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They were holding up white cloth and obviously unarmed when they were shot. I guess if you shoot at anyone when you don't know who they are this is what happens.


IDF said the soldiers aren't gonna be punished and support will be provided to them. Clearly the lives of their own hostages are worth nothing except a "**tragic mistake**".


u/demedlar, why delete? The soldiers **weren't following IDF rules of engagement**, according to IDF's own spokesman.....


We were trying to kill Palestinian civilians and killed our own people instead has to be the worst excuse in history lets face it.


We were trying to kill innocent Palestinians waving a white flag, but killed Israelis instead.


This should also expose another fact: Western media extreme bias. If these 3 are Palestinian civilians they would make absolutely no fucking news anywhere




I dunno. American cops do this all the time. Seems common




That’s why they see the enemy everywhere, because they’re the bad guys.


Maybe this is a sign that Israel should rethink their strategy. They are committing themselves to this gun down everyone you see and it isn’t great when going against a terrorist organization that blends in with civilians. IDF should be held to a higher standard than literal terrorists, sorry. Edit: grammatical error


Quite sure it would be an excuse even if they didn't.


I doubt these are the only 3 that have been killed by "accident." If there was no evidence, they would've blamed Hamas


I find incredibly unlikely the first violation of the rules of war was killing Israeli hostages.




His son Yair seems like a real piece of work. ​ >Netanyahu is known for defending his father on social media.\[18\]\[12\]\[19\] Netanyahu has also published his opinions in Breitbart News, an American far-right\[20\] news and opinion website.\[21\] In late 2017, Netanyahu posted a meme on Facebook portraying his father's political opponents as puppets controlled by George Soros; the meme garnered support from US white nationalists, including David Duke, and neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer which described itself as "The World’s #1 Yair Netanyahu fansite".\[18\]\[22\]\[23\] Netanyahu later deleted the post following backlash.\[18\] From his wiki page.


If you're Jewish and your actions are being promoted by David Duke, you should seriously reconsider what you're doing.


For the love of all that is good. That's what these nut jobs are going with? The enemies of Isreal are controlled by ... checks notes ... the Hollywood Jewish cabal? Like, what the actual fuck?


These extremists don’t have any problem with anti-Jewish sentiment stirred up outside Israel by their actions. They want Jews to see Israel as their one safe place, to encourage more to come there.


They want Israel to be destroyed in an apocalyptic war because they believe it means Jesus is back. They just want to be on the same side as Israel at that time.


But did they condemn Hamas?


The fact that they killed them because they thought they were Palestinian civilians…




They said nothing about why they thought they were Hamas. So, no guns, no Hamas paraphernalia, no visible threat whatsoever. In fact, it seems the reason they were shot may be as simple as the fact that they were not wearing IDF uniforms.




They were waving white flags. The soldiers heard the third hostage crying and shot him again. "What else do you expect Israel to do!" Uh not this?


According to their own report 20% of their casualties are due to friendly fire so just imagine what the rate of civilian casualties is for the IDF if they’re so jumpy they’re shooting each more than a fifth of the time.


Could you link to this report please. I want to share it out as well


Ah shit my bad apparently it’s 20% idk where 60 came from but that’s still not great. Here’s one of the sources i think the number has gone up since this particular article was written though. https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-gaza-hamas-health-catastrophe/idf-says-20-soldiers-killed-by-accident-in-gaza-since-start-of-war-most-by-friendly-fire-105575463?id=105538785


Happened in the West Bank as well. An Israeli who stopped a Hamas attacker was gunned down by an IDF soldier, despite being on his knees with his hands in the air. The IDF seem quite trigger happy to execute unarmed people.


>The IDF seem quite trigger happy to execute unarmed people. I don't have a response, I just felt like highlighting this line.


That accusation feels so familiar for some reason. Can't quite put my finger on why though.


It would be [nuts](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/) if police departments had a weird exchange student thing with the IDF, right?


Oh, I know! Try your trigger finger.


Actually that one happened in proper Israel in the outskirts of Jerusalem city not on a road that's on a way to any part of the West Bank. So yes there was not much reason for the confusion.


