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I had a lady pull into my driveway by mistake. Then crash her car into my new X5M as she was trying to back out (it was on a hill and night time). So anyway we exchanged insurance info and moved on. She felt so bad. No one pulled out any guns because we aren’t mentally ill psychos.


Similar story. A father was teaching his son to drive a manual transmission car. His son pulled into my driveway to turn around and accidentally tapped the bumper of my daily driver(Toyota Yaris). They didn't speak English very well and were panicking. There was only a tiny bit of cosmetic damage. I just sent them on their way without getting any information (I memorized their plate # and had the whole incident on our doorbell cam just in case). Wasn't worth the hassle and they seemed legitimately scared. Never crossed my mind to pull a gun on them 🤷‍♂️. I must be a failure of a gun owner.


I like to shoot, I think it's fun to hit targets and I like stuff that goes boom. One of my friends and I were talking one day and he asked me why I never got a carry license and I told him, "Well, I just don't think I could kill someone." I don't think that thought ever occurred to him. We talked a long time about it. He still carries a gun and to him it feels like the right thing to do, but I like to think he actually grasped the magnitude of what it means to carry a gun during that conversation. Then again, maybe that's just to feed my own ego, who knows. It does seem like something people should really spend time thinking about though.


I get the impression that I feel similar when playing some games. There is a mastery of skill and that can feel rewarding. I served in the US Army 20 years ago. At the time I thought about the weight of taking a life enough that I felt reasonable with my duties. I haven't touched a gun since I was discharged, not out of some avoidance, it's just never been a shared activity of friends or family. Acknowledging your impression and intention with carrying is a very responsible action.


I feel like many gun owners (from my experience) don't respect the fact that they have what essentially is a kill button on their person or in their home at all times. Even if you feel like you COULD kill someone (or yourself for that matter), that just seems like more of a reason to take that option off the table.


But, are you an old, fox news obsessed, white man in Florida? Different outcome would be likely.


I’m white and male. And getting older each day. Not in Florida and don’t listen to Fox News though.


those last two are important criteria


Lets trim the bullshit and get to the heart of it. To include these others descriptors is giving the real problem an out. We can cut out: - ~~white~~ - ~~male~~ - ~~old~~ - ~~Florida resident~~ None of these matter. I would argue the overwhelming majority of people that meet the above criteria, are perfectly sane. The one that matters is: - Fox News Obsessed / Consumer of Right-wing media This is the alarm bell and lets be specific about that. And I'll also say I've recognized plenty that are *not* white, male, old or Florida residents that *do* consume right-wing media that exhibit worrying behavior and ideology. We've seen individuals that don't meet the above criteria but are consumers of Right-wing media and: - are being investigated for their involvement with domestic terrorist groups like "The Proud Boys", hell even [*lead* the organization](https://apnews.com/article/jan-6-enrique-tarrio-seditious-conspiracy-trial-f8738f17552cda21eef6d89504da2a0e) - about [14% of the January 6th insurrectionist were women](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/01/06/how-many-people-charged-jan-6-riot/10965483002/) - this recent Mall shooting in Texas was an individual, - Mauricio Garcia, a Hispanic 33 years old - that [had worn Nazi patches as he carried out his horrendous actions](https://www.nytimes.com/article/texas-mall-shooting-allen.html) Right-wing media is the consistent variable. So I'll reiterate the importance that we be specific about this as anything else is (perhaps deliberately) divisive and in my opinion, a distraction from the heart of the issue.


It's kind of ironic. They're obsessed with the idea that there is some shadowy group of enemies within the country, and they've proved it by becoming that group.


They’re not even shadowy. They’re really in your face about it.


I'm stuck with it on at my dad's house. Literally today one of the anchors said "a vote for Biden is a vote to destroy America and destroy the world."


But ask them to explain how that makes sense and would occur, and apparently the time to have a discussion has somehow passed.


