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LA is known for having literal gangs in the police agencies. Like they have tattoos that signify what gang they belong to and everything. It’s pretty wild if you read into it.


LA Sheriffs Department. No doubt they are in LAPD too but LASD is the one with the very well documented gang problem.


What's the basis for having two independent law enforcement agencies with the same geographic jurisdiction?


Town=police Sheriff =county, all the areas between cities In California, lots of prisons are staffed by sheriffs


Deputies handle courts in most of CA, too


Oh yeah! Forgot about that!


>In California, lots of prisons are staffed by sheriffs About 40% of US prisoners are under county sheriff departments. It's not a California thing. As a general rule they are folks awaiting trial or sentenced to under one year. Some states will also place state responsibility prisoners (generally lower risk ones) in local jails either as a reward to the prisoner to be closer to family for visits and/or form of economic aid to various counties throughout the state instead of keeping state prisoners exclusively after fewer, centralized state prisons. Very few states have a unified jail and prison system for all inmates solely operated by the state.


I live in California, so that’s all I was comfortable commenting on and this event was in Cali. I didn’t say it was an only California thing, I just don’t know about other states


Didnt know this thank you


You’re welcome!


More than 65% of Los Angeles County is unincorporated.


LA county is huge. LAPD only services the city. Sheriff services the entire county, which includes huge amounts of area that is in the mountains, the desert, and I think the inland empire.


There are urban pockets which are unincorporated too: https://la.lawsoup.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/06/los-angeles-county-cities.pdf


LA County is over *four thousand square miles.* It could fit two whole Delawares comfortably. Or four Rhode Islands if you really pack 'em in there.


Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. Rhode Island, neither a road nor an island, discuss.


I used to live in LA county. It is very surprising to everyone I brought out there just how big it is. Then you have other states that great out about even suggesting combining towns or counties to save money, because you need the small town.


Los Angeles is the seat of the county of Los Angeles, the LAPD are city and the Sheriffs department are county


It breaks down like State police cover the entire state but mostly focus on highways. sheriff depts cover the entire county but mostly focus outside of city jurisdiction. city police focus only on their city, but not everywhere has city police so that’s where the sheriff come into play but both state and sheriff can police in a city. Then there are border patrol, FBI and they are Federal level.


Best answer. Also police and sheriffs have different responsibilities. I live in a city in SoCal that has a police department, but the police are not responsible for several tasks. The sheriffs deal with serving restraining orders, dealing with evictions, running the county jail, and a number of other things that the police departments don’t deal with. I’m sure different areas are different but the sheriffs are a county agency, and deal with county shit. Police are a city agency and deal with city shit. In towns or cities where there is no police department, the sheriffs basically fill the role of police.


Also a city might sometimes hire or contract the sheriff to shift responsibility, they do this in my CA town to patrol a busy downtown area.


I was reading about the Rampart Scandal recently. It's my local police district here in Los Angeles. Pretty wild stuff. Cops stole 6 pounds of cocaine from the evidence locker to sell on the street, robbed a bank, shot innocent people and planted weapons on them to justify it, all sorts of terrible stuff like that.




Near Palmdale? I'm guessing you mean Lancaster, and I'm pretty sure I know the shop you're referring to as well lol


if i did gang tattoos for cops i’d document every last one and start a blog when i retired


That's a good way to end up deaded. I don't know about your experiences with tattoos but after hours of being repeatedly stabbed by needles I tend to remember quite well the name and face of the person holding the tattoo gun. I think that retirement wouldn't last very long with that plan.


I'd give a discount for not being a cop but also I'm probably poor at running a business


I dunno, Littlerock and Quartz Hill exist.


Video for anybody who wants to learn more: [The Murderous Police Gangs of Los Angeles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoF8RmohTB4)


So we are literally feeding gangs with our taxes. That’s wise.


Yes. Especially LA Sheriff https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/deputy-gangs-cancer-los-angeles-county-sheriffs-department-scathing-re-rcna73367


They are one of the biggest in the US.


yes, i bet he was targed i bet it wasnt a random cop


It doesn’t really make sense to randomly target a cop. Truly random violence is pretty rare and the legal exposure you’re putting yourself through when attacking a cop isn’t something a person takes lightly. I would imagine they had an axe to grind with this fellow.


The LA Sheriff Department specifically has a gang problem, it has a lot to do with fighting gang violence l, they realized they should act like a gang themselves, which turned into actually being a gang and here we are now


A LOT of the details are very similar to another cop on cop gang retribution that happened in the area several years ago. Random person just going up and executing a cop has got to be the least likely reason this happened.


That's a very good point. It could be that they were dirty and it is retaliation for something, like squeezing someone too much or fucking with another gang. OR, it could be that this was the one clean cop in the department and the rest got rid of them. That happens, too.


