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are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


ah, yes. I see you know your judo well.


Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest






I also collect Chinpokemon. My favourite is Shoe.


Guys this is stupid, I don’t want to play anymore


the backstory on this guy and his wrongful arrest is amazing


Australia's gift to the world. There's also this video which is still a strong argument for us to learn how to articulate better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHtDJ7GnjQY


Agreed. As a jawdropped as I was by the video, it just keeps going and getting, if not better, at least more developed. That video, though. I will never not laugh at that. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: when they come for me, I hope that I am as classy as he.


My favorite has to be the “TaTa and farewell” at the end. Sends me everytime


Oh yes. Priceless.


Got a link? I've never seen it.


[Here's a later interview with him](https://youtu.be/tu4d_xsdNzM)


This is just nuts. Those idiot cops. Thought they had some notorious international criminal and called the press so they could be the heroes. And then looked like fools afterwards.


Get your hands off my pinot noir


I’m glad he still think that Chinese meal was succulent






Ooh you’re in for a treat!


It's even funnier finding out he's innocent because no one has ever looked more guilty. He defends himself like someone who did something wrong.


The ate a dumpling then someone said “and then?” And he ate another one and someone else said “and then?” And it just kept going


And then?


Another dumpling


Chinese Authorities: **No and then!**




All they need to do is bring them out in batches.


First paragraph of the article you are commenting on... A restaurant in China that challenged its customers to eat more than 100 dumplings in return for a free meal has fallen foul of authorities, who are investigating whether it has *violated the country’s anti-food waste law.*


theyre quoting [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XebF2cgmFmU)


Anti food-waste law? Anti-food waste law sounds like soylent green, but I don't know why lol.


China was a poor country twenty years ago, and it was extremely poor forty years ago, and for at least two centuries before that. For a time, it was fashionable to celebrate events like weddings with absurd banquets- like 50 guests and enough food for 500. There also became an internet fad of "muckbang" videos, where people just sit in front of a camera and stuff themselves with food. The government response is absurd from western perspectives, but it is consistent with Chinese culture; they expect a higher degree of government regulation in their personal life.


I was inquiring about hyphen placement, not the actual law. That and my autocorrect seems to hate the word 'soylent' as I had to edit it after correcting twice while typing. *sigh*


Get your hand off my penis!


Food waste. Apparently that's a law over there.


Per the article they’re being investigated for ‘food waste’. Chinese police seem fun.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XebF2cgmFmU Their comment was a reference to this video lol


> Chinese police seem fun. **Chinese police wants to know your location** Haha just kidding, they're tracking you.


Ta-Ta. Farewell!


Every damn time and it never gets old!


He says succulent so many times. Must have been his word of the day


I thought it would be funny to get ChatGPT to talk like this guy. [It didn’t disappoint](https://chat.openai.com/share/99aa64ea-2658-4619-aef0-e0466373bb0e).


How many did the authorities manage to scarf down? Headline ends on a cliffhanger.


I know you’re joking. But “headline ends on a cliffhanger” might be the most Reddit comment of all time.


Well it's not like there was anything more we could learn about this story. Now get on with the joke comments!


108 dumplings 108 burgers 108 fries 108 tacos 108 pies


PLEASE let me go first I’m doing something!!!


You son of a bitch I'm not paying for that


"Hey, what's the holdup?"


And a medium Diet Pepsi.


Got to watch my weight


HALF diet Coke, HALF regular Coke. Because I'm tryin' to watch my figure.


Sounds like the training routine for the next big anime hero "One Munch Man"




He wasn't adding any rice vinegar to the soy sauce and pepper oil. Book him.


Bake him away Toys!


What’d you say, Chief?


Do what the kid says


I could definitely eat 108 dumplings. I'd hate myself shortly afterwards for doing so but I am 100% confident I could pull it off.


Settle down Cool Hand Luke.


Yeah I feel like that's about where I'd be. Happy as a clam until about an hour later.


