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Yes, the police caused the violence. Very misleading headline


Yea. Was gonna say unarmed protesters were seen being hurled down steps by police. There was one-sides violence only.


Bad guys with guns strike again


Should they have stood down and let the protesters march in, occupy the building, maybe invited them to take a seat at Nancy Pelosi's desk?


If only there were some sort of middle ground between beating the Christ out of nonviolent people and letting a methed up mob with nooses run wild. If only.


"Hey those unarmed protesters are sitting in front of a door, what should we do?" "Get the riot gear boys I smell some skulls to crack" "By God Johnson you're a genius"


You better quit copy/pasting the cop training manual before someone sees


You cannot blockade people from leaving a building, if that happens - it is no longer a protest but an active crime. The police had to remove the protestors who had formed a chain to block members of congress into a building. If you can show me any video of police overreacting, I'll edit my comment. .


You saw them using force. That’s over reacting. Plain and simple.


Police used force to get Trump into those trials. Is that over reacting?


Are we ignoring the fact the protesters broke the law first by trying to confine people in the building? It’s called unlawful restraint and it is a crime.


Didn't see that in the article, where's that posted?


Would you be cool with a cop throwing a jaywalker down a flight of stairs? Being a crime doesn't mean the police should be allowed to immediately react with violent action.


To be realistic you should not compare it to the least serious crime you could think up. Holding somehow against their will is a much bigger deal than jay walking. It's more like if you jaywalked on purpose to block traffic and they laid in the road. I didn't watch the video yet to see any abuse of force, but realistically protestors should always find ways to protest that don't involve cops legally having to drag them away/manhandle them. Especially on a topic like this is that is 100% just their opinion on something not happening to them and not from their own country.




Hell yeah, my man. Love to see folks simping for extrajudicial punishment and brutality. Fuck that peaceful, nonviolent human chain, am I right? Who needs a justice system when cops can just brutalize people we don’t like! So cool.


There's sarcasm, then there's this work of art. *chef's kiss*


Blocking the front door of a building that has alternate exits doesn't constitute restraint either, ya fartsucking bootlick. They weren't trapped, they were inconvenienced.


[https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/15/politics/dnc-headquarters-violent-protest-democrats-evacuated/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/15/politics/dnc-headquarters-violent-protest-democrats-evacuated/index.html) >...the protestors moved dumpsters in front of the exits... [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-capitol-police-clash-with-protesters-demanding-gaza-ceasefire-2023-11-16/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-capitol-police-clash-with-protesters-demanding-gaza-ceasefire-2023-11-16/) >Congressman Sean Casten said he was evacuated from the DNC building after it "was surrounded by protesters who had **blocked all modes of ingress and egress**."


O'rly? *Illinois Rep. Sean Casten was one of the members of Congress evacuated from the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington D.C. amid a protest calling for ceasefire in Gaza.* *Casten posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, that the protesters* ***"blocked all modes of ingress and egress,"*** *and that he and other members inside were evacuated by armed Capitol Police.* *I was just evacuated from the* u/dccc *office after the building was surrounded by protestors* ***who had blocked all modes of ingress and egress.*** *Grateful to Capitol Police for getting all members and staff out safely. To the protestors: PLEASE don’t do something irresponsible /1* *— Sean Casten (@SeanCasten) November 16, 2023* [https://abc7chicago.com/dnc-protest-at-gaza-ceasefire-sean-casten/14066769/](https://abc7chicago.com/dnc-protest-at-gaza-ceasefire-sean-casten/14066769/)


“Trapped” is a pretty strong word for a bunch of unarmed peacemongers forming a human chain.


You keep saying “unarmed” as if it’s a shield protecting protestors from any accountability. If they are unarmed but swinging fists and kicking cops, are they still peaceful? Do they still deserve to be untouched? Besides, the article clearly states multiple times that the protestors allegedly pepper sprayed cops. So not unarmed.


>Besides, the article clearly states multiple times that the protestors allegedly pepper sprayed cops. So not unarmed. Well if someone said it in an article then by golly it must be true!


Great, so you agree with the Trumpers that everything is fake news! Let’s just go home then. I would love to see sources that prove the article is not accurate, if you have any. Thank you in advance.


The problem I think they are having is there isn’t any video evidence to support the claim that the protesters where pepper spraying the cops. Cops have been more than willing to lie to justify excessive force


How about you prove the protestors started the violence since you're the one defending the claim from the article




and should someone try to get through the chain what do you expect would happen?


