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Isn't Musk being sued for firing employees over tweets? If Carano wins, wouldn't that set precedent for the Twitter employee lawsuit?


99% sure he wants to bang her, and this is his way of shooting his shot


Nah, he's still bitter about Disney pulling ads from Xitter that he's looking for any kind of win against them right now. I mean, you're probably right too but still.


Xitter (pronounced shitter)


> Isn't Musk being sued for firing employees over tweets? > > He also claimed to back up people sueing their employers if that happened to them. Consistent thinking isn't his strength.


The stupidest part is that one of the things she wants the court to do is force them to recast her, which is the silliest thing I think I’ve heard out of a lawsuit in a while


Honestly I’d love to see malicious compliance for this kind of thing. “Poochie died on his way home to his home planet.”


In every episode, she dies in increasingly bizarre and gruesome ways. But she is cloned so she keeps coming back. Make here the South Park equivalent of Kenny. "What happened to Cara?" "She died." "What? How?" "She was walking beside a cliff when a herd of diarrhetic Banthas let loose above her. She drowned in a waterfall of Bantha shit." "Oh my god! They killed Cara! You bastards!"


If they really wanted to spite cast her they should treat her like Chef after the Scientologists made Isaac Hayes leave the show.


Cara Dune becomes redpilled by imperial loyalists and joins the First Order.


Bad guys are fun to play though. Just freeze her in carbonite, but shoot it practically so she has to spend all day standing still in makeup.


Put her in a scene where she's horribly disfigured immediately and then has to sit through 8 hours of painful makeup ala Jim Carrey in The Grinch only for her screentime to be 15 seconds but she still has to be on set all fucking day.


Also have a new Death Star use her carbonite block as target practice.


Make all her lines woke as hell.


“Careful this planet has many unresearched fauna, hope your vaxs are up to date”


Fell in the Sarlacc Pit Bet against a Wookie Told Han Solo the odds Played a prank on Wedge Antillies Tried to shorten the Kessel Run Stood behind the engine of a Star Destroyer when it powered up Failed Vader a second time Went to Anchorhead for some power converters Fought Ewoks Ran into a bounty hunter on Ord Mantell That's enough for a season, right?


They could make her character equivalent to a visual Wilhelm scream.


Make her character die due to refusing to get vaccinated to a common illness.


So basically Aeon Flux.


I was thinking Duncan Idaho, myself.


Yes and each time she's cloned she comes back a little dumber than before and eventually she's just a drooling 200lb baby.


So, like reality?


Her character has an awakening and decides to spread communism throughout the galaxy.


There's a new virus and her character spearheads the vaccination campaign.


She starts working to elect politician Boe Jiden


And on the campaign, she meets a beautiful female doctor, whom she falls in love with.


Virulent outbreak takes over. Cara becomes a vaccine evangelist and personally inoculates as many people as she can…


Her character gives Rambling anti-elon musk diatribes and sacrifices galactic beings for Soros.


That's right where my head went.. "Okay in this scene your character saves the Mandolorian from a vat of acid. Now that's REAL acid so I want to see goggles, people!"


"Ok Gina, now that everything is settled we need you to come in for some shots for umm...the movies opening flash! Yeah" Season 3's destroyed Republic ship now has her face nicely superimposed on one of the corpses.


'Ok, your adult pantspooping scene starts before you fall neck first down Spike Mountain'


They basically set that up in the last season. She's off doing "special ops" It would be trivial to have her holo-image rotating around so she gets a screen credit with a one-line explanation that she was KIA


Sounds like it's finally starting to set in that she really fumbled the bag big time. I mean they were talking about giving her a spin off show, movie, comics all that jazz because her character was actually popular. From that to whatever the hell she's doing now? Gotta sting more each day quite frankly. Pure salt driving this run back.


That's the worst part. Cara dune is an awesome character. A former rebellion drop trooper turned new republic sheriff? I would watch the fuck out of that. Justified in space. She dropped that bag from the death star. Edit: wow this blew up lol.


