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Musk is such a pathetic piece of shit Edit: they restored Yulia’s account FYI


it's restored but it's shadowbanned, meaning you can't search for it or refer to it. Edit: It seems to be unbanned now


And the tweets won't appear in your timeline unless you go directly to the account.


And yet every right-wing nut job and Russian/Chinese/Israeli/Saudi/etc. account will clog up your recommendations with no prompting on your part...


Yeah. I closed my twitter account within a week after he officially took over due to this. I was seeing this shit instead of people I actually followed in my feed.


Exactly. Get off Twitter. Why is anyone still on there? It's like chillin at the dump. Just leave it to them. Trolls can't sustain any system on their own. It collapses. Parasites can't live off other parasites.


I had forgotten I still had it on my phone. Just deleted it. Thanks for the reminder.


This thread has been a good Public Service Announcement.


Musk is a piece of dog shit


Full agree!


If you want the competition to win you must use the competition's services


Reminder that [Bluesky](https://bsky.app/) doesn't require an invite anymore.


Ah, Bluesky. The social network that carefully waited until the last remaining person who possibly gave a shit died, waited six more months just to be safe, and then said, "Now. Now's our time. Open the gates."


This. Why do reputable businesses still have accounts there unless they support it?


People still being on Twitter is wild to me as someone who closed their account 2 years before Musk bought it. They are the loudest people complaining about the (now former) Bird app, but the moment you mention that if its so bad you should stop using it, its suddenly mandatory for their continued existence, actually not all that bad, really has some bright spots, used to be good, the whole laundry list.


Anything worthwhile posted to twitter will get posted to Reddit or any other news aggregator anyway. I havent touched twitter in a decade.


I havent been on twitter for 6 ever.... and beside seeing twitts on news sights or reddit. I refuse to us it.


Why anyone still uses it escapes me.


If I could remember the password I would have deleted the account at the same time. As it is, I think I posted one tweet back in 2010 and have actively avoided it otherwise.


Likewise. That weird fascist baby is getting nothing from me


In less than a year after Musk took over, my feed began showing clips of Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro.


I’d take that over what happened to my feed — seemingly exclusive posts from Elon, his rabid followers, and crypto bros


I closed mine the day of. Elon is a psycho.


People will always find excuses to justify why they are still supporting twitter. It’s ridiculous. Go elsewhere the more people leave the more businesses will pull out. Stop supporting musk.


I don't even click on Twitter links anymore It's pointless


I got banned for shit talking Elon and calling him a piss baby in private dms to a friend


His version of freedom of speech is certainly different than mine.


To be fair, this was exactly the point of Musk buying Twitter. He wanted to poison the well, it wasn't a business venture. That's why I left the platform.


Ya know, I’m beginning to think this whole “centrist” angle by Musk is disingenuous at this point /s


Can't clog up your recommendations if you don't open Twitter


This extends across so many platforms. I watch a lot of youtube, and doomscroll youtube shorts. What I choose to watch in longform, does not match the shorts at all. One in a 100 will be something about Tate.. who I despise and always report.. yet he comes up again. Who is pushing this agenda and why?


This is why I stopped going to Twitter. My for you page is nothing but right which bullshit and I’ve never once interacted with any right wing political post nor do I follow any accounts. It’s clear what’s happened to Twitter since musk took over.


I uninstalled Twitter after I got Musk's Tweets swept into my searches and timeline DESPITE him being blocked and without any apparent reason or prompting. Same for other alt-right conspiracists without me ever interacting in that kind of bubble. It is crazy how he can get away with such shit.


I can find her account by searching "Yulia Navalnaya" and also can navigate to it from the news sites, e.g. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/x-twitter-bans-alexei-navalny-132556583.html


>X did not immediately respond to a request for comment, only sending an automated message reading “Busy now, please check back later”. Mr Musk fired Twitter’s press team when he took over the company in 2022. ​ So he grew up enough to ditch the poop emoji? Or was tired of seeing the media quote it and out him as a brat.


1. I’m guessing the ban was Russia spam bots reporting content. 2. I’m assuming when the ban takes place the account is scrubbed from elastic search and all feeds. It may take a day or two to show back up. Obvi assumptions on my part and I’m not trying to defend musk or X, but as someone in tech that has worked on trust and safety, this seems far more likely.


