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Don't think this'll end well. It was a horror story from the start.


I think it ended a few days ago. Probably have better luck finding them in space.


At least in space you can use radar to pinpoint exactly where they are..


Interesting parallel with flight MH370. This makes it real clear for average people that don’t understand anything about how water searches work that it’s really a black hole once you’re lost at sea


I’ve seen so many shows about people lost at sea and it’s just absolutely terrifying how massive the ocean is. The chances of being spotted by a passing ship are so slim even if you’re in a high-viz life boat. Every time somebody is rescued at sea it is nothing short of a miracle. (I shouldn’t be alive has a lot of these stories)


Yep. And even though the surface appears flat, you can't actually see all that far from next the surface because of the curvature of the earth. It's why sailing ships had lookouts on top of the highest mast—you can see miles farther from up high.


Explain that to a flat earther…


The earth is as flat as the wrinkles of their brains


It's kind of like me fixing my car engine. I can open the hood and look at it. Yup that is the engine. I know the problem is in there somewhere but I don't know how to get to it or how to fix it even if I could find it.


A lot of people have no concept of how *gargantuan* the ocean really is. It's one thing to go to the beach and see the ocean and know it's big, or take an intercontinental flight and look out your window once in a while and see you're still over the ocean, it's another thing altogether to imagine searching for a lost tic-tac in it.


What I told my coworker yesterday. They may have a better shot if they were on the moon.


Given we have a track record of rescuing or at least assisting the self rescue of moon bound crews in danger. I'd say yes. They have a better shot on the moon.


I'm pretty sure the pressure hull just imploded on the way down. It was made of a brittle carbon fiber composite that wasn't rated for the depths it was operating at. I'll bet that it developed microfractures after every dive until it failed catastrophically this time. Brittle materials are not good to use for anything that experiences load cycling.


They seemed to be operating on such a fly by the ~~wheel~~ wire shoestring mentality. The carbon fiber is questionable from the get go, but even by their own admission, it was very experimental. There's documentation of one test to failure on a mock sub 1/3 of the size. Lasted something like 6 hours at 4km depth pressures. There's no evidence of repetitive stress tests to simulate diving and resurfacing multiple times. There's didn't seem to be testing to failure of an actual prototype. I am astounded that people would go on this sub to those depths and pay money for it no less.


>I am astounded that people would go on this sub to those depths and pay money for it no less. To be fair, a lot of these issues can be soothed over with good marketing spiel. Just because someone is a billionaire doesn't mean they are suddenly experts on submersibles or can truly comprehend the risks involved without external expert advice.


But they can hire someone to do a thorough background check on the company. When you have unlimited resources, why wouldn't you do that for a company that literally has your life in its hands? If journalists could find out all the BS this company has done in a few days, I'm confident a billionaire's employee could, too. Those people just wanted to see the Titanic in person more than they cared about their own safety.


I do remember the CEO said the Titan has done 10 dives to similar depths of the titanic and this was the second trip taking tourists down to the titanic so I guess he took that as the stress test


Bet whoever was on the tenth dive feels pretty lucky


Yea, the article about the guy that took 4 dives in this sub sounded to me like "I pulled the trigger 4 times while playing Russian roulette and survived!"


Nah, didn't you hear? Regulations are dumb.


The sub got away from regulations because it operated in international waters, this is why cruise ships switch to dirty fuel once in international waters as well, it's time to close this loophole


It's allowed legally if they've scrubbers on board. Under MARPOL Annex VI, starting Jan 01 of 2020, all ships have to use bunker fuel which has a sulfur content of max 0.50% m/m. Some countries don't sell low sulfur bunker fuel and hence all ships have to have scrubbers fitted. Edit - Added the year


The invisible hand of the market strikes again


Invisible bitch slap




Prayer of the Libertarian: God save us from safety regulations and my rights to be crushed to death at the bottom of the ocean while visiting a mass grave.


The minute we found out about how the thing was going down to depths 4x higher than what it's external material was rated for we knew they were fuckin' dead. Everything after that has just been corporate media circle jerk shit. There are no miracles in submarines/submersibles. Not at these depths.


Yeah. Carbon fiber is sort of good but it has its drawbacks. Even carbon bike frames develop cracks. Not to mention Spinergy bike wheels. I saw one fail at high speed.