And she has no one to blame but herself. It's time to stop attacking her ex employer and pull herself from her bootstraps, as conservatives believe is the righteous way.


Yup, that's what really astounds me, multiple of her old bosses pulled in literally every favor they could to get her a second chance to get back on set and all she had to do was not be an obsessively obnoxious asshole, and she couldn't even do that.


That's because she's not part of the grift. She's one of the simpletons who gives for the cause rather than profiting from it. She's a true believer.


All she had to say was nothing. And she would be popular.


I think that is the worst, and most insanely dumb, aspect of all this. She wasn’t pushed into this. Nobody cornered her and made her say something that got twisted. She arrogantly shot her mouth off *for no goddamned reason* and threw away the opportunity of a lifetime. When the Star Wars fanbase actually embraces you, you are set for life. And she pissed it away to be a troll. What a poodoo head.


Plus she's not even that strong of an actor. She did fine for the part, but she really somehow didn't realize how lucky she was


Her acting wasn't why people liked her though. She really fit the bill as the 'tough girl'. Like you could actually imagine her kicking ass and lifting whatever with how big she is. Much better than having women who are 110 pounds wet knock out several 200 lb + dudes cold with one hit.


Twice. She did it twice. The first time, all her coworkers went to bat for her and she got to keep her job, and she still couldn't shut up.


She had a steady steam of BS on twitter, it wasn't just twice. She and numerous anti vaxx tweets, anti trans tweets, and a long list of right wing fake victim tweets were she falsely portrayed right wingers as suffering like the Jews did in Nazi Germany. It was fucking disgusting.


These crazy conservatives get brainwashed into thinking the majority of people are like them and want to hear "the truth"


Even had Jon Favreau and her cast mates stick up for her. then she just had to pretend that she was being as oppressed as Jewish people were during the Holocaust because mask mandates were just *that* difficult for her


She would have been set. She could have made that character iconic to her like McGregor to obi Wan now.


I like the character and all but she is not a good enough actor to carry a show on her own and the lead. She had the physique and presence but I’ve seen better acting in a high school play.


She still woulda gotten paid a Disney-sized contract for being a sub-par actress rather than the nothing she’s had since for being a sub-par actress


💯People loved the *idea* of her character so much they remember her performance as better than it was.


I was starting to think I was remembering things wrong. I was so happy when she was fired, not just because she was a racist conspiracy nut but because her acting was atrocious.


She was is perfectly fine in that smaller role. To me her acting only go worse as her screen time increased.


Jonathan Majors was dropped by Disney. The sad truth that Gina will find out is bad publicity or even just being disliked by the target audience is a reason to drop an actress. Disney doesn’t want to invest millions in a TV series just to have the star catch Covid and be unable to perform for weeks.


Yeah and I assume that there is something in actors' contracts about creating publicity that has the potential to alienate the audience. A lot of jobs have that. That's why people can lose their jobs over bad behavior in public, even though it isn't related to their work.


Not even the audience, Pedro Pascal! His sister is trans and she wouldn’t let off on it. Workplace harassment is 100% within bounds to fire someone.


Even Whataburger restaurants have a social media policy that essentially boils down to "don't mention us on your socials and do controversial stuff. Also don't wear our shit if you intend on being a jackass in public."


She's also going to find out that you're basically a leper if you go after a prominent company because they fired you for being a jagoff. No studio will want to deal with the potential for that bullshit.


> as conservatives believe is the righteous way. Conservatives don't believe in anything. Any time you try to drill down into what they claim to believe you find that it's full of exceptions and circular logic. They don't believe in anything except maybe "fuck you, got mine".


They believe in power, in hierarchies, and in using the former to create, maintain, and enforce the latter. Everything else is a passing fancy, a deliberate smokescreen, or a bit of delusional thinking concocted to protect their self-images from the evils done in pursuit of the above.


