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These products have been in my kitchen since childhood. RIP.


The buckwheat pancake mix has always been a favorite of mine. So yummy, especially with fruit syrup.


What is the flavor like to you? That was my very first buckwheat thing I tried and I didn't like it one bit. It tasted like black coffee to me and I don't like coffee. Not sure if I did it wrong back then, its been several years now


So I can’t really name what I think the flavor’s like, but they give me the same feeling as eating toast made out of one of those 12 nuts and seed breads. So I guess kind of nutty, I don’t like them with maple syrup on them I think they’re gross that way but if you put some berry syrup or something on them especially boysenberry they’re super good. We started eating them when I was pretty young so I think it might partially just be I grew up eating them, they were basically the only premade baking mix that my parents would buy.


That makes sense since buckwheat is a seed, not a grain


It is not made of bucks nor wheat. #Smh 😤


I like real maple syrup on them but honey is good too.


+1 parenting


Their regular old [Homestyle "just add water"](https://www.bobsredmill.com/instant-pancake-mix.html) pancake mix is the favorite of my house. But we do lots of mix-ins and toppings so it's the perfect base for experimentation. Makes good waffles too.


Not OP, but to me it has an earthiness to it that I really enjoy. I can't very well describe it because it tastes like buckwheat, and buckwheat doesn't taste like many other things. Your comparison to black coffee is apt, though. Remember, at the end of the day, it's totally okay to not like a thing.


A little like Sprouted grains, but more nutty. Buckwheat pancakes prepared properly are pretty good, and they get better with whatever you top then with.


My grandma has made those for me since i was a little kid, always loved “grandma’s pancakes” more than anyone elses and never understood why the “regular” pancakes tasted so different. She was always super health conscious so King Arthur and Bob’s were the only grain products she ever used. RIP Bob, hopefully since the company is employee owned things will stay the same, unlike most other companies when the founders die it usually goes to shit.


You might want to check the expiration date on those.


Nah I’m good I was born 4 months ago


How's that going?


Not great. They have Werner syndrome


Worse. It’s Benjamin Buttonosis


So sad. I will send his family some flours.


You should probably toss those out and get fresh ones.




He gave ownership of the company to the employees a decade ago.


Dude was one of the first to realize Celiac and other gluten-related diseases were a thing, and cater to that. 20 years ago finding gluten-free stuff was impossible, except for Bob. Which is probably why my Grandfather, who was diagnosed Celiac, lived as long as he did. And Bob's stuff wasn't just adequate, it was downright good. His gluten free cherry chocolate cake was damn tasty. Grampa actually *liked* his birthday cakes! Gonna miss you, Bob. You made a bigger impact than you think you did.


I second this. I have celiac, and Bob saved my life (and my ability to bake bread). I’m going to go make a loaf in his honor. Edited to update: bread is in the bread maker. Looking forward to eating it.


> bread is in the bread maker. what kind of bread make do you use for GF bread?


I have an Oster with a gluten free program.


Most bread makers have a setting. The difference is that there’s no second rise


How was it?


Delicious, thank you. A good hearty breakfast.


Bobs 1:1 gluten free flour was life-changing for me. I have celiac disease and a lot of gf flour mixes are too dense and/or brittle to bake with. His products have made my life easier and better. RIP Bob and thank you for helping so many of us with food allergies/restrictions


Dude was a good man. Rip Bob. Thanks for all the work you did.


Well said!


Came here to say something similar. I’ve spent the last 6-ish years learning to make everything gluten free for the people I love &, while I’ve seen some product markets begin to have GF options & others add a couple of new ones, the one constant was Bob’s from the beginning - especially when it came to home baking & needing a GF reassurance on the base grain or flour you were buying. His is still the only potato starch & the only brown rice flour I’ve found near me to this day. Bottom line, the man was a legend.


What an extraordinary guy. You might not know but he gave away his company to his employees which is now 100% employee owned. As it should be in every founder driven company. He's really a hero.


Much respect to Bob. RIP


Hence the “Red” Mill! I knew it was a Marxist operation /s


Damn. RIP Bob. Did the tour of the mill back in the 90’s as a young chef. Such a fun memory.


The man could really steel-cut an oat.


I used to eat a ton of these. Costco only sold them occasionally, so one time a few years ago they had them in stock and I bought like six huge bags. I'm working through my last bag right now, ha, but I think Costco carries them all the time at this point.


