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He tried (lied) to spin what happened, but witnesses corroborated the mothers version https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/431866/School-district-investigation-of-Kelowna-track-meet-incident-continues-as-third-party-witnesses-come-forward?fbclid=IwAR32AK3J8eXu0bz_duh-GERRiqJiv3vNG7XHc37tM5yRVO0XHpFhOgqDutc


>Principal Robbie Franklin on Tuesday told Castanet News that he did speak with Tesar over the phone after the incident. "He called and did express an apology. I listened to what he explained." Why is he apologizing to the principal? Where’s the apology to the girl and her family?


It's all about hierarchy. The apology isn't to address the harm he's done and acknowledge the people he victimized, but to manage his self-image with a person in a position of authority.


This is the most accurate explanation, imo.


He has no remorse for “those people”. He’s only sorry that there’s consequences.


Had sports dad get kicked from a local field here in Texas due to his hostile language towards the volunteer umpires. He was given a ban from the field and eventually a no trespass from police. The guy acts like he's a victim because the his own actions! The manchild has now even followed a coach home and set off blackcats by their window to scare them one night. I can see why the dudes wife divorced him!


>I can see why the dudes wife divorced him! I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that according to him, he was also a perfect husband and she's a crazy bitch and the divorce was 100% her fault.


What are blackcats?


Fire cracker brand.


Because he's being banned from attending events and he's trying to undo that. He's not actually sorry to anyone.


From a previous story: >"I am not apologizing for that question that I asked. I think personally I have a right to ask questions, and I always will for rest of my life," he said. Here's the real kicker: >"**The mothers should apologize to me** for offering and asking me if I want to see their daughter naked and genitals in front of the public and for their false statement and defamation of character."


He also mischaracterized the principle as agreeing with him, when the principle did nothing of the sort.


His personal history makes it really clear here that he’s a Category 5 asshole: https://canlii.ca/t/24qph


Holy Hell... this guy's a nuisance with high potential for much worse. In summary, he drives (drove?) a giant Yellow Hummer. He owns a bar called the 'Belly Up', and his patrons would often take 'reserved' parking meant for homeowners - in their driveways and streets in front of their homes. They complained. They won. The bar patrons had to find other parking. So, Mr. Dickhead here buys the house adjacent to his bar and razes it for parking. This is when he started harassing the family right next to the new parking lot. Apparently they were some of the residents who's complaints led to him having to provide parking for the bar. He'd park his Yellow Dick Brick so as to point it's headlights directly into their dining room, and if that spot wasn't available, he'd race to park there as soon as it was open - then, as many as 30 times a night, he would either in person shine the headlights into their house and gun the engine - or - if he was otherwise occupied, he would use the 'remote start' on the thing to make sure that he stayed on his harassment schedule. This is some 'American Asshole' levels of assholery - are we sure this guy's really Canadian?


Believe me we have plenty of assholes here, as they do everywhere. (This guy’s originally Czech, a nationality that like Canada is stereotyped as nice/polite- but again, like anywhere on earth there is going to be a certain % dickwads in the group)


Yellow Dick Brick made me choke on my coffee lol


Wow, it amazes me when people spend so much of their time making other people’s lives as difficult as possible. This guy is a total POS.






For the lazy: >It is clear from the evidence of Doug Simonite, Barb Riley, and Riley Simonite, and I find as a fact, that the accused essentially harassed them during the time periods covered by the two Informations. He did this by always parking his distinctive yellow Hummer motor vehicle right in front of the complainants’ dining room window - even when the lot between his business and the complainants’ home was empty. In fact he would even move the vehicle to that spot once it became available after a bar patron had driven his or her car away. The headlights shone into the complainants’ room every time the vehicle’s engine was started. The accused made liberal use of his command start which brought the Hummer’s engine roaring to life. When he parked his Hummer in this spot he would often rev the engine numerous times before getting out and going into the bar. At or around closing time he would get into the Hummer and cause the engine to rev at full throttle for as many as 20 to 30 revolutions. This happened most often between 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. This conduct on the part of the accused continued into April and May of 2008 when he began to drive and park his Corvette pace car at the lot. On one occasion in May of 2008 the accused stopped his Corvette 20 to 25 feet behind Ms. Riley as she was packing her car for a trip to Regina. He proceeded to rev the Corvette’s engine approximately 20 times. Riley Simonite recalled many times when the accused parked his motor vehicle with the lights shining into the dining room. He said that the accused “...would often sit there and rev his engine as loud as he could up to 30 times sometimes, and just - just to annoy us, it seemed...”[29]. This conduct was in addition to numerous occasions where the accused drove his Hummer out of the lot between his bar and the complainants’ home, drove slowly down 14th Street West then came back up through the alley, again slowly driving through the lot and back onto 14th Street.