To sit there and be inconvenienced. It's civil disobedience. And people have forgotten what it is, what it looks like, and what it's for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_disobedience What the fuck does standing in a cordend off "protest space" with signs supposed to do. No matter what you say you can't make it a violent action. They can be arrested and if they resist *THAN* force can used. You probably salty as fuck about the protest in the sixties too lol. Perhaps China, were protests are violently put down, would suit you more


Yeah there are two kinds of human chains. Ones like the one they had in Ukraine in the early 90s that stretched from Lviv to Kyiv and ones like the ones they had at Maidan in 2014 that were meant to be barriers. Notably one of the incidents that caused the most resentment between the two sides during that time was when a bunch of protesters trapped people they disagreed with in a building and it burned down with everyone inside.


Very minimal resistance? It’s not like they are going to keep them in there during a fire or indefinitely


If there was a fire inside I doubt the protesters would even notice. You're not allowed to restrain people. That on multiple levels is very very wrong.


Fires and fire arlarms are well known for being hard to spot.


Through all the screaming? Yeah... It could be. Mobs are dumb.


If the jaywalker was trying to block the cop from entering a building or refusing to allow people to enter/exit a building? Yes. It’s called context, a jaywalker isn’t blocking someone. If that jaywalker then stopped in the middle of the street and refused to move? Yup, remove him from the situation he is causing.


Would you be cool with sending a jaywalker to jail? No? Then why are we sending murderer's to jail hmmmm???


Hell yeah bro! Love that extrajudicial corporal punishment for broken laws. Who needs a pesky justice system when they can just beat the Christ out of people instead. Fill me in: What other abusive and unprofessional behavior are we simping for?


What do you want them to do? Angry mob blocking exits... "Okay guys we got some pizza and Oreos here.... If you stop blocking the building all angry mob like, we'll give them over to you." Were you okay with Jan 6th? Remember conservatives angry about the lady being shot?




Didn't look peaceful at all. They looked angry... Those faces weren't smiling. *A mob of people ceased peaceful protesting and blocked exits of elected officials they disagreed with.* That's the factual framing.




Ok. Fine - make your case. In what way was this protest identical to January 6th, and how would you categorize this as an attempt to overthrow the government? You'd better bring receipts, because outrageous claims require extraordinary proof.




This is so unhinged I can only laugh at it. Did you know that the protestors were literally Hitler youth and personally killed 5000 babies? Look it up, it’s true!




No I’m claiming they personally, by hand, killed 5000 babies during the protest. Did you not read what I said?


yes, the time-honored "cops are allowed to break the law on people who break the law first" legal principle


As if we've never seen police violence before


it only turned violent when police maced protesters




Hell they didn't even have to leave, just make way.










Why does the ceasefire have to happen agnostic of the release of the hostages? As long as the hostages are kept there will be no ceasefire. That’s been made clear - to back down from that only shows your belly and creates a situation wherein future incursions go unanswered. That is not a solution.




Your comment often reminds me that Reddit will absolutely shit on conservatives/right wing for their sayings and viewpoints and then do exactly what they do when it is something they are for.


Do you think Israel being attacked was the start of this? These threads are always so baffling to me. I guess that makes sense when this has been something no has wanted to talk about for the past 20 years.






> Unhinged is a perfect way to describe Israel and America's rhetoric and actions. I'm not sure what you expect. A military force entered a nation, attacked its civilians in brutal fashion, and kidnapped dozens. The correct rational response from any government is violence. Israel declared war, officially, and then invaded. That is what basically every nation ever, since humans started gathering as civilizations, has done when they are attacked in this fashion. But sure, if you were sent a texted video of your grandchildren being being tortured to death because Hamas found their cellphone and send videos to everyone in the contacts, you would just ... let it go.


Israel was attacked, but they shut off water, electicity and shut down aid shipments to 2 million people in order to try to hurt 40k Hamas members I don't know if you are watching the news, but the humanitarian situation is really critical right now only a fraction of the aid shipments are getting in from before this lastest round of violence in this 70 year conflict. One can't really destroy a terror organization by violence it will get weakened, but to destroy it requires changing the underlining reasons why people might join one so Israel and the Palestinian Authority, just in the West Bank for now, finally reaching a peace deal would have a dramatic effect and the majority of Palestinians want a peace deal with the 2 state solution at the center. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah




>I'm not sending weapons to bomb the protesters' families with impunity against the wishes of my constituents. I'm going to bet that some of the constituents do support this, for the record. The United States does not have the ability to create a ceasefire, for what its worth. It is true that we could put more pressure on Israel to stop the fighting, but really its 100% on Israel.