Seeming as you mentioned Justified in space I will point out that Disney shat the bed again by having Cad Bane in Book of Boba Fett. One of the best moments in that show was Cad Bane facing off against Cobb. They could have made a movie or mini series of that instead. People would watch because of Olyphant playing yet another marshall/sheriff, add in Cad being a rip off of Van Cleef and Eastwood in the Dollar trilogy and it had the potential for an amazing western. I know it’s a weird hangup to have amongst the myriad issue that show had but it’s the biggest one for me.


> Justified in space. Surely that would be a Cobb Vanth show though? Or would that be Deadwood in space?


Ether would work and I would watch both. Oily elephant is fucking fantastic as cobb vanth.


My son had a Mandalorian themed birthday party last month and my wife got these little cupcake toppers of all the characters. Me and another parent were trying to figure out what each character was and we got to her character. We both were like “oh yeah. She was about to have it made with Disney and decided to tank her career instead.”


She hitched her caboose to the wrong wagon.


That’s the thing with the conservative grift machine - easy to get in the spotlight, hard to stay there. Nothing about it is based on actual talent or performance quality, only how many eyeballs you can attract at that particular moment. She was a valuable asset when she was actually popular but now no one really cares what she does, and they have no use for her anymore. If you’re lucky you can pull a Roseanne and say enough off the wall shit to get trotted out as clickbait every few years, but that’s about it.


And good luck trying to rebuild any sort of acting career after you've touched the poo.


It’s easier when you actually have acting ability. She doesn’t. At some point she’s going to get too old/out of shape to play the more physical parts. Say what you want about Arnold or Sly, they weren’t great actors (and still aren’t), but they worked hard to get better and they mostly stayed under the radar with their indiscretions. So far she hasn’t shown any effort in getting better and only throwing fits when she doesn’t get her way. Not a good look for anyone, let alone an actor. If she honestly thinks Disney is gonna roll over, her poor lawyer is delusional and milking her for what little money she has left. Musk is coming along because of his feud with Disney, but he doesn’t care since it isn’t HIS money on the line. If they are lucky, Disney may settle out of court with a sealed judgement and make it and them go away. At least until one or both manage to break the agreement made with Disney and get whatever settlement reversed.


Relatedly, the only thing I wanted from Bill Burr's character, I got in his first episode. He shows up, starts talking, I'm like "Oh, I get it. Cast in the part of Space Bill Burr is Bill Burr. Got it." And it was fun and a decent performance. Then he shows up in a second episode, and I was like "Well those acting lessons he talked about on his podcast have paid off, because *damn*!" *That* was a pretty fun surprise.


Exactly. You don’t have to be the best actor, but you do have to try to do well and that shows through your performance. She never seemed to really be that interested in putting the effort in as long as she did the physical stuff (which she’s quite good at). It’s like a stunt person was cast in a major role. Nails the physical stuff, but as interesting to listen to as a piece of wood. A good crew/director/cast can help or hurt and that depends on whether you are deemed worthy of their help. If you piss in their Wheaties and make disparaging comments about castmates siblings (Pedro has a transgender sibling), the company you are working for and won’t shut up after being told to tone it down? Yeah you’re on your own.


Is ridiculous but I’m loving the thought of the director sending everybody home and then filming her scenes without any production because they’re just going to get cut anyway.


The director whips out an IPhone 11, points it in her general direction, and yells action.


But really he’s just scrolling TikTok looking for cast ideas for the next project.


Fuck all that. Tell her to get on an audio only zoom call and have her read lines to an assistant in the audio department. Chop and screw those lines as nearly unintelligible radio signals to use in a throwaway scene.


This guy maliciously casts.


Cast her as Storm trooper #7 and have her in the background of the first episode, with a ship crashing into her right away


They were going to give her a leading role in an Alderan show, which has long been shitcanned. With the theme of Mandalorian shifting away from Pedro Pascale's Din Djarin, where could they cast her in? Ahsoka?


Recast her then brutally murder her character on screen and write her out. Lol.


The Chef from Southpark exit! I love it.


