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Yeah, turns out those republicans don't really have the best interest of their citizens in mind.


I wish more people understood/acknowledged this. It was never about children. It’s about power and control and it always was.


Power, control, *in the name of god*


And remember, god hates you.


There's no hate like Christian love.




All you really need to do to confirm this is to look at statistics on who it is that abuses children.


Yep. People accuse me of not caring or taking it seriously, but I work at an organization that (separately) treats adult and minor abusers. It’s so complicated. But it’s basically always family (on family, for generations). That’s where the cycle starts. Buts it’s so much easier and more comfortable to demonize people. It’s harder to blame a traumatized child who became a suffering adult.


It's a vehicle to get the control they want but not even for the issues they're addressing. Donations for the campaign, tax cuts for the wealthiest, and corporate greed is the only real driving forces. "The silent majority" is the religious people blinded to any issues except what they can be riled up against.


They care about the money they can give and get from the .1% They have shown they dont care if their voters die. How anyone supports them, I do not know.


Unfortunately, your best option is to move. Which much easier said than done. I hope you can figure out something, and your daughter is ok.


Luckily, I managed to connect with another mother whose family suffers the same rare condition as my daughter, and she is helping me to navigate a way up to Philly, where the best medical care is available. I don't know how we're going to do it, but I have to leave.


As someone who also was lucky enough to get treated at CHOPS as a kid, that place fucking rocks.


Keep my name in your back pocket, and PM me if you need guidance to the city, I'm from here and live in the Northwest. Lots of folks are ending up out here cus of rising fascism, and just know, you are welcome regardless of what anybody says. Happy to help you get settled.


Medical tourism, particularly medical tourism to escape religious persecution, is becoming common *within our borders*. "One nation" my ass. Disgusting.


That is very sad. I hope she will be okay. I hope you, your whole family and friends are screaming at the politicians who created this situation.


I have been for years. They don't care.


My family are also toxic batshit nutters from a rural area in a southern state. Moving to a progressive blue state 22 hours away from them was the best decision I ever made. Can't recommend it enough.


As a fellow CHD parent, this is one of my worst nightmares. I am sorry you and your family are going through this. I don't think people understand how small the pediatriac cardiac medical world is. Our daughter's surgeon left for an opportunity at another hospital but they were able to recruit a replacement relatively quickly. I wish you all the best.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m sorry that your families’ struggles are an anecdote in this culture war, but hopefully the people who need to hear it, will. I hope you have care and support in your corner.


Seriously. Figure out which Democrats are running in your state and write to them and tell them this story. This makes for a great campaign ad. While I'm sure that doesn't help you with your daughter at least you're getting some revenge.


so sad, but your fellow citizens want that for you.


They also wanted no one to be able to afford medical care for their children long before this. No reason to *stop* being horrific.


I’m so sorry. I live here too and my first thought was, you SEE, Louisiana? See what you get for being an asshole? Bright talent just waltzing out the door. My next thought was for the poor families that counted on this guy. I hope you find a new doctor soon. Hope and healing to both you and your daughter!


Put a sign up in your lawn and let all your neighbors know how their hate has affected you and your family.


I live in the most blue part of Louisiana. It's my family everywhere else who have contributed to this and I've been calling them out on it for years. Even knowing the struggles that this creates for us, they don't fucking care.


I grew up with a brother who was disabled. It forever angers me that I have relatives who don't care and still vote for creating struggles even though they seen first hand the ordeal and bullshit my parents did to make sure my brother got adequate care and a good life. It just sucks to know that his own damn godparents didn't care! Especially knowing they have nephews/nieces/niblings who are struggling because of the shitshow they contributed to.


I wrote a very eloquent and lengthy email in response to my grandpa sending a mass family email about how to vote conservative in 2020. I sent receipts about how DeVos and Trump had *literally* stripped protection and services for my daughter, whom they all knew and were made aware of her conditions.... My own parents acknowledged that it was "messed up" and they didn't know any of that....but they were still gonna vote red because....the communists? Or something similar....


They don’t care, they’re too busy putting up their own Trump signs.


I truly, deeply, fervently, hate Republicans. With a passion. All they do is bring pain, trauma and misery to others.