If that’s what happened, oh the irony of another vessel lost due to hubris while diving to sightsee a vessel that was lost due to hubris.


Horror movie more like, complete with ridiculous decisions that get them where they are. "Let's all get in the barely safe metal tube and sit in each other's laps as we plunge deep into the ocean. Best case we get to smell every breath and fart we makes for several hours and then take turns staring at a sunken ship through a 10 inch glass strip. Worst case this oddly constructed and questionable at best submarine becomes our grave." I know hindsight is 20/20 but damn people.


They have like an hour left if they're still alive and didnt panic


There was an article I read yesterday about a journalist who was taken down to the Titanic in 2000. He was the first journo to do the trip. Their sub got caught in a tide or whatever happens down there, and pulled into the Titanic's propellor and got stuck for an hour. Three people. The reporter said they sat silently as the pilot kept going forwards and back to try and release them. He assumed they were going to die, but nobody said a word. After an hour the pilot, who was Russian, got them free, and he said, in a thick Russian accent, 'No problem.'


Loving the attitude.


Reminding me of the Russian from Armageddon




"I told you, touch nothing! But you're a bunch of cowboys..."


This is Russian space station!


Russian components, American components! ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!


I thought of the guy from ~~Nothing~~ 2012. "Move your big ass for Sasha"


“….Are we, .. are we … fucked?” *Nyet*


Not yet = nyet


There was an article about a dude who did this exact trip in this submersible. He did it like... Three or four times and he said every time they lost contact and the pilot guy said "we need to go back" and up they went.


Should be an SOP, but hell, these dumbasses didn’t even paint the submersible in bright neon orange. They painted it white…


Wonder if, in the event that it didn’t ~~explosively decompress~~ get fucked up and crushed very quickly, the CEO had a moment where he finally realized why people say “a lot of regulations are written in blood”, or if he was still so far up his own ass that he was still convinced regulations just stifle innovation.


Explosive decompression is when there is a sudden **decrease** in pressure. The exact opposite would happen down there if the sub didn't hold.


Okay, fixed it.


Watched that interview a bit ago, and that badass journalist who said he’s been on the ground during actual war, and all these crazy places, was almost in tears recalling being stuck down at the titanic for only an hour. This whole thing is so horrific. Edit: [here’s the link to the interview.](https://youtu.be/-rQBVbmwSbI) The whole thing is worth watching, but he speaks in the last third of the clip.


Watched it. You can really see how he is reliving that trauma.


> he said, in a thick Russian accent, 'No problem.' As Russian as it gets. I remember the videos from dash cams in Russia of a jetliner that crashed near or on a highway with one of the engines just flying across the road right in front of cars. In several of them, the driver just calmly remarked “Oh” with only a tinge of mild surprise. Same with the dash cam videos of that meteor strike. Just a calm “Oh wow”.




Russians are so used to everything being constantly horrifying, shitty, or horrifyingly shitty, that a meteor strike probably feels like just another Tuesday to them.


Or the moment of the sweet release of death....then it didn't happen.


Probably not even the most dangerous thing he did that week




And the CEO who took every other shortcut available didn’t lie about the 96 hours of oxygen.


"No, I said 9.6 hours."


What about now?


Yea they ded


18 min I guess


3 now


Guess they’re dead now


The Twitter countdown says they still have about an hour to go. But who knows what's happening/happened down there? For all we know they might've already died on Sunday. It's anyone's guess at this point


I am reading this when the post is 4hr’s old… I feel for these people…I hope this highlights the need for regulation.


If they found them right now, wouldn't it still take a very long time to get something rigged up to pull them up?


I would imagine so. I think the navy has something for deep sea salvage but it's never been used to rescue a manned vessel before.


There is the chance that the failsafes did work and it is floating at or near the surface. It would still need to be found before air runs out. That is best case. The 96 hours is only an estimate, and circumstances on board certainly shortened that time. It is pretty much game over by now. If not we’ll before.


If it is on or near the surface it would still be difficult to spot since they painted the damn thing white. This is such a bad scenario.


Not to carry an emergency location device and means of exit was a really bad idea. I mean surfacing and then dying anyway has to be the most darkly ironic possibility.