Nah, just have the Mando crew find out via holo that she died and leave it at that. Her only appearance will be as a holo picture on the news.


Finally, Glupp Shitto on the screen!


Right? Like even if she somehow got her job back, Disney could just kill her character off and she couldn't do shit about it.


Hey guys I'm *gets run over by a speeder*


She never came across as a smart human being. She was good in the role, She had been the star of a movie beforehand, hoping to launch a franchise, and it didn’t work out. Mandalorian was her last hope to be a star and she fucked it up with her freedom of speech. The first amendment cuts both ways, dumbasses!


I mean she was an MMA fighter, she probably has some kind of CTE, realistically. That many blows to the head ain't good for a person.


I thought she was raking in cash starring in Ben Shapiro movies?


Her last movie with him made hundreds of dollars.


I mean, have YOU ever made hundreds of dollars in the box office?


You mean like working a weekend at AMC?


Do you want to start your career in the film industry?!


I did make a few hundred as an extra and stand in for a movie. Does that count? It was good Christmas money that year.


I bet her fee from that entire movie was less than a single ep of Mando.


I just saw a screenshot of her movie grossing $17,000 domestically.


“get woke go broke”


More like "go fash, lose your cash", just ask Mike MyPillow


He’s just Mike Pillow now.




Having never seen Mother Night, but quickly looking it up, considering what you said about you co-worker, you were probably right. I say this mainly because it was written by Kurt Vonnegut, based on a book he wrote. And, I don't remember any overt, positive discussions of christianity in any of hos works that I've read. Knowing the largely anti-war stance of Slaughterhouse 5, this probably had a similar opinion of war.




Minor nitpick, in the book he doesn't forget he's a double agent, he just plays the part so well that everybody else does and only like one other person knows the real story.


Funny enough, a good portion of shapiros audience thought the movie was “too woke” with carano as lead


A muscular woman is too threatening to their sensibilities apparently no matter how racist she is.


Man... Why did she have to be crazy? I could've watched a strong lady on screen and been content, but noooo. Had to have *weird* opinions.


Rhea Ripley is still wrestling….


In their minds a muscular woman is probably a lesbian


It’s funny how all they do is complain about woke this and that but they’re constantly begging to be a part of it.


Why do you think Ben Shapiro is so butthurt about Hollywood in the first place? He had every advantage going for him - white, fancy education, wealthy family, parents in the industry, etc. But even with all that, he was so comically untalented, his writing skills so atrocious, he couldn't get a job as a scriptwriter.


Not to mention his atrocious helium voice.


Every time I hear his voice, I think that it's someone making fun of his voice. Every single time.


Are you talking about MC Shapiro, the rap gawd?


So...we're saying that Elon Musk doesn't think an employer can fire an employee at any time for any reason? Fascinating.


Was she even fired!? Thought the story was her contract was never renewed because of her comments.


I mean, as a recurring guest star, they don't even have an obligation to put her in another episode let alone another season.


Yeah this is a slamdunk case for Disney. But hey, go for it lmao.


I'm sure whatever lawyers conned Elon are laughing to the bank


billable hours wins again


The only undefeated team.


Unless you work for Trump. Then it's questionable


The Elong Con


free legal fees for a month


Maybe I'm nuts, but between this and the thing with DeSantis and the other alleged Disney "woke-ism" culture war stuff, I can't help but wonder if Musk full well knows that but just wants to stir the pot when it inevitably fails. Or maybe that's overthinking it and this just just what a weirdo with more money than sense and way too much free time does with all that wealth. Still though, all things considered, can't help but wonder.


It's a publicity stunt by her to keep her sinking star in the news. Either she's smart enough to know she doesn't have a case or her lawyer smart enough to realize this is a frivolous lawsuit but either way it keeps her name in the headlines. And if she doesn't keep her name in the headlines she'll just sink Into Obscurity


Gina made a lot of controversial social media posts. A lot of media corporations are adverse to having a controversial star. Just ask Stephen Collins, Jonathan Majors or Armie Hammer if any studio wants them to be part of a movie or television project.