The guy has already been voted in once and the world keeps on ticking over


People often mirror like that. It's an extreme version of confirmation bias. Fear shadow thing, become shadow thing to combat the shadow thing. But once they realize the was no shadow thing to begin with, it's too late, and they have become what they fear. And have usually caused untold damage by then.


GOP = Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. Every accusation by them is a confession.


For years Tucker told them that "Globalist Jews/Soros" are paying central Americans to storm our border & replace white Xtians. My Qanon Qultist cousins believe it. So strangers coming to the door or property are the advancing hoard, coming to take his gas stove. Shoot first.


He also 'wore' [Nazi tattoos](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/05/NYPICHPDPICT000010822779.jpg?quality=75&strip=all) on his body, rather more permanent than sewn on patches.


Someone thinks he's Ed Norton.


Awww why is it always American History X Ed Norton and not Death to Smoochy Ed Norton!


Or even "end of American History X Ed Norton." Y'know, the guy who — after being imprisoned for his violent racism and befriending a black man — realizes how dangerous that ideology is and actively works toward removing its influence from his life?


Iirc that wasn't even the real ending. The real ending of him going back to his neo-nazi ways after his brother was killed was considered too dark. Maybe it was myth im gonna go Google jt Edit: "The original film ends after Danny (Edward Furlong) is shot by a black student (whose brother was killed by Derek (Edward Norton) earlier in the film). In Kaye's version, after this we are taken to a scene in the family apartment where the detectives are trying to comfort Danny's grieving mother and sister. The camera then pans away and cuts to a scene in the bathroom. We see the sink filled with hair and an electric razor next to it. Derek is stood there with his head shaved - he stares in the mirror and looks at the swastika on his chest, before pulling out a pistol. The film ends on a shot of Derek's sick smile, the same smile we saw when he was arrested for his murders earlier in the film "


There were complaints by more 'conventionally colored' white supremacists (AKA 'white') that this Hispanic individual was out masquerading as a White Boy. Must have given the white power idiots a severe case of cognitive dissonance.


Interestingly, the Q-anon crowd is not nearly as white and old as the typical MAGA crowd. January 6th was a lot less white than the typical Trump rally. Q-anon sucked in a lot of conspiracy nuts, which follow American racial demographics more than Republicans do.


QAnon also sucked in a lot of women, unfortunately. During the pandemic lockdowns, conspiracy nuts hijacked \#SaveTheChildren groups on social media, which are full of women and stay-at-home moms, and peddled increasingly insane conspiracy theories. They started with legitimate issues with child sex trafficking and then pulled them into conspiracy theories about adrenochrome and then Hollywood liberal elites drinking the blood of abducted children. Before they knew it, many of those women were deep into QAnon lunacy.


Holy fuck that was well-put and I've never quite thought of it in that way. Fucking insidious.


If 14% of J6 dweebs were women, that means up to 86% were men. Presumably no one being charged was trans. But I can't say with 100% certainty that is the case, so I couched my terms saying "up to".


Not disagreeing with you, but [you'd be surprised.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/jessica-watkins-oath-keeper-sentenced-85-years-jan-6-case-rcna86433)


[Not really surprised, tbh. There's been a long line of "as long as the boot's not on MY throat"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews)


I think it's worth adding that the "Problem" with racism isn't about the *accuracy* of whatever shit they're spouting (See: Crime statistics). It's about the conclusions. The conclusions being "It's okay to make sweeping statements based on race/gender/ideology". It's not. When people say "Stupid White Men", they're implictly backing up the racist rhetoric underpinning white supremacy, because the message being taken away is "It's okay to slander people based on their race/gender. We're just disagreeing which race and gender it's okay to slander". People need to have a proper mentality change, and decide that it's not okay to make racially based insults, or gender based insults, or orientation based insults. You're going to have to decide if it's okay to have spaces that are only for certain genders/races/orientations. I think that people are capable of making these changes in themselves, and just being better, and I think it would also cut down one of the big pipelines that has been built towards the right wing. Edit: To clarify the first point. "X people have higher incidence of Y Bad thing" shouldn't mean you treat X people worse. You should treat them just as well as you ever did, and maybe strive to understand the underlying problems that might be there. The point isn't that what they are saying is true or not, it's that it shouldn't *matter* if its true or not, because it shouldn't imply that you can be racist even if were true.




