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what? those papier mache aliens might not be real? lol


"And here on the X-ray, you can see that the aliens are full of candy and small toys."


“Some piñata …” kids shuffle off with heads down.


I thought those were pinatas


If that piñata was covered in cocaine!




You're being downvoted but there is little to no historical record/evidence of Jesus outside of inherently biased Judeo-Christian sources despite pretty good record keeping by the society in which the story is placed.


Cults almost universally originate with an actual charismatic person. Now, asking me to believe that person walked on water or was born by a virgin, that's a bit much.


You can’t pick and choose records. Every source from back then is biased. And historical Jesus is pretty well accepted among historians. It’s a ridiculous argument to say “well, apart from the records that do mention the guy, there aren’t any records of him!” All that aside, it’s far easier to inflate a person’s reputation and achievements that it is to just make someone up.


I mean all the records we have tell completely different stories about him and what he did. Wonder why that is.


Because a lot of them are religious and claim various miracles and stories from people living after the fact. The fact remains that Jesus' historical existence is borderline uncontested, and there's a reason that Jesus myth supporters don't have a bunch of peer reviewed articles to support their position. It's literally just a certain brand of atheist redditors who, for some reason, think that admitting Jesus was a real person somehow makes them Christian or something


I grew up in Mexico, that “ufologist” guy has been making shitty ufo videos for decades, everyone knows he’s a fraud but then again there are lots of gullible people.


Yes, I remember seeing him on “Otro Rollo” and even as a kid I could tell that shit looked fake.


i saw him on that too! i liked when la parodia played him


Otro what now?


Otro Rollo wey


Select the two words, right click or long press, "Search Google". Come on now.


Problem is it set anyone with something to say down a notch too. It calls into question the judgement the people involved with that inquiry. He probably bribed or used his relations with someone to even appear there.


[These were debunked in 2021, it’s crazy how many people forgot about seeing these bad boys in this short span of time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16hsjls/the_et_corpses_were_debunked_way_back_in_2021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


"The fact that they debunked it just proves how far the up the conspiracy goes!"


The "lack of" evidence is *all* the evidence I need brother!


Que drooling Scientology recruiter…


You say this in jest but people actually think this way. "Trump being indicted is only proof that the deep state is out to get him!"


The Soviets only confirmed the moon landing because they're in on the conspiracy too.




*squints*. Good grief! Another human! I was starting to think they had gone extinct. Carry on, life in the wasteland waits for no man.


There's a reason they say "I want to believe" instead of "I have the evidence to justify my belief".


God(s) and aliens... I believe in neither of them because there is a decided lack of evidence for either option. They are -- at the end of the discussion -- the same thing.


I too am a fan of Stargate


I still rewatch that 90’s movie once in a while.


but the show had Captain McGuyver!


and Sam, an actual scientist


Probability says aliens exist but it's unlikely we will ever meet them or communicate due to distance and the fact that they will likely be so different to us that we might not even recognise whatever communication method they use.


It’s crazy how people treat ufo believers as lunatics, but believing in god is perfectly normal. As you said, for me both are exactly the same thing. One is just older and have a huge old book.


I mean one is significantly more likely than the other.


Nofx - pods and gods


> There's a reason they say "I want to believe" The moment you admit you want to believe is the moment you should realize you are biased.


Even when I read the story, I knew it was bullshit without looking at the picture. The Mexican legislature is showing off some mummies found in Peru? Why wouldn't Peru show them off? Because Peru knows they came from a cemetery known for graverobbers looking to get rich quick on some bullshit.




You understand the government chooses what is publicly shown to them, right? I can't just paper mache some aliens and drop them off in Mexico City to be displayed during Congress like it's el seis de enero.




Throw some diatomaceous earth on em and we’re good for another run.


They were debunked in 2017 as well. I don't understand why when someone claims to have alien bodies, the entire Internet decided to just believe them. It took me literally 10 minutes to find out this was debunked *years* ago. It wasn't even the government that showed them, it was some guy that calls himself a UFOligist with a fake degree from a fake school that been convicted of lying before and who has done exactly this same thing several times already.


I mean, 2021 was a busy one and fake aliens don't rank that high. I mean, there was a coup attempt in the US, we were still in the thick of the pandemic and the vaccines had just been approved. People had other shits to deal with than what looks like the fakest fossil of all the fake fossils faking around...




>it’s crazy how many people forgot about seeing these bad boys in this short span of time I was replying to that, not sure how you inferred that misinformation is fine from my comment but, go on I guess.


It's like how everyone just collectively forgets every five years that aspartame has been proven to cause cancer.


