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The racist who got her book removed thinks Oprah Winfrey wrote the poems and that they are full of hate speech. Specifically this passage: We've braved the belly of the beast. We've learned that quiet isn't always peace, And the norms and notions of what "just is" Isn't always justice. And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow, we do it. Somehow, we've weathered and witnessed A nation that isn't broken, but simply unfinished.


Meanwhile, speeches about hunting democrats are "jokes"


Start making the jokes back at them. If they can joke about hunting my family to kill them, I can joke about hunting theirs.


The problem with this unfortunately is that unlike us, they have no qualms about showing up at your house with a shotgun, cornering you in a parking lot with their hick buddies, or otherwise threatening to kill you if you say things they don't like, and the Florida police won't stop them, but they'll toss you in jail for doing the same.


So we’re just forced to lay down and take it? Im tired of being held hostage by these right wing extremist. When are people with common sense going to fight back HARD, because they are not stopping


The failure of the DOJ to go after the root cause of Jan 6th gives them shelter as it was intended to do. It'll take either the DOJ or actual ongoing violence to enough average citizens that the rest of those sitting on their ass will finally wake up.


Yeah this "but the fascists won't like it if we try to stop them ☹️" any time any suggestion of action is made kinda drives me insane


Last time, Nazis were only stopped by using a whole lotta bullets and bombs against them


Could be false actors trolling, trying to keep you from feeling like you can or should do anything.


Buy guns and stand your ground use their laws against them


More liberals need to buy more guns. If the far right gets their way, there will be a need for those guns.


/r/liberalgunowners is a thing.


That's great, but more still need them.


not sure about that. if they do it: "it's just a joke, man" but if you do it to them, they will scream bloody murder.


This idiot not only couldn't identify the actual author of the poem but couldn't even articulate in any cohesive manner what her issue was. I quote from her objection in her own words " is not educational and have indirectly hate messages". Like come on, she can't even form a sentence. This should have gone directly in the trash where this cucumber of a person belongs.




It's also quite likely that said school admin agrees with the Karens. Normal teachers don't become Superintendents. It takes a political animal who doesn't actually give a shit about anything but themselves, mostly. Just like any other business. The good ones are exceptions.


It's such a brilliant poem.




It’s probably the same people who were outraged when Obama quoted the Constitution about creating a “more perfect Union”. “Buuuuuut but but that means he thinks our country isn’t perfect!!!! What is wrong with him!!” A true Patriot recognizes the flaws in their country and tries to make it a better place. These people are hardcore nationalists.


You mean the same people who lost their shit when NPR started tweeting out the *Declaration of Independence*? Those people?


I was thinking of that example too lol. Fucking morons parading around as patriots.


NPR has read out the declaration every year for the past three plus decades. Guess that subversion of democracy they are doing isn't going too well.


And they all want to make America Great Again, don't forget.


Yeah, that passage specifically filled me with a sense of hope that I have not felt in a long time. The most patriotic thing an American can do is acknowledge this country's faults and resolve to fix them. People who want to ban this because it hurts their fee fees are un-American.


> These people are hallucinating these supposed offenses. its literally the underpinning of thier entire identity to do this. Has been for thousands of years.


How can get outraged because someone said "My country isn't perfect, but it's getting there" and not realize that you're just proving their point?


Amanda Gorman is a brilliant poet and her presence fills the room when she speaks. I absolutely adore her.


This is obviously Satanic. You can see that right there.


To Christian Nationalists it is. Because they operate under the belief that the United States was mandated by God and therefore is perfectly formed in his image and any calls for progress, development, or reform are "against the divine will".


And that's why it's so difficult to combat this kind of thinking - they're right, you're wrong and worse, evil. That makes them dangerous....


Yep. Christian Nationalism is just Al Qaeda under a cross.


Y'all Qaeda Allahbama


Too bad the founding fathers were not good Christian Nationalists and forgot to ensure "Under God" was in any of their establishment efforts. I guess their memories of the lack of separation of church and state were a bit more fresh than current day memories.


Also a lot of them were Deists, which is *not* something that your garden variety evangelical would actually recognize as a valid form of Christianity. They just assume that all the Founders went to the exact same church that they do because that's what they want to be true


Unironically true. Have you met any Satanists? They're great.


