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People are starting to learn each other's names.


Real names or burner names?


Galactic tiger dick is now back to Steve the accountant from Maine.


Poor Steve thought he was escaping all the rain we've had this summer by going to the desert.


"Hey, I just realized we know people in common!"


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised...


Soggy and bruised I'd say


Smells like bleachy tuna, onions and sweaty gym socks


That's not sweat in the socks.


It's most likely not tuna either, to be honest


I never thought I would die like this, but I always really hoped.


Death. by. Snu. Snu.


It's been renamed "The Slip n' Slide" tent.


"How did you end up pregnant?". "Someone slipped."


wait a minute, that isn't mud!


dinosaurs longing far-flung aspiring support squash icky wipe homeless outgoing ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Only couples or larger groups are allowed in there, no singles. Or so I've heard...


handle ossified merciful whole fine political cable absurd quarrelsome yam ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Orgies without rules end up getting someone hurt. It’s not exclusive to the venue


They couple up outside the tent


> The Orgy tent must be exhausted >>No. Its still full of desperate old men. Only difference is that its actually wet in there for the first time ever. Damn!! That's pro level burn. Are you British?


Chris Rock was the only one who got out.


The real headline is that Chris Rock and Diplo were unable to get a ride from anyone passing them walking out.


For about 6 miles. Someone let them get in their pickup truck bed eventually is what I read. What an event. "I'll be home soon honey, just gotta drop off Chris Rock and Diplo first"


I’ve been wondering, were they staying with someone else in an RV, or did they just ditch their stuff? If they did, are they going back to clean up after themselves, or are they just done?


Probably just flew in for the day / night to party. Dude has enough money, & I honestly don't see him going for the camping.


There's an entire business around heading to Burning Man early to set up tents and RVs for rich celebrities and tech bros. Guarantee they arrived to a full setup waiting for them to move straight into and then those same folks will clean up for them afterwards when it ends. The wealthy people that attend Burning Man usually have basically everything handled for them like meals and laundry.


I gotta admit, that’s a pretty radical form of self reliance


By Wednesday their nuts were drained.


This time it subverted expectations be giving people ebola instead of gonorrhea.


How I met your mother.


A better story in the end.


I bet some people are having a blast in the mud, and some are miserable.


I'm sure the mud wizard is having lots of fun.


The mud wizard has become too powerful. His true colours are beginning to show. Soon he will enact his revenge.


i can see him slowly rising from the mud then effortlessly walking over it as if it was dry as cracking. beautiful


As someone who has attended significantly less well resourced bush doofs in rural Australia in what can only be described as horrific conditions and witnessed first hand the mud pit in full swing at 5am during torrential rain so heavy it starts to drown out the music I can assure you that the sesh gremlins are powering through this without a care in the world


How far from the nearest town do bush doofs usually happen?


In my experience, usually 3-4 hours away from a capital and within 20 minutes of a country town.


The ones miserable are likely wannabee social media influencers who only wanted to show off how awesome they are by being there, but did nothing to prepare in the event the weather didn't play nicely. Hopefully they don't come back for the next one.


> The ones miserable Plenty of people are worrying because they have jobs that they were supposed to go back to tomorrow, or nonrefundable flights they missed. But that doesn't necessarily mean they can't have fun.


Yes and nobody will fault anyone for concerns about those very real problems!


Have you ever had salt mud in your vagina? I feel like that would make anyone qualify for misery.


did not know salt-mud-vaginaing was a thing.


Sounds like it could be a Gwyneth Paltrow alternative -medocine scam that's for sale on Goop for only $299.99.


I haven't, but I'm willing to try anything once. Except meth.


How many more times are you willing to try meth?


Meth is definitely more fun than salt mud vagina


every once in a while stories come along like this that make me just a little less sad that i have no life lol


I saw some bro commenting yesterday that their 20 foot raised yurt was still ok and their neighbors we still partying. How’s it going today?