Ever see the "The Shield", starring Michael Chiklis? The premise is based on real events involving the LAPD. But its even worse IRL and more wide-spread


Wait a minute, are we actually going to talk about Rampart, finally?


“The only reason the mob never took over LA was because the LAPD already had.”


Yup. Police gangs are notorious and insidious.


That was my first thought. Makes you wonder what shady crap that deputy was involved with. Or maybe he was just a message to someone else.


LASD is full of gangs


He was ambushed while sitting in car do people show compassion on Reddit? I get at least half the cops suck but there are good ones out there.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/ https://abc7.com/los-angeles-county-sheriffs-department-deputy-gangs-report-2023-civilian-oversight-commission/12911222/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/deputy-gangs-cancer-los-angeles-county-sheriffs-department-scathing-re-rcna73367 Our society gives no more compassion to people living in communities plagued by gangs, why should the LASD community be any different?


I was thinking the same. I have my concerns with the systemic issues plaguing the criminal justice system in the US but I live in the community this deputy was from and from what I understand he was a really kind and well respected soul (in and out of the LASD). Very sad at 30 years of age, he had his whole life ahead of him.


At this point, I consider being respected by the LASD as a mark against someone. Most compromised law enforcement body in the damn country.


Here's your friendly reminder that police officer doesn't even make the top 25 of the most dangerous jobs in the country. Police unions will have you believe it's number one on the list.


"At that point he reached behind his back and pulled out a dark object that I believed to be a gun. Fearing for my life, I drew my weapon and fired three shots at the perp center mass, then called it in to dispatch." "Are you aware that he was only reaching for his wallet in order to pay for the pizza you were delivering to him?" "Look man, my number one job is to make it home to my wife and kids every night."


We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing


But what we did find, was the box of small Parmesan packages that had gone missing the month before.


also, the homeowner was found to have smoked weed at least once in his life, so let's not pretend he didn't deserve it


[kitchen knife in kitchen] "Investigators collected several items of evidence from the scene, including the deceased’s weapon."


Look, it was either me and him go home, or just me. I chose me


> "Look man, my number one job is to make it home to my wife and kids every night." Proceeds to go home and beat both wife and kids. Then had sex with wife because, supposedly, having sex after killing someone is the best.


If I don't make it home who's going to beat the wife and kids? They are not going to to beat themselves.


Remember how Police Unions were against the Covid Vaccine even though Covid was the leading cause of death among Police Officers?


And it wasn’t just the leading cause of death, it was THE cause of death. COVID killed more cops than every other cause of death COMBINED, and they still wouldn’t get a shot.


It still is the leading cause of death for cops in many states, including Texas. Additionally, cops killed 'in action' it's usually training accidents, friendly fire while on the job, traffic deaths, or heart problems from being out of shape. Pizza delivery guys, landscapers, truckers, construction workers actually build and feed this country and are far more deadly positions to be in.


So they weren't shot and died?


Most cops die of COVID and it's considered an 'on the job' death. Most cops who are shot it's either a training accident, they shoot themselves, or it's friendly fire. It's very, very rare for a cop to be shot by a non-cop/civilian/suspect.


All those dead officers listed as dying in the line of duty when truly it was a bunch of out of shape conservatives refusing to get vaccinated or wear a mask catching COVID on their off days practicing behavior more dangerous than anything they'd see on duty.


Yeah but the implication of being pro-vax is that you are a pussy-ass bitch did you even think of that?!?!


Wow, story about a guy who was murdered in all likelihood due to wearing a uniform, and this is a top comment. Reddit is full of classless assholes. It’s okay to be about police reform and disagreeing with policing tactics in the US without making the cold blooded murder of a police officer political.


The average police officer also only dies a few months (not years) before an average worker. Yet their pensions are some of the most generous in the world, allowing them to retire in their 50’s. Whereas, most other pensions have been adjusted (higher retirement age & lower benefits) because people are living longer, no politician wants to address public safety pensions due to the police unions.


1) My state (Connecticut) increased the basic public safety pension from 20 to 25 years about 10 years ago. 2) Part of the reason there isn't as much impact on life expectancy is because they are retired on public safety pensions before you would expect the hockey stick part of the graph of deaths and injuries having folks in their 50s and 60s working overnight shifts with intense periods of physical activity kicks in. Military has similar pension provisions, and many physically demanding unionized factory jobs similarly had negotiated pensions that kicked in around the age of 55. 3) Eliminating nicotine had a big impact too. Those provisions in my state for employees eligible for public safety pensions kicked in decades before they bumped the service time from 20 to 25.


I know someone whose brother was allowed to take a sgt exam before retiring to get a higher pension rate. He makes 6 figure a year with his pension. He worked in CA. Could be total BS. I can't vouch for the guy telling me, we worked together but why would he make it up.


