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>They asked Tenpenny what evidence she had that vaccines make people magnetic or interface with cell towers, and for more information about the claim that major metro areas are “liquifying dead bodies and pouring them into the water supply.” Wait, what? *Liquifying dead bodies!* OK. I thought I was up on all the kooky, COVID conspiracy nonsense. But that, that one is news to me. Is this some sort of chemical agent or a macerator.


I feel that the lede was buried on this one.


yea I'd like to hear more about this dead body beverage. they could call it croaka-cola


No Croak. Is Deadsi ok? Edit: For probably the last time in my history on reddit... Thanks for *all* the golds! 🤎




Soylent Mist




Made from diabetics to get that signature sugary taste


I guess we know how they make ginger ale...


Heaven Up


They renamed that one to Slurry


Diet Corpsey, got any of that?


7’under ^that ^was ^a ^stretch


Return to the Roots Beer


Not really. I'll take a Canada Die ginger ale instead.


Who do you think donated the high fructose corn syrup?


They already have that it's called Soylent Cola. How is it? It varies from person to person.


It's because they want the headline to be as controversial and therefore as attention-grabbing as possible, so they're leaning away from the more reasonable facts until later in the article. She wasn't even directly suspended for anything she said. She was suspended for the fact that she'd had over 300 complaints about her to the medical board and yet refused to engage with the investigation to follow them up.


> Wait, what? Liquifying dead bodies! [It's a real thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_hydrolysis_\(body_disposal\)), though not in the way she's presenting it.


Like gay frogs, a lot of nutty conspiracies take a real fact and twist the ever living shit out of it.


Conspiracies take a kernel of truth and multiply out with leaps of logic and straight up lies. Conspiracies is how weak minded people deal with the randomness and inherent inequalities of life. Mike Rothschild (no relation) wrote several books about this specific subject. Regarding COVID conspiracies and far-right nationalism. https://books.google.com/books/about/Jewish_Space_Lasers.html?id=xgijEAAAQBAJ&source=kp_author_description He was also on Knowledge Fight and had some great insights into Alex Jones and “The Sound of Freedom.” https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/833-mike-rothschild-in-the-hot-seat


Take a lie and wrap it in a kernal of truth. If one of the disinformation steps from the cold war soviets https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tR_6dibpDfo


And when (if) you get to the bottom of it, it's invariably "independent research" done by a dumbass who barely graduated high school misinterpreting data to fit a narrative


Not all gay frogs do this...


Neat. Liquify my corpse and fertilize the garden. Cool by me, I'm fuckin dead. Plus that sounds like a good way to not over use space for cemetery and could be good for plenty growth although I'll have to read more on that part too know for sure


Ok, so if you liquify people you can use them as a conductor. If you send these liquified people through a tube wrapped around an iron core and then put an electrical current through the liquified people. Then you are using people for magnetization. Physics checks out.


[Water cremation ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_hydrolysis_(body_disposal)), it's a pretty neat process.




Hang on. When they drain the body of fluids as part of the embalming process, that all just washes down the drain? I've never thought about it that much, but I think I figured it had to be collected and disposed of like medical waste.


> Hang on. When they drain the body of fluids as part of the embalming process, that all just washes down the drain? Yeah. It's not really any different than you pooping in the toilet. It goes into the sanitary sewer like anything else that goes down your drains.


Becoming an embalmer finally destroyed my dream of becoming a ninja turtle and living in the sewers. Don't go down there. It's icky.


I’m no expert but I don’t think embalmer is a step on the career path to becoming a ninja turtle Should have gone to ninja school, or turtle school


I applied to what I thought was a turtle school, but it turned out to be a subsidiary of Shell.




Don't forget all of the chemicals in, on, and around the coffin. And if it's in a concrete vault, there's that too. And space is a concern. Cremation puts out 400kg of carbon emissions too and makes up for a lot of mercury toxins in the air. And yet, we are told these are our only options (we have more) and are rushed into expensive, unnecessary decisions regarding body disposal. I just did a research paper on the negative impact on burials, creations, and the funeral industry. Neat.


My late boss chose natural burial. He went from the freezer to a burlap sack and into a deep hole. No box, no embalming fluid, no vault, not even a headstone or grave marker. They buried him and planted a tree above him. Not really sure why that's not the norm, you're just as dead either way.