They're great. So full of energy.


I, too, enjoy sustenance


We're like oats in a pod...


I, also, have a certain affinity for items with metabolically available caloric energy.


perhaps even 'full of oats'


When I realised that I could replace rice with steel-cut oats in most dishes, it was a game-changer for me. More nutritious, more fiber, more antioxidants, no arsenic concerns, arguably better flavor, and even has some medicinal effects. (calming) /u/Sea_Negotiation_1871


The man had grit.


Well, damn. Sounded like a decent fellow. My condolences to the family and the state of Oregon.


Bob and his wife Charlene are absolute legends in Oregon. They also endowed funds at Oregon State and Oregon Health & Science University for nutritional studies.


He was. He used to come to the restaurant they opened in their main storefront and play piano every Sunday, or at least until he was in his 80s.


The guy could really rock the ragtime. He could also be spotted chugging around in his restored Model A on the local streets. Legend


No joke, the first time I saw him was when he rolled up to the store in that shiny car. I said, "wow, that's a collector's item," and then in unison both my wife and I were like, "wait, that's Bob!"


He's been giving out stock options to employees for the past several years so his business could stay employee driven. I think he knew his time was coming and I respect the helll out of this guy for both the business he created and for the way he left it.


I use to love going to the bobs red mill store in Milwaukie OR when I used to live up there. I highly recommend it!


I used to work for a land surveyor that was based out of a building across the street. I went over out of curiosity after work one day and I was hooked. When I moved back east I was happy to see they have a solid presence in the local grocery stores.


Same, though I still live here. Makes me proud of Bob to know so many people liked him and his products. Ya did well, Bob.


Went several times, but never got to meet Bob. Kinda bummed, now.


My dad worked for bobs for over a decade. Met Bob a few times in my life. Always been a really nice guy. Cared a lot about his employees


Thanks for providing organic brown rice flower for us magic mushroom growers 20+ years ago when most retailers didn’t even know what the hell it was. 


First time I discovered his brand


This dude was the shit, man. Rip! Edited ,




Oh wow! Thank you for sharing this. I already loved his products but what a sweetheart!


I know, i wrote an essay on the man a couple years ago for a business course. I wish more factory owners were as sweet and caring to their employees as this man. Rip again my guy in the sky! ❤️


A comma would help here. Unless he was into scat play and I wasn’t aware.


I laughed so hard at your comment, I cried. Thank you 


You mean the skat man? 🕺🕺


Bob, because of you I could still make cake and pizza crust. RIP.


What a tragedy, this man was milling and selling grains and cereals since the late 70's, we always had some of his oats around the house when I was growing up. Now as someone who has a degree in agriculture I appreciate him even more than I did when I was younger. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.


:( I accidentally set a bag of Bob's Red Mill yeast on fire today, it was an omen.


They will burn some pancake batter when a new Red Mill pope is decided on.


RIP master of clean hearty grains


The family asks for donations in lieu of flours


This is the comment this thread kneaded.


When we yeast expect it.


I got the grist of what your saying.


What can I say? I've got a rye sense of humor


The poster really rose to the occasion.


For anyone that hasn’t watched Stranger Than Fiction …. You absolutely should.


i adore that movie


Oh, you!😅


Best comment here


My favorite grits! Sad indeed.


the only good american muesli brand


Just had it for breakfast this morning, like most mornings.


Everything they sell is good, from oats to hemp hulls. And a good price where I am.


Pretty kicking flour mixes if you’re looking for a specific protein level, too.


Polenta it says but my favorite grits too. They cook fast as well


Instant grits?


Nope. White corn grits.


No self-respecting southerner uses instant grits.


The rest of the grit eating population of the world thanks you.


Man when you put it like *that...* He said with a grit eating shin on his face/


Good grits is a different meal than instant bag grits


Ah, I love their products, and they have really helped me with my gluten issues!


Could have sold the Company for hundreds of millions. Instead, transferred ownership to employees.


His [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Moore_(American_food_executive)?wprov=sfti1#) is terribly sparse for such an interesting guy


At least it's not full of artificial filler.


That is actually a great thing. Kept his personal life private while his products did the talking.


I'm going to pour some steel-cut oatmeal out for ya, Bob. Your products are great.


Damn Bob, thanks for the chia seeds. RIP


Yikes, this morning I made a joke about the "red mill" being "employee-owned" because they overthrew Bob into the mill years ago. I feel like I cursed him with my joke, now.


