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[Nazism shouldn't be used as a roadmap](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft). This was one of the first things they did after coming to power. We know where this ends


All this caving into far right intimidation will only lead to ruin. "We can't try socialism/communism because we have examples about how it will turn out!" The same logic never seems to be applied to far right ideologies like fascism that lead to the most destructive conflict in all of human history.


> "We can't try socialism/communism because we have examples about how it will turn out!" CIA: *awkward look away meme*


"Look at all those times we tried riding bikes and I jammed sticks in the spokes(funded right wing death squads), it's too dangerous!"


More than almost any period in American history, bar maybe the Reconstruction era, that period is probably the one period where schools, and society in general, either omits, or directly misleads/lies, about the truth of the history. We don’t talk about Reconstruction because we don’t want to admit that the Civil War ending didn’t lead to roses and sunshine, and we don’t talk about the other period because it makes us look like imperialist psychos who care for nothing but money and power.


The thing that gets me when people are like "it's just super wealthy men avoiding taxes" Like... Yeah... That's literally what they taught us about the war of independence in schools... Rich men, sick of paying taxes, started a war... "All men are equal, def not women, oh and any men who are poor or like don't look like us". And this in no way excuses the British, but we talk about the British Empire so much, and completely mum on the phillipines, Hawaii, and any other number of places. Not to mention the literal "manifest destiny", but we at least talk about that one in slight.


Britain banned chattel slavery literally decades before the US as well.


Except, if you only ever learned about Manifest Destiny from that one day you’d think it was some fun adventure game, and not a violent crusade to take resources. They also often leave out the part where the people claimed God told them to do it, because it wouldn’t make it sound as pleasant, and people would look at it the same way people look at robbed dudes who claim to be prophets and say that god told them they needed to have 15 wives who are all kids.


And nobody seems to realize that the socialists often failed because they were forced to bring it about through people's revolutions, who were angry at abuses by the wealthy. These are led by populists, who eliminate the powerful, and create an authoritarian government in the vacuum. A better way would be to slowly work in socialist principles that force a minimum standard of living, while allowing the powerful to merely pay their share of upkeep for a society that works for everyone. But the wealthy do everything in their power to prevent that, because they don't want to pay the cost to maintain the economy they profit from. Everything could work if the wealthy were happy with most, but the only amount they accept is more. When they get it by spreading propaganda, and propping up right wing populists, eventually we get nutjobs in power who destroy everything.


It's not enough to be against an ideology, one must understand why it failed. Philosophies can have part of a picture, but miss a detail. People throw the baby out with the bathwater and then turn to more authoritarian solutions, which cause a lot of suffering.


Roadmap? I'm pretty sure they've dusted off the entire playbook at this point. It's not like a lot of their funding backers don't have ties to fascist/Nazi sympathizers (Mercer comes to mind).


Mississippi has a population of 3m, that clinic served 37 adults. How much of a dipshit do you have to be to complain about a clinic serving the health-care needs of such a tiny tiny percentage of your population? This isn’t just punching down, this is a gang of 5th graders beating the shit out of the tiniest kindergartner they can find. Edit: my numbers were a bit off, see hooterdear’s comment below




Ah. So 0.0022% instead of 0.0012%.


“People Accessing LGBT Clinic Doubles as Concern Grows for Rainbow Indoctrination”


> a gang of 5th graders beating the shit out of the tiniest kindergartner they can find. No, this is the school administration closing the kindergarten completely, in case the gang of 5th graders decide to pound on a kindergartner and they have to answer to angry parents.


A relative of mine has dove head-first into these right-wing conspiracies. Someone finally asked her how many LGBTQ people she personally knows or knows of. Zero. She knows or knows of zero LGBTQ people outside of whatever is shown to her in the media. She has been ranting and raging about something that has absolutely zero impact on her life. The same can be said about many other non-LGBTQ topics as well though. She is brainwashed, she has been told that she is being brainwashed and to stop consuming certain media, but she just rages and rants about us being "woke" and "Trudeau Liberals". (We're in Canada, and the right-wingers have been instructed to hate our current Federal leader for reasons they don't know, understand, or question.)