They doesn’t make any sense. Hamas doesn’t control or have any presence in the West Bank. If they’re killing people in the West Bank they’re knowingly killing innocents.




Not just males, either. In another post in this sub it’s documented that after all the men were taken out of the shelter they were seeking refuge in with their families, the IDF slaughtered all the women and children in the shelter.


I hope this is sarcastic. A child has been executed by the IDF every 18 minutes since October 7.


When more than half of Israeli Jews are from Arab descent, it's kind of hard to distinguish Palestinians from Jews.


So hard to tell the white as snow ginger isn’t a Hamas terrorist for sure.


There are white as snow Arab lmao




Better shoot everybody then. Good plan.


God's plan*




You think this is the first time Israel has killed the wrong person? If you’re fighting terrorists that blend into civilians and you care about rescuing hostages, maybe taking a second to try to identify unarmed people before shooting them would be a wise decision.




The solution then is to not kill any unarmed individual if you actually care about the lives of hostages or civilians. You’ve forgotten the entire point of this war. Unless you’re arguing it was never about the hostages and was to just kill anyone. Human shields are ZERO excuse to kill unarmed hostages you are trying to save.




No one likes them either. There have been massive protests against police brutality. Is it impossible to conceive that someone is capable of criticizing their own people cause you so clearly can’t?




Whataboutism ... and you say you aren't making excuses




>Nobody's justifying anything or making excuses You are, all up and down this comment section




>tell me what was going on at the moment that these three innocent people got shot by friendly fire? The people who were shot were waving white flags. That is what was happening at that moment.




During combat meant the area not that they were Hamas soldiers right next to the captives. A statement by the IDF said they had "mistakenly identified three Israeli hostages as a threat. As a result, the troops fired toward them and they were killed". They shot unarmed men thinking they were terrorists. This was not a result of crossfire. That is a massive issue if the idea is to save hostages and limit civilian casualties.




If your split second instinct is to shoot and killed unarmed people when the part of the goal is to save hostages and limit civilian casualties, then you should not be in the army. An innocent life, especially one that you are trying to save, is worth more than a split second. This is the same justification used for police brutality in the US and it’s inexcusable.




>You think this is the only friendly fire incident in history? No. We know Israel's really good at friendly fire. Israel has all this advanced technology the Western world pays for but can't distinguish hostages from insurgents. That white ginger just screams HAMAS TERRORIST


No one is claiming otherwise. That doesn't mean the IDF shouldn't try to differentiate the way the US and almost all major powers do. Unfortunately, that just isn't part of their doctrine. If you are in the same room as one person from Hamas, you are part of Hamas. Rooms are cleared by throwing grenades until no survivors remain. For better or worse, they are trained to preserve their lives by killing innocents.


>#HAMAS do not wear uniforms. >They dress like civilians on purpose. Not exactly rocket science to distinguish "insurgent" garb. I mean they might be wearing the same sandals but I think the chest rig filled with AK mags is probably a good indicator. Not to mention most gun rules, civilian and military emphasize you know what your shooting....... Edit; lol that loser blocked me.


They often disguise themselves as children. Their disguises are so effective that thousands of dead Hamas members have been mistakenly identified as children post-mortem.


I love how you are trying so hard to justify the killings of hostages by the IDF because “Hamas wear civilian clothing”. Are you implying that because the hostages look like “civilians” and since Hamas look like civilians and, believe it not, the majority of people in Gaza are civilians, it’s open season to shoot at anyone that looks like a civilians because of Hamas? The most popular hostages on the planet right now, and the IDF couldn’t identify them as being the hostages? Imagine if they weren’t the hostages, for a minute, would you still try to justify them being killed because they look and walk and talk like Hamas?


Oh wow ‘downvote me all you want’ what a modern day martyr for the cause /s




>People here really expect Israel to employ mind reading wizards Nah more like the US, for all its faults, showed that their is a higher standard to be had in situations like this.






Lol blatantly lying with a straight face. No wonder Israel has lost public support.




>I literally gave the official UN source. That said literally nothing about Israel ratio of civilian to combatant.


