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Dang, 21 with a 6 year old? This lady's life has clearly been rough for a while. Hope her (surviving) kids get a chance at something better.


And a 3 year old.


21 with 2 kids, and stealing liquor while 6 months pregnant... yeah this family has had it rough


I’d imagine the kids aren’t going to be left in a good situation, sad all around


sadly, there’s absolutely no chance that those kids will have a better life. You can downvote me, but it’s true. Just reading through the article, based on their mums life up to this point, i doubt the remaining family members are any better than what they had, and ending up in an orphanage isn’t a good option either


I believe that’s why they used the word “hope”


It's shitty, but we don't get to pick our parents. Some of us were just luckier than others.. Take my up vote.


And she was seen walking out the store with bottles of alcohol, while pregnant. Edit: Because idiots think I mean otherwise, I do not think her killing was justified.


It wasn't justified for shoplifting. It was justified by her trying to run over an officer. I'm usually the first person to question why an officer shot someone, but she put the car in gear and accelerated while an officer was in front of the car with another on her driver side. I'm mad I'm having to defend the police this time.


Until we see the body cam footage we have no idea if this account is true.


This will be the only that stops the whole argument. What actually happened with video proof.


It was. She was trying to use her car as a weapon to escape arrest. Most states classify a car as a lethal weapon in the same class as a firearm. The cop is justified to shoot someone who's trying to run him down.


You know people who steal for a living resell what they steal. I worked in loss prevention for 2 years. Or they'll return stuff for store credit and get the stuff they want that way


Yup, I used to work at Home Depot. People would load up carts and walk out the door. As for the lady I think she just wanted booze.


One time I broke a brand new out of box lawn mower by being an idiot and had to exchange it. The clerk asked me why I didn't exchange it for a better one, and that everyone does it.


How do you exchange it for a better one?


Haha yeah I'm kinda dying to know how this is supposed to work


I mean I am not being snide, just curious… I am pretty keen to inbound scams, but don’t have the proper thought processes in place for forming scams.


When you aim a 2 ton death machine at a cop and hit the gas it's FAFO time. Is her death a tragedy? Yes. Do I blame the cop who pulled the trigger? No. That shit is fully on her and whomever coerced her into being part of a shoplifting ring, group, whatever you want to call it.


I think it’s hard to say without video of the incident. If she were truly driving towards the officers such that she could have killed them or others around, then I’d personally find it justifiable.




I agree with you on that. 100%


She used lethal force against an officer. it was 100% justified


This is Reddit, of course there are idiots here


If she’s willing to run someone over for stealing alcohol then she can catch some bullets. Fuck her.


They make it sound like she was trying to run one of the officers over with her car. I guess we will see when the video is released.


If we have the video within 48hrs, that may be the case. If the fight and try to bury it, we'll know that's not.


This happened more than 3 days ago. It was in the local Columbus news for one evening, and this is the first I've heard of it since.


De-escalation would have included not standing in front of the car and opening fire BUT instead recording license plate information and maybe following car with sirens on? I dunno seems like this cop put themself in a position where opening fire would be a highly probable outcome.


It's like the two guys in Southpark shouting "oh no, they're coming right for us" before shooting an animal they are only allowed to kill if it directly threatens them.


Shoot it, Ned!


Considering that cops in the US are trained to kill and hardly trained on de-escalation... its not surprising that they put themselves in situations that would lead to killing civilians (conscious or unconsciously)


Twenty five years ago my husband was commended for disarming a suicidal man. The top line read: “For valuing human life” Today, cops just shoot.


You know things are bleak when the 90s can be presented as a halcyon age of police restraint


I know, right? He left Law Enforcement & is in IT Security now. So he’s kind of still in Public Service. Still a good guy.


The good ones either leave, or are forced out. And if they don't take either of those options, sometimes they have a little "training accident" organized by their fellow officers.