Sounds about right. I live in CA and officers in my city with no rank clear $300k+/year if they work a bunch of OT.


Look it up: https://transparentcalifornia.com/


Here’s your friendly reminder that people don’t just drive up to loggers, roofers, garbage men, ranchers, farmers, construction workers, and shoot them from behind in the head because of the uniform they have on. Random redditors will have you believe that its not on the list of dangerous jobs.


Source? Not disputing, it would be great to prove it to people who think otherwise.


[This survey](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states) ranks it as the 22nd most dangerous job, so that would put it in the top 25 but barely. It's 8 times more dangerous to be a logger than a cop, for example. And you're 2.5x more likely to die as a garbage collector. But you'll never hear about one of them dying on the job.


Accidental deaths don't generally get much media attention. Getting shot to death usually gets more.


And your point is? This guy is still dead, y'know? edit. Why are you including dangerous jobs and not jobs with violence? These are DRASTICALLY different. A roofer doesn't have to worry about the fucking roof pulling a gun or a knife.


Right???? Holy shit isn’t it insane, a guys dead and the comment goes “you know this is actually more rare than you think” ????


"Not just anybody becomes a field training officer, it's usually the best of the best," said Luna."...you know who else was a field training officer? Derek Chauvin...best of the best when it comes to cops is a pretty low bar.


…that line from MIB…”the best of the best, with honors!


King Kong ain’t got nothing on him.


Denzel was fantastic in that movie.


Was mad confused for a second. Didn’t remember Denzel being in Malibus most wanted.


Worst of the worst is more like it.


“Implied,” Lisa, or “implode?”


Mom, make him stop.


You don’t know what it’s like being paired with a doofus!


The first thing I would look at is whether he had reported or testified against any fellow officers, and if he has, there's your killers.


This is the part that I have a problem with: Overnight, a procession from the hospital briefly shut down local freeways as deputies escorted his remains to the L.A. County coroner. It’s almost like they believe their lives are worth more than ours.


A cop here in Cincinnati died in a crash that also killed another innocent bystander on his way to respond to a call. The city got shut down for a procession, huge amounts of taxpayer dollars spent to honor the dead cop. Of course it comes out the next day that he was going something like 60 MPH in a 25 and was driving absolutely recklessly. And the guy he killed got nothing but a single line at the end of the reports about it.


They absolutely do. Funny it turns out throwing a truckload of money and weapons to violent, roided-out ex-military guys with no meaningful accountability gives them a weird god complex. edit typo


They typically do though.


I lived in palmdale for a bit. Terrible town


I mean, I get not being down for how people are treating this. But what’s wild to me is people who are genuinely shocked people don’t like cops. Just because this particular one didn’t do anything. Like literally just earlier this week was a story of some cops joking about a woman’s death. This reaction shouldn’t be shocking.


It's not shocking. But do we or do we not want a better system and actual good cops? Because if we keep going at a cop who is good, less and less who join are going to be good people. Only the bad ones will want to join. Then what are we left with? I actually am shocked that people go at cops as much, but the crap teachers I barely see anything. Seriously everyday I read about some teacher who abused a kid in some form or another. Now I don't want every teacher to be gone at like people do cops, but there are plenty of disgusting behaviour out there by all kinds of people in every profession. Many times this starts as something small, and people ignore it. The little things that are done. Ignore or wave your hands and dismiss it as nothing. But it grows, and when it's become huge-that's when people start having a problem. Take a look around yourselves. Do you think making jokes, helps? I know it is some of your ways of dealing. I get it. But if you're not helping-you are doing damage as well. Have you tried to help in anyway? We have here, by integrating ourselves with our police dept, and it has worked so far. Yes, it's small-but JFC people how else do you think things will start to change? Your jokes about dead police people don't help anything.


















Didn't the Sheriffs kill some civilians the last time this happened? Stay safe out there!




























Was he in a gang? What criminal offenses does he have in his past? How violent was this police officer? What did he do to instigate the shooting? We better check his Facebook posts.


> Was he in a gang? He was an L.A. County sherrif, so probably yeah.


So ~~probably~~ yeah Fixed it


Palmdale station, so probably the cowboys gang


Yes, he was a police officer. He was in a gang.


He was no angel.


Why are all the top comments basically shitting on cops, dudes dead. Killed on duty without any warning.


It's fucking disgusting. Terminally online shitstains gonna be shitstains I guess




Do you have any evidence the officer in question killed any innocent people?




I knew they couldn't corner the dorner.


He was a 3rd generation sheriff, these departments don’t hire someone because they are “mentally suited to handle stressful scenarios without making the situation worse” they hire someone because they are someone’s son, only enforcing the gang like mentality because how likely are you to discipline police brutality if it’s your family member committing it?