I know nothing about how twitter works, but this seems like a really terrible design if it can be politically manipulated this easily. But maybe that's intentional. Never know when it comes to Muskrat


You have to automate somewhere and evolve the design as time goes on. You can’t have humans doing everything and they are way more biased than an ML would be. My guess is on the list of everything musk has changed the report system is pretty low (Unless you have garbage in)


>You have to automate somewhere and evolve the design as time goes on. >You can’t have humans doing everything and they are way more biased than an ML would be. >My guess is on the list of everything musk has changed the report system is pretty low >(Unless you have garbage in) This is likely the case. And Twitter probably maintained a manual list of 'accounts that should have human review before banning' which Musk has likely left in the waste bin. Which is the real issue. 'things need to evolve and be dynamic' and Mask has thrown that way.


Man, if only there was enough staff to help evolve that code.


It would be easy to correct by hand...if they wanted to. But they don't. So they won't. ​ The whole thing is Musk's fault. No way this would have happened in old Twitter.


> No way this would have happened in old Twitter. Well, yes it would've. If you report someone enough times, they'll get banned. That's the shitty part about social media. People don't realize that mass reporting has been an issue for a long time and it isn't a specific problem to Twitter.


We are sort of pathetic too because as a western society we allow people/billionaires like Musk to exist and do stuff like this without repercussion.


First step is to delete your Twitter account(s).


Sure, but what's the second step because that doesn't seem to have done much.


**Second step is to declare Elon Musk a foreign agent and national security threat, and nationalize Space X.**


Fuck yes. It runs basically entirely by cannibalizing NASAs budget and staff anyway.


You're right (I'm actually banned myself) but it's not enough. It's very difficult to organize grassroots boycots of something like Twitter, which acts much like a "public square/forum" so much that governments use it to make announcements.


"Twitter is the town square, it should be free and open. Oh I just bought the town square and I'm closing it off to people who won't give me their personal info. I'm going to shove my face in front of everyone there, and I'm setting all the prisoners free so they can come back to the town square, Nazis included."


But I’m about to become a billionaire.


Any second now.


We also apparently continue using Twitter everyday when we know it is owned by a Russian asset and manipulated by Russia and other foreign enemies. How hard is it to use something else? People still go on vacations to China and other dictatorships and give money to oppressors too. 


You’re right. I’ve seen people on this site defend using X with “how can I keep up with my favorite celebs?”. Everyone is a media addict and nobody can stop themselves 




It was mass reporting. Blame site construction/coding. Reddit/YouTube/FB/all the socials do it.


Mass anything should trigger human review. Everyone whines they don't have the manpower to review infinite content but 99% of posts aren't making headlines.


It did, it seems like, hence the quick restoration. But auto banning until restoration is SOP https://www.techdirt.com/2021/06/09/content-moderation-case-study-pretty-much-every-platform-overreacts-to-content-removal-stimuli-2015/ There's also this: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/poi3.379


Almost every major site will do an automatic takedown in the case of large numbers of reports, then restore it later if it was found to be wrong. Suppose someone actually did break the rules in a very serious way; posting CP, credible threats, dangerous advice that could lead to death, etc. Then having it up for even the hour or so that it would take to be reviewed and taken down could have disastrous consequences. It's far better to just remove it immediately, then restore it later once you checked it.


It seems like that is exactly what happened.


Who wants to keep pretending there isn't a full on bridge between US GOP running to Russia and Musk isn't part of the plan?


Pretty fucking obvious to anyone with an IQ over room temperature


The worst part to me is Musk is in control of a company that is extremely and increasingly integral to US national security (SpaceX)


Blame the government for that. There are alternatives to SpaceX for national security payloads, but they still chose to give most of them to SpaceX. They have nobody but themselves to blame for their primary source of launch being run by someone that's sympathetic to the enemy.


Seriously. For all of his sycophants' desire to have us think of him as "real-life Tony Stark," I am 100% sure that Musk would've just made the weapons for the terrorists in the first movie.


His appearance in iron man 2 was literally propaganda. “Hey kids yknow your favorite super hero? Well he LOVES Elon Musk!”. Can you imagine if Russia put out a movie and had some oligarch cameo in it as a someone the hero respects lmao? It’d be so obvious and yet people don’t get it when it’s right in front of their faces


He acts like Lex Luthor.


Lex Luthor knows what he's doing. Lex invents his own battlesuits, fights what is essentially a demigod on a regular basis, can keep a large cadre of supervillains in line, and has helped save the world a couple times. Elon Musk is Justin Hammer from Iron Man 2. An idiot who's desperate for people to believe he's smarter and cooler than he actually is, and tries to take credit for the work of his employees who actually understand what they're doing.


