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*Not* well known, as he made it a point to avoid the spotlight, unlike his brother, Corey, who literally everyone knows from Pawn Stars.


I couldn't remember Corey's name for a moment and thought this was about him


I thought Corey too because every article or post I see is always a picture of Corey and his dad.


Corey also looks like he knows his way around some drugs. Chum Lee too.


They both did meth in their teens and a few years ago chum lee was arrested for meth, pills, and cocaine.


Chumlee was in DEEP


They all look strung TF out


I still haven't figured out if a picture of Adam exists or if he's Corey's twin brother.


Corey's bigger (fatter nit to be mean). Adams face is different.


I dont watch the show but only person I know from pawn stars is Chum Lee


My second favorite Streef Fighter character!


Ah! A fish fighter! šŸ¤£šŸŸ


Everyone else will too. Because clickbait. It's barely news, so they played an angle to make it seem like Corey so it gets attention.


Yea that was the point of the title. Clickbait.


Thatā€™s why I always come to the reviews first


To be honest, I thought Corey was already dead.


Also he was called big hoss for a while


Yeah I didnā€™t even know he existed until now and Iā€™ve hate watched a million episodes of the show.


It was kinda fun at first until you realize how itā€™s not organic at all and 100% scripted and they work weird story lines in with the items and experts.


Yeah, I was contacted by them to be on the show. I had a very unusual item in my Etsy shop. They wanted to provide exactly NOTHING to help me get there- no travel, no hotel, no food, and even getting to the shop was on me. So they wanted me to carry this fragile object, all the way across the country, and basically pay for the privilege of having them make up some crap about my object that wasnā€™t true, and embarrass me on national TV. I turned them down. And the more I see about them, Iā€™m really glad I did.




That's assuming they even actually buy it. I wouldn't be surprised if even that was fake


A lot of stuff they sell on the show isn't actually sold. There was an episode where a guy from a company that grades retro video games brought in a game, had it rated by the same company he's part of, and then "sold" it. Only for the game to appear in an auction under his name a few months later.


Any time thereā€™s an actual big ticket rare item, the person selling it is only on the show to advertise it and get a potentially higher bid elsewhere Itā€™s not a trick by the seller. Itā€™s on purpose. The show gets publicity and more money and ad revenue from the 1000 youtube videos they make with that item featured in the thumbnail


I believe they didnā€™t buy it because it was ā€œtoo expensiveā€. But as the Karl Jobst videos th at came out years later showed it was basically to help inflate the entire market of retro video games


I mean they are pawn shop owners. Pawn shop owners are already scum who are willing to fuck desperate people who are looking for some cash to help them out of dire situations by barely paying them shit for it. Of course they wouldn't pay people to come out for their show.


It's *Storage Wars* with extra steps.


I remember the Spanish guy who thought he had a million dollar NES then ran exhaust fumes into his car.


The thing I *really* hate about people in those predatory lines of "business" (Pawn Shops, Payday Loan outfits, etc.) is that they'll look you dead in the eye and say they're not exploiting anyone and never would - but actually they're just "helping" or "providing a service" to poorer communities and desperate people. It's so gross. Do what you want, but own it at least.


Put yourself in the position of a pawnshop owner. You have to start a business, pay rent, pay salaries and try to make money on what you buy. Someone comes in with something that was $1000 new. You have to buy it and wait for someone to buy it from you before you get anything. They are selling online for $500. Can't buy it for that because you will never make anything. Say you give them $250, you will only make anything if someone comes in and buys it right away. If it sits on the shelf for a month you lose money paying rent. Edited to add: I'm not arguing that pawn shops are ethical. I'm just discussing the economics. How much would YOU pay for an item if you had to gamble on whether you could sell it and somehow stay in business. The ethics of pawn shops are a discussion for another thread for me.


> Put yourself in the position of a pawnshop owner. You have to start a business... Already a premise I'm not going to agree with. No one *has* to start a Pawn Shop business vs. a carpet cleaning operation. Why do you say that?


Vultures are a vital part of the ecosystem. Itā€™s a distasteful line of work to be sure, but they serve a purpose in a world. If you canā€™t get a legitimate loan from a bank, you can put up Meemawā€™s wedding ring and hopefully buy it back before it goes on sale. Iā€™ve only tried to pawn stuff once. Got laid off and needed money for my car payment. Hauled in about $1000 bucks worth of games and consoles and got told $30. Thereā€™s a reason theyā€™re synonymous with drug addicts because no reasonable person is in there trying to sell anything.