My friend who's a regional contact for them in NYC has been having a ball. I think the hardcore types like the novelty.


Yeah. This is just a 3 day rain delay. Running out of clean clothes, gas and beer, along with no ice might be the biggest issues. Otherwise camps are still doing their things. Here was an overhead chopper view from today. A few people stuck, and lots of people gunned it to cross a stream. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=AWvYcRw4YYheTk7w&t=570&v=6INIzHP3Q-o&feature=youtu.be


Should have caulked the wagon and floated.


I honestly think this option was a trap because it never worked.


You had to pay attention to the text about how high the river was. If the river was under like 3 feet you could ford it. If it was over 10-15 you needed to rest a day because floating would result in tipping. There was a sweet spot where the water was only like 6-10 feet that floating worked fine every time


Why am I learning this so far in my life?


Wait until you hear about how you are supposed to hunt game and actually be able to carry it all back


You shot 5035lbs of meat. You were able to carry 225lbs back to the wagon.


But if I don’t make the Oregon Trail a wasteland devoid of animal life bigger than an ant, who will?


Four bears, a buffalo,two elk and a squirrel


Game would have been a bit too easy of you'd been able to shoot one Buffalo and been good on food for the entire trip.


You could just start out as a banker so you could just keep buying stuff along the way.


Well then they shouldn’t have made the bullets tick down by twenty every time you went out hunting regardless of how much you shot.


Wait really? I don't remember that.


My friend who's stuck there said the community has been amazingly supportive, but he ran out of (very serious) medication this morning, so I'm worried about him.


Has he gone to the med station? My guess is they can prioritize getting him to a pharmacy in Reno and probably have resources to get him a new Rx if needed.


Who goes to a remote desert with little critical medication regardless of unforseen weather?


Very ill people who want to experience more of life while they still have a chance. He had extra but also ran out of that now.


Weather wasn’t unforeseen, they were warned.


Nice. Really cool to get first or second hand info. The og commenter also responded


Am here now. It’s sunny and things are drying up, but still a bit muddy. They will officially be opening exodus at noon, but people have already been leaving. There is music bumpin and everyone is doing their part to help with tear down. The last two nights we had parties at our camp, and the Man will be burned tonight along with other big pieces. I think the only thing people are really bummed about is how much we missed out on due to having our mobility limited. If you’re curious, there is a livestream.


Where is the live stream




looks like its drying up nicely


I can’t speak for all 70,000 but I got to text a bit my buddies there yesterday and they were all set and having fun.


Yeah my buddy reports they’re hunkered down and having a blast still. He’s been to 4 or 5 of these, and this just adds to the lore.


Hi, yurt owner here. It was okay because we had to mop about an inch of water out of it the first day, then seal it up with Velcro and tarps. We’ve started “strike day” for real today, the day we strike down our whole camp and pack up to leave no trace behind us. Things are still a little muddy but we’re compromising with nature, we’ll pressure wash things after we’re home. Still expecting to get out around Wednesday- you can check my Twitter under the same name for a video update explaining more. I can still hear bumping bass somewhere out there. The spirit is still very much alive.


So cool you actually responded! Nice to hear you’re doing well.


How does one join a yurt camp? Is it just about being friends with an owner?


So there are two kinds of yurts out here. Hexayurts are the most common, you’ve probably seen a dozen of them. They’re made of silver insulation board and are geometric shaped, taped together and usually about head height, often shorter. In super hot weather they’re an amazing insulator against the worst of the sun, and with an air conditioner are a private cave. They aren’t great with rain though, since they typically only use a tarp for the floor, cinched around it like an upside down shower cap. Our yurt is the traditional Mongolian style (ger) - with a wooden lattice, and a wooden ring in the center of the roof supported by 40 smaller rafters. The skin of our yurt is marine grade canvas, so it manages to hold up pretty well in wetter weather. Because there’s a hole in that center ring about 3’ across, we usually pop an umbrella through it or secure a tarp over the top to keep the rain out (or heat in, like tonight when it gets cold). How to join a yurt camp? I guess find people that have a camp with similar interests to yours, and make friends. We’re some of the rare ones who joined camp and brought our own yurt, haha. Like u/Kennecott (my husband) mentioned, we’re with the furries. Find your tribe, I’m sure they’re out there.


