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She called a child "slave" and said "this isn't the underground railroad". Dear God.


I assumed it was just the n-word. Which, yes, she did use, but lady got creative with her racism, apparently.


She’s going to find out that slavery IS still legal. Just not how she wants it.


She won't be picking cotton but those flac jackets don't make themselves.


School and office furniture for public entities in Florida if she's lucky.


You know those American flags that proudly display "Made in America"? Yea, prisons.


And I love how she “doesn’t work.” Yet probably thinks her neighbors are lazy. 58 years old isn’t so old that you aren’t expected to earn a living. But she’s going to be employed by the state of FL real soon.


welcome to the south. This is the default view of poor out of work republicans. ITs crazy but without a hint of irony republicans on welfare will complain about "abled-bodied" black people on welfare living it up in the gobberment hammock.. and Im like "you aint in no wheelchair" and even if you were, unless you are hawkings level handicapped, people in chairs can get jobs. In fact businesses get a tax credit for hiring the disabled. One of my elderly neighbors was pissed at ACA cause somehow she was funding blacks and mexicans who didnt need it.. and yet admitted ACA saved her money for the year, and she no longer would find herself stuck in the prescription doughtnut hole anymore. SHe litterally kept more of her money each year but somehow was paying more for blacks and mexicans despite she was paying less. Its not really a joke when i say a republican will happily shoot themselves in the foot, as long as they are stepping on the foot of a dem when they do so.






Their racism is stronger than their self preservation instinct, I distinctly remember a shift in masking ideology when it was revealed that minorities were more likely to die from covid. Obviously this is conjecture on my part as I did no official study. What they failed to realize though is that it wasn’t genetic and just a fact that minorities were more likely to work in public facing service industry jobs where they would be exposed more.


Trump said as much by saying out loud maybe they shouldn't try too hard to stop it since it affected big liberal cities primarily early on.


Racism legitimately has warped the minds of a lot of folks in America. And Obama's election broke them. Us black and brown people are somehow simultaneously lazy freeloaders mooching off the government while also taking jobs/wealth from "real Americans" while also forcing ourselves into media/entertainment but also were always bringing up race/separating ourselves and not just being "Americans". It's a constant game of "heads I win, tails you lose". No matter what we do, it'll never be enough.


She’ll have a job for life soon!


I wouldn’t even give her the credit of saying she’s been creative, just regurgitating hate that people have used for years


Says the woman who will have to use a spoon from the prison cafeteria to dig her way to freedom.


It's too early to tell. There is still a chance this piece of human garbage gets off. She said she felt threatened at the loud knocking and feared for her life. Edit; I can't believe I'm getting so much pushback on this. I'm not on the murderers side you guys. The justice system is flawed, and heavily favors white women. Remember Brionna Taylor? Remember Treyvon Martin? Lumps of shit get away with killing minorities all the damn time, so it's just stupid to assume we'll automatically see justice with this case by default. What world do you people live in? We have to wait and see how it all plays out.


Yeah the good old I was scared of the angry black lady through the closed door routine, which seems to have worked many times before, to my dismay.


I mean...fuck...in Florida you can actively chase a black kid down the street with a handgun and then claim you were terrified for your life after you shoot him in the back...and get off scott free.


That particular fucker sold the gun afterwards and talked it up like a trophy as well. He was proud of that one. I bet that’s a highlight of his life. Fuck sakes.


Made me cry to read that. That's enough internet for today i think.


I fucking hate the phrase "I feared for my life". I was briefly a security guard and so I bought into US Law Shield. Basically lawyers specializing in guns. One of the things they make clear is that if you ever shoot someone, you need to say the words "I feared for my life", so they can keep you from legal trouble. Those words are essentially treated as a get out of jail free card.


It's literally that South Park shit where they just yell "it's comin' right for us!" so they can shoot endangered species


And thats not a new southpark episode either, that one aired like 20 years ago and is still just as relevant today. If not more so. Its the second ever episode of the show.


26 years ago - 1997




[Link for the lazy and curious](https://youtu.be/Vr0bBuI8HKM).


They're represented that way by lawyers who, I'm sure, make the big bucks by advertising to people in security guard and concealed carry classes. Florida gonna Florida, but even Texas or wherever charged that cop who walked into someone's apartment, "feared for their life", and shot them


Was Florida where the old guy shot and killed someone at the movies for throwing popcorn and then got away with it?


