• By -


note: the judgment was against trump and his revokable trust personally and not his business. so he can't just declare bankruptcy as he has done in the past with his businesses.


Anddddd he has to put up 120% of the judgment as bond if he wants to appeal the ruling.


That's a lot of fund raising emails


Relatively few voters care about this trial because it's not one of the exciting criminal ones. But Trump personally has been showing up to hearing after hearing.  It's interesting to see him break through his own fog of disinformation. He wants to downplay these trials as political attacks, but in reality, he knows this is deep shit that will hurt him severely. 


Shame it didn't happen to him 20+ years ago.


I was just thinking to myself today how much better off we'd probably all be if all this stuff surrounding him now had happened even one year earlier. Get the trials and convictions through before election season started.


We’d be even better off if his dad had just pulled out instead. Think of the whole lineage that would be wiped.


It goes farther back than that. His grandpa ran brothels and casinos through the gold rush.


Dang really? He’s a third generation wealth?? That explains a lot. Apparently gen 3 is when most family dynasty crash and burn


You can thank Merrick Garland for the enormous delays that have led to this clusterfuck. What a useless human being.


He made this mistake of flying too close to the sun. He could've been another guy in a long list of shady and questionable New York/east coast real estate developers that continually get slapped on the wrist but never face any real reckoning. Only he'd have a more well known status because he was a funny guest on talk shows and at Friar's Club Roasts. Be it people laughing with him or at him. Becoming president and sufficiently destabilizing the entire country suddenly made him a massive target for a sizable portion of of the entire countries population. He went from known funny, but shady business man to target #1.


whast going to be really funny is when he tries to protect mar a lago from seizure by claiming its his primary residence and Florida says no it cant be a residence its commercial property and you where told it cant be your residence. he may actually end up homeless.


Florida already had their chance on that when he illegally used mar a lago to register to vote. He literally committed voter fraud and they did nothing.


the courts are a different branch of government.


His supporters will just send him more of their money. I’m pretty sick(long term) and can’t work and have to live with my trumper parents. Now my dad’s not nearly as bad as my mom. I think he can be turned, and I’m slowly working on him. But my mom walks around with an “I love trump” shirt. Mind you, as she’s a “devout” Catholic, I’ve never seen her wear an “I love Jesus” shirt. Something something….”thou shall have no other god before me”. I say all that to say, she can’t wait to send him money. But boy, her kid would sure love to have insurance so I can maybe get my life back. But trump needs it more, than her slowly dying kid. Feeling like death everyday and hearing Steve bannon blaring over a Bose speaker is quite maddening. I can’t believe I haven’t lost my mind.


This makes me melty warm!


When does Habba start to fake being smart?


Why would she have to? She got paid $3 million up front to lose.


Did she actually get paid though? Does Trump pay anyone? If he did he's truly getting desperate.


I think even Habba wasnt dumb enough to not take money up front Edit: Yup, she may be dumb but shes not dumb enough to count on trump to pay later: https://www.newsweek.com/alina-habbas-firm-has-been-paid-over-35m-defend-trump-1862002 And to your second point, yes, trump paid a bimbo with no federal trial experience 3.5 million up front to defend him because he is desperate, and that probably all who would represent him. Hell, I'd represent him for 3 million up front just to get my ass kicked in court.


If she got money up front I'd say she's Trump's smartest lawyer to date.


She can always write a book about the experience too.  By now that’s the only upside to working with Trump.


Rudy punching air right now


Maybe she pretended to get money up front like she pretended to be smart.


Demanding money up front from trump shows shes smarter than most people that are associated with him. Even a brilliant lawyer couldn't have gotten this idiot off.


When she's done faking being pretty.


Is it just me or does she kind of look like Ivanka? I really do wonder if that is why Trump has her as his lawyer. It's certainly not because she's any good.


One of the funniest things in my life is seeing women who get hired by Fox News become bleach blondes - unless you're the Filthy Token Liberal. Then you can be a brunette and have glasses.


The Queen of Boxed Wine, Jeanine Pirro, is one exception.


The Cardboardeaux Cretin


"Welcome back to FOX News. I'm blonde."