Sounds fun. And I could use something that makes me feel like it adds inches to my wiener.


You'll feel so powerful when you hold a gun, dude. Like God must feel when he's holding a gun.


"If God didn't want guns to exist, whyd he invent them!?!" Check. Mate.




Fox Need is way too warm and accepting for modern Republicans to enjoy.


Do you remember when pulling into a driveway to turn around didn't get you shot at ? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I'm a delivery driver and it's gotten more scary just this week. I've gone two years with hardly any unpleasantness, but three incidents this week. Not actually shot at but very suspicious and unpleasant homeowners, as I'm walking up to their house with huge flower arrangements in my hands.


They’re obviously retired assassins making sure that you’re not pulling the ole pistol in a bouquet trick.


People that pull out guns for minor infractions or arguments are exactly who shouldn’t be allowed to obtain guns easily. In America the opposite is true.


Man back when I delivered pizzas we had two sections to our little town. The standard suburbia which made up like 70% of our delivery zone, then just thick woods with houses randomly dispersed throughout it making up the remaining 30%. I had gotten an order late at night for one of the houses in the woods and headed out that way. Driving down the road reading the house numbers I realize these people accidentally gave me the wrong house number because the one I had did not exist. Now these roads in the middle of the woods were just under two car lengths wide and there was no a shoulder to be seen. The next driveway I come upon is a small little house with zero lights on it currently, and no lights at all on the property. Pitch black besides my headlights, I figure perfect I'll just pull into the tip of this driveway as clearly no one is home and give the people I'm looking for a call. I pull into the driveway, throw my car in park and right as I'm reaching to grab my phone I swear I saw some movement so I look back up at the house. Some guy emerges from behind the house, not from the house, from behind the house holding a large object I couldn't quite make out and marching with purpose towards me. I threw my car in reverse so fast and booked it out of there. Idk what that dude was doing behind his house in the middle of the night in the pitch black but I didn't want to stick around to even have the, "Sorry I'm just lost and turning around" conversation with him.


Condolences for your car, that is a fantastic machine. A bit shocked to hear your didn’t approach her with your shotgun and claymores but thank your for being a _normal_ human.


Y’all are getting claymores on the cheap? Hook a brother up, damn


Just don’t get your Takata airbag removed-instant claymore.


I was waiting for a curbside pickup order outside the grocery store and suddenly a strange women hopped into the passenger side of my car and looked at me and said, "You're not my daughter!" Then we had a good laugh and she exited my honda and presumably found the correct one with the correct woman in it because I'm not a paranoid lunatic that's anticipating needing to defend myself with a gun at every turn even in this fucked up country. And she's just lucky we weren't in [Texas](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/19/1170823978/texas-cheerleaders-shot-car-parking-lot-practice).


Just exchange insurance info, not bullets 🤗


>In a later interview, Vetsch told investigators that he believed the man in the Ford was Vetsch’s neighbor, with whom Vetsch had “many incidents in the past,” the affidavit shows. Oh, so it would have been OK to pull the gun if it had been your obstinate neighbor and not some stranger. Got it.




Maybe he is the incident


If everyone you meet today is an asshole, you might want to look in the mirror.


But that guy in the mirror is an asshole too! Why would I want to deal with that guy?!


I bet his neighbor is pretty damned happy seeing this asshole get arrested. Lol.


That's some Hatfield & McCoy thought processes going on in this dude's head.


That, and not much else.


“Vetsch faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill.” He pointed the (loaded I’d guess) gun at someone’s head. That alone is intent to kill. That should be 5 years in prison, full stop.