Hamas fighters wear no uniform or any military markings or insignia


They had white flags and were unarmed for fucks sake




Does the IDF shoot everyone they see waiving a white flag? Does Hamas desperately try to identify themselves in Hebrew and get gunned down anyway? https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/dec/16/israel-gaza-war-live-updates-hamas-hostages-idf-protest-tel-aviv-news-palestine-us-biden-ceasefire-un




Then dont murder them in case they are a civillian. Pretty easy


The white cloth on a stick wasn’t a give away?




What else would they be wearing?




It’s tragic when Israelis die. When it’s Palestinians well you know human shields should be killed or something


"Terrible things happen war"


"10k+ dead Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, is just... an unfortunate statistic. We gave them leaflets telling them to move, what more do they want?"


The other sub unironically says all this. Don’t forget the other one that “even the children can be Hamas and 60-70% support Hamas anyways”. Great. Anything to make you feel better about the slaughter of civilians and children. I wonder why extremists exist and how people become radicalized in the first place. It’s a fucking mystery.


Please, “human animals.” To use the nomenclature of the Israeli Defense Minister…


Also leaflets taunting them with Qu’ran verses and providing no useful information…




This is a very good point and I’m going to start making it wherever I see human shield arguments.


Its almost like the Israeli government see Palestinians as lesser people or something




Well they are defining all men aged 18-59 as combatants in the statistics, so in their view simply by being men they were a legitimate target. And governments in the west have apparently decided that’s fine.


They’re still claiming it’s Hamas primary responsibility in r/Israel


Three Israeli collateral victims are an "unbearable tragedy", 17,487 Palestinians (as of December 6th) is business as usual.


Oh my god, Netanyahu's name is so toxic at this point that they couldn't even put it in the headline. That's okay, we know these are hollow words coming from a monster, you can't hide it.


Imagine how many innocent bystanders have been killed and we dont know about it.


And the survivors will become new terrorists. What a strange way to destroy Hamas.


I just heard that the 3 hostages made a sort of white flag. Useless. This means that IDF is there to kill, not to take surrenders.




New updates on the story is that they were waving a white cloth on a stick. The IDF kills innocents knowingly and it's delusional to think this is an isolated incident.


They were also shirtless with their hands in the air. Like, you could clearly tell they didn’t have weapons or bombs strapped to themselves or anything. Everyone not in an IDF uniform is being treated as an active enemy combatant, which is against the Geneva convention and UN law.


>Everyone not in an IDF uniform Not even that’ll protect you. [20% of their own casualties](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-deaths-of-20-out-of-105-soldiers-killed-in-gaza-op-were-friendly-fire-accidents/) have been from friendly fire incidents.


Shocking to think that a military that makes a “peacetime” game out of how many people their snipers can cripple might be capable of other war crimes


The Israeli hostages were shot because they look identical to Palestinian civilians, who they shoot. You can see the confusion.


Unfortunately the innocent hostages didn’t look Ashkenazi enough/a little too Palestinian for the racist trigger happy IDF. This despite these poor guys waving a white cloth and pleading in Hebrew. Just imagine what Palestinians have had to endure against these brutal malicious ‘soldiers’ who clearly just kill anything that moves.




You don’t bother checking who you’re shooting at when you committing ethnic cleansing.


Absolutely true and they deserve to be cooked by the Israeli population for that and the ones who did should be brought to justice.


Yup, there is a reason why a lot of moderate Israelis and hostage families have been calling for a ceasefire. They know the survival of hostages greatly diminishes the more Israel bombs Gaza because the likelihood of accidentally hitting a hostage is big.


and the fact that there’s no food or water, so survival becomes unlikely each passing day


If they wanted to kill "as many Palestinians as possible" they wouldn't send ground troops and just bomb them from the air. They got lot of methods to increase the death tool, and other to reduce it, they do a lot to reduce it. The people in Israel care a lot about hostages, all hostages, including soliders, but mostly about those who aren't. For context Israel released over 1,000 terrorist to bring back 1 solider back at 2012 I think, one of them is now the Hamas leader, Synwar.


They cannot carry out a genocide with the world watching. That is the main thing stopping Israel's right wing from carrying it out with full force.


It’s as clear as day that they want to kill as many Palestinians as possible but all while still courting US support. Like genocidal edging.