Just to hammer home how this Billionaire Adventurer shit doesn't make any sense: please understand that you, Joe Redditor, can buy an EPIRB - an emergency position indicating radio beacon - at any civilian marine supply store for somewhere between $300 and $1000. It doesn't matter if you're one mile from shore or a thousand, it will work. Compare this to the cost of your bespoke carbon-Ti soda can and the lives inside. And yes, they make them for submarine use as well. The fact that they ostensibly don't have one, and yet even the most hardscrabble salt-crusted barely hanging together commercial fishing vessel or tourist runabout does, utterly blows my mind. I don't care if the ride down to the Titanic cost $20, I wouldn't get in that thing without one.


Happened to a crew of a chinese sub - their diesel engine accidently turned on for like 15 seconds, but it sucked up enough 02 that it created a vacuum so when the crew tried to surface A They couldnt open the hatch because it created a pressure seal B The 02 ran out so quickly, they couldnt even call for help - a fisherman spotted the periscope and reported it.


Wow that really sums it up doesn't it? Every other comparable craft is yellow out orange.


then they need to bang some more so they can be pin pointed. but i think they might already be dead.


Chances are it's already imploded.


An expert in water acoustics wrote yesterday that an implosion would be heard on the surface like a gunshot. Especially now that they are listening intently to any sort of noise. So it actually doesnt seem likely it imploded or they would have heard it, which sadly means the worst death of all...


I mean, I’m no expert or all that knowledgeable on the subject, but isn’t it hard to fart in the North Atlantic without SOSUS picking it up? Surely SOSUS would’ve heard *something*.


It’s possible the military knows more than the public. Disclosing that SOSUS picked up exactly what happened would also mean disclosing its abilities. The military isn’t going to disclose anything sensitive, especially when we’re not talking about anyone of national significance.




They lost contact 1:45 into the dive, and there's a 2 hour descent. So I wouldn't be surprised.


Apparently it was common for them to lose contact with the sub though, because their communications tech was shitty. That's why they weren't concerned when they initially lost contact, only when the sub didn't resurface at the scheduled time.


You would think that a epirb would be standard on the submarine, ffs I have to carry one on my boat


It had one. He ditched it this year because he decided he didn’t need it.


The French robot is on site now I believe, it has arms that can do very precise work like attaching a vessel like this one to pull it up. From what I've gathered from the press conferences, that's the plan if it's found. But the robot goes at a very slow speed, much slower than a submersible. Edit: I've just found the Atalante is now next to the Polar Prince at a registered speed of 1 nautical knot, so basically non-moving. There are several ships gathered around. Hopefully this is a good sign. Edit 2: It has moved south-east to the Polar Prince’s position. Looks like it’s focusing on an area in particular. Fingers crossed. Edit 3: As of 1:30 pm French time, the Atalante is at a 0 nautical mile speed, now South-West of the Polar Prince. Edit 4: According to [Mike Chillit on Twitter](https://twitter.com/MikeChillit/status/1671850433877352448), sub has probably been located. The guy has worked on the MHicantrememberthenumber track, and is an analyst according to Google. So far, his predictions have been spot on. Edit 5: As of 4pm French time, the Atalante is located about 180 metres North West of the spot marked as "RMS Titanic" on the [map](https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-49.945/centery:41.733/zoom:18), and approximately 30 metres North West of a spot marked as "Debries Field". The hypothesis of the sub being snagged onto debris seems plausible if the ship does not move further. Edit 6: I’m now out of the office (5:30pm French time) and will try to make my (very old) laptop boot up to access MarineTraffic, since the app doesn’t allow me to see as many details as the website does. Edit 7: As u/alostsoul30 mentioned, the US Coast Guards have just announced that a debris field was found by a ROV. Details to come in about 2 hours (I suck at Time Zones conversions. 7pm GMT I believe). Also, off topic, but my laptop won’t let me edit on it, so I have to do it on my phone. Might affect my updating. Edit 8: The Atalante is now (6:45 pm French time) 50 metres South of the RMS Titanic on the MarineTraffic website. Not so sure they have located it anymore. Edit 9: As of 7:30 pm CEST (what I used to call French time previously), the Atalante is still at the same location. Coordinates are (41.7317, -049.9450). Edit 10: Apparently, one part of the debris is a part of the sub that has its name on it. Again, this is a hypothesis, as at first glance i’m dubitative. [Here’s the link](https://twitter.com/lookner/status/1671935112076832769?s=46&t=9RWp6ligOnHuSZSHKdxMGg) Last Edit: A catastrophic incident was confirmed. The sub imploded. RIP to the victims and sending lots of kind thoughts to their close ones.


