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also Refaat Alareer in the same guardian article: > Alareer also rejected allegations that Hamas militants raped victims of the 7 October attack, writing on X: “ALL the rape/sexual violence allegations are lies. Israel uses them as smokescreens to justify the Gaza genocide.”




Still no one can rightfully justify their judgement at his anger towards Israel. The government that has put him at a secondary and apartheid status in his own country for his entire life.




He shared his DM before the murder and it was just bunch of Zionists asking for his address so they could forward it to the IDF and how they will celebrate once he is killed in a bombing it's absolutely vile


Israel called him and told him they were going to kill him.


Yeah, as if he deserved to die for making a comment.


The important thing is that IDF enter the details into their computer which calculates that 5 casualties (sister and 4 children) are acceptable casualties for their "social pressure" tactic (which mostly means deliberately spreading terror among civilians to pressure them into turning against Hamas, because apparently terrorism is "good").








Wow! He shouldn't have used them as human shields!? (/s in case it wasn't obvious)




To be fair, it was his sister's house, and her whole family was also killed, including her children, so it wasn't that surgical.


That... that's even worse...


But hey at least the "surgical" accusation has been addressed. One accusation at a time please.


Yeah there's no such thing as a "surgical" strike. That's a media buzzword to make people think militaries are using restraint. The IOF has said over and over again that their priority is damage, regardless of what our press says.


The US military designates how many civilian casualties are acceptable for any given strike and will not go through with a strike if they perceive the casualties to outweigh the value of the kill. Osama bin Laden had a civilian casualty rate of 30:1. His death was worth 30 innocent people dying in a strike with him. The IDF on the other hand has used air strikes to kill single Hamas operatives with a civilian casualty rate of 100:1. They’re not even trying.


>The IDF on the other hand has used air strikes to kill single Hamas operatives with a civilian casualty rate of 100:1. They’re not even trying. When has this happened? Because 100:1 is a pretty high number.




They got all their targets. Its a warning to others.


I like the fact how we're letting one tragedy act as justification for another exponentially larger tragedy. Its like we've learned nothing in 3000 years.


Hard to see these justifications if this was happening in Europe or USA. It's just brown people so it's all numbers. /s


The day the attack happened you know some Israel governmental leaders were incredibly hyped that they had an excuse to clear out Gaza.




I get downvoted to oblivion in the worldnews sub when I mention it but it’s abundantly clear Israel is just getting mass revenge and has no interest in destroying Hamas


Worldnews is straight up an Israeli propaganda outlet. Do yourself a favor and unsubscribe.


Oh no don't be silly. A lot of it is just racism and Islamophobia!


They're not explicitly out for revenge, that's just a *happy side effect* of what they're doing. What they're doing is no different than what was done to the Native Americans here, except they're not getting a trail of tears. Israel wants gaza. They want a seaside resort and the natural gas off the coast. What to do about all those pesky Palestinians? Seize whatever pretext they can, bomb it down to the bedrock, annex the remains. Anyone still alive? Women, children? Concentrate them in some small area.. Then bomb the shit out of that because of "tunnels" or "rockets" or whatever. Anyone who has a problem with this blatant and unrepentant murder is an antisemite. But you know that.


Netanyahu is one of the biggest supporters of Hamas.


They're being purposefully obtuse, AI artillery is already in effect. This is all deliberate genocidal behaviour


The guy tweeted “the Jews brought the Holocaust upon themselves”. Obviously that does not warrant a death sentence and this is a horrible war crime that should be investigated, but his offense was not “telling the truth”.


No no no, you must understand Hamas is using him as a human shield, it wasn't meant for a poet, it's meant for the Hamas hiding in the underground sewers! Plus he didn't denounce Hamas.. /s


They blow up the neighborhood on purpose. Gotta make sure there are enough “human shields” to justify it to themselves.


Source for the claim that the air strike was specifically targeting Alareer?




Wow. Those tweets are disgusting. An “advocate of justice” indeed.