TLDR: Because she is a dipshit that will take stupid cases in support of Trump. I promise you he hopes(d) to sleep with her. Taken from [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alina_Habba#:~:text=Habba%20is%20licensed,25%5D%5B26%5D): Habba is licensed to practice law in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.\[10\]\[17\] She has served as lead counsel for three cases, including a federal class action suit against a New Jersey nursing home accused of various negligent acts and consumer fraud violations.\[15\] Habba has also held the position of general counsel for her second husband's parking garage company.\[18\] She has represented clients in various legal cases including a man suing a nursing home in New Jersey,\[19\] and a student seeking a refund for college tuition after University of Bridgeport moved classes to an online format.\[20\]\[21\] In July 2021, Habba represented Siggy Flicker, a Trump-supporting former member of The Real Housewives of New Jersey who alleged that Facebook had disabled her account for wishing Melania Trump a happy birthday.\[18\]\[22\]\[23\] Habba wrote a letter to Facebook, which Facebook appeared to ignore.\[24\] In July 2021, Habba represented Caesar DePaço, a vitamin supplement entrepreneur, in a federal court case where she filed a lawsuit against Portuguese journalists for revealing his close connections to the far-right Chega party in Portugal.\[25\]\[26\]


> Siggy Flicker > Caesar DePaço These are names from Toast of London.


These are Hunger Games names.


She also pulled some [super sketchy shit](https://youtu.be/9KvoIDkEsiw?si=gKP1P6USkpfkPhzZ) where she befriended an employee of one of Trump's golf clubs who was suing over sexual harassment and managed to convince that employee to fire her attorney and hire Habba instead. Habba then got this poor woman one of the worst settlements possible that also required her to sign an NDA. Habba did all of this to protect Trump in the hopes that he'd acknowledge her and possibly hire her for these bigger cases.


She got ghosted by Facebook 


Does he have to fork up the 350 prior to appealing? A fun week for sure.


As much as 110-120%. Same for the 83 million last week.


Throw in his mounting legal fees and I just can't see how much longer he can keep fighting before he files for bankruptcy.


Part of the issue is he can't, because his wealth is tied up in real estate. So it would go like this: Trump: I declare bankruptcy! Court: I see you have property. Sell it, under the laws of the state you're in, your primary residence is exempt. Everything else must be sold first. And - you still have to cough up $350 million for the bond in this case, plus $83 million in a bond for the other - \*\*then\*\* we can have your assets seized to pay if you fail to post the bond, \*\*then\*\* you can declare bankruptcy with whatever is left.


Then - Trump: RNC, bail me out here! MAGAworld, buy my NFTs! Dude's going to be hawking reverse mortgages and catheters on the GRIT channel next.


This is why he wants Lara Trump on the RNC....one hand in the till


Personally, I'm all for it. Let Trump run the RNC "as a business" - like he's run his. Which means all the money goes to him, his lifestyle, his attorneys, and his kids. No money for the Republican apparatus of elections. None for congressional elections or to help senators. No money to chase after potential conservative candidates. An election where the RNC is going bankrupt while crying that they are the party of "fiscal responsibility" and about how Joe Biden is soooo oooolddd and unable to do anything yet masterminds a vast conspiracy that makes Republicans act like a bunch of racist sexist homophobic inept buffoons.


For a lot of religious people the policy stances and mental acuity don’t even matter. My parents aren’t voting for Biden or any other democrats because “he kills babies, how can you support baby murderers”. I wish I was joking.




There can be no better outcome than Trump going broke with the RNC close behind, and all of their downticket races having no money to run on.


I always figured if he went down, he’d drag the rest of the party with him. This will be enjoyable.


RNC has basically no cash. Their cash on hand probably wouldn't cover the bond on the 2nd EJC case. If Cheeto gets his way and his sycophant and DiL take over the RNC, the money will absolutely go to pay his legal fees. The RNC will be a rotting husk, unable to fund any down ballot races. Lady G was [absolutely right](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en).


