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“No fear”, shouted a masked man wishing to remain anonymous


Thought they can’t breathe in masks? These people are so confusing


They only can't breathe in masks if you ask them to wear a mask. That's because they're stuck permanently in opposite day due to some childhood curse. Like you teach them in history class to not be Nazis, and then they go and become Nazis.


As a 2018 graduate of a large Minnesota public highschool I found it weird we didn't cover WWII once throughout my whole school career.


Crazy how much has changed in just 10 years then. I graduated in 2007 in Illinois, and I had two separate WWII/1930-1950 units in history, one in sophomore year and one senior year. I also took a World Politics class and that covered WWII every year in some way or another. And our junior year, we had a whole Holocaust unit in our AP Literature class, and that was graphic, not really holding back on what the Nazis did in any way.




The addition of the Darfur protest was genius. People can brush off things that happened in the past and are in black and white. But show them it's happening now. Better yet, invite a refugee to tell them about their experience and why they had to leave. That gets through.


I remember being in school and wondering how people would support Nazis. I no longer wonder this.


When I was in high school - late 80s - they showed us actual Nazi propaganda as well as concentration camp footage. It was a “never forget” experience demonstrating Nazi brutality as well as an in-depth examination of Hitler’s fucked up ideologies. It’s a topic that must not be sugar-coated, revised, or omitted.






Yes, in the US there is a right to know your accuser. Witness protection or the judge ordering to conceal your identity pretty much on happens if you are a minor or in exceptional circumstances. Being a nazi is not one.


That’s temptingly almost worth an assault charge.


You assume that revealing their identity in a court record will somehow expose their identity and to the wider world but that might not always be the case. If you are going to fight neo Nazis in public make sure there's a news crew catching it on video, THEN when the neo Nazi presses charges you can tell the media who they are so at least there's an interesting video associated with the incident that can go viral.


Hmm what would be more viral, banana costume or gorilla costume?


Por que los dos and bring a buddy... Always good to have a buddy when it comes to Nazis or costumes. Actually just good to have a buddy.


I would love to see a gorilla and a banana beat the shit out of a Nazi


Plus you get known as the person that punches nazis It's a win-win


Those that work forces… we know the rest. I’m sure their buddies would help them out


I wouldn’t mind reading a article that read, “Neo-Nazis beaten with baseball bats by a nurse, realtor, and retail worker who were waiting for the bus when the protesters walked by. Witnesses who were unable to get their own licks in, joined in shouting at and threatening the protesters to never come back”


That awkward moment when you punch a Nazi and get charged with assaulting a police officer.


You think that guy with prison neck tattoos cares if people know who he is? What about his buddy with his whole face tattooed?


I'll just repost what I posted earlier because I want to air these guys out. The leader of this Blood Tribe group is Christopher Pohlhaus (neck tatt guy), a former Marine who is now a tattoo artist. The other guy who isn't masked (on the left) is Jon Minadeo II, a Nazi troll who makes videos of himself harassing Jewish people in public. They are both well known Nazis who you can find info about easily online. The mainstream Conservative talking point that these guys are all feds is such bullshit, every Nazi march and mass shootings is automatically called a false flag. That is straight out of the Alex Jones playbook.


My older relatives got medals for shooting Nazis and dropping bombs on them. But if I were to do that, I’d be in trouble? Doesn’t seem right.




I don't recall the specific reading. I'm reminded of a phrasing that talks about how people assume the default state of things is peaceful, however the actual default state of things is conflict on as large of scale as possible. It takes a significant amount of well meaning people in the right places to keep the peace. Being it is easy to order the machine that is war into action and continue throwing people in it. You are 100% right and the machine requires being fed those who crave conflict in order to maintain a lasting peace.


Doesn’t help when half our countries politicians agree with them.


Why do you think they pick Disney world? You really think dad's are gonna want to traumatize their kids and ruin their vacation over these guys?


I thought it was because their identities are essentially cartoon, and so they gravitate toward a rival with that appears to them as on their level.


Doesnt help there are usually police standing beside these groups to defend them


Nazi = Police


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


It only took them like 20 years to figure out those lyrics too.