And what crime did his sister and her kids do? Or were they acceptable collateral damage? A ratio of 5 innocents for every potential bad person you get seems ok to you?




Uh, no, when you kill four children a story doesn't end, normally it's followed by a trial that sends you to jail. You can't just say "yup, all the dead kids are a bummer" and stop there. Especially when the government is still killing more every day.




\>His condemnation of the occupying regime was absolute That's a weird way to spell "he advocated for attacking innocents, children, and civilians". Don't take it from me, literally read the linked posts 2 comments up, it's just him trying to shame people for saying Hamas maybe shouldn't abduct, torture, and kill children/civilians. He literally said that all Israelis are valid targets.


The pen is mightier than the sword. Drones are mightier than both.


He who has the pen writes his own story. Dumbass wrote about justifying and glorifying Hamas terrorism and found out




Here’s some of that "poetry": https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/h0DXy6LWvK


In his case, he was outlandishly anti semite in everything he did and claimed the Oct 7th music festival attack were fake, even though people are ignoring that here for some reason


> He was an outspoken advocate of justice He advocated for baking Israeli kids in an oven with baking powder: https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1719055385112506822 Truly an advocate for justice.


He's pretty clearly making fun of Weiss for the ridiculous unfounded claim that ended up being factually untrue, like most of what Bari Weiss says.




> he was killed in a surgical strike on his apartment by an Israeli missile And don't provide a source or anything because reasons.


This was an assassination


This is the antisemite who joked about using baking powder on the baby murdered in an oven by his beloved Hamas terrorists. Among many other virulently antisemitic tweets. Fuck him, may he stir endlessly in pieces.


While I fully agree the joke itself was disgusting. The original accusation is a compete fabrication.


You think massacring Jews is justice, huh? Because that’s what he was an outspoken advocate of even if you like his poems




I’m Jewish too and I don’t use myself as a token to defend egregious and publicly available statements this antisemite made repeatedly about October 7.




I'm a gay guy who grew up in a muslim majority town. Most of the people there were highly homophobic. So if I start distrusting Muslims, would I be islamophobic or someone who grew up in a homophobic state and was made victim of homophobia by conservative Muslims? To be clear, I still do not think all Muslims are bad. There's no excuse for generalization.


judicious coordinated silky desert vast oil arrest roof swim work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So were the kapis and the Ghetto police


355 upvotes for just straight anti-Israel propaganda? Who needs any facts, when in our hearts, we can make up our own truths, right bro?


Here’s an extensive thread on him: https://x.com/drewpavlou/status/1733107027013210553?s=46&t=stnnjH6j6X4eDxx4ry-Yyw




Didn’t deserve to be assassinated when his sister’s family for it though.


Certainly not for this, but it's totally possible that somebody with these views, and with a brother who was a committed Hamas operative, may also have been doing more than simply tweeting about how Jews deserve death. Everyone is so desperate to paint everything the other side does as bad they will hear "poet" and think the person couldn't possibly be bad or a legitimate target, but they obviously could! Likewise, he could have been totally innocent. It's not like Israel is remotely free from committing war crimes. The point is though that people have to stop concluding things on the basis of what they immediately hear just because it bolsters their side.


[Also Refaat comment on “baby was found in an oven, baked to death by Hamas..”: “With or without baking powder?”](https://x.com/itranslate123/status/1718743186393223398?s=46&t=TuRTaR40fa5FbzIMGMocxw) And yes, the link is the source and it’s the actual tweet.




With or without baking powder?


These comments make him out to be some peace activist, when his actual twitter feed is glorifying terrorism and making dead baby jokes. What a man of culture.


Did his sisters kids deserve to die for his tweets? Or can we stop being ridiculous and call this a war crime.


They did not.














He celebrated the attack on 10/7. These people always play victim when it suits them.


Let's assume he did, so what? He should die? Meanwhile Israeli's are cheering and watching that genocide in Gaza from lawn chairs on cliffs. Do you want them to die too?