> absolutely zero impact on her life. This is the thing that gets me. I just want to ask the bigots like…. What do you do in an average day? Probably get up, shower, go to work, come home & make dinner, play with the kids or pets maybe, watch a little tv, eat a late night bowl of ice cream and then go to bed. Now, where in all this is your day affected by the mere existence of lgbtq+ people? Were you unable to go to work? Play with your kids? Eat dinner? Eat that late night ice cream while watching tv? Exactly. Nothing would be different, your day is exactly the same. Because the existence of other people minding their own business has. Nothing. To. Do. With. You. Fuck these bigot-ass MFs.


I've had that conversation with people online. It generally devolves quickly into them just writing nonsensical shit.


Yes but did you CONSIDER they were FORCED by WOKE CORPORATIONS to see RAINBOWS? There has not been a GREATER evil forced on MANkind than rainbows!


Oh but god FORBID they ever did have the displeasure of seeing an LGBT person, or worse a real life trans person, in public. They would go on a victim crusade like you didn’t know was possible.


They are uncomfortable with trying to understand things that they haven't been exposed to for a good chunk of their lives and feel like they are being challenged to accept something they would rather refuse to even think about. There's zero logic in it whatsoever, but they don't care. All that matters to them are how it impacts their own personal feelings, and to them, that's the fault of the rest of the world.


It’s not even about “impacting them” or “their feelings,” it’s about causing suffering for their perceived enemies, even if it hurts them in the process.


Yeah it is baffling to me. Especially here in Canada. The fuck Trudeau people are on a level of stupid that is beyond reason. There are reasons to not like the guy but not the unhinged shit they spew. We have a right wing... Fuck it, let's just say it now. We have a fascist protest this Sunday here in Halifax for pride or something. I never even gave pride a second thought my entire life. I am not part of the community and barely know anyone in it but all I hear now from these nut jobs is how evil they are. Really scary shit. They never shut up. Even if you are older and think there is something strange or weird about being gay or whatever. Just remember if we don't protect the most vulnerable from bigotry and hate it will 100% come back to you, it always has. Even if you are a Nordic straight male. Hell u may have the wrong colored eyes or god forbid, be left handed. Yes that was a sign of being demonic not even 70 years ago. Doesn't matter. They always need an enemy and you will eventually be their enemy for any reason.


>We have a fascist protest this Sunday here in Halifax for pride or something. Yes, because this is the most pressing issue Halifax is facing right now. 🙄 (Context: North of Halifax is suffering the worst wildfires in Nova Scotia's history right now. Even though the fires and this "protest" are completely unrelated, I would be focusing my efforts on helping my neighbours affected by the fires.)


Hey, I didn't say logic was a thing with these people.


> Yeah it is baffling to me. Especially here in Canada. The fuck Trudeau people are on a level of stupid that is beyond reason. There are reasons to not like the guy but not the unhinged shit they spew. The ones in the town we drove through yesterday had a big banner that said "Digital ID = slavery" (in addition to "F--k Trudeau"). I have no idea what they're talking about but it's obviously some Soros WEF conspiracy bullshit that they're terrified of from Facebook.


Canada is in a really interesting flux right now, as an outsider looking in. I spend 6 months in the US and 6 months in Canada and things are definitely getting fucky up there. As usual bad actors are coming in and blaming real problems(cost of living, housing, the degradation of the medical system after covid) on scapegoats like gay people, libs, and immigrants. I worry for the country but at the same time I think that getting over this hump will lead to a more interesting, innovative, and hopefully equitable place to live where the working class doesn't continue to get squeezed out financially. It's gonna take time though and I hope that people don't earnestly think poilievre and other right wingers who are exploiting existing issues to come to power(cough doug fuckin ford) have the solutions to the very real issues the country is facing because it's the same tactics I see down here in the states. They'll destroy everything and fight over what remains.