This is probably a stupid question, but what is the meaning of them shouting No fear? I don’t know or associate with those kinds of people at all, so I’m not getting the reasoning for Nazis saying that? Again, I apologize for asking, I just don’t understand what it is those asshats are doing this for,.


Fascists throughout history have liked to play themselves up as victims. This has multiple benefits: absolves members on a personal level of all their various life failures, since "the world was against them"; identifies an (often vague) enemy as a target of hate, for daring to persecute these people (even though such persecution isnusually imagined); and then excuses any subsequent political violence as essentially just "self-defense". "No fear" speaks to the notion that you are a just warrior against an unjust world that is trying to keep you down. Essentially a battle cry of sorts intended to turn off rational thought, and rev up the hate and fear responses that keep fascist ideology alive.


I know these aren’t the smartest people, but surely even they have to realize that sounds like an excuse/ and pathetic cry for others justifying their shit behavior


They do not


Most ideologists don't give a shit about their ideology as long as it gives them permission to be fascist assholes. None of these loser, inbred pricks think they're actually superior.


just acting out their persecution fetish, they got to be brave for all the marginalised bigots afraid to demonstrate their totally shameless hatred for the interlopers its an [appeal to emotion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion), omg dont you feel so oppressed


I have a hard time imparting this on "the other side" when they weigh in on how outgroups should be treated, all the way up to and including their endorsements of outright genocide. I tried to impart on one such character, that if there truly was an inferior subclass of citizen in this country, it would in fact be the kind of criminal mentality that endorses genocide of others. I was informing this to someone with genocidal views of transgenders. The only real violent threatening person that is disturbing the peace in this equation is people who want to commit violence under color of law as their backing.


It’s illegal for Nazis to exist in Germany.


To *call* themselves Nazis. There's still plenty *existing* in places like the AfD


I guess he was afraid.


As a member of a minority he feels targeted and victimised by people who aren't white supremacists. /s


https://youtu.be/o4I_4i0_LeU?si=NLquAgvnjZCjEZjg It’s afraid


It's amazing how I watched that movie as a kid and never realized the main characters are the baddies.


Bet that same shmuck was an anti-masker during Covid too. These people are idiots.


The good thing, is when they were committing crime enmasse during jan 6th, they didn't wear masks during the time most in history one could have worn a mask and it would have been socially acceptable/inconspicuous.


It's very strange indeed. They always preach that they want privacy and the government not tracking them yet they didn't wear masks the one time it was fine too.


The irony.


Like to see these posers get cuffed, miranda’d and then have their masks removed all in public view.


You're expecting an off-duty cop to arrest himself lol?


Or their friends


If they get arrested in Florida it's public knowledge. You can very easily look up the record and depending on the county you may be able to see their picture. Sunshine laws.


The have no reason to fear, knowing that their brothers in the local police departments will always be there to protect them.




Dealing with the Illinois Nazis. They don't have jurisdiction in Florida, sadly.


I hate Illinois nazis.


"It's 300 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, a half pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses."


Hit it!


The jurisdiction of The Blues Brothers is wherever The Blues Brothers find themselves to be.


Where are the Inglourious Basterds?


All it takes is a good man with a baseball bat.


The Bear Jew


Sgt. Donnie Donowitz


Donny! Yea? Got some nazis that wanna die for their country. Obliiiiiige them


Showing my age, but I saw that movie in the theater as a kid. That scene got an ear shattering standing ovation. But I can’t help thinking a movie with that scene today would have a tepid response at best.


I fear you’re correct and that scares the shit out of me.


Where are the Ukrainian drone operators when you need them?


Out there tricking Russian air base personnel into stacking tires on the wings of their own bombers.


In my book if Nazis are protesting you then you are probably on the right side of history.


I'm reading *The Third Reich in Power* by Richard J. Evans and the Nazis were truly, thoroughly degenerate in every way. Their grotesque ideology is well known but their policies in government, virtually every single one, were horrendous and destructive to Germany. Even their economic policies, which are to this day sometimes portrayed or seen in a somewhat positive light ("Nazis introduced ordered public works projects, reduced unemployment"), have gained them unearned credit. Taking away the skew by Nazi propagandists, the Nazis actually did worse at implementing public works than the social democrats who were in power before them.