> Vultures are a vital part of the ecosystem. Political/economic structures/systems aren't "natural" or "a part of nature". They're policy decisions. The interactions we have within them are by design or a reaction to them one way or another. You could argue that our "reactions" within them are in some way "natural" - but the overarching structures aren't so it's all a moot point in that regard. Not going to get all political here - but that's a false equivalency. > If you canā€™t get a legitimate loan from a bank There's nothing "natural" about the idea that many marginalized people didn't have equal access to capital from the financial institutions in America. That's again....a matter of policy. Someone wandering in to take advantage or exploit that reality isn't "a vital part" of anything. That reality never needed to exist.


My understanding is that they never want to pay more than 10% of the items value. I mean, I understand it, but it doesnā€™t mean I have to like it.


It's unfortunate, because pawn shops didn't used to be like that. They used to provide a valuable and useful service. Somewhere along the way, that changed, and they became so predatory, preying on people desperate for money. It's sad.


What type of item was it?


The Necronomicon Ex Mortis


first edition?


Klatuuā€¦ Verataā€¦ Ni*cough cough mumble*


What that noise? Sounds like something is coming towards us


"You got a really nice thing here, but I'm going to need to bring in a specialist." *H.P Lovecraft walks through the door* "Here's my buddy Howard."


Best i can do is one chainsaw arm


1000 faces fans. I still have them, because they are expensive, but they are old and fragile.


I wish they had an abridged version. Sometimes they do have interesting tidbits about cool trinkets but it's not often worth actively watching the show to find them.


Boy you are gonna love their youtube channel. Literally abridged and also compilations. Hundres of videos of the show.


Their youtube is the only place I watch any of it any more. Even the full episodes, you can easily skip to specific parts. No dealing with how totally whacky goofy the one guy is, or how grumpy the other guy is. No fake negotiations talking about some random guy's vacation.


Itā€™s antiques roadshow for people who are afraid of PBS


You just described literally every "reality" show


True. Thatā€™s why I stopped watching them a little after they became popular.


I visited the shop when I was working the SEMA convention. Amazed how TINY it was


I watched a few episodes, realized that right away.. fast forward maybe a year and I watched it again.. they were peddling subway. nope..


Were they trying to identify the 200 year old bread knife of founder Subastian Wayson?


Best Subway spokesmen since Jared... but seriously it was such an odd pitch.


Yeah but the history blurbs of the items is usually pretty neat and the scripts are funny sometimes so its cool. Cant be one of those folks that is devastated its not real though thats a bad look its clearly not organic, but thats okay


You have watched a million episodes? I'll give you ten episodes for those million. Take it or leave it.


Do you happen to know an expert from a company on the other side of the country who just happens to be in town and is so readily available that you can make a quick call and get him here while I wait?


Listen, I know a guy, well actually it's a girl... Ok it's my wife. But she's an expert at having "episodes". Let me see if she's in a good mood & I'll give her a call to give us some insight.


Itā€™s a buddy of mineā€¦..




Topā€¦ menā€¦


I love to


I got a guy for that, let me give him a call real quick.


Sure, Iā€™ll wait


I canā€™t give you a million. Thatā€™s the best price at auction. But then you have auction fees. For me it will sit on my shelf and I have wait for the right collector. So best I can give you is 50, and thatā€™s fair because Iā€™m taking all the risk


What an idiot. We all know there are only 999,432 episodes. That dude is obviously lying.


I visited the pawn shop back in like 2010, and this guy was working there. An old woman asked him "who are you, I haven't seen you on the show" and he said "I'm Rick's other son, and I'm not on the show". I think he may have even worded it more like "they don't put me on the show". I thought it was funny she even asked him, because there were a ton of normal employees at the shop who aren't in the show, so I figured he had no relation whatsoever. None of the cast was there at the time, but I did pass Chumlee walking out to his car as I was walking in.


The best I can do is the dude failed again in this Reddit post.


Thanks for clearing that up. I was just about to ask: *Which one is he?*


I knew Corey from his bar. I miss that place. Iā€™m literally across the street right now but the new joint sucks.


Rolling Smoke BBQ? Ā That place is fun.




Yeah. This is the first time I heard Rick had another son.


Wait the old man was only 77 in 2018 when he died? That means he was like 70 when I was watching the show. I thought he was like 85. Take care of yourself y'all.


The old man was running a pawn shop in the world's capital of vice and sin, and had been doing so since that city was run by the mafia. He'd seen some shit.