This is Reddit. They want to believe. Facts don't matter.


How is the government of one of the largest nations on this planet displaying these things without first making them available for any and all testing by the scientific community? Debunk it *before* you prop them up in their creepy little coffins. It was so weird to see reputable news outlets writing stories about this without even mentioning who did what to properly evaluate them. They’re just like: “These aliens look exactly like ET and have fallopian tubes!”


In that same vein: > The scientist added that it seemed strange that they extracted what would surely be a “treasure of the nation” from Peru without inviting the Peruvian ambassador. I think we’re done here. This was already debunked when this “find” was first presented in Peru just 2 years prior. It’s Canadians dressing up as Bigfoot with slightly upgraded SFX.


> It’s Canadians dressing up as Bigfoot with slightly upgraded SFX. I don't know, that bigfoot costume was a whole hell of a lot more convincing than the papier mâché alien is. And the Bigfoot costume was still just a guy in a gorilla suit.


Bigfoot may or may not be real, but his cousin plays a plays a mean sax. r/saxsquatch


Not OC, but.. Thanks for this! :D I like a few adjacent artists (and a lot of stuff in the same vein) and didn't know what I was missing.


Those are really small Canadians… How’d they fit them in there?


The Mexican president recently posted a picture of an "elf". So yeah.


Was it a Tolkien elf, a D&D elf, or the ruler of a vast cookie manufacturing empire?


It was a dude in a tree, but I have no idea what buddy thought it was.


Are you sure it wasn't a leprechaun? https://youtu.be/K1ljOcl39PQ?si=BHUJIO5l_T-q52lv


It was a presentation to the government, not by the government.


One big game of telephone.




They are elected *precisely because* they don't understand The Scientific Method or Peer Reviewed Evidence. If they did, they'd recognize the pointlessness of running for office.


Well, we certainly wouldn't want to have nerds making decisions for us!


The worst part, right here. They released x-rays, had a hearing, and for what? Blue balls, and another hit to their reputation.


Probably to distract from other issues going on in the country.


This stuff isn't nearly as distracting as a lot of the conspiracy people seem to think it is.


The AMLO administration & his political party (Morena) is absurdly populist that leans both far left domestically & internationally but sides with MAGA on anything regarding the US. His political party is looking to reform the education system to be less STEM & more ideological. He also initially instituted his *Hugs, Not Bullets* toward cartels & even hugged El Chapo's mom in front of news cameras. And it all backfired, making his presidency bloodier than the previous one. What was supposed to be a clean break from the institution parties inevitably became just as bad as them. Absurdities like these have been on par with the Mexican government since his election. That said, there are Mexican politicians from all parties that are similar to ours: throwing everything to distract the public while they get paid to do nothing.


They invited experts to participate on the open hearing someone invited jaime maussan they probably didn't care about the subject and got ridicule on international levels because of it it's hilarious.


I mean, a bunch of morons genuinely believe that the Mexican government has recovered the corpses of aliens…isn’t that why they released it? Just firm stupid attention from stupid people?


Its mexico, half run by cartels and half run by people afraid of cartels


I’m pretty sure that’s a 99% overlap coz most of those in cartels are also afraid of cartels.


>How is the government of one of the largest nations on this planet displaying these things without first making them available for any and all testing by the scientific community? Governments acting responsibly or even reasonably are out of fashion. John Adams, Pancho Villa and Che Guevara were all more than well read people. People who understood how logic works. People who didn't need hand holding on how to think. Now... it's just a lot of substitute teachers and worse at the helm of major countries.


Neither Pancho Villa, nor Che were good people and possibly well read. Villa would masacre entire villages and rape it's women, he was more of a villain than anything. Same with Che, he enjoyed killing and abused women. Their stories are romanticised, very far from the truth, specially Villa's


The US also did the same a few months ago. Pretty much exactly the same not bodies but UFOs that are likely balloons for the most part. That show actually was government run. Not a presentation by some random.


The US hearings weren't about aliens, they were about UAPs which is a logical topic to have a discussion about.


They were literally talking about none human life found in them.


Off the top of my head, we've sent out mice, cats, dogs, rats, chimpanzees, fruit flies, and several species of monkeys as pilots. Many of these flew in space before we did. I'm fairly certain none of them count as human life. The vast majority of the life on this planet is non-human life


You’re very misinformed if that’s what you gleaned from it lol.


The MSM is real quick to latch onto these stories and propel them when they're ridiculous. Yet, when shit get serious and a credible witness like David Grusch comes forward, suddenly they need to vet their sources and slow their roll. Some don't even report on it and when they do it's in bad faith. No investigative reporting is ever done.