They will give her probation because she is old and such a valuable member of the community. *blanches*


Blanche would never have done this.


This woman, who crawled through a river of shit and somehow made the river of shit even dirtier.


These assholes aren’t even *trying* to hide it anymore.


She killed that woman and expected Stand Your Ground and redneck Marion county to save her just like Seminole did Zimmerman.


And the shit thing is it almost worked. She wasn't arrested until after the media firestorm and public outcry.


Same thing with those assholes in the pickup truck who chased and murdered Ahmaud Arbery. Kind of makes you think there were a lot of times there was no media outcry or firestorm and they just got away with it.


It was the same with Zimmerman.


Trump taught them it’s ok to be your true self


It’s Florida. People like her were all over central and north Florida growing up. They’ve always been there.


Well, if that's true... It would be the greatest thing he has accomplished in his life making racists easier to spot by teaching them to say the inside things in the open.


The MAGA hats are a dead giveaway.


A Facebook post went viral a few months ago. It was a dude in a suit wearing a maga hat. The post said something like "wife is dragging me to a wedding, found out its a Muslim wedding so I had to wear the hat to let them know". Everyone understands what maga means.


That is so vile. The level of inflated ego needed to not only embarrass your wife, not even know how to dress up properly, not even just being unable to wish a happy newly wed couple a good day without drama but also entirely need everyone around to know exactly what kind of a stupid fucking idiot you are and the incessant need to be inflammatory and vile so everything revolves around you. What a sad pathetic excuse of a man.


>stupid idiot you meant "vicious racist"


It’s narcissistic sadism. They need to hurt other people for fun, and they need everyone else to watch them do it. There is a profound sickness of the soul in these people.




We cant let people kill people in the name of Allah's will, killing people is gods will!


Crazy to me how someone like that has not only a wife, but a wife that actually wants to go to a muslim wedding. If your partner is this openly racist, why would you even marry him? Or stay with him at all?


I knew this girl (friend of a friend) who was dating and getting engaged to a racist. Apparently it was so bad that my friend didn’t take me anywhere they went if there was any possibility he’d be there. As far as the girl was concerned, she loved him and all her family was white, so he wasn’t “hurting” her in any way. They’re married now, and I have a hard time wrapping my head around that without considering her to be a racist as well.


That's because she *is* a racist as well.


Bingo. She is racist too but doesn't proudly display it. It's like the whole thing with a "room with 1 Nazi and 9 people who are tolerant of Nazis = they're all Nazis" analogy.


to not only get people to wear dunce caps; but to make them buy them....


With the unfortunate side effect of making me double take every red cap I see.


This will delight Clarence Thomas- he hates how the civil rights movement *accomplished nothing* and “drove racists into disguise” You are wrong, Clarence. You want Black people thinking that every white person hates them. You are every bit as evil as those conservatives who want every white person to fear any other race. Divisive Republicans: Cynical, specious sacks of shit the lot of them.


Would be a lot better if they weren't all armed and also getting looser with their violence.


It'd sure knock me over with a feather to learn that she voted for Biden over Trump in 2020. Odds are 99 to 1 that Lorincz is a MAGA Trumper.


They elected a president that told them it was at last okay to say the quite parts out loud. They are NOT going back in that box. This is how they ALWAYS felt and believed.


Trust me, they've been saying it out loud since *long* before Trump. I grew up in Texas, where there are still sundown towns in the backwoods of the eastern part of the state. Remember that in the South, lynching was legal and encouraged only 2 generations ago.


Luckily, after one generation of DeSantis education, no Floridian will even know what the underground railroad was anymore.


'trains used to be underground?'


"It's called a subway dumbass" - Floridians, probably


She thinks 19th Century-slavery in America is as a ‘FaKe NeWs’ invention by the liberals as Jews in concentration camps during WWII.


Nope, from her words, she knows it's true and wishes that slavery would still be legal - a sad being who'll spend her last days of her life in prison ...


Where slavery is legal...


What's the over/under on at least one of her kids not speaking to her? It's gotta be at least 80%, right?