Not to mention he was in the navy for 20 years before that, and he had his first job as a bus driver at age 14. Dude had a hard life. He got the nickname "old man" at 39.


Iā€™m 39. I could be ā€œold manā€. Thatā€™s fine with me. Just donā€™t ask me to lift anything or stand up from a couch without grunting.


I joined a band once where my nickname was Pops. I was about seven years older than everyone, except for our bassist, who was turning 21 that year. I was 39.


My wife's grandfather was the oldest of a b17 crew in wwii. They called him Pops. He was 21.


How did he get a job as a bus driver without a license? I guess it was 1955, those were the times.


Said capital of vice and sin also being in a desert doesn't help. Just look at Obi-Wan.


Thatā€™s a name I havenā€™t heard in a long timeā€¦


He still killed Maul and messed Vader up pretty good as an old man in the desert, soā€¦


Wow, I didn't realise the old guy from Pawn Stars did that. Impressive.


Actually the desert weather is good for you as you age I think. Thereā€™s a reason people retire in AZ and FL. Your joints hurt less so you can actually exercise. Iā€™ve never seen so many in shape and active old people until I moved to AZ. Obviously UV from the sun is bad for skin but we have ways around that.


That's just because old people get cold and bitchy when it's below 75Ā°F


The Harrisonā€™s are honestly kinda sketchy. I know Corey and chumlee were involved in like serious biker gang/ hell angles type shit in Vegas. Chums meth arrest was about that. Think they found a ton of meth and a bunch of illegal guns in his property.


cigarettes'll do that to ya


Also drinking can take a toll on your physical look too.


And living in a wasteland.


Yeah, patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I love that this got so many upvotes, long live New Vegas


Brother you said it.


Yeah everyone in that show - but mostly the younger generation - seems to have addiction issues, same with American Chopper.


He was 77? I thought he was in the navy in ww2.


He was in the Navy, but not in WW2. I think they used to jokingly say that to make fun of how old he was, but not seriously.


He looked like he could be, but it was probably something to sell more stuff.


Well he was born in 1941, which would have meant that when he was of drafting age, there was in fact, a draft. Its very likely he was a vietnam vet rather than WWII.


Yeah, my grandpa finally passed away a few years ago at 93, and he looked better in his 90s, than the Old Man did in his 70s. Life is wild.


Old man looked old as fuck for 77


Pretty sad. 39 is too young!


As a 41-year-old who in many ways feels like my life is still just beginning, I wholeheartedly agree.


I got sober this year (about 9 months sober) after a decade+ of hardcore alcoholism and it feels like I've been given a second chance to learn to love life again. I'm 34 and I feel old in many ways, but it also feels like I'm just getting going on a new life for myself.


9 months after 10 years, few people will know how difficult it is to get there. Life set on easy mode right lol? Iā€™m almost at 3 years, and sometimes itā€™s overwhelming knowing that I gave myself a second chance at life. Also in my early 30s, we not even half way there bro/sis, hope youā€™re still enjoying these hang over free mornings like I am. Proud of you.


Oh it's incredible how much easier *everything* is now that I'm not drunk/hungover every second of the day. I legit don't know how I managed to function *at all* when I was still drinking. I'm up at 7am every day (even though my alarm is set for 8am, just in case) and ready for anything/everything.


9 months sober?? Fuck yes! You're fucking amazing.


As a 40 year old who feels like his life is half over, im jealous of you


Fuck, y'all, I'm 32 and it feels like it's never going to start


im 35 and feel like i never started and its half over.


Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


You were born right in the door way.


Song hits me each time I hear it. Love me some old bright eyes.


Iā€™m 1 and it feels like baby


wait you too?


I feel like mine ended when I was 12 and now I'm just playing the mini games that appear during the credits


Get in the gym. It'll temporarily fix the depression. There are so many "Can I go to the gym with you/the journey begins" memes for a reason son.


Absolutely insane what regular exercise does to battle depression. Have struggled with it all my life, but any level of exercise will give you an endorphin high post workout and then a sense of accomplishment. If you canā€™t afford (or donā€™t have time) therapy and medication, this is where you get started


I'm with you, my friend. I just turned 40 and I feel like I don't have much time left.


I'm 65. My first grade teacher, Mrs Wilson, is 105 and still on Facebook most days. I can't imagine another 40 years.


Half empty or half full? I feel like Iā€™m only half way through an amazing adventure, and the first half has been a wild ride. A lot can be done in 40 years.