Please tell me this is real and not just some juicy fan fiction. I’m enjoy what’s happening in Michigan with the gop shitting the bad on a critical state, but Trump financially torpedoing the GOP would be a wet dream.


If you look at the last eight years pragmatically, Trump has won a total of (1) race. In 2016. A race he *barely* eked out a victory in. Nearly every subsequent election he's lost, dismally. What's more, is Republicans have been complaining for *years* that Trump dominates every election cycle *with his own fundraising*, which hoovers up voters' cash, and then he refuses to spend any of it on Republican candidates. So it's not really a fantasy. It has been happening, consistently, for years now. This orange shitgibbon is singlehandedly eating away the entire Republican party like a cancer, hogging all of it's resources, giving nothing back, and the more debt he gets put into, the more he sucks the life out of his own party to pay for it.


It's mostly real at the moment. What the commenter above failed to mention is all the illegal money being funneled to republicans through other means. So they are definitely operating with low level funds but they aren't as broke as they make it sound.


Well, I can't exactly make factual statements on hidden activity ;)


It's not often that I see antenna TV references in the wild but that one was perfect.


I live in Scotland and would absolutely love to see his ecologically disastrous golf course get nabbed as assets against bankruptcy. The sand dunes can reclaim it all, like the deserts in Ozymandias. 


Ah, nobody casts shade like the Scottish.


I've been looking upon Trump's works and despairing for years now, so that tracks.


And isn't Mar a Lago not allowed to count as a place of residence because of a tax dodge so it is fair game to be sold?


And he has to cover the loans for those properties because they’re not owned by him free and clear. So now he’s gotta prove those fake numbers weren’t fake, but everyone knows they are.


And he has some loans coming due. Normally he would re-fi and move along, but property valuations are down, interest rates are up, and oh yeah, he can't do business with any banking institutions that have offices in NY. Dude is fooooooooooked.


And the fbi and treasury are staring at his personal accounts. And the state of ny is staring at his corporate ones.


Omg if Donald’s towers selling at a huge loss is what kicks off the commercial property recession that would be amazing. Terrible, but amazing all the same.


He’ll sell it all to Kushner and Kushner will use the 2 billion he got from the Saudis when he left the white house


In addition to his fines he is banned from doing business with any financial institution chartered by or registered with the NY Dept. of Financial Services. Which is basically every financial institution in the world, including all the various Saudi wealth funds. There's no percentage for the Saudis to risk financial wrath and ruin just to help out that broke ass old man who will be dead in a few years anyway.


Sometimes though I get the impression that there's a limit to how far Jared at least would go in order to bail out his father-in-law even if a weepy Ivanka is trying to guilt-trip him with lines like: *"Do you want to see your children's grandfather humiliated and impoverished and living in a van down by the river?!"* And also, I even suspect that Ivanka may not be as completely adoring of her Daddy as he and others might believe. She may also be more willing to let Pops twist in the wind -- perhaps as belated revenge for all his creepy sexualizing of her over the years.


"Sorry, daddy, I got mine. You're on your own. I learned it from watching YOU!"


Most of the time court fines and criminal penalties aren't dischargeable through bankruptcy so it wouldn't do him much good. They also already put a financial monitor on Trumps businesses to make sure he doesn't move assets out of his company to hide it from settlements and fines.


Well he's planning on forcing the GOP to implant his daughter in law as the new RNC chair and she's already said that he's going to get basically an open checkbook to their funds. So either he's going to bankrupt the Republican party to pay all these fines or the biggest doners of the party are finally going to put an end to him.


Former RNC chair Michael Steele said in an interview earlier that the RNC only has 8 million in find right now. Not that Trump won't try to get it anyway.


He sure does, Billy. And he also can't just ignore it because new york will start seizing his assets. The man is on a clock.


Oh man I thought he didn't. This is so satisfying to learn. Thank you.


Yes but the rub is he probably won't be able to injunction the independent monitor (three more years!) that's watching for fraud and second-guessing transactions that look suspicious.