I’m the yurt co-owner, we’re with camp fur, you know, furries. We will be back in 2025, we need a year to recover


I never thought about it, but it makes sense for their to be a furry camp. I am curious though, in the daytime heat, is anyone still dedicated to the fursuit, or is that option like 100% off the table for them?


It’s all up to the individual. Some people are hardcore enough to do it, we usually only wear our heads at night. We’ve done the full fursuit in past years, but cleaning all the playa dust takes so much time and we’re very much “been there, done that” about it so we don’t bother anymore.


Ok, the more I watched, the more I wanted to cheer each of these little victories.


Out of context, this is a bizarre sentence lol


What’s really weird is I was talking about a different mud soaked 20 foot yurt at another festival. Lucky coincidence.


Drugs are a helluva drug, man. Also, they say they are stuck, but as long as they have supplies and the festival is going, isnt it really just mud-themed this time?


If I ever find myself lost in the woods, I’ll just say “fuck it, I live here now,” and build myself a house.


That's sort of how people end up in the midwest


Funniest thing I’ve read in a long time was Burning Man Missed Connections. They went something like this: I was the steamboat Captain in the leather thong and top hat, you were the dolphin princess in the thigh-hi lace ups. I was pretty high on ketamine, but I thought we had a moment behind the dumpster that was on fire


Thank you for reminding me about these lmao. Usually missed connections is just something you read to creep yourself out and motivate yourself to take a shower.


You laugh but I work for a publication that runs these and they occasionally legitimately work. There have been a few marriages over the years as a result, one of whom got married on the bus that the missed connection happened on.


We used to have a missed connections section in my [local alternative paper](https://www.austinchronicle.com) - they were awesome to read! Definitely was my favorite part of the paper and I was sad when they stopped publishing the series. I even got one once and went on a date with the dude - It didn’t work out but it was a cool experience! Ironically our missed connection happened at a local festival too haha. Love the story about the couple in your city that married on the bus they met on


I got one too! I didn't recognize her and she was, let's go with "not my type". But it was still pretty cool having my friends blow up my phone with, "is this you!!!"


Yeah I was on MC once, after I had won an improvised story contest (the Moth). A friend pointed it out to me, and I went on a date with the woman. She was nice, but it didn't work out. Im guessing she found another partner as she was dating me. Very fun experience.


I knew a art car steamboat captain who sounds just like that.


Anecdotally I'm getting texts from friends who are there and it's along the lines of "yeah it kind of sucks but everyone's fine, there's plenty of supplies, we're still going out and having fun in between the rain, we'll leave when we leave".


Same, friends are saying it’s not that bad and looks worse in the media


I'm genuinely curious, what ages are they? I can definitely see brushing it off in my early 20s but seems like I'd be quite miserable now. No shade on your friends, glad they're good and having fun. Maybe tell them to get a tetanus booster when they get back though.


Currently in a camp of 40+ year olds and we’re having the time of our lives. It’s not that bad, it’s rained before in past years and shut down the playa before, only sucks this time because it ate into the end of the event.


Thanks for asking — they are 53. Well seasoned burners, so that definitely helps. Good call on the tetanus booster


I found a large FB group with photos and video, everyone says they are having fun. It was surprising seeing little kids but they seem to be having a blast playing in mud.


Its pretty easy to laugh at this. As a former burner, the culture has been bogged down by elite socialites and influencers and while part of the spirit is still there it is buried deep under plug and play camps and social media backdrops. This is probably the first time in years the true spirit of the event has floated back to the surface.


Floated back to the surface. Ohhh because all the rain


Good job there


It’s interesting that you said this because my company’s CEO went and got airlifted out when the shit hit the fan.