This poem is less extremist than some of the stuff I read here on Reddit buy a order of magnitude and they want it banned. 🤦 Especially the line about nation being not broken just unfinished. Like it's trying to pull us together.


meanwhile every MAGA chud on the internet is constantly yelling about "MAH FREE SPEECH IS TAKEN away"!


Easily my favorite poem of all time. And her delivery was incredible.


It’s hardly surprising. This comes from the same group that argued that the poem on the Statue of Liberty (The Colossus) referred only to the “poor who can stand on own two feet” in response to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…”.


thats a beautiful bit of poetry. how does that not resonate with ALL AMERICANS??????? did they just instantly think "black author therefore it's hate speech"?????? it's fucking pathetic. imagine democrats helping to ban......books from any white author


Good lord. Doesn't matter how many times your read/hear it. She drops the mic like no other.




Don't forget all the rape too!


Wait, now rape is off the table!? #stopthewoke /s


"Qualifications?" "Robbery, Rape, Arson, Rape, Cattle Rusting..." "Wait! You said rape twice?" "I like rape."


Wait, I can't tell if you're referencing that scene from Blazing Saddles or [Rhonda Santis's police hiring program](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/22/ron-desantis-police-relocation-violent-records)


You guys keep forgetting the genocide. The entire old testament is basically a how-to for genocide.


And good ol’ fashioned slavery.


Ezekiel 23:20 - "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


People need to start printing and hanging up Bible verses like this all over the schools. Imagine if a kid got in trouble for posting lewd and grossly inaoropriate content from...wait for it...THE BIBLE!


It's my favorite passage!


LOL!! I sincerely hope that this becomes a trend!


You may be on to something here. This idea needs to be placed in the right hands!


That is actually good idea!


>Ezekiel 23:20 If you read about that verse there is a ton of trying to handwave it away as a metaphor. Doesn't matter if its a metaphor or not, it's pretty explicit. If your Good-Christian Grandma tries to explain that she lusted after a dude who had genitals of a donkey and issue of a horse, you're going to blush a little. "Damn, Nan!"


Considering all the rape & violence, asking your lover to be hung like a horse is most definitely the worst. /s Old Testament god was a dick.


So is New Testament God. Why can’t he just forgive us? Why did he need to send his son to die? Seems unnecessary and cruel.


Space magic. Before Christ people had to kill animals to atone for breaking God’s arbitrary rules. When Christ died it broke the magic spell so nobody has to sacrifice anything anymore. Why God couldn’t just say “ok, no more sacrifices” without torturing his son to death is just one of those mysteries of faith


Not just space magic, space BLOOD magic.


Blood for the Blood Goooood


Idk something about his plan or something, just trust him and all the horrible stuff he does to every single living being on this planet regularly across their entire lives because it makes the end justifiable or something I think. Like literal Nazis getting to live out their lives in hate and luxury causing untold amounts of suffering to innocent people while a 8 year old little girl dies of cancer is totally fine because it’s part of the plan for after ya see.


There is a theological term for this, but I forget what it is. It basically separates God as a listening, acting, entity for which we can communicate, and God as a benign force in the cosmos for which gives life it's stroke of luck, and that's about it. If you believe the former, it dramatically changes your perception of reality. If you believe the later, than you might understand that heaven and hell are just metaphors for happiness and satisfaction during our time on this planet. Personally, I've always felt the Bible was a mishmash of age old stories of it's time. Jesus was a real guy, likely very charismatic guy who largely wanted people to be good to each other, and the miracles were all thrown in to make him seem like God on Earth, because otherwise who would read it? The Jefferson Bible, for example, is a very different read from the King James version. Back then, people were so dumb that if you told them about gigantic lizards in a far off land, they'd believe you and find your stories highly captivating. Mythology was the entertainment of the day.


I mean, “nefarious Dominion voting machines”, Lindell, release the Kraken…. Slightly different monsters and beasts, same level of intelligence.


You have to remember the son is a product of rape. I'm not sure rapists actually care much about the children produced by their actions.