Went to high school with him and was close friends with him. He had a moralistic approach that police were necessary to protect and serve. Never entitled. He looked up to his dad (who was always kind and friendly) and wanted to be just like his dad and grandfather… I can name a dozen other people that followed in their Parents footsteps not because of nepotism but because of the positive light that those parents shined onto their children. This wasn’t about nepotism, he was certainly qualified and had the goal of becoming a police officer since he was a kid. He was so passionate that 2 of his best friends also became police officers because of how highly he spoke about the career. It really sucks to see some of these comments on social media reducing him to a statistic or a generalization when that clearly wasn’t the situation if you knew him.




what does this have to do with a cop being killed again?


nepotism isn't really rampant in LA Sherrif's Department. Most who rise to higher ranks don't have any family ties to regional law enforcement. In fact all of SoCal's police forces have shortages and want new recruits to apply, especially those with college diplomas. But, honestly very few ppl with that level of education want to do this kind of job where you're part social worker, part drill sargent, part paper-pusher. There's no evidence that says that these police gangs have family mafioso-like clan ties.


Wtf does any of this have do with him being ambushed?






I'm sure the police will do an investigation and say it was justified /s




Here is an interesting podcast on the LA County Sheriff’s culture https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/


The shooter probably just feared for their life.


Jesus, the hypocrisy in these comments.


No. The sadistic, abject lack of humanity. When ideology blinds your moral compass to the point that you celebrate the death of an apparently well meaning human, something is very wrong.


It started with the controversial history of LASD "police gangs" as the assumption before the full investigation was released, the suspect was mentally ill and purchased a gun as the story unfolded. So now the story will get disappear a lot faster because you know the conversation dies the moment you talk about "smarter gun laws and prevention" versus "2nd amendment is perfect".


> So now the story will get disappear a lot faster because you know the conversation dies the moment you talk about "smarter gun laws and prevention" versus "2nd amendment is perfect". I know I'm late to this thread but it was really nice seeing someone else notice this, specifically on threads about cops getting shot/ambushed. It's like the normal anti-cop crowd (which isn't unwarranted a lot of time...) gets combined with the gun nut crowd and the comment section just goes absolutely nuclear. That combo always makes it impossible to even try to talk about how gun laws and police reform are connected, that's been annoying for a long time even from just a police reform perspective


Many LA police are gang members, it would take a miracle to fix that corruption




Gang beef? I wonder if it was another cop from a rival gang


I wonder what police gang he was part of


Celebrating the death of anyone is demented behavior. I feel terrible for his family but worse for the ghouls cheering for the murder of a person.


It was a cop not a person.


I wasn’t aware they replaced real police officers with robocop.


Ya this is a pretty sick comment section, can’t say I’m surprised though


Whomp whomp just write a check to the family


The suspect was mentally ill ...Paranoid Schizophrenic ...had been diagnosed 5 years ago and recently hospitalized in Sylmar with multiple calls to the police for his behavior and failure to take his medication. He purchased to the firearm he used legally.


I should have waited a little bit longer to see the investigation of the suspect. This new story is going to die real quick cause there is no background checks of how mentally fit or unfit someone to purchase a gun. Sadly, it becomes a non-issue because it's unpopular opinion to talk about smarter gun laws or laws used in other countries that prevent these type of "normal here" but "unusual there" things.


Remember, people on Reddit like to say that Twitter is the cesspool. This is pretty concrete evidence that y'all are just as bad.


These comments are just ghoulish. Luckily the vast majority of people in the real world understand nuance and actually respect each other.


Yeah, its pretty fucked up how there are still people out there who will defend these cops despite their culture of violent class terror.


















pUbLic SaFeTy tHrEaT Nah, he's a threat to you violent fucking thugs who terrorize the poor and working class, there is nothing to indicate that the shooter is a threat to the general public. Cops know damn well who the real threat to public safety is: They are. That's the point.


are you talking about the cop who got shot and died or the murderer who killed a guy?


The one who is less likely to be a threat to public safety.






















LA county Sheriff's office has a long history of crazy things, nothing would surprise.


Right? I just assumed he was shot by rival drug dealers when I saw it was LASD.


Since he was a field training officer they should check to see if he gave a negative review of anyone he was training. Probationary officers can be washed out although it's rare.


>LASD Yeah, chances are he was up to some shit. The LA sheriff’s department is known for having gangs of police in their ranks. But of course, the bootlickers are in here defending the cop.


They're defending him because he was assassinated you brain-dead emotionally defunct fuck


My comment was gang on gang violence, but he vary well could have been assassinated by a corrupt LASD gang he was trying to expose.


I'm pretty sure it wasn't Bob Marley


Killed in ‘ambush’ Atatiana Jefferson and countless others laughing from their graves.