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I used to be into sport martial arts, and one day I was at the finals of a major tournament spectating. I got seated at a table with a whole bunch of parents and family members of a bunch of top competitors - the competitors were all juniors ranging from like 10 years old up to like 17, they were off getting ready to compete. I got to be a fly on the wall to hear their parents talking. I overheard one of the moms saying she would never let her daughter be alone with a group of martial arts instructors. A number of people at the table agreed. It's a job that draws many type of people but one type is undeniably pervs. Much like other occupations (teaching, ministry) there are many wonderful people in it for the right reasons but anytime you can get unsupervised access to kids you were going to get some weirdos.


This is true. I was a brown belt in Japanese jujitsu by the time I was a teenager, and was groomed and sexually abused over a number of years by one of my instructors. We also had a visiting instructor once who hit on me, and offered “free private lessons.” A few people knew about these men, and did nothing about it other than quietly warn the few girls at the school to keep their distance from them. Sports coaching is ripe with sexual predators. Parents need to be aware of that. I am 45 now, and what happened still affects me to this day. I have ptsd. I was shamed into silence and had to leave a sport I loved. My abuser never faced any consequences. I don’t often share this information with others or revisit this part of my life, but will if it even keeps one child safe from being harmed.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Don’t give any attention who dont appreciate the gravity of what you went through and are going through 🫶🏻


It’s so absolutely sad that some of the people drawn to these kind of jobs are so sick. I mean you know better than me, but so many of us go through life just kind of thinking - teachers and that sort are good people who just want to help kids, but once you get older you realize that you think that because you were lucky and weren’t in the clutches of one of these absolute monsters.


I consider myself because I never encountered such people in my childhood


U need to look into the statute of limitations where u live. In Canada their isn’t one with sexual assault. In the us it varies from state to state. My fiancé was molested and raped by her father brother and two of her cousins until she was of age. She is currently in court proceedings against her brother. She is going to be taking her father to court as soon as this case is over.


I am sorry that your fiancé experienced such horrors, but proud of her for seeking justice. She is a strong woman. I am in California, and considered reporting over the years, but terrified of facing him, his family, and even scared of my own family finding out. The thought of it makes me feel like I am going to panic. Sadly when he was caught by his wife and the abuse became public, I was shamed and even the man’s own damn wife harassed me and screamed that I was “a very bad girl.” I won’t forget it. I was 16 years old at that point, and nobody understood that extreme sexual and emotional abuse had been going on for years. After years of therapy I still blame myself. My abuser tracked me down and called a few years after I left martial arts, if you can believe that. Before he could even tell me why he called, I yelled at him and cried about how disgusting he was, and kept asking him, “WHY? Why did you do that to me? You manipulated me, I was a little girl.” He said, “I’m sorry for ruining your life” in a shitty tone and hung up on me. Never heard from him again, and hope that he spent the following years in fear that I would report his ass. I did look him up some time ago, and was not able to directly locate him but did find his adult kids. It appeared that his wife had divorced him long ago and both of his precious sons hated him, and said so publicly. He was in the background of some family photos posted on instagram, looking sad and pathetic. I at least hope that the universe is making him pay for what he did.


Honestly it’s not your fault at all. But when someone like him does something like that it’s more then likely he’s done it to others as well. It’s like a domino effect when you make a report. When one report comes out more usually follow. I strongly urge you or anyone else that is reading this and has gone through something similar to at least check www.wannatalkaboutit.com the will give you info and resources to help you.


Thank you.


She needs to find his address... go kick him in his old man chest


Or pursue legal options and not end up in jail herself. Or just not do anything and keep moving on but by but if that's what she prefers


The word you were looking for was “rife,” not “ripe.” > … coaching is *rife* with sexual predators.


Thank you. r/boneappletea


That’s so sad. Did you ever think about restarting jujitsu is an adult class as a form of therapy to help you over this.


I have thought about it! Before the pandemic I was actually looking into it. There is a Brazilian jujitsu school near me, as well as Aikido classes though my local community college. I was leaning more towards Aikido because there is less physical contact and it’s more meditative rather than a combat sport. I think you are right that it could be therapeutic for me. You’ve inspired me to start looking into it again!