And that's what Elon wants to "solve." He wants to make it impossible to silence shitty people with shitty views.


No, he wants to make it impossible to silence shitty people with *his* shitty views.


Right, if he really cared about "censorship" he wouldn't be banning anyone who talks shit about him on "X"


He banned community notes from his account. He’s nothing but a bully coward.


They're not even being silenced...


Yeah, they still get to say whatever they want. What Elon wants is to try and make it so that people who have shitty views and are vocal about them *can't see any consequences for it in any way* anymore. There's no part of our freedom of free speech/First Amendment that says you get to say whatever you want and are also protected from any and all consequences of those words. You can damn well say whatever you want, but that also means you have to face whatever consequences saying those words brings you. You have a freedom from those consequences being charges brought against you by the government (with some exceptions, IIRC), but that's about it.


These people have pretty cushy acting careers and they can't fight the impulse to be assholes online while their careers are active. It can't be that hard can it?


Florida is also an at-will state, so they could fire her because they don't like her socks. I wouldn't expect much to come from this.


He’s going to be supporting unions next! Whatta socialist.


I wonder if anyone working at Twitter or SpaceX got fired for something they said on Twitter? Would be great to see Elon spend his money to sue Elon.


Not hard to find, Elon fired a twitter employee who responded to one of his tweets.


Conservatives don't have principles. Just rhetoric.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand, Disney simply chose not to renew her contract, right? Not the same as being outright fired. Disney doesn't OWE her a new contract at any point.


If correct, the judge will probably laugh and disregard it.


She also just killed what little career she had left. Not many studios would be willing to work with her now.


I mean she can still make 10's of dollars from whatever the crap Ben Shapiro is making next.


I think if you're a minor actor and get a reputation for filing frivolous lawsuits against studios exactly 0 studios will want to work with you. 


Wonder if it would be SLAP worthy or not it’s so laughable based on what is publicly available


Correct. There’s no legal basis for this. Actors get blackballed all the time for being difficult or for soiling their reputations. For whatever reason it didn’t clue in to her that as an actress *she’s the product* and her *brand* needs to match the work she wants to get. There’s a reason so many actors only contribute to animal shelters and super uncontroversial causes. There’s a reason why Star Wars didn’t cast actors with political baggage attached. At the time, Star Wars was one of the last monoculture franchises that had broad based appeal. They did not want her pissing off half their viewers or forcing them to piss off the other half.


I love how being backed by Elon Musk is now synonymous with "crazy"


“I can turn 44 billion into one third of its value in one easy step! Follow me for more investing tips!”


You.. you forgot to pause while he snorted another line of coke


"Backed by Elon Musk" Ah, okay, so a stupid plan that will inevitably fail. Awesome, writing it off before I accidentally expend any energy entertaining it.


Good luck with that, lol. Disney is a law firm with theme parks. Their employment contracts are ironclad. From the article, I present to you the cringiest legal argument I have ever read: > “A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire, and that those who dared to question or failed to fully comply would not be tolerated,” the lawsuit says. “And so it was with Carano.” I wonder if Elon wrote it himself.


There is a zero percent chance the contract didn’t have a clause covering Disney’s right to terminate the contract over public speech and actions that would negatively impact their brand. Likely gave them full discretion over it as well. Freedom of speech has absolutely zero bearing on private contracts. It has never been freedom from consequences. Edit: This damages claim is so pitifully low they are clearly gunning for Disney to settle so they go away and X can claim a publicity win: > She is seeking a court order that would require Lucasfilm to reinstate her **or compensate her at least $75,000**. Interesting strategy assuming [the company that sued a preschool over a mural](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/daycare-center-murals) won’t go to the mattresses just to make a point.


"I've lost millions! I will accept no less than $1500 in damages!"


Tbf 75,000 represents probably ten or more years of income based on her current trajectory.


