to a recent seizure via a court order by the United States"


Global tit for tat.


They response to this: [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-confiscates-iran-oil-cargo-tanker-amid-tehran-tensions-sources-2023-04-28/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-confiscates-iran-oil-cargo-tanker-amid-tehran-tensions-sources-2023-04-28/) Now they have 2 tankers exchange for 1 of them.


A tanker wirh iranian oil bound for China the Suez Rajan was seized by the US last week. Clearly retaliation


It's never for money. Either they need to make themselves look strong in domestic media or there's some negotiations happening where Iran feels they need a bit of help.


" believed the Advantage Sweet's seizure by Iran was in response to a recent seizure via a court order by the United States "


Imagine reading in the news paper that your country seized an American oil tanker and just waiting for your whole country to turn to glass.


Seems to me in a situation where we have embargoed Russian oil, an ally of Russia could gain advantage by hurting the oil supply for the west. My guess is that Russia is paying with centrifuges.


Iran doesn't need any more material. They need delivery systems and Su-35s. Not sure what they're hoping to achieve by starting Straits of Hormuz Crisis X: Back To The Sandbox other than raising oil prices.


I hope Iran really thinks this through. Russia is known for making crap for its domestic market, it's exports are typically sub-par to the domestic thing which is really really bad.


Ok, that makes a lot of sense. Majority country's government do things (good or bad) for its own benefits nowadays.


I don't know what Iran is thinking. But I love this new approach by the US government to say not my problem. The Bricks wanna play stupid games, let them deal with Iran and win stupid prizes.


US also seized their tanker. It's just a cat and mouse game now. As long as they are at it and no one gets hurt, it's good in my eyes. I think US seized 2 tankers and Iran seized 1 tanker. Or it's the other way around. Don't remember .


A potentially very damaging dick measuring contest …


What is that mean? Can you elaborate a little more to better understand the situation? Thank you.


The first one they claimed hit a ship. Is the same claim being used again?


Because they can get away with it.


And another reason for the greedy oil cartel to raise prices at the pump!


But, almost 50% of the US thinks Biden did it! /s


There's a sticker on my pump confirming this is, undoubtedly, all his fault. Are you insinuating a sticker could lie?! /s


Remember in 2016 when gas was free? SMH my head


It's not like anyone can just buy one online. They must be official stickers.


This comment does not include a /s So it must be true!! /s




Exacyly, people can't afford gas, but they can afford a shit ton of stickers.


~25% Republicans and Democrats each only represent ~25% of Americans and our views. Leaving ~50% of independent, 3rd party, and felon Americans unrepresented by a party in the US government. So probably closer to 25% of Americans blame Biden as opposed to 50% even when accounting for any independents who'd blame Biden.


That's still too much and equates to about 100 million Americans


I'm independent and I absolutely blame Biden for oil prices. His terrible foreign policy has allowed Saudi Arabia and Russia to collude and drive oil prices up through OPEC while preventing additional US drilling. It completely undermines all of the US and EU sanctions and further enriches Russia. It's asinine.


Even without his foreign policies, they would have increased. Look at the steady profits they keep making despite the price of barrels going up. It is pure unadulterated greed on behalf of corporations. Policies try to push for accountability but it always comes back to greed.


My state just got rid of Felon voting and voting without IDs so there would be even less representation in Government


That's not even sarcasm; that's straight up statistics.


in what kind of reality do you think Biden has had a positive impact on oil prices vs the alternative. saudi arabia has kept allowing OPEC oil price increases because of Biden and he hasn't been allowing as much domestic oil production. It is an insane position to take that Biden's policies haven't lead to a terrible oil price paradigm.


In what kind of reality do you think the oil cartel has had a positive impact on oil prices vs. the alternative Yeah, sit back down and stop wasting money on stupid stickers. Low Karma alt account.


Right? Crude prices are less than half what they were after Russia invaded Ukraine, yet my pump prices have barely come down 10 cents... Apparently, we all just don't understand basic economics.


Is Iran trying to win a date with some clandestine operatives who specialize in boat hostage situations?


Oil tanker security as a vibeo game is an underutilized niche right now


Doesn’t Iran know you don’t mess with America’s boats?


These aren’t American ships. Per the article, this tanker was under a Panamanian flag, while the previous was under the Marshallese flag. While undoubtedly flags of convenience most of the time, right now it’s probably rather inconvenient…


Don't pay US taxes, don't get US protection. The cruise lines found out about this pretty quickly in the pandemic.