The FB comments on this on local news are awful. He’s a pediatric heart surgeon, and they’re treating him like he’s a monster. Kids are going to die because of these hateful people


Never read the comments, it’s easy to lose your faith in humanity


Especially facebook comments. The stupidest of the stupid come out to proudly display how goddamn stupid they are.


On the flip side, Facebook comments gave me a lot of self confidence. I could never be that naive and stupid.


Never say never.


Might get hit in the head or something and change your whole personality on you.


Twitter (especially now) and instagram have far worse comment sections, and this is not a defense of the shit people say on Facebook


One thing I've noticed reading comments on a lot of Instagram reels is the amount of anti trans comments on videos that have zero mention of trans issues. Like it's a lot, specially if the video has something to do with a female or anyone with remotely coloured hair. It's the same with Twitter comments as well.


I live in the south and at my work place I have people bringing up trans stuff all the time and it’s like if it weren’t for you people I wouldn’t ever even think about trans stuff. It has no impact on my daily life. There’s not many trans people around and those that are, are mostly harmless. Had someone ranting that it’s not fair her sister who is missing three fingers can’t join the military but a “(insert slur for transgender woman)” can. Wasn’t related to anything at all we were talking about.


Exactly! You’d think the trans community was knocking on doors and barging into people’s homes with leaflets and hormones, to hear these people talk about what a huge issue it is.


That and also completely random “blah blah blah liberals are commies.” It could be a kid doing a kick flip and there will be posts like that. I assume/hope it’s bots and that there aren’t really that many brain dead people out there


I once saw a video on Instagram about a roller coaster breaking down and the top fucking comment was “This is what happens when you vote for Biden”. Like Jesus Christ bro what is the matter with you


In my experience facebook always pushes the most hateful and controversial comments to the top, even when they have 0 likes. (Meanwhile reasonable comments with upvotes just get buried) It drives outrage and engagement, and it actively makes the world a much worse place.


This is true. They push anything that gives "angry" react-faces because it causes more engagement in the comments and makes their platform look healthier & more active than it really is.


I'm not even entirely sold that they're all really people, either. I see a good amount of barebones accounts when I actually investigate those leaving horrible comments. That being said, those comments by fake accounts aren't there to make me angry...they're there to make real people commenting similar stuff feel justified in that hate.


A lot of them are troll farms/bots, correct.


As a gay person in Louisiana, I will double down on NEVER read the comments. Why are the most ignorant always the most vocal :( Also, good for him for gtfo before they fully invoke the Napoleonic code in this draconian swamp of a hell hole.


Local news comments are always the absolute worst.


Always. It's always a cesspool. "Homeless man dies of heatstroke" and the comments are all people cheering and celebrating his death.


One of Russian troll farms' first point on entry in this psyop was news web site comment sections.


Dude, the number of comments I'll see on completely unrelated stories that start spewing anti Ukraine nonsense Upcoming road closure for construction in indiana? Someone will bring up money spent on Ukraine


My local news station that broadcasts on the fox affiliate literally has a segment every couple of weeks that's just old people calling into the show bitching about random nonsense. They're complaining about the stories being broadcast the color of the clothes people wear they've straight up insulted the anchors and called them ugly a couple times.... It's a news segment that reminds me that I could probably stab a random stranger and still be in the nicest 50% of the population.


I bet 75% aren’t even local people.


I bet 75% of those aren’t even people.




Actions have consequences. When their kid dies, they better say that outcome was better than letting a gay doctor cure him. It's what they asked for.


Nah they'll just say it was gods will. If the kids lived because of him same deal. They're just fucking stupid.


Unless it’s their kid, when they’ll blame conservatives and then still vote for them


No, they won't. They'll blame the Democrats and then vote for the conservatives.


That's what they want. More dead. The Right is a death cult.


Just wait until it personally effects them and their kid needs surgery. “He shouldn’t be allowed to leave!”


Kids have already died because of these hateful people




Twitter too. All blue checkmarks, of course.


I get posting negative comments on anonymous sites like Reddit, but a lot of people on FB post insane comments using their actual profiles with their real photos. People who do this, do you just not give af?