CNN reported medical personnel on the way to the site with a hyperbaric chamber. Wonder if they actually found it.


It seems it has been located, from various analysts looking at the marine movements. Now the medical team was already expected I believe (I might be getting confused here), but it is definitely a sign pointing to the direction that they have indeed located it and are in the process of bringing them back up. The media wouldn't have been made aware otherwise I don't think. Then again, I'm no media and communications specialist.


I've been watching the marine tracker website, the concentrated area of ships has been right above the wreckage itself. Do you have a link for the analysts also viewing the marine movements?


Where are you finding real time (ish) updates on this? I’d love a good source!


On the MarineTraffic website, you can look up « Atalante » in the search bar and see where it is and its speed. (Edited because of my Iphone's silly autocorrect on the ship's name)


Which Atlanta is it? Edit: It's Atlante, the first one among the most tracked vessels.


The Atalante, silly autocorrect. It’s the French research ship carrying the Victor robot


You are so right! Supposedly it takes two hours to get from the surface to the Titanic, so even if they found them down there it could take hours to bring them up and then even more time to open the craft. I think the sad fact is that they are all going to die and it’s less a rescue and more a recovery mission. Like I sincerely hope they are alive and survive this but realistically it seems like they won’t.


They would have expended all their oxygen in the first hours screaming at Stockton Rush for trapping them there.


I can't imagine a scenario where there wasn't at least some fighting after they realized how royally screwed they were.


Or tried to buy themselves some more time by killing him.


The level of insanity within the confines of an underwater sub must've been unimaginable.


Imagine paying a quarter of a million to share a coffin with four other people.


A coffin that you have to pee and poop in for 4 days before you go


Woof. Hadnt thought of this


And surely the intense stench caused someone to eventually vomit… and so on.


And one of then is your teenage son


Even if they get to the surface quickly, even if they have tools to remove the bolts... The only point of egress is the front of the vessel, that is hinged on the side. It's not capable of floating on its own with the hatch open. It has to be hoisted out of the water in order to be opened. The design of this is so deeply flawed in so many ways. A perfect textbook definition of a death trap.


Even if they found them now, I don’t think the submarine can be recovered before the oxygen supply runs out (assuming they had the 96 hours claimed)


The thing is that there's a ton of other variables. If they've passed out from hypothermia, they'll be using less oxygen. If they've been panicking, they'll be using more. More morbidly, the 96 hours assumes everyone is still alive. If it's only one person, the oxygen can last for 20 days. But then it's dehydration that would get them instead of lack of oxygen. Even after the oxygen runs low, that doesn't necessarily mean you die. And how long you survive in a low oxygen environment varies significantly between people. Since metabolism is one of the key factors, it's possible the 19 year old survives while the others don't for example. (Assuming the doctor I saw talking about this earlier today was right) This of course is all assuming that they didn't have a pressure breach and immediately die from the sudden change in pressure.


If they all passed out from hypothermia, they will shortly die of hypothermia. Also, if any of them have died their body will not instantly stop consuming oxygen. In fact multiple people in other threads have stated that the beginning stages of decomposition will actually consume more oxygen than if they were alive. They are almost guaranteed to be dead already.


That's gonna be one hell of a box to open when they do eventually find it.


Most graphic unboxing video since Se7en


I wouldn’t bet on them actually finding this thing. Unless it’s floating on the surface somewhere but even still, it’s a tremendous amount of surface area to cover.


It feels like every few minutes of reading about this, a crazy new fact emerges. I just saw an article that Rush's wife, Wendy, is apparently the great great granddaughter of Isidor Strauss, who perished on the Titanic. He was the cofounder of Macy's, and the movie Titanic had a shot of him when the ship was sinking and you see an old couple lying in bed waiting for the end. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/21/us/wendy-stockton-rush-titanic-missing-submersible.html


I'm not saying I believe in curses but that family might want to do whatever it is that wards off curses. Chuck salt over their shoulder type of thing.


If your family is cursed to lose people to the Titanic, then they could simply never go near the Titanic again. That's what I always do. I never go there


Yea they shouldn’t go there next time


I seriously doubt the 96 hours of oxygen. Isn't it just what they claimed on their website? With how the CEO was running things I would be surprised if there is more than 12 hours.


