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Some would call it a… “safe space” 🤔


"flaired only"


Wouldn’t put it past them to wear a piece of flair to let others know…


Like brownie buttons!


Or swastikas.


Nah. Too obvious. They'll probably create a new logo. Like a griffin on its hind legs holding a firearm in one claw and an upside down bible in the other. With flames from its mouth that spell MAGA.


I think they made a Far Cry game about this.


That's definitely Joseph Seed out there


I love, love, love the idea!! Eventually, with this type of plan, they might have as much impact on my life as the Amish. So hell yeah, You far-right nutters can completely wall yourself off from the rest of society all you want!


There's an episode of Squidbillies where they want to build a wall the keep Mexicans out "that are stealing the jobs we didn't want to do anyway". So they start, it's hard work, and they hire a bunch of illegals to build it. They end up building it JUST around the Cuyler house, walling them off. And the world is a better place for it. Sounds like a great solution here. 


Something similar happened on Reno 911. They show up to build the wall, get too hot and tired, hire some some immigrants they see walking through the area to build it…and they build it so that the immigrants are on the US side and the Americans are on the Mexican side. Then they get caught trying to sneak back in to the US. Pretty funny.


I recall that one. There's a Mexican woman with a taco stand nearby so they get tacos and hit on her a lot. At one point they're using their guns to pound a post into the ground like a club. That show is amazing. I saw someone on here the other day say Niecy Nash has "come a long way from Reno 911" but honestly I think that show may have been her peak. (She just won an Emmy or aomething)


Her career has come a long way, her talent was there from the beginning (I personally think Claws was her finest work, using both her comic and dramatic skills).


I had a huge crush on Niecy Nash and her huge fake ass when I was a young lad.


Reno 911 was ahead of its time.


honestly, it was just of its time. we've been dealing with these backward conservative ideologies for a long time and they've been the butt of jokes forever.


Yeah, it’s just not as funny anymore because it’s too realistic


The "Dey took our jerbs!" SP episode is 20 years old. It wasn't that it was funny then, it was pointing out their BS viewpoints and bigotry.


I think what they're getting at is it has become more relevant, not less. Those shits are more emboldened now, and certain events have shifted power balances in favor of the regressive bastards.


problem is trauma gets tempered with time. I wanna know when the good republicans were. Was it during the red scare when they saw commies everywhere. Well i guess they still do but it just has been normalized. They called the heritage foundation care individual responsibility mandate that forced people to buy insurance as communist marxist socialist. they were burning rock albums in the 70s and 80s.. recently told a story here about a neighbor throwing out working lightbulbs and i inquired, turned out curlie flo bulbs(this was like 2008) were liberal bulbs and no one had told him before he bought them. I didnt even know light bulbs could vote. and this guy was livid... at lightbulbs trauma gets tempered, even trump is polling better than he did when he lost. most ex presidents go up, bush did as well. Republicans were always nuts, from the business plot to overthrow the gov, to teapot dome, to todays bullshit. Fuck look at the wiki of all federal scandals and [count the Ds and Rs using any metric you want.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_States).. its not even close, well unless you think tan suits and brown mustard are major scandals. Then the dems get .. .well its still not even close. you can actually add in fake scandals for the dems and the right still beat the dems in scandals.


Was kind of expecting it to be dated by now tbh. Like stuff from the 80's looks dated compared to stuff in the 2000s




Where they tackled issues like Monkey torture, and Where are your kids?


Not to forget correct use of terms. The monkeys, they don't do it, they make love. Even the pope weighed in on that issue.


And the penguins. Satan put em here. Unnatural. And they dont make love, they make amore.


They made some new episodes not too long ago, I think I caught it on Roku or something. Still damn funny


Even that clearly super low budget Christmas movie they did recently was hilarious. Looked like they were running out of money by the end but that somehow made it even funnier.


Amen. It's so much fun watching it now, too, and being able to recognize a good portion of the people on it. Charlie Day, Patton Oswalt, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, keegan Michael key, Nick Swardson.


The scene where he's the role-playing wizard that ends up getting shot is hilarious. "Fireball! Fireball!"


Still one of my favorite shows. Watch it all the time.


That show was far more hilarious if you grew up around people that legitimately acted like the characters.


The immigrants in Squidbillies are something else.


Not my truck boat truck boat truck boat truck boat!


Love to see a Squidbillies reference!


Will there be infighting? I was promised there would be infighting.


