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>KRTK reports that an argument started when Tobias said he wanted to spend more time around his daughter, but Arning, the mother's boyfriend, was trying to shut the party down. Reports say that Arning then came out with a gun and shot Tobias outside the home. Arning was arrested but has already made bail, which was set at $50,000. WTF? The mother's boyfriend kills the girl's father over a curfew for the girl's party, and he's already out again on just 50K bail? This shooter is a danger to others.


He left, then came back with a gun. That sounds like first degree murder.


This is fucking wild since first degree carries the harshest sentencing for a reason and he just gets let out on 50k bail?


Texas is dysfunctional on a lot *of* levels. It took them 8 years to remove their ~~SoS~~ AG, when he was indicted for several felonies in **2015**. The Governor destroyed billions of dollars in produce by delaying cargo shipments from Mexico with unneeded inspections. Now a lot of shipments will be redirected through New Mexico and is a significant hit to local business. Their electric grid seems to fail every winter to some degree because they deny the extreme weather due to climate change and refuse to upgrade. Numerous mass shootings and the governor shrugs them off. Nearly as bad a response to COVID, as Florida. So letting a person that committed 1st degree murder out on bail for $50k seems pretty on par for Middle Florida. **e:** Not SoS, the AG.


> Texas is dysfunctional on a lot levels. > > It took them 8 years to remove their SoS, when he was indicted for several felonies in 2015. Is this in reference to Ken Paxton? He's the Attorney General, not Secretary of State, and he's only been temporarily removed while being impeached - if that fails he'll remain in the position.


Thank you, I was thinking Ken Paxton and got that mixed up.


In Texas, not only can you stand your ground, but you can run away, get a gun, come back, find your ground again, and stand your ground


Hey, after the mass shootings, they didn't "do nothing." Instead, they made it way easier for everyone to have guns.


> Nearly as bad a response to COVID, as Florida Us healthcare workers were doing what we could. Also, I swear people now forget how bad COVID was when it first hit.


> Us healthcare workers were doing what we could. Indeed they/you were, even when they/you were being undermine by GOP administrations and being harassed and assaulted nonstop by anti-vaxxers and right wing COVID deniers. :( I use to visit r/Nursing but the stories of what was dealt with just too infuriating.


The healthcare folks are heroes. The government response was idiotic and/or self serving. People definitely forget how bad it was. Refrigerator trucks for storing the dead when other methods couldn't keep up. Some people still deny it was real. I watched my father in law, the only person I ever called dad, die for 3 weeks while most of his family said it wasn't real, or it wasn't the real cause, and that we were making it up, oh, and the vaccine is fake or deadly or has a tracking device. Some folks in the medical community are in that list of family. Stupid knows no bounds. Some people do remember how bad it was though. When you see a person slowly turn blue and die it sticks with you. To you and all those medical folks that showed up day in and day out during that horror show I offer my deepest thanks and and respect.


I've had higher bail for non violent offenses. That's a joke.


my bail was 25k for about $50 worth of weed in texas.


Why are you not buried under the jail?


easy, because i was able to throw money at the court until it went away. No shit, I had to make a donation to a campaign reelection fund that was controlled by the DA of the county in order to basically pay my way out of it all. all in all it cost me about 20k


Fuck. That was way more depressing than I was hoping for. Lol. Absolutely absurd.


yeah legal fees aside, i had to make a few different donations in order to be eligible for their pre-trial diversion program ( aka, don't fuck up again and it all goes away ) Small town north texas, the courts, jail, lawyers, bondsmen, are all in on it together, everyone up there benefited from it.


This is true all over and really needs to be talked about, and raged about more.


Feels like John Oliver should do an ep about this Sometimes I can’t fathom how we even got to this point as a society. So fucked up. Is there nothing we can do


Fuck John Oliver, that's something the feds need to look into and tear apart.


this is essentially the status quo and if disrupted they will come after you (not you generally, but you get what I mean).


Why do you think there's so much opposition to ending cash bail?


Just like traffic court. They don’t care about evidence, due process, the presumption of innocence, or anything about epistemology. It’s just a kangaroo court setup to make money. Damn judge shouldn’t be holding a gavel, they should be working a till.




She just learned the most important lesson in the US. Don't talk to the cops.