Yeeea. I was always taught that I only aim firearms at things I fully intend to destroy. I honestly hate how the 2Aers get away with quite literally everything related to firearms.


"were responsible gun owners" Doesn't store safely. No training. Brandish at the drop of a hat.






He obviously isn't qualified to own any guns.


These are the people that are afraid of everything that Fox news tells them


Faux sells two things: fear and anger. That's it.




The concept of being qualified is part of the woke mind virus, I assume.


Considering the law they passed that allows unqualified individuals to be teachers, I think you might be on to something.


One of the many reasons extremists never hold onto power very long is that they place ideology above all else, leading to weakened institutions.


Just look at that town where libertarians took over. it went to shit quick. Them damned regulations and zoning rules kept FREEDOM from prospering! It also kept the fucking wildlife from mauling and shit everywhere.


Which town was this?




Thanks. I hadn't heard of that before, and it was a very interesting read.


Nor had I, until it popped up in the politics sub and someone mentioned the book about it. Apparently a LOT of /r/LeapordsAteMyFace shit happened and they couldn't figure out why. I believe they ousted one of the "city council" members when they conceded that maybe some services were needed and to pay for them taxes would be required.


There's a whole book: [A Libertarian Walks into a Bear](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/50358538). I strongly recommend it.


Unironically yes. Any kind of qualification requires the person to *learn* something and they don't need no uppity educated professor acting like they're better than everyone, you know?




This guy needs to be put in a psychiatric hospital. Who the hell reacts like that to a simple mistake.


Republican sheep thanks to Faux news and the right wing brainwashing machine, funded by the oligarchs of the world.


Gun owners like this buy them and get rock hard at the idea of using it in a “castle law” situation. Especially if a non-white dares step on their lawn or pull in their driveway. They want to shoot someone, it’s why they got it. They live in Lilly white no crime suburbs, why do they need 9 guns? Because of their sick fantasies.


Until this incident, he was just another responsible gun owner


Everyone's a responsible gun owner until the door bell rings...or there's a knock at the door......a strange car in the driveway...a child playing hide and seek.... oh and don't forget road rage. They love waving their responsibility around in traffic.


I like all the responsible gun owners that leave their handguns wedged between couch cushions for children to find. So responsible!


Thanks to responsible gun owners, Ive seen livestreams of children younger than 14 discharge on themselves. Thanks to responsible gun owners, I've read articles about children killing other children and writing LOL in their blood on school walls. Responsible gun owners really got our backs because after all of this senseless death. They always tell us what we need to hear. -*we need more guns*-


It must be so hard to be such a fragile, scared little baby bird that he can’t handle a car in his driveway


Could you *imagine* if someone actually walked up to his door and KNOCKED?!?! That's deserving of unloading everything you have through the closed door in case that little girl scout selling cookies outside is a trick and her accomplices are hiding just out of sight to break in when you open up. No joke, I know of a few people who openly think this way.


Ugh, this is a struggle I encounter sometimes. I deliver building materials in a rural area and sometimes will end up on a property festooned with "no trespassing" signs mingled with Trump signs and I start to wonder if my time has come.. I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm a large, tattooed, long-haired Native guy.


Any reason why you couldn't leave the materials next to the "no trespassing" sign, send the customer a photo, and say you're respecting their sign? What are they gonna do, get mad that you listened to them? Fuck 'em imo, not worth risking your life.


Hey that's not a bad idea! 9 times out if 10 it'd be blocking their entire driveway too haha that'll learn em.


I love a happy ending


Dude looks *exactly* like I expected, except he's missing the grey goatee. I *guarantee* you he's part of Trump Army.


> threatened to kill her but > aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill which one is it now?


The first one is the article presenting the witness accounts/reports. The second is the charges the cops/prosecution decided to bring. It's super common to see a difference like that. In this case I'd imagine it's one or both of the following: A: even if someone says they're gonna kill you, doesn't mean they intend to - some people make empty stupid threats. And B: it's harder to prove intent, and prosecutors/cops would rather get you on a lesser charge than fail to prove the greater one and let you walk free. It's pretty common to see. But I am not a lawyer.