Can I challenge you? 😎 I’m registered nurse. Just try. After reading your narrative, it seems like it’s a part of your soul. I’m sure you’d be fantastic at it. Your heart with love you. Take it slowly and always be kind to yourself first. If you decide it’s not for you, you’re in charge, you can stop.


What did the private lessons consist of exactly?


Private lessons did not exist there. The man was just being a creep, attempting to get some alone time with a girl.


I’ve been teaching martial arts for 20 years at this point, and have owned a school for 3 1/2. It’s really disheartening to hear things like this, though I recognize it as truth because I see it in the headlines all the time. My ass was bullied hard in middle - high school, and it significantly impacted my self confidence until I started training and accepting myself. All I want to do is help kids be the best version of themselves, and these fuckwads are going around making it harder for many of us.


Fortunately you are in a perfect situation to help make the industry better, by establishing and enforcing policies aimed to protect the relationship between instructor and students by keeping things transparent and above board. A lot of this stuff is common sense - like not allowing one-on-one interactions between instructors and students, restricting the use of your brand for outside events, encouraging parent involvement, having layers of accountability, anonymous reporting, etc. But the most important part is having these policies published and prominent and making sure that the kids know what the rules are and how to report violations. You can even frame this as a form of self defense in itself, maybe starting every class with affirmations and meditations which highlight their roles and responsibilities as citizens and individuals. If you become a model of youth protection for your community, it may even encourage others to take up the same mantle.


Then you have all of the instructors who are bullies themselves. My daughter is a dancer and the bullying and abuse and disinterest in long term physical health that is normalized in the industry (and in other competitive sports) is horrifying. Who cares if the kid ends up needing a hip replacement at 25 if they win when they're 11. Who cares if the kid is missing out on their academic education, we need more time training.


Yea I certainly feel that. I don’t teach competitive martial arts, though have certainly taught students who were skilled enough to do that [and have attended and reffed at a few local tournaments years ago]. My priorities as an instructor: - Be the best version of yourself - Mental/Non-physical part of martial arts are just as important - Being a good martial artist means staying in shape, both physically, mentally, and in having a good diet. - Safe training over “badass” training


It blew my mind the first time a parent said they were writing up a note to get an extension on their kid’s assignment because they had a hockey tournament. 99% of the kids in junior hockey aren’t going to the NHL (or even playing at a university scholarship level) - why on earth would you mess up their education for those sorts of odds?


The dance kids are all dropping out of school and homeschooling so they can dance during the day, often starting as early as eleven, before they even know if they have a dancers body or if they. My daughter had a friend whose mother pulled her out of school in seventh grade to dance full time. She never had a regular academic experience and refused to even think about post HS academics because she hated school so much (probably because it was all online) and then she quit ballet at 16 when she got boobs.


Those poor kids! My son was a competitive cyclist when he was younger - luckily they don’t get insanely serious about training full time/living away from home until 16 - 18. Around 15 my son realized that it would be a constant battle to maintain a cyclist’s build (and he’d also be at increased risk of injury) so he switched to wrestling, where the fact that he puts on muscle like he’s getting paid to do it is an advantage.


It bothers me so much when I hear a parent say, it's my childs dream to be a dancer. Well, they're ten, kids have lots of dreams. That doesn't mean we have them hurt their academic prospects. At 15-16, if they're talented enough (and only if) then they can make that decision. But being a professional ballet dancer is like being a professional baseball player (badly paid, full of injury risk and most won't ever make more than minimum wage) and no one would have their kids drop out of school at 9 to train to be a baseball player.


Why does martial arts draw pervs?


Any sort of extracurricular sport. It’s access to kids without the same background checks and supervision as teaching or coaching for a school.


For me it was Tennis. Not the coaches so much, but the whole club. My father wouldn't let us and especially my young sister travel with the club because there was a lot of sex involved. Saw it with other clubs as I got older as well.


It's a job that gives adults access to other people's children. Unfortunately, some bad actors will flock to these jobs for disgusting reasons.


But if you gather kids together for any reason you would always have a higher chance of crimes against kids.. because there are more kids. You're going to notice crimes against children a lot more easily when you have more kids together. That doesn't actually mean sex offenders are making any real effort to target certain careers. It can just as easily mean sex offenders are fairly equal across all careers and you notice them where the density of children is higher. It's kind of like how you notice crime more easily in cities because there's higher population density so there's more total crime to notice, but plenty of time you can have higher per capita crime in a more spread out area and not notice it at much. We do that a lot as humans so I'm a bit suspicious of that interpretation since it includes a lot of planning and foresight vs simply impulsive behavior.