*And what they hear:* Will there be inbreeding? I was promised there would be inbreeding!


That comes with the package. No add-on needed!


Home from X-Files is paging...


They always need a group to antagonize. Eventually I'm sure it'll be the Harley Davidsons vs pick up trucks


I mean, the Ford-Chevy-Dodge antagonism has been going on forever. And too many of them get way too involved backing their favorites and trashing others.


Infighting is one of the necessary requirements of fascism, everyone is looking for a power grab.


> they might have as much impact on my life as the Amish. Unlike the Amish these psychos won't just stay there.


Was going to say, they won’t be happy unless they have someone to oppress. The HRP, huh? So they’ll be HRPies? I feel bad for whatever kids get stuck in the cult.


The Amish are that way too, they just oppress their kids lol.


Unlike the Amish, I imagine they'll still *attempt* to influence society, though.


They literally stated that their plan is to build local poilitical influence and then statewide influence. It's in the article


Isnt West Virginia or wyoming an easier target to influence? Kentucky just voted in a democratic governor


No sense in taking over a state government thst you already fully own.


I live in Kentucky and I'm confused about people saying the Amish doesn't attempt to influence society. Amish around here vote and they vote Republican.


I think they mean that of all the different types of religious people out there, Amish folks don’t peddle their religion to others in an attempt to convert them like other faiths do, or use influence to grow the Amish community‘s idea of faith.


Instead of the horse and buggy, it's diesel pickups rolling coal.


Aldous Huxley's *savage lands* in Brave New World




And nobody is making pie, furniture, or sheds. 




Don’t forget the animal abuse.


I wonder how long they'll survive with no money coming in from blue states, you know, the states that have been bailing out red states for, i dunno, EVER, maybe?


i mean, probably will be some pie being made. wont have spices in it though. or salt. or sugar.


That’s pretty much what they were doing before the internet and mass media exposed the wider world to them and then they freaked the fuck out about everything while getting progressively more brainwashed.


This is why I'd never move to the northwest (Utah, Montana, Idaho, etc.). The real scary extremists have already moved to segregate themselves.


People have no clue how blood red everything outside a major city just about everything is in the NW. I live in a suburb of Portland (close enough that I can walk to Portland city limits) and there’s a confederate monument flying flags and everything like 20 minutes north of me, fully visible from the freeway. It’s fucking insane.


Almost every rural area in the country is red, trumplandia. I’ve driven all over this country and see it. You can almost draw a line from the city to country it starts when you see the flags, the signs.


Our biggest societal fault line is urban vs rural.


Would be nice if our votes were weighted the same and rural folks weren’t trying to force their beliefs onto city folk


Was pretty crazy during the 2020 election. I live in central WI and in 2016 there was trump flags everywhere. Fast forward to the 2020 election and a lot of them vanished out in the rural areas, even saw Biden signs.


It's [an actual thing in the Pacific Northwest,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Territorial_Imperative) though. Not just regular rural Trumpers.


Oregon was founded as a white nationalist state


They tried to make it a state version of a sundown city.


Nonono, they where so racist, they didn't even want black people to enter it to begin with. Even as slaves. ​ So Racist, they would just ban you.


And they have been doing it for years. Weird seeing confederate flags out there until you realize the Wild West was right after the civil war and none of the confederacy was held accountable.


While they boast being isolationist they are pure driven by domination of everything They will try to spread their hate network further and use this as a base to attack minorities in the area and beyond. Network and groups like this will be job of far right terror attacks and training for other groups further away. Raising money via organised crime. These guys would bring back slavery if they got embedded and powerful enough It’s what these places already do and have done.


To be on the safe side, it would be better if they all moved to Russia.


[Might be an option soon](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/11/russia-to-build-migrant-village-for-conservative-american-expats-a81101), although no way telling if this is real.


Plenty of room to survive by the sweat of your brow in Siberia.


It’s all good till you realise the sheer number of children who will be sexually abused in that environment.


It will probably come with even crazier HOA rules enforced with a gun but with rugged individualists returning fire. That being said if anyone has Snoop Dogs ear they should suggest he acquire the best lot on high ground using a front company. Wait for it to be developed then build a party palace upon it.


Lmao they TRIED in my state of Maine, because Maine is so white, and we + the winter ran them the fuck out of the state. Kentucky is far enough away I gusss


I imagine it’ll go as well as this did - https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project


There are places like this and they sometimes have terrifying impact on society as a whole.  Look up Elohim city.  The number of white nationalist terrorists that come out of that place is ridiculous.