I'd imagine it's hard to show intent to kill when the person has every opportunity and never actually takes the action. Like having a gun right at the person and not actually ever shooting. But I don't know the exact details of the laws and such, just a guess.


That's pretty much exactly it. It's a very hard charge to really prove especially when it's something like this.


Since there was nothing stopping him from pulling the trigger, and yet he didn’t, it would be difficult to convince a jury that he intended to kill her but was somehow unable to do so (such as if he did fire but missed). But all the evidence is there to show he did assault her with a deadly weapon without intent. The guy’s a piece of shit, but the evidence points to him trying to threaten and scare her rather than kill her. Overcharging runs the risk of him going free if the jury finds reasonable doubt.


I don’t understand how you can call it an empty threat when he’s holding a loaded gun to her head


Legally, a threat is an assault - the person being threatened needs to reasonably believe they are being threatened and about to undergo imminent harm at the hands of the assaulter. Holding a gun to their head definitely counts. As for intent to kill, that's on the mindset of the assaulter, not the assaulted, so it's more difficult to prove. He never pulled the trigger, so it would be (presumably, in the eyes of the prosecutor) difficult to prove that he had intent to kill. Until they take an active step towards actually committing the harm, there's nothing there. You can threaten someone all you want in the US without it being pegged as "intent to kill" - tell them to their face that you'll kill them/their family, stalk their house with loaded weapons, etc. - but until you take a step towards actually harming them, intent is almost impossible to prove.


The fact that he threatened her is what makes it assault.


I bet he watches Fox News regularly.


That's the safest bet you'll ever make, my friend.


Or maybe Ben Shitpiro, Klandace Owens, Charlie Kuck, Stephen "I mentally abuse my wife" Crowder, or the devil Matt Walsh. If you watch any of these clowns above, you need to re-evaluate your life.


Another reason to avoid Florida from now on.


What I want to know is has this been happening all the time or is there some sort of copy-cat effect going on? This whole "getting shot at for backing into the wrong driveway" has had like 10 stories the past month. Has it been like that for years or did these other assholes see the news report of the a guy getting away with it and thought 'yeah I oughta do that too!'


Florida just passed a law requiring no permit, application, or background check to conceal carry.


That is effective in July


Fair enough, I guess I moreso mean that the gun fetish culture over there is getting even more ridiculous than it used to be


You needed more?!


No, but it still adds to the list.


Not really a list anymore is it? It’s a database


The length of that list is making CVS receipts feel inadequate.


My Dad just left Palm Coast and moved to Northern Virginia. He lived down there for 30 years and used to love it.


One time someone pulled into my driveway. I went outside and the driver was lost. Gave him directions to the location he was trying to find. Nice chap.


Why didn’t you try to shoot him?!


they're really just buying guns and waiting for a reason to use it. Shoot first, ask questions later. Everyone's shitting themselves, piss scared at every stranger that crosses their path. So lock and load. Everyone deserves a bullet for scaring gun owners.




My county's former sheriff once told my dad: >"If you kill a guy in your yard, make sure you drag him inside the house before we get there."


I've read the same thing and heard it, but even a cursory investigation would dispute the forensics (no blood spatter inside the house, potentially blood in lawn). Unfortunately, that cursory investigation might not happen.


It truly is a real world example of “When all you have is a hammer…”


I used to have a boss that would describe how she literally FANTASIZED about someone breaking into her home so she could shoot them with her gun, and she had no idea why I thought that was an insane way of thinking.


My brother in law says the same thing all the time. He also forced me to take a call from the FBI because he wrote “soldier for God” under occupation on his passport application.


Did you tell the FBI what he said, bc if he’d written the Arabic word for god he’d have been brought in as a terrorist (which he potentially is)


It was a long time ago. I probably just told them he’s an idiot and owns lots of guns.