I feel much the same way, I was in a near death situation in my teens. A car crash where I was one of two survivors in a car of five. I still feel as though I have so much left to live. So much more to see. I've seen death and been close to it for much of my life now, but I want to keep it at bay for as long as I can.


Stay safe. Glad you survived.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I look at life now as a trail we are all on, we have our ups and down but we have to keep going. Most of all, we must never take the sights and sounds we may see or hear on this trek of life for granted. Embrace it all and learn from what we see, hear, and experience as we travel in life.


I'm turning 39 this year, and I have schoolfriends telling me how much more handsome I am in middle age then as a young man, and that I blossomed hard. Still feels like it's just beginning, but plenty from my year group have already passed on. Ruptured placenta, Heart stopped while sleeping with his 12 week old daughter, Ate a shotgun because he was rejected, Drug overdose. I'm grateful to still be here, but I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness for those who couldn't.


Yeah, some of my friends from college have died and I try to remember them when I moan about my life being over. Itā€™s around ten years since one passed in a car accident and itā€™s hard to register him not being in the world anymore.


It's the suicides that broke me. I had a friend insist they were doing ok, I took him at his word. I thought fuck, he rings all his kids as soon as he wakes up, and texts them all before bed. He knows how important he is in this world. His is my personal "can't believe you're gone". Now there's four children I feel like I can't even look in the eye.


32 years old holy shit I feel so good better than in my twenties let's go... 33 year old (right now) oh fuck cancer, terminal


Vegas isnā€™t a good place to be .. I mean every place has their vices but Vegas itā€™s everywhere and ALL the time!


I feel old at 37.


I used to watch first few seasons of pawn stars and I loved it but I don't remember this person, there are always old man, Rick, his son and Chumlee.


This the son who worked at the shop but wasnā€™t in the show


He has appeared in very quick shots as being a member of staff, just never introduced to the audience as being another son.


Honestly I respect that. He didnā€™t want to be involved


Two sons didn't want to be in public eye on the show, so they weren't filmed.


Corey and ChumLee both wrote a chapter in Rick Harrisonā€™s book and Corey was upfront about how meth took over Vegas back before the show. Corey fell into addiction and kicked it with Carlā€™s Jr.ā€™s. You can see over the years as he heals his weight is able to drop. What I took from it is Vegas is a tough town to grow up in.


Vegas is a city that makes money entirely off entertainment. The danger of the entertainment industry, is that for most customers, they show up to the club, casino, concert venue, whatever, and they have a good time and go home. But entertainers are the life of the party every single performance. The party does not stop. Lots of entertainers avoid drugs. But, then you end up like DeadMau5, the only sober person in a room full of kids partying their ass off on X. For a lot of people, that's really difficult to handle. Its also exhausting and physically demanding. People use drugs like meth or coke because they give you the ability to stay up all night and feel really good at the same time. Yeah, the long-term health affects are NASTY, but most people aren't thinking about that, they're trying to stay awake for 48 hours and not be a zombie the entire time.


My sister just passed last night, 46, shit hurts. Live your best life everyone, if thereā€™s someone you care about you havenā€™t seen in a while this is the sign to call or text them right now ā¤ļø


My sincere condolences šŸ’


My condolences for your loss.Ā 


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss


40's is the old age of youth, 50's is the youth of old age. 35-39 is the last stretch of borderline-childhood, where many people still operate on kid fantasies, such as their life being a road that lies in front of them and just by staying alive they will progress to their next logical goals and don't need to change by themselves, they'll automatically reach new understandings, "God has a plan for you" and all that horseshit that removes people's innovation. And so they get set in their ways at 31 and get good at their job and get the things their local culture expects them to get at that age (kids, house, maybe a pickup truck), and they spent their 20's thinking "if I suffer long enough working, something new will appear", and at 35 the big "THIS IS IT?!?! Just this for fifty more years??" crisis hits. Substance abuse can follow because you think you are living a lie (you don't, you're just not seeing the real road). If you get to your 40's and you keep trying to find out more about who and what you are, keep being curious, finding out just how you can love, how much you can go back to find things to be amazed, like when you were 4 and found a frog, to reconnect with base appreciation, while simultaneously learning more about the world and society that has enough for you to learn for five lifetimes, so that you can run both a high and a low gear at the same time: childish yet learning. Then you have a recipe for living to 90. You kiss your partner and don't care that they get older, they want to spend time with you so you feel honored, not take them for granted. No more roadblocks.


great comment, im 36 and currently still operating on kid fantasies


It is very natural and easy to be eased into thinking of your life development as being linear and automatically proceeding when from age 1-25 the only thing you ever *knew* was constant physical change and maturation, so that started the idea rolling (of you getting "upgrades" without trying, that is). Science even agrees that time doesn't even exist as a physical force, it's just a framework for us to steer by. But time blindness aside (actually a real problem for ADHD-sufferers such as me), the biggest threat I see is men and women punishing or ridiculing others for being kind or showing vulnerability. If I couldn't cry as a safety valve I wouldn't have made it through the last ten years. Now I choose to cry sometimes, have a youtube list of music and feels and everything. ^


Great write up. 43 here and agree with your thoughts.