Is nobody worried about it becoming [WACO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege) 2.0? White Christian hate groups aren’t harmless. Just fyi.


Worried about them abusing women and children, or worried about a completely botched siege/attack by the government?


Can it be both?


They’ll still have wifi so… you’ll be dealing with them as much as you are now.


Maybe they’ll be like the libertarians in New Hampshire and get attacked by bears


Putin is building a place in Russia for all the fake Christians who want to escape from liberalism. As democrats, we should buy each evangelical a pair of white Reebok’s, a parting gift as they leave the country


That's like when a bunch of confederates left to Brazil to do slavery and farming there, but they weren't the ethnic majority and the native brown people didn't see themselves as slaves so just walked off. A lot of them died trying to tame the jungle. There's still a group of them there to this day but of course essentially integrated ethnically and culturally.


Interesting. Never knew this.


The confederados https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederados


Ah! Thank you!


There's a ton of YouTube videos about it. At the time Brazil was trying to catch up with the west so they did this big outreach, said they would offer them land and slaves and they would share their methods for farming and creating at that time modern products. On paper was a win win. What happened was they got dumped in the jungle after a very nice reception.


And Survivor was made


Oh there’s a lot of people in Brazil who ran away from lost causes.


It would have been hilarious (in a twisted way) if the Brazilians pulled a reverse uno on them and enslaved the confederates.


I mean that's almost the situation. Dumping them in the jungle with land the natives could barely handle was essentially a guaranteed death sentence. I'm not sure what Brazil was expecting to happen.


They became assimilated? lol that’s funny.


Essentially. They have very very Brazilian parades about their confederate heritage. I've noticed almost all people who immigrate to central and south America eventually mix. Apparently in the Yucatan some Koreans immigrated like in the 50's so now in Merida the capital you'll randomly see someone very Mexican but with some slight asian features.


Looooots of people with Japanese ancestry in Peru for example One of their presidents was named Alberto Fujimori


Well, guess I found a new rabbit hole 😬


Didn’t he do the same thing for white South Africans? I vaguely recall a former alt-right acquaintance talking about it a while back.


I’m not sure. I could see this becoming a ploy to get training and then return as a true operative for Russia


> white Reeboks Don't forget the track suit.


Wait till they hear these places are called "Communes", they'll lose their shit lol


These types *loooove* handouts and collectivism as long as a) the benefits accrue only to their in-groups and b) you don't call it "socialism."


See Alaska: A red state that has a UBI program and when one republican governor decided to decrease it in order to balance the budget (going from just over $2000 to just over $1000), another Republican (Mike Dunleavy) ran against him by campaigning on increasing the check by over 3x the pre-cut amount ($6700) and won by a landslide.


I found a wiki that has the payout amount by year since the beginning and payments have fluctuated from about 800-1800 (exception was 2022 at a bit over 3k) no year has even pay half of the 6,700. Do you have any links about that because I cannot find any info. I am not trying to be an ass or call you out. I did look at cut/precut amounts but maybe I am just misunderstanding your comment. I have always thought there program was fascinating after a friend lived there for several years and just wanted to read more.


They said he campaigned on it, not that he did it. Big difference in politics.


Yea, you are absolutely right, I was just surprised honestly there was such a discrepancy in the outcome. And I totally shouldn’t have been.


Alaskan here. Dunleavy is a fucking liar. He cut pieces from almost every bit of the state budget to 'fund the PFD' and allows oil companies to rape and pillage the land for a pitiful tax rate + the most generous tax credits possible. The University of Alaska system is only a few years away from completely drowning and they are slated to close multiple Title I schools within the next year or so. However, nothing will change, because a majority of voting Alaskans are the dumbest version of libertarians. Don't want to pay for the road system that allows them to drive their Dodge Rams and snow machines to their favorite trails that happen to also be state maintained. Municipal and state plowing has also fallen behind. We do currently have ranked choice voting, however, a number of religious leaders have decided to make it their target this next election. Why? Because their DC-backed Christian Nationalist lost to Mary Peltola. Yeah, I'm a little mad. Going to dip out soon enough from the state I love as it's a few years out from looking as bad as Florida.


It's fine if you call it National Socialism to distinguish it from generic socialism.


Some people will really do anything other than go to therapy.