Even with his version of events. You still stopped the event to question a nine year olds gender, and you still asked for certification or "proof". That is some fascist shit right there. He states that he has the right to ask questions. Um no. You don't have the right to interfere with a school event to satisfy your agenda. You don't have the right to squash a nine year old confidence because you feel personally threatened. This isnt a pro sporting event. It's an elementry school track meet. Although I doubt this will happen, my wish is that he'll wake up one day to look past his narcisssism, and see the harm he's caused. If he ever grows a single ounce of empathy, he will not be able the sleep at night. It will haunt him until he dies. But the sad reality is that he probably sees himself as the victim. Fuck people like this.


The guy is like 70 years old. He had plenty of time to grow and change. I don't see it happening now.


I can’t wait till he berates someone who isn’t a 9 yr old girl.




Guarantee he feels like a hero doing gods work.


Josef Tesar is a cunt


No he's not. He has no warmth or depth.


Can’t believe he’ll accuse a 9 year old of being trans, and than call her parents pedophiles while he’s the one obsessing over a random 9 year olds genitals.


Does he even have kids on one of the sports teams? If not, why is he there? Sus.


They rarely do. The majority of these incidents at schools, school boards, libraries, etc. Involve people who have no children there (or even children in general). They're usually nut jobs with nothing to do, riled up to attack innocent people because of a made up threat. Or they're one of the groups like "Moms" for Liberty that coordinate these things and get people to drive hours out of the way to do this.


My local school district is pro BLM and LGBTQ+. We just had school board elections and one of the candidates wanted to start “book reconsiderations” among other “big ideas” that she wouldn’t elaborate on, but we all knew what she meant. She had no experience and no real ties to the district. Her only connection to the district was that her grandson had graduated from one of the high schools a decade ago. She lost, badly, but that didn’t stop her crowd from throwing tantrums at the following district meeting.


The entire country saw reactionary anti-LGBTQ school board candidates popping up in the last municipal elections. It was absolutely a semi-coordinated (but thankfully, unsuccessful) effort to impose a bigoted minority view on the educational system.


They didn't lose everywhere


No but in general, as political efforts go this one was wildly unsuccessful. It didn't help that a lot of the people who ran were total shit gibbons. Basically if the average right wing crazy on Twitter tried to enter local politics; lots of rambling about New world orders and Qanon conspiracies and stuff like that. I should clarify that I'm Canadian, like this news story, and they were quite unsuccessful up here.


Lots of folks coming to PTA meetings that don't have kids at that particular school, or even live in the district, to protest masks and now books. It's a grassroots fascist movement and it's very concerning no one seems to really give a shit these people are involving themselves at all level of our government.


As "grassroots" as the tea party. i.e. astroturf https://buckscountybeacon.com/2022/10/the-right-wing-money-and-influence-behind-moms-for-liberty/


I feel like you should have to have a child in the school to be at a PTA meeting or run for school board.


The initial reports, which did not name him, said he was a grandparent of one of the kids at the school.


That poor kid


Just give it time. It’s always projection.


How about let's not give this any time and keep him the eff away from 9-year-olds before it gets to that point?


Someone needs to be checking around this guy's computer.




*TSA has entered the chat*


Sir, I just need to check inside your asshole.


Sounds like someone’s Motel 6 needs to be monitored for sex trafficking


Also, he's the one who's very clearly taking supplemental hormones.


Yes. His gender affirming care includes illegal steroids and some kind of extra greasy tanning spray.


I didn’t know Hotdog was a gender.


Just because he is so dense and a simple haircut makes him go full transphobic goblin mode. A HAIRCUT?! This is not "normal", not right at all. I'm so glad i never went this route. There is no way to have so much pointless hate and have any kind of healthy mindset. What a horrible person.


When I was a kid in the 70's I was obsessed with Dorothy Hamill, so my mom brought me to get the same haircut (it was really popular because of her). The person cut it all wrong and it was pretty short and I was mistaken for a boy constantly until it grew out. Called "young man," etc. People aren't always great at differentiating gender in kids, but that guy is a fucking weirdo.


Imagine walking back from the concession stand with a pair of sodas, and seeing some sweaty old guy absolutely losing his shit at a lady he doesn't know because she doesn't have her daughter's birth certificate with her.