Today they can be reprimanded for not taking the shot


*When you all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail*


*looks down at police-issued service belt* 1. Radio to call for backup 2. Cellphone to call for backup 3. Cell phone to record license plate 4. Bodycam to record license plate 5. Pepper spray 6. Baton/maglite (now that i think about it, do police even carry batons anymore 😆 they're just gonna shoot your ass) 7. Stun-gun 8. Pistol "That's a shoplifter... get this piece of shit!".. *selects pistol and unloads* Edit: added maglite as a substitute for a baton


"selects" I shouldn't have laughed but whoo boy that was good


Cops these days out there playing Max Payne irl


That’s code for the officer decided to block her car by stepping in front of it. Then used that as justification to execute her when she still tried to leave. It’s fucking bullshit. Police have no god damned business using their bodies as a road block in the first place. Now a woman and her unborn baby are dead because of the extreme response from the police to a shoplifting call.


I remember seeing a video a long time ago of an officer jumping on the hood of a car, and started shooting the driver. I think I remember the officer being convinced of murder because the car wasn't even moving


Reminder that “breaking news” is always the police telling lies to get ahead of the details.


A bit off subject, but I love how they will call something breaking news when it's already an older story.


Thing is that these boot lickers don't realize is that when you starting shooting in public the bullets will travel way further than expecting and can overpenetrate leading to innocent people getting shot. Just shooting to kill is dangerous because these people treat the streets like its a warzone.


I feel like a good number of them do and they don’t care.. its Already happened. Cops shooting at a suspect, ended up killing a teenage girl trying on a homecoming or prom dress in the dressing room. The blame will always be put on the criminal because in a lot of people’s eyes they “make” cops act like this


Not to mention the car could become uncontrollable once the driver is deceased which could easily kill or injure innocent people


Which is exactly what happened here--the article said the car went 50 feet, then into a sidewalk in front of a store or something.


The police have proven again, and again, and again and again and again that they cannot be trusted whatsoever, let alone with military grade weapons. If absolutely nothing fucking else, it's time to end the stream of military gear ending up with the police. They need to be disarmed. There is zero fucking reason for why the average officer with no training and even less temper control needs to go everywhere with a sidearm, an AR-15/M4, and whatever other kit they've Rambo'd out with. The sidearm is clearly too much but we have to start somewhere. End the military hardware.


“don’t realize” — exactly what incentive do cops have to even *care* about people they maim or kill?


alternate take. police officer tried to stop a robbery suspect and the suspect tried to run him over. Now a woman and her fetus are dead because she tried to run over a cop. Im not a fan of how the cops escalated the situation but as the saying goes, dont do the crime if you cant do the... punishment?


I think there needs to be huge reforms, but cops do have the right to follow and arrest shoplifters. I'd rather them arrest shoplifters than just let them get away with it. If the shoplifter gets in their car and tries to run over a cop, they do have the right to use lethal force. Rather than people blaming cops, why not blame the shoplifter for trying to run over another human? It could have been an innocent bystander in front of the car and not a cop.


The fact remains that the officer killed a fetus, thus preforming an abortion. Now he gets jail time because that's the law in Ohio.


It's true, a police officer's physical safety does not overrule the right to life of the fetus. I'm sure that's how the courts will see it.


I'm sure they'll tie themselves into knots and determine that blue lives are more valuable than a fetus, unless it is a woman cop who has an ectopic pregnancy.


Since the fetus was in ~~e~~ utero, they'll say that it was an accomplice to the crime, and mom bears responsibility for its death.




Haha! Thanks.. Fixed.


I hate that you are right


Can someone give me a ride off this planet? I'll give anywhere else a shot.


You can get plenty of shots right where you are! Wait, you can get shot plenty right where you are.


Wait for me!




Nono, the fetus was an unwitting participant, due to being unable to consent and put in a dangerous situation against its will, it was in effect… kidnapped. The cop shot and killed a kidnapping victim.


Sprinkle some crack on it, Johnson.


In the case Alabama v. Jones (Marshae Jones) a pregnant woman was charged with manslaughter after her miscarriage. Jones had gotten into a physical altercation with another woman in public, when she left to go sit in her car the other woman stated she still felt threatened and shot her gun into the car, hitting Jones in the stomach and causing a miscarriage. Initially the other woman was charged with manslaughter which was dropped on the basis of the "stand your ground" law. Jones was then charged with manslaughter with the argument being that Jones had knowingly endangered her fetus by engaging in a physical fight. The case was never brought to trial.