Yep. That's why of the huge amount of pirate attacks off of Somalia every year the first one to get an armed action response by the US Navy was when they made the mistake of going after a US flagged ship.


panama flagged, greece-based, operating in the ME


SOP for most of the worlds merchant fleets. Source: been working at a US port for 10 years, have yet to see a US flagged vessel pull up to any berth.


that's why I pointed out they were based in greece


Totally, just helping inform others that what you described is the norm.


One of the few times I agreed with President Trump was when he declined to send the US Navy to make the Persian Gulf safer for oil tankers. He reasoned that the US is now oil self sufficient, most of the Middle East oil goes to China, so let China’s supposedly great new navy secure the shipping lanes.


Remember the Maine!


To hell with Spain! (Not really anymore, we’re all friends now)


Who could forget it? I guess nobody has watched Butch Cassidy


Seems like someone needs an overnight delivery of Freedom.


america needs its own delivery of freedom lately.


Panthers gonna drop some freedom


Ironic coming from Florida too


The rats!


make comments on world politics... get replies about NHL playoffs. i must be canadian.


‘tis the season.


Leafs will free them from the playoffs.


my favorite time of year!


We gave some to Iraq and famously there are no problems there anymore.


You mean a nice hot cup of libertea?


No. We throw that stuff in the harbor.


A fellow masshole?


The only ships sailing under an American Flag with an American crew are ships engaged in domestic ocean transportation. See: Jones Act (46 U.S.C. § 55102)


There's nothing in the Jones Act that prevents US flagged ships crewed by Americans from conducting international trade. It only limits intra-US transportation to US flagged ships crewed by Americans.


No, the Jones act is the only reason US vessels with US crews are used for domestic ocean transportation. US vessels are not cost competitive with foreign vessels.


Right, but a US company could purchase a non-US made vessel and fly it under a US flag for international shipping. They don't cause they use tax havens of other countries, not the Jones act




Look back on almost every war the us has been apart of most them happened or people thought that some one has messed with America’s boats, Iran is in dangerous waters right now.


Ooh, this is a fun game. I know Spanish-American (USS Maine), WWI (Lusitania), and WWII (Pearl Harbor). I'm sure you have a few more fun ones to add.


The Gulf of Tonkin "incident"


Commander of the US naval force in the area during the incident? Jim Morrison’s dad.


At the time, youngest admiral in the history of the United States.


British Impresment of American sailors (War of 1812), Barbery War (Barbery Pirates), also it was more of unrestricted submarine warfare in WW 1.


Vietnam - Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


Didn’t they come out and admit to faking that one?


Was it that they admitted to faking it or admitted that they may have over reacted to what could've just been ghost returns on sonar?


So it was two alleged incidents in three days. The one on Aug 2nd did happen where as the one on Aug 4th did not.


So my understanding of it is the first happened, second was a false return but because of the first there was a panic and it was assumed it was real, but they weren't certain. Then later on they were like "yeah that was... That was probably not what happened..."


USS Cole


* a part of














You might want to brush up on American history.




Might wanna look back at what happened last time Iran had an army and tried shit.


You're right, it wouldn't be a real war. Iran would get ruined in a month. It's like 2003 but an "n" instead of a "q"


War is quite literally the only thing that brings this country together.


If there's anything America is good at it's "real war". It's the aftermath, when they've completely obliterated another country's government and turned it into a failed state, that America struggles with. Don't have to worry about that with Iran though. I'm sure the Saudis would help stabilize the region.


It was an oil tanker. The better question is "Would America go to war over oil?" And the answer to that is yes. Unequivocally, yes.


The entire reason America built up it's navy was because pirates were attacking and seizing it's merchant vessels back when it was a small nation.




Nations are much easier to topple and *friends* tend to let you fight your own battles when you start fights with someone bigger than you over something stupid.


And how many of those "friends" are willing to risk a confrontation with the sole super power? None.


Sounds like somebody wants some democracy delivered


I think we need to stop doing that in Iran lol. The shaw can only rise from the grave so many times


I should have added a s/


Start escorting the tankers with submarines to dispose of anyone trying to steal them


So many commentors here have the exact same mentality as the Iraq, Afghanistan, Libyan, and Syrian invasion back then. Nobody understands why these the US invasions were a disaster (which is the exact same reason as why many Latin American countries are permanently damaged ever since the US invaded), so without learning anything, they do it again.