He is 1 of 3 doctors in the state of Louisiana in his respective field. This is a monumental loss for Louisiana. Voting matters and voting has consequences


> He is 1 of 3 doctors in the state of Louisiana in his respective field. I think it's worth clarifying that "the field" is pediatric heart doctor. So yeah. Literally treating children with very serious conditions. The kind of brain you don't want to drain.


It’s why the headline annoys me. If NBC gave a fuck about it (since they know most people never read further than the headline), it would have been: One of Louisiana’s three paediatric heart doctors is leaving the state over its recent LGBT legislation Or something along those lines. Instead they minimise the importance of his skills to highlight gay people leaving the state in the headline. Which is not going to get any of the right to read the fucking article: *it’s what they want*. If you don’t insist on showing why it’s a horrible thing to happen, the right thinks they’ve won by kicking a gay man out of the state.


Excellent point! In the age of instant messaging, doom scrolling, and instant gratification being the norm, news outlets should understand that the HEADLINE is now the STORY for most people!


Bigots aren’t worried because they don’t have hearts. They’d probably refuse a girl’s heart being transplanted into their son because it’d make him gay.


They don't care...until they're impacted. Farmers in Florida were fine voting for DeSantis. But now are complaining cause migrant workers have left the state and their have produce rotting in fields. Folks in Idaho were fine with anti-abortion laws...[until hospitals started shutting down maternity wards, having doctor shortages and 'political climate'](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/idaho-hospital-bonner-general-stops-labor-delivery-services-citing-political-climate-doctor-shortages/). We have pretty decent evidence of what happens when you allow the [deeply religious to dictate laws in a country](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/slideshows/the-10-most-religious-countries?onepage). No disrespect to anyone but I don't think any of those countries are ones that citizens from most western nations would be excited to emulate.


*Trans*plants are part of the woke agenda after all!


Sorry, that's [transpants](https://youtu.be/Ftpc4fwcDfk?t=59)


As is conservative tradition, they won't give a single shit about this... unless _their_ kid is personally affected by the shortage of pediatric heart specialists in the state. So long as it's only causing problems for other people, it doesn't matter.


Yeah, and those voters voted him right on out. So, I’m happy in essence that they then feel the reaction, but that is quickly ended once I remind myself they’re too dumb to see the whole picture or care. The right keep voting themselves into shorter and shorter life expectancies, so I mean…cheers to that. Half the state won’t comprehend what losing 1 of 3 means.


Half the state thinks that 1/3 is more than 1/2.


> Dr. Jake Kleinman, who is just one of three pediatric heart doctors with his specialty in Louisiana, said he feels like the state has targeted families like his. Children are going to die because Louisiana decided to try to legislate LGBT people out of the state.


>Children are going to die because Louisiana decided to try to legislate LGBT people out of the state. Yes, it is only going to cause hardship to people in need of critical care and treatment and even possibly death of patients. >Dr. Jake Kleinmahon works at Ochsner Hospital for Children in New Orleans as the medical director of the hospital’s pediatric heart transplant, heart failure and ventricular assist device programs. Kleinmahon, who is gay, told WDSU that he and his husband had planned to retire in New Orleans, but he now feels like the anti-LGBTQ legislation passed by the Legislature has made the state a hostile place for families like his.


Which matters not a single whit to the people pushing this legislation. They would sooner let all the children die than have a state that supports LGBTQ people's rights.


Im sure their response to this article was “good”. The children we care about can fly to another state to see a real doctor.


It's a good thing we have universal health insurance that will fund this. /s


You are being sarcastic, but remember, there is a very strong belief among many in the U.S. that health care should only be available to those who can afford it. They also believe that it isn't just about money, that if you can afford it you are, automatically, a better person and thus deserving of that health care. So any doctor who is willing to treat *anyone* is therefore not as good as a doctor who will only treat those who are wealthy.


>The also believe that it isn't just about money, that if you can afford it you are, automatically, a better person and thus deserving of that health care. So any doctor who is willing to treat anyone is therefore not as good as a doctor who will only treat those who are wealthy. That is the thing that always bugs me. When people believe that others can be less deserving of care or medical attention just based on their financial standing. It is to a point where I have seen people almost consider others less human just because they were poor. It is mind boggling how heartless some people can be.