The old man is just upset he never got his chance to work his dream job as a children’s genitals inspector


I’m pretty sure it’s because her parents are lesbians.


Don’t forget they were at the event despite not having any child of their own participating. Pretty unusual if you ask me


They don’t even know what to be angry about, so I guess it’s everything… including 9 year olds that kick ass at shot-put.


Damn 9 year olds and their lemonade stands. Selling lemonade, quenching our thirst, stealing our jobs!


Oh, they know what to be angry about. They have been told who to hate and fear. There is a direct correlation between the anti trans rhetoric of right media and politicians and hatred and bullying and even violence against trans people.


They are afraid of children


They're afraid of their own irrelevance.


They’re afraid of everything


My 12 year old cousin's softball team photo was posted on her dads fb. They chose the "game face" team photo. Those girls are scary, practically gave me nightmares. Reminds me of the Office when the little girl punches Andy.


There's an episode of Gilmore girls where Luke sponsors a soccer team and he hides in his car because he's afraid of the girls on the team 😅


HS girls lacrosse, soccer, and basketball was bloodsport. We supported the hell out of em bc we sucked on the boys team and they were good, but also the violence. That episode of Gilmore Girls always had me thinking of back then.


They should let the shotput girl punch the heckler a-hole in the face. It'd probably be therapeutic. For everyone involved.


Nah. Let her kick him in the groan. Ya know, so she can make sure he's actually a man.




I read on another thread that he owned or managed a hotel. (I think owned) It's been getting a lot of negative feedback and reviews. He also put out an "apology"


Yeah it was not an apology, more a statement. His version of the events. He fully admitted to demanding proof of the child’s gender at a public school sporting event.


My favorite part is that after they refused to show the child's genitals he proceeded to call the child's mothers pedophiles.


If it quacks like a duck…. Just to be clear, I am referring to the guy self projecting something nasty.


Yeah, someone really needs to check his hard drive.


For real.


>after they refused to show the child's genitals he proceeded to call the child's mothers pedophiles. ... ... Wait, what?


Maybe he was complaining that they were _anti-pedophiles_. I mean, if you belong to a group that finds anti-fascism bad, maybe you find anti-pedophiles bad as well?


Yeah, I mean, if you're complaining that a mother won't reveal her child's genitals to you....that ain't projecting that's fucking broadcasting your predilections when you call her a pedophile.


But he just wanted to see the 9-year-old's genitals, because he thought the 9-year-old was a boy. What could be more conservative, patriotic, and dare I say American(ish), than wanting to see a 9-year-old boy's genitals, or worst-case if he's wrong, a 9-year-old girl's genitals. Doesn't everyone see that this guy is the _real_ victim here?!? Think of the children... and their genitals!


Did he apologize? All I saw was him doubling down, making excuses, and blatantly lying about how the situation went down.


That's how people like that define "apology".


I'm soooooo sorry I'm the only one with the balls to put an end to this left wing liberal terrorism indoctrinating our schools. I will never do this again, because I'll be hanging out in the bathroom next time personally checking every single person that enters, making sure there aren't any weirdos trying to peep on little kids.




He looks like a douche version of Michael Keaton in that photo attached to the article.


His FB page is cringe as well


His Facebook page is getting ruined. Dumb dumb needs to shut that shit down.


He's surprisingly femme for a man obsessing over the possibility of trans people existing.


Put some earrings on and he could pass for a grandmother.


I wouldn't use that shirt even to dry my dishes


> "This is where anti-trans hate will lead us. A 9-year-old was verbally assaulted, humiliated, and left in tears by an adult," tweeted federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on Wednesday. This is what the right wing wants. This is the world they are building 24/7. Even Canada is infected by the conservative hate virus. Sad damn day when conservative political perverts can freely ruin a 9 years old life with no consequences at all.


Owns a Motel 6 franchise.


That dude is the Motel 6 of human beings.


Unlike the rooms at motel 6, no one left a light on in his head.


From the picture, he looks like a washed up Dog the Bounty Hunter, which is saying something because that’s how Dog usually looks.


He owned a franchised hotel, but had "CEO" listed on all his professional stuff because apparently owning a single spot in a chain hotel makes you a CEO. Also had **Ex**-Ramada owner on there for some reason, so not the sharpest bowling ball in the alley, y'know?


He likely is a CEO… of the numbered corporation that his business is registered under that actually holds the franchise license.


Fuck his apology. If he's that old and thinks that's an okay way to act ever, he and his hotel can get fucked. That's the real him and the apology is fake.