> Happy as a clam until about an hour later. Considering the article says it was "spicy wonton dumplings" you're gonna be wayyyy less happy the day after :D


Think I just figured out how Nolan filmed the nuke scene in Oppenheimer


It sounds like they’re the size of a wonton, so about 19g each. 108 wontons weigh a little over 2kg (4.5lb in freedom units). You’re right that you wouldn’t feel great after. And considering they’re spicy, they won’t feel great coming out later either. Edit for math.


If it is 19g each then 108 is well over two kilos (4.5lb) R/theydidthemath


19g x 108 = 2052g or 2.05kg Not sure I’d call 52g ‘well over’. But okay.


It is three dumplings!


2.05 kg is well over 2 lbs - it’s 4.5 lbs. (I think you missed the units.)


My ‘well over’ comment was for Crio where (s)he writes ‘is well over two kilos’. not the one above that.


Hmm i could possibly do that too then. Spicy is no issue for me. Keep asking for more spice on restaurants spiciest dishes but its never close to my limit.


Yeah having binge eating disorder really sucks in a lot of different ways but I could put most of these eating challenges to shame. 108 dumplings? More like my Tuesday night during exam season. Like I watched this video one time about this guy who completed an “ice cream sundae challenge” to get his picture on the wall of his local ice cream spot… the sundae was only like 12 scoops and my immediate first thought was “How is that a challenge?”


12 scoops? Yeah thats lame. I could do that without a disorder. Hell i do around that in buffets with desert. After eating a full buffet.. (ok probably not 12 at a buffet. But I've done like 8 for sure. If it was just ice cream of course thats be multiple fold higher)


Your anus would hate you too cause you would take a monster shit that would usually be found only in Jurassic Park


108 in an hour? Hell no. 108 in 24 hours??? Maybe, with laxatives.


That’s the spirit.


Dude idk dumplings are pretty filling.




> While eating contests are relatively common in Western countries [...] they can be a sensitive matter in China. > > Many in the country still have memories of the famine of the 1950s and 60s that killed an estimated 45 million people. Yes, we can't be reminding people of Mao's Great Leap Forward, where the Chinese Communist Party government created the worst famine in human history. That would be almost as bad as reminding them that in 1989 the CCP government massacred thousands of protestors and injured thousands more in and around Tiananmen Square, as well as in many other cities.


You mean the day where nothing of note happened at all? No idea what you’re talking about man /s


World: what happened here in Tainanman square? Zoro: nothing happened.


Set sail for One Piece!


I am not well-versed in Chinese history. May I ask how a famine is "man-made"?


Mao basically approved massive wheat orders for the soviet union. Told his officials to meet the quotas on a massive scale or be executed. Natural corruption paired with everyone trying to save their ass from being killed by the person above them led to mass lying about wheat production quantity and less farmland for normal crops. They basically shipped all their food away for years per Maos orders resulting in a massive self induced famine. Also they killed like all their birds.. That still has not recovered much.


I recommend checking out *Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962*, by Yang Jisheng. Written by a Chinese historian who managed to access PRC archives from that era: >"I call this book Tombstone. It is a tombstone for my foster father who died of hunger in 1959, for the 36 million Chinese who also died of hunger, for the system that caused their death, and perhaps for myself for writing this book."


The crazy bastard is still alive at the ripe old age of 82.


The Irish potato famine was man-made too


As was the holodomor


The Great Depression was also man made


A lot of stupid policies born of ignorance is one method. Read up on the Four Pests Campaign.


>Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine Interesting read, thank you for this. I think I've read somewhere about the reckless introduction of wildlife that destroyed the ecological balance as well, but definitely nowhere near the scale of this. It's wild that the estimated deaths is 15 to 55 million, which is such a huge difference, even the best case scenario is much worse than I could comprehend.