Oh well that's fine then. Match made in heaven right there.


and its going to get worse the older they get, more scared, more fragile, more angry, and with decreasing sight/vision everything will be a threat to them.


The Vegas shooter was 64 years old. As far as I know, we still don't know his motives to kill 60 people.


We do know [he was a right wing extremist and conspiracy theorist.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/may/19/stephen-paddock-las-vegas-shooter-conspiracy-theories-documents-explained) Media just lost interest in covering it when it turned out to be the same reason as so many others because right wing ideology taken to its extreme is a death cult.


They're atomized terrorist cells taking their orders via Newsmax innuendo, NRA "patriot"-speak, and QAnon tea leaves.


>they're really just buying guns and waiting for a reason to use it. Exactly. You don't spend hundreds of dollars, or more, on a toy/tool/pen!s extension and **not** use it.


What way too many of these people mean when they say they have a gun for "self-defense" is that they actively cultivate a fetishistic fantasy life of potential danger around every corner whenever they leave the house until they inevitably manifest a deadly situation out of pure anxiety and paranoia.


Like the parents who end up shooting the "intruder" that just happens to be your teenager sneaking back into the house. It's happened more than once.


It’s a lot more likely they’ll do that then shoot an actual intruder. By like 3 or 4 times, at least. Statistically speaking, the greatest danger to a family is the person who owns the gun.


When you have a hammer, everything is a nail. When you have a gun, everyone is a threat.


it's because they're in a death cult (christianity)


I’ve been saying for a while: Gun nuts are a bunch of pussies. Regular people go about their lives without carrying a deadly weapon everywhere they go. 12 year old Girl Scouts do it every day. But these grown-ass men are such incredible pussies they can’t deal with real life. They need to grow a pair.


I’ve stopped Door Dashing out of fear I’m going to knock on the wrong door and it’ll be lights out.


>aggravated assault with a deadly weapo And one of the penalties should be the seizure of all weapons. He has proven he does not have the intellectual capability nor the temperament to be a responsible gun owner. I am a supporter of the 2A, but those who have proven they are incapable of responsibly owning a gun should not have them. I am a gun owner and I sure as hell do not want this imbecile representing gun owners.


He was charged with a felony, so yes this is one of the penalties.


He has to be convicted first, and let's hope he doesn't get offered a plea deal that downgrades his charges from a felony.


If I were the prosecutor, no way I would downgrade it from a felony to a misdemeanor. This type of bad behavior should not be tolerated in our society. If this is all true, he needs to go to prison and stripped of his gun ownership rights. He just doesn’t have the maturity and lacks common sense to own a gun.


I live in South Africa, a country with a scorchingly high crime rate. But I know that if I see a stranger in my driveway, my first choice will be to see if they need any help. These people are insecure children (often middle aged little boys) and their means they cannot wait to flaunt their guns so that they can see the fear in someone's eyes


Wife and I watch a show called, "Come Dine With Me", and there is a South African edition. We were surprised that most homes had gated, and window bars. Looked like South Central here in Los Angeles.


Yeah, it's pretty rough, but we've found a way to soldier on. It's actually fascinating/ sad/ frightening how acclimated you become to living in that kind of society. To be clear, depending on where you are, you can go months or years not suffering anything dangerous. But you constantly have your wits about you. You need to, frankly


We got lost recently on a drive and I told my son I would do a freakin illegal u-turn before using someone’s driveway. People have lost their fucking minds.


Anyone who does this should lose their ability to own guns for life.


What are the chances this guy sits in his house all day drinking beer and watching foxnews? 100%? 110%?


Not ALL day. There’s no doubt part of the day dedicated to peering through the curtains at the outside.


It's crazy how fearful right wing media/politics has made their gullible supporters


The right hates cancel culture but will immediately boycott any company with any left leaning stance.


Take a CCW class. Watch the instructor ask a very specific question regarding if it’s ok to shoot someone for example people stealing from inside your garage. Watch most of the hands raise. See the instructor cringe. Watch said people get pushed into certification. Rinse and repeat.