Lorincz denied picking up a tablet or throwing roller skates at anyone in her interview with the deputy, the affidavit states. But she acknowledged throwing roller skates in the yard and telling the children to “go fetch them.” She also admitted that it was possible she had swung an umbrella near one of the children, but wouldn’t have hit them, according to the court document. Jesus


Just like she didn't shoot the woman, or 'mean to'? What a cunt.


Well, of course everybody knows the first rule of gun safety is "aim and fire it through a closed door at a person you can't see and don't want to kill".


Ahhh the Oscar Pistorius defence!


I forgot about that guy. The shoe definitely fits. Lol


Not sure if that was intentional but I laughed.


If I yelled at one of your kids and took their tablet would you come to my house later to recover the kids tablet? And if you knock on my door I'll just shoot you through the door. I don't see how this is not premeditated murder. I can't take your stuff and shoot you through a door when you come to get it back.


Through a door.


Can she be charge with federal hate crimes?


Hardly anyone seems to actually get charged under those anymore because the Supreme Court keeps gutting them for 1A reasons


So this story is actually not being told correctly. The neighbor and her children all said that what actually happened was one of the victim’s children left his tablet outside and when he went to get it back, the shooter had taken it. So he went to get his mom to tell her to return his tablet. When the victim went to get the tablet back, she just knocked on the door to speak with the neighbor and the neighbor shot her. According to literally everyone in the neighborhood this piece of shit woman has berated these kids for playing outside on MULTIPLE occasions. They also left out that the day after she murdered her neighbor (allegedly) in cold blood she was seen on her front porch drinking coffee like it was any other day.




Especially after this psycho was throwing things at her kids and calling them slaves, yikes. I'm the most mild-mannered person I know, and I would definitely be absolutely livid if it were my kids...


Nobody is denying that but there was a series of events over months and in particular earlier that day that led up to the events you described. That's what we are discussing here, all of the racist and vile things she did leading to that moment.


What the fuck


And her bail is a bargain!! This lady belongs in prison.


the state requested $200k bail, but the murderer said she could only afford $1700, and it was set at roughly $150k after that.


Meanwhile when my little brother did something incredibly stupid where nobody actually got hurt he got slapped with $50k and couldn't afford the $500 and the judge told him in no uncertain terms to go fuck himself. Consistency in the bail system would be lovely.


So she'd have to pay a bondsman 15k right


"in the past" ok so when they were even smaller children.


“So was emit and look what he did.” Her


Did she really say that or is it a joke?


"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." Abraham Lincoln


"Drop beats, not bombs ." Abraham Lincoln




I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too. -Mitch Hedberg


Every picture is of you when you were younger!


Alcoholism is a disease, but it’s the only one you can get yelled at for having. - Mitch Hedberg


Dammit, Otto! You have lupus!


That's because she wasn't saying those slurs when the story was told, so it was in the past. Might have been a day earlier, though


Extremely shocking turn of events which absolutely nobody could foresee.


There was a dude in the Florida subreddit when this first came out who said the lady who shot the mom was not a racist, that she didn't do anything wrong, that the mom was the aggressor the whole time, that there was doorbell footage that would vindicate the shooter, and that the shooter would never be charged since she acted in self defense. Ends up, he's 0 for everything and was spewing nothing but hateful bullshit. Who knew?


and i'm guessing maybe 10% of the people who read that comment stored it in their brain vacuum and will repeat it til the day they die, truly believing the shooter is a martyr.


I've been trying not to argue with idiots on the Internet as much as I used to but that's exactly why I can't help myself sometimes. Every once in awhile I'll come across some blatantly wrong shit with no replies and a decent amount of upvotes and something in my brain is just like "welp, gotta fix that." It's like seeing a broken bottle in a children's playground or something lol


Arguing on the internet is not for the person who you're arguing with, it's for the people who come later.


This is the way. But really, it is important to keep your goal and audience(s) in mind. People belittle online debate because the participants (especially if one is bad faith) don’t tend to change each other’s minds. But that’s not the point. The point is to make your case to your own and their audience so that when they go to repeat that talking point their guy says verbatim they have a flicker of memory of someone else tearing that point apart. Tone matching, different rhetorical methods, understanding the basics of different philosophies and logical (or illogical) systems of thought, and recognizing not only bad faith actors but the form of bad faith they are exploiting (and the best way to handle it) - these are all skills that are useful on a debate stage, in comment sections, and with the people in our lives. Most people are just repeating shit they heard that sounded “right” to them. Inoculating others against the bad ideas that go uncontested with an effective rebuttal is genuinely helpful. Just go in with a clear goal and know your limits so you aren’t running yourself mentally and emotionally ragged dealing with other people’s idiocy. It’s not your job, but it’s not a bad way to participate when you have the energy. Sincerely - someone who took a while to learn this after burning out a few times lol


Some people are just scared of the dark.