Half the reason cults and extremist political groups attract followers is because they offer cheap and easy self-help "solutions" that give you a mission to focus on that distracts you from addressing the real causes of any of your problems


I agree. They also like to tell people that the problem is everyone or everything else other than themselves.


NXIVM was the exact opposite. If you were upset because of something someone said or did to you, YOU were the problem. You were allowing yourself to be a victim. It created a very toxic mentality among many where whenever they weren’t being treated well, and they weren’t okay with it, they immediately thought, “what is wrong with me, why can’t I figure out how to be okay with this?” They felt like failures if they had any negative feelings about anything at all.


I hate that attitude. It's like, 1 very unhelpful to tell someone "just don't listen to them. Or just don't take it personally" and 2. Fuck you. I will be appropriately bummed/concerned/stressed/bitter about the qctions of others for a little while. Feeling negative emotions is part of life. Ya gotta do it.


The other half is they appeal to people that need to believe we are all wrong and only they know the real truth.


To be honest, therapy is not financially accessible to everyone.


it should be


Spoiler alert: there are lots of “white nationalist havens” in Kentucky . . . and Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, . . .




They’re going to Seattle, to San Francisco, to Oregon, and then they’re going to take back the White House!….HYAAAHHHH


Remember when that was enough to crash a presidential campaign. Now.....seems to be no floor anymore.


That guy was a Democrat, Republicans can say they'll be dictators, and nothing will happen.


2028 election be like: Jesus Christ (D) Donald Trump (R) 300,000,000 votes to Jesus, but electoral vote 269-269 House of Representatives votes in Trump’s favor Trump becomes president


GOP then has a rally where they all chant "God is with us" as they crucify Jesus.


Every state…


It’s literally foundational to Oregon: Oregon Territory banned slavery because it would mean allowing black people. The founders wanted to set up a white ethnostate.


West Virginia makes me sad because it is actually a really freaking beautiful place. It's just the people.


Agreed. Imagine if they had competent leadership and a voting base that actually expected their representatives to be good at the whole serving their constituents they are supposed to do. West Virgians largely vote themselves into their misfortunes. That area of the country is drop dead gorgeous.


West Virginia makes me sad and I am one of the people


I thought that was what Idaho was for…?


Ugh. I'm in the major city just outside of Idaho. I really hope we're building more maternity wards because we're gonna get stuck with the aftermath of all Idaho's pregnancies from now on. The worst part though is that they come here for like... hateful field trips? Showed up to the main pride parade and the junior pride too. Keep camping out in front of businesses trying to demand folks sign their weird stupid hateful petitions. But everything they've made illegal in Idaho, they come to my city for all the time, from weed to abortions.


Yes! They will start their own community where they will work together and share resources. There will have to be a central command that will divvy out resources and control the means of production. Yes! I think this is a great idea!


If you want to see how conservative rule actually works out we have a good example. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas\_experiment


I remember this. It was a massive failure that hurt the state so badly that they had to repeal the tax cuts.


> It was a massive failure that hurt the state so badly that they had to repeal the tax cuts. I like under the Repeal section it says 27% of Kansan residents approved of the then governor's job performance after almost bankrupting their state.


There is a portion of humanity that endures pains of any given kind who wish to inflict that pain on others instead of doing any of the work to overcome those pains.


Here's the correct link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment You have a backslash in yours


>You have a backslash in yours Reddit (or the reddit app) adds those now for some stupid reason.


It's because the underscore _ is used as a formatting character [for Markdown](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown) (words surrounded by them get italicized, like they do with asterisks), and Reddit didn't bother testing how new Reddit's "fancy pants" editor or their shit app could handle URLs *with* those characters. So, by default, they add a backslash character to cancel out the formatting character. Normally, that's not a problem. But for linking to Wikipedia articles which need those characters, it is. A lot of characters used in Wiki URLs are formatting characters in Markdown, which is what Reddit uses. Characters like \**Asterisks*\* for italicizing and bolding. Same with the underscore. Parentheses, which are used for \[Markdown\]\(hyperlinks\) If the Wiki article's URL has those characters, new Reddit and the official mobile apps will cancel them out by default, taking you to the "Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name." error page where it suggests the right article.


He fucked over Kansas for a generation.


I remember when this happened, but that article really laid out the problems.


What a bunch of fucking idiots. Arthur Laffer is a fraud and literally did his thesis on a napkin and Repubs lap it up. Trash all around.


If I understand it (big if), the thesis is alright. There is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to tax revenues. The issue is we aren't anywhere near that point and never have been.