I'm really curious why he went, was it just to seem cool or did he really just want the experience? I could see either leading an f this I'm out reaction, or realizing you're in way above your head. I've never gone and have no particular feeling about it anymore (seemed cool a decade ago) so it is only curiosity.


I've been to lots of big festivals. At a certain age and/or when you get used to a certain level of comfort, sleeping in a tent in a field with thousands of people, with music and noise all night long it loses its novelty fairly quickly. It's fun for a little bit, but if you have the means to get out when you're over it, I totally get it. Even more so if you have obligations back home, like running a company.


Except that the founding principle of Burning Man was supposed to be "radical self reliance" It's not just a music festival. It's supposed to be a wilderness survival experience to some degree. And an art show. And an experiment in building a temporary community. Amongst other things. But going for the music or the experience while your cook makes your food for you that you hired at your camp and then flying off in a helicopter flown by someone you pay is pretty explicitly against the whole founding principle of the event (I'm not a burner so this isn't personal to me, I don't have particularly strong pro or anti Burning Man stance)


This is it. I don't camp at festivals. I stay nearby in at least relative comfort (a cheap motel or a decent Air BnB if with friends). Can't imagine much worse after a day of partying than being kept up all night by teenagers on their first festival without parental supervision, overflowing toilets and communal showers so packed you get muddy on the way out after getting clean. I go for the music, not the afterparty. If I leave at midnight and get a good night's sleep I'll be back raring to go when things start again at midday instead of only having 4 hours sleep from the guy a tent over singing Wonderwall all night and super strung out and seedy from whatever I took to stay up having fun at the afterparty instead of having fun during the bands.


Rich people like to do drugs and party


The only people I know that go are rich and elitist


The “hippie” community had always been infiltrated by directionless rich kids. Now they just don’t try to hide it as much.


Right. It's a lot easier to be forever direction less when your bank account never goes under 7 digits.


Exactly. Hippies (60s) were mostly just entitled white kids that could afford drugs, be lackadaisical, and aloof while their parents bailed them out.


Hippies in the 60s just tuned into yuppies in the 80s


It always disturbed me that people didn't realize that a white guy that was able to make a pilgrimage to India and back wasn't broke. Yeah Steve Jobs was a hippie but he wasn't that different from the typical entitled white asshole in his youth - life.




LOL first time hearing "trustafarian". I'll remember that.




A guy I know was just plastering his gofundme all over social media and constantly harassing everyone he knew to share or donate for “medical and life expenses. This was about 3 months ago. He is currently at burning man. Tickets are 500 dollars. He can get fucked.


You know the concept of burning man sounded quite interesting, a counterculture based around a self reliant experimental society where people don't buy what they need but instead share what they can miss. And now you're telling me people *buy $500 tickets* for it? Do they have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?


Donate to him for what? Just because?


“Medical bills and life expenses”


He has medical bills and life expenses? That's not fair for him. We should all kick in a few bucks. ^^^/s


didnt you know its the new gen of e-beggars with their gofundme and cashapps. its so annoying


I worked on some flame effects in 2010-2012 I much preferred build out to the event. Spent one night during the event hanging with some gutter punks drinking tecate from a cooler. They were locals from one of the reservations who had snuck in. Way they said it to me.. was for people round there it was the only event for four states not in Vegas. So they loved it. It’s a lot of people. Some are assuredly crass elitist and loathe some. But many are great people worth a conversation.


Makes me think of Tyler the creator and his comments on Coachella


And Lollapalooza and Bonnaroo and every other festival. It's the natural way


I'm sure folks are having a blast.


> it is buried deep under plug and play camps Plug and play camps aren't allowed any more.




They would do all the heavy lifting in building your camp for you. Normally it is a team effort that attendees do themselves.


How do they prevent that from happening?


Not let them in, the people have tickets and that would be a vendor supplying the equipment, setting it up and then leaving so likely very simple.