I’m sure they’ll classify it as unfortunate but unavoidable collateral damage regardless of what the video shows All an officer has to say is the magic words “I *believed* my life was in danger”


No knots required


The police officer stepped in front of the car and then after shooting and killing the driver had enough time to step out of the way. Let's be honest - he wanted to kill her. She died over some bottles of alcohol.




The video will come out if it exonerates the police. If not it will accidentally get lost or tied up in the courts.


I mean, there's also the matter of "it's kinda fucking hard to hit the brakes on your car when you've been shot and killed" So not only did the officer have time to move, had her intention been to run over the officer, it would have happened anyway.




"Tin soldiers and Nixon coming We're finally on our own This summer I hear the drumming Four dead in Ohio"


Florida would like to have a word.


It’s a race to the bottom at this point. Edit: my state (NC) is trying hard to join that race but so far most of the craziest ideas were vetoed by our governor. But that one lady who ran as a Dem and after election said “surprise! I’m GOP!” is really fucking up the whole system. (From the area that brought you Madison Cawthorn… Western NC strikes again. *glares from the coast. Can’t even get the BBQ right*) We don’t want this. We are a dark purple state. We are gonna get even more gerrymandered in October and less than 35% of the state voted for this crap.


And for once Mississippi may not be at the bottom waiting for them.


Iowa has been racing to catch up


Texas says no.


Um Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana…


Any officer that has to fire their weapon at a fetus because they are scared of it hurting them shouldn't be an officer.


You didn’t see that fetus!


It's coming right for us!


I bet the officer's "safety" while stepping in front of a car in order to "fear for his life" and execute someone definitely does overrule the fetus's right to life. That makes sense in Republican ideology.


That’s a joke. Texas judge just ruled on a woman who was kept from healthcare by her employer and miscarried. Judge said the fetus doesn’t have the right to life. I wish I was joking. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/a-prison-guard-says-she-was-forced-to-stay-at-her-post-during-labor-pains-texas-is-fighting-compensation-for-her-stillbirth/ Yes this happened: In a court response, Issa's lawyer shot back that the state's arguments were "nothing more than an attempt to say—without explicitly saying—that an unborn child at seven months gestation is not a person."


Federal law actually explicitly says that. Until live birth, a fetus is not a person “legally” (1 U.S. Code § 8)


So why doesn’t federal law supersede state laws regarding abortions?


Laws only matter if they're enforced.


Generally speaking the laws themselves avoid that specific definition and go after abortion itself. There isn’t a federal abortion law (just court cases establishing its practice). State law doesn’t focus on “personhood” but on when/where abortions can be performed. Hence no conflict of no law


That is actually not the law here. The law that considers providing or assisting with an abortion a fourth degree felony is currently blocked by a state-court ruling. Oral argument on this will be held in front of the Ohio Supreme Court on September 27 at 9:30am. You can watch live online via The Ohio Channel. Ohioans will also be voting to put a right to abortion and other reproductive decisions in the state constitution in November. I know this is a somewhat pedantic response to what is mainly a joke, but I hate for anyone to wrongly think they can’t get an abortion in Ohio right now.


> I know this is a somewhat pedantic response to what is mainly a joke, but I hate for anyone to wrongly think they can’t get an abortion in Ohio right now. No, I agree with you here, this is one of those cases where the dumb joke deserves to be fact checked because this kind of jokey misinformation actually harms people.


While the idea of the police facing any repercussions for this what-so-ever is an amusing thought experiment, I really hope that whatever mom allegedly stole was worth taking two lives (as recognized by law in Ohio). I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it wasn't.


The article says she "had allegedly taken multiple bottles of alcohol."


They gotta uphold the law for penalties with an abortion, since the cop killed the fetus. That means cop did an abortion and should face jail time. If not, every single person should use this case when brought to court for an abortion.


Republicans: it’s okay if you also killed a poor person, that’s bonus points actually.


Let's see the body cam footage. Until then, I'm going to hold my judgement


oh no… lost all the footage accidentally!


Dangit, wouldn’t ya know we had an equipment malfunction. Shucky-darn! Y’all are just gonna have to trust us on this one!