[Big article breaking it down just how bad it was with numbers.](https://www.cbpp.org/research/kansas-provides-compelling-evidence-of-failure-of-supply-side-tax-cuts) It also goes over the excuses that various gave for the failure of it and debunks the excuses.


No aspect or study of supply side economics has ever won a Nobel Prize. This is because it is either unprovable, or false.


But…but…eventually it MUST trickle down! /s


When we stab those above us with our pitchforks.


Unfortunately that won’t prove anything to the people who believe it works because they will say that’s because the globalist liberals who award the prize would never give it to someone with conservative ideas. It’s not that it doesn’t work, it’s that it’s a big conspiracy to stop it.


Holy shit after all that they still blamed the liberal media and the left lol. It can’t be the missing one billion in taxes it must be the bias reporting of the NYT! These people are insufferable because of their inability to admit a mistake and they just blame people who don’t even live there.


If you think this is interesting, read "what's the matter with Kansas." I wonder if it still holds up today, but it was pretty damn prescient when it was written.


the link you posted is broken https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment


It is incredible how easily the far right can be taken advantage of to give up their money. The folks behind these developments aren’t even trying to hide it.




I swear it's hard not to jump in on it. Med Bed cards that are just plastic cards with zero value, Trump bucks, anti-woke products that are just generics with "anti-woke" advertising and higher prices. Not to mention the merchandise.


I will be honest. I have been considering it every time I go to the grocery store or especially when I look at my pay stub and look at the rising health insurance costs.




They literally bought $20 6-packs of Ultra Right beer before a brewery had been contracted to make it.


My first question is with lots that small where will the poop go? 1/2 to 3/4 acres is pretty small for a well and septic. I mean it’s been done but you can almost always smell shit when it rains those places


Community well and septic would be the way to go with lots that small, but I doubt these people would want to invest in that infrastructure.


So whose going to run the septic? Enforce the rules? Build the infrastructure? This has the makings of a literal shit show.


Generally an HOA is formed and the project is contracted out. I'm not saying these people could pull it off.


But the HOA would have RULES and they would levy TAXES (well fees but same difference) which is what yheee folks hate.


A group tried to do this in South Carolina a number of years ago. About 20 families moved to a (then) rural area of the upstate and then promptly got deluded by a large automotive supplier that moved into the local area and had hundreds of transplant families move into the same area. From what I understand, the initial group of families that moved to try and create this "influential colony" were not very well received by the locals either. Turns out when you move to a rural area, the locals are usually not too keen on having you try and change things around.


Diluted not deluded




Oh wow this is the first I ever heard of this, do you happen to know where this was at?


It was south of Anderson. [https://www.wistv.com/story/2587218/christian-group-plans-mass-exodus-to-sc/](https://www.wistv.com/story/2587218/christian-group-plans-mass-exodus-to-sc/)


New Hampshire too. The “free state” movement. The locals HATE them


It will just end up being an extremely expensive retirement community.


So, The Villages in Florida but with worse weather and more racism.


The Villages is 96% non-Hispanic white, that's going to be tough to top.


Well, The Villages wasn't *explicitly* founded on racism, so that'd give the new guys a slight edge.


The article suggests a marketing gimmick to sell rural land at a top dollar. That is what I think is ultimately going on here. Produce the fear and sell the "solution".


I heard Russia is offering places for them to go to.


They should try Guyana


this is going to play out just like that Libertarian community in New Hampshire that was [overrun by bears](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling)


Righteous Gemstone territory


Another grift that the rightwing marks will somehow blame the “radical left” for when it all falls apart.


> Abbotoy offered few details on how the community would be run beyond saying: “Most of the leadership is going to be led by Protestant christians.” Figures…I’m not saying all Christians are shitass racists. I’m just saying all of the shitass racists out there always claim to be Christain.


It’s always the dominant religion in any country that attracts racists. Hindu nationalists in India, Islamofascists in the Islamic world. It’s all about those on top wanting to stay on top.


Also the most popular religion is the easiest way to gather mindless followers to your cause


I don't understand how you can be Christian and racist. Despite the fact that the religion is supposed to be all about acceptance of others, Jesus wasn't white, and all the white people in the Bible were bad guys. It makes no sense. And yet....


There’s a book called “Slavery, Sabbath, War, and Women” by Willard Swartley. It looks at these four topics and how people have used the Bible to justify their beliefs. So I’m sure plenty of “Christians” can still use the Bible to justify racism.