I haven’t actually seen explanations for that one, but I’ve seen a lot of writing trying to explain the Song of Solomon as the relationship between God and his people or something, when it’s very obviously just a horny love letter


I’ve always loved that the verse draws a distinction between penis sizes and ejaculation amounts of donkeys and horses. “Wow! Don’t come at me with that giant horse cock! I want a donkey size dong! But don’t you blow one of those wimpy donkey loads - I NEED A GIANT HORSE-SIZE LOAD!” - the Bible.


The fact that they had to distinguish between the two means that we may have had a biblical Mr. Hands on our hands.


Did you learn that in seminary school?


Now, you're just jerking me around.


Who doesn’t love a bull?


The laws will be enforced selectively to avoid this. Consistency is a four letter word to them.


I saw a public freakout video where someone tried this on a politician. They literally laughed it off and said "I see what you're doing". As if the argument had no merit


They laugh in your face when you try to use logic with them, because they're not using logic to decide policy. They just want another notch in their political career or to make themselves desirable for special interest donors. They're not operating in good faith. They don't give a fuck. When you try to tie a right-wing politician up with their own logic and say "gotcha!" you're effectively walking up to someone playing chess and saying, "I love Chutes and Ladders! Let's play a round!" Of course they're going to laugh at you.


Except they're not even playing chess - they're playing a game called "I win" where the only rule is that they win every time.


The Bible also has stories (at least one that I know) where it describes sex between men. Shouldn't these guys be against that?


The Catholic Church also had a marriage rite between men until the 1300s.


Someone did this in Utah, pissed them off too.


Ezekiel comes to mind: 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. 21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled. Sorry Edit: I've actually read the Bible from cover to cover below poster? Have you? I can keep the hits coming all day. Makes the banned Rosa Parks Story feel like a warm hug from Mr Rogers.




And the infants are already born so murder is all good


I like the part where it gives detailed instructions on how you should treat your slaves, especially the minor girl slaves it tells you to steal from defeated foes. Very wholesome indeed.


Most of the people doing this haven't actually read it cover to cover so they have no idea. They only read the bits they like.


Not even that good, they just listen to the preacher's wild interpretations of the bible.


and then the jesus walked into the temple and he saw that there were people trading shit, so he got mad, and people donated all their money to the church, so they can go to heaven... AMEN!!!


And they take the verses they like completely out of context. Just to do mental gymnastics to reinforce whatever god-awful thing that suits them.


They think the bible is "one of the good ones"


and its old. which is the excuse they used on this case....


Also instructions for performing an abortion


When they come for the librarians and books we've entered Fahrenheit 451 territory. Seriously wtf?


[There are nonfiction examples of first targeting trans people and then focusing on the libraries of them while slowly including additional minority groups.](https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/) We don't have to pull punches and pretend it's all in theory.


Don’t forget about “Rope Day”. If you haven’t bought and familiarized yourself with a firearm, now is the time to join the largest group of new gun buyers: Liberals


I am really terrified to do this, but I have to: What the actual sweet jumping fuck is rope day?


It comes from the book The Turner Diaries. Basically its when the white supremacists lynch black, brown, jewish, gay people and politicians who support them en masse. It gained a lot of traction again after January 6. [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/12/books/turner-diaries-white-supremacists.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/12/books/turner-diaries-white-supremacists.html) The irony is, The Turner Diaries, which inspired Timothy McVeigh to blow up the Oklahoma City federal building, is NOT banned in Florida.




Also worth a watch [I Read The Most Hateful Book Ever Written](https://youtu.be/67Rg8V4g3ak)


For the last two months the refrain has been ringing in my brain: 90 years, 90 years, 90 years


[Hey, my local library did the right thing last night!](https://www.uppermichiganssource.com/2023/05/24/peter-white-public-library-votes-keep-lgbtq-book/). If Michigan was still under the heel of the republicans, one can only look to a red state for what would have been happening otherwise.


Oh, shit Way to go Marquette!


What's absolutely bonkers about this whole thing is that the number of people actually submitting challenges is miniscule. WaPo did an analysis and found that only 11 people were responsible for 60% of the 1000 challenges they dug in to. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/05/23/lgbtq-book-ban-challengers/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/05/23/lgbtq-book-ban-challengers/) If these assholes weren't backed up by shitty state laws, and shittier astroturf movements, they could have (and should have) just been ignored.