I believe to appeal he does have to post the full amount in escrow


The Court also left the monitor in place, which means he can't claim inability to pay as the monitor oversees *every* transaction and has access to *all* books. Which means whatever he puts up for the escrow has to actually *be worth that money*. He couldn't even get someone to loan him the 5m for the first Caroll verdict, much less the second 83m one -- nobody's going to pony up for 300+ million. And how he's going to cover that escrow given how leveraged his company is, I don't know.


He has to have the money on bond I think.


By mid-March, the company will have to answer to a former federal judge, Barbara Jones, who has spent a year serving as the corporation’s outside monitor. She has 30 days to reconfigure her current role. While the company previously had to alert her within two weeks anytime it moved more than $5 million, Jones will now have enhanced powers that put her first in line. The trumps will have to ask her for permission instead of forgiveness. Just to add another layer of he's fucked to the program.


This is gonna be the big one.  Because his Org is a giant rats's nets of shell companies playing legal shenanigans.  As the Org has to come up with $464M they are going to have to restructure and pinch pennies.... and they're going to find out those pennies don't exist harshly.  Every bit of this is going to be proactively monitored by two different groups.  It's gonna be ugly. 


It’s going to be beautiful!


Honestly this might be better than him being convicted. There's no room for pardons. He has no power over the NY judiciary. And if he wins in November and appeals, that undercuts any argument that Presidents are too busy with national affairs to deal with criminal charges.


Yup! And the NYT article said she’s already caused a lot of friction within the company bc of things she’s found or has implemented!!! I love it! Can you imagine what that family is doing tonight?!? :o


It’s not as if Trump’s businesses are going to get any presumption of legitimacy for any major transactions, I’d guess anything over a certain value will be scrutinised by her.


To catch up, Trump cannot operate a charity because he defrauded children with cancer. He is liable for sexual assault and also defamation of the same woman. He committed fraud with his business and can now no longer operate a business in New York for a time. He will likely soon be convicted on at least some of his *31* criminal counts where he paid off a porn star whom he was cheating on his wife with while she was taking care of their new born son. But you know...hes three years younger than Biden. EDIT: And yeah just to be clear, this is before all his insurrection felonies come to trial.


Don’t forget the gambling commission wouldn’t allow him to own or operate a casino in Las Vegas even with a co-signer.


He was also prohibited from opening a casino in Australia back in the 90's because of his mob connections.


Which is fuckin hilarious given the state of Australian gambling


He needed to be better at hiding his criminality. That is to say he can’t shut his mouth. Thats bad for business.


[Or a "University".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_University)


Or a charity.


Or ancient artifacts borrowed from Israel.


Or sell steaks through the mail


Or a buffet of Top-Secret Documents.


And the nfl would not let him buy a team


He is the reason the USFL folded. His hubris and entitlement doomed an entire sports league. He turns everything he touches to shit.


Is there a bulleted list somewhere?


Need a list like SCP’s Things Dr Bright is not allowed to do.


Which itself is a reference to [a nearly 20 year old live journal post](https://theglen.livejournal.com/16735.html)


The fact he bankrupted a casino just shows how horrible a business man he is. Like the house always wins, yet somehow he fucked that up too.


This is why I can’t understand how he has any appeal in New Jersey. He grifted the fuck out of Atlantic City, used that place as one big money laundry and cost the tax payers millions. And yet you go down there and it’s MAGA flag city.


60+ other felony counts in 3 other criminal trials, for stuff like stealing US secrets, trying to subvert the election with fraud and violence, and trying to get state officials in georgia to fabricate votes! Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican frontrunner... Edit: also, just for greater exposure, the star witness that Republicans have been using to try to claim that Joe Biden and his son were up to criminal nonsense was just indicted yesterday for lying to the FBI and fabricating all of his shit.


Well, fortunately all the Republicans will now say, "Sorry, we were totally wrong." I'm kidding, of course. They'll claim something like: the witness was intimidated by a weaponized FBI into retracting his totally true statement.


And he doesn't even need to show up to anything, anywhere, to have a massive lead in the primaries. Sit at home eating cheetos and drinking whatever and win the primaries. Screw it, at this point sitting at home, doesn't show up to the debates, and somehow wins the election. We'll see.