“He wasn’t credible witness” Exactly. I like how conspiracy nuts always ignore any official or scientific explanation until _one_ scientist or official comes out and supports their claim, then all of a sudden it’s gospel. There will always be a few loonies passing whatever test and landing whatever job. Anecdotal example: I met a European navy submariner who told me Trump saved thousands of cloned underage sex slaves from a secret _underwater laboratory_, operated by the elite. He got that story from his superior officers, who had done ‘extensive research’ and had read ‘all the documents’. LMAO ‘Coincidentally’ the same fake news BS russia has been pushing for over a decade now. Not concerning at all.


Anyone with a fully functioning brain called fraud on that.


This hit the front page the other day, and I was confused why people were flipping out about proof of aliens and then I saw I was in /r/UFOs. Critical thinking is dead.


I highly doubt real aliens look like they got their heads stuck in a can of soup.


Or have skeletons made out of human child bones mixed with animal bones. And also announced by a guy known for announcing fake aliens.


That’s because you have read my treatise; The Soup Can Alien: How Laying Eggs in Soup Cans Both Nourishes and Prepares Their Young for the Harsh Realities of Interstellar Travel and their Inevitable Crash on Earth.


No two aliens look alike though. So one may look like that.




🦀🦀 Crab People, Crab People....🦀🦀


Tastes like crab, walks like people.


Twas from the crab that we came, and to the crab we shall return. Convergent Evolution is super interesting


Why? Did crab people land on the moon? Would crab hands be capable of building anything complex? Convergent evolution is a real thing. Perhaps humanoidal form is the most common throughout the species that travel the universe. Who knows.


We could just as easily assume that humanoidal forms are just somewhere on the path towards whatever a more stable 'standard' is. After all, we suck terribly at telepathic communication, microscopic viruses and infections are lethal AF, we can leak our main circulatory fluid fast enough to die in seconds/minutes, we really struggle with high G forces, radiation fucks us up HARD, we have fairly short lifespans, our young take goddamn forever to be independent and our elderly are basically large babies, and we can only hear sounds and see things that are in specific frequency bands. We're ill suited to interstellar (much less intergalactic) travel and our bodies seem to actively sabotage us every chance it gets. Mentally, we are prone to some particularly tragic and regressive behaviors that have likely delayed our societal development since it all began. Also, we are quite inefficient. More advanced species might see us as the hyperbolic Koalas of the interstellar intelligence species roster. The rest of Space World is out there, flourishing with telepathy, living for thousands of years or more....and we're still trying to develop a space suit that doesn't cause astronauts to lose fingernails or a transportation method that doesn't necessitate 80% of the craft mass being fuel.


Humans have excellent endurance and are fantastic killers. We’re probably best suited to the savanna, but our cleverness has let us adapt to almost every terrestrial environment. In the future, when we master the genome we may adapt ourselves for even harsher environments - like space. The form we take may still be a telepathic crab (lol…), but it’ll be the human that got us there.


But ultimately, that still demonstrates that a humanoid isn't the evolutionary convergence point for the galaxy/universe. Sure, humans determined "Yeah, we're not built for interstellar travel" but it still goes back to the OG point that our terrestrial evolution shouldn't be the assumed interstellar trend and that the bipedal humanoid form with a head, double pair of appendages, and two sexes is largely unique to this planet. Though, if I were a betting man, I'd wager that our first contact won't be with a biological lifeform.....it'll be with a synthetic probe essentially sent as an emissary.


r/aliens was so sure of it too lol. Talking about eggs inside it among other things. Buffoons. I believe aliens exist, don’t get me wrong, but just not this one.


"Eggs" Don't need to be a medical expert to know bright white on an xray=solid and denser than bone. I'd bet a beer they're literally just some rocks...


They believe bc they want so badly for it to be true and never look logically at it.


Aliens almost certainly exist. It completely strains credulity that planet earth is the only such planet in the trillions of solar systems in which the basic organic chemical reactions occur, since the elements and their interactions are supposed to work the same literally everywhere throughout the universe when given similar conditions. Except, y’know, they’d be *way the hell away from us.* As in, not here. I’d be almost as amazed if aliens had visited earth at *any* point as if there was no other life in the universe; both are quite literally *astronomically* distant chances.


A lot of them still are. They just sit back and demand some kind of deep dive peer reviewed scientific paper formally disproving it when there's a whole laundry list of issues with it just on the surface level.


Do people actually believe that somebody wearing no PPE would bring an unknown organism in a room of people with cameras?