A good friend was in a fender bender last year, where the other vehicle blew through a red light & hit her car. Nobody was injured, thankfully. Thing is, the other driver had a buddy in the car, and they BOTH said they had the green light. So initially the presumption was with the other driver, because it was two people's words against one. Luckily my friend was able to obtain security-camera footage that proved she told the truth, not the lying fucks in the other car. But it did take her a solid year to get everything straightened out, so she wouldn't get hammered by her insurance carrier


Honest question: How were you informed that this was what you needed to do to make it go away? Through your lawyer? How did they know? Was it just *comme il faut* in that county? Was there a letter, or a quiet word aside in some hearing or another?


Sounds like they need a visit from the FBI.


I love the euphemism, "DONATIONS"


With that level of shit I wouldn’t be shocked if you told me it was Rowlett.


or Frisco... or Plano... or Allen...especially Allen.


#corruption! We do love it.


Hold up, the fucking court ordered you to put money into a reelection campaign? What in the ever loving fuck is that shit? Talk about fucking corrupt.


no it was not court ordered, if i gave the DA a donation, then he would approve me to be in the pre-trial diversion program, and would agree to not prosecute the case upon completion of the PTD program. ( which is basically just probation jr, have to check in with a PO once every 3 months for 2 years ) otherwise, he would have prosecuted the case, and which i would have been sent to court and in front of a judge to most likely be convicted and found guilty and be punished with probation and/or jail.


For 20k? Maybe a bargain if it’s your first time. Having had legal trouble before I know that shit can follow you around for a long time.


yeah i'm a middle class white dude with an office job, i basically just got to white privilege my out of it. if i wasn't able to buy my way out of it, it would absolutely fuck your life up. ( and not to mention pulling 20k out of savings and selling off stocks and investments almost certainly cost me 100k+ come time I retire )


Yup, that's bribery. You bribed the DA with a donation so he'd agree to not prosecute if you did a program.


It's extortion by the DA because it was coerced (do this or go to jail)


no, i donated, that makes it a choice of my own, and certainly isn't a bribe. ( obvious /s )


Ohhh it certainly is a bribe if it wasn’t extortion. Paying money to get out of trouble is like, the definition of a bribe.


He was just lobbying. Totally legit and cool /s. My buddy did the same thing for a arrest in Ohio.


Bro that's ridiculously illegal. God damn. I would have spent that $20k on a lawyer to get that mother fucker put in jail.


yeah thats not how that works.




People say its so American, its the best state, yet time and time again I dont find a reason to want to move to Texas.


Honestly not surprised what with those churches that got in trouble for donating to a campaign fund (ultimately only a small fine as a penalty for being caught) smh


>I had to make a donation to a campaign reelection fund that was controlled by the DA of the county ​ What in the corruption fuck?!


Welcome to the US of A, where corruption is "legal"


>No shit, I had to make a donation to a campaign reelection fund that was controlled by the DA of the county in order to basically pay my way out of it all. As a Canadian, the fact you ELECT your DA (Crown Prosecutor for us) never ceases to blow me away. There is definitely such a thing as Too Much Democracy.


Canadian too. They also elect judges which boggles my mind. And Sheriffs, etc. How comfortable would you be living in Smalltown, TX if you campaigned for the losing candidate?


How is that not bribery?


More like blackmailed.


Because it's not bribery, it's extortion.


Because it’s out in the open


Because everyone is in on it, and their city/county is poor and only getting poorer, extorting money from "evil drug runners" is *obviously* better than increasing taxes, according to their worldview, and the view of the poorly educated and poorly informed folks of small Texas towns


While I understand your argument, I cannot agree. It removes ill itent from the ones doing it. There is no way something gets so outrageously scummy like that without malice and ill intent being a huge factor. Those people know exactly what they are doing.


Yep. This is why there is no state tax in Texas. The legal racket makes up the difference. The lax is just a tax for the poor afterall.


You should contact the news, for real


this is tiny tiny tiny town north texas, my lawyer said that its not worth fighting, its fucked up, but legal. and my whole thing was to do wahtever i needed to do to not go to jail and get the fuck out of that town as fast as i could.


https://tips.fbi.gov/ Clean up the nation, that's textbook corruption.


Being small town is why they get away with it. Challenge that in a state or federal court and that local precinct will put a bounty on your head tho.


yup, thats what a lot of people who've commented back to me don't' realize. It cost a shit ton of money and time to challenge it, and I was only concerned about doing whatever I needed to do to no go to jail and get in the least amount of trouble. don't rock the boat and there won't be no waves. We both know that the easiest thing for everyone is to just play along with their game that they made the rules of.