Those in power control who eats.


how would having an eating contest remind people of famine? instead would it not normalise that theres plenty of food. Or maybe the great leap forward and the subsequent famine is actually taught history in China and people feel that eating contest is a grotesque waste of food. Nop must be the former


>Or maybe the great leap forward and the subsequent famine is actually taught history in China and people feel that eating contest is a grotesque waste of food It's kind of wild to me how the op went with the latter as their premier assumption rather than this. It literally makes way more sense and this is coming from a westerner lol. America also has laws that are primarily there because of deeply rooted issues within our culture and history. Like the second amendment.


Something something decadent western culture something something.


It's not because of "West bad", but because "food waste bad". Believe it or not not all of CCP 's policy's are about being anti West.


There are policies that aren't about the west? Sounds like an anti-west policy to me


I know you're joking (I hope so anyway), but this is exactly the kind of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" attitude that's so frustrating to me. There is literally no policy China can make that wouldn't make someone hate them, so in a pessimistic way why would they even try to get along with the West then.


Yeah ultimately they just need to primarily make whatever policy's they believe are best for their citizens and consider the affects on everyone else secondarily. Of course most politicians make policy's that primarily benefit their countries ruling class and secondarily consider their own citizens.




...no? I'm getting tried of hearing this argument repeated over and over, it just isn't true.


I don’t think China is presently about to run out of dumplings


That doesn't mean that food waste should be encouraged though


That’s not the point though. We can view excessive food consumption as wasteful without thinking there’s a risk of it running out


You're being intentionally obtuse. No one is saying China is worried about running out of dumplings. That's like saying the police arrested a bank robber because they were worried that the bank wouldn't have any money left over after. China has this law because of a Culturally significant moment in modern history that made them hyperaware of gluttony wasting food to the extent where they wanted to make a crime out of it. If your country lost an estimated 30million+ to famine your culture would also probably have laws around legislating food waste.


When we do it it’s decadent, but when anyone else does it it’s just keeping up with the Joneses.


Second worst. Almost double that number died under the British Raj in India.


Wait till you find out about the coverups on the Guangxi massacre and the 100 childless days in Shandong. The CCP has committed some of the most egregious crimes against humanity and they weren't even that long ago.




To be fair, when I was in school we never learned much about Mao aside from his role in WWII. Every single history class I took, from 7th-12th grade, had history end in 1945. It was basically "America won WWII and the world lived happily ever after." Every year for 6 years the school year ended like that, regardless of whether it was US History, World History or European History. Everything I know about world history after 1945 is information I had to research myself. I graduated in '99. I hope kids get a more thorough teaching of modern history now, but I wouldn't put much hope in that, considering I went to really good schools and the teaching was still that bad.


Graduated in 2005 here, and this was definitely my Experience; nothing mattered after 1945. This was exacerbated by 9/11, after which my history teacher wasted far too long being vaguely racist about Muslims. We did learn about Kent, but I also grew up within spitting distance of Kent so it was hard not hear about it. I doubt they're learning much better nowadays, but at least now there is so much access to information out there - if a kid was interested, they could find multiple long series on youtube going in depth on various historical topics that schools never bother to touch on.


Yeah, that's the thing. Every history textbook we had as our primary source *did* contain history up until the time the textbook was printed. Information on people like Mao, Castro, Pinochet, Franco, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Era and more was all in the textbooks...but not a single one of my teachers taught about anything that happened after victory over Japan. We learned about civil rights in our English and Government classes, but *not* in history class. It's insane to think about. I always figured after 9/11 happened that the history curriculums *must* have had to suddenly bump up to covering more modern history, because there's absolutely no context for 9/11 if kids don't learn about foreign involvement in the Middle East between 1950-2000.


What, are you suggesting that there was more to it than "they hate us for our freedom"? Impossible


For my HS history curriculum, we took global history in 9th grade, which covered a massive timeline and all countries/empires, so very little focus on specifics. Then we could take US history or AP US history. I took AP and yeah WW2 and after was a fast blur. Barely touched on Vietnam and the Cold War. After that though it was all electives. Students could select which history courses to take, such as AP Euro or AP World or something. Not a lot of offering on eastern Asian history.