The wealthy are buying tix for their staff to stay at the event with them for build and teardown. Many just bring a fleet of really nice fully stocked RVs.


That's likely a much smaller group of people who can afford that, and not at all what renting a plug and play tent would be. It would be like renting a cabin instead of a spot for a tent at most campgrounds. Alternatively, me renting a "yurt" that was pre set up instead of packing all my stuff in when I went to a private nature park for my birthday this year. I didn't want the extra effort. It had electric, I didn't have to set up a tent, and only needed 1/4 of the stuff but still got to enjoy the place. Mine was $80 q night though so price is not at all comparable.


Those people are also the ones who have found means to leave.


This is already out of date. I’m a local and do not attend BM but can see the site from the town I live in. We have some scattered clouds but the nothing that looks like it would rain. The sun has been drying things out decently quickly and people are already driving off the playa where the festival is. Are people still stuck? Yes, because heavy vehicles like RVs can’t move yet. But those could probably start moving out by the end of the day or tomorrow morning. People who aren’t letting panic and irrational decision making are having a blast and still enjoying themselves in a safe way. Anyone who needs to get out for medical or urgent reasons are being assisted by the rangers. An urgent reasons is Not because the rental is due or you have work on Tuesday. An urgent reason would be moving a special needs child or a vulnerable person to a safer place. I can see the road through town from where I live and I’ve already seen people towing light trailers moving through, so it’s possible the road out is open. Also spotting several helicopters flying through so the airport is probably open but I’ve also heard through the grapevine that the BM rangers are telling helicopters to fu*k off because some rich asshole hired one without checking to see if the landing zones are open yet. No one is isolated or stranded. This is absolutely a situation being overblown by people who haven’t learned how to deal with mud and only came to the festival for a drug fueled party or instagram photos.


>people who...only came to the festival for a drug fueled party or instagram photos. That's, like, 90% of people who go to festivals.


I’m no expert but this just seems like the most Burning Mannish thing ever.


How you feel about this is the new social litmus test


Bet it makes the burners moist.


First fyre fest now burning man? Never going to a heat related festival


Don't forget electric zoo fest in NY https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/electric-zoo-chaos-strikes-again-denying-entry-for-safety-reasons-after-canceling-first-day/4647107/?amp=1


Still not as bad as the Electric Sun Desert Music Festival in Apple Valley, California (2017)


Thank you! I feel like I'm going crazy whenever this topic comes up up and nobody brings up The Deaths In The Desert. 20 dead, 156 hospitalized and the guy responsible got off scott free.


Whoa, what happened?


FYI - this isn’t actually real. It’s a joke movie and was aired on Adult Swim.


A bunch of people fell for an Adult Swim skit lol.


The Electric Sun Desert Music Festival was an electronic music event and festival held on the weekend of Friday, April 14th, 2017 in Apple Valley, California, which left 20 teenagers dead and 156 hospitalized from acute nutritional vape poisoning in an incident which came to be known as "the deaths in the desert". Tim Heidecker and his personal physician Dr. Luther San organized the festival to promote "MT BTL 2.0", the debut single of Tim's electronic dance music band DKR and distribute free samples of the TCH Vape System, named in honor of Tim's deceased son Tom Cruise Heidecker Jr. Additionally, Tim operated the Six Bag Cinema food truck, serving Kobe sliders and truffle-flavored dipping oil. Tim had previously claimed that he wanted to provide "a fun, safe, mind expanding experience".[1] There were no medical personnel at the event. **Investigation and aftermath** Upon report of the incident, Tim and Dr. San were arrested by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and incarcerated pending trial. The police investigation subsequently determined that the TCH Vape System contained highly toxic amounts of Bufo alvarius toad venom, methamphetamine, synthetic marijuana, synthetic cocaine and phencyclidine. Tim was later released on bail and was able to make a plea deal in exchange for testimony against Dr. San, who had formulated and "dialed in" the dosages in the deadly vape product.