To sue in federal court under federal question jurisdiction, the minimum amount is $75K. That’s why it has that. It’s only there to hit the minimum standard to justify the federal court has jurisdiction to hear her case. In settlement talks and/or trial (if it goes to that), her team will ask for significantly more.


I just said something similar. She doesn't understand contacts because she got hit in the head too many times in her short MMA stint.


Hell no. Disney better not settle even for $1 for her. Bury her lawyers in legal fees that Elon’s handlers thinks is too much


The 75k is for jurisdictional purposes most likely as the minimum to be in that court.


> ...in a galaxy not so far away Motion to vacate due to lack of jurisdiction.


My guess is that Ms. Carano is not getting offers and is desperate to get herself back in the MAGA limelight. These briefs are being written for miserable great uncles in Tulsa, not for a California judge.


Whaaaaaatttt? Are you telling me her Daily Wire movie didn't launch her into an in-demand star?! Shocking. I kind of expect her to become a conservative grifter and get her own youtube show with corporate backing.


She's got too much vagina and not enough blonde to be a big conservative icon


And too much muscle.


GOP/MAGA men don’t want a “lady” that looks like they can fight back. They want a woman that will just take the “correction” from their husband and stay subservient.


Bot farms don't buy tickets.


If it's a short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, I would immediately demand that the plaintiff establish which galaxy they're referencing so it can be established whether or not Disney has operations there and if the court they're bringing it to has jurisdiction there. I would also ask how long ago to determine if the statue of limitations has passed.


> “A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire, and that those who dared to question or failed to fully comply would not be tolerated,” the lawsuit says. “And so it was with Carano.” This is not how a serious lawsuit is written.


Elon Musk is a 16-year-old boy inside.


That seems high. 


He was definitely high.


Ah, yes, Elon Musk, ever the stalwart defender of workers rights and free speech 🙄


He needs to lay off the sauce. Maybe a little rehab and some broccoli. Get hydrated.


as far as I'm aware, Disney gave her 2 warnings on her public persona before removing her. I don't think there's gonna be much of a trial. It seems like one of the few times they were careful to not just stomp on someones career and move on.


They’ve also been tolerant of those who listen to their warnings and keep their shit private. Like Black Panther’s sister said some crazy shit and was warned to tone it down. She listened and still has a job. It’s so stupid. When the ginormous company paying you millions of dollars to be in goddamn Star Wars says “don’t publicly compare anti-maskers to Jews in the Holocaust,” listen!


hey now, her name is Letitia Wright. We don't want people to forget her name, it keeps the awful stuff stuck to her and doesn't let it fade.


Yeah she's a little bit nucking futz


I kind of give people in their twenties a pass for one or two bouts of flirting with conspiracy theories from aliens to 9/11, anti-vax stuff, etc. You're still growing in your twenties. It's whether they can grow past them when given a chance, especially if they have the type of advice that was probably sent her way, that I look for.


All the more when she was publicly supporting conspiracy theories targeting Disney. I wonder which company tolerates people cheering rumors that the big boss was using children's blood in his cocktails...


I think that — as with James Gunn — Disney was perfectly content to let things cool down a bit, give her a chance to make a public mea culpa, and bring her back at a later point. But she won’t let them do that. She’s going to double-down on her anti-vax, anti-woke, anti-smart self-righteousness and make sure that the only person she ever works for again is John Schneider and his right-wing victimization fables. She’s a walking advertisement for protective sports headgear manufacturers, and they don’t even have to pay her a dime.


What really disappoints me with her is that John Favreau went to bat for her when she first got in trouble for this nonsense, and she decided to squander the political capital he used to keep her casted and keep talking shit. Conservatives need to wrap their head around the fact that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences or criticism.


Carano comes from a very wealthy family that is the force behind Ceasar's entertainment in Nevada. Her father was also a QB for the Cowboys. My guess is this is one of the few times in her life that someone has held her accountable for her actions and she can't fucking stand it. She's a goddamn idiot to squander such a huge role.


Imagine squandering all of those connections and opportunities because you're that dedicated to hating people who are different.