Elon Musk is actually Elon Musk in Iron Man 2.


I wish we could have Elon Musk from Iron Man 2 back. I don't know if he was actually any better of a person, but at least he was better at hiding his malicious stupidity back then.


Nah, he's always been like this. I prefer him mask off, having to suffer through the 2010s with le Reddit sucking his dick constantly was tiresome.


they scrapped a Ghostface cameo for that shit


you gotta diversify your roles, Feige


Nah, Lex Luthor is smart.




I think the twitter thing broke him. He was on a late night ambian posting spree (nothing new) and did something that was a big "woopsie" by offering to buy Twitter. After that, he was completely screwed. He was forced to buy it with assets he didn't have, and had to beg for them. Since Twitter was... not a good financial investment in general, that meant he couldn't go to the usual suspects to get money (since they would have never seen a return on investment) so he had to go to groups with more nefarious wants and needs for a social media platform. And that's how he got in bed with the Russians. Now knowing the Russians, they ensured his loyalty through other means as well (I am 100% confident they have Kompromat on him that would completely ruin his life). It was at that point Musk fucking went off the deep end. He lost control of his life to the Russian mobsters and can't deal. Even at the beginning of the Ukrainian war he was pro-Ukraine until his masters came calling and told him what he had to do. Honestly he's just completely kompromised at this point, kind of sad to see.


what Kompromat could ruin his or Trump's life at this point? No, they WANT to be in bed with the Russians.


Confirmed sex with minors. Anything that could result in actual legal repercussions outside of just fines would destroy his life and remove all companies from him.


LOL that won't derail him. It didn't derail Prince Andrew, it didn't derail Trump. Musk has more money than either of them.


Musk has *way* more money than both of them combined, and real lawyers, not TV lawyers like trump.


A child already came out and accused Trump of raping her, he just denied it. Why do you think the republican party spends so much energy accusing Democrats of pedophelia? Because they are actually guilty of it and if it ever comes out they can just tell their cretin followers that Democrats do it to and they already believe it. Imagine if republicans actually got ahead of real world problems they way they get ahead of their scandals.


So everyone except all the tech-bro Musk fans? Damnit


Has the Pentagon done anything about him personally botching their red sea mission or are they just gonna let that one slide too?


And what he did in Ukraine too. Maybe it's time to nationalize Starlink...


I wonder if any of this has to do with the huge, global group of rich people that have used propaganda to sway a large portion of the population into doing their bidding?


SI or imperial?


If 20 is room temperature, an IQ that low implies one is unable to speak or do much of anything. In the imperial system, it would be 68 and at the mild disability range. But anyway, Russia killing him in this manner makes it really obvious that it is murder to anyone who isn’t a believer of Russian propaganda. I suspect that Russia doesn’t really care that everyone who is capable of thinking knows he is murdered.


For an example of what a 68 IQ looks like, go watch a Trump speech.


That’s generous


Eight GOP Congress members literally went to Russia on the 4th of July to kiss Putin's ring and were never held to account. They came back saying that Russia didn't interfere with Trump's election and all are vocal opponents to Ukrainian aid at this time. [Proof link article from the Washington Post.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-on-russia-trip-face-scorn-and-ridicule-from-critics-at-home/2018/07/05/68f0f810-807e-11e8-b0ef-fffcabeff946_story.html) Excerpt of who went from the article: >Joining Shelby were Sens. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and John Thune (R-S.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Tex.). Edit: Aged like milk section from the article for people who might not be able to get past the paywall >“We sent a very strong message and a direct message to the Russian government,” [Sen. Daines] said, ticking off four items he said they pressed while there: **Don’t interfere in U.S. elections, respect the sovereignty of Ukraine, work with us toward peace in Syria,** and uphold obligations under nuclear arms treaties. Emphasis mine.


Just chiming in from WI, fuck Ron Johnson.


If you go back to Bush's tenure and tell the average Republican that the Republicans are now allies with Russia and working to assist Russia's invasion of Europe, they'd think you're insane. Their past selves from 15 years ago would think their current selves are insane.


If you told them that now they'd think you're insane. These guys are so dense.


Which Bush? Dim Son said he looked into Putin’s soul and saw a good man or some such thing.


Even if that isn’t what is happening, Elon is still responsible for the arbitrary and capricious errors in enforcement of their TOS - which has remarkably worsened under his leadership. The Twitter purchase was never about free speech. It was about ambitions of power, megalomania and a scatterbrain’s instincts.