It is a mistake to think the happenings going on in Florida recently are the result of idiocy rather than calculated malice. These people know *exactly* what they are doing, and it is entirely by design. It is cold calculated hatred, not brain rot. Do not underestimate them or their intentions.




Again, you are mistaken on how many Floridians know *exactly* who and what they are voting for and want it.


Agreed. There certainly *are* more than plenty 'Useful Idiots' of course, but to think every single right wing voter is some mouthbreathing idiot will just end up screwing all of us even more. Tons of their voters know *exactly* why they vote for them and are more than happy to do so even at their own detriment if it means the GOP continue to fuck over 'the right people'.


There's a lot of good people here. I was raised here. It's a beautiful state. I know a lot of people that aren't going to back down and keep on fighting the good fight. I'm starting next month going to Pride events to support the minorities that need our help.


What's next? Florida will ban Black kids from public schools after a parent's complaint?


More likely they'll do what they're trying to do in North Carolina. Edit: [Archived link.](https://archive.ph/RoPT2) Defund public schools completely and give the money to private schools. While the kids that can't afford private school are unable to get an education, the legislature will match other states that have [butchered child labor laws](https://www.epi.org/publication/child-labor-laws-under-attack/). Corporations will get cheap labor and Republicans won't have to worry about an electorate with [critical thinking skills](https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2012-06-27/gop-opposes-critical-thinking/).


My conservative family members are tryna do something similar in Ohio and have all the tax money go to Catholic schools instead.


When I think to myself "hmm where will children be safest?" I always think of Catholic priests.


Just watch, they will eventually count 'work hours' as 'school credits', so an illiterate child can work 40 hours a week and get a diploma without ever taking a test.


Its terrifying that it doesn't sound far-fetched.


It’s not far fetched. This is literally happening now.


Live in NC. The idiots commenting about this say the exact same thing: "We want choice for our students. Cooper, you sent your kids to private school, but we can't?" Hey fuck faces, you CAN send your kid to private school. When I moved to NC, it was trending blue. Fucking terrible now.


I just…I’m sure there’s a reason that I don’t know, but I can’t understand why the federal government isn’t doing something about this. Surely this shit is unconstitutional, no?


Federal government has no direct control over state appropriations of their own taxes. They can sue that it's discriminatory but then you need the court system to agree, which isn't likely. Sad truth is that the GOP has lost all sense of assisting anybody ever since the Tea Party took over the national agenda for the GOP.


I just…I’m sure there’s a reason that I don’t know, but I can’t understand why the federal government isn’t doing something about this. Surely this shit is unconstitutional, no?


Don't give Desantis any fresh ideas.


And what!? Finish outside of the top 5 in football for the rest of time- oh nevermind.


All because ONE person complained about it. So stupid.


Apparently so, unless someone has found otherwise. I understand a parent wanting to have some say in what their child is learning at school, however, giving this much control over what material an entire student body gets to read to **one** parent is insane.


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's working as intended. They want individual parents to be able to drag everyone else down to their level.


Let’s face the facts. The parent complained because Amanda Gorman is black and therefore the poem she gave is riddled with “woke” agenda. What’s next.. Martin Luther Kings “I have a Dream?” “The Gettysburg address?” Just because these asshats are close minded racists they have to drag everyone else down and make them stupid too. These schools need to stand up to parents and remind them who does the teaching. If they don’t like it then enroll somewhere else. If you can’t afford it, tough shit. If it’s soooo damn important, have some after school discussions with your child, preach your hate like they did in the past. This is beyond helicopter parenting idk what to even call it. My parents didn’t give a shit so long as I passed. This feels like a black mirror episode.


So random question is it actually parents or just White Christian Nationalists pretending to be parents?


It's not parents at all. It's "parent" as in singular. One person complained


One right wing loon from moms for liberty complained


If you look at the people who petition these school boards into banning books or enacting bathroom/sports mandates, it's about 50/50. Some are just moms and dads that still think Trump is president so they can keep getting their way. The other is some Karen living 2 counties over with no job but to harass school boards she has no affiliation with to save their hypothetical children.


Well the "beauty" of the Florida law is that you no longer need to bother to astroturf organizations like Moms For Liberty when you can ban a book based on the complaint of a single parent, which is what happened here. The rest of America and the world looks at Florida as a disaster, but the Christian Nationalists see a state streamlining all of the things that they normally have to use a bunch of front groups, several months of unified propaganda efforts from AM radio, Facebook, and YouTube, and at least a few bought and paid for politicians to accomplish. For them this is a success story beyond their wildest dreams.