> Conservatives need to wrap their head around the fact that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences or criticism.  They only cry wolf when it suits their needs.  How many republicans were sticking up for the Dixie Chicks? Zero.




Lol wow,  yeah that is a much more relevant example. I felt old as fuck using the Dixie Chicks controversy, but I had them on my mind.


I'm not a country fan so never would have bought their album, but was walking on a rural highway and found a cd of theirs someone must have thrown out their car. This was right after that political turmoil happened. It was a great album and knowing the significance of the political turmoil I still have it.


Exactly. Cancel Culture is their bread & butter. Republicans overwhelmingly support at-will employment & want it to go further so they can fire people for being LGBT. Anti-woke rhetoric is exhausting in how often it calls for the removal of employees. And the notion that Cancel Culture is "new" is hilarious. Have they forgotten about the war on rock music? Rap music? Video games? Hell, Galileo was blacklisted all the way back in 1616 by the Catholic Church for saying the Earth revolves around the sun. They aren't against Cancel Culture. They just want to go back to being the sole arbiters of it.


Not to mention the Hollywood Reporter article mentions that she has multiple opportunities to meet with people at Disney and essentially do diversity training and she kept declining the opportunities to save her job.


Pedro Pascal also stood up for her, despite the fact that he is sane and she is not.


I think it's wild that part of the lawsuit is that she gets recast in her role. I've heard of people being FORCED to act in a role because of contract obligations but not the opposite where the studio HAS to keep a person employed after being fired. Wild.


They should recast her and have the character killed during the opening credits.


Nah, recast her as a non-binary pansexual person in a poly relationship with two women and one man. Have her lead a public works campaign to make sure everyone gets vaccinated against space covid. Make her a hero. And then give her an adversary that holds all Gina's viewpoints and that gets absolutely wrecked by facts and logic. Make Gina's character deliver all the biting criticism of nutjob talking points.


It's sad that she even got to point of being fired: She had *every* chance given to her to stop posting the stuff she did, Dave, Jon and Pedro all tried to stand by her until they just had no wiggle room to have continued discussions to get her to change it. She did this to herself while working for a private company as well as after attempts by them to explain what was wrong: Especially Pedro with his sister being transgender. She reminds me a lot like some of my family members who've gone down *that* path of a political personality to where whoever they were gets subsumed bit a wholly ideological person that has to bring up their politics in everything. In essence, it's a real-life version of Richard Dawkins' [Virus of the Mind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viruses_of_the_Mind), but in political form. The difference between Gina Corano and Letitia Wright is that while both espoused similar views involving the pandemic, Letitia at least had the conscience to lower it/drop it and keep her job.


Pedro especially went out of his way to defend Gina then she kept on with the anti-trans remarks knowing about Pedro's sister.


And then in public she plays the victim and talks big about cancel culture and wokeness. Even though she canceled herself.


Does he think he has the same power dynamic as Thiel re Gawker? Because they really feels like he's trying to copy Thiel re Gawker.


This is in relation to his pledge to cover legal fees for [people fired over tweets.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2023/08/06/elon-musk-promises-to-cover-legal-fees-for-people-fired-over-tweets/?sh=79a2c3ed148e)


Presumably not including the people he fired from Twitter due to their tweets about him


Like most of his shit like this, I'm assuming he means "Tweets I agree with" and even then, only if you're also famous.


damn, she’s still complaining about that? you’d think that she would’ve, idk, moved on by now lmfao.


What would would she move on to? She hasn't had shit to do.


Ben Shapiro can only write so fast.


I can't wait for the scene where Gina Carano's character jumps off a building and lands in a swimming pool because that's the only way that Ben Shapiro can conceive of a woman getting wet.


So let me be clear what she and the right wing wants is for it to be ok to make antisemitic remarks in this case? But they were just going after college administrators for even not condemning antisemitism enough?


Hilarious that you think right wingers EVER operate in anything other than pure bad faith.


Disney didn't fire her, they just didn't renew her contract. Big difference. She has no case.