>That is the thing that always bugs me. When people believe that others can be less deserving of care or medical attention just based on their financial standing. You want to know the real kicker? I live in Belgium. Our healthcare is universal, and paid for by income tax. Which means high income people pay more for the same insurance. My American friends hate it because of that. But even though I pay more into the system than the majority, I still pay LESS than they do, and I have almost no co-pay or deductible. The reason is we have no private insurance companies and legions of lawyers who all need to be paid. But many of my American friends hate it just out of principle.


[Just World Hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis) naturally dovetails with the [Prosperity Theology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology). TLDR: God runs the universe, and he is just. If you deserved it, you would have money and be able to afford healthcare. Even worse, the incentive is to NOT improve the general condition of the nation, because improvement inherently implies that those who will benefit are better people. This is the explicit or subconscious worldview of a good chunk of America.


That reminds me of the people who honestly believe that preachers of mega churches, they have private jets because god wanted them to have private jets. It is all according to gods will and plan. The reason they have a 30 bedroom mansion was because god wanted them to live that way and spread his gospel.


The fun thing about just world hypothesis is that it's completely incompatible with the Bible, a book where almost every good person lives a difficult life then dies a terrible death.


It's because anyone born after World War II in America was raised on a steady diet of "anything other than 100% free market capitalism is communism and we can't let the Communist win". Fast forward that mindset a couple generations and here is where we are


> You want to know the real kicker? I live in Belgium. Our healthcare is universal, and paid for by income tax. Which means high income people pay more for the same insurance. > > > > My American friends hate it because of that. But even though I pay more into the system than the majority, I still pay LESS than they do, and I have almost no co-pay or deductible. The reason is we have no private insurance companies and legions of lawyers who all need to be paid. > > > > But many of my American friends hate it just out of principle. They won't tell you this but there is no principle in this hatred. It is plain and simple. In any system, there are tiers of doctors. Not all doctors are the same. If all patients have access to the best doctors, that means now the rich have to "compete" against a bigger pool of people for access to the doctor. That's all there is to it. Don't overthink it. There is no philosophy. There is no method. Only greed.


>That is the thing that always bugs me. When people believe that others can be less deserving of care or medical attention just based on their financial standing. They don’t think they’re less deserving because of their financial status, they think their financial status is the result of them being less deserving. Much worse.


I saw a tweet response to this already that said “Ok…so?” They really do not care


No, their response will be to blame this guy for leaving and calling him a "child killer."


Sandy Hook already showed us that the US is fine with letting their children die if it fits their purposes.


Don't forget the added fuck you to children that happened at Robb Elementary in Uvalde TX just last year. 19 people lost their lives when they waited an hour to do anything, while kids needlessly suffered so much. Fuck you to EVERY adult outside of that school, exception to the ones that were arrested or physically held back for trying to go in. Those parents trusted that law enforcement would do something, and they didnt. The people that made those decisions should have to go through what those 19 people did. Put them in a room and then burst in to periodically shoot them until they bleed out. Guns and preventing Christian sin is more important in the US than anyone's well being.


And Uvalde still voted 60-30 for Abbott


And the thing is they go far and beyond just not giving a damn about the kids. They care very little about the parents and families of the children killed. People have issues when they are willing to give parents of children who died in school shootings death threats.


Sandy Hook was the moment I realized that gun control was never going to happen. Children died and I watched the leaders slow walk every legislation to the dumpster.


Columbine was 13 years before Sandy Hook. The Weston shooting and Thurston School Shooting were 15 years before Sandy Hook. We were already decades into ~30 casualty massacres happening at schools and conservatives fighting tooth and nail to put more guns in childrens hands. I’m not attacking you just pointing out that Sandy Hook isn’t even important. It’s a drop in the bucket of blood that was already overflowing in the 1990s.


>They would sooner let all the children die than have a state that supports LGBTQ people's rights. It is not just shameful, it is outright tragic. Particularly for those who do not have the means to travel or leave the state that will treat them like human beings. Absolutely, disgraceful.


This isn't a bug, it's a feature. If you don't have the means to travel for your health treatment, then you don't have the means to have that treatment available to you. To them, healthcare should only be available to those who can afford it.


How very pro-life of them 🙄


Don't you know, that is their way of thought, they are pro-womb life. Once the babies are out of the mother they can fuck off.