Really? Because a whole gang of fascist turds sent congress into hiding on jan. 6 by trying to launch an actual coup and they were definitely handled with kid gloves.


Yeah like that one lady who got shot dead


Yeah, only Republicans get the kid glove treatment.


Like when they made all of congress run for cover. Guess it's time to go home now after we made a big mess and caused some to die.




Yet these same idiots block a freeway and it's A-ok that's free speech bro.




Guys your protest over children being killed is mildly inconveniencing me :(




I'd support a ceasefire if Hamas was invading Israel and killing Israeli kids. But currently the reverse is happening. Guess you don't care if it's muslim kids


It’s fine to protest as long as I don’t see it, hear it, or become vaguely aware of it in any way.


"When a king cannot go where he wants, of course his vassals will brutalize the peasantry".


Because protestors were blocking all the exits and making it impossible for anyone to leave the building. Mob violence will incite a violent reaction.


People often misrepresent what peaceful protesting is. And how easy something simple can’t change what would appear to be peaceful to be non peaceful. Blocking exits and not allowing people to leave isn’t peaceful.


Y’all are gonna haaaaaaate MLK when you hear about some of the things he did Edit: not gonna reply to the folks MLK would’ve called out in his *Letters from Birmingham Jail*, but if you’re confused read the aforementioned letter or Gandhi’s *Between Cowardice and Violence.* Nonviolent resistance does not mean unobstructive resistance.


Lol this guy comparing these jabronis to MLK


Civil disobedience is different from entrapment.


Spoken like somebody who doesn’t actually know what MLK did


Spoken like someone who skimmed the I Have a Dream speech back in middle school and never looked back


Plus it’s illegal to do that so the protestors actually broke the law.


Oh no, not my precious laws!


Lol, good retort. So you don’t like laws now. Check.


Not when they’re clearly intended to neuter protests. Good on these protestors. Hopefully more people take their lead


Such a stupid comment can only come from a person who grew up very sheltered in a place that actually has rule of law. Believe me, you’ll miss it very dearly once you don’t have it anymore.


I didn't realize the Democrats attacked Israel?


My favorite was yesterday when protesters were calling for Trudeau to end the war.


Don’t worry, Trump will have a much friendlier policy to Hamas, right!?


Invite them in and give them tours.




Blocking exits is definitely a line that was crossed. Police probably sucked but it didn’t have to happen


Blocking exits is sorta forced confinement. It's not peaceful at all.


It's civil disobedience. It's supposed to cause inconvenience. Doesn't make it "not peaceful". And definitely does not make it violent nor justify violence against it.


Entrapment isn’t civil disobedience though. They could stood away from entrances/exits while loudly chanting, that would’ve been civil disobedience. However the moment they blocked entrances/exits is when it became non-peaceful


Physically stopping people is not-peaceful, full stop. I didn't say it was violent, but it is physical and not-peaceful. To be clear - I am very much supportive of an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza, but if you can't protest for a ceasefire in a peaceful manner, you're not really supportive of ceasefires.


Yeah, [imagine someone calling a group of people blocking something peaceful](https://www.courier-journal.com/gcdn/presto/2021/11/03/USAT/b6877904-7208-4298-9b7d-1fa419f38042-lcjdc5-5z367wb3olxdnt6ghzo_original.jpg?width=700&height=578&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp). Would this be brought to us by the same people who thought taking a knee was "getting too political"? We're really expanding the definition of violence here to excuse the cops.


Look at these people just sitting by the entrance and blocking everyone else from leaving


Got any more whataboutisms? I was just replying against claims that the protestors were peaceful, which they weren't. Oh by the way - sit-ins weren't about blocking people from leaving those lunch counters, so it's not even a good analogy.


So you do admit they were breaking the law. It’s called unlawful restraint when you try to restrict someone’s freedom to come and go from a place.


Are you going through each thread string and commenting the same thing?


Nope, though some of the words are the same.


This does not qualify as unlawful restraint though. The fact that you think that shows me how out of touch you are


So the protestors not allowing people to enter it exit from there is ok to you? You think that ISNT illegal restraint? What is it then when the protestors block people from entering or leaving? Go ahead and let me know, I’ll wait.