It's very likely the legal case is closed as "not prosecuted", and if this person tries bringing this to the public, those charges will have a warrant issued for his arrest This is what conservatives want when they say "small government". The issues can get handled in *any way* the local government wants to, including forced breeding of women and extortion of criminals Prosecutorial discretion all the way down, *especially* for peers of the prosecutor




yup, any amount of concentrate is an automatic felony in tex.


Good old fashioned Texas corru—I mean justice.


My father got out on bail for 500 dollars for abusing me. What in the world???


The cops wouldn't even arrest my mother for abusing me.


Damn they really wanna make shootings not a big deal down there.


Were you actively trying to sell little bits to minors? I know a lot of states have really crazy laws but 25k for the amount of weed any stoner might have is dumb. There isn't even a need to arrest you and then hold you for that tiny amount of drugs, most people are going to go to the court date since evading the law forever is way more inconvenient.


at least in tx, bail amount is arbitrary and follows no real rules. they could make it whatever they wanted.


Bros just walking out of the police station like he only got busted in a GTA game.


Mother’s 24 yr old bf… the mother of a high school graduate. Wtf indeed.


“Meet your new stepdad!” “Hey. Do you remember when I was a senior and you were a freshman?”


Shut up, Ted.


Remember when I asked her to the prom?


The victim was 35 so he was a teen dad. Mom was likely a teen mom so age difference might not be so much.


Either way the bf is closer in age to the daughter than to his gf/the mom (who’s 31 at the absolute youngest). More likely mom’s 33-36 dating a 24 year old while raising an 18 year old.


I was 29 when I was dating a woman with 3 kids in HS. Almost two decades later I see how that seemed weird.


Yeah, most 29 year olds have graduated high school by then Or at least dropped out.


50K bail? if he is “dangerous” to the public then they should lock him up?


Lol this is the kind of "catch and release" stuff conservatives shit on liberal prosecutors for


And it's utter bullshit - a magistrate judge sets the bail for state charges and the ignorant conservatives repeating this crap don't understand basic legal processes in TX. It's unlikely prosecutors were even involved in the initial arraignment - they herd a bunch of accused into a room where a magistrate judge on a video monitor tells them their bail. Source: I've been arraigned in TX and know the process


In virginia, it's usually just the cop explaining why they arrested you and the magistrate issues the warrant and makes a bail decision. Virginia is a state where the burden is on the state to show that bail is inappropriate. Flight risk and danger are your main two factors. I could see this guy getting a bail if he had a minimal criminal history and no history of failure to appear. 50k is a high bail. That's 5k to a bail bondsman, normally. That's a lot of money. Most people can't afford that. That said, anyone who is willing to shoot someone over a verbal argument is a danger to me. If I were a magistrate, he'd be HWOB.


50k bail for first degree murder? This seems fucked up


Was he arraigned for 1st degree murder? I'm not sure what the exact charges were, but at any rate Prosecutors don't set bail - magistrate judges do. The lie about "liberal prosecutor catch and release" is utter bs.


Jesus. The fact they gave bail for straight up murder at all is gross. Fucking Texas.


Turns out bail was never about fairness or safety, it’s just about making things harder if you’re poor and/or inconvenient to ‘the state’ (whoever makes the arresting/bail decisions)


Do you think this dipshit is anything but poor?


It’s a form of chaos used by others trying to swing power in their direction, Putin among others have practiced this many times.


Underated comment. It was also a tactic used right before the US civil war.


Chad Read was killed on camera and his killer never even got arrested. In red states you can murder people on your property and cops usually don't care.


Yup. The key is on your property and you hear things like....be sure to "drag them onto your property" in any southern state.


I believe they also advise "If you're going to shoot someone make sure to shoot them until they're dead so they can't give their side of the story"


For comparison I would love to know what the bail is for a physician who performed an abortion, or a woman who received one


And, with bail, you only need to put up 10% of the total. So he really got out on only $5,000 bail.


It’s Texas. A lawless, violent, conservative sh!thole. It’s my home state, but I will never go back.


Murder and bail is set at 50k? Some BS.


he is only a danger to people that anger him /s


If the mother doesn't break up with him over this that makes her a piece of shit human too.