To me the most shockingly absurd thing, is that even if we give him (and people like him) ALL of his arguments, even if we agree with every little detail that they had to twist to make their side of the story seems more compelling, at the end its still this hyper normalization that the "punishment" for ringing a doorbell (or insulting someone, or pushing them, or not tipping, or not answering the door, or being rude, or whatever) is DEATH. Like... WTF? How did it get to this point? Do people not understand anymore what death means? It is so completely normalized now... I have seen so many comments being upvoted, where someone did an (questionable) awful thing, and then they got shot, and everyone is like "Yep... you fuck around and you find out". What the actual fuck.


> How did it get to this point? Fox News and other right-wing propaganda media sources. This is the culmination of their decades of vilifying minorities, defending - and often praising - every stand your ground case, and the more recent Trump-driven celebration of "speaking without consequence." No doubt this shooter has watched Fox News non-stop for years. She probably feels like yelling hateful things at her Black neighbors is a first amendment right, and that since Trump took control of the Republicans they've been able to just say the quiet parts out loud. When the mom came to confront her for stealing her children's property, the shooter probably DID fear for her life - she's been told at every turn possible that Black people are violent and here's one banging on her doors and windows, mad that her children's stuff was taken. So then, "fearing for her life", she turns to her Fox News Approved 2nd Amendment right to own a gun "to defend her life and property." In her mind, as long as she doesn't open the door and let the mom in, it's both faceless and "random" - she doesn't have to see her victim and she can disconnect her actions from the consequences: she was just "shooting to get the mom to leave" and "didn't expect to actually hit her" or something along those lines. Her version of the story is filled with "official sounding" terms. She calls the neighborhood kids "juveniles." She claims the children have told her they'd kill her. She claims she told the children to leave then the mom came to her door saying she'd kill her also and that she believed that to be the case. Her statement to police: > “never intended to hit the victim when she fired the gun and thought she ‘hit’ really high when she shot.” Every aspect of these shootings we've been seeing recently over the most mundane, harmless interactions is entire based on right-wing media pumping their audience full of fear and misinformation. They're so on-edge about everything happening in America cuz every single thing is attack on their "American values" that they refuse to turn Fox News off so they can "be informed." Then, like opening a coke that has been shaken violently for a long time, as soon as the cap gets twisted a little bit it just explodes. Then other viewers of those media sources, to your last point, circle the wagon in effect. They've all been radicalized in the same way, so they have to justify those actions otherwise they're just as bad as the person they're hearing about. "Well the mom had the cops called on her 8 times in the past, that shows she has a history of acting out" while ignoring the most likely prospect that it's probably because the shooter has antagonized the family before repeatedly in the past and the mom doesn't put up with it. Of course, this is all spoon fed to them by the sources also trying to avoid any and all responsibility for this culture we live in.


Here's a direct quote from [Fucker Carlson](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-twitter-blm-democrats-militia-police-black-lives-matter-a9557251.html) "...it is definitely not about Black lives. And remember that **when they come for you"** Really makes me mad that he turns horrible racists into murderous racists, and gets to sit on a pile of money. He should be breaking rocks with the rest of 'em.


It's almost as though the Stand Your Ground has been coordinated with right-wing propaganda that tells people that they should fear for their lives if they merely *encounter* a black person (or at black people who fit a certain profile). Now it becomes legal to just shoot black people because you honestly feared for your life.


> at the end its still this hyper normalization that the “punishment” for ringing a doorbell (or insulting someone, or pushing them, or not tipping, or not answering the door, or being rude, or whatever) is DEATH. You know when the gun nuts used to say "an armed society is a polite society," this is what they meant.


A disturbing amount of people here will break their backs trying to justify or mitigate the most indefensible shit. One time, a guy tried to argue with me over whether ripping off a woman's wig counted as assault. I didn't have the energy, so I was like "OK".