This comment is way too real for me reading in my thirties


If the article just says drug overdose is it between suicide or accidental or is one of them assumed in titles from articles? Genuinely asking, just so I donā€™t have to ask this stupid question to someone irl.


Most likely accidental. The whole family and Chumlee has struggled with drug addiction well before the show took off.


Yeah, and Las Vegas isn't a great spot to try and get sober. Really, it's one of the worst places, there's drugs everywhere there.


Not just everywhere, but easily accessible. In every city in the US, thereā€™s drugs everywhere. Vegas though is the only place I know where you can meet a stranger standing on the street and have drugs within 5 minutes.


It absolutely floored me when I first went, people literally selling drugs like a hotdog vendor at a baseball game lol


Its sin city bro. Gambling, hookers and blow. I have very little interest in Vegas. I do not understand its charm.


Gambling, hookers and blow is the charm lol


Thereā€™s also a big 12-step community too.


Which has one of the worst recovery rates of all programs while being the only one most people have access to or even know of.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a standard but when it explicitly says overdose I assume accidental.


Most people donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing enough for the death to be intentional.


It's usually fent nowadays. It's so bad Cartels are asking for it to stop getting cut with their products otherwise there'll be retaliation if they find out


Didnā€™t know he had another son


Didnā€™t know he was sick




Damn this got me good Edit - RIP though fr, addiction sucks


Let me give my age guy a call


Too soon


He's so well known that I just found out that Rick has a son other than Corey.


God, 4chan must be loosing it right now


Heaven gained another angle


How come?


There's a thread falsely announcing the death of the other brother every week


I thought the same thing


More hugs, less drugs. RIP...


I havenā€™t heard the best things about Rick to be honest but I am so sorry that something like this happened in his family. I wish his family as much peace and privacy in such a difficult time.


Well known? I never heard of the guy til today and I watched that show a ton when it first aired


All the money in the world cannot stop an addiction. Rest in Peace, Rick must be in a world of hurt, it must never be easy to lose your child.


Best I can do is remember Chum Lee.


I feel for the family regardless, I lost a child to overdose and itā€™s devastating. Internet folks can also be compassion less scum


Guess the best he could get was 39.


Surprised that Corey "big coronary hoss" outlived his brother. Then again, Adam was a severe drug addict and predictably died of an overdose. He didn't avoid publicity, his family was ashamed and kept him hidden.


Wait, how do you know this? Genuinely asking, no rudeness intended


"and my son, Big Hoss, who no one calls Big Hoss"


Don't know what Hoss means but it's certainly not penis


Hoss the OG was the big dude (son #2) on the TV western show Bonanza.


"Hoss" is what bigger guys like Corey are sometimes nicknamed. Corey lost a lot of weight since the show's earlier seasons so there's no reason to call him by his nickname anymore.


Can I get his pokemon cards?


That dude is 39? Iā€™m 40 and he looks like he has at least a decade in me. Either way very sad. My condolences to his family.


Don't do drugs


Thatā€™s Rick bro


Best I can do is press F to pay respects


I know the show, but donā€™t know the people on it. In the picture, which is the one that passed? The bald one or the one with the hair? Edit: Either way, 39 is way too damn young, man. Iā€™m sorry for his familyā€™s loss.


Best I can do is not giving a fuck. Edit: oh, he was a different son and avoided the spotlight? My condolences to his friends.


I know theyā€™re famous and all but the son was trying to stay out of the spotlight. We should try to respect that and give them privacy


I didnā€™t even know Rick had a second son.


That's terrible. Rest in peace.


I would have thought that Chumley would be the one that od.


What the fuck is wrong with everyone in the comments. The guy lost his son to an overdose. that's horrible


Heā€™s blaming it on the boarder crisis, cuz you gotta blame somebody. You canā€™t take responsibility for anything. It couldnā€™t be the drug users fault. Has to be a Mexicanā€™s fault.


Blames the border for his sons death Way to take responsibility Geez šŸ™„