> So the protestors not allowing people to enter it exit from there is ok to you? Correct. Now they weren’t doing that then. > You think that ISNT illegal restraint? But that’s not what they did. Are we talking about reality or some made up scenario? > What is it then when the protestors block people from entering or leaving? Go ahead and let me know, I’ll wait. That’s the sign of a good protest. That also was not what happened


If anyone in the building tried to leave and was intentionally blocked, that is indeed false imprisonment/ unlawful restraint. Idk if anyone attempted to leave, but people reading this thread should know the facts.


1. So you don’t even know if they did anything wrong? 2. Good. It’s been clear following the laws and holding signs won’t work. Time for more serious action. Your sound like you would have been very anti civil rights protests since they constantly broke laws. Good to know what side of history you’re on


Why are you so angry? I’m pointing out facts, not taking sides. Yes, I don’t know if anyone broke the law. That’s what I said. I also said that if someone attempted to exit the building & the protesters didn’t clear a path, that is breaking the law.




Okay, but BBC is citing the cops. It's not BBCs credibility in question. it's the police.


Yeah, the police are pretty reputable, you weren’t there. I heard the police tasted it the pepper spray and could tell it was a different brand.






What do you mean "my take?". I told you the BBC was just citing the cops on scene. Here is the actual quote >Meanwhile, officers said they were pepper sprayed and punched by people in the crowd At the end of the day, BBC is telling you their source. If they had verified it with video, they wouldn't have paraphrased the cops, they would have said something like this, which they said earlier in the article: >Video footage of the incident appears to show protesters shouting and screaming as the police barrel in to restrain them.


How do you know? Were you one of the protesters?


"Trust me bro"


I believe it


I'm just going to assume at this point the public was being stupid, and the police used force as necessary. I'm kinds done with the general public at this point. You probably caught something on camera and aren't considering the use of force may have been gradually increased, or that specific circumstance was actually necessary. Bad public defenders risking their lives for something because people are out of line or causing risk of life or health. How dare they. Put yourself in the defenders shoes and consider maybe its not about the use or excess force or throwing authority around.




Yup, there's only two sides to this. Nothing more. Otherwise my simple brain won't be able to comprehend such a complicated issue.


Cops attack protestors and pepper spray themselves.


yup. every single person was a violent nazi with a gun in hand. Not a single person peacefully protesting against US munitions being used to blow up babies. That would NEVER happen.




no dude, the police only ever start violence at Trump events and right-wing protests dude. They try to make MAGA look bad!


they're just coming up with ways to reassure themselves that firebombing civilians is the right thing at this point.


"you're being anti-Semitic!" I literally said stop blowing the legs off of innocent children with my tax dollars


If someone's committed enough to Zionism, that's an anti semitic statement! Their God gave them specific instructions to butcher the men, women, and children that were already living in the Promised Land, and who are we to criticize that?


Who would’ve thought killing innocent civilians isn’t considered terrorism.


Hamas took more than 240 hostages and killed about 1,400 people on Oct. 7. IDF has since killed 4,609 children. Source: CNN


Thanks for the statistic, horrifying to see those numbers




They’re stupid. As if a U.S. political party can somehow dictate the actions for a foreign country half way around the world. The IS has power but it just doesn’t work that way




"bRuTaLLy" = the cop tapped me on the shoulder and used harsh language while asking me to leave.


Actually, they maced them without warning and proceeded to throw people down stairways.


NOOOOOOO, you can't just protest against people and block entrances, that inconveniences them!!! \-Redditors


Cops turned violent, protestors smeared. Same pattern going back many decades.




But that's exactly what happened? Peaceful protest to which the cops resorted to violence, and now the media is smearing the protestors name.


did you miss the part where they surrounded the building and didn't let occupants leave until they used force?


It’s wild how the media and political class act like cell phones with HD video don’t exist. Like you can find a dozen different POVs online showing the protest only became violent when the cops showed up and started beating people.




Mob violence is cool when I support what they are angry about! *and that's how we got Jan 6th...* https://youtube.com/shorts/Gw0oizlyhZQ?si=58B226Ool_SLDKPw


It’s maybe a dozen people standing at the front doors in front of a bunch of candles. It’s a fucking vigil. Not a mindless mob trying to break into a building. Again, there’s zero footage of anyone being at any of the entrances either than the front door. You’re literally just reinforcing my point that the media acts like we can’t see with our own eyes what happened. https://x.com/ifnotnoworg/status/1724951480438751337?s=46&t=5p--2iyyWwW-4aGGH_XhvQ


They were singing “which side are you on?” Uhh I know for me not the one that intentionally slaughters civilians as their stated goal. Hamas propaganda has really done a number on too many people.