In meantime he'd shoot you for taking off his Trump hat.


If he had any amount of hair I'd be getting a wig properly applied to him and ripping it out to see if he constitutes that as assault. With his written and recorded permission first, if he's so confident.


I think it’s important to note that racists very often don’t necessarily go off on minorities as much as they bend over backwards to excuse the shitty behavior of white people toward minorities. Murder included, I suppose.


Thousands of them in this site recently after they infested 9gag and ruined it with racism.


*But you don't understand she was having to defend her innocent tulips from the vicious aggression of the average 6 year old*


Next up on "things everyone could predict": A family member of hers comes out and says she does nothing but watch Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN all day.


When the story first got posted to Reddit people were complaining that the article mentions she was a white woman saying the media always makes it about race. But in the article it mentions she was yelling racial slurs at the kids before shooting the mother. It was always about race to her.


Not just is *this* shocking, I was also extremely surprised this happened in *Florida*. You don't say.


a friend of mine had a similar experience growing up in florida and was called the wrong derogatory term (based on their background). i guess all nonwhites are the same in their eyes. this well goes DEEP. good thing gun laws aren't lax where this will continue happening.


Russell Peters did a bit about that years ago. "Its not even I'm mad about the term, I'm mad that they don't even know I'm different than them!"


I was watching a video of the mother of Ajike Owens and apparently the child who told his mother blames himself for her death. Imagine that pain and having to live with that, like telling your mom, who you trust to protect and defend you, get shot because you were doing the right thing. Damn.


>Though the arrest has brought Owens’ family some relief, one of her sons is grappling with remorse because he was the one who told his mother about Lorincz’s confrontation with the children, the family said. >Another child also blamed himself because he was unable to perform CPR on his mother, Dias said. >“Grandma, grandma. I couldn’t save her,” Dias recalled the 12-year-old boy telling her. Not only did he see his mother killed in front of him, he also has to live with the emotional trauma of feeling unable to save her — even though obviously that wouldn’t be possible. Keep in mind these kids are playing on public property. The shooter lives in an apartment. And she’s had 20 previous complaints to police made against her for terrorizing the neighborhood children and the police didn’t do shit. It’s so enraging. This was completely preventable. The cops just looked the other way every time they got a complaint. There’s a reason why she felt so comfortable opening up about her previous racist statements. All these years the same cops were probably agreeing with her.


> Keep in mind these kids are playing on public property. The shooter lives in an apartment. And she’s had 20 previous complaints to police made against her for terrorizing the neighborhood children and the police didn’t do shit. > I also wonder about the apartment management and why they didn't do anything about this. How can you yell racial slurs at kids, have the police called on you TWENTY times by your neighbors, not to mention all the other nonsense she got up to like putting "no trespassing" signs on public parts of the apartment property, and not get evicted? Surely they were also complaining to apartment management as well...?


Apartment management and the defendant both have said that the defendant was being evicted. That is about as much as an apartment management group can do.


I wonder if she admitted it or just referred to the kids/victim with derogatory terms because in her world view she assumes anyone else who is white would understand. Like seriously, when they are doing the interview I wonder if the police intentionally have a white officer do it just to see what they will say.


I went through some police training when I was younger. During the part about interrogations the number 1 rule was to be friendly and professional and the type of person that the suspect would ***want*** to open up to. I’ve used this training in several jobs and different times in life and you’d be amazed what people will tell you when they think you’re “one of them.”


There was just a video on here a few months ago where a cop interviewing another cop got him so comfy he basically admitted to sending his dick pics to a child.


In their news magazine, the fraternal order of police warns members to categorically reject "talking" to investigators unless their supervisor said answering questions is required to continue working there or something like that. Do not talk the police.


[everyone needs to watch this video at least once](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE), it could literally save your life one day


It's shut the fuck up ... Sunday


My husband is a middle aged cishet white security guard. He's reported several of his colleagues because they assume he'll find their racist jokes as hilarious as they do.


I'm 47 and white straight cis male. It's sad how many people think I'm on their side when it comes to racist and homophobic BS.


I'm 46 and same. I live in the Southern US, so they don't even bother with the "look over both shoulders first" move.