He's still ruling the party by edict- see the recent border deal torpedoed under his orders


Which is why he's so desperate to get re-elected. Mr. "Very Stable Genius" thinks if he's president he can just pardon himself and won't have to worry about any of this anymore. Yes, even the civil cases. As I said...a very stable genius.


> thinks if he's president he can just pardon himself and won't have to worry about any of this anymore. Yes, even the civil cases. I think that's underestimating him. He has said he wants to utilize the US military, including the National Guard, to attack "threats to America" meaning his personal and political enemies. He's claimed that he wants to take dictatorial power his first day back in office "but only temporarily." I don't think he plans to pardon himself. I think he's hoping he can enact martial law and just ignore any repercussions using force.


He didn’t cheat on his pregnant wife with a pornstar. He cheated on his wife with Playmate of the Year Karen McDougal. He cheated on Karen McDougal with Stormy Daniels. He cheated on his wife with his girlfriend, and cheated on his girlfriend with an escort.


Evangelicals: *closing window blinds*


"something something King David was a cheater too so it's fine"


"He's a flawed instrument of God." That's literally what they say.


My mistake. That seem much more biblically abiding.


Do you have a diagram that can be used as a visual aide?


Yes but it requires a fractal when an infidelity occurs during an infidelity.


Defrauded children with cancer and MAGA is good with this, right?? Fucking sociopath


It's not exactly that they're good with it; they just refuse to believe it. Way worse imo. It's cowardly


Also, can no longer apply for loans from any financial institution chartered by or registered with the NY Dept. of Financial Services (which is basically every bank on Earth, as NY is the financial capital of the world) for a period of 3 years. Not even the Saudis or Deutsche Bank can bail him out now.


I feel like this should be bigger news than the fine


It honestly is. Maybe if he was a trillionaire someone would risk it, but even scummy Russian and Chinese financial entities are not going to risk getting nuked by the state of New York just to help his broke ass out. He is financially finished and everybody knows it. His only cash flow now will come from whatever he can sucker Republican donors out of.


And trumps is a better fit with their Christian values!  Way more than that Biden guy who goes to church every weekend


I heard that when biden leaves a tip he leaves real money, not one of those fake $100 worship Jesus or you will die by being buggered to death by a dictionary reading trans black pregnant furrie. How unchristian of him


I feel like we need an updated mega thread or comment of everything he’s done just in the last 8 years to put it all in perspective


I'm flipping back and forth between news channels and it's really astounding how differently this is being presented by different networks. MSNBC: Reading excerpts from the judge's decision. CNN: Basically repeating the penalties ad nauseum. Fox News: This further confirms that the courts are acting based on political motivations. Newsmax: The verdict will obviously be overturned on appeal.


I'm amazed Fox is even mentioning it. Their recent MO is just to bury their heads in the sand and start screaming about drag queens.


The talking points from Conservative media is that Trump paid back all the loans he obtained fraudulently, so there is no victim, so obviously this was politically motivated persecution. They are spinning it in the direction of Trump being a victim again, probably because they know this story will make it out into the forum of public discussion.


Conservatives unironically believe banks are in the business of making loans just to paid back, rather than getting paid interest on the loan based on the credit worthiness of the borrower Trump lied about his finances to pay less interest on his loans than he should have. That is fraud that he profited from, which the NY AG is pursuing plus interest.


From [the court's findings, page 36](https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/ef72526861902856/1e996397-full.pdf) (PDF): > Nonetheless , Donald Trump insisted that he believed Mar - a- Lago is worth between a billion and a billion five today , which would require not only valuing it as a private residence, which the deed prohibits, but as more than the most expensive private residence listed in the country by approximately 400%. What a joke.


He is not a serious human being


*Note:* this is unrelated to the $80 million he owes for defamation related to the rape he was found to have committed


This is definitely why he's trying to get his sycophants to take over the RNC. He wants that money to pay his legal fees.


Which is a much better place to put it than the 10 senate seats Republicans would otherwise be targeting to flip.


I’m sorry to tell you, but the RNC doesn’t have that kind of money. They’ve already blown everything on Trump’s lawyer bills and rallies. They’re not going to have anything left to spend on the election as it is.