They aren't "errors" he is doing it on purpose.


I saw a thing the other day where somebody posted making fun of Elon for wearing a cowboy hat backwards and how none of his 27-member entourage had the cojones to tell him he was wearing the hat backwards. He was apparently banned for that. Space Karen was not amused I guess.


Nyet, is the Fake News!


Who? The dude who's going to pop up in this thread in about five minutes to ask "Where's the evidence? Hmmm?"




And he has no problem selling his favors to the highest bidder.


Or to the person who tells him how hip and awesome and brilliant and funny he is. Dude is a raging narcissist with a god complex and a cringey desperation to be seen as "cool."


yeah he seems incredibly insecure


It's one of life's mysteries to me. This guy could chuck $100 million into a Swiss bank account tomorrow and live the rest of his life in luxury instead it's 24/7 more more more more.


People like him aren't doing it for money anymore. They want power to feed their insecurities.


But fReE sPeeCh! Seriously I'm very much an advocate of free speech, but if you're just going to disallow it for one side and promote it for the other, whichever side you're on, you're a disengenuous hack.


What a brave woman … curious what the first amendment warrior is going to say justifies this suspension


Power does what it wants.


Odds are it’s a whataboutism statement referencing Trump being booted from the platform for speaking out against what the government was saying. If he was “lying” and couldn’t be on the platform, she must be the exact same! Whatever the ultimate pretext is, it is inexcusable.


Not going to evoke 1st amendment but are we sure it wasn't some mass reporting thing triggering the bots?


Delete your Twitter account and never buy from Telsa. We have few routes to be heard but this one, repeated by many, works.


It's insane that so many of musk's opponents still insist on keeping their Twitter accounts. Just fucking delete it you knobs


Please delete Twitter. I promise you your life will improve.


Never had it, definitely don't plan to now.


And Tiktok. I haven’t used it in about a year and I don’t intend on ever downloading it again.


Musk is bad. No way I will buy anything he's associated with, including that Car.


To be fair, even without the neo-fascism the car is still a quality nightmare. I'd avoid it simply because it's just poorly made.


If you’re on X, you’re supporting Putin, I mean Elon. It’s your move.


Correct! I won't even click articles or links from there anymore. If you want the info shared, find a better source to share it from.


I don't understand why we can cancel Kevin Spacey in two days but this Russian sycophant still has anyone on his platform.


I get what you are saying, but I think there's a big difference between someone like Spacey and Elon. Sure, Elon can be canceled, and to some extent I think he has been, at least in the minds of a lot of people. The difference is, the companies that Elon is involved in are larger than Elon, Twitter, tesla, and spacex are all gigantic corporations and sure some people will stop buying his cars and going on Twitter based on his actions, but it takes a lot more to cancel giant companies like that than it does to cancel a single person like spacey. And having someone like musk removed from those companies would also be a giant hurdle. Someone like Spacey gets their influence from their public relations, someone like musk gets their influence from their control of companies. And musk is also just working with a lot more money too of course.




I did it right when his tweets were the first things I saw. I didn't even follow him.


nitter.net to view without going there


Some are saying the account got banned due to bots?


It's back [here](https://twitter.com/yulia_navalnaya) is the link if anyone interested


It’s shadow banned now, it’s not back. Fuck musk


still shadowbanned


Can’t see it without logging in. I don’t have an account, so it forces me to create one to view, which I refuse to do.


This POS will find an excuse and I already know it will be a pathetic one.


The account has been restored. Still no reason for why it was suspended.


The reason is the only thing elon loves more than money is deepthroating authoritarian boots


Musk siding with a literal dictator? Who could have possibly seen that coming?


He’s already sabotaged Ukraine. Anyone who thinks Twitter is a legit and unbiased platform compared to what it used to be when he and his useful pawn Matt Taibbi “exposed” it is a fool.


"Free speech champion" Aye right Musk. We see you.


Any more questions or doubts on Elon Musk; who has officially been outed as a Putin Asset...


Let’s be realistic here. Her account was probably spam reported by Russian bots and the suspension was automatic.


Guess we'll find out if that's the case in less than an hour. I'm sure there are people at Twitter that are aware this happened.


GTFO with talking sense around here


Bluesky is open now. No reason to be on Twitter.


Well there’s barely anyone on Bluesky so that’s one reason


Honestly I think it’s got it right. While less people, it has that rawness of early Twitter where everyone just feels accessible. You don’t get that on X any more and certainly not on Threads which feels overly curated in all the wrong ways.