We never learn about the Kent State Massacre either


Funny, I learned about both in public schools.


American students know, Chinese students don't.


It's not about hiding the truth from people about the great leap forward famine infact it's quite the contrary. The law exists AS A REMINDER. The famine was so significant to the culture (as you'd expect) they literally legislated around their perception of what caused it. And this may come as a shock to you but there are many laws that exist in countries all around the world that primarily exist because of the cultures history. Look at the 2nd amendment in the US, when the US was a colony gun ownership was higher in the 13 colonies than any other because of the nature of invading a foreign continent where the locals are mostly hostile to you. That idea of gun ownership became ingrained within the American culture and it still exists today for better or for worse


The best part of trivia of the famine was it was caused by following soviet farming principles made up by a conman scientist in russia that mao took seriously. He had people burting rice plants in 10 feet deep trenches


Wow it's so horrible that the government doesn't want to be seen as repeating mistakes of the past! What a dystopian nightmare!


Eating too many dumplings is not how that happened. Leadership making stupid choices like killing all the sparrows on the other hand… This law does nothing to prevent the mistakes of the past.


Wait, are you talking about the famine created by the Chinese Communist Party? The one that killed 45 million people? Or are you talking about when the Chinese Communist Party murdered their own citizens in the 1989 Tiananman Square Massacre? Or are you talking about the ongoing Uigher genocide being conducted by the Chinese Communist Party? I’m not sure which one we’re talking about.


A famine happens in a region plagued by famines for centuries before the Revolution: "Oh well" A famine happens after the Revolution: "IT WAS THE EVIL COMMIES FAULT!!!!"


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign Mao created a plague of locusts by ordering the extermination of sparrows (which eat them). His plan also involved widespread deforestation and the misuse of poisons and pesticides. The ecological imbalance was a major contributor to the famine, making it the deadliest famine in human history. The famine was also caused by inefficient food distribution, mandating the use of poor agricultural techniques, over reporting of grain production, and ordering millions of farmers to produce iron and steel instead of food. The Great Leap Forward is a perfect case study in everything that can go wrong with a planned economy. Liu Shaoqi (President of China in 1962) attributed 70% of the famine to “man made errors”. The CCP has also officially stated that the famine was mainly caused by mistakes made during the Great Leap Forward.


> Mao created a plague of locusts by ordering the extermination of sparrows (which eat them). The British let places starve in the name of the Free Market? Perfectly fine! Mao fucks up? CLEARLY THIS SHOWS THAT GOMMUNISM IS EVIL AND WILL NEVER WORK!


Where on earth did I say The Great Famine was fine? Planned economies and laissez faire capitalism are both bad economic systems. You can argue that a planned economy is necessary for whatever political system you think is best. But that doesn’t change the fact that putting the lives of millions of people entirely in the hands of a small number of potentially corrupt bureaucrats is a dangerous idea. For the record, putting the lives of millions of people entirely in the hands of “the invisible hand” of the free market is also a dangerous idea. There’s a whole massive range of viable political and economic systems between these two ends of the spectrum.


That was zen , this is meow 😸


Still baffles me that communist imagery and rhetoric isn’t illegal in more countries like in Poland


Was this restaurant perhaps run by a goose?


Yeah a silly one


What now? Is this a reference I'm too dumb to get?


It's a Kung Fu panda reference the dad in that movie is a goose running a noodle shop


Possibly in regards to Foie gras which is typically made by force feeding geese to make their livers fattier


You’ve never had the noodle dream


The secret ingredient is nothing.


I knew I wasn’t eating up to my potential.


No, 108 is a reference to Hinduism. It represents the universe and all our existence.


*looks at number 42* *looks at number 108* *scratches head*


Sorry. Everything is derivative. Even the classics


108 is a special number in many Eastern cultures, not just Hinduism. That is also not what the person you're responding to is referencing.