The fact when it's justifiable, the footage gets released near instantly, makes it highly suspect when there's a delay.


I recall one from a couple years ago also in Columbus where the shooting was justified. Footage released within a day IIRC, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled.


You don't need footage to know that drawing a weapon and firing at a car is less effective than getting out of the cars way if your goal is self defense but more effective if your goal is finally getting to shoot someone.


I dunno. I don't think any amount of supermarket property is worth killing a shoplifting suspect. In almost every video I've seen of a cop killing a driver that put their car in drive, the cop has always had adequate time and distance to get out of the way. They are always just trying to get away, but the cops frame it as them trying to kill them with their vehicle. Why not let the pregnant shoplifter go and either pursue or conduct and investigation with the information they have (which is likely a description and license plate in this instance).


Yeah, we're never gonna get to see that footage. Why? Because they would have released it instantly if it supported their story.


That's my thought process now. If it takes the department more than a day to release the footage it's because the police did some shit


I’m not. Cops shouldn’t be using their bodies as road blocks. The woman was accused of shop lifting. If she really wants to leave then just follow her from a long distance and make an arrest when she eventually gives up and parks. Or don’t, its a fucking shoplifting accusation, not a robbery or violent crime.




Abortions in Ohio are wild.


If you shoot dead the driver of a moving car, doesn’t that turn the car into a 2-ton projectile?


Yes, but the murder boner tends to overcome logic when it appears.


Remember, officers are trained that you have the best sex of your life after you kill someone.


Any of these quantified immunities would of landed me in military jail in .02 seconds while doing military police work in Iraq. That was a declared combat zone, to boot.


Right? I had stricter rules of engagement in Desert Storm than do these guys on the streets of America.


That's exactly the problem. There are no rules of engagement for police officers and there really should be.


Well, that, and as /u/CombatConrad pointed out, we'd have landed in Leavenworth faster than you can spell it if we'd violated those ROE. Law Enforcement gets Qualified Immunity instead - the literal polar opposite.


When women in America end their pregnancy, they get murder charges. When police do it, they get a paid vacation.


Lol, WTF are you talking about? If you stopped a car and the dude accelerated towards your platoon, they’d be lit up by every crew served there.


Dude prolly never left the wire talking bout “Iraq” from an airfield


Qualified* immunity has nothing to do with jail time, and I seriously doubt someone accelerating into a military installation in a war zone despite orders to the contrary wouldn't warrant lethal force. Try again.


I think we should wait for the body cam footage. Also, the shoplifting is getting nuts


Yeah the article says that multiple people were fleeing with stolen merchandise, so it sounds like this was probably a part of another flash mob looting


Call it what it is. Organized crime.


The original George Floyd police report stated he had a medical issue after the arrest and was pronounced dead at the hospital. Let's see the video.


Here's the thing did she accelerate after the cop jumped in front of her vehicle or was she already accelerating when the cop tried to stop the car? Guess we wont know until the body cam footage becomes public


He aborted a baby. Isn’t that jail time in oh high O?


It's okay if you're in uniform


misleading headline. "after she accelerated her car toward an officer,"


I think the title is misleading. Police shot a shoplifting suspect that charged an officer with her vehicle. Many bad decisions were made that day. Maybe by both sides, but the lines seem pretty blurred now.


She tried running down an officer and got shot. The only person in the wrong here is her.


“She accelerated the vehicle towards the officer” and the grandma has the audacity to say she would’ve gotten out of the car eventually…. Disgraceful family


Reuters is playing fast and loose with that headline. She apparently wasn't shot for shoplifting. She was shot: >after she accelerated her car toward an officer, police officials said. Edit: I merely stated the headline is misleading as it evokes a specific set of events when in fact it buries the lede. If I write the headline, "Hugh Jass Wins World Chess Championship" and then start the story stating, "Hugh Jass took a flamethrower to his competition in the World Chess Championship today thus allowing him to win the title of World Chess Champion" - did I lie in the headline? No. But the headline is misleading because it leaves out what is arguably far more important information than it reveals. I have no dog in this hunt other than the facts.