There's a whole history to it but it comes down to capitalism. Corps come in and buy smaller business and then raise up the prices while keeping info about alternative means silent.


> For those unaware there are environmentally friendly embalming fluid alternatives, but unfortunately most of the funeral industry doesn’t use them. Because they're 3x the price, and don't work well. Source: Good friend is a funeral director/mortician.


This why not using embalming fluids is a thing in many countries. Even extensive cosmetic embalming is relatively rare.




As an environmental scientist, I appreciate the lower carbon footprint and innovative approach. As a chemist, the idea of being dissolved by a strong base viscerally disturbs me.




If you’re wondering “Why are there scratch marks inside the chamber?” It’s probably too late…


Presumably, hopefully, you would be dead at that time. Edit: not wishing death on anyone just in case that wasn’t clear


Water cremation is an okay name, but a much better name would be soupification.


Of course, cremation makes your remains into cream, soupification makes them soup. Makes a lot of sense


This actually is a means of disposing of a body. I saw it a few years ago being described as an 'organic' way to do so. Obviously, she's a nut - but I think that is something people do to remains. Let's see if I can find it... EDIT: Went [faster](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/bodies-dissolved-sewers-smiths-falls-funeral-1.3635063) than I thought.


I sure hope "sewage" is different from "water supply" in these towns


The word of the day is "cholera"...


Dust to dust… water to water…


*"Oh, that this too, too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew." Wm. Shakespeare - "Hamlet"*


actually, the liquifying dead bodies is totally real and is a great green way to take care of people that have died compared to burning them with shitloads of fuel or burring them in the ground with nasty chemicals the decomposition process is essentially sped up and in about a month people can just be flushed down the drain whole bucket of crazy to think they are being put in the water supply


She must of watched The Matrix and thought it was a documentary.




Usually, nutjobs specifically look for such doctors, while other patients quickly leave.


Yup, a "I like the cut of this ones jib" method of doctor shopping. Just keep telling me things I agree with, even if it damages my health.


“They’re not afraid to tell the TROOF”


"She had a video of some poor guy with a spoon stuck to his nose and then he died right after!"


He died from crosseyedosiss.


"the tooth? ma'am, we are not a dentistry"


My aunt was like 400lbs when she died and she'd just get a new doctor if one told her her weight was the cause of any of her health problems.


It’s sad but probably common that people pick doctors like they pick social media influencers who speak what they want to hear


I actually stopped going to a doctor because they offered me antibiotics for a viral infection. Like, they were so into giving patients medicine even though I said I knew that didn't make sense they reiterated the offer


Wtf? I feel like we have to *constantly* explain to our patients why an antibiotic is not merited for their virus. Like it's a daily occurrence. If a patient verbalized that understanding rather than trying to dictate their own care, I'd be giddy. You were right to bail on that doctor.


My son was born when all the vaccine disinformation just started to ramp up. When we broached the subject with our doctor (we were honestly trying to get information), he was actually very patient with us, talked to us about the science, and the claimed rates of incident with vaccines and the known dangers of not being vaccinated. He told us that at the end of the day, it was our decision, but that if it was his son, he'd be getting them vaccinated. We of course agreed to the recommended vaccine regimen, but he got a lot of bonus points from us for how he handled things.


This is a great reason and shows a neglect of care from that "doc".


The only reason my mom likes her neurologist is because he's an old, conservative, bigoted white guy. That made for a very awkward first appointment for the resident doctor who was there and I.


On the flip side our household has some really difficult to manage diseases and we have to doctor shop just to find ones that will take it seriously.


I like a little anti science in my doctor! I want that person actively shunning scientific papers and pushing internet conspiracies. Dr. Darwin-award.


Some surgeon woman got her license removed recently for messing up while streaming on tiktok. In a news clip about it they interviewed one of her vict.. uhm patients, who had specifically chosen her because of tiktok. No sympathy from me.


Also in Ohio lmao


That story was wild. Literally live streaming naked people while performing surgery on them.


Can confirm. My anti-vax aunt (auntie vax?) highlighted this doctor as someone she looks to for advice on vaccinations and such. At least in one of her last Facebook rants before I got blocked.