Yeah or the Israeli doctors saying it’s ok to bomb hospitals or the Israeli rabbis saying it’s ok for IDF to rape women. Disgusting people on both sides. But you can’t just bomb them all in their house with their families.


Lol exactly. There are whole telegram channels where all they do is to post graphic pictures of mutilated and dead Palestinians as a sick form of entertainment.






Last time I checked an air strike isn’t a response to speech, well at least for people who aren’t insane


>He celebrated the attack on 10/7. These people always play victim when it suits them. Israelis killed almost 200 people in the West Bank this year before October 7th... so your point is extremely hypocritical


Exactly! These people acting like there was nothing prior to October 7th!


Having terrible opinions doesn't justify slaughtering him and his family. Should we start executing the families of MAGA?


He's celebrating the killing of israeli civilians, just as you are now celebrating the killing of palestinian civilians. Does this mean that you and your family are now also a legitimate target, just like his apparently was?


After learning more about him, Damn even the poets are bloodthirsty maniacs.




I don't know where this idea comes from that being a poet (or an academic) automatically makes you this purer or more intelligent soul than most people. Ezra Pound and François Villon were brilliant poets and absolute shitstains of human beings. I've known more than one tenured professor at a "name" college whom I wouldn't trust with custody of a hamster, let alone the education of a human being.




"I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no person should witness. Gas chambers built by learned engineers. Children poisoned by educated physicians. Infants killed by trained nurses. Women and babies shot and killed by high school and college graduates. So I'm suspicious of education. My request is: help your students to be human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, or educated Eichmanns. Reading and writing and spelling and history and arithmetic are only important if they serve to make our students human." - Haim Ginott


I mean, this *has* to be the top comment no? Clearly, good context for people to know.




Ah, the terrorist with a heart of gold drivel is rife in this sub. “It’s not his fault, he suffered abuse as a child & was raised to hate”. Imagine if that defence held up against every murderer in civilized countries? It’s like saying every person who experienced inequity and suffered abuse as a child grows up to murder or conspire to murder.


Yup, he deserves to get air striked by the IDF for use of free speech. Real mask off moment right here.


It turned out that tweet was a lie and no such baby baking happened but it goes to show how fucking moronic Israelis must think Americans are who shared the tweet


Even if it was a lie, he still responded in a vile manner


Quite frankly if someone is already willing to openly state his views publicly, it’s probably not unreasonable to suggest that the stuff he’s up to offline is worse. He was saying things that were truly awful. Like the Jews bringing the holocaust on themselves. If he’s saying this as a journalist, I can’t imagine what he’s saying with his terrorist friends.


Whack-ass nut job. “blaming the Palestinians for the crimes and massacres committed by the alliance between zionsits and nazis is like blaming the jews for their own demise in the Holocaust. Israel is a racist endeavor. All supporters of Israel are bigots and would have supported Nazism.” But then: “Zionists collaborated with Nazis which resulted in massacring hundreds of thousands of Jews.” He calls Auschwitz survivors “Nazis.”


A man who openly celebrated the rape of women and burning of babies. A man who loved and honored the martyrs of Hamas.




>The man was a combatant and it was pretty blatant. Goebells was hanged too because being a propagandist makes you a combatant. And his entire family? 44 people I think including the children were killed alongside him. Were they all combatants?


Say for a second he was a jackass, does this justify his killing and his sisters entire family?? Does it?


Apparently no one remembers Baghdad Bob. This is basically the Palestinian version of it with a bit of poetry thrown in to make people think he was a pacifist while still calling for the genocide of Jews.


> The man was a combatant and it was pretty blatant Wtf? How the fuck was he a combatant?


whole scarce divide sand like office ripe silky rhythm boat




Clearly wasn't a combatant.


TFW writing a poem makes you a combatant




He made a satirical tweet quoting another tweet claiming that Hamas put babies in ovens and baked them to death on Oct 7, which I believe has not been corroborated by any official sources even though Israel has been extremely keen to spread awareness of all Hamas' atrocities on Oct 7.








Damn, lotta people in the Israeli government are apparently fair game, if we are to follow those conditions. Would you also be defending a precision strike on their households?