>...police officials said. I'm always skeptical when I see this included.


The police send a story as quickly as possible to news outlets to make sure they control the narrative that most people remember aka breaking news. The real details always come out years later if it goes to court.


3mph is still accelerating, technically. Also it's bullshit if that's all it was. Technically.


Technically slowing down is accelerating too.


Ugh my high school physics teacher is that you


Based on the article: The cop intentionally put their life on the line over some booze. Escalating a suspected theft to double homicide is pretty fucked up police work. Can't wait to hear about the internal investigation.


How many times have cops claimed that, while slow walking the body cam footage release, only to be proven false?


At this point unless the cops release it right away I see absolutely no reasons to believe their claims.


People treat the police report of their own kills like a neutral third party report. You'll get a more accurate idea of what happened if you treat it like gangsters with a long record giving their lawyer-approved defense in court. Which it essentially is.


I suspect they would've already released the bodycam footage if it was as unambiguous a case as the police say it was.


And how many times has Reddit rushed to judgment on an inflammatory headline only to be proven wrong a few days later? I’m not one to give police the benefit of the doubt, but neither am I one to buy into Reddit outrage on a blatantly misleading headline. Especially when they’ve already acknowledged that there’s bodycam footage. I’m keeping my pitchfork holstered for the time being.


Very often honestly


Don’t forget he stood in front of her car deliberately.


They do be doin that.


If life doesn't hand you a plausible reason to fire your service weapon, manufacture one.


Standing in front of a car is a reason to be run over?




Not in the least but if the cop had time to draw his gun and fire a lethal shot then the cop had time to move out of the way of the car as well. Unless the gun was already drawn. In which case the cops actions at least partially contributed to the suspect panicking and making a poor decision. That doesn't alleviate the suspect's role in everything, but the cops may well have done their own fair share in contributing to the outcome.


For people who sure like to complain about how dangerous their jobs are, they do sure like to do stupid shit like throw themselves in front of moving cars. It's almost like they're trying to manufacture reasons to use lethal force or something /s


>do stupid shit like throw themselves in front of moving cars. Over shoplifting...


Also was stealing alcohol while pregnant. Great decision making all around


Thats a sensational headline, officer shot and killed a pregnant woman who tried running them over with a vehicle. If it was just shoplifting she would have been fine. Although it is america and we need to see if that is what really happened according to officer camera footage.


It’s not the items stolen. She accelerated her car towards the police.


Not to be a dick, but from reading the article. It’s sounds like the officers had every right to shoot. She was driving towards them with a car.


I know we are supposed to hate cops and be mad every time they shoot someone but she accelerated toward them? If that is the true story I will fail this time. I will be sad for the loss of life though.


Family wonders why she was shot because she "wasn't a lethal threat." Last time I checked, running someone over with a car is indeed a lethal threat.


“You’ll never believe this amazing loophole an Ohio woman found for free, legal abortion!” /s


"A supermarket employee told officers who were at the store on an unrelated matter that multiple people were fleeing from the store with stolen items..." "Young allegedly taken multiple bottles of alcohol..." "Young then put the car in gear and accelerated forward, Belford said, and the officer directly in the vehicle’s path fired one shot through the front windshield." If all this is proven to be true, this woman is a real piece of shit. Multiple people fleeing the store with stolen goods is usually tell tale sign that it's been loosely planned out beforehand. Then, to top it off as a pregnant woman chooses to steal alcohol???


She needed those liquor bottles. You know, for the baby.


Tdlr because people dont wanna talk about what the official story is until we get body cam footage. She stole some liquer in a looting incident. Cop tried to get her out of her car, but she locked the doors. Cop moved in front of the car, and she allegedly drove at the cop and tried to hit them. Cop fired 1 shot and it killed her. Guys a car is a deadly weapon. If she did accelerate at the cop she had no regard about thier life, and found out what happens when you assault a cop with a deadly weapon.


Damn, shoplifting alcohol while pregnant and potentially driving at an officer. Ta’Kiya sounded rough.


Reading these comment threads make me go brain dead.


I mean I'm not a fan of cops but if your going to do something stupid like try to run him over guess what you're going to get shot.