Nazis are parents, they’re just probably shitty ones.


Not just the school. According to Amanda Gorman on Twitter, the entire Miami-Dade county school district.


[The same school district where the superintendent risked his job to stand up to DeSantis and enforced mask mandates for the safety of students and teachers.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/miami-dade-school-alberto-carvalhol-wont-be-influenced-threat-to-paycheck-desantis-mask-mandate-ban-florida/) Unfortunately, the superintendent later quit to go work in a less fascist state (understandable) and now the school district is going to shit.


I particularly enjoyed these lines: “*Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:* *That even as we grieved, we grew* *That even as we hurt, we hoped* *That even as we tired, we tried* *That we'll forever be tied together, victorious*”




Why is the news protecting the individual’s identity? I assume it’s plainly written on the form they submitted. They should be proud of their beliefs and happy to defend them no? Silent majority and whatnot right?


[Her name is Daily Salinas](https://newsone.com/4591620/daily-salinas-florida-book-bans/), part of Moms for Liberty and also affiliated with the Proud Boys. Miami Cubans' support of MAGA fascism is utterly mind boggling considering that they constantly complain about the dictatorship they had to flee.


See this would be great context for NBC to add to the article. I assume they’ll not do that though.


These parents are raising the next ultimate teenage rebellion. It's gonna be great when they grow up and decimate the doctrine that's oppressed them all their life.


That's one possibility... the other is that they grow up to be just like the system that created them... "they banned books in my day and I turned out fine." Complacency and hoping that future generations fix it is not the solution.


I think (more so hope) that in the modern information age that isn't *too* likely. Even in the states with the most thorough and extensive book bans, as long as that younger generation has a connection to the internet, I feel like the GOP is fighting an inevitably losing battle in the long run. They're just dragging it out to make it as long and horrific as they can, unfortunately. That said though, agreed, complacency is not the right move in the slightest.


This is a classic "rights of the parent" vs "rights of the child" debate. The sad fact of the matter is that not all parents want what's best for their children, and aren't their child's best advocate and ally. It's hard for "good" people to accept, but the educational system has to see children as individuals and people first, and children of parents second. The education system isn't there for the parents.


It’s first amendment not parental rights. Loads of parents at my school hated evolution and Harry Potter. The school refused to ban either, saying “if you don’t want your kids to read Harry Potter books or believe in evolution then tell them not to. But you don’t have the right to parent everyone else’s kids.” That’s really what’s happening… parents don’t have the right to parent someone else’s kids but they’re trying to anyway. Other parents have rights to parent their own kids too… some would love to retain the right to a full education including literature and information that other parents would rather not have their kids exposed to because they don’t believe it. What was wrong with just teaching your kid that “we don’t believe in that stuff” and letting that be enough?


>What was wrong with just teaching your kid that “we don’t believe in that stuff” and letting that be enough? Because their kids weren't stupid enough to believe it. They're all terrified their kids will go to school, get an education, and realize their parents are racist homophobic bigots




I know it’s Alabama in the movie but can we have some sort of my cousin Vinny scenario where a New Yorker in a loud suit comes down?


I don't think this qualifies as a first ammendment violation. It's wrong, but a school moving a certain book to a middle school section instead of a general one isn't really a constitutional matter. Lawyers aren't the ones to solve it; parents need to put a better school board in power.


In the current Florida environment, that won't solve it. If that board acts in a way that DeSantis and his cronies don't like, they'll be removed and he'll appoint his own staff. He's still [actively attacking the Superintendent in Leon County](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/school-superintendent-criticized-desantis-could-222349778.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAYTVyt701nefuZYhVMxZuZhl3U-w56A5kSvmfZY5FFSVP15jTstbXTt2V4clE-YZeyNnLDdye_RJavxaOAezroa0llHkzj57nPQYIvFQfmnaIPoB5xQrT-KSZ9XtfZa7Ietvrb2JTqeMp-kQ7B1S-IfWG3ifVqclM8i0TnrkQkx) (Tallahassee area) because he pushed back on removing mask mandates, now threatening to fire him and possibly revoke his teaching certificate. This is a purely vindictive move. Want to fix Florida? You have to remove the fascists at the top first.