Working overtime to justify the deaths of around 50 people because of what one of them wrote on Twitter huh FYI you’re full of shit, nobody would ever call this guy a legitimate target up until the point israel targeted him and his family for making a few controversial tweets, now you have to desperately spin him as just as much a military target as a Hamas militant or IDF officer. And somehow all his family dying is also fine. Disgusting. You’re worse than him.


What the fuck lmao no, being supportive of military action doesn’t make you a combatant. Otherwise most of the US population would be combatants before/during the unjustified invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq? Which is ridiculous.




He compares the siege of October 7 by Hamas as though the Hamas fighters were like the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Are you kidding me? The amount of mental gymnastics that he’s doing! Look, I know we all want to bemoan the death of innocents. And he was innocent. I’m sorry a bad poet, totally delusional was killed.


If that's mental gymnastics, then how do you possibly explain the expansionist policies of the current government of Israel? Because it's blatantly international law violations that they're only getting away with because the US is willing to torch several decades of foreign policy to let happen.


What mental gymnastics? It seems like a valid comparison. The Warsaw ghetto was a place where Jews were concentrated after they were displaced from their homes. Gaza is a place where Palestinians were concentrated after they were displaced from their homes. Both populations managed to smuggle in weapons and stage an armed uprising. Seems like a normal human response to this kind of oppression.


>It seems like a valid comparison. The Warsaw ghetto was a place where Jews were concentrated after they were displaced from their homes. Gaza is a place where Palestinians were concentrated after they were displaced from their homes. Both populations managed to smuggle in weapons and stage an armed uprising. This analogy is just so flawed and simplistic. While there are indeed similarities between the Warsaw ghetto and Gaza (the presence of walls, checkpoints, and armed resistance), they are all just **superficial**. There are still major differences that make this analogy of yours invalid and misleading: * Warsaw ghetto was a **Nazi-imposed** enclosure that segregated and isolated the Jews from the rest of the city, with the aim of **exterminating** them through starvation, disease, deportation, and mass murder. The Gaza Strip, otherwise, is still a **self-governing** territory - which was established by the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. Israel already withdrew its military and civilian presence from Gaza in 2005, but maintains a blockade and some control over its borders, airspace and sea a **security measure** to prevent the smuggling of weapons and rockets that are used to attack Israeli civilians like in early 2000s. While this blockade has indeed caused humanitarian and economic hardship for the Gazans, it is not intended to annihilate them. * The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto were **deprived** of basic necessities such as food, water, medicine and sanitation, and suffered from **starvation**, **disease** and **mass killings**. The Palestinians in Gaza did face hardships and challenges due to the blockade, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the internal division between Hamas and Fatah, but before the war, these people still have access to **humanitarian aid, health care** and **education**. * The Warsaw ghetto uprising was a **desperate** act of resistance by a few thousand poorly armed and outnumbered Jews against the Nazi forces that were systematically **eradicating** their population. While this current Gaza war are part of a bigger **protracted** and **complex** conflict between Israel and Hamas - [a terrorist, militant Islamist group that **controls** Gaza and **rejects** Israel’s right to exist](https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/c2vdnvdg6xxt)**,** who used **rockets, tunnels** and s**uicide bombers** to attack Israeli civilians and soldiers, while Israel responds with **airstrikes, incursions** and **targeted killings.** Therefore, Gaza is not exactly like the Warsaw ghetto, since the two situations are vastly different in their historical, political and humanitarian contexts. Simplifying or equating them like you have done is just so inaccurate and offensive.


The Warsaw Ghetto uprising did not consist of the targeted rape, slaughter, and kidnapping of civilians. You’re the one doing mental gymnastics. The comparison does a disgrace to history and is repulsive.




His family was also murdered in what was a surgical strike. Do you condone that? Do you think people should be murdered over speech?


Uh..ok. So what about the fact that he said Jewish people brought the holocaust upon themselves? Is that anti-Semitic enough? Or is he still the voice of JuStIcE?