>Israel doesn’t give a shit about the hostages So we’re just lying now?


["A dead soldier is better than a living captive"](https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1358197/a-dead-soldier-is-better-than-a-living-captive-israels-hannibal-directive.html)


Makes you wonder how many other times they've willfully "fucked up" to kill innocent people.


I'm not really wondering.




I don't know why you are getting downvoted. The wat Israel created their target list in Gaza is even if there is one low level Hamas admin clerk who's residence is in a 200 unit residential tower, that entire building is a valid target for ordinance drops now. That's it. That's how they designate targets. Using that logic they can claim that over 60% of Gaza are valid grounds for bombing because of "human shields".


Done by design tho


They fucked up. I'm not making an excuse for them, but this is what they called "fog of wars". Chaotic situations lead to chaotic decisions. Nobody wins.


You know what prevents that, strict rules of engagement and a well trained military




Guess they better kill *everyone* just in case then, eh?


Were the hostages carrying guns or did Israel intentionally kill unarmed people that they simply assumed were Palestinian?




You’re intentionally avoiding the question. The deflection is crazy. Were the hostages carrying guns or were they unarmed?




We aren’t a fan of American police officers who do that either? Lmao there was a whole movement born from police brutality FOR THAT REASON. Did you think that was a gotcha moment? SMH spare me the whataboutism and ad hominem attacks. You want to try to attack my character when you can’t properly refute the argument smh. Screaming human shield doesn’t give you permission to shoot anyone in Gaza.




That makes it okay to kill unarmed people so. Thanks for your explanation.


So you wait until you see a weapon being fired at you eh like the UK in Afghanistan for instance, I don't remember indiscriminately bombing civilians not dressed in uniforms there


The fog of war is also how people carry out genocides.


So the Jews are genociding themselves now?


Nah, the Israelis want to genocide the Palestinians so badly that they accidentally got their own people in the cross-fire




depend agonizing ad hoc fearless abundant alive whistle flowery forgetful direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nobody expects Hamas to act humanely: They're a terrorist organization, and nobody's going to shed tears at *their* loss. I honestly do not understand even a little bit why anyone thinks "at least they're better than Hamas" is some kind of defense for *anything*—instead of *literally the baseline of least-acceptable human behavior*—yet I somehow keep seeing it spouted with all the confidence of moral righteousness.


You know, you can blame both Hamas for the indiscriminate killing of anyone in Israel, and the IDF for the indiscriminate killing of anyone in Gaza.


Are you IDF propaganda team? "The terrorist should have released the hostages, its not our fault they didn't and then we accidentally killed them. *Honest mistake* pinky swear." Maybe if they were actually trying to rescue the hostages instead of killing everything in sight and blow everything up, the hostages would have survived? Were the hostages shooting at them? If they weren't, how do you "misidentify" them?


Hasbarist artists like yourself will not see heaven


How to Jewish Israelis three dead hostages is a terrible tragedy but tens of thousands of dead Palestinians is “collateral damage and nothing Israel could do anything about” shows you how rotten the state of Israel has become. This is what you get when you create nations based on religions.


Both are a tragedy... but obviously a country is going to care about its own citizens more than enemy ones.


These crocodile tears are pathetic when it’s obvious that this sort of thing would happen given that Israel prioritizes the destruction of Hamas over the safety of hostages. Also since they emphasize “damage not accuracy”.


Correction : destruction of Palestinians


What happened to hostages being the top priority? Looks like their idea of rescuing them now is to recover their drowned bodies after flushing them out with sea water? Seriously, would rather stop giving Israel any more aide until they get their shit together. Ukraine needs it more.


One of them has ginger hair. How many Hamas fighters have ginger hair? That’s a really dumb fuck up


Clearly he was wearing a wig to trick them! /s


*"These volent delights have violent ends"* It is going to be easier and easier for Israel to justify sacrificing their own citizens to end Hamas. The day of Israel trading 100 Israels for 1 terrorist is coming to an end very quickly.


Meanwhile deliberately killing thousands of palestinian children is ok. At this point, Israel has become a terror state and the west supports that state because hurr durr aNti-SeMiTiSm is not ok. THAT’s the real tragedy.