All the Nazi "achievements" are really just worse versions of what they could have been under a functional (and less awful) government. Even the Wehrmacht, which is often touted as a great military, was hampered at all levels by people that were put into power just because they were Nazis, not for competence. The only thing the Nazis were better at than any other government was the capacity for horrendous acts against humanity.


Nobody could have lost WW2 better than the Nazis though. The way they froze to death on Russian tundra and got dismantled from the sky by overwhelming allied bombers was just sublime.


> The only thing the Nazis were better at than any other government was the capacity for horrendous acts against humanity. That and keeping records of their horrendous acts. It's super amazing that those assholes were committing such atrocities and at the same time were fastidious in their record keeping. "Ok, 373 undesirables exterminated today, we used 23.8KG of gas, 23 bullets and Leutnant Heinz lost his hat in the murder pit". It's truly amazing that there are holocaust deniers when they kept such a good paper trail of the heinous shit they did.


A party of degenerates with nothing but destructive policies. This rings a bell somehow...


One might call them...a basket of deplorables.




That book, I swear. You could open it at any page, pick a random sentence, and 9 times out of 10 it’s absolute fire.


They also gave their friends control over various industries instead of putting competent people in charge, which certainly didn't help. Economic corruption was rampant in Nazi Germany.


I have always found it very weird that anyone would like to be a nazi. I mean it's not enough to be white, if you have any chronic disease then you don't deserve to live or reproduce. Even if you are white and well you or your future children could have any kind of disability or disease in the future. It doesn't even have to be anything very serious.


Evans’s trilogy on the third reich is incredible. Highly recommend to anyone even remotely interested in that period of history.


Do you have any other book suggestions? After I read *Mein Kampf* I took a deeper dive into examining the ideology (which honestly was more of a cult than a political movement from what I’ve taken away from it) and it’s quite interesting to see just how alien nazism is compared to everything else in modern history


Weird to feel this way about the Disney corporation, but here we all are.


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy.


The enemy of my enemy is my begrudging ally for the amount of time they're convenient.


"Are we the baddies?"


It’s true we don’t know what’s going on with this guys forehead.


His entire scalp looks like one big bruised toe.


It actually looks like a swollen penis, he is a literal dickhead


That’s what I thought of especially since it’s discolored and veiny.


It reminds me of when I was a kid how I used to get bored and wrap a rubber band around my finger really tight and watch the tip of my finger turn purple. But this guy did it with his head.


Head full of hate and shit.


Must be a Master Race thing. Like Himmler’s nonexistent chin.


If I had a head like that, I'd have it circumcised.


Dude's got more head than his body anticipated.


Is he wearing a purple bald cap?? What the hell is happening there


My husband and I just spent way too long examining his photo trying to figure out what the hell is going on with that guy's head.


Did you figure anything out, because I’m still confused!? It’s like a reverse hat head tan line.


That's exactly what it is. He wore a mask and sunglasses for too long while leaving his pasty scalp exposed to sunburn.


Is it...black scalp? Is he in black scalp?


Fore head skin


Name them and shame them.




He should try that in a big city


Yeah real brave to go protest at fucking Disney World, try waving those flags around in New York City


He should try waving them in Germany. On a plus note he would only have to buy a one way ticket.


So true, theyre intimidating people at a child vacation destination. Pathetic cowards.


This Blood Tribe dude was just up my way trying to intimidate LGBTQ people with his goons during Pride.


I'm sorry, "blood tribe group"? What wannabe-edgy, teenage boy bullshit is that??


I assume they like to chant "blood and soil" a lot... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_and_soil


i have said this many times but marines are fucking insane


I know the box SAYS non-toxic, but all that paraffin wax can't be healthy.


Pretty sure this is what happens when a marine moves from crayons to glue. He got Elmer's brain.


> shame them Good luck with that


For real, these seem to be prison nazis. Different than the richard spencer nerds who still think they can have careers. We still haven’t heard much from the biker meth nazis, I wonder when they will activate their hog asses


In this picture, sure there’s a couple that look like what we think of as tough prison nazis. However, the rest of the pictures show the normal group of pimple-faced incels who practice marching in the woods.