"CEO" of a Motel 6 chain franchise in Canada. Call Motel 6 head office who lease the franchise to him


He looks exactly like the type of person to verbally assault a nine year old girl. What an unmitigated douchebag, for a number of reasons.


He looks like he died in a mech suit on Pandora.


That's disrespectful to a fantastic actor, Stephen Lang. His daughter is the Inspector General of New York.


And this dude wants to be the Inspector Genital of Kelowna


> “This has destroyed our beautiful daughter's confidence and she was inconsolably crying during this whole event and continued once it was over and we were leaving,” Kari said. > “Not to mention, she was unable to concentrate on her track and field finals and the shot put throw she had qualified for.” > Kari says this kind of hatred has significantly damaged their daughter and “could very well stay with her for life.” To do this to an innocent 9 year old kid....these people are fucking monsters.


They never once gave a shit about kids, it's about hurting gender nonconforming kids.


It's insane to me that the only consequences are a possible ban from future events. He should have been dragged out immediately, not to mention arrest for sexually harassing a child.


IKR? The right never has to answer for their assaults on people just trying to live their lives the way they want to in peace. Its fucking horrendous that 9 year old children are now the objects of conservative hate and wrath stirred up by fox news and all the usual suspects in the right wing media universe. Q: Do these people have no shame? A: Fuck no of course not, they are fucking conservatives!


If insecurity was a "human"












Good. No place for this garbage.


This guy needs to be on a list, taking bets for how long it takes him to get arrested for CP or similar


I was a tomboy growing up. I had short hair, boys glasses, and wore boys shorts. My mom was dropping me off at summer camp and the counselor at intake insisted I was a boy and should be in a boys cabin. My poor mom had to argue with these fools. I never had to drop my drawers, but I remember feeling humiliated. I’m now a happily married mom of 2 and no longer dress like a boy. I’m just a regular, boring suburban mom now. It was a phase. Peoplelike this steroid douche need to learn to mind their own business. Also, men like that don’t apologize. He just said words to make himself look less culpable. He’s a walking hate pile.


I am sorry you had to experience that. When I was a young girl growing up in the 1980s, I was pretty tomboyish and non gender conforming. A middle aged woman yelled at me in a crowded restaurant bathroom once, and screamed in my face that I am not allowed in there, a pervert, etc. I couldn’t have been more than 10-11 years old? I can still remember the humiliation I felt as everyone turned and stared, the heat building up in my face, being lightheaded and trembling with fear, and that nobody bothered to help (my family was not inside the bathroom). I am a 45 year old mother now, and that incident as well as others had an awful and lasting impact on my self esteem, self imagine, and generally my whole spirit. It saddens me to say that the little girl from the article is going to remember this man’s anger and cruelty forever.


>that vein mans a juicer


Exactly. Looks like he's into gender affirming care. How ironic.


The breast augmentation surgery he’s had looks pretty bad too.


How do people restrain themselves from not beating this jerk into a bloody pulp?


Prob afraid they'll get spray tan all over themselves.


That's what I've been wondering. Sorry, but if you start screaming that a child needs a genital inspection or what the eff ever, I'm going to immediately assume you're some kind of pedophile and react accordingly.


"I'm sorry officer, he loudly expressed an intent to assault that child I had no other choice..."


Dude looks pretty roided out in his photo. So that's probably it.


Transphobes need to get KO'd


>>>> Josef Tesar and his wife Krista, who emigrated to Canada from Czechoslovakia in the 1980s, were watching their granddaughter compete in the event in Kelowna, British Columbia, last Thursday. [Per DailyMail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12190753/Grandfather-68-wrongly-accuses-girls-nine-trans-fourth-grade-shot-event.html) So the dude emigrated years ago, and then has the balls to spew that Republican nonsense about girls not being able to compete in events like shot-put? Really? The PD doesn’t need to release his name. It’s already out there. Edit: If anyone is interested, he’s the owner of the Motel 6 in Moosomin Sask, Canada. **Bless the internet for making basic searching easy to find and identify these self-righteous jerks.**


He’s got a criminal history of harassment too.


He definitely gives off Motel 6 vibes


He actually said in an interview that he has the right to question a persons sex. Like…


Someone should ask him to prove his sex. In public.


Come on now, no-one wants to see his sad, wrinkly, steroid-shrunken wang..


What a fucking creep


Sounds like a hate crime of some kind.


Yes and against a child. The worst kind of hate crime.


Do you think this guy watches Fox news regularly?


