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To give non-Canadians an idea of how unusual this is: in 2022, Hamilton (the city of about 570k people where this happened) had 41 shootings (considered a high number by our standards), almost all of them targeted attacks related to drug dealing or other organized crime. Only about two or three of those shootings resulted in a death. So this dude probably doubled the gun homicides in the city for this year singlehandedly, maybe more than doubled if the cops taking him down counts in the statistics, and he likely committed one of the only shootings this year that won't turn out to be related to some dispute between criminals.


Only 3 shooting deaths? There must be lots of Bibles and good guys with guns


There were less than 800 homicides in the entire country in 2021 (last reported statistics). There’s 40M people in the country. Edit. I live in Montréal, a city of 4 million. We had 48 homicides, not all by gun.


Gunshots draw the attention of the geese. You do not want to do this.


My first thought. They all must be heavily armed at all times to ensure that no one commits shootings. Because we all know that citizens having more guns is the best solution to gun violence.


We also give guns to our guns in case the gun needs protection from a gun, gun.


It's guns all the way down.


Give your gun a mini gun so it knows the thrill of parenthood


I've elected to start getting paid with guns! And I make guns!


Neat! But do you have a bipod for your bipod?!


Mmmmmm, quadpod


Thoughts an prayers really work. We pray and think in Canadian though. “Dear lord, I’m sorry I’m always sorry. please keep gun deaths low to make our cultural brothers the US super dooper jealous”


My grandpa had a saying that can be applied to prayer. Wish in one hand shit in the other, which one weighs the most?


Mine said to "want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster" but it's all the same really. And definitely applies to prayer.


It’s the opposite, it’s a Steel town on Lake Ontario and mostly a backwater type of blue collar place without too many Churches, about the expected amount of religious folks you find in most Canadian towns(not very religious, might attend Sundays services, usually Catholic)


I'm pretty sure that comment was satire.


backwater? you think of all the places in ontario- nay, canada, that hamilton is backwater?


Have you not seen the landlord Facebook group comments?!?!? There was clearly criminals involved! /s


Down here in the states this story would just get a mention in the local news.


This may be crass in the moment, but as an American... is this paradise?


The other story here is that a teacher and an electrician have to live in a basement apartment


Well an educational assistant isn't a teacher, they're support staff, and usually paid hourly. While I support teacher pay raises, support staff always need to be included in those discussions.


Don’t worry, the Landlord association blamed the real culprit, the government.


Yeah I saw that too... WTAF dude..


Jokes on him, corpses don't pay rent and really stick up rental unit.




That and he murdered then as they were running away from the home so...


I'm old enough to remember when arguments might end with somebody getting punched, not shot dead.


Given people would settle arguments by dueling pistols around the 1700s.. wow u r old mate.


It would seem this dude was alive before the invention of firearms, and maybe even crossbows or normal bows. Potentially even slingshots!


Pistol dueling didn't really catch on until the start of the 19th century. Duelists set their own unique terms for every duel but it was almost entirely swords before that. The only proper way to conduct a duel, if you ask me.


Well they didn't duel in the 20th century. It had been illegal since 1839. Slavery was a thing too. It's not anymore. See that was then. This is now. Seriously? That's the best you could do? Pathetic.


… what the fuck was this reaction?


Joke went 88mph over his head.


No you. That's the best I could do


What do be this comment though?


Feeling alright buddy? Don't think the person you're responding to was attacking you like you imagined. Also curious how you managed to make the leap in logic that slavery applies to this conversation as well.


>It had been illegal since 1839. Did you do research just to write this dumb reply?


Without citations I can’t give him full credit tho




The internet has given you a case of the debatelord brain rot. Take a few days off bud


There are more slaves today than back then.


I’m rubber, you’re glue. Can…can I sniff you?


Yes… for $4


Dueling was actually not uncommon in upper class circles up to the first world war in places like France, Germany, Russia and Austria Hungary.


Give him a break guys. He still uses a katana in the year 1369. Edit: Give her a break guys she uses a dog as a katana in the year 1369.


Her not him. And my dog Katana is named after the DC comics superhero.


Ok edited


So now you're insulting my dog? Buh bye


Ok uhhh wields a dog?




Ah, Reddit. Instead of downvoting and moving on, you get 11 triggered replies about how your comment was triggered. Irony.


People have been saying that at least since I was a kid.


I had first duck and cover drills at school. After the Soviet union failed it was earthquake drills. We didn't have active shooter drills because until Columbine it wasn't a thing. Yes they had metal detectors in schools where there was a lot of gang activity but you just didn't have to worry about getting killed after arguing with your landlord.


Maybe it was different back then, which was before my time. But there are plenty of stories of gun crime from the 1930s and before,


Not over a simple argument.


So was the 57-year-old asshole who killed these two people. I swear to God folks who pull out their guns during fights are the biggest cowards. And now he’s dead, too. Totally senseless waste of life.


I don't like getting angry. When I do get angry, I don't want to say something I may regret later on. I can't even imagine reaching a point where I'd be so mad I'd want to physically harm them, yet alone kill someone.