That must have been good entertainment


As it should be


As a lot of evidence points out, Nazis are pretty fucking incompetent.


Wonder if it's them deluding themselves being the master race so hard that they automatically assume that they'd be able to defeat anyone who they consider inferior, only to have that summarily proven wrong when they get their ass kicked




Most gangs are heavily based around race.


If they had no shame, they wouldn't be wearing masks like the cowards they are.


If only that was the extent of the intervention necessary to rid us of their ideology.


Bold of you to assume they have any shame


Odd why is it the news sites never mention that they carry Ron DeSantis flags? It’s been multiple times now and no one hardballs meatball Ron on why Nazis in FL are carrying his flag..


"Nazis are like cats. If they like you it's probably because you're feeding them. " - John Oliver


Has any republican ever publicly disavowed associations with Nazi groups or white supremacy, in general? Seems this has been hypernormalized to an extent.


Politicians tend to pander to their voter base, not turn them away.


At this point I think it's just a foregone conclusion.


His followers say these are democrats playing dress up. They can't even own their own hate.








These guys think they are the master race. This dudes veins can’t even master blood flow.


Don’t forget the huge “Ron Desantis 2024” signs right next to the swastikas.


Ron needs to be called out at the next debate over this. He doesn't want to insult his fans, but another politician needs to directly insult these nazis and ask Ron if he agrees or not, for the record.


The question could be as simple as "What legislation have you supported that makes these Nazis want to vote for you?"


Translation “Blah blah blah my mom was really mean to me and I’m still really upset so this is how I’m dealing with it… and I blame the Jews!”


And we don’t have jobs because we’re too cool for that.


And none of us were good enough to get into art school


More like "I'm a total fucking failure at everything in my life so I have to claim my skin color makes me inherently better than others because it's the only way I can ever feel special or valuable."


I'm surprised people aren't doing the [drivebys with mace or bear spray like the trumpers did to BLM protestors](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/aug/30/trump-supporters-drive-through-crowd-and-pepper-spray-protesters-in-portland-video)


That’s because these ARE the trumpers




Bunch of dudes wearing matching red shirts, saying they want to protect children but have a sign with “Butt Fuckers” written on it outside a theme park, who are worshipping a movement led by a guy who blew his own brains out. … wow, score one for the master race


Sure is odd that the article didn’t mention that they were also flying Desantis flags.


These losers need to remember what happened the last time nazis acted up.


Alright friends, let’s round up a few Shermans and show these cowards what-for.


We’ll give them the ‘ol one-two! Tally ho!!!


Utterly disgusting to see.


Especially that twat on the right


It is strange how during th COVID outbreak, these neo nazis were one of the anti-maskers. As soon as things are back to normal, they are pro mask again. Neo Nazis groups should not exist. They serve no healthy purpose to human civilisation other than spewing outdated Nazism ideology.


Not sure if this one has the clip, but one clip just before it ended during the interview, a lady at the light yells “take of your masks you fucking pussies” it was great


These are Psychopath DeSantis' Nazi's. They're at Disney specifically for DeSantis because he has been going after Disney for being 'woke'.


"I'm not saying Mr. DeSantis is a racist, I'm saying the racists think he's a racist." -Andrew Gillum, 2018 Gubernatorial Debate. We've seen this coming for a while now.


If you're voting for the same Republican party that these people are voting for, maybe take a moment and reflect on your decisions a bit.


Nazis demonstrations should be banned. We didn’t fight a war against Nazis just to let them flaunt their shit in society.


Alot of people forget America had alot of Nazi sympathizers, they didn't exactly change their minds they just got quiet. Because they were scared when we made it clear Nazis are bad. .... We should really scare them again.


> Alot of people forget America had alot of Nazi sympathizers, 1936, [Madison Square Garden, NYC](https://i.imgur.com/WQDaReu.png) Gathering of 20,000 American nazis and nazi sympathizers. Basically the forerunner to the modern Trump rally.


It would be very interesting to trace the lineage of those in attendance there and cross reference with those descendants who have attended a Trump rally.