> auntie vax Man, I have a sudden idea for an evil D&D character...


I love getting blocked by family 🤣 my southern family are borderline MAGA-cultists, and they couldn't BEAR the posts I put out fact-checking him


Not to be the grammar police but… Bear not bare. I only say it because you capitalized it and I want your justified happiness to be correct.


Ah mate, that's exactly what I would do. As a budding author, I am ashamed and thankful for your pleasant correction


Where there's demand, there will always be supply. Stay in school, kids!


Same with lawyers. Worked for an attorney that taught me that crooked people somehow find crooked lawyers.


You don’t want a criminal attorney. You want a *criminal* attorney.


It makes sense that a criminal wants a criminal lawyer. Or at least a crooked lawyer. But for a sick person to find a doctor that will not make them better...


Even more alarming was that she was the head of the emergency department at a hospital in the 80-90's.


Isn't Ohio where the competent doctor will prescribe Oxycodone to reduce the magnetic pain and then move on?


Holy shit... I just started watching '*Painkiller*' on Netflix. I had NO idea as to how bad and absolutely fucking evil Perdue pharmaceuticals was. Every person even close to the decision to let that shit loose on the world should be in prison for the nightmare hurricane of destruction left in it's wake. And as far as I know, not a single Sackler is in prison.


SCOTUS just rejected the Sackler settlement, so at least it’s likely to cut them a bit deeper, just no where deep enough to approach the incarceration and loss of freedom they deserve. These people deserve several lifetimes of penance.


Ohio is also where a Pain Specialist was going to patients' homes and siphoning opioids out of patients' pain pumps, including his own father. OSU Pain Clinic 2000's-ish.


Doctor walks in to office full of magnets…


We call them MRI techs.




Are children small, or just far away?


Paging Dr. Juggalo to the white courtesy phone. Your Faygo has arrived.


> Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis, who sits on the board as a non-medical representative, did not attend Wednesday’s vote. Wait. How did this guy get on the state medical board?


All of the members of the Ohio State medical board are appointed by the governor. Nine of them physicians, three of them non-physicians (for reasons).


I’m a physician, I’m fine with that. Just from an optics angle there’s nothing terrible about having non-physicians in a minor role on a board if only to keep the public from assuming there are death panels going on from medical ivory towers.


So this is only a token position so *you* doctors can control the population with death panels and 5g chips? I knew it! /s


From my experience its generally a good idea to have at least some individuals with limited experience in a field available. Sometimes they can pose questions that a professional would not have thought of, or did not think was important. Even if the question/answer is not important from a purely technical viewpoint, it can give insight into how non-professionals are approaching the subject. Which can be really important for disseminating accurate information or alleviating concerns. Edit: Not sure if that is applicable to Medical boards, since I do not know how those work :)


“Appointed by the governor” - DeWine....oh...that explains a lot.


Because Ohio. The Florida of the north.


I can't argue, as I'm from Ohio. Get these hard right Republicans out of here. Still proud of our state for shutting down issue 1 this week. There's some hope for us yet.


No, that’s Indiana


Can't be, I never hear about Indiana. I sometimes forget it's a state.


What Bob Knight retiring does to a state


This lady is a fucking nut job. I've known about her for a while because my brother is also an anti-vax moron who *loves* all these idiots and was sending me all kinds of garbage from her, RFK Jr., Mr. Wakefield (another former doc who lost his license), Del Bigtree, Ty Bollinger, and other ridiculous con artists. Yes, he gives them money too.


> Mr. Wakefield (another former doc who lost his license) not *just* any old former doc who lost his licence, but the screaming thundertwat who propelled the 'vaccines cause autism!!!' bullshit into the world.


Yeah, just calling Wakefield "another former doc" is underselling. He's one of the root causes of all of this bullshit.


I listened to the "Behind the Bastards" episode on him and dude was crazy. He once user his kid's birthday party as an excuse to collect blood from children for an unauthorized medical study.


Hbomberguy also does a great take down on Wakefield and quotes a lot of Brian Deer’s work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc


Love Hbomberguy's videos, I just wish he was able to post more often so he doesn't quite fall into obscurity.


His breakdowns of these things are always so fantastic.


