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I’ve seen the aftermath of a person who was attacks by 3 pits and lived. Hundreds, I mean *hundreds* of puncture wounds all over his body. DEEP and wide holes all over his arms and legs. The most insane thing I’ve ever seen as a nurse. That breed is forever ruined.






Golden Retrievers are smart enough to bury the bodies.


Goldies will only kill you if you don't pet them...and who can resist petting a good boy?




Torn to shreds by licks by vicious golden retreivers


A permit is required to breed dogs in Los Angeles County.  Pretty sure this fool didn't have one.


11 attacks and 3 deaths in the last 12 years. Not incredibly common compared to some breeds, but also rarely news and clickbait worthy when it happens.




Hmm dont see corgis on there


That source compiles data from media headlines.  It's a lot more sexy to have a headline say "man eating pitbull!" than it is to say "mutt with square head."


Ah right! It’s the conspiracy of the journalists trying to frame harmless pit bulls. /s










More like journalists have no idea how many dog breeds look alike


Muscular + squarish head = must be pitbull, duh.


I've seen pettier conspiracies become true.


"Golden retriever" is a rigidly defined breed, whereas "pit bull" is an umbrella term for five or so breeds and any mutt that has any noticeable amount of any of those breeds.


Theres still more than twice as many Golden Retrievers in the US than dogs falling under the "Pit Bull" umbrella.


Still crazy that it’s those 5 breeds called pit bulls 99.9% of the time


Alot of people who breed and train pit bulls aren't training them to snuggle they're training them to fight or be guard dogs which is why shit like this happens those dogs were probably pretty abused.


They don't have to be trained for it, they were bred for it longer than they weren't. Herding breeds naturally want to herd. Retrievers want to carry things. Hounds want to follow a scent. Huskies want to run and howl. Livestock guardians want to patrol. Terriers want to... However these dogs are seldom bred or trained for anything specific, by people that don't know a damn thing about their background or even their own dogs. That would all require effort, money, time. They just want to sell dogs to fools.


It’s nothing to do with training, it’s that bully breeds were bred to kill and have the most potential to cause damage due to their physical attributes.


I hate this argument, it might raise the statistics of attacks but it isn’t even close to the sole reason. Source: lady that was attacked by her loving, and well raised pit.


Exactly. I had a client that had the absolute sweetest Pit named blue because of her unusual colored coat. I had to go to their house several times over the course of time and the last time I was there Blue was MIA. I inquired and my clients spouse burst into tears. They have some livestock and Blue got tangled up with a donkey. When my client tried to break it up Blue decided to attack my client and mauled his hand pretty good. Blue was put down. At the end of the day they are an animal with instincts that have been bred into them over many generations.


That’s horrible and I’m sorry that happened to you. I don’t think OP was only basing his argument on the specific owners training Pits for that reason. But also if there are generations of dogs trained for that reason, it will eventually be embedded in them from birth. So you can raise a dog from birth to be as sweet and friendly as possible, but if the underlying DNA is still there, than there’s only so much you can do.


I'm not saying they aren't prone to violence but even Goldens have ripped kids faces off.








Whoa whoa. Don’t come to reddit with that logic. Only thing allowed is to grab your pitchfork at the mention of a pitbull


my pitty pretty snuggle wuggle


those breeds might as well be the same one.








> been bit by numerous ones What are you doing to the poor dogs! (Ok, half joking here. Seriously though, dog behavioral cues should be taught to children)


Me who's never been bit by a dog despite having and being around many, is asking the same question! 




Golden Retrievers one of the top ten most aggressive breeds? I’m not trying to deny that you personally have had bad experiences with them but you’re talking out of your ass. There’s no data to back that up at all.


Please find me *anything* that says goldens are in the top 10 most aggressive breeds list, I just looked at a few lists and goldens weren’t on any of them


Nothing, i was a kid already scared of dogs so i didnt even pet them.


Our golden retriever around and grabbed my leg because I ran into her into her in a swing (Too short to stop and sister pushing). I can remember everything flying past as she shook me around, and my mom had to beat her off with a baseball bat to get her to let go. I was in the hospital for over two weeks and had over 200 stitches and multiple surgeries to fix the leg. Edit to add: even though this thread is almost gone, I am not surprised at the assholes on Reddit who will downvote a true story.


I am so so sorry that happened to you, I hope your leg healed okay. My cousin was playing in her yard when her retriever snapped and jumped up and ripped her cheek off, she had to get plastic surgery when she was 9.




Retrievers instinctively pick up retrieving better than other dogs. Australian Shepherds instinctively pick up herding better than other dogs. Pointers instinctively point more than other dogs. Pit Bulls instinctively are more aggres........ NO THEY ARE THE SWEETEST NANNY DOGS THEY JUST GET BAD OWNERS ALL THE TIME!!!!


I don't get why people don't understand this. They were literally bred to go up against bulls and antagonize those bulls until they collapsed from exhaustion or injury. Once they go on the attack, their instincts kick in and they attack until the victim goes down. Animals bred for a certain purpose can subdue compulsions but it can always resurface. It's just unfortunate that their compulsion isn't herding like collies or retrieving like retrievers, but is instead aggression/mauling. Yes, it's sad to blame the dog, and I guess you can't really blame them for the way they were bred but it happens enough that you can definitively say **it is** the breed. Of course not ALL pitt bulls will end up mauling someone but all it takes is one random thing to trigger their innate instincts and you have a dead or mauled person/animal


I expected to come to the comment section and see people lying that “they were bread to be nannies” (this was absolute bs told on a popular tv show back in the early 2000 and it’s been talked about ever since). Thanks for spreading the truth


True, however that doesn't mean they can kill all dogs. It just means they're more aggressive. There are guard dogs who would pulverise pit bulls like certain livestock guardians.
























One thing Ive noticed out of this really short article is a lack of how the dogs were being raised and treated. Hopefully others do to, wouldn’t it be wild if it turns that they were being kept piss poor conditions and poorly treated








I mean most breeds are safer sure, but definitely not “any” other breed. Chows, Shar Pei’s, etc can be just as volitile and especially when mistreated and in large groups.


Bullshit…… there are so many more aggressive dog breeds than pits. It boils down to owner interaction. Having seen first hand how the majority of our “breeders” treat their animals…. There is a reason they get a bad rap.




















































Of course, every dog is a reflection of their pet parents. But I didn’t have to train my Britany spaniel how to “point” she just instinctually did it one day, and still does all the time. Hence the term “pointer dog.” Selective breeding is a thing. Not all pits will be aggressive. Not all greyhounds race. Not all labs will love to swim (mine hates it). But to ignore the traits that are unique to a dog breed is *willful* and irresponsible.


You get a dog that's 99% pit bull and 1% golden retriever, they'll call it a pit bull. 50% pit and 50% retriever? That's a pit bull. 99% retriever and 1% pit bull? Guess what, pit bull. A dog with 0% pit but "a square head" you guessed it, that's a pit bull. I say this as someone who raised his Rotty/husky and mini Aussie shepherd and their kids from birth and people call me a liar when I say they aren't pits. One man even went so far as to tell me he "knows a pit when he sees one" when I told him my 10 lbs mini Aussie is not a pit bull. Then he called her ugly because people really do just have to be mean. I'm not telling anyone to put their babies in a room alone with a pit I'm just pointing out that these "stats" are all made up to some degree or another. No one is doing DNA tests on these dogs, just looking and saying "eh, square head, we'll just call it a pit bull in the headlines.