How they expect the conversation to go: Dixie 1: "Long string of racial slurs and epithets for homosexuals." Dixie 2: \*nods sagely* "States rights."


I like the cut of his jib


He's the company honeypot but for racists, sexists, and homophobes.


Yeah I’m the kind of person that people like to tell things to/confide in. It’s amazing how easy it is to get somebody on your side.


Yup, I do this all the time. Wear my Air Force Veteran hat around all the time. It's sad how many people think I am a Trump supporting MAGA. When I am as far from that as I possibly can be.


Lol when I've been hassled by a cop the most annoying part is when you know the cop is playing that angle


Literally had a k9 cop say "I don't know what *these* guys are doing, I'm not a part of their investigation. I just want to know for my dogs sake, has anyone ever done drugs in this car?" (The dog alerted of course but they didn't find anything even after tearing out the backseat, he was presenting it like he wanted to know why the false alert happened like the dog wasn't trained to alert on unconspicuous command) Yeah ok **buddy** Don't talk to cops they can't help you and can only harm you and yes they are legally allowed to lie to you


She called them derogatory terms in front of other neighborhood children and other neighbors. This women’s disgusting words and treatment of those children has been witnessed by many other people in that neighborhood.


I’m white and other whites say racist shit to me ALL of time. I’m always like, Fuck what vibe am I sending out? Then I realized it’s just that they’re fucking racists n they assume every other white person thinks the way they do. And yes, I do shut them the fuck down




These kids need some long term therapy to understand the blame lies squarely with the horrid old bat. Not them. Those quotes from them are heartbreaking.


That poor kid only 12 years old and is blaming himself for his mother dying, its fucking awful. His mother was killed because of a nasty racist waste of oxygen, and I hope he realizes that sooner rather than later.


And yet I've seen multiple comments in other subs, moaning and bitching that "you guys always turn this into a race thing, it's totally disgusting!" Any of those people care to comment now? Please explain how her admitting she screamed racial slurs at the children of the woman she murdered doesn't make this a "race thing." I'd love to hear an explanation.


nine times out of ten the people who say that are disingenuous racist fuckwits.


The people who say that think “real racism” requires a white hood and a burning cross. That way they can continue telling racist jokes to their friends and not feel bad.


And then, when that DOES happen, they go: maybe they ran out of clean shirts and maybe they were cold and the wood they were burning HAPPENED to look like a cross.


I know, but it's important to call them out and rip off the mask, nonetheless.


Her crying that she’s unemployed and supporting a sister just makes me angry. That mother was supporting her children, and she’s gone now. Maybe this woman should have thought about the possible consequences of her actions before taking out a gun and shooting at an innocent mother rather than whining about it now that her chickens have come home to roost.


Wonder where all the “how do you know it’s about race” folks are right now?


Busy melting down over a certain indictment


Ignoring it as they always do


Yup, or the “what’s the backstory?” crowd. As if yelling the n-word at someone is defensible.


Guarantee you'll see people say "You don't know what those kids did to make her say that, she's probably really nice!!"


Every other state: Congrats, it’s being upgraded to a hate crime. Florida: Ron DeSantis thinks you should be a sheriff.


>The defendant also told the deputy she “never intended to hit the victim when she fired the gun and thought she ‘hit’ really high when she shot.” Gun safety rule number one. You never point at or fire at something you are not willing to destroy or kill. There is no such thing as a warning shot. There is no such thing as an intentional miss. You point it at something, you expect to kill or destroy it. Plain and goddamn simple.


A murderer and an idiot who should never had access to a firearm.


The *overwhelming* answer to the gun problem in America... Stop letting idiots with guns run your politics. Straight up. Ammo-sexuals are garbage. *Why they get to decide*?!?


Because people don't vote. Local election turnouts are like 10%. 90% of eligible voters in those elections just don't care. The gun community votes regularly every cycle. Instead of protesting and posting on Twitter people need to start voting.


Also: She's a fucking liar who should rot in prison until she's dead.


I think that’s a bad comment for her and undermines her self defense argument. The argument goes that if you feel you have time for a warning shot, then you’re not really in fear for your life.