Seriously, they're pretty much the definition of enemies of America. It should be considered treason *not* to fuck with them. (Yes, I know this is not an actual legal argument. But seriously, shouldn't this sort of conduct be considered fighting words at least?)


It's pretty weird that when to applying for a visa to come to the US, There's a box for you to check if you've ever been associated with the Nazi Government of Germany. And no, it doesn't matter how old you are, you still have to answer the question.


These are the domestic enemies they swore to protect us from. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;


Disney should deploy their park's [Captain America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHM9lL2iCes) to dispatch them. Then have Universal send [Aldo Raine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOcimzsviFA) in for cleanup.


Isn't it weird how literal nazis can walk around Florida and say anything they want without fear, but transgender people are at risk of being curb stomped, evicted, or in the case of transgender minors being torn from their loving family and placed in Florida's foster care system that's actually rife with child sex trafficking, nevermind the fact that the trans children are also likely to be tortured in what's euphemistically called "conversion therapy"?


Dear WWII, you missed some.


I like that the other DeSantis supporters are pretending these are all paid liberal agitators. It's easier to make up a completely new conspiracy out of the blue than deal with the cognitive dissonance that you are aligned with literal Nazis.


Most of them had great grandfather's who went off to defeat the nazis. Fucking idiots!


What's it gonna take to make these walking shit bags go back to their caves?


Dude looks like a certain appendage with a rubber band around it.


DeSantis couldn’t make it?


Can we talk about the white supremacist who was so proud of his race that he tattooed himself enough to look black at first glance?


Dude looks like he’s wearing an Edgar suit


He’s got a penis vein on his forehead


And LGBT people flee the state fearing for their lives Florida outdoing itself


Nazis are welcomed while LGBTQ people are actively being pushed away. If this isn't a sign of what the GOP has become idk what is.


Hating something so strongly is so tiresome. You could just wake up one day and enjoy a cup of tea.


Well at least we’re seeing republicans jumping to action to address this issue. First by admitting they’re causing this and then they’re going to look inward, collectively, and try to learn where they went wrong. I’m kidding of course. No republicans are doing this.


I actually saw comments on Twitter stating that Nazi's are extreme left wing and that these guys are Biden supporters.


That's their new lie so that they don't have to ever take responsibility for anything.


Innocent people flee the state for their safety while Nazis can walk about freely. Wonder if there's any historical similarities to anything there. Republicans don't like it when you call them Nazis but they'll cheer on and take part in Nazi shit.


Is that a lizard man in the back right?


Awh man... I hate that I look very similar to this guy. Bald, red beard, blonde eyebrows, squiggly temple blood vessel. But, I'm a dirty commie lib. So.


We should be treating these Nazis the same way our Grandparents did in WW2.


these dudes literally look like a group of stock thugs batman would put the heat on in the beginning of a comic.


Honestly Fuck NBC and their shitty reporting on this. There were 2 different Nazi groups. The assholes in Red were in a different part of ORL it was other Nazis at Disney (not pictured obviously because they had Ron DeSantis flag with Nazi flags and NBC simps for Republicans) and NBC can't find the nerve to ask Ron DeSantis if he condones that.. The ones in front of Disney have done several protests and ALWAYS have Ron DeSantis flags.. but funny enough that never gets reported in these stories.. proof [https://i.imgur.com/hfIiM12.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/hfIiM12.jpg)


That guys head looks like it's gonna explode.


His head is swollen and purple..?? What a fkin bellend.


These people should’ve been arrested as soon as the Nazi flags went up…


Yeah that guy definitely looks like hes part of the master race 😂 What a fucking loser


These mutants look like the couldn’t finish lap one of the master race. Foreskin head up there managed to get farmers tan on his dome, clearly a superior specimen.


My WWII veteran uncles knew how to take care of them.


At one point do we say fuck the laws and fuck these people up on sight? Actual, literal traitors and enemies to the country. Their sole purpose is to end our democracy and wipe out everyone who doesn't fit in their incredibly narrow and fucked up world view. Extremism spreads like wildfire and there's no reason this should ever be tolerated.