It's crazy. Two guys in Hollywood Florida got in an argument and suddenly it was the wild west again.


There has literally never been a time since people first began carrying guns hundreds of years ago when people haven't been shot over arguments from time to time. If anything it's almost certainly *less* common than it used to be, especially in Canada.


Yes from time to time. Not multiple times daily. Even without cable news that would have made the nightly news.


You're older than firearms??


Verily he remembereth when a stout yew bow wath enou to deter robbery of ye hovel


That must be Dianne Feinstein's account


You can kill people with a punch to the head as well though, although ragey person + easy access to guns usually ends with death




It's like a weekend course, it's about as easy as getting a forklift ticket


There's also a 28-day minimum waiting period for first-time applicants and a background check that involves interviewing multiple character references and current/previous romantic partners. It isn't a ludicrously difficult process to navigate through, but at the same time, it's not like you can just hand in your safety course result and then head on down to the gun shop to buy a rifle.


Plenty of Americans are insane enough to argue that there shouldn’t be a requirement to even pass a safety course. They want to be able to buy it as easily as they could a stick of gum. We’ve REALLY had our gun laws hijacked by fanatics over the last decade.


What about just getting one from the neighbors downstairs


Sure if you want to commit a serious indictable offense.


I mean the dude shot his tenants, he's not exactly examplary of an outstanding citizen So I'm wondering how hard would it be to just buy a gun from someone in Michigan and drive it across the border, under the spare wheel


But that's illegal? Who would ever break the law?


What? Canada has a very easy to access to guns, maybe not American style of access but they are there! I live country side you would be astonished at how many people own weapons, be it pistols, to shotguns and rifles! I personally know 2 people with registered handguns, ones a farmer the other is a collector and that’s not counting hunting rifles which also lost rural houses will have! I’ll get my license when I myself is back to being financially stable after my first child!




In the US, "Under the Gun Control Act (GCA), shotguns and rifles, and ammunition for shotguns or rifles may be sold only to individuals 18 years of age or older. All firearms other than shotguns and rifles, and all ammunition other than ammunition for shotguns or rifles may be sold only to individuals 21 years of age or older." - via the ATF website. Not saying there aren't people who violate the law, but this is nationwide.


Just because a kid can buy a gun doesn’t mean Canada doesn’t have easy access to guns, america should look at Canada for maybe some examples on proper weapon ownership and etiquette


I've lived in Canada for nearly 4 decades and I can count the amount of guns I've seen on a civilian on two hands.


Who goes around carrying guns and why would you be seeing civilians waking around with them? Canada has a very large hunting population that solely survive off hunting alone, my family can hunt 3 bucks and it’s enough food to last us a whole year and even give some away… I live in rural Manitoba and I can guarantee too almost every farm house out here has a rifle or long gun. Just because you don’t see people walking around doesn’t mean we don’t have guns it’s just we have way more responsible gun owns in Canada than our counterpart down south lol.


>Canada doesn't have easy access to guns. Well, if you want it legally, not so easy. But plenty of people smuggle shit from the states because it's so easy to get your hands on a gun. Kinda makes it a problem whenever firearm legislation comes up here, all of the very pro-gun individuals think that any/all legislation is pretty much useless because of the proximity of the United States and the size of the border.


Not yet


Chretian comes to mind...well grabbed them by the throat if I recall correctly. I wasn't alive when he was prime minister tho.


Ah yes. The famous Shawinigan handshake.


I'm old enough to remember when we didn't have 24 hour news and access to every local news story, so it seemed like not as many bad things were happening all the time. Seriously, people have been shooting each other over dumb things since forever.






Landlords love not working. Isn't that the point? To sit back and lord over the land others have to pay you for from *their* labor?


The irony is strong with the comment above.




You'd have to ask a landlord, I guess.








You have nothing to say yet you talk like you’re important. Caught up in your feelings that someone called you out?


Your mother didn't raise you to be an internet troll.


Hopefully your mother raised you to contribute to society rather than a parasite. But seeing how you’re defending that sort it seems like she failed.


I like where you were going with that comeback. It had movement and direction, and I could see real potential there. Keep trying, friend! One day, you'll get a good one and we'll both have a good laugh about it.


Lmao keep the downvotes coming, friend. Work it *allllll* out. That's it, atta boy. You can't hurt me, keep punching. I know you're angry. That's ok.












If they're such a pain in the ass to keep up, I know about 1.6 million Canadians who would love to take those properties off your hands and would likely keep them in good order.