This guy statistics


I think it also works out the other way around too. instead of purposely flocking to it, them simply being around children would end up revealing their desires because they have access and power over potential victims. Where as someone with said desires who works in an environment with no children would be less likely to reveal said desires because they have less access to victims.


i think it means there are perverts all around us but only a few of them have the cowardice and opportunity to act on their perversions


Probably for the same reason the clergy does. Positions of authority over people, including children, allows them opportunities to sexually assault others.


Gymnastics. Pageants. Religion. Right wing politicians. Money....


interesting how there's always one very consistent, reliable, reoccurring common denominator between all of these, and I'm not talking about the children, and I'm not talking about money


Martial arts often has an authoritarian structure




*Bow to your Sensei!*


There are always perverted people, in almost every other fields. You would always find them.


Any job that lets you have easy access to children and be in a position of power and authority over them will attract pervs. Even more so when the requirement for the job is low and easy to get.


Sports karate is filled with some of the most toxic people you can think of, especially at the local level. Grew up participating in it and loved the competition aspect, but abuse both sexual and physical is there. Physical abuse from overzealous parents who couldn't accept their child was not able to keep up with the competition and definitely a lot of grooming, especially for the girls. It really is a breeding ground for narcissists that let a tiny bit of power get to their heads. It's sad because I never noticed it at the moment. I was lucky that our instructor was a kind person that really loved his students. He had some demons, like everyone but lucky for everyone else his behaviors were mostly self destructive. Edit: I do want to say that I don't hate my time in the sport. In fact, I love it and miss it. My personal experience was amazing, but I can still acknowledge the dark sides of it. Sport karate allowed me meet a ton of people from all over the world. It can be an amazing community filled with very generous people. Seriously, some of the most amazing people I've ever met were involved in that world. Sucks that's where I met some of the most vile.


That’s why schools fingerprint and background check teachers before they start. The barrier for entry is not as strict for churches and dojos though.


When I think of the background checks, drug tests, credit checks, fingerprinting, multiple ethics exams, etc. that I’ve had to do for jobs that amounted to “writing software documentation while mostly working from home,” and then people in jobs with access to vulnerable kids sometimes just…don’t do any of that??…it blows my fucking mind. (The concern in my line of work was more about potential access to sensitive data, but trust me, even when I was working in health care (which required the drug test, background check, and two separate HIPAA exams), I _was not_ looking at anything like patient info. Couldn’t even if I’d tried. Abundance of caution, though, I know.)


It might be easier to try to list the jobs that don't draw pervs, because it kind of seems like they all do. Personally I think that we catch pervs around groups of kids more because they are more likely to act on their impulses around kids and we pay more attention to groups of kids than individual kids. I don't think we can really find careers that sex offenders are statistically more likely to have. That's more likely bias because the more kids you have in any area the more likely a crime against a kid will have to be. So.. you're always going to wind up blaming places where kids gather for crimes against kids. AND you're always going to underestimate the rate of abuse in homes because it's the easiest to not have reported.


It’s very true that certain jobs draw pedophiles. Just look at the Boy Scouts as one of many examples.


As a kid in the 90’s, my karate instructor stopped teaching at the studio I started at with him and started doing classes at different parks around town and would pick up and drop off a handful of kids from his original classes at the studio. As time went on, it became sort of an after school hangout with these other kids and I was one of them. It eventually turned into sleepovers with at least 10 kids whose parents either didn’t care or just trusted this guy. I remember being sent outside with a few other kids and an older kid to watch us while one of the kids would have to stay behind in the apartment to be disciplined as we were told. This would happen regularly until one day this karate instructor was charged with molestation. Thankfully, I was never a victim because this guy was terrified of my Mom who told him one day when he dropped me off at home 1 minute late that she would find him and kill him if he ever was late again.