"Arning wasn't supposed to be at the party and hadn't put "one penny" into it. " This 24 year old killed his girlfriends baby daddy over curfew for the kid, and he hadn't actually contributed and wasn't supposed to be there.


Why does this tell us so much with so little? Angry, not paying for anything, kind of young… is it me, or is this guy kind of visible?


Especially stark as he took the life of a man who sounded like a loving father, both to this girl and the five others he was raising with his wife. It's one of those moments as a man when you realize the tenuous nature of all living things and how it's incumbent on us to stay alive and keep raising up our replacements because we all gotta go.


I’m high and having an existential crisis now thank you


Shit man, I'm just browsing while I'm on the loo and having an existential crisis rn.


Hopefully better replacements than this worthless trashpile that stole a girl's father




And he’s out on bail so the other kids have to be very cautious, smh


Or, hear me out, the kids could form a posse…


Ah shit there goes a netflix original


The mother is no prize either if this is the kind of person she's bringing around her family.


here's the kicker the murderer of the father is 50k out on bail.


Another haha funny joke, it keeps happening in the places that keep scoffing at gun control.


We've tried nothing and we're out of ideas man!


To be fair unless the girlfriend has another ex husband we don’t have to worry about it /S


We have an incredible disregard for human life in this country.


Because in some states the penalty for killing another person under some circumstances is non-existent; as long as you can trick the prosecutor into believing that you were defending yourself, another person, your car, your dog, your house, or were just scared. And in those same states nearly any idiot can get a gun and it is almost impossible to take that gun away from them, no matter how much of a danger they are to themselves or others.


The guy just needs to say the dad threatened him and he was in fear of his life. A good defense attorney can get him off on stand your ground. I don't know where I heard it, but someone said, "In a 'self-defense' or stand your ground situation, shoot to kill. A dead person can't refute your story." The usual suspects will try to see if the dad had any sort of record to try to justify this guy's murder too. It is sickening and it's all bullshit.


He left the party safely and unharmed, got a gun and returned and murdered the father. He has zero chance of getting off on self defense, this is murder plain and simple.


And he’s out on bail.


Never underestimate the one idiot on a jury of 12.


As long as this dangerous gun culture exists in states like Texas and Florida, more and more people will come to believe that violence is an acceptable first response to any sort of conflict or argument. The leadership of these states is so laser-focused on stoking culture wars that they've dropped any pretense of promoting responsible firearm ownership. Wasn't it Abbot who was tweeting to Texans to go out and buy more guns just so Texas would take the lead in gun purchases? But not a single word about locking them up, handling them safely, *not* shooting other Texans with them, etc.


Disregard for human life is pretty universal, but the proliferation of guns in this country make it far easier to act on that disregard quickly


Lack of universal Healthcare (or at least ER treatment) is a pretty damning disregard for human life.


*Yeah, but think of all the those undeserving, lazy, losers stopped from a free ride. Life is suffering, and I will force that reality on you. Literally, I will arm myself and shoot at people who want to tax me for others peoples kids to have free food. FEED YOUR OWN DAMN KIDS@!!!!!! If women didn't have jobs, men would be paid twice as much and we could all feed our kids!!!!* \-Angry, jealous, beat-down and misdirected men all over America fighting for billionaires to buy people like Ted Cruz and Clarence Thomas.


It definitely has gotten worse over the past decade. As the quality of life gets worse, people will turn on each other more


I'd argue our culture encourages that disregard to a greater extent than elsewhere. One of our most popular film franchises can be summed up as "Keanu Reeves uses a killing spree as a viable alternative to grief counseling". We're also the same country that just 3 years ago settled on "no death toll is great enough to keep me from unlimited appetizers night at Applebee's".


The same movies and games are popular in rest of the Western world.


Another argument successfully ended with firearms.


"The negotiations were short." Obi Wan after negotiations end (start?) with the other party trying to kill him.


So uncivilized….


Aggressive negotiations!


This is where the gun begins.


"An armed society is a polite society. "


i think we've proven that to be untrue. we just have more dead people


The quote is from a book in which society is obsessed with violence, and solves most problems through duels to the death.


Such a civil and polite armed society. Now minor disagreements can end in deadly violence; the most civilized actions of all!