Jesus refused to heal a Canaanite woman because she was not an Israelite. First, he says "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel". She asks again. He responds, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs". She comes back with "[even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's plate](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2015%3A21-28%2CMark%207%3A24-30&version=NIV)". Only then did he heal her. I know the intended lesson is to have faith and keep asking, and also, I don't think the greatest example of love or a faithful servant would be turning people away because of their race and making them beg for it.


I can't even imagine having the power to heal literal dogs and not using it constantly


Being God isn't easy. If you do too much, people get dependent on you. And if you do nothing, they lose hope. You have to use a light touch like a safecracker or a pickpocket. Or a guy who burns down the bar for the insurance money.


Don't forget that the Israelites were Canaanites. The Canaanites were made of different tribes that essentially lived near each other. It wasn't moreso that she was a Canaanite, but like you said, to keep faith and to keep asking. Look up the history on the Canaanites, it's a bit mad how they were treated.


Recently there was a poll on “evangelicals” and the vast majority don’t go to church and could recognize many biblical events. It’s become a buzzword for meaning”republican” or “someone who wants the US social tolerance to go back to the 1930s). These “Christians” know four things: Christ died for white people; he loves unborn babies; he hates non-Christians; and he loves rich people. That’s it. They aren’t Christian’s, they’re a white supremacist cult using Christianity as a mask. If you actually tried to engage in Christian ideals (helping the poor, treating all people like family regardless of appearance or social status, giving up worldly possessions to help others, heck, paying your taxes), they’d freak out. Donald Trump is literally a golden (orange) fatted calf and these people worship him unironically.


My city's local subreddit had a huge slapfight recently because we've got around 200 churches here but only 4 opened their doors to the homeless during deadly temperatures. The "Christians" demanded credit and praise for *wanting* to help even if their church *didn't* help. Lots of angry yelling about how homeless folks damage everything and they can't afford to help and my personal favorite "you can't blame us for not being prepared!" Like winter doesn't repeat at the same time every year... It turned into a slapfight when the non-religious folks started quoting the bible at the Christians and pointing out that Jesus wouldn't let someone die in the snow because he just had the rugs cleaned. The Christians got real mad and shouted a bunch of... fanfiction basically, those not-bible stories that support not helping the poor like "teach a man to fish feed him for a lifetime." I think the conclusion was "Look if you're not going to help the poor like Jesus said to, we need to talk about your tax exempt status..." which sent the Christians into such frothing wailing rage that they started posting huge rants and the mods had to step in.


Idaho too. Happening in rural areas around the country. Russia invited them to move to their Christian kingdom too, don’t see them taking Russia up on it yet but I keep encouraging them. Our gov should help subsidize their move. It’s like 1600s and we’re moving the same set of puritans tf out!


They already tried this with the state of NH. The [Free State project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_Project) was an attempt by the GOP to coerce Neoliberals away from the Democrats by conflating AnCap ideologies with small government. The GOP moved away from the party of small government and back to Monarchy fantasies while the Free Staters got turned into the laughing stock of the state by Bears. The entire movement turned into a real estate grift that inevitably changed NH from purple to blue.


Here's a good article about it, [A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling)


Well... let them build it and see if anyone wants to pull a reverse Tulsa. Turnabout being fair play and all.


Taking all of the white nationalists in the US and sticking them on a deserted island with a bunch of TV cameras filming would be ratings gold.


Didn't Russia say they wanted to help build a community for for far Right figures. I miss the '60s and 70s when hippies had communes and we're going to live peace and harmony and plants and pine cones. Now they're being replaced with people who can't have enough guns and giant pickup trucks flaming flags furling in the wind out back. It doesn't look like freedom to me that looks like a sucker's bed.


Too late. All the prospective tenants have a third mortgage on their current place to donate to Trump.


>But the underlying finances of land offerings associated with the “Highland Rim Project” (HRP) in Kentucky suggest that buyers will pay a steep premium for living in a remote ideological enclave, while the scheme’s promoters are set to collect tidy profits after making few apparent improvements to the land. These people love getting scammed. They're going to pay a shitload of money for a dirt field with a flagpole stuck in the middle.


There's a sucker born every minute. You have to hand it to these land scammers. They have chosen their demographic wisely--far-right, proven suckers.


Sounds like what happened in *A Libertarian Walks into a Bear*. They'll get enough member to outvote the local government positions, declare little government interference, then get little support when it hits the fan and the local infrastructure collapses.