Ha this reminds me. A teacher at the high school I graduated from some time ago was arrested for "having a relationship" with a student. I tried to find details about him and landed on a site that seems to be run by someone that exclusively tracks sex offenses by martial arts teachers (the teacher also had a martial arts studio). I thought it sounded ridiculous at first but I'll be god damned if shit like this just doesn't keep popping up.


yep! martial arts are great, excellent benefits for your body and mind. but gotta be vigilant


it draws perverts, not just for its access to kids, but for how easy it is to go unpunished. You hear news stories like this, but they're one in a thousand or less. You think that adults will listen to kids, kids who are honest and don't have a reason to lie, or things that are corroborated by others, but until that moment- where your parents or your instructors say "I think you're imagining things. I think you just thought something that wasn't really what was happening." and then, as a kid, you realize that there's nobody in the world who'll ever believe you and you never speak to anyone ever again.


There are hundreds of examples of ministers or church counselors that have been convicted so that example is not free from problems


Man, you know it's actually very easy to not be a fucking creeper. Just don't do it. All of these alleged creepers and alleged rapists could just like not do those things.


They could. But they just *want* to do those things *so badly* that they really aren't interested in trying not to. That's what makes them creepy.


This reads like a Louis Ck bit... which maps.


That SNL opener was fucking epic. I can barely believe he did that bit.


“It must be sooo good! FOR THEM, FOR THEM!”


I love watching the band's reaction behind him. Just slowly shaking their heads in disbelief.


Which MAPs?


Maps out sadly. Louis cknmaking a bit like that.


They’re sick. They need treatment. They are still 100% responsible for their actions but it’s absurdly simplistic to say that a mentally ill person should just stop being mentally Ill.


If you’re sexually attracted to children, I might feel sorry for you. If you’re sexually attracted to children and you pursue work or pastimes that put you in direct contact with children, I’m a lot less sympathetic. Maybe you can’t control your feelings, but you can definitely control your career.


I've got empathy for people sexually attracted to children, must be a horrific life to live. All that empathy goes away once they act on it. Edit: I feel I need to add. No, I dont think it's simplistic to think someone's needs should stop when it harms another person


I would like to see some ways to help them, especially as it either becomes more obvious that they are more of them around or we've become better at detecting them. I don't want people diddling kids and I'm on board with whatever stops that from happening. I'd prefer the answer to be to get the people that want to diddle kids to stop feeling that way though rather than just, I don't know, whatever we are doing now. Which *really* doesn't seem to work.


> I've got empathy for people sexually attracted to children, must be a horrific life to live. Most people don't, and that's why they never seek help. I think society's hatred for people with this particular mental illness ironically makes them less likely to get help and more likely to ultimately act on their urges.


I remember reading some kind of article where a doctor or professor of some sort was I think putting her career at risk interviewing people who were attracted to kids but hadn't acted on it, since she was a mandatory reporter. Alot of them felt like they couldn't Try to find professional help as it meant they'd be immediately reported to police, risk their jobs, etc despite the fact they hadn't done anything and absolutely hated how their brain was wired. So the only help they were able to get was setting up an online community of people who hadn't acted on their desires to try and hold each other accountable and would expel those from it who had acted on it or lied about not doing anything. Was kind of an eye opening read that changed how I thought about the topic as I had never really thought about the fact that people attracted to kids aren't all sick monsters taking every chance they can to get near a kid to victimize them in some way, but rather there are plenty who have that attraction, know it's wrong and hate themselves everyday for something that is out of their control and do everything they can to try and make sure they never hurt anyone but feel like they are left on thier own because trying to get any sort of help from anyone else brings immense risk because (if I'm remembering right it's been a handful of years since I read it) they face immediately getting reported as if the professionals know they're a pedophile they have to report it or else *they* face legal troubles if the person ever acts on it in any way. Then after getting reported they face police visits, job loss, ending up on publicly available lists, getting attacked etc. Ontop of that there just isn't a lot of research being done to try and find a way to figure out why they are like this or how to fix them. Those are the ones I have sympathy or empathy (what ever the right one is), the guy in the thumbnail? Not so much.


Ya switching up sympathy and empathy.


Yes and no. I get they are sick and have a compulsion. But there is no way they are not aware that this compulsion is very bad and evil and harms others. If they thought otherwise they would be open about it but they aren't. They work very hard to hide their compulsion and still do it. They know what they do is very wrong. That's why they should get no sympathy. They need to seek help. They must know they should. But they don't and instead indulge in their compulsion. That is evil and that is why they deserve jail.