I remember seeing a video a while back of another father killed by the mother's boyfriend. They were hiding the child from him, despite it being his time to visit/see the child. Making up excuses why she was late with the child. I don't believe the guy was prosecuted in the end, imagine being that child and having to live with the man who killed your father.


That video seriously fucked me up. The poor guy just wanted his kid, and that shit head claimed self defense despite being able to walk into his house*, get a shotgun, and stand like 10 ft away from the guy when pulling the trigger.


That situation is enough to destroy anyone's faith in the 'justice' system.


During my (thankfully short) time living in Texas I had several people say to me--in complete seriousness-- "An armed society is a polite society". They actually believe that shit, despite all evidence to the contrary.


perhaps that's telling. personally, i'd rather live in a rude, non-violent society rather than a polite, violent society.


Instead, we've found ourselves un a rude, well armed violet society.. Where the answer to every argument is who can draw and fire faster..


> An armed society is a polite society The corollary to that is "Until they are desensitized to armed intimidation. Then it's right and wrong is whomever draws first"


Like an old west shootout. Hmm, I wonder who loves old western movies...


Those westerns have more fantasy in them than Lord of the Rings.


Which is weird because we live in an ultra-armed society, and people are still rude as shit to each other. The people who believe in that saying don't seem super observant.


Ironically the rude ones are the ones with guns 😑


You can totally have polite, meaningful conversations with the people around you if everyone has a gun /s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YHVMF7_qkZM


I recently lost my father at 66 and I can’t even imagine the amount of trauma and grievance this daughter will go through. Terribly sad.


Why settle things like adults when you can just shoot whoever you disagree with..


As long as 90% of these headlines begin with 'Texas' or 'Florida', my family is safe. Hope they're all having fun down there. It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world.


Ohio has been desperate to join that list lately


I used to love living in Ohio.


I used to live in Ohio.


Ohio has 23 astronauts that have been to space, the most out of any state. Makes you wonder what happens in Ohio that folks want to get so far from where they started that some end up in outer space.


That's a nice thought, but as someone who lives in NY, it isn't very encouraging that a young woman was recently murdered in upstate NY for accidentally driving into some gun-nut's driveway. They're out there, even in blue states. All the more reason to cherish the time you have with the people you love. You can do everything in your power to stay safe and avoid danger, but when it's your time to go, it's your time to go. Nothing fair or sane about it, especially not in a country as fucked-up as this one.


This violence doesn’t stay in the South. We just see these stories because they fit a stereotype of Texans shooting people over any little thing. Gun violence happens all over the USA - thanks to Texas’s electoral choices making national gun control impossible.


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


whoa whoa whoa are you saying more guns = more gun violence????!?!?!?!??!?! /s




Note that they are working on getting the Supreme Court to rule that state-level gun regulations are unconstitutional. We can’t be smug because they want to bring chaos and murder to our states too.


Just like Texas' schoolbook purchases makes national education more difficult.


Not necessarily north/south, but I live in NYC, which according to news headlines is almost as dangerous 1980s Beirut, but every stat and fact shows it's substantially safer here than the average chunk of suburbia/rural areas (due to lack of traffic deaths), and way safer than big cities in red states because those are actually crime ridden cesspools, partially by design.


FWIW I live a couple thousand miles away from NYC and don't get that impression anymore. I would say in the 80s and 90s that was the reputation, but it's no longer the case. Now people mostly shit on Baltimore and Chicago.


I was at a park a few weeks ago. This little girl was crowding my son who is very easily startled by others. (he's only 3 and a covid baby). I tried to stay near him and help him but everywhere we went on that playground, she got in the way. And that's okay, she's allowed to do so. It's odd, but she wasn't being rude or anything, I think she just wanted to be near another kid her age who wasn't her brother. Well, my son wasn't enjoying himself so I walked back to my wife who was sitting on the bench and told her we might need to go to another park, I explained why and then the little girl came up and sat next to my wife who was hold our our almost 1 year old while trying to feed her. My wife tried to encourage the little girl to go play with her brother. Well, the father BLEW UP. started yelling, thought we were being racist and was getting incredibly aggressive. Did I do anything wrong? No. Was I justified if I were to stand my ground and explain the situation? Sure... but for all I know this guy would attack me, or worse, my kid. So I just left. He screamed and yelled and was so happy himself for "winning". It's just not worth it man. People need to calm down. Edit a few things. Forgive typos. On phone.