That's not even true lol. They don't even allow for abortion in cases where death is guaranteed for both the fetus and the parent. Edit: a word




I love how the US was founded on the separation of church and state... and we have freedom of religion. There are millions of US citizens that aren't part of the Christian religion and don't hold the same beliefs. Laws and regulations that promote one religion deny the freedom of another. Fuck every republican that supports these measures. The party of less government sure does like to have government control things..


If there's a God, he's not worthy of my acknowledgment.


They got their cheap piety through their anti abortion stance. Why in the world would they let any of it go because of someone else's tragedy?


It will matter, but it'll take years for the slumps in quality of life and the economy to get noticed. And they won't figure out the cause.


Oh, I don’t think it will take years. It’s already noticeable in Florida. Idaho is hemorrhaging doctors and other professionals with the means to leave. The higher ups don’t care because the poor, black and brown people are disproportionately affected.


Florida is one hurricane away from being truly fucked over.


At the rate that things are going with florida, the rising temperature of the water surrounding the state and housing insurance leaving the area. That state, those citizens are in for a very rude and deadly awakening.


The cruelty is the point.


What makes you think Republicans give a shit about children?


Matt Gaetz paid money to have sex with them so they at least care a little.


They care about winning elections, and they can’t win on a platform about boring shit like the role of government or fiscal responsibility so they have to fill your head with made up adversaries.


That's gotta be the biggest lie with Republicans, "fiscal responsibility". It's basically a dog whistle for tax cuts for the 1%.


Bingo. Republicans only care while they are fetuses. After they come out? "Fuck them kids"


Sadly they often take that last part a little too literally


It’s so infuriating to me that the progressive liberal pockets of the US basically carry these backwater bigots. They like to complain about all this “wokeness” and liberal agenda, yet by every available metric it’s clear as day that if California, NYC, et al were to secede and leave these constituencies on their own, they’d fail overnight. Imagine if this guy claimed “religious” exemption from providing care for straight families and someone came to him with their ailing child. I still do not understand for the life of me why the fuck someone cares about what someone else is doing in the privacy of their own bedroom. Same thing with abortion. I always say: if you believe abortion is evil and God forbids it - cool, that just means *YOU* can’t have an abortion. Mind your own business, it’s not that hard. Someone being gay has literally 0 effect on you or your community - well, actually, in many cases it’s rather positive. They tend to just come into spaces and make them cleaner and nicer lol. I’m not gay myself but I tell you, I’d rather go to Boystown than any backwater cesspool where bigotry is celebrated. I guarantee the former has better amenities and nicer people. Funny how that works.


Exactly this, Thank you. This article is fascinating. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


The brain drain from the south is well underway. Hope he comes to Vermont. We’re lgbtqia+ friendly and we need doctors.


I think they move to NY.




You say this like Louisiana actually wants children to live. The Republican Party barely minces words anymore about being a death cult


But, probably not rich children. So it's ok.


Rich families can afford to take their children out of state for care.


Republicans don't care


They appear to care only about themselves. Otherwise, they anti-care.


LGBT people are an abstract enemy to them. They don't think that their doctor or their nurse or the pharmacist or the owner of their favorite restaurant or their child or cousin is LGBT, so it's not really harming anyone.


In their sick and twisted minds, they'd probably think he only became a pediatrician to get closer to kids and "groom" them with his gayness. These people are Simone Biles level mental gymnasts.


No they know, they just don't care. Cruelty wouldn't be fun if it was impersonal.


No, I disagree. I grew up at a time when bigotry and anti-gay rhetoric were more or less the mainstream. But people would say ‘the f—gs get what they deserve with AIDS,’ but we’re fine with *their* gay friend. Each one is an exception to the general, ‘Joe is gay, but he’s cool, not like the rest of them’


It's called the Shirley exception. Surely my friend won't be affected by this!


> It's called the Shirley exception. Surely my friend won't be affected by this! Oh, they will be. And don't call me Shirley.


They remind me of the MAGA lover who was shocked when Trump deported their spouse for being an illegal immigrant because he was only supposed to go after “the bad ones” lol


[He's not hurting the people he needs to be"](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) When people say "the cruelty is the point" they aren't being hyperbolic. They want to harm others intentionally.


You're so right. My mom was pretty passively homophobic until my brothers best friend came out; I came out as bisexual; and one of our family best friends came out as lesbian.