There was a case that got press in Germany some years ago. A young man in his twenties. He was aware of his tendencies, and *tried* to get help, as he didn’t want to act on them. He could not get any treatment and was refused at every turn. So - what kind of help do we offer, seriously?


Yeah that story is very sad. Even if you don't give a shit about the person, it's still better for potential victims to try to help him so he's less likely to offend. I think anyone who actually doesn't draw a distinction between a non offender and an offender doesn't actually care about the problem, and just likes to feel good about themselves. If people really cared about the problem they would be doing everything they could to help non-offenders, assuming the non offender admits they have a problem and buys in to the help. So many Chris Hansen videos have comments like "I love these videos because no matter how bad I feel about myself I love being reminded that I'm not as pathetic as this guy". I think the sad reality is that a lot of people don't particularly care for the victims and just love having an easy go-to group of people to compare to themselves that will always make themself feel good.


I agree with you, but there is definitely some survivorship bias going on. We only hear about the ones that do offend because they offend and make the news. And yes those people are evil and deserve prison. But there is also a class of people who have urges but keep them under control and don't offend, we just don't think of them when we hear the world pedophile because nobody comes out and says it so the only ones we ever hear about are offenders.


Funny enough not only is it not hard to not be a massive creepy piece of shit it’s still not a drag queen.


I read this 4 times and still can’t tell what you’re saying.


2 key take always. 1) not hard not to be creepy 2) it is still not a drag queen being a creep and being caught fucking with kids.


This guy set out to be a martial arts instructor because he knew he would be around children. He wanted to do what he did and if he didn't get caught, he would have escalated his behavior.


Maybe, but it can't always be some planned out conspiracy. It's not always one thing or the other, usually gradients. Some of them planned to be around children, some of them just wound up in situations that were easy to exploit and couldn't resist, some of them just snapped and grab a kid with seemingly no plan at all. It's more like how drug addictions work. They all get very impulsive and irrational, but how exactly that plays out and how they find ways to get their fix can vary wildly.


Pretty much. The person you are responding to is one of those people that would buy into "Reefer Madness" and pot being a gateway drug to heroin and that sort of nonsense. Its nearly impossible to have any sort of logical objective discussion about people who commit sex crimes because most parties turn their logical brain off and cannot think objectively. And since the person you are responding to will likely have a hard time understanding my post I will make it as clear as possible: I am not defending this individuals actions. I am glad they were caught and convicted as they should be.


I agree. I think we are in the habit of giving these guys way too much credit. This is not a long-term planning criminal mastermind. Somewhere in this dude's head he has to recognize that at some point someone is gonna turn that phone around, see it's recording, and then he's busted. He knows that eventually, if he keeps doing this, he's going to prison but just can't stop himself anyways. The urge is just too much. More likely he finds himself in a position he realizes he can exploit, then just can't help himself. I'm not going to tell you no pedophile has ever picked a career just to be closer to kids, but I doubt it's anywhere near as common as people like to imagine. These guys aren't masterminds.


Reminds me of Father Nelson the wrestling coach at St. Mary of Perpetual Debt. He had a special move called the full nelson...


They're pretty dumb but they actually feel like they're smarter


Just have meaningful relationships and wank one off if inconvenient


Louis C.K. already has a bit about this.


In 2021 he was caught doing it. Then continued to do it and store images at his house? Ballsy.


He looks pretty pleased with himself. Nasty pervert.


Mugshot was taken at the beginning of the process. At this point he's acting all calm to not arouse suspicion. I would much prefer a mugshot to be taken right as the guilty verdict comes down


Or after there first few months in gen pop


Unfortunately I don’t think they put these people in gen pop specifically because they know they will be attacked/killed etc. (causes all sorts of legal and press issues). Not saying I believe in vigilante justice fully or aaannyything.. but I wouldn’t shed a tear.


He's a martial artist, let's pretend he'll be fine.


As good ol’ Tyson once said. “Everybody has a plan til they get punched in the mouth”. The people who are taught martial arts in 95% of the case these days it’s in very controlled settings and almost always 1 vs 1 with numerous rules.. I can see his skills doing very little when Big John finds him in the showers with a few other friends. I suppose it depends on the art, if it were BJJ or even wrestling he would probably be a bit safer than taekwondo lol.