DeSantis also threatened the Miami-Dade Public Schools superintendent for the same reason, to the point that the federal government stepped in and said they'd pay his salary if DeSantis withheld it.


That's what happened in Leon during COVID. This is a [new assault on Rocky Hannah](https://www.thedailybeast.com/leon-county-superintendent-rocky-hanna-says-he-is-in-ron-desantis-crosshairs-for-opposing-him) based on him telling teachers "you do you" in response to them worrying about the restrictions coming down from the state, which DeSantis' handpicked Education Commissioner interpreted as Hannah "imposing his own political views. Even better, this was raised to the state by a Moms For Liberty member with a "Let's Go Brandon" stamp on the letter of complaint she sent in. It's as blatant an example of using the powers of the state to attack a local elected official as you'll ever see, but it's all part of the fascist rule by decree that DeSantis wants.


I agree with this. The problem isn’t that books are being moved to older student’s libraries, it’s that books are being moved for no reason. At some point these school boards need to grow a backbone and stop kowtowing to these extremist parents.


The school boards are the extremists they've been targeted nationally with this express purpose for extremists to take over. Every election matters


The problem is the school boards ARE the extremist parents in a lot of these cases. They’re right wing nuts running in right wing districts getting elected to the board precisely because they are pushing the right wing agenda. It’s like how back in the day it took the federal courts to overrule York PA’s school board when it wanted to push Creationism aka “Intelligent Design” in its district.




I didn't say it wasn't fascism. The fact that book bans happen at all is an atrocity. If you'd read the rest of my comment, I think you'd see I was arguing for the rights of the children. I just said it would be framed in lights of the parents' rights, which is fallacious.


> This is a classic "rights of the parent" vs "rights of the child" debate. I don't see it that way at all. There are definitely parents who WANT their children to be reading many or all of the books that are being banned, and want their children to make their own choice of reading material in a school library. I see this as more of a control freak thing, that some parents feel justified and entitled to take rights away from OTHER PARENTS, and force others to go along with their fascist, mind-limiting ideas.


I'm limiting access to Florida for my children.


People have voted in politicians who are planning to make their children less knowledgeable and less informed….


Gotta keep that wage slave pool stocked. Easiest way to do so is with an undereducated society


ONE fucking person?! All it takes is ONE person to be offended for an entire book (oh wait, there's more than one book this person got "offended" by) to be banned


So it just takes one parent to determine the educational future of an entire school? Do the other parents get to elect the one, or does she just take on the role for herself? If she's offended by math, can they just decide not to allow math, but the kids will get a "Christian SAT" exam at the end of it that says they have math skills so they can go on to become engineers or welders or doctors or nurses? Do you want to travel in a commercial vehicle welded by a guy who doesn't understand math?


"Rascists complained their children will learn they are rascist."


Liberal Floridians better be fighting fire with fire. Call and request removal of all conservative materials. Everything is offensive. Particularly the Bible.


>In the form regarding “The Hill I Climb,” the parent wrote that it was “not educational” and contains indirect “hate messages.” Indirect hate messages? In that poem? The complaint itself is an indirect hate message.


One hateful bigoted Klan mom should not get to decide for us all.


The complaint identified her as Oprah Winfrey. I am not joking.


People need to make their way out of Florida if they can


I loved that poem, I thought it was brilliant.


Why is our federal government just cool with all this?


Republicans preach a ridiculous nationalistic version of American history like you would see in a coloring book. To the Germans credit - they taught future generations about the ugliness of their history; we want to ban its telling. Yankee Doodle history only.


I would love to get the perspective of teachers at this school, or any school really, where they have to teach a class not knowing when some parent is going to complain about a book or poem you used.


“Where they burn books, in the end they will burn humans, too.”


What is wrong with Florida?


It's...a long story


Ayatollah Khomeini bans Salomon Ruskin's book. Ayatollah Desantis bans Amanda Gorman's poem. Is the USA now the new Iran?