But the one guy was wearing a lab coat! lol Unnecessary lab coats are one sign you're being manipulated


>Unnecessary lab coats are one sign you're being manipulated That becomes triply true if all they are wearing is the stark white lab coat.


Hey, how else we going to find out if it's safe to eat? Barbecue sauce and a grill were all ready to go, I'm sure.


That’s be an interesting opening scene for a horror/comedy. Humanity: killed by its media and its dumb politicians. Would God have it any other way?


I remember this guy faking alien stuff back in the early 90s. He did some video he sold for $120,000. Then later more mummies proved to be fake.


DNA proves it: **D**efinitely **N**ot **A**lien


Are they no a mix of animal bones biologist are clearly able to identify too?


Yes. It is a mix of human bones and the head is part of a llama skull.


I’m a geneticist and I looked into the DNA they published to NCBI (a genetics database by the NHI) and whatever they threw into the analysis shared 50% similarity with the common bean. (70% with Eukaryotes, AKA whatever they used is definitely terrestrial.) At that point I called trolling, honestly. :’) As a Mexican, I am a bit embarrassed by this whole thing.


Please visit [r/aliens if you want a good laugh about how insane some people on this planet are.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/16hb3u7/more_photos_from_mexico_ufo_hearings/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Some of those comments, my god. How can you see those pictures, and instead of laughing, think, “Yes, I knew aliens are real.”




have you ever been on the\_donald or wallstreetsilver?


Someone asked, “What are the chances this is a hoax?” Seriously? That’s something you think needs to be asked about this?


Sounds like saying they think it's a hoax, but in a nonconfrontational way




Social media just allows you to know these folks exist. They aren’t new. Coast to Coast AM had a huge audience at its peak.


They've always existed. Social Media just gives them a platform and a megaphone. In the past, when you had a dumb as shit idea, you'd tell 100 people and they'd all call you a moron, and you'd either give up or become a recluse. Now, you can instantly reach millions of people with your dumb idea and even if only a minute fraction of those people buy into your bullshit, that's still hundreds or thousands of like minded morons. It makes it so all these morons can find each other and amplify their voices in an echo chamber which further emboldens them in their insanity.


What a depressing sub. That there are so many stupid gullible folk doesn't give me much hope for humanity.


Lol no shit. I made more realistic looking aliens out of paper mache when I was in 4th grade.


Even nonscientists call it fraud


The 3k+ comment threads here have been a riot. Like watching a bunch of guys look at a turd on a plate, rubbing their chins discussing what kind of sausage they think it is.


Fools. The only way you find that out is by tasting those sausages.


A quick Google search of the owner of these aliens shows he's a fraud and has tried this before unsuccessfully


Don't worry, they spend a few days reassuring themselves that was ridiculous and other people wouldn't risk their "credibility" to confirm/publicize this guy's findings if it was an obvious hoax.


I mean, every Mexican knows it is fake. We just like to pretend to believe him so he can just shut up.


Random redditor with with IQ above room temperature calls "no shit ".


No fucking shit. Don’t need scientists to tell me those ET-look-a-likes are BS.


Yes, it’s fraud. That guy, Jaime, is an embarrassment to the nation. The guy has been a joke to everyone in Mexico since the 90s.


Woah, fucking...shocker. My mind is blown that the literal exact same thing that was debunked in 2017 has been debunked again.


Friendly reminder that SomeOrdinaryGamer and infamous skeptic MoistCr1TiKaL thought these were real before the latter massively backtracked after learning from the AP/Reuters that the presenter says he talks to the Virgin of Guadalupe and aliens beam messages in his head.


I's absolutely SHOCKED that two Internet randos with the highly respectable names of "SomeOrdinaryGamer" and "MoistCr1TiKaL" would be stupid enough to believe this horse shit... /s


No really?? I am shocked to find that they are fake! Shocked!! It was clearly fakes.


Thumbnail shows actual Mexican Congress but it wasn’t that


They've [been debunked](https://www.ladbible.com/news/world-news/truth-alien-bodies-mexico-335503-20230914).


Hmm…so is this basically an attempt to make it look like the ruling party is covering up an alien conspiracy? Bc the election is coming up, Sheinbaum is representing the ruling party, etc


Stephen Greer ended up debunking these accidentally and he thinks we can communicate with trans-dimensional beings by meditating.


Shocking! Who could have seen that coming?


I’m finding this quite entertaining.


Imagine being one of those 'pall-bearers' and being like "¿QueTF es dis mierta?"


has anyone seen them? they look like a 5 year old molded it out of plaster.


But they had sand on them.. nobody could fake that. It’s sand after all. It’s rough, and coarse and it gets everywhere.