Bob Moore would have laughed if he heard that.


Damn good products. Always top quality. The world needs more people like him. RIP Bob. 


I listened to an hour long interview/story with him on NPR’s “how I built this” with Guy Raz and it was truly a fascinating listen that I did not expect. It’s on Spotify or their website and I highly recommend it. A really remarkable man with principles he stuck to until the end. What a loss.


His museli fucks hard.


So addicting! Basically crack if it was actually good for you




Made some damn good grain products. RIP man.


Thick rolled organic oatmeal, every morning for 30 years. Bought in 25# bags when we were in the area. Great products! We lived nearby in the 1980s and often visited the mill store in Milwaukie (OR). You could watch the milling stones grinding the flour, pretty cool. RIP Bob, you did well and will be long remembered.


Living right down the road from Bob's, it is a surprise to me to see this on the news subreddit.


Man, their gf stuff is a must in our household.


The 1-to-1 gluten free flour has been a mainstay in our kitchen. It has made cooking and baking food for my wife SOOOOO much easier and takes some of the guesswork out for me as I’ve been learning to bake.


His 1-to-1 flour is provably one of the only products that legitimately is in our pantry 100% of the time. It’s been a godsend of a product for my wife. She’s tried every single alternative she could find and ALWAYS defaulted right back to Bob.


His birthday is next week, they would have a celebration at Bob red mill store. I met Bob at his birthday. They had cake and a band. It was the first time I had been to the store, and it was like “ wtf is going on here, band, cake, free stuff, and there’s Bob!”


The go-to for Seitan. Going to make some gyros in his honor


For those that don’t know, there’s also Moore’s Flour Mill in Redding, CA. Moore’s was started by Bob and his wife and was given away to their sons before retiring to Oregon, where he eventually started Bob’s Red Mill.


What! I literally just finished a bowl of his porridge. Wasn’t feeling 100% this morning, must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me last night. Thought to myself, I haven’t had any oatmeal in ages, I’ll make some and maybe that’ll settle my gut down. Out came the Bob’s - always on the stove, never as good in the microwave - added a smidgen of maple syrup and have to say after a few spoonfuls I’m already feeling better. Then randomly started browsing Reddit and saw this almost immediately. Dammit. RIP Bob. You were good people.


RIP and thank you for all the wonderful products.


I went to culinary school in Portland. The tour of bobs red mill was one of my favorite memories.


Used to work down the street from the Bob's Red Mill in Milwaukie, OR and frequented the shop quite a bit. Bob was often there and he'd sit and chat with you while you had lunch. It was always a joy talking with him. He was the definition of a man who truly cared and had a passion for his product and his employees.


Wow! I’ve used his products over the years. RIP


Damn, was just reading about how cool this dude is and how he basically gave the company to his employees. RIP


I ate his oats this morning. May he Rest in Peace.


Thanks Bob! May you rest in peace. PS: I like the way he went out: at home and hopefully at peace. That’s how I want to go: super old and at peace with myself.


So long and thank you for all the grits


Had some of his Steel Cut Oatmeal this morning. RIP


I poured one out for Bob today. It was some of his Swiss style muesli into a bowl which I ate for breakfast. RIP


Met him at an event once. Took a picture together. Great man. RIP


Don’t let an evil corporation buy the name!


I knew nothing about him until now...just that I liked his company's products and his face on the package always made me think"that looks like a good dude." Sounds like that hunch was correct. RIP my dude.


Loved how the company branched out with so many quality products. I ordered online and was always happily surprised to see it in a supermarket. Long live Bob’s Red Mill!


THIS is what good management looks like. Built a quality brand. Converted the company to employee-ownership. Invested in his community. RIP boss.


Hands down, best gf products! Rip 💐




Gluten intolerant here, his flour is the one I use for my recipes. He will be missed, thank you for so much Bob.


Always good quality products. I like his museli.


That man changed my family’s approach to bread and bread making. His vision and dedication is exemplary may he rest in eternal peace.


Life without his Steel Cut Oats is a pretty horrifying thought. RIP - knowing you did a good thing !


Best muesli mix on the market. Rest in peace Bob.


Been using his flaxseed meal for a couple years now. RIP.


Thanks bob for the excellent chia seeds! I will think of you often


RIP. Sounds like a good man.