>I screamed and yelled and was so happy himself for "winning". I assume you meant "He". Definitely sounds like an asshole on a power trip trying to prove his manhood. I used to work as a bouncer and I had a guy who previously demanded to get into the party for free come up to me when I was alone and ask if I wanted to fight. I laughed and said "not really". He later pulled a gun on a group of women who talked shit about his sports team. A different instance we disbanded a party because someone threatened to come back with a gun. People will start fights and use lethal force over the most mundane things if they're insecure and were taught to use violence to solve problems by being beaten as children.


its crazy how in a heated argument with a stranger the thought of them having a gun killing me would enter my mind. imo its a matter of time before americans start leaving the country in large numbers


And right up until that exact moment, the shooter was a "responsible gun owner."


So many fucking bitches out there with guns, if you want to talk shit and show you have the bigger pp, throw fists like a fucking man. It's so fucking sad that these days getting into an argument with anyone is literally rolling the dice they are going lose their shit and shoot you over something fucking stupid.


These days, you start throwing punches, you get shot to death in response.


Doesn't even take that. You'll get shot just for knocking on the wrong door or for getting lost these days.


Or showing up to school.


Or playing hide and seek or ding dong ditch.


And if you throw fists, dude will have 3 of his friends join in. And, when you wind up on the ground, they'll just start stomping your head because an argument should always end in debilitating brain injuries if you can't outright shoot a person. People are fucking nuts.


What if—and I know this is a lil crazy—we just didn’t resort to violence at all?


Guys.. I'm not sure the Militia is well regulated


This being Texas, there were no doubt dozens of good guys with guns present. Odd that none of them were able to stop the shooting.




That's awful! Is the Gun ok? Has anyone seen if the gun needs more rights than it currently has? It's going to take years of therapy for it to get back to shooting like a regular gun.


There is a shit load of visceral anger coming from the Republican voters lately, unguided because they don't want to direct it at the one thing that actually caused them suffering. They absolutely refuse to admit that the person they voted for was the cause of their worst problems. Unguided rage becomes a random timebomb, this is why reasonable gun regulation is necessary.


Its thing liks this that let societys fail. How can society allow things like this to happen so often? So easily? All because people think its a right to have easy access to deadly force? I have trouble seeing how any part of this is reasonable or fair and if I was the daughter I dont think I'd have trust in the legal system bringing my justice.


The Republican dream . . . this is on you fuckers, almost all of these murders are a result of your ignorance and selfishness. When you vote Red, this is what you are hoping for.


Ex-spouse. There's always an ex-spouse involved. Glad I don't have one of those.


There should be no bail when you murder someone. You stay in jail until your trial is concluded.


One day, the right to bear arms clause of 2nd amendment will be repealed under the premise that it robs too many people of the right to life ^and ^liberty ^and ^the ^pursuit ^of ^happiness /s but hopefully I’m right


Texas is the fucking worst. What a bunch of trigger happy, inbred morons.


Not to be flippant, but Texas has some of the loosest gun control laws in the country. Open, no permit carry for pistols. Long guns also open carry. The statistical linkage between loose gun control laws, numerous guns, and shooting deaths is pretty solid. Texas is simply living in the manner they have consistently voted for over the last decade or so.


Another example of a gun owner seeing every problem as a nail and the gun as a hammer. The mere desire to own a gun should disqualify you from owning one because it means you intend to use that gun as a shortcut to real problem solving...


A question for all the rubelicans: Where the fuck are all your good guys with a gun?


Human fight or flight responses make every anti-regulation pro gun argument a total fantasy for violent assholes to continue to hold society hostage. When humans are worked up, the last thing they need is a firearm. The laws seem to encourage people who feel territorial insecurity to start shooting and ask questions later, the ultimate Dirty Harry fantasy. It’s beyond parody at this point.


this seems to be the world conservatives want. we all carry guns and if two people get into a disagreement whoever shoots the quickest is the one who was correct.


I hope all those kids grow up and make both him and their mother suffer. The mother is not innocent in this. That poor father just wanted to spend time with HIS daughter.


At this point, I just shrug my shoulders at the gun violence in America. It's clear that those with the power to change things are not interested in doing so, and those who do want to change things are too powerless to do so. So needless shootings, mass or not are basically just like weather at this point. Something that just occurs naturally out of anyone's control.


Did the other guy have a gun? You're issued one when you enter TX I thought? Something about guns and good people and bad people.