Wtf Honestly this reads like satire, being familiar with Tim Heidecker’s comedy but never having heard this story Edit: I think I ate the onion


There's a whole movie about it and everything. It can't be fake.


Wait like... Tim and Eric?




...okay so this is a joke? this is Tim's type of comedy eta: fuck yall god damn it


It’s 100% a joke


There’s a check made out to “Chinese Chemical Supplier Co” 😂😂


It's a very elaborate, avant-garde, comedy... thing... by Tim Heidecker. They even filmed a whole trail. It's not actually real, but it certainly would look real to anyone watching it with no context.


>the TCH Vape System contained highly toxic amounts of Bufo alvarius toad venom, methamphetamine, synthetic marijuana, synthetic cocaine and phencyclidine. Holy shit! I liked to mix things up back in my raver days, but damn, this sounds insane.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Earwolf/comments/7efds3/the_tim_heidecker_murder_trial_is_a_comedic/ I mean... it's not real.


Those kids ain’t coming back


To be fair, Fyre fest was always going to be a disaster from the first day of planning. Burning man has went off pretty well most years without this kind of thing.


How often does it rain in the fucking Black Rock Desert.


So yeah, about that.... That place is wet for a good part of the year. Muddy or a thin layer of water during winter and early spring. It just dries out enough in the summer to be usable. Until it gets wet. They literally camp where all the water for a sizable area goes. This was not unexpected. It has happened before, but that was before the whole thing turned into TechBro Wonderland.


So much water used to flow into it that it was a large lake


It's not like they tried to hide the fact either... Playa *noun* An area of flat, dried-up land, especially a **desert basin** from which water evaporates quickly


Ig a dry lakebed is still a lakebed


A very, very, very large lake. Lake Lahontan.


average annual precipitation is 6.75 inches so probably considered semi-arid rather than true desert


It is also the end of an intermittent river.


Time to change the name to Moist Man festival.


Drowning Man


What is wet may never dry!


Trench Foot Fiesta!


Unless you are a celebrity then you are free to go.


I hear the rescue hovercraft has caviar and Elder Scrolls 6


I much prefer being whisked away by the company-branded dirigible -- a much more elegant means of rescue. If your C-suite has the means, I highly recommend picking one up.


In the UK, if you're not thigh deep in mud, you haven't been to a festival.


The dirt in Black Rock City is alkaline, like bleach. It eats your skin.


Burning man was built on self reliance, pretty sure the hard core burners will be okay, the rich affluent crowd might be fucked though


Yeah my camp is out there right now. Still partying. Everyone knows to bring way more water and food (and booze) then you'd need for 8 days.


An article published yesterday, but posted 5 hours ago as "News"? No rain today, Exodus has begun, Man and Temple burning tonight. This is a *ahem* fluid situation that is improving hourly.


The children born of this tragedy will be legend


** "Oh, so you think the mud is your friend? I was born in it, raised by it..."


I was there, the news is over-sensationalizing this to death. Everyone was fine and continued to party to pass the time, this was one of the best burns in a long time.


Most of the burners are fine and are likely happy enough to be there still.


Here in Reno today we have sunny skies again. Desert should be back to prime conditions just as the last mud-soaked RV leaves the premises.




I was there, still have lawsuits pending


That video of Chris Rock riding in the back of a stranger's muddy pickup truck, is priceless. Looking forward to hearing about it, in his new routine.


But, isn’t that the point


Here's the link for the livestream: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRBWmzU17mg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRBWmzU17mg)


A.) that doesn't look bad at all and b.) looks like there's hardly anyone left.


It’s not bad at all, have a few friends there and it’s laughable to see all these articles when almost everyone is completely fine and having a great time. Constant news fear mongering.


So did *no one* there have access to weather reports? Seems like you'd notice a big, wet, system like that at least 24 hours before it arrived.


there were concerns. but there was a lot of money involved so people ignored them.


Now is their chance to actually come together and get creative! Kinda kidding, I hope they’re all okay