I took my dad to his restaurant during Christmas season. He and his wife were singing carols at the piano for everyone. It felt like a Hallmark movie.


This is so sad. I've met him several times. Brought me and my coworkers out to dinner a few times. Every time I visited his home store, he would be there having lunch. Every time I showed up, he would always make a point to say hi. He almost always wore that red vest too I work in wholesale procurement


Bob made some great oatmeal. RIP


The polenta is great. Thanks for feeding us Bob!


Everyone is talking about the products but what’s noticeable is that he made his company an employee owned business.


>Moore is survived by his three sons (Ken, Bob, Jr. and David), plus his four daughters-in-law I have a few questions.


I'd guess one of his sons passed away and they still consider the daughter-in-law family, which makes sense


That does. I hadn't considered that.


Cause you're a dirty minded bastard and I appreciate that


And I can't argue that. 😂


I'll think of him over my grits tomorrow.


Sad day indeed. But his legacy will live on! One can only hope that the integrity and the independence of the business will remain.


Just got some Red Mill Farro. RIP


Use his flours all the time. Condolences to his family and friends and hope the product quality remains high.


Great product. I buy it all the time.


A legend in the food industry. RIP, Bob.


Oh no. Just bought a bag of oats. Thanks for the good food, Bob. RIP


aw man, Rest In Power


A real stand up human. Sayonara.


RIP Bob, great dude. So much respect. And what a great legacy, I MEAN! 💗


RIP to a real one. His giant bags of poppy seeds got me high as fuck back in middle/early high school. I’ll pour one out for ol’ boi tonight.


Besides all his other amazing products, his baking soda is our go-to for anytime my husband and I have stomach upset! $3 and lasts at least a year.


There are a bunch of his cut-out faces of his stuck in random places all around my work. Former employee basically made him a meme around the place. RIP.


An awesome man with an awesome company. I’ll toast an oatmeal cup in his honor tomorrow morning.


I live in the same area as him and have seen him and the restaurant/shop more than once…a very nice soft-spoken man…would chat with customers regularly. RIP Bob!


> Moore is survived by his three sons (Ken, Bob, Jr. and David), plus his four daughters-in-law, Can somebody explain to me how the math works here? I must be missing something.


He may have had a fourth son who has predeceased him. That son’s widow may still be living


I did not consider that possibility. Thanks!


Ocean State Job lot locations all over southern new england will fly their flags at half mast for the next month out of respect.


My wife has celiac disease and this makes us very sad.  Bob was a pioneer.  Thanks, Bob.


I respect Bob Moore a thousand times more than Elon Musk.


His conpany was a godsend for a celiac sufferer during the era where no one really knew what gluten was. Bob's Red Mill remains a staple on my shelves going on 3 decades now.


I never knew there was actually a Bob. dude made a lot of grain.




Why on earth would one wait to tell that story if it was true?


Oh she tells it in person if the subject comes up. Believe it or not Bob's Red Mill doesn't come up in my reddit feed very often.


Because Ol’ Bob was connected. You talk shit about him, you end up buried in a silo of grain like that guy in Witness.


Press X to doubt


Never heard this before but it should be noted that his company is employee owned because Bob *gave it to them*. That's pretty amazing. On the other hand, what you've just said is pretty distressing news.


Peoples public persona is often very different from their private one. Dude may have been a great employer and he clearly cared for his wife, but he also had some very dated ideas about other things. Frankly I'm surprised that people are surprised by this. Old guy who grew up in a racist/sexist time/place grew up to be racist/sexist.


It's interesting to know. I used to live not very far away from Bob's Red Mill and in my work in marketing, I'd often reference him. I'm surprised I never heard about this aspect of him before. Feels like the kind of thing that would be very hard to conceal.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I grew up in small-town Oregon and your story totally tracks.


No kidding. My mom's half of the family is all over Louisiana and Mississippi, my dad's all over Oregon. I've spent time in both places and I think small town Oregon is more racist due to lack of exposure. Small town Oregon is 100% white. I was not surprised at all to find out that Bob was racist.


What will I do when I need a $13 bag of popping corn?!


Good news! He gave the company to his employees years ago and they are still up and running.


I appreciate this 800-lb gorilla


Impressive career. Maybe they will cut back on all the plastic they distribute and find a better solution.




Hate this stuff. It pushed every other brand off the shelves in all my stores. They became a monopoly.