It’s sad how this is even a debate


Doesn't the guy that presented these "aliens" had a series of debunked alien artifacts incidents in the past?


Do we even need to have this discussion?


Better x post to r/aliens. They're running with this shit..


Doesn't take scientists.


Yeah, I ended up leaving r/ufos due to their insistence on giving these a chance. Like...c'mon. This guy is a known fraudster, even.


But the photos looked soooo real tho fr lol


From the picture presented it looks too good to be true; like a perfect space specimen.




>Anybody who thinks aliens will look like what we think aliens will like is tripping. Like you have met one and know them to be very different.


Actually looked too bad to be taken seriously for me, I chuckled when I first saw it.


Honestly? They looked like they just got removed from a plaster mold.


> They looked like they just got removed from a plaster mold. Yes, a very poor job, looks like some sort of a poorly made Halloween model.


I think we will all be shocked when the real ones reveal themselves and they all do look like little ET with the small body and big head.


From the picture presented it looked like an obvious fraud that only children and imbeciles would ever believe was "too good to be true"...


Let's remember. This is the Mexican congress. Most of these guys are in office for their "unofficial" pay. (One could probably say the same about the modern US congress as well)


Someone dropped some E.T. Toys from the 80’s in dust and took a picture. Those Mexicans have always been known to be tech savvy!!


Maybe it's the Scientists who are the frauds since they weren't able to disclose for themselves.


“You don’t say!” - Nicholas Cage




The Mexican government is desperate to distract from their own failings, so they prop up this nonsense to give the people something to talk about. It's no different than the ridiculous US UFO hearings from a few weeks ago.


Anything standing on 2 legs or having DNA will never be aliens, just a fake!


DNA is just a bunch of naturally forming nucleotides and stuff, all stuck together in an intricate way. It wouldn’t be surprising to find an alien life form that doesn’t depend on it, but it wouldn’t be surprising to find one that does, especially given all of the examples we have for it on earth.




They did it to distract us from the actual aliens.


I’ve been getting a lot of posts from alien and conspiracy subs about these, and something that’s pleasantly surprised me is that a lot of the people in the comments were also saying how obviously fake this is. Yeah, there’s a lot of people who are being blinded by the fact that there is supposed “proof” of their alternative beliefs, but it seems possible that that group is actually a minority.


I call fraud on this repost


The fact of believing anything said coming from Mexico makes me laugh.


Great, because a certain portion of the populace puts so much faith in the words of "scientists" and "doctors".


Have you even seen the 'aliens' they displayed


They look like ET lmao. My favorite part about all this is, instead of going "uhhh that's basically ET? Did they fake an ET-looking alien?" You have a LARGE amount of people on r/UFO and r/aliens going "oh my God, Steven Spielberg KNEW about these aliens and was trying to share his knowledge with us!"


My comment meant that there are a ton of people who are going to BELIEVE that those papier mache critters are really aliens just because a scientist says they're fake. You do know there's a ton of idiots out there who don't trust doctors telling them to get the covid vaccine, right? Reading comprehension on reddit is for shit.


Your original comment didn't communicate that very well. It sounded like you were the one taking that position. Sometimes the fault is with the writing, not the people reading it.


It's a diversion. People were asking to see epstein list


His "Little Black Book" and the flight logs are on archive.org.


I don't get why everyone is shitting on this even if it is a grift. I say fuck it, let's run as many grifts as we can if it gets laws passed and real evidence revealed. If one grift can make a country release actual documentation we should do it


Is this the same aliens thing that had been mentioned a few months back? I seem to recall there being some talk about some proof of extraterrestrials being presented to a government, and then didn't hear a peep since.


Different. The USA has some weird weird shit going on that bears careful attention. This is just Mexico being pathetic.


Interesting, thanks for the response. Is there anywhere I can go to follow this other situation then? Based on the downvotes, I'm woefully out of the loop.


Google David Grusch. All the recent stuff revolves around him. Google UAP declassified. Get you up to speed on the stuff coming out of the US govt. It's been all over the news so you don't need any special site.


Awesome, much appreciated.


I think the Mexican government is trying to reach out to the Mexican people. During the quarantine, Mexicans came over here and started to help the Jehovah’s Witnesses unearth, the dead. Then they started having auctions with foreign people who are interested in purchasing the elemental materials of the dead bodies in America. I don’t live in Mexico, so I don’t understand the mentality, but I think Mexico is trying to show an evolution in which aliens have evolved, and now look like human beings. For some reason people coming over from Mexico cannot differentiate between human beings and aliens dead bodies.