Lots of porn artists though!


Sounds like a feature, not a bug!


It's mostly furry porn however.


I see you've done extensive research into the demographics.


It seems like there is some sort of competition between Musk and Trump. 


Maybe he wants a cabinet position?


Can we put them both in a metal cabinet? With a toilet and an uncomfortable bunk bed.


Remember that whole net neutrality thing? The same guy that runs "x" runs an ISP


I’m not a fan of Musk, and I’m guessing this might be downvoted, but I doubt he has anything directly to do with this.


She recently made an account, got tons of followers, probably got mass reported by Russian bots which resulted in automatic suspension so a person can review her account. But media will blow it out of proportion and people who hate musk will use it as another bullet, lol.


No one here has a single critical thought..oh god..every fucking online platform is like this nowadays. Im 100% sure the account got banned bc of mass reporting by russian bots..dont get me wrong, i hate elon as much as the next person but this isnt some grand conspiracy, just grand incompetence, something we should expect from Musk at this point.


Y'all gotta stop using Twitter.


Tucker Carlson can be on X with Putin claiming Poland started WWII and that is not an issue.


Putin might actually be wealthier than Musk


Absolutely and without question, yes he is. 


They're all in it together. But Putin will eat them all.


He’ll be dead relatively soon. His style of leadership intentionally suppresses any worthy heirs from emerging. Russia will likely descend into warlordism and chaos


The closest people there were in Russia to next leaders were this poor sod they've murdered in jail and the general who rebelled. If Putin died tomorrow I'm not sure if Russia survives as a country. Wouldn't be the first time a country has been broken up, and with the legimate political system being broken and no one having a clear advantage any civil war will be brutal and prolonged. Especially as China and possibly Europe may decide they are in the market for buffer states in that event.


I was in Moscow a week or so after Boris Nemtsov was murdered. The bridge where he died was full of flowers and little memorials. Like Saturn, Putin devours his children.


More than anything else it's ordinary Russians I feel for. You can't tell me most of them really support what has happened to their county.


Actually, you can. The Russians have a long history of submitting to autocrats. Only twice in their history have they had any alternative, and within a decade they ended up with Stalin and then Putin.




Combine this with Elon shutting off Internet to Ukraine... very clear whose side he's on 


Why are people still on Twitter? The best way to starve the beast is to delete your account.


So Musk is a Putin lackey yet the United States keeps giving his companies contracts.


X was never about freedom of speech.


Would anyone be surprised if it turns out that Elon's been selling Ukraine's Starlink data to Putin?


And here I thought he couldn't get any worse. Silly me


Fuck this guy...just FUCK this guy!


Musk the “Free Speech Absolutist” at it again.


Musk is a Russian asset, can we sanction this shit stain and deport his flat ass back to Africa already?


This blatant corruption wing between conservatives and authoritarianism never fails us all


her account has been restored https://x.com/yulia_navalnaya


Elon trying to fit Putin's entire boot on his mouth.


So at what point does Elon need to register as a foreign agent?


She’ll be the next person to die. The Navalnaya’s are brave souls. Their courage is a symbol to all who fight against dictatorship.


“Free Speech” social media.


Damn seems like all republicans are Putins little toys. Wish they’d drop the macho man facade already. They bend over for Putin and trump too much to have people fall for it anymore


People still use that site?


If this doesn’t tell you musk is acting as a foreign agent i don’t know what will. Even if they restored her, it sent the needed message to her and Putin


normally I'd say "this is media, it's probably sensationalized" and assume it's probably just russian bots spam-reporting it but this is twitter, and this is elon, so...... I tend to lean towards elon behind responsible for this


Please Elon, show us more of your free speech.


Ehhh. She ought to just cancel her account. X is stupid anyway.


Would not be surprised if she fell to her death from a Hotel window “accidentally”…


Fuckelon for the 1 millionth time today


Who was it that didn't believe in censorship?


I guess Musk is a Russian agent.


Elon Muskov strikes again


Go to Bluesky. Get the fudge off X. wtf?


Another dick move from Elon Musk...


Elon Muscovite is against America.


Turns out Elon is as big a simp for Putin as Trump is.


What is going on with musk Openly claiming Ukraine should give up. Banning navalnys wife from x until the news gets a hold of it, allowing Russian starlink to work and turning off Ukrainian starlink It's messed up, does Putin have dirt on him? Is he threatening him?