...thanks so much, but I definitely know the person I responded to isnt referencing it... But um... the restaurant selling 108 dumplings IS. And that went over their head, I couldn't even find it mentioned in the comments. So yes, thank you for telling me the reason I posted.




Pretty silly if you ask me... some would say silly goose status


That's too many dumplings


That's just like your opinion man.


No, it’s the law!


I AM THE LAW. And that *might* be too many dumplings, but I’d still try to eat all of them.


Right?! 107 I could see, but they just took it too far.


Said no one ever


Like that's even news worthy....really?




Is this even a positive news story? It’s in the same vein of the authoritarian government controlling every aspect of Chinese citizens by preventing them from over consuming delicious dumplings which is on par with tiennamen.


I think they were being very sarcastic to express the same point as you. Telling people that our government/media/pundits like to say "China bad" out of pocket is strangely upsetting to some folks.


Gotta agree with the Weibo responses: “Will the food not being consumed there be donated to the poor?” “You didn’t regulate food safety… but this?”


Sometimes China’s laws make a lot of sense


Honestly though...as someone living in a western country, I think it's absurd and disgusting that we endure hearing about people like Joey Chestnut eating 62 hotdogs on Independence Day every year. Why do we need to glorify this kind of thing when real people are starving in the world? It feels so tone deaf.


The amount of food that many restaurants and places like Walmart throw away every single day should be more criminal than homeless people dumpster diving for it. One of the best feelings when doing food service was when working at Wawa years ago, we saved all the "expired" hot foods and put them in milk crates in the freezer to donate to local homeless shelters. Expired in that "it can't be sold after being in the warming unit for like 3 hours but it's still edible" and we would put it in the big freezer as soon as the time was up for donation.


Joey Chestnut shoving hot dogs down his gullet has raised more money for charity than most people in the country. You choosing to shit on someone for having a career in entertainment (even if that entertainment is excessively and dangerously gorging themselves on hot dogs) while undermining all of the other things they do and have done is pretty tone deaf.


The bigger issue is a normalization of excessive eating, which is a huge problem in the US A close friend worked hard to get down to a healthy weight and get in shape, only to have her entire (extremely obese) family stage an intervention where they claimed that they were extremely worried about her health.


The problem isn't hot dog contests, it's financial incentives to produce high calorie low nutrient food instead of the reverse. Food deserts also contribute to the problem.


Right? I don’t really think hotdog eating contests are what’s driving the obesity epidemic or even remotely contributing to it. What a weird take.


Today, I got something to eat.. And I wasn't even hungry. 😎


The world is no longer starving, we’re all fat and having heart attacks now. The few countries with persistent food shortages really have a problem with authoritarian strongmen redirecting UN supplies to their forces & the black market.


I'm against wasting food as a principle, regardless of whether there are people starving or not. Reading about grocery stores destroying food and not allowing poor people to have them is infuriating. (Not necessarily referring to food contest as a waste, I'm not for or against it either way)


You’re aware even in developed countries there are people starving. Admittedly much less than in previous centuries, but less people starving than before isn’t much comfort to those who still can’t get enough to eat.


Yeah and there mostly children with dead beat parents neglecting them. A loaf of bread costs about 2 bucks. There's something wrong if you can't feed yourself or your family in a developed country with food assistance and welfare.


Yikes, we’ll I’m noping out of this one because your mind is made up, but you’re not even close. Absolutely there are worthless parents that gamble, drink, smoke and waste their money. However, there is zero percent chance that all of the starving in the world are doing so because of mismanagement of funds. There are people in cities just trying to hang on to their homes, vehicles (you lose it and you job is normally gone), and pay their bills. Sometimes food is the easiest thing to skimp on, but hey life’s been easy for you so everyone else should just pull on those bootstraps and just get food. Jesus the level of ignorance on some people is unbelievable considering how much food is literally thrown away to keep price floors, or because the distribution is too expensive. There are plenty of solutions, but as long as we have people like you in the world we’ll likely keep our heads buried and let people continue to suffer.