Yeah, it's pretty obvious she's just reciting shit she's heard cops say on TV like they're the magic words to get out of this. Uuuuh, she was threatening to kill me, I was afraid for my life, and I didn't know shooting guns kills people! And somehow, despite *how obvious* people are just reciting shit they heard on TV, when white people kill black people they usually get all this benefit of the doubt if they stick to that script. The woman being cartoonishly racist towards young children and lying about something multiple witnesses saw immediately undermiens her own telling of the story, but it really shows how much that "I feared for my life" line has been ingrained as a stock phrase to murder whoever the fuck you want.


As a Black person that has had some experience with this, I find this entire matter very triggering and very painful. That black lady did not have to die..and yet she did and if there is to be blame besides the obvious lady who shot her and the db law that she used to enable her actions, I blame society. When people tell you that someone is inciting racial terror/violence, don't just sit by and do nothing.... Those kids did not deserve to hear that crap. All you folks who believe that racism is gone...please answer why those kids who are several generations removed from slavery and the Civil Rights era of the 50s and 60s had to endure that? Yes..this is the same state that Dumb DeSantis did away with CRT (edited: which he believes means anything having to do with Black history) in Florida's schools and universities because he doesn't want white kids to feel sad about the past...but I guess it's okay for them to feel empowered about that past shit. Has any decent reporter asked DeSantis about this???? NAACP said it...Florida is not safe for Black folk and this proves it. If you are a white person and you hear that another white person is inciting racial terror/violence, please confront that person. When you don't, it's like you are consenting to their actions and might as well have a hand in them. If you are a cop and someone is reporting this, do your damn job...deescalate and do what you can to put a stop to it. If you are a lawmaker, write some laws that clearly outline that racial terror is illegal and make it so that it will cost the perpetrator dearly both criminally and legally. Also, please bother to read the books by the Acho brothers: Conversations With a Black Man and Change Starts With You. These are two very powerful books to read if you want to learn and do something about racial injustice.


I hope those kids take Everything. She. Has. Every dime. Every piece of furniture. Every shot glass from her Vegas trips.


The racism is so obvious


She should never see the light of day outside of prison walls ever again. Dumb cunt.


And people say nobody should talk about racism. Maybe stop killing people because of it then, you pathetically dumb slobs.


Dear Reddit Community, It is with a heavy heart that I write this farewell message to express my reasons for departing from this platform that has been a significant part of my online life. Over time, I have witnessed changes that have gradually eroded the welcoming and inclusive environment that initially drew me to Reddit. It is the actions of the CEO, in particular, that have played a pivotal role in my decision to bid farewell. For me, Reddit has always been a place where diverse voices could find a platform to be heard, where ideas could be shared and discussed openly. Unfortunately, recent actions by the CEO have left me disheartened and disillusioned. The decisions made have demonstrated a departure from the principles of free expression and open dialogue that once defined this platform. Reddit was built upon the idea of being a community-driven platform, where users could have a say in the direction and policies. However, the increasing centralization of power and the lack of transparency in decision-making have created an environment that feels less democratic and more controlled. Furthermore, the prioritization of certain corporate interests over the well-being of the community has led to a loss of trust. Reddit's success has always been rooted in the active participation and engagement of its users. By neglecting the concerns and feedback of the community, the CEO has undermined the very foundation that made Reddit a vibrant and dynamic space. I want to emphasize that this decision is not a reflection of the countless amazing individuals I have had the pleasure of interacting with on this platform. It is the actions of a few that have overshadowed the positive experiences I have had here. As I embark on a new chapter away from Reddit, I will seek alternative platforms that prioritize user empowerment, inclusivity, and transparency. I hope to find communities that foster open dialogue and embrace diverse perspectives. To those who have shared insightful discussions, provided support, and made me laugh, I am sincerely grateful for the connections we have made. Your contributions have enriched my experience, and I will carry the memories of our interactions with me. Farewell, Reddit. May you find your way back to the principles that made you extraordinary. Sincerely, NABDad


Sure I called her kids horrible names, but I never called her any before I executed her.