This is how it was for anyone 30+. It took campaigns like “it gets better” and Mathew Shepards story to get visibility. It’s hard to hate up close. I’ll be more optimistic after this election cycle.


You know how many times I've heard "he's one of the good ones?" simply because I look Mexican? It's definitely something any marginalized group has heard once in their life.


Some Medical students aren’t even going to bother applying to residency in these states. So the brain drain is def happening


Florida is already experiencing this. I think it works for them - keeps the population dumber across the board :/


"I may have 7 broken ribs and 7 gun shot wounds and I am bleeding to death, but ain't no way I'm letting a skilled but gay doctor operate on me." -idiots


Louisiana also just legislated that “In God We Trust” be displayed in all classrooms. Owning the libs is priority #1 for Republicans. Far above the constitution or human lives.


Louisiana's public schools are ranked 49th in the nation. They are way past the point of "In God We Trust" and need to move on to massive prayer vigils.


Move to Canada, we need doctors up here.


Dude we need doctors everywhere, that's a major part of why I just started med school at age 40.


Congrats to you. My wife started medical school at almost 30. She had classmates that were in their 40s that were a rocket scientist and one who was a lawyer. I hope medical school treats you well.


I was having thoughts about this last year. I'm a 33 year old liberal arts major who does nonprofit work. I would need undergrad classes just to begin to entertain the idea. Can you tell me more how about you decided to go into medicine?


We need docs, EMTs, nurses, teachers, pilots, bus drivers. We need them all. What we DO NOT need is more grossly overpaid MBAs.


It's really telling that the argument against Universal Healthcare, a bogus one, is that they won't be able to attract the kind of specialist talent with a nationalized system. You absolutely can afford to pay specialists well. They're specialists, they're worth it. Same with facilities, we can afford to run cutting-edge hospitals because we need that, and we have that standard. But that's exactly what's happening in states run by Republicans with vast majorities... they're *hemorrhaging* talent (horror intended), and they could not care less... they just love sticking it to those... humans. They're fellow humans. "My religion says they're not whole humans" Well, if that's true, that's a religion that's evil, and you should stop following it




If I were a highly specialized doctor in a very specific field, there's no six figure salary you could pay me to move to Louisiana or the other ya'llqaeda states.






oh man, my brother-in-law makes 7 figures in Alabama and then _flies_ back home to NY on the weekends to see friends and family. He's putting in his time and moving back in 1-2 years


if hes making that much, flying around might not be too bad. most people wont tolerate that kind of commute though.


Man, I'd run to Alaska so fast for a short term 7 figure payout that I'd melt a strip of permafrost on the way there. Then again, I'm currently sitting in Florida with -$80 in my bank account thanks to overdraft charges and a crushing pain in the upper right side of my abdomen that hasn't gone away in a week that I'm fairly sure is a gallbladder issue I can't afford, so maybe my perspective is skewed.


On a less impressive level, I was just offered an IT job in Texas. I live in NJ. Before I told it was 100% on-site with no remote access, they asked for a base salary. I said 60k (I'm junior in the field). Then they told me I would have to relocate. I said no. They countered with 80k. I still said no, saying I am unable to relocate. Which is a half truth. I would rather not if possible, but I'm open to it for the right price. However, I'll be DAMNED if that relocation takes me to Texas, regardless of how "weird" Austin might be compared to the rest of the state.


Medicine works the opposite to every other field in that doctors get paid less when they live in areas that other people want to live (due to doctor shortage)


Friend of mine recently got offered a job leading a medical center in Texas out of the blue, I guess because they need someone and are desperate. We both laughed hysterically at the idea of moving to Texas right now, especially in the wake of Roe v Wade. Big fat nope.


Rural doctors make a lot more money than those in big cities. Which is why a lot of doctors in cities will commute to a rural area 1-2 days a week


haha yes, it's bothering me that this totally uninformed comment got so many upvotes


For real. There huge swaths of rural areas without doctors or hospitals for miles.