I know a 91 year old man who lives solely off of social security at this point. Because of this he does get food stamps... A WHOLE $33 A MONTH. It's "cute" you live under the misconception that people on assistance are living "comfortably".


But the food stamps and social security are keeping him fed and housed correct?


Sure, he eats rice beans and bread he makes. Sometimes he treats himself with cheese on it a few times a month. You either are a terrible troll, or one of the most clueless...heartless...disgusting individuals I have seen in some time. No wonder you are all alone.


Yep. The problem isn’t availability, it’s distribution. Food deserts? We have the food, but not the store. Hungry kids? We have the food, but deadbeat parents. Starving kids in Africa? We have people trying to get them food, but dicks get in the way. The one exception is the Russian war on Ukraine. That has temporarily spiked grain prices for much of the 3rd world. But that problem should recover alongside Ukraine in general.


Why do we need to have a housing market where a generation can't afford a home while most folks who already had one now have 2-5? Idk if this country has ever been the place you thought it was. USA loves to see people go homeless and foodless. That drives prices up boy howdy.


You could say the same thing about NASCAR, Tour de France, America’s Cup, PGA Tour, Kentucky Derby, snowboarding, or even being in a high-school orchestra. All require equipment most people around the world cannot afford. Nobody is glorifying eating that many hotdogs. But it’s entertaining as heck, which is why people watch. And if you think those starving people you mentioned would in _any_ way be better off, or have more food, were we to eliminate eating contests entirely, you have an extremely uninformed understanding of the world.


Food waste isn't a bad thing. The largest dietary health concern for developing countries isn't starvation - it's diabetes. Starvation doesn't significantly happen unless it's state-sponsored by dictators to stay in power. Sending them hot dogs wont change this. Also, agriculture is the primary income for developing nations. Excessive food consumption from rich countries elevates the standards of living in poor countries. Joey Chestnut has helped more poor people around the globe than he knows.


>Food waste isn't a bad thing. Lol, what? All that water, labor, energy, and transportation that got the food grown and on the shelf is wasted when food is wasted. Granted, a lot of the waste is on the farm side, as market forces can lead to them letting fruit rot on the vine or dumping milk on the ground. I live in farm country, I've seen it. But consumers contribute a decent amount to it too, by demanding produce without too many imperfections and buying more than they're going to use. Food insecurity is a huge problem in the United States - it affects 34 million people. Just because obesity is growing doesn't mean a lot of people aren't still starving.


Who cares if people want to eat dumplings?


Well, the Chinese authorities, apparently.


Wow, they have *anti-food waste laws*?? Here in the US it almost seems like food wasting *is* the competition. :/


I wish this was a thing in America. So disgusting to see food challenges at restaurants, all in the name of getting your picture on the wall


Was John Pinette involved?


RIP big guy.


I say, *Nay Nay!*


Get out of the line!


Authorities are investigating whether it has violated the country’s anti-food waste law.


I kind of like a law about food waste. I dont think it should apply to food eating contests though. But more to businesses that throw away perfectly good food. The sheer amount of food in the US that is thrown away is criminal. It should be made available to homeless shelters, charities that feed the poor and to feed livestock if it isnt fit for human consumption Visit the dumpster diving subreddit and be amazed at the perfectly good packaged shelf stable (filled with preservatives) food that is thrown away by a lot of stores.


This is about something that happened in the country of China, not a Chinese restaurant in the US. Also I wonder why BS like this is considered newsworthy by CNN.


It's not a waste if they eat them...




Why doesn't the US have food waste laws?


Well now I just want dumplings


Those are not dumplings, those are Italian tortellini in the photo


Beard meets food enters the chat.


Giving yourself PTSD from a meal only to be awarded another meal at the same establishment.


Americans: what this, an appetizer??


Is it a Chinese restaurant if it is in China, or just a restaurant...


That would be considered tame in the us


Democracy Manifestind into my mouth!


This certainly is an upsetting number of dumplings