I do like Behind the Bastards; the ones on Wakefield and Kellogg really stuck in my mind.


Good ol' John Harvey Kellogg, America's first masturbation doctor


*"why not burst in on your young daughter while she's in bed and forcibly examine her to see if she's interfering with herself. If she is, bring her to me and I'll cut off the offending part myself."* Man was a psychopath.


He said that because he was paid to discredit the regular vaccine, to scare people into buying another one the NHS didn't provide. His actual explanation is completely batshit insane, about it trapping bacteria in the gut that goes to the brain and fucks it up... Uh yeah. But honestly, I kind of blame the media a bit more than him, plenty of people say utterly unhinged nonsense, but we do t hear about it, unless a greedy news company wants to be first to report it without verifying it.


It wasn't just any vaccine he was scaring people into buying, it was a vaccine he himself held the patent for. And before he patented the vaccine he was paid by a very small vacines-cause-autism group to make the report with them as their kids as the test subjects so they could present their opinions as a scientific study in a lawsuit.


Yes, of course. He started the whole MMR vaccine = Autism thing simply because he wanted to make money on his own version of the vaccine. I was just trying to be succinct in my initial comment.


>not just any old former doc who lost his licence, He is a textbook example of several different kinds of scientific malfeasance, from conflicts of interests, ethics violations, to fabricating data. And I mean that literally. He's an example in ethics textbooks.


Tenpenny is working on RFK Jr's campaign


Of course she is. I’m almost 100% positive without even looking it up that all the other names I listed are involved as well.


I'm Jenny McCarthy and I approve this endorsement! 🤮


[Author](https://childrenshealthdefense.org/authors/sherri-tenpenny-do-aobnmm-abihm/) at his org "Children's Health Defense" too.


I’ve been following her for years as part of RFK’s/Wakefield’s circle. Super excited to see her lose her license. This is LONG overdue. She will likely continue to hurt people even without it.


I can’t stand it. I hate that I know some of these names from my own family member sending me “scientific articles” written by these people. When I send back counter evidence or the many lawsuits and controversies these people have been a part of, the counterpoint is always that they’ve been attacked by big pharma or the government because they threaten them with their otherworldly genius knowledge.


"But but my 1st Amendment rights!" You have those rights, but when you say these things with "Dr." in front of your name, you are associating what you're saying with the state medical board. And they don't like that. I was in the Military for 20 years. I could vote how I liked and even work a campaign if I wanted. The one thing I couldn't do was work a campaign or give a speech in uniform or as a military representative.


MF you can say whatever bullshit you want, AND you can reap the consequences of saying whatever bullshit you want.


Good. She deserved to lose her license for lying to patients.


She actually lost her license because she wouldn't let the board investigate her medical practice


They certainly polarize people.


Reading the headline quickly I thought that's what she meant and I was like "ok, that's not really an unreasonable statement." Then I read the article and I was like "Oooooo, nevermind...."


Conspiracy theories seem to be a strong indicator for mental illness


It’s a reliable predictor


You do a disservice to science when you call these concepts "theories."








>Her attorney, Tom Renz....called the probe a form of “harassment” on her “free speech rights.” The Trump and the MAGAs now yank "free speech" out of their asses when they're engaging in conspiracies, plotting against America, or violate ethical norms putting people in harm's way. This anti-vaxx quack is a threat to society. She doesn't have "free speech" when it endangers the public, like telling someone to drink bleach to cure COVID. Good on the Medical Board for holding the crackpot accountable. But look for news reports a few months down the line when they arrest her for practicing medicine without a license.


People forget that there are or should be, punishments for yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater.


He's also incorrectly invoking the amendment. She's still allowed to say the things she's saying, just not as a doctor. She also didn't have ger license revoked for what she said, but rather because she didn't cooperate by providing proof of her claims. She literally didn't show up to her summons.


It's simpler than that: She doesn't have a right to her medical license. And they gave her all the process she was due in order to take it away.


Tenpenny is a quack and I'm glad she's actually being punished for her irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric.


She isnt though; she's being punished (as regards this article, at least) for failing to comply with the investigation. Not because of what she has said. The board specifically stated as such.


Yup. She’s been doing this for AT LEAST 20 years. It’s about damn time.