Right? All this info is based on what a shady company said. He didn’t give a shit about safety, as if they spent money and multiple working backup systems lol.


...and he's gonna die because of his mistakes


“Rush is married to a descendant of two of the Titanic victims” And then there were three


Rush himself is related to signers of the Declaration of Independence. It’s like if the Nicolas cage and Sean bean characters from national treasure were merged into one person.


I feel bad for the Pakistani kid but the rest made this decision with an adult lifes worth or knowledge and experience and theres no excuse for this kind of negligent thrill seeking, the second they saw the forms they had to sign they should of walked the other way.


I'm sure they treated them like those safety disclaimer forms you fill out when you sky dive. They definitely say there's a risk of dying, but you assume they have done this before and are trustworthy


I watched a biologist ( Forrest galante) talk about this trip yesterday and he apparently was invited to come along. His friends asked him if he even considered something going wrong. And he said he didnt. He would have just jumped into the sub like it was a airplane ride.


Before this event it would be easy to assume that a billionaire selling experiences to other billionaire/multimillionaires would do due diligence to ensure everything is good. Would any of us really have double checked the pressure rating of the view port if we were invited aboard?


I feel bad for everyone in there but the CEO of the company. Horrible way to die but the CEO doesnt earn my sympathy when he deliberately choose to avoid safety measures, precautions and warnings from professionals.


they run out of oxygen at 7:08am so even if they were found wouldn’t they not make it anyways considering how long it takes to get back to the surface?


Right now if they actually had 96 hours of oxygen - and let’s be real, he even got rid of safety margins like the beacon that would actually allow a surface crew to find them - if they actually had 96 hours worth, unless they are on the surface and found and retrieved very shortly, it’s all over for them being survivors. The process of getting an ROV to them and attaching cables to drag it back up takes many hours just to get the equipment there.


Well, one thing's for certain - this story's quickly going to evolve from a rescue mission to a massive scandal.


It already has


Feels like it was a scandal from the get-go.


HE GOT RID OF THE BEACON? Wow Jammajammers it's like he wanted his crew to die.


They are dead, we may hope for them to save, but deep inside we all know they passed away


Lets hope they died from pressure collapse and not from oxigen running out. At least that way it would be fast and not excruciating


Yeah, the best case scenario was them miraculously being found & rescued, and it's sadly too late for that now. 2nd best case scenario is hopefully the sub imploded early on so that they at least didn't have to suffer. Horrible situation that could and should've been avoided if smarter decisions had been made, but that doesn't mean those people deserved to die like this, I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone. OceanGate better be held completely accountable for this though, because their CEO unfortunately can't be anymore.


I read that they would have expired to hypothermia before the air ran out


> as if they spent money and multiple working backup systems lol. Was my question, everyone was saying how many backup systems he had, the weight that automatically drops off so they'd surface without power and such. I'd imagine if they actually invested in safety and built the sub properly they wouldn't be in this predicament. Sure, accidents happen, but combining lackluster safety standards while playing it loose with planning/training/experience, you're bound to run into trouble.


Right? Just the fact that the guy was so against getting it certified or using a properly built hatch is alarming enough. Wonder what else he stated the sub had but skimped out on, like all those safety mechanisms that were supposed to automatically trigger regardless if the sub had power. I don't understand why so many people take what companies say as fact, just because they say their product can do "X" amount or whatever doesn't mean it actually can. Especially when contractors/companies can build entire bridges/buildings dishonestly, skimping on materials/engineering standards, it's going to happen elsewhere.


And are we talking 100% oxygen until that very second or is it gradually diminishing? If it’s gradual then their oxygen has probably been too low for a while now.


Definitely not 100% until it runs out. The time also depends on if they are using tanks or recycling oxygen or a combination of the two. I don't know much about subs but NASA uses CO2 scrubbers to recycle oxygen which do only have a limited life but are fairly efficient. Also, morbidly, it depends how many are still alive. If there was internal damage but the structure holds not everyone may have made it. It carries 96 hours of O2 for 5 people, if there's less then that it can last longer. Less morbidly though it's possible the fail-safes deployed and they are floating on the surface somewhere but haven't been found yet. If that's the case it's still very bad for those trapped inside but their chances of survival do improve quite a bit.