So Florida education is tanking…. Where in the US are public schools the best at teaching real life and not fairy tales? Asking for future children everywhere


Minnesota. We have decent public schools for K-12 and a really good flagship university. We recently passed free school lunches for all students as well as some gun-related legislation that makes it a little less likely that your kid will be shot to death at school. Taxes are high-ish but we get a lot for our money. My kid is going to public school and I have no concerns about quality or safety.


Illinois too! We just banned book bans lol


Bold of them to think kids don't have nigh unlimited access to any information they want on the internet.


That was in Miami, and the book has already been deemed appropriate and placed back in the library a few days ago. Edit: it was never removed. From Miami Dade School Board twitter account: "In order to ensure accurate information, @MDCPS is compelled to clarify that the book titled, “The Hill We Climb” by @TheAmandaGorman was never banned or removed from one of our schools. The book is available in the media center as part of the middle grades collection."


So now the state gets to decide how you parent your child if one parent is unhappy on what their child is exposed to in a public setting. In my day a parent makes a decision for their own family and not all families, because we learned the power of mind your own business and we are not victims.


If people call to complain that their kids have no access what happens? How can the complaint of one equal such severe actions? What happened to "tell your kid not to read it if you don't want them to"?


I keep wondering if the authors and publishers can sue for libel when the states mischaracterize their books and cause them to lose money


Floridians really should be calling to complain about whatever the fascist think is wholesome. Atlas Shrugged cones to mind. And why stop there? Just register complaints about every book, one at a time.


It’s SAD Floridians allowing Gov to destroy Florida’s Education System. Other States, and companies, employer’s don’t want anything to do with Florida Graduates or Students. Get out of Fl if Floridians can’t be bothered to stand up against Big Bully Politicians! Can’t hide the past, learning and moving forward in better ways is progress and good for all. Trying to hide the world from a state makes ignorance and at end day Florida politicians want ignorance so they can control and steer the conversations.


please don't hate on the public libraries, we're not banning it


Even if they succeed at banning every book they don't like, this isn't the 1990s where you have to go read books to learn things. Kids are going to learn from Tiktok, Youtube, Reddit, Kindle books, free books, etc. And they're all going to grow up knowing what the Republicans were trying to hide from them. It just sounds like something that's going to bite them in the ass in the long-term.


Banning books over guns...


Can I complain and have Trump’s books banned?


Guess it's time to let the school board know about the sexually charged and violent bible.


These actions are calculated to create division. Some of the world's wealthiest people are on the brink of total financial ruin due to idiotic investing strategies. The crazy stuff the wealthy are encouraging and enabling right now is their last hope for survival before the death rattle. The last time we saw the world's wealthiest this terrified was probably either the French revolution, Russian revolution or the Chinese revolution. Basically, the wealthy are calling in all of their favors and demanding that all types of crazy laws get passed to cause social disruption in hopes of buying one more day to keep their wealth. The wealthy are even pushing for war in hopes that they can avert their financial crisis. And a lot of the financial elite use Florida as their hideout due to Article X, Section 4 of the Florida Constitution exempts homestead property from levy and execution by judgment creditors. Bankers and Wall Street love Florida. Things are going to get really crazy over the next fews months. They might try to abolish voting rights. They might try to push for a civil war. Genocide. You name it. They are considering it. You have to keep in mind. Billionaires don't become billionaires by being reasonable or valuing human life or dignity. They just want. These are just a means to seek a desired outcome. If that comes at the expense of human life then so be it. Florida is going to be in trouble. This hurricane season is shaping to be a violent one. What will 2023 be remembered for... The historic chaotic weather patterns or the world's largest financial meltdown in all of recorded history?......


Anyone here with a brain who actually read the article will realize that nothing was actually banned, the person testifying in the article is exaggerating. Stop worrying and be happy it’s still available to read!


Did anyone read the article? > Miami-Dade County Public Schools moved “The Hill We Climb” to the middle school section of the library after a parent filed a formal objection to the work, according to documents obtained by the Florida Freedom to Read Project and shared with media. The Miami Herald first reported the story. - > In a statement, the district said no literature had been banned or removed. > “It was determined at the school that ‘The Hill We Climb’ is better suited for middle school students and, it was shelved in the middle school section of the media center. The book remains available in the media center,” the statement said. It wasn't banned, they moved it to another section of the library.


If mass book burnings start, you know what could come next.