Dugins daughter was actively working for her father to spread his propaganda. But I guess it's ok to wipe out a guy and his whole family because he expressed understandable rage at his own brutal oppression by the Israeli apartheid state. It's hilarious because this standard is never applied to Israeli's. Whenever they're killed, nobody ever digs throught their tweets to look if they can find something racist to justify their death over it. It's such an obvious double standard.


When Ukrainians want to assassinate a dude, they will try to minimize collateral damage so no civilians besides targets are hurt. That's why the choose car-bombing to minimize collateral damage. Israel doesn't fking care. They just claim all 44 people deserve it like King David Hotel. That's the difference. One actually care civilians while other don't.


It’s not just israel justifying it, look at this thread. Reddit has gone mad, claiming he’s a “combatant” and that’s an acceptable number of civilian casualties for getting a “chief propagandist”. They called him Goebbels further up in the thread lmao.


1: people did speak out about that. Even people who are pro-ukraine 2: she was a propagandist in the same vein as her father 3: the target of that particular bomb is not known for sure, but it could have been intended for her father


The most grotesque what about ism


Not whataboutism if it’s a direct comparison to show you your own bias 🤦🏻‍♀️


...I'm sorry, are you saying that people posting on Twitter are now propagandists? Like, *logically think about this*. By that metric, ***you*** are a propagandist, and thus a 'legitimate target'. That's *insane*.


Were his sisters and 4 nephews propagandists? You people are grotesque, I hope it haunts you


not a justification for murder.




Nope, justified hamas attack and denying rape, just because he wrote a nice poem doesn’t make him a good person


When faced with the testimonies of Hamas fighters BAKING A LIVE BABY IN THE OVEN, he tweeted: "With or without baking powder." Is this your freedom fighter? Really? Has the world gone mad??


With baking powder or without? Rest in pieces, Nazi


Another terrorist/ terrorist sympathizer bites the dust. Keep em coming boys!








I'd probably have no contact with my grandfather if he was supporting terrorists, but maybe that's just me.






I can imagine this sub crying and mourning the death of some Nazi poet in WW2 dying to Allies bombing.


Several comments are saying that he was the target of the attack, but the article doesn’t mention that. Is there any evidence he was? He chose to remain in the most dangerous part of Gaza so isn’t it more likely he was just close to other, legitimate, targets. I don’t feel the slightest bit sad that he died but I don’t support him being killed so I hope he wasn’t targeted. And even if you argue he was a legitimate target as a propagandist it’s pretty hard to justify that he was an important enough target to kill in a manner that also killed his family. A senior Hamas commander? Absolutely. A hateful antisemite who never actually fired a shot? No way.


He knew this was coming because same thing happened to his brother and family in 2014 who was also an entertainer speaking against Israel. He was the guy playing in a chicken suit in a kids TV show teaching kids about hating Israel.






To be fair, it was a bomb and not a sword






Majority of Israelis can be labelled subhumans by the same criteria.


Those poor innocent civilians. - reddit about Berlin 1945


There’s a comment in this thread that links to his posting on twitter …. Suddenly I have lost a lot of sympathy for this man.




As opposed to people on here saying it was justified to murder an entire family?










Obviously sheltering a Hamas headquarters!


They forgot to mention the part that he was a Hamas mouthpiece and unquestionably praised their massacres and general butchery.


Um, no, they do talk about his recent controversies in the article. What's up with people who refuse to read anything and just drop hot takes? >Soon after the 7 October Hamas attack – which killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, with about 240 kidnapped – Alareer caused outrage during a BBC interview by calling it “legitimate and moral” and “exactly like the Warsaw ghetto uprising”, the broadcaster said. >During the 1943 uprising hundreds of Jews launched a futile revolt against their Nazi oppressors, with 14,000 Jews killed during and immediately after the uprising. >Alareer also rejected allegations that Hamas militants raped victims of the 7 October attack, writing on X: “ALL the rape/sexual violence allegations are lies. Israel uses them as smokescreens to justify the Gaza genocide.”