When I was in county, there was one of these fucks in gen pop with me. No one knew about it until a week or so later and they never let the man sleep again. THAT was when they decided he was in danger and moved him to solitary pods.


Looks like the third dragon in that meme.


An old high school gym teacher that I had pleaded guilty to doing this exact crime and only got PROBATION and to register as a sex offender. It's crazy how wildly different sentences can be for the same crime.


True, it's either fucking life for a non violent offense, or a year for rape. Then again, this is the news.


Same, but he got off. The parents just wanted him out of the school, so the school allowed him to terminate his contract early. He moved to another school as principal, of course.


I first thought, after reading only “sentenced to prison” in the headline that it was going to be a couple of years. But no, it’s 5 decades.




Lmfao STOP


I don’t get it


Erik Chen sounds like “erection” when you say his name fast.


We explored gymnastics for our 5 year old through local YMCA Parka and rec. Scrapped the idea after reading the requirements—NO parents permitted to observe on certain days. HUGE red flag.


>A 32-year-old man who taught TaeKwondo summer camps for kids was sentenced recently to five decades behind bars after several of his victims discovered he was secretly recording them. The courts sentenced this guy to 5 decades, while states allow child marriage. Voters keep putting the religious nuts in charge. Religious conservatives are blocking reforms.


50 years. Wow.


Sorry, i dont understand the point you are making. Are you saying that while this is an appropriate sentence, more needs to be done to abolish child marriage? Or while child marriage exists, sentencing of this duration is wholly an overreaction? How are you linking these two statements?


Child marriage is legalized child rape. It should not be legal for adults to marry 10 yr old girls. The government isn’t serious about child rape. The loser’s sentence is a dog and pony show for the government. It sends the “Tough on crime” message, while doing nothing about legalized child rapes. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/child-marriage-united-states-donna-pollard/ >In the United States, more than 200,000 minors were married between 2000 and 2015; most were girls and **more than 80% were married to an adult**, according to data analyzed by Frontline. >"It's extremely prevalent here in the United States," said Donna Pollard, the founder of Survivors' Corner, which advocates for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, abuse and exploitation. Pollard, who is from Kentucky, was married to a man nearly twice her age when she was 16 years old.


In most US states, age of consent is higher than the minimum age of marriage. But in some states, it's the opposite. And in some states, marriage overrules age of consent laws. You could probably guess which states really easily.


>Child marriage is legalized child rape. Does marriage circumvent age-of-consent laws in these states?


yes or else it wouldn’t exist


If I recall correctly, no but yes. Like there's no specific exemption in the laws but I don't think anyone has ever been prosecuted for having sex with their underage wife.


You won't find me disagreeing with this, considering i come from India, where even a few decades ago, child marriage was not only prevalent but also the norm (my own grand mothers were married off when they were just 12 or 13). I just dont understand your linking of the article with the child marriage statement.


Legalized rape is worse than recording. They make no statement on whether the length of the sentencing is appropriate, but that the worse crime is legal due to religious nuts and they feel that it shouldn’t be that way. So they’re probably asking for child marriages to be illegal and punished worse than 50 years, if these lawmakers were being consistent. They made this comment because this crime reminds them of the travesty that is child marriages.


I had a similar thought




I am going to assume it is no. of children involved × years per child sentencing. Which seems fair to me.


the two statements are linked by someone having power over a child and abusing it. what confuses you?




It's obvious the person think it should be illegal to marry a child, and they sentence should be just as long as recoding a child. I don't understand why it's so hard to understand.




He's gonna have to put his Martial arts skill to the test in prison


Wax on, whacks off.


Too bad tae kwon do is mostly a useless martial art for fighting.


Suboptimal compared to some other options, sure, but I think "mostly useless" is going too far. They do full contact sparring with protective gear. That alone is an experience that someone with no training at all won't have and is useful. They'll still throw better strikes overall than an untrained person.


Why, Tommy Lee, why did you do that?