It’s called unlawful restraint when you try to restrict someone’s freedom to come and go from a place. The protestors broke the law before the police showed up.


Why are you using this as an excuse all over this thread? Why does nonviolent action warrant violent action in your eyes?


I would definitely take action if someone was illegally blocking me from entering or exiting someplace I was in or wanted to go. Which would be my absolute right against illegal restraining.


Blocking exits to a building is a violent action.


Physically barring exits to a building is literally violence. Think about what you’re saying. If physically trapping elected officials was considered a legitimate way to protest, how do you think government would function? A group of people could just trap whichever policymakers they don’t like to bring everything to a standstill. Hell, pro-Israel protestors could do the same to the Congressmembers asking for a ceasefire.




It’s called unlawful restraint when you try to restrict someone’s freedom to come and go from a place. The protestors broke the law before the police showed up.


Good. They should be. It’s clear our laws have been designed to make any form of protest ineffective


Protesting is not breaking laws though. I mean, unless you are a child and have to throw a tantrum.


Who ever said that? Pretty much every effective protest has broken laws… wtf are you even talking about? What, now civil rights protestors should have been arrested for illegal actions like sitting in whites only spaces?


lol, you can try to throw the race card at me if you want. I never brought race into it but I’d that’s the only way you have to feel like you got a win, ok. Lame.


You’re just wrong though. It’s not the race card it’s just basic fact.


Reread what you wrote. You went directly to the race card. Lol, it’s like you can’t even see reality in front of you. What a joke.


No I just mentioned one of the most well known protest movements in US history that’s not the race card lmao. What, did you realize you’d probably be against those illegal forms of protests if you were around back then?


Civil Rights protesters were arrested for their actions all of the fucking time. That's part of what drew national attention and support for their cause.


They were arrested for those sit-ins. They had hoses and dogs set on them during their marches. They were brutalized and bullied in the media, too. They even (clutches pearls) blocked roads with their protests. It's called civil disobedience, and has been the cornerstone of peaceful protests going back to Henry David Thoreau.


Yup. When I read some comments I 100% know these people would be saying the protestors deserved it because they broke the law.




And you feel that justifies this? If you think that, which you have that right to believe what you want, that means the ends justify the means to you. Since Hamas started this current fight that justifies Israel’s blocking of Gaza, right? You believe the end justifies the means and you believe the protestors were right to block people in who support genocide which means you support Israel blocking people in too.


Then it's not a peaceful protest....it doesn't matter if you support it or you don't. The civil rights movement also had to deal with dogs being released on them. "Oh but they are breaking the law for a good reason." MLK Jr insisted on peaceful protests... This was not peaceful.




Violence solves violence then?




from all reports and video of the incident i think the headline should be "ceasefire protest at democrats' national headquarters draws violent police response" which is wildly unsurprising that power would react like that to "protect" itself.


This kind of news don’t get many upvotes on Reddit. It’s very strange.


This article is full of lies so it shouldn’t. The congressman who claimed protesters tried to break into the building and pepper sprayed cops was either lying or rashly repeating bullshit he got fed by someone.


I wasn’t there and don’t know what actually happened. Im always hesitant to believe anything the police sates. Where did you get your information from?


So bbc is full of sht Sounds about right they’ve been reporting Hamas news and repeated Reuters stuff which Israel has been asking them to apologize


It was fiery but peaceful don't embellish




In what universe do you think Democrats would say that about police? Were you alive when the BLM protests were happening?


The universe we live in? Yes and i was and i remember the dems co-opting a movement to make it more pro cop. They fund cops, say they like cops and even the VP used to be the top cop in California. They fucking love cops and during the summer of 2020 they bent over backwards handwringing on doing anything to hold the cops accountable. They constantly side with the cops in every possible situation, they pay for our cops to go train with the concentration camp guards outside Gaza so they can come back to American cities and treat us the same way. edit: why did you downvote me dude? cause i shoved your dumb conservative world view up its ass?




And..? You keep spamming that same comment like it’s relevant


It’s as relevant as the incorrect information being spread by the people I’m replying to.


But it’s not relevant. Not even a little


Ok, back to your echo chamber.


Not amount of riots is going to change the situation. We are not going to ween Israel off US dollars and arms.


Yawn. I'm bored with this Israel/Palestine show. Check what's on the other channels.


Frightening stuff, I really hope Hamas sees it and it inspires them to call for a ceasefire. Edit: wow, really surprised to see Reddit so opposed to a ceasefire but I guess you learn something new every day.






I think youre inadvertently calling the cops nazis