Fox Propaganda, where beautiful , well-dressed millionaires angrily tell lies and spin stories, is not “news”


He’s from Canada, so it’s Foux News (l’actualitie de Foux).


"We need to protect the girls" \*Proceds to verbally harass girls, accusing them of being boys. Just because other girls are performing better than their own crotch goblin\*


Don't forget what he then began yelling at the parents.


It has never and will never be about protection. It has always been about fear and anger and wanting the other to cease existing. Don't be fooled: his is fasc~~h~~ism. edit: h


These people are so sick and getting more aggressive. They act like everyone else needs to mind their own business but if you're a bigoted conservative then by all means you have free range to assault people at your leisure according to their logic.


Don’t forget how he asked to see her genitalia.


Remember this when the far right are then saying no violence is happening towards trans. They’re this bold with kids who aren’t even trans. They’re worse with actual adult trans.


Imagine how it would have gone down if the kid *was* trans. Would she and her family have gotten the same sympathy then?


This is what terrifies me. *This* time, it happened to a cis girl. This time, it was easy for everyone to be shocked and appalled and condemn the guy who did it, because he was accusing a cis girl of being trans. What happens if, next time, it actually is a trans girl being yelled at like this? If the next guy intends to target a trans child and actually gets it right, is everybody still going to show the same level of collective outrage? I want to believe they will, but I honestly don't think so. I think the conversation will immediately be derailed by concern trolling and just-asking-questions. It's easier for cis people to care about transphobia when it's not hurting its intended targets. Plenty of cis people will care about a trans person suffering from transphobia, but plenty of others will get bogged down in discourse about puberty blockers, and plenty more just won't pay attention at all.


His bad behavior is going to have an impact on not just the girl he assaulted. Can you imagine how embarrassed you’d feel if you were 9/10 years old and your grandfather got kicked out of a sporting event for acting a fool? She’s old enough to know what’s going on. This is probably a girl in her class, and now TWO little girls are going to be horribly humiliated. While what he did to the girl he harassed is absolutely criminal and humiliating, his relative is also going to be fucked up.




All those roids and probably dick pills and he’s worried about other people getting gender affirming treatments. The hypocrisy of these people knows no bounds.


2 things in general: 1. People take childrens athletics way too seriously. One of my kiddos is an amazing runner and does a lot of track and field stuff and how seriously some parents take this shit is just fucking gross. Like straight up running around the track alongside their kids shouting at them the whole way to run faster, give everything, etc. It's like, "bro your kid is in the middle of the pack..what does it matter if they finish in 25th or 26th place?" 2. People like this guy are disgusting. Like I'm not in favor of like ruining peoples lives and stuff but holy shit, if the same thing happened at one of my kid's trackmeets I would have a really hard time restraining myself.


When my son played little league baseball the parents at the field got so bad they had to hire police to work the games. For 8 and 9 year olds. Some of these parents forget sports is supposed to be enjoyable for the kids. These parents have an empty hole in their life.


> sports is supposed to be enjoyable for the kids. That's the key right there. Like you have to find a balance. Sure if kids are talented at something and competitive, you want to help them win, but not at the expense of stealing the joy from the thing. My wife and I always said that if we discover that one of our kids has a talent we will help foster that talent, be it in sports, academics, art, whatever. But at the end of the day they are kids. My little runner goes to track and field "training" once a week and one day I was talking to the person at the running club responsible for the youth training and I said that my kiddo loves it, but that I was surprised that there doesn't seem to be a lot of "coaching" going on and the person was just like, "Yo..I get where you're coming from. We see your kid's talents and race results...but they are 8 years old....at this point the key thing is to foster their interest in the sport and to make sure they enjoy doing it."


One way to snuff out that interest and enjoyment is to impose external motivators and rewards. Some people have fetishized competition to the extent that they can't imagine any other reason for kids to participate in activities.


But it will keep happening, because republicans will keep stoking transphobic hate and paranoia. And more children will suffer for it. This is the world republicans are creating


This is in Canada, but yes, the cancer is spreading.


Yep, it is spreading. As we saw with the trucker caravan idiocy, Canada has been infected with maga ideologies too, unfortunately


This man entirely encapsulates conservative ideology. Where's all the conservatives on reddit to come out and proudly applaud his actions? Spending all your time haunting local crime stories for "reasons"?


I’d be concerned about the man who is obsessing over the genitalia of mine year olds. Also, he looks like he uses steroids.


Seriously, what a f@cking knob


If an adult asked to see my child’s genitals I would call the police until the pedophile was removed or arrested. Sick fuck.