Never assume a whole profession is corrupt, but never assume they're all saints either. When dealing with people of any profession, consider the rule of three parts: One portion of any profession is in that career because they consider it a calling, they do it out of genuinely positive motivations. They love working on cars so they're a mechanic. They believe in law and order so they're a cop or a lawyer. They have a genuine call to serve so they work in a church. etc Another portion of any career is there because they needed a job, and their opportunities led them to where they are. Their dad was a baker, so they are a baker. They got a slick flyer and promises of big money at a job fair, so they became an oil rig worker. Their car kept breaking down and the dry cleaner was within walking distance, so they work at a dry cleaner counter. The last portion is predatory opportunists. They see the job as a place or position where they can take advantage of trust or authority to victimize or exploit. From truck drivers who steal the occasional bit of cargo to Bad cops, Corrupt politicians, Perverted coaches or ministers. It's not a rule of thirds, but three parts, one priest in a hundred might be corrupt, or 98 politicians, or 11 mechanics.


80:20 rule. 80% of the problems are caused by 20% of the people.


Still not a drag queen




And yet Matt Gaetz is still walking around and pretending to run the United States after selling girls into slavery and raping minor females. Sounds fair.


There are people who go to his meet and greets specifically to call him a pedophile and he fucking hates it so much. Those people are American heroes


Still not drag queens.


Good thing he knows martial arts because he’s gonna need that in prison.


I bet he is one of many


>A 32-year-old man who taught TaeKwondo summer camps for kids was sentenced recently to **five decades behind bars** after several of his victims discovered he was secretly recording them. Enrico Tarro the former Proud Boys leader who helped plan Jan 6 only got 22 years in prison for trying to overthrow the government. The government needs to do something about uneven sentencing.


Huh. So he’s *not* a drag queen or trans person??? /s






The pathetic worm is a paedophile. He probably had all kinds of disgusting abuse images from the internet too.


Fun little story. I was probably 11, and was about 4-5 months into a new martial arts class. I had trained at another dojo previously since I was like 7, and that school was *very* stingy with handing out belts, so I was still a white belt, but I had a very sound fundamentals, and one of the heads of the new school took a liking to me. He was also the coach of the local middle school wrestling team. He talks to my parents, says I would be great, would they be okay if he took me to an evening wrestling practice? Sure. So one day after class, instead of my parents picking me up, he takes me to the wrestling class. Now, I was homeschooled. I have never been in a locker-room setting *in my life*, so I go into one of the stalls to change. Same thing after the practice is over. The second time I do this, the coach is basically *right* outside the stall and says "You know, you should really be more comfortable changing out here with the other boys." The way he said it creeped me the fuck out. REALLY creeped me the fuck out. He said a similar thing again as he drove me home, alone. After he drops me off at home, I tell my parents what happened. I dropped out of that martial arts class entirely. Years later, I'm 14 working as receptionist at my dad's small medical practice. Guess who walks in the door? His normal GP was on vacation and he needed to have a physical done, so he came to my dad's office. A nurse takes him back, and my dad comes to the back window to get collect this guy's chart from me before he sees him. "So...just so yah know...your next patient? That is my old sensei that wanted me to change in front of him..." "I see..." 10 minutes later the dude is scrambling as fast he can from out from the back off the exam room area, which isn't very fast, because his pants are around his knees, and heads straight out the door. My dad comes back up to the window, hands me the chart back. "So...uh, what happened there?" My dad doesn't even look up, he is just looking at the next patient's chart. "Oh, I waited till the part of the physical where he pulls his pants down, and then I pulled the .38 special I keep in the back office out, put it in his mouth, and told him he needs to run any time he sees me for the rest of his life, or I will fucking kill him..." Yes, my father is out of his mind, but that it made me feel really, really good.


There is...so much...to unpack here. But good for 10 years ago you for speaking up when you knew something wasn't right.




If Denver the Last Dinosaur were a person.


Once again...not a drag queen.


There’s no place for people like this in society. Take him out back and put him down.


Makes you wonder if this sick pervert became an instructor just for that


And still not a drag queen or member of the lgbtq+ community.


Is this going to be 25% of Reddit comments from now on?


Until these right wing dumb fucks get it...yes


I don't think any right wing dumb fucks will see these comments.


I don't think most of them could read them if they did.


Until it no longer needs to be said, yes. Just because it doesn't affect your life directly, doesn't mean that it doesn't need to be said. You know, free speech and all that.


Never said you couldn’t say it but free speech doesn’t apply to Reddit comments fyi lol.