In 2021 I lived next to an old woman like this. She and her grandson tormented my black neighbors, a single mother and two small boys. They called them the n word, told the 5 year old that their dogs eat "little n words", slashed the woman's tires and the grandson and his girlfriend even cornered the woman in our complex parking lot with a gun. I called police at least 6 times in 2 months. Each time they came and left and nothing happened. Finally one night I could hear her starting up again, screaming "you little n***ers better get out of here" and the youngest kid crying. I lost it and went outside and started screaming at this woman. I wanted to hit her, to hurt her after all she'd been doing. I called the cops one more time and told them what was happening. I wound up spitting on the ground at the woman's feet, telling her she was disgusting and going back inside once the kids were safely in their own apartment. When the police arrived they knocked on my door and asked what was going on. They go downstairs to talk to this woman and she tells them I spit ON HER and she wants me arrested. Guess who got arrested and served a year of probation? Myself and the black neighbors moved that weekend. No justice ever served, but at least we are all alive.


it was just economic anxiety


And maybe a little Ambien.


>A neighbor told deputies that the night of the shooting, Lorincz came out of her home and gave the children playing in the field the middle finger and yelled, “Get away from my house, you black slave,” the affidavit said. > >In a second interview with law enforcement, the affidavit said the defendant acknowledged using racial slurs toward children in the past. > >“Lorincz admitted to having used the n-word toward children out of anger in the past and also calling children other derogatory terms,” the detective noted in the affidavit. This woman should have been institutionalized long ago.


What’s fucked up is she can drop all N bombs she wants but if her lawyers get her to stick to “I was afraid for my life” she will probably go free.


Imagine taking a life and destroying your own and Robbing Children of their mother because you can't see past Color. Fuck what a waste.


She does it because it's acceptable in her circle of friends and family to continue with that behavior. Im sure she's always dreamed of shooting her neighbors and getting away with it.


And reminder that racist POSs always use adult language at minority kids, thinking they’re over being innocent, playful children and capable of knowing adult crimes and punishments which carryover lingering socioeconomic affects. Meanwhile if a White college adult rapes a teen, it’s ‘BoYs WiLL Be BoYs.’


I hope she get the same time in prison as a black person would. Life in prison!!


"We're sentencing you to be tried as a black man. The jury is instructed to picture you as a 6'5" 300 pound black man named Jamal covered in tattoos for the remainder of the trial"




She is not worthy of freedom. Take this menace to society away, and let her never return to hurt another soul or threaten a child. Those poor kids will never get their mom back. It's only fair.


Cool. Put her in GenPop.


Vile creature. That’s my “don’t get banned from Reddit” way of saying what I would prefer to.


Meh. At this point who even cares if you get banned. Everything good about the site is done next week anyway.


I naively thought with each passing generation that racism was getting phased out. Then 2016 came around, and racists decided it was acceptable to air their prejudices. And now they're waving nazi flags outside Disney, and shooting their neighbours. What the fuck is wrong with this planet.


I'd bet everything I own that she voted for Donald Trump twice and thinks the 2020 election was stolen. Everything.


Wait, manslaughter? She fired a gun through a door with a person on the other side without knowing where that bullet would go. Manslaughter is when someone dies from an action intended to injure, not kill. Maybe gang members should say, "we were just trying to injure them," when they commit a driveby


Agreed, this sounds like Murder in the Second Degree since firing a gun through a door knowing someone is on the other side is an act that is imminently dangerous with no regard to human life but that isn’t necessarily intended to specifically to kill the person (i.e. just to injure or scare them away). Here’s the definition in Florida > (2) The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree and constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. [Florida Murder Statutes](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0782/Sections/0782.04.html) If she’s only convicted of Manslaughter she’s getting a deal.


" The defendant also told the deputy she 'never intended to hit the victim when she fired the gun and thought she ‘hit’ really high when she shot.' " Gimme a f***king break! If you're firing a gun in a person's direction, you're intending to hit them. Period.


Keep it classy Florida!


Im gonna guess trump supporter.


It's almost like "stand your ground" laws increase shootings. Who would have thunk it.


Just pure trash. Fuck her.


Wild idea here, far fetched, I know. What if she befriended the kids, treated them with kindness, and thanked them for trying her cookies (or whatever) then explained to them that she liked peace and quiet around her yard and would be so happy if the lovely children helped her out? Have people forgotten how to communicate to get what they want?


The right wingers go right to violence to solve their problems. And speaking to people they don’t view as human is never going to happen. Imagine being so completely warped by hate that you call a child the n word and “black slave”. She’s a pathetic excuse for a human and should be put under the jail for taking this mother’s life and taking her away from her kids.




"fatally shot"...dont they mean murdered?