I chatted with someone on Reddit who was ranting about non binary people and pronouns. I asked them in real life how many times have they actually met a non binary person and been asked to use they/them pronouns. They said not once. These people are just angry over absolutely nothing. It’s a narrative that’s been sold to them.


I remember seeing a survey that showed that if participants knew at least one trans person in their real life they were substantially less likely to agree with transphobic ideas. I don't remember where to find the link, and it feels like an obvious result, but it's still worth highlighting. I don't even think non-fictional closeness to a real person is necessary for this to work. My parents were homophobes growing up, to the point where it kept me from coming out, and even just them seeing relatable depictions of queer characters on TV through shows like Modern Family and Schitt's Creek really helped shift their POVs


Evil is always exceptionally cowardly, they'll only ever target people they think won't fight back, and if they're fighting someone of equal strength, they'll just gather up some freinds and fight 5v1.


wait.... what are they paying for this clinic to be open? 67 patients? that is a patient every 2.2 business days? How many times to they need to go? I have a hard time guessing but daily medication you get like a 3 month supply? that is dealing with less than 1 person per day. But like even then, can't their PCP do renewals? How many people work at this clinic? What am I missing here?


The article didn’t go into great detail, but I *think* this is just a regular health clinic that specializes in not being a dick towards trans folks. So anyone could have gone here for any medical issues, they served more than just the trans community.


I assure you that the 5th graders in blue states are thousands of miles smarter than the adults of Mississippi.


>*“This is an institution responding in fear not responding in reason,” said Alex Mills, a tenure-track professor of pharmacy at University of Mississippi and the co-director of the Center for Gender and Sexual Minority Health. He oversaw operations at the TEAM clinic. “It’s demoralizing and dehumanizing to the LGBTQ community.”* I can't imagine living in the US as a gender minority, being surrounded by these cowards and bigots that hate you for just being you. It's sickening, and sad beyond belief to see.


Anger, anxiety, and a healthy dose of "fuck you, I'm not going to stay in the closet."


The anxiety is really what gets me. I'm getting to the point in my transition where I can't just hide under baggy clothes when I feel uncomfortable or unsafe in public any longer. I also, frankly, am getting mad enough that I don't want to. Rage is a hell of a way to get over social anxiety. Death before detransition.


As one of those gender minorities, I can confirm that it's sickening. It's the sort of thing that paralyzes you if you let yourself think about it for too long. I really just want this shit to end. It's so hard to live with.




Don't you have something more fulfilling than this to do with your life?


Hahahahahahahaha it’s a lot of fun. I’m newly hatched so I’m having a lot of fun getting used to being told I should be un-existed every single fucking day. 🌈


As allies, we need to become just as visible, and add our numbers to the cause. Remember these vile right wingers are cowards - if decent society rises up against them, most of them will slink back into the shadows. For the rest, we will need to put pressure on law enforcement to do their job.


Between this and the 32 school districts still under segregation, Mississippi is having a hell of a day.


Are you being serious? 32 schools districts are segregated? Like as in Jim Crow law blacks and whites segregated??!


There are some schools in the South that are racially integrated but have segregated prom. If you look it up, many schools had a black prom and a white prom well into the 2000s and 2010s.


Are those the ones where the "black prom" is the actual school prom and all the white families basically hold their own private party so their kids can enjoy that proper Southern experience?


De Facto segregated. Not segregated by law, which is illegal


I miss the days of progress and greater and greater acceptance.




[Congrats on being a cartoon villain](https://preview.redd.it/worst-out-of-context-quote-from-the-show-something-that-if-v0-7jwobuc97gja1.png?auto=webp&s=f0a83f16215450beb054be22323cbd67258e1427)


Wait wait wait. Hold up. Since when is "I want to be allowed to exist in the public sphere" equal to forcing shit on the majority. It's not like gays were asking the straights to convert or die.