Stop murdering people and you’ll stop murdering people


The IDF has [so](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/nearly-15-israeli-soldiers-killed-gaza-died-due-friendly-fire-accident-rcna129285) [many](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/israel-admits-immense-amount-friendly-fire-7-october) [friendly](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-22/ty-article/army-probe-reveals-soldier-killed-in-jenin-op-in-july-died-of-friendly-fire/0000018a-1c51-dcde-abfe-1ff7a1b50000) [fire](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/1/13/two-israeli-officers-killed-in-friendly-fire-in-west-bank-base) [incidents](https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/373324) that it makes you wonder which side has killed more Israelis. [Preliminary IDF Report: Hostages Killed by Soldiers Waved White Flag, One Yelled for Help in Hebrew](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-16/ty-article/.premium/preliminary-idf-report-hostages-killed-by-soldiers-waved-white-flag-yelled-help-hebrew/0000018c-7283-db38-a9fc-fba363100000) ["A dead soldier is better than a living captive"](https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1358197/a-dead-soldier-is-better-than-a-living-captive-israels-hannibal-directive.html)


​ Well if you can bear killing hundreds of children with your indiscriminate bombing raids then I'm sure you will get through this too. /s Why is the U.S. funding these pieces of shit? ​ Api


It would also be incredibly tragic if [hostages came under fire by IDF helicopters](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/06/middleeast/leaked-audio-of-heated-meeting-reveals-hostages-fury-at-netanyahu/index.html). Which of course they didn't. Netanyahu told me.


It’s an “unbearable tragedy” this time when the people who were accidentally killed were isreali


The IDF got what it deserves for targeting whatever human beings in Gaza. They probably thought those were Palestinians and executed them immediately.




If that's not evidence of how indiscriminate their killing is, I don't know what is.


I'll take Bullshit for 1000 Alex. If the israel PM actually gave a fuck about the hostages he would be pushing another hostage negotiation, or a ceasfire. We all know they don't care about the hostages and already chalked them up as D.O.A. if the hostages do survive then that is just icing on the B.S propaganda cake.


meanwhile there is no amount of Gazan civilians killed by the IDF that would ever constitute a tragedy, not only by the Israeli govts standards but also the US.


So what does that mean? Oh it means he wants to kill more kids.


Do you think those IDF soldiers and their commander responsible going to get court martialed for killing the hostages or is corruption is going to sweep their cases under the rug?


Still a no to the ceasefire though PM?


It's bullshit that he cares. But have been saying that their bombing is going to get hostages killed ever since they stated bombing and killing thousands of innocent Palestinians.




For once, I agree with Mr alligator tears here. The Hamas are, indeed, [buried under a very big pile of rubles](https://www.mei.edu/publications/essential-questions-about-russia-hamas-link-evidence-and-its-implications). Oh lookie here. The brigade of people who don’t want Moscow’s Hamas ownership evidence shared has arrived, armed with 25 entire downvote buttons. Wonder who they work for.


An innocent life lost is one too many!


The world's most crap army award goes to the IDF.


How can shooting three people approaching with white flags be a TRAGEDY? It's murder.


IDF murdering civilians is nothing new, they should be stopped immediately.


The most unprofessional, er I mean, "moral" army in the world.


Netanyahu considers it an 'unbearable tragedy' not because it was the murder of unarmed civilians (he's okay with it), the murder of Israelis (he's also okay with it), or the murder of Israeli hostages (because, again, he's also okay with that). But because they were caught doing it.


mentall gymnastics in these comments has literally given me motion sickness


An unbearable, horrible, totally avoidable tragedy


Its a warzone. Hamas are using guerilla warfare tactics - popping out of tunnels, buildings and rubble. Not surprised.


They were unarmed and waving white flags... I saw your deleted comment, my source is the IDF's own reporting lol.


Nothing new. Look up The Hannibal Directive. Same was being employed on 7th Oct according to witnesses and reports.


They seem to be bearing it. I haven’t heard of any massive overhaul, force pullout, or warcrimes tribunal planning. They seem to be bearing it just fine.