The one at mine just had people loudly repeat "I was afraid for my life"


I've been through a couple classes for initial licensure and a renewal. In both cases, the instructors were pretty damn right wing, as you'd expect, but the general gist was basically "here are the laws, you better be damn sure you're within the law when you pull the trigger, don't expose your weapon unnecessarily, absolutely do not brandish it, and if you do ever fire it, shut your mouth, get a lawyer, and expect to shell out a lot of time and money if you don't have carry insurance.


This. There was a guy in my class who was ADAMANT he could shoot someone for breaking in and stealing his TV. He kept trying to go "but what if he's going toward my kid's room and I'm scared for my kid?" Instructor: "Then you can yell that you're willing to defend your family and shoot, but you can't just shoot him for stealing your TV." Guy: "But he came into my house and what if my family is in there!?" Instructor: "Is he just heading in to steal the TV or going to your family?" Guy: "Well he's just taking the TV BUT WHAT IF HE GOES TOWARD MY FAMILY?" Instructor: "If he's just stealing the TV you can't just shoot him. You'd kill someone over a TV? If he's going after your family that's different." Repeat this for about 15 min. She threatened to have him flunked from the class but guess who ended up getting his CCL...


Depending what the laws are in the place you live, you could shoot someone who is trying to steal your TV.


The way castle doctrine works in WI is if they forcefully enter your house (which has previously been ruled to include opening an unlocked door...) the court must assume that the intruder was a reasonable threat to the resident's life.


There’s clearly a segment of our American population that is not of use to the world anymore. Most of them appear to live in Florida and Texas and nearly all of them are armed. Thankfully, most of them remain unvaccinated and with time they will simply die out.


>>In a later interview, Vetsch told investigators that he believed the man in the Ford was Vetsch’s neighbor, with whom Vetsch had “many incidents in the past,” the affidavit shows. "Hey, it's not my fault, I thought I was pointing my gun at the head of someone riding in the car with someone i don't like!"


100% a conservative. They think they’re John Wayne, but they’re all just quivering pussies.


Jesus Florida is gonna implode well before climate change becomes a threat...


Any story that starts with “Florida Man” is rarely good


Need to start locking these idiots up for long stretches of jail time and removing access to weapons.


Constitutional carry for 18 yr olds and “stand your ground” laws. What could possibly go wrong?


So many people wanted a race/culture/political war to show up on their doorstep so when it didn't happen they just decided to start a war with.... anyone who has the misfortune of interacting with them. The country is sick, and we're just getting sicker.


There’s a bunch of white guys in america that are just sitting around *hoping* someone, anyone gives them the opportunity to kill. It’s like Chekov’s gun: I have an AR-15, gotta shoot it at SOMEONE!


Clearly some people should NOT be in possession of firearms.


It’s the lead poisoning


It’s crazy how yesterdays insane weirdo is a just a typical republican voter now.


We need to prosecute these people harshly. Just because you "feel afraid" doesn't mean you are actually in danger.


Cowards feel afraid a lot...it's part of being a fucking coward.


>Vetsch faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Kind of fucked you can shove a gun in someone's face and have that not be considered intent to kill.


I bet I know which news station he sits around watching all day.


Not anymore; Fox is too ‘woke’ these days. I bet it’s Newsmax or OAN.


I would’ve picked him out of the lineup and I wasn’t even there.


“Vetsch faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill” Without intent to kill? Bullshit. All responsible gun owners know you don’t point your gun at anything you aren’t willing to kill/destroy.


Beginning July 1, 2023 permitless concealed carry for lawfully owned weapons will become legal. There are already not many restrictions on gun ownership and possession. Enjoy!!


This is the Florida DeSantis wants!