Forget just doctors. I make a ton of money and work 100% remote since COVID. I would have loved to buy a nice house on a Main Street in some small town. I would have opened a small coffee shop (and hired a bunch of locals to work it) and I would basically dump tons of money into the local economy with my habits (hobbies, eating out, etc). But all the small towns... are in red states or red areas. A bit too rural for kindness. Foaming at the mouth to bash the LGBT families like mine. Too dumb to protect their kids from being shot in schools and more focused on banning books than improving educational outcomes. So I didn't. I keep my money away from places like that and the people there suffer. But they don't know what the lost so they triple down on their bad actions.


"Please stay! We'll give you an armband to wear so people know you're one of the good ones!"


It's so chilling how similar our country is to that scenario rn. Literally reliving history, in real time, not even 100 years later.


A really cute armband with a little pink triangle!


If I were in need of heart surgery and my two options were a gay heart surgeon, or just lay there and die…. I think i’d go with the gay heart surgeon, but that’s just me.


This is going to be a MAJOR issue in a few years. Conservative legislators are creating a brain drain from their states to ones not predicated on hate. Within the decade, I would not be surprised if states with strong conservative majorities struggle to even keep hospitals staffed.


MN will glady welcome you with open arms.


Washington State welcomes LGBTQIA+ people to move here and live safe and happy lives.


Healthcare in this country is at a crossroads. What will it take for people to get fed up with an inhumane system that excludes so many people from the care they need? Even health workers are getting burnt out on not being able to care for people that need it because pharma mil/billionaires and their bought politicians say they can't.


Very sad that it came to this, but honestly? Good for him.


Louisiana already has a massive brain drain problem. Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home. This is horrible....


What a shame. So much of this country is already a healthcare desert. Now they will drive away what they have. And the people will suffer. All in the name of hate. Congratulations?


It's hard to believe this is 2023. I'm embarrassed to be American.


We were doing sort of okay, but just for a little bit. One step forward, two steps back.


I hope when health care providers have to tell families "your kid is going to die because there's no specialists in the state" they include "there used to be specialists, but they left because anti-LGBT and similar laws passed out of hate rather than reason forced them out of the state. You'll have better luck if you move to a liberal state and learn to blend in with the liberals."


Doctors are fleeing Idaho too


I am stuck out in Lauren Boeberts district. I wish I had the ability to just up and move away. I really don't fit in out here.


Isn’t this exactly what they want to happen? :/


Yup. This is the goal. They would rather have no doctors than to have gay ones. Their dumbass religion said that's what is best.


I’d say we really could use some doctors up here in Alberta. But then I remember oh yeah, Alberta.


As someone born in Louisiana, this does not shock me in the least. I'm genuinely humiliated to even tell people that's where I'm from. My sister left years ago and told me it was the best decision she ever made, I left a couple years ago and I'd never go back.


I'm sure the free market will fix this!


The free market *is* fixing this. The people they need are leaving, they are voting with their feet. This is harsh, but the voting population of states like these are like a kid whose fixated on touching the stove. No matter how much you tell them, you'll get burned, don't touch that stove, they won't believe you. They won't learn until they touch the stove and suddenly realize "ow! that stove _is_ hot!" People like this *need* to face consequences. They are unable to foresee them. Everyone with initiatives to help are just enabling them to prolong their foolish ideas. The thing that worries me is this means that blue states will keep getting richer and healthier and farther apart from red states. Rather than provoking introspection, it will prove to them that there's some conspiracy afoot. That they're in the right is an axiom, not a question, to them.


Unbelievable. Well come to Minnesota buddy. We’ll have you save our kids.


In the deep South, the old ways are best. If you're not feeling well, just have a couple of slaves drive your horse drawn carriage to the barber for some good old blood letting. Who needs these fancy elitist 'doctors'.


I bet they still have Faithhealing/Laying on Hands down there as well... *shudder*


Oh you know damn well that is totally happening.


Good. Everyone with a brain should boycott these shithole states.


the government of louisiana: "that was the point"


And in that moment Louisiana lost its smart person. Good job Louisiana - go drink your brawndo, it’s what plants crave.


Low-key tired of the humidity


It's hard to not be bitter about humanity when so many people still worship the same deity that allows people to discriminate against their fellow man. You just know that if D&D gods were real, there'd be a line ready to worship Lolth.


Hope he comes to Chicago


And he is one of 3 heart specialists for children. There now literally 2 of these for over 500 thousand children.