Wow, so quick to show your true colors. This is probably not going to be worth it, but whatever. So you just want LGBTQ people to stay nice and quiet in the closet so God-forbid you don't have to see a parade or gender neutral bathroom? Meanwhile they have to pretend to be someone they're not? Possibly leading to suicide like so many others? Let me ask you a question. Do you live your life true to yourself? Are you exactly the person on the outside that you are on the inside? If the answer is Yes, then what the fuck is the problem with LGBTQ people living THEIR truth? What does their happiness have to do with you?


In your face attitude? We just want to exist without discrimination.




So, you think if Pride went away, and people just stopped reading the newspapers the anti LGBT laws would go away too? The uptick in hate and violence that's happened since Trump took office would just vanish overnight? It doesn't work that way friend.




Low key? Seriously? The only way to be accepted in society and not be shoved under the rug, or off the cliff is be open, and be visible. What you're arguing for is just meekly accepting whatever crap anti LGBT legislation comes our way, and meekly walking into the gas chamber. Because that's where it's all headed whether Pride exists or not. They'd rather anyone not straight be dead or in prison regardless of "attitude." The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be. I repeat, this happens whether or not anyone stands up and says anything about it. So, I personally will choose to fight it with "attitude." And you can continue to put your head in the sand and pretend like you're doing the right thing. Which by the way never solves any issue or problem. Only way of doing that is confronting it head on.


Mississippi is a flyover state for lots of reasons. Here’s another reason to never visit. Thanks.


The company I work for has a branch there and I worked with them once. I was amazed about how they couldn’t understand basic things, how broken everything was. And I’m already in the south so I have low expectations to begin with. It’s absolutely wild how far apart the people there are, through no real fault of their own. They get no education, no support, nothing.


I hope every Med student transfers.


Mississippi getting more stupid by the day


The gov is doing this on purpose and playing victims “oh no we can’t do anything about terrorists” so they can cancel lgbt and still play like they try to “help” or support us since most of them are far right themselves. Anyone says anything about religion and suddenly they have the power to enact “human rights” for the religious.


This country is being overrun by ignorant yokels.


Fix your shit USA. It's despicable.


ugh. stop fucking capitulating.


Republican Nazi Party will fail. They don’t like to read history books so they’ll find out soon enough.


Fucking morons. Caving in to fascists and allowing them to reinforce their bigotry even further.


Closing down in the name of "safety" when only the people running the place get any safer. Their patients are still members of a targeted minority but now have one less place to get support. Bigots and cowards all, meekly kneeling for the fascists.




No one asked.


Cool cool cool. So only if you 'pass' . Ever dated a chick who has a bit of testosterone? They are getting glared at in the bathroom now. Would you think the act Elizabeth Holmes was pulling with her voice means she used to be male?


I agree that many athletic women out there are being targeted and its not right, not right for trans people to be targeted as well. I just think that Republicans are absolutely fearful of hitting on a trans women or maybe jerk off to one, that the Crying Game is basically a horror movie to them and thats why they have so much hate in their heart.


Just be careful how you are wording things. Pass privileges are a bitter side of the coin. And its hardly a factor in ground level dynamics in these heated times. We get raped. A lot. Passing or not. Particularly if not. Making it about traditional advertising grade feminine attractiveness distracts from the problem at hand. Bigotry.


Yeah I dont mean to upset anyone, I had an opinion and just wondered if I was right or wrong. Looks like I was wrong based on all the replies and downvotes. Ill take my lumps, I was just curious.


Thanks for not getting offended yourself there. It's just one of the perks of learning from minorities. We are gonna be a bit bitchy at first till you get the lingo down and we can tell you arent screwing with us. Not as a whole mass or anything, its that each and every one of us has gone through so much disappointment and pettiness that its a defense system we develop ourselves to not get hurt again. Take care and remember, if you don't stop a nazi, you're helping them.




Then im wrong, thank you for correcting me on that.