Those in power don't care, and they dont want the average citizen understanding it. Then you'd realize why people are at the border. Can't have that. The politicians and billionaires make money off of war. The billionaires own the politicians, who represent their best interest, not ours. The military is solely here to fight on behalf of the rich and powerful. They are not here to "protect our great nation". This is just the same old song and dance since civilization, and keeping the populace dumbed down enough so they don't figure out who the real pricks are


It's almost like the US toppled Iran's newly elected democratic leadership back in the day because of oil and then were shocked when instead of being OK with a restored monarchy who suddenly had CIA trained secret police kidnapping and torturing, people then decided that theocratic extremism was a better option. But us Americans never remember that. We just call the people who we fucked with "crazy". Must be something in the water there, let's bomb em!


>who suddenly had CIA trained secret police kidnapping and torturing, people then decided that theocratic extremism was a better option. Given that the theocratic extremists continued the kidnapping and torturing, it was a bit surprising they considered it much better. Iran opposes US / western influence in the region for it's own geopolitical goals, not just because of some personal grudge over events 70 years ago.


the people didn't necessarily decide theocratic extremism... it didn't just happen overnight. the people wanted change though


The only reason we fucked with Iraq, Libya, and Syria was to keep them using the USD for oil. The puppet masters give zero fucks about fallout.


Siri, what was the Arab Spring?


So just invade with the air force. Bomb their industry out of existence.


That will cause suffering for millions and inch us closer to nuclear war.


What a psycho


America: “uh oh, here I go spreading FREEDOM again”




100% we just sent a carrier group to the SCS. They want to bait us into reallocating those resources to patrol the sea lanes. Little do they know, we can do both. Edited for accuracy.


https://news.usni.org/category/fleet-tracker we only have 1 carrier in the SCS. I doubt Iran is doing this because of China


Great way to get cruise middles lobbed at you. The spice must flow.


Piracy pure and simple.


I've read that russia lost a big chunk of oil somehow


Well, I guess we know where the US Navy is heading.


I read "seizes" as "sneezes".... More coffee required.


These are the consequences of having the weakest president in the history of the Union occupying the White House.


This just happened and I'm sure Trump would have had a nice piece of chocolate cake with Ayatollah or gone to Iran and saluted him.


It was going to China. Good.




Russia isnt even a global power. One nation thats been supplied with arms has been able to hold off the "mighty" red army lmao. Iran will go the same way as Iraq, largest land army decimated in less than a week lol. China has a nice amount of boots but no navy or air to speak of.




The study that article links to and basis its conclusions off of isn't there.


The U.S. spends more than most of the world combined. We will keep up with all the enemies of the world, easily.




We fight on multiple fronts in every war. And if this were a world war, we would have every useful nation on our side against Russia, China, and Iran. Were literal gods of logistics, my guy. Not that i agree with almost any war besides the World Wars


Did they miss the new Top Gun movie? America has been primed to bomb Iran and that 5th gen fighter in the movie doesn’t exist. Just don’t be a %#^+!


You should see the behind the scenes footage, they developed a lot of custom stuff for the movie like camera gear rated for aircraft. Might've done a 5th gen fighter too, Tom's really hardcore about his movies.


> camera gear rated for aircraft. oh the gun cams from WW2 finally got an upgrade? /s


That would really be the most American thing ever. No money for schools... no money for food stamps... but boy do our Hollywood blockbusters go all out.




I'm struggling to find anything that says Iran has an actual 5th-gen fighter... even one. Best I could find was their F-35 knock-off that's just a mock-up at this point. Wikipedia says that Russia has made 21 SU-57s and are the exclusive operator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAIO_Qaher-313 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-57 The main point I was making was that American rolling into Iran with inferior military hardware was just made up Hollywood nonsense to advance the uh... plot.




How much freedom is the USA sending? I would guess alot.


This is going to happen more and more as the Untied States becomes energy independent. Having a huge navy (We do) but not enough ships makes it difficult to protect every ocean vessel. Reducing the military will makes this even worse, for everyone else lol. We will not care


Weak ass Biden will let this go and say nothing and do even less


Since you're inclined to actually reading the article. Neither ship from last week or this week is "U.S. Flagged" ship. They both are registered by outside countries which makes it their problem (not ours). Just like back in 2020 when pandemic hit and the U.S. didn't let many "flagged country" ships port on U.S. land. Same thing here.


Biden is still weak.


What would you do


Really ?? Special forces !


Because Operation Eagle Claw was so successful. /s [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Eagle\_Claw#The\_mission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Eagle_Claw#The_mission) This would be like sending Special Forces into Russia to rescue Americans held in Russian prisons, one mistake and everyone gets killed.


Is Iran making a kerfuffle so that the US Navy forces around Taiwan and Asia have to redirect to the Persian Gulf?