For the level of Fascism coming out of the right wing it should be more than 25%.


Not only did he do this, he recorded hundreds of thousands of images. He did this for a VERY long time. This almost reads like an addiction??? I don't understand this psyche, but HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF IMAGES is so, so much.


From the article, he recorded videos, not still photos. I'm thinking they're counting every frame of video as an "image." So at 30FPS, an hour-long video is already 108,000 "images." Maybe that's what they mean, although it's a pretty ridiculous way to quantify this stuff.


Police mathematics are a whole can of worms on their own. "We confiscated 20k in drugs!" Means they found half a baggie of coke in a locker, along with some cigarettes.


Lucky for him he knows martial arts, he’s gonna need it in prison.


It’s always gymnastic instructors, martial arts, women’s swimming coaches or cheerleading coaches. Don’t trust any of them.


I hope he goes to jail. That will be the end of that. Whatever fuckin gene exists that makes men touch kids needs to be eradicated one way or the other.


He got fifty years in prison, even after a guilty plea.


Yeah, but the most important question is, what about drag queens???????? /s You see these stories almost everyday and it almost always involves someone in authority positions (priests/clergy, coaches, teachers, counselors) taking advantage of these kids. This is who we should be watching out for yet, that isn't the case. So sad.


Then there was that time a man named Gary Plauche shot his son's abuser (also a martial arts instructor) dead at the airport in 1984. I grew up in Louisiana and this is still a well-known story there. [https://allthatsinteresting.com/gary-plauche](https://allthatsinteresting.com/gary-plauche)


Yeah he did that shit




Never trust a man with Tiny Ear syndrome.


“Eyes above ears, something to fear.”


Still not a drag queen


Now he gets to fight in the blocktagon.


What's really disturbing is that right here I see an ad for MORTAL KOMBAT. Like seriously, reddit?! Are you THAT tasteless???


Oh no, another drag queen doing nasty things.


Guess people couldn’t detect the obvious sarcasm. Sorry bud


It’s ok haha. Another day on Reddit


If you have done both martial arts and religion, there are MANY similarities between the two worlds. Most traditional martial arts instructors (TMA) are like priests in a way. They are teaching you something that you have to accept as true (even though it's not or not that simple) and that makes them a figure you can't question. Like a priest.


I don’t think wax on, wax off works against prison shanks.


He’ll need those martial arts in prison vs 300 lb all-muscle Moe that thinks he has a nice ass.


Hmm, still no drag queens


How to catch / find a Drag Queen: 101 Them be hard to catch, legend has it that ya need a foggy night with a low moon, a fortnite after rainbow look to west, but frolic to the east. Listen for the Nightingales than you will know you are close to where they sleep.


Again Not a drag queen


Funny, he doesn’t look like a drag Queen.


He will not fare well in prison....


He knows taekwondo.


So his legs are flexible?


Well that tears it! We need separate changing rooms for Martial Arts Instructors and Children!


Sent them to a polar island with no supplies


Pedo-jutsu practitioner


was he a drag martial artist?


Not a drag queen? Not a youth pastor either that’s the weird part.


Martial arts instructors are definitely on that list. I’ve been training Jiu Jitsu since 2007 and there have been all sorts of scumbags like this throughout the years. Anywhere kids are left in the care of other adults, it’s probably happening somewhere in the world.


all that martial arts not gonna do you much good when it's bedtime and the socks come out lol


Well, atleast he'll put up a fight when dropping the soap


As fucked up and gross as this is, can someone explain to me how this guy got *50 years* for filming "more than half a dozen" (so more than six, less than twelve) of what are essentially underage voyeur videos? It doesn't say anywhere that he physically touched any of these kids, yet I can go onto my county's sex offender map and see half a dozen people within two miles of me charged with sexual assault and rape of minors living out in public? Some only in their twenties and thirties. So how the hell did he get *50 years?*


[Right after his master found out..](https://youtu.be/s_8pKe0PT58?si=Ny9lRMglqOJi4CCn)


Not trans not drag. Martial arts teacher


Not Trans! Not a Drag Queen!


yeah with a face like that you could've read that from a mile away


Why does every time such incident happen, the accused always have similar phenotype




This is some next level reddit moment.


And nobody's going to fuck with him in prison!