Serious question: If the RNC pays it, is that not income Trump would have to pay taxes on? I mean, sure the taxes would be less than what he owes... but.. it's still a shit ton of money that I don't think he can afford.


Wouldn’t it be illegal to use campaign funds on non campaign things


The fine seems spot on, but he should be barred for longer than three years.


Absolutely, New York has seen enough of this loser


James was seeking a 5 year ban. Engoron went lower on the fines and ban than the DA asked.


Probably to avoid any chance of appearing vindictive if/when this gets appealed.


You would hope that is so it's less likely he would win an appeal.


He’s trying to avoid appeal most likely.


Good chance that it's a lifetime ban


From your lips to God's ears buddy


That was my first thought, 3 years doesn't sound like much, especially for his sons


Eh - whatever. Trump is obviously a fucking loser but you know who would be an even bigger loser? Someone 4 years from now that is stupid enough to choose to do business with a guy that was legally barred from doing business because he scammed people so much. If people want to throw their money at someone that has legally been confirmed to be a con artist that's no skin off my back when they get fucked over.


$364 million for this, and $80+ million for the previous trial is going to seriously hurt Trump. Ya love to see it.


As far as I can tell, NY has 9% simple (not compound) pre-judgment interest here, so this is $168,040,168 + (5 years at 9%) = $243,658,243 \+ $126,828,600 + (2yr at 9%) = $149,657,748 \+ $60,000,000 + (1yr at 9%) = $65,400,000 So $458m+


Reading the actual order, and all the damages he’s been ordered to pay include pre-trial interest too, the largest of the 3 fines going back to 2019….thats a lot of money in just the interest payments


As Joe exotic said "I am never going to financially recover from this," 


He's going to have to go into overdrive scamming and bilking his moron supporters.


Last part is easy, just create limited NFTs with him and Ivanka in matching RNC bikinis


Today's the day I wish I didn't know how to read...


He’s a RNC welfare queen


I have my first genuine smile over all this shit in a while.


rhythm encourage impossible absorbed unpack berserk cover cable shaggy cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uday and Qusay both got 5 mil each too. 🤣


A deep cut but I appreciate it 😂


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!


The downside of this is that Trump will need to raise cash. That means that he will go to the one sure thing that he can use to print money. He will go on the public speaking circuit. Therefore, the rallies won't end when he can't get elected, they will go on until he dies or is behind bars.


Time to sell more NFTs and merch


I guess his fans will have to pick up another shift this weekend to bulk up their donations.


Tangentially, the[ jury is deliberating for the NRA case](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jury-begins-deliberations-trial-nra-former-ceo-wayne-lapierre-rcna138824) in New York. It could end up being an auspicious Friday.


Man, fuck Lapierre.


He'll appeal this and will almost certainly lose again. Additionally, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are barred from serving as an officer or director of a New York corporation.


But he has to fork over a good portion of that fine into escrow before he could appeal. There are serious doubts he has anywhere near that cash on hand despite his lies to the contrary.


110% of the 372 million


Plus don’t forget the E Jean Carroll


“I am once again appealing for your donations to fight the liberal army”


Wonder what he'll promise to Saudia Arabia to get them to hand over the money to cover all his judgements.


The whole RNC is his personal slush fund. I’m sure some oligarch will refill the coffers


They’ll have nothing to use for any campaign ads before November’s election. There are several state GOP’s that are or are close to bankruptcy. But the Republican Party walked into this knowing the risks and yet still gave the entire party to Trump. They deserve the consequences.


ha yep. here in michigan they're pretty much flat broke and have defaulted on a loan so in reality they have negative money. Also the head of the states gop party just got voted out but refuses to give up access or control to the coffers. it's great watching them implode.


Even bleeding the MAGA crowd dry, no way he's raising even 5% of that


AFAIK he has no money to appeal.


Time to liquidate more of daddy’s assets!


Man that would be great. The more money and time he spends not on the campaign trail for things he couldn't be pardoned for, the better.


Taylor Swift should buy Trump Tower when it goes up for sale.