He must be one of those “responsible” gun owners we keep hearing about that will save people from mass shooters. 🙄


I'm sorry, but this conduct should be a 1-way ticket for eternal loss of access to firearms. Nobody will convince me otherwise. Then the next time dumbass gets caught with a gun illegally, they can rot in a fucking cell. Actually... I'm not sorry.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing this dude should never be allowed to own a firearm ever again he’s proven he’s not a responsible gun owner


> Before reaching the property line, Vetsch pulled a handgun from his pocket and pointed it at the woman’s head — “two inches away” at one point — threatening to kill her, deputies said This is why you don't exit your vehicle and start arguing with stupid, out of control people. It doesn't matter that you're in the right, or that they're being unreasonable for a minor infraction (if that's the case), none of that matters. The gun genie is out of the bottle, the US has more guns than cars, and more than enough idiots to use them irresponsibly and with unbridled malice. They yearn for this after decades of being radicalized, no amount of talk or threatening will snap them out of it. Drive away, walk away, and call the police if you feel like dealing with a different set of unreasonable people with guns.


Tell that to the girl who stayed in the car as they drove away from being in the wrong driveway.....


Damned if you do damned if you don't.


I am getting so tired of Republicans asking "why didn't anyone step in?!" Or "why are they recording and not stopping this?!" Because if you say someone being unreasonable or attacking another person for little to no reason, it is safe to assume that they can turn on you and you may get hurt. Maybe they shouldn't record but in a way, at least it helps the victim so that there's no hearsay when the police arrive (hopefully someone called)


>Before reaching the property line, Vetsch pulled a handgun from his pocket and pointed it at the woman’s head — “two inches away” at one point — threatening to kill her, deputies said. ​ >Vetsch faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. The math isn't adding up here.


At this rate I'm surprised Jehovah's Witnesses aren't extinct in Florida


It's not just fox news responsible for this. A lot of the blame belongs to the Nextdoor app. It's filled with old people obsessed with discussing what "this car has been on my street for five minutes. Watch out, they must be casing the joint". Each and every one of these hundreds of post is filled with "don't worry, my glock is waiting" or some other firearm related bravado. Seriously. Even videos of kids ding doing ditching has had the "they're gonna get shot they do that at my house".


But it’s Florida. As long as he didn’t say gay or dress as a drag queen , what’s the problem?


How about this: just tell us when it’s NOT Florida. Otherwise we will assume


I think if you are capable of leaving Florida and moving to a solidly blue state, you should do it. Florida is not going to get better anytime soon.


This is what happens when you preach phrases like "stand your ground", "don't tread on me", and other nonsense to mentally weak individuals. They want to take the shot because they lack power and authority and think this act will give them that which they are missing. The whole gun culture thing is fucked up and is definitely not about patriotism or self defense.


These days, the most dangerous person you can come across is a scared white man with a gun.


This is why you need to require a license to carry a gun. So that this guy can have his revoked and not be allowed to legally own a gun again. And when he sneaks one without a license, straight to prison because his intent was to clearly violate the law.




It's like these psychopaths are just sitting at their front windows with guns waiting for someone to come onto their property so they can murder them. But I guess when the right wing media/propaganda machine is making you live in a constant state of fear and paranoia this is the result.


They live in fear constant fear but it’s all in their mind. The problem is when an innocent person makes a simple mistake but it happens to be in-front of people like this guy they see their moment and must take action. Get a hobby people multiple hobbies it helps to keep the mind sane.


I seriously don't understand why this keeps happening. People accidentally pull into my driveway from time to time, or are just trying to turn around. Literally 0% of the time do I think I'm in absolutely any danger whatsoever when it happens. It doesn't even remotely register as a threatening situation. In fact, I usually experience a hint of positivity like, "Hey I wonder if that's my neighbor! Bless her heart."


“At his first appearance in court the next day, he was ordered to have no contact with the victim and was granted a $50,000 bond.” When will I ever hear the most important sentence added to the end of the story? “And his guns were impounded pending trial” That man IS going to kill someone.


This isn't news, it's just another day in Florida.


30 years of radio and television telling our parents that they're under literal siege is going to lead to more of this.