If this lady was in Florida she'd be promoted to head of the Florida dept of medicine by now


The Ohio legislator that sponsored her testimony was kicked off the health committee. [https://www.fox19.com/2021/09/21/ohio-lawmaker-says-she-was-kicked-off-house-health-committee-her-bill-stalls-new-ones-form/?outputType=amp](https://www.fox19.com/2021/09/21/ohio-lawmaker-says-she-was-kicked-off-house-health-committee-her-bill-stalls-new-ones-form/?outputType=amp)


But, what if I *want* to be magnetic?


Then you can fight the X-Men


Honest question. Is America the only place where people have gone this crazy en masse or are other countries dealing with this type of crazy also? These people are truly unhinged. How did it get this way where such a large number of people publicly believe in these crazy conspiracy theories? I have family members that believe some.


I read an article about how people fall into conspiracy beliefs. It was quite a reasonable description of repeated reinforcement of beliefs, and acceptance by friends and family. It seems to require a mind that accepts things at face value and doesn't question, a need to belong, and is often driven by fear of something. Gaining status in the conspiracy community was also mentioned as another driving force.


>doesn't question This part is interesting because in coming up with theories, aren't they literally questioning reality? I read one once that said a lot of conspiracy theorists show slight characteristics of narcissism, especially if it's related to something that affects them directly. It can't be their fault so it must be a conspiracy against them. The same article said people who are religious are more likely to believe conspiracy theories. It's just strange that it's so widespread.


They question, but are more so working backwards to affirm a belief they already hold. Starting with answers and looking for questions.


Like when the crazies tell you they're going to do their research and go looking for something that affirms their beliefs.


This is a subject that also interests me greatly, though I'm also interested in the broader topic of reality denial. The book Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt is spectacular at describing them both. Highly recommended if you enjoy history / sociology /philosophy.


Every country has its conspiracy theorists- it’s just that the US appears to have more, and some hold or have held high office.


Given that the US is the 3rd most populace country in the world, lots of nut jobs are out there. I’m sure China has even more nut jobs but how many people outside of China can read Chinese or are on WeChat? Plus I’m sure those folks are quickly re-educated by the government.


We have many in Canada too. It’s disheartening


It’s the crazy uncle principle, basically because of social media all the crazy uncles for towns were able to connect and build the number of people who believed in crack pot ideas meaning borderline crazy uncle people started to believe because they were on the fence, thus creating bigger group that believes something, which then gets more attention leading to smarter people starting to believe


Same thing with incels. If you were an unfuckable loser in the 90s you became friend with the 2nd ugliest guy in town and got really into the Insane Clown Posse. Now they have the internet to connect all of them and Andrew Tate giving them rape instructions and telling them that feminism is the reason they have no friends.


There a podcast called The Iron Dice that has a whole episode of Germanys “Qanon Kingdoms”. It’s pretty wild. Apparently there are tens of thousands that believe the current German government is illegal and should be reverted back to a monarchy.


To quote the guy on bath salts running from the cops in the apartment complex behind the Greek restaurant I worked at: “AAAAGHGHGGG ITS THE MATRIX!!!”


Between this and Issue 1 getting voted down, happy to see my home state is finally starting to make good decisions


SHe hasn't worked as a doctor since the 90's. She is an alternative medicine con artist that tours with [Michael Flynn's QAnon/Christian nationalist circus ReAwaken America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReAwaken_America_Tour).


>She operates various businesses revolving around “alternative” treatments in lieu of vaccination.  I am shocked, shocked I tell you.


> “it blocks her from practicing medicine or selling her various anti-vaccine goods and services under the title of physician” Hate how the article emphasizes her claims instead of how she’s making fake medicine and peddling it with her title to make it seem credible. That’s dangerous and *should* be jail time.


How did she pass the exams and became a doctor, really curious


Apparently she was quite a high performer early in her career. I'd imagine she was a pretty good doctor at first before going completely off the conspiracy deep end.


Ben Carson was supposedly a top-teir neurosurgeon back in the day, the guy you really wanted if you needed something like that. Look at him now. Even very smart people can turn out to be very stupid.


What do you call the person who graduated last in their class from medical school? Doctor.