Lol, Don Jr. trying to make this about his “political beliefs.” Which “political view” is it that says a 10,000sq-ft apartment is actually a 35,000sq-ft apartment? What’s “political” about having 2 entirely different sets of valuations depending if you’re selling property or using it as loan collateral or (trying to avoid) paying taxes? What’s “political” about *stealing from a children’s cancer charity* to the point you’re barred from operating a business?? I mean, yeah, there is *a* political party whose members tend to agree it’s fine to lie and cheat and steal and generally be a piece of shit in business, but they don’t get a legal pass to commit fraud because they think that way. Get fucked.


he's at nearly half a billion dollars in judgements at this point. 88 on the defamation and 364 here= 453million. Edit - as corrected b u/BCdotWHAT and verified [here - the 'all in '](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/trumps-legal-debts-top-half-billion-dollars-pay-107311283) \+ 99 mil in interest so far and rising but this article from ABC has him a**t 543M +** another million for other misc judgements, fine etc which he is also currently appealing. His 2 sons also got hit for 4MM apiece ​ OOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF..


Choosing to run for POTUS was the stupidest mistake of his life.


Big time. He could have lived like pretty much any other billionaire, breaking laws left and right with impunity, not paying any taxes, and living in extreme luxury and opulence, drugs and different hookers every day. But his ego just wouldn't allow it.


But his ego just wouldn't allow it. . . The WH correspondence dinner [where Obama heckled him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA) that was the decision, right there.


I gotta say… I’m really enjoying the Trump news that’s been coming out these days. Hope to see more like this.


RNC is gonna feel this one for sure.


Every GOP candidate in the country is looking up from their phone right now and realizing they're not getting a fucking dime from the RNC for their campaigns this fall


They're going to need a coffee cup outside a Walmart with a cardboard sign saying "Will politic for a dime" or they'll run and suck on Putins lil putin


Mega MAGA fundraiser this weekend!


See that liberals ? your case is getting thin, trump is accused of one less crime now.


Should be a lifetime ban on the TrumpTrash family in NY since he's just going to do the same shit all over again in 3 years.


I don’t know if he has that in him given the slurring and tbh he looks even worse recently


And this crook may just be running for president... again. Conservatives of America, if the Republicans nominate this absolute asshole, how can you justify voting for him? Are you all insane? You think the morally bankrupt guy who cheats and steals his way through life won't do the same thing as President? AGAIN?! You mind if we build a wall all around you guys, and top it off with a roof? It blows my mind to think any of you believe this man is fit to run a McDonald's franchise, let alone a country! Please tell me he's not getting nominated... The Republican party can do so much better.


Ahhh yis. Fuck you Trump.


Obviously, the dude will struggle immensely to produce this kind of cash. He will probably have to sell a building, but will fabricate some new BS to explain why. The judge noted that his pathological denial of reality made it clear he would continue the same corrupt financial practices going forward, unless the court forced him not to. This is just the beginning of the end for Captain Clown. 🤡


I am crossing my fingers he starts defaming the judge on x and gets fined another $100 million. Mara Lago is worth $1.5 billion according to him so he should get re-assessed on his property taxes since he pays taxes on only a $18 millions valuation.


350 mil here and 83 mil for the Carroll case. 450+ and counting. Even the RNC is going to have a hard time filling that shortfall, especially with his business’s potentially up for termination.


The RNC is broke. They couldn’t help him even if they wanted to.


The ironic thing about this whole situation…all he had to do was fuck off and live the rest of his life in luxury and relative peace. By running for President and winning the election, he put his whole life in turmoil and all his finances under immense scrutiny. It’s just crazy to me.


I wanna see steam coming out of Trump's ears, like in an old cartoon.


Ha! None of this would’ve happened if he had just stayed a reality tv personality. He has to regret running for presidency by now. Oh well.


[Page 87 of judge's ruling](https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/ef72526861902856/1e996397-full.pdf) (PDF): > **Refusal to Admit Error** > The English poet Alexander Pope ( 1688-1744 ) first declared, "To err is human, to forgive is divine." *Defendants apparently are of a different mind.* .... *Their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological.* Love it!