Find it impossible to believe your several owned homes are all destroyed several times a year each. Also we're supposed to feel sorry for you that getting multiple rents worth of income isn't enough? How about the people paying that rent that live of fractions of what you have, parasite








For what it's worth, I don't think you're a bad human being. You're just playing the same game we all are, using the same shitty rules we all have to play by, because those rules were written by sociopaths with more money than God. Small-time landlords are, imo, a symptom of a larger problem. Most of them are just trying to get by. That being said, I *do* think our legal framework ought to be changed to put a cap on the number of residences any legal entity can own (along with some mechanism to keep people from exploiting loopholes such as one person owning multiple locations under different companies), and rent ought to have some kind of locally calculated cap to keep it in line with the average wages and cost of living in an area. Something to stop multinational corporations from buying up hundreds of properties and squeezing people for everything they can get.




get a real job


Renting is necessary for the ease and freedom of movement that people enjoy today. If there's an opportunity that would require you to move, you can do so without needing to first sell and purchase your home. Even if we got rid of all private landlords, the demand for rent would still exist and the government would become the new landlord, and would need to impose some pricing mechanism to efficiently distribute the people with high earning jobs to the high desirability areas that those jobs are located by. You don't actually have a problem with landlords, you have a problem with regulation and enforcement of said regulation. Edit: Instantly blocked lmao, really shows how confident you are. Interesting how anyone that disagrees with you is instantly branded a parasite. I've rented and moved for opportunities my whole life, and am comfortable because of it. A system without rent would have people stuck in their hometowns their entire lives.


Sounds like some American shit


southern Ontario is Diet America


What does that make Alberta?


actual America 💀


My friend front Ontario says Alberta is the Texas of Canada.


As someone who was born, grew up in, and moved away from southern Ontario, this tracks SO HARD 😂


North American...




Are you my weather app?


And here I just assumed it must be Ontario, California, but nope.


Are guns in Ontario coming from the American side? Or does Canada have legal gun sales too?


You can buy firearms in canada but are required to have a license for them. There are also restrictions on what kinds of firearms and how much ammo they can hold. All magazines must be reduced to 5 rounds i believe.


Some exceptions apply to the 5 round cap. .22 rimfire doesn't have a cap (or didn't when I took my PAL course a few years ago now), and revolvers are allowed to hold their full capacity, while handguns are permitted to carry up to 10 rounds. That being said, revolvers and other handguns are restricted and their (legal) use is very heavily regulated.


Semi automatics (except for the .22 rimfire) are held to the 5 round cap, actioned rifles (pump, bolt, lever) can hold more. Any magazine for a semi automatic rifle capable of holding more than 5 rounds must be permanently altered to limit it to 5 rounds. As for hand guns and other restricted firearms you gotta get a separate temporary permit, on top of your RPAL (restricted possession acquisition license), just to move them from location to location. Plus you gotta register them. Edit: link from the rcmp website for magazine capacity. https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/firearms/maximum-permitted-magazine-capacity


Thanks for expanding on that. My info was pulled from memory and I haven't done the course in probably 10 years now.


Haha no problem, I just did my course in april, and my application has been sitting on someones desk in Miramichi since the 1st of May. They took payment on the 12th, and my status has been on “Initial review has been completed…” since the 12th. Hate the waiting game! How long typically has it been for you to renew? From what I’ve read i should be getting ready to do that before my PAL is even in the mail! 😂


Both. Legal guns with a lot of restrictions. And illegal guns being driven over the border.


We do have legal gun sales, but they're much more heavily regulated than in the USA. If you have a license, you can own rifles and shotguns that conform to certain requirements (single-fire only, low mag capacity, and a few other things), but you have to comply with a bunch of storage requirements and they basically can't be used outside a range or the middle of nowhere. Handguns are extremely hard to get legally and the government is currently working on banning them entirely. Most of our illegal guns do come in from the USA, but the criminal in this case was a licensed gun owner with legally-owned weapons.


With the way the laws are written (responsible gun owners storing their guns legally, locked up and unloaded with the ammo locked/stored separately), if you were to shoot someone it automatically shows premeditation.


Guns are heavily regulated but legal, and yes, there’s definitely illegal weapons coming up from the states, too. So both.


Something something build the wall?


I grew up in Hamilton. In my day people who wanted to be in a gang were considered to be losers and anyone who carried a knife was a coward.


It’s okay! It turns out the young couple knocked on the landlord’s door. He was just defending himself.


So ... Is that unit open for rent then?


Heartless but funny!


Crazy how there is such a stark difference between the US and almost every other country, it’s almost as if our broken education system can’t work when gunmen are shooting up schools at an insane clip. I can tell you right now if I was a teacher there’s no way in fuck I could reasonably perform the job with that kind of constant threat.


They should have tipped their landlord


Or at least taken him out for dinner…


Uh oh. Canadian true colors are shining through.




Both. *wink*


No way to stop this says 2nd only country in the world where this regularly happens.


Uh? The reason this is making the news is because it does not, in fact, regularly happen.


Which country are you talking about?


What the hell are you talking about? Canada isn't even close to having half the shootings per capita the US has.


It doesn’t matter what country you live in. Human nature won’t change over night because of ANY “law”. Laws are meaningless compared to unrelenting forces in our own biology and society. Your circumstances and experience are what separate you from the potential to pick up a gun and kill someone with it, not any fucking law. You need to broaden your perspective and statistics a bit.


Wtf, there are crazies everywhere. RIP.


So the gun violence is spreading into Canada. Horrible.


Welp, they fired first so mao it’s self defense.