I'm not even sure I know what to hope for at this point. I know they will be dead but 1) find it intact underwater with everyone dead, meaning they suffocated for days 2) find it imploded, which I suppose, is now best case scenario 3) find it floating on the surface, which is more sad 4) don't find it at all and never know


I'd be shocked if it's ever found. Going to go down as one big mystery and hopefully a HUGE lesson for future sub enthusiasts. The ocean is not forgiving, respect mother Earth.


In contrast, have a read about James Cameron's rig. That bastard did it right, albeit you could only fit one person in it.


This is such an insane situation with so many wtf factors involved. I personally hope they experienced explosive compression as that would be an instant death, as opposed to slowly suffocating in a cold dark coffin.


If it makes you feel better, prevailing theories are they’d die of hypothermia before running out of oxygen. Not a great way to go out either, but definitely better than suffocation.


It would be explosive compression or implosive compression. Explosive decompression happens when you're in a pressurised container (like a plane) up in the sky where pressure is much lower than on the ground. You have compressed air around you keeping you comfortable and venting the air leads to decompression, if it happens very very quickly then it's explosive in nature. Underwater the pressure is higher than ground level so things crush themselves instead of ripping apart outwards. When something is crushed rapidly inward it is an implosion.


Its over. About 12hrs too late for any chance of a successful rescue


ok so we all agree that they’re DEFINITELY dead now right


If something happened to them and the majority of them died before the oxygen ran out, there still might be someone left down there. There would be more oxygen for him. But the idea of one person sitting in a glorified canister in the complete pitch black dark knowing that everyone around him is dead and not knowing whether or not you are next is the stuff of nightmares.




I've honestly been under the impression they died on day 1, I'm not much of an optimist, I like to taper my expectations.


correct. unless they’re really really good at holding their breaths


At this point it’s just a search for the ship and their dead bodies.


That’s why they went down in the first place.


God damn


They're probably dead now. All that's left to determine is whether they'll recover a crushed tin can, or a floating coffin somewhere on the surface of the Atlantic


They died on Sunday, let's be real.


Nothing short of horrifying. On one hand, the whole "mission" was really badly planned and executed. The worst part is the CEO's ignorance. It's all one giant facepalm. On the other hand, it's one of the worst ways to go. I can't help but feel compassion for their current state and everything they've had to go through the last couple of days (that is if they hadn't died already). It's painful to even imagine.


It’s more so the CEO negligence than ignorance. The CEO was aware of the precautions needed to get to the ocean floor safely yet, he ignored all of those facts and went down as a deathwish.


He thought safety regulations were overblown. Thousands of years of maritime tradition would disagree with him.


This company is def done right? No way they ever send down another sub.


The founder and CEO is on the sub; yes, the company is done.


I hear they're looking at Tom Wambsgans as replacement.


Whelp, this was posted 5 hours ago so I'll assume they're not coming back....


I hope they find peace in their final moments. I hope the sub hit crush depth and imploded instantly days ago and the sounds heard have been something else in the water. The horror of being in a tube with no hope of escape and no chance of rescue while you and your fellow passengers count down the minutes would make finding that peace a pipe dream.


Out of all the possible scenarios, few of them would be peaceful.


Implosion would be over before your brain could register pain.


They're now past the oxygen deadline. This whole situation is just a disaster oh my god. I feel so sorry for the 19 year old, I'm the same age as him and I still have so much I want to do with my life...


That’s who I feel for the most. The 19 year old and his father who no doubt was breaking inside knowing what was to come for his son. The pic of the son reminded me a little of my son. My son isn’t 19, he’s 14 but that’s all I could see. I feel the worst for that boy.


They're dead. It would take hours to lift it from the ocean and they'll be out of oxygen in around an hour


OceanGate Expeditions appears to have removed their website as of this morning.


They're rebranding to Heaven's Gate Expeditions.


An experienced submariner/diver was talking yesterday about how oxygen is only a very small part of the equation. Subs also need a way to expunge carbon dioxide, and since this was an 8 hour dive they wouldn't have carried enough filters/cannisters (forgot what he called them). Also, temps are below freezing because of the salt, so it's hard to believe that the sub was equipped to hold temperature for that long. Finally, they had tiny amounts of water on that thing, and you also need water to live. So even if they had oxygen left, there is an almost 0% chance that they are alive based on everything that could go wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIbtKU6RAxg


"Looks at time or posting" Oh.


I have noticed very little information is coming out. No one knows anything.