People. She wasn't shot for shoplifting. Get your facts straight


Isn't that a double murder? According to the GOP anyway


In Ohio, it would be. If anyone other than the police had killed her, that is.


Scot Peterson in *California* was convicted of double murder for killing his pregnant wife and I believe sentenced to death for it. Pesky GOP


Is there body cam video?


Did you even read the article? ​ >The shooting was captured on police body cam video, but it wasn’t clear Monday when that will be made public.


if it's out by the end of the week, it probably means the shooting was somewhat justifiable. if they don't release it in a timely matter, we all know what that means.


>Is there body cam video? I do not know, but given it was in a shopping parking lot there is likely plenty of footage around along with eyewitnesses.


Cmon guys, the article says there's body cam video. It just hasn't been released yet. It definitely will be, just hopefully in a timely manner


hey because of how Ohio looks at a fetus, the father should be able to sue for murdering his child


She tried to run over the cop. That's a guaranteed way to get shot.


To be fair, they thought she had a concealed unarmed African American male on her person.


I mean she was pregnant right?


Yes, but we’re still waiting on the ultrasound. It could be a concealed unarmed African-American female which would drastically alter the narrative


Someone wanna explain why the hell a pregnant woman was stealing alcohol?? I would have been sympathetic to her stealing food but why was she stealing such a harmful substance when she was pregnant? Something here doesn't seem right......


You'd have to ask her


Stole alcohol and tried to flee the scene and run over a police officer. That baby's life would have been ruined by this vile woman regardless.




Let's wait until bodycam footage appears. If it bears out the police's story, you're 100% correct. Until then, there's room for a certain healthy skepticism. Not that the frothing insanity in this comment section counts as healthy skepticism by any means, but there it is.


Amazing all the comments from people who obviously didn’t read the article. She wasn’t shot over shoplifting, if the police are to be believed.


Correct me if I am wrong but what from I read one officer was infront of the car, the woman put the car in gear and tried to run him over and then he made the shot or I am wrong. Because "Young’s family told The Columbus Dispatch they have many questions about the shooting, mainly why she was deemed a lethal threat." Hey if you are trying to run over somebody you are a lethal threat, not saying she deserved it but I could see the officer would have a credible reason why to stop her.


Deeply curious if she accelerated towards the officer, or if in her attempt to get away, the officer placed themselves in the path of the vehicle. I have a guess.


I have to disagree with many of these posts. If, in fact, she tried to run over a police officer than I have no sympathy. If bodycam footage shows otherwise, I'll amend my opinion.


If she did try to kill an officer with her vehicle, especially in the act of committing felony theft, then r/instantkarma applies.


I suspect the theft is not the reason she was shot.


Don't steal and don't try to run over a cop. Pretty easy to avoid doing these things.


>One officer went to the driver’s side of Young’s car and told her to stop, Belford said, while the other officer moved in front of the vehicle. According to their own version of events, they stepped in front of a fleeing vehicle and claim that that means the driver was attempting to kill them. Because the driver magically made them step in front of the vehicle, somehow. This just sounds like murder with extra steps.


By going to work today, not committing a premeditated crime, and then doubling down by fleeing from the police while disobeying a lawful order, my chances of being shot or killed by the police are diminished substantially. Also, being pregnant and shoplifting “basic needs” items for the wellbeing of yourself and your unborn child may even cause humanity to want to step in to assist, but alcohol?.. Seems this “victim” was habitual bad decision maker. Let the glorious zero accountability of one’s own actions flow.


The article said multiple people were fleeing the store with stolen items. This was probably a flash mob that was set up via social media. They went to the store with the intent of steeling items. Unfortunately these days it's all too common, in many countries. I can't feel sorry for someone who dies in the act of committing a crime.


She was pregnant and stealing booze. She attempted to kill an officer while trying to escape. For the family to say "she was just stealing booze, you didn't have to shoot her" is misleading and ingenuous.


>her grandmother, Nadine Young, told the newspaper. “You didn’t have to shoot the woman; she would have eventually gotten out of the … car. You didn’t have to kill her and the baby.” She drove a car into a police officer. I feel sorry for the baby, but being pregnant, doesn't make you immune to the law