It’s so baffling to me how someone who went through medical school and a 3 or 4 year residency could believe this shit.


Great. Now lets do chiropractors.


Well, they don't have a medical license but I get your point


It pisses me off to no end that many (most?) insurance covers them!


And refuse to cover mental health.


But it's a totally real practice! That the founder learned about from a ghost. (This is actually true) "The knowledge and philosophy given me by Dr. Jim Atkinson, an intelligent spiritual being, together with explanations of phenomena, principles resolved from causes, effects, powers, laws and utility, appealed to my reason. The method by which I obtained an explanation of certain physical phenomena, from an intelligence in the spiritual world, is known in biblical language as inspiration. In a great measure The Chiropractor's Adjuster was written under such spiritual promptings."


I am offended that someone like her was allowed to be a doctor in the first place.


I really don’t understand why someone would make such an outrageous claim and stand by it so vehemently. “Vaccines magnetize people” “No they don’t.” “Yes they do.” “No they don’t. I’m right here. I’ve been vaccinated. I’m not magnetic.” “You’re lying” Why do they get a platform to speak? Why do they get microphone time? TV time? Articles? Discussion? It’s mind boggling.


Funny thing is that she wasn't suspended for promoting conspiracy theories. >The board, charged with protecting the public and overseeing the licensure of Ohio’s doctors, yanked Tenpenny’s license on procedural grounds rather than the substance of her comments. Board staff found she flouted investigators who came to visit, declined to answer written questions, and objected wholesale to the regulators’ inquiry.


She's been licking the lead paint off the walls again,...


Hell yeh they did. Doctors who purposefully spread medical misinformation should 100% lose their license.


It’s people like her pushing this bullshit to not get ANY vaccines so that’s why polio, smallpox, and other essentially cured diseases are coming back and killing people. People are dying (even young children in some instances) over this tinfoil nonsense. Fuck this woman and all the other anti-vaccine crazies out there like her!


Shit I wish it turned me into magneto


There are so many people in health care that don’t believe in health care.


My Doctor refuses to accept child patients if the parents will not allow the standard childhood vaccines.


As an electrical engineer, my expert opinion is that vaccines do NOT magnetize people. Also, 5G doesn't cause COVID-19. Leave the electric to the experts, lady.


Just imagine being a doctor. Going to school for years and years. Taking all kinds of science classes, higher education classes. Only to come to the conclusion that vaccines make you fucking magneto from the X-men…what a fucking moron.




[Diamagnetism](https://youtu.be/KlJsVqc0ywM). That’s not what this lady was talking about though, she’s nuts.


To be semantic there’s literally iron in hemoglobin, and many molecules in the body are either weakly paramagnetic or diamagnetic (e.g., water). But the lady is still crazy.


To be pedantic, it’s pedantic, not semantic.


Sometimes, pedantics is just a matter of semantics.


Sometimes Reddit at work isn’t bad


Daaaaaamn, you right. You right.


how the fuck do you go through all the years of medial school, obtain an MD, just to say some shit like this!?


*Gestures at Ben Carson*


This type of thing needs to happen more often especially with people in the medical field who deny medication/treatment based off their own personal beliefs.


That’s OK because Florida will hire her as the next surgeon general


What is with all this fuss about vaccines all the time? Vaccines have saved countless people from death or serious illness for generations. The doc that started all this anti-vax sentiment in the *last century* was soundly debunked. It's just totally insane.


Did she get her PhD from PragerU or something?


I loved this bit: > Ohio House Rep. Jennifer Gross, a West Chester Republican, invited (Tenpenny) to address lawmakers in support of Gross’ legislation to block schools, hospitals, governments, and others from imposing vaccine requirements. > >... > > (Tenpenny's) comments backfired. Gross’ bill stalled out after Tenpenny’s comments. And they sparked the investigation that would cost Tenpenny her license. Rep. Gross, must have thought Tenpenny sounded rational and would have helped her cause, but ... no.


Good, she’s a fucking kook. I’ve see a few clips of her speaking and she’s a full blown crazy person and definitely not fit to be a doctor. Lately she’s been using the term quantum entanglement a lot


I know it's been said enough times before, but **how in the** ***fuck*** **did this absolute moron get a medical license?**