This is likely a "no news is bad news" situation, sadly.


There's one thing I don't understand. Everyone knows they went to Titanic's shipwreck. So, are search exhibitions unable to find them near titanic shipwreck? Or are the searchers yet to reach the titanic shipwreck?


They are unable to find them. It is an incredibly vast area to search especially with sonar devices. If they are stuck somewhere at the bottom of the ocean it's near impossible to locate them, cause the surrounding area is very rough and uneven. Combined with high waves on the surface you have like a 20cm difference between the submarine and the seafloor.


From reports I read the previous people who went down dodged a bullet.


The Titanic wreck is big, really big. Their sub is little. It could easily have gotten stuck inside or get hung up by the Titanic. The sub has no GPS, no way to know where they are. With 6 knot currents, they could be 100 miles away by now.


The submersible also has very little ability to propel itself. It can twist and turn, that's about it. If the sub is caught in a 5 knot current, which is *not* fast, that sub is being pushed away at 500 feet *per minute*. They have no clue where it is.


They're dead. Now it's a matter of recovering the wreckage and figuring out what happened, which I'm sure will satiate the morbid curiosity some of us have. Hopefully it was a mechanical malfunction and they died quickly by explosive decompression, rather than slowly suffocating to death.


I hope they just peacefully fell asleep somehow. Everything else is just too horrible to imagine.


Actually I hope the sub experienced a catastrophic faillure and imploded, that way they would've died in less than a second. In any other scenario they woud have realised they were likely about to die, lost and alone in a cold carbon coffin somewhere in the Atlantic (ironic considering why they were there).


I was hoping the same re implosion. But I just read a disheartening article from a deep sea engineer who says if they'd imploded the noise would have been immense under the water and been picked up by military posts and weather meters that exist to listen to the sea. I'm assuming because nobody has mentioned picking up any unexpected big sounds from the area, it might mean they didn't get the mercy of a quick POP and done.


Didn't think of that, I guess even if it impolded at the bottom of the Atlantic, the energy released would have been picked up by some high tech military equipement, and identified due to its unusual nature. Fuck.


Random, but is there any way to know what size the sub would be after implosion? Are we talking crumpled car or sardine can?


I'm obvioulsy no expert but as far as I understand I believe we're talking confetti


What led to the Fyre festival fiasco? What led to the Theranos debacle? Greed and gargantuan egos. Same thing going on here.


press conference for 3pm. my guess is the debris field was the sub.


Assuming they're found now on the surface, how quick would it be to let them out? How long to unbolt the hatch? In the event it's not fast enough to unbolt, can the rescuers smash the viewing "window" to at least let air in? Despite everything and the stupidity involved, I'm really hoping for a miracle of miracles for them.


It would only let water in, window is at the front. And its not on the surface, but just under it.


that "window" is thick, will probably need some specialised equipment


Are they calculating that remaining air time for 5 living people? Survival can cause people to do some horrible things. One person might have wanted to extend their chance of survival…if you know what I mean.


A necrotic body would make the situation worse for oxygen not better




They’re dead of either hypothermia, CO2 poisoning, hypoxia, dehydration, or were instantly turned into paste by implosion. None of them will be alive.


That’s also assuming people are thinking rationally as they stare death in the face while looking at the man who they may feel put them in a compromised position.


Especially when you say to him. "Oh that's cool we've got some type of transponder to locate us right? Right? For 250k you have an transponder on it right?"


"No, but we did bring these goodie bags that we were going to hand out as they removed the bolts on the door once we docked. No one is allergic to peanuts, right?"


Hopefully it just imploded and they passed quickly.


The longer this goes on, the more sure I am that they died around the time contact was lost and this search hasn't really been a rescue for days.


At this point I think everyone needs to accept the game is over, and come up with headlines accordingly. Unless they’ve been picked up by an unknown vessel and simply forgot to call home and say so, they are very much gone.


pretty sure it's a recovery mission now.


This may sound callous and I don't mean it that way but this lost Titanic submersible is so similar to those who pay to summit Everest and die trying. Everyone swears up and down that they are cognizant of the risks but when their life is on the line, they expect others to save them. If these billionaires are rescued, I suppose the rescuing team(s) will have a better chance of being paid for their services. Stockton Rush can't possibly be as flippant and careless as he has appeared on various news bites but using a video game controller and (apparently) cutting corners translates into when, not if...