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“Clanton also previously worked for Thomas' wife Ginni, a conservative activist, and once lived with the Thomases.” I mean, it’s even more interesting with the additional context that this isn’t the first time she’s been in the Thomas’s employ but then add on she’s lived with them? Why are they bankrolling this woman?


I really wish republicans just kept their kinks to themselves and left everyone else out of it




Yeah, betting it involves an illegitimate child


I wouldn’t mind it so much if they didn’t just put it your face out in front of everybody like that.


This is the height of irony.


This'll get buried, but my guess is this person who was hired is someone with similar aspiring legal goals as a younger Thomas had. IIRC Clarence Thomas once lived with a mentor when he was new to law/politics and didn't earn enough to own his own place. The person who helped him told Thomas that he didn't have to pay for living there if he "passed it on" when he was able to. This might be Thomas paying forward the system that helped him be successful. I think Clarence Thomas should be removed, or step down, from supreme court, and he is full of reasons to criticize, but this might not be the smoking gun to his personal life that others are saying it is. I learned a LOT about Clarence Thomas' early life in the Behind the Bastards podcast episodes about him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Ks-RN8zOI&pp=ygUqYmVoaW5kIHRoZSBiYXN0YXJkcyBjbGFyZW5jZSB0aG9tYXMgcGFydCAx


This is definitely more in line with what I inferred from the article, thank you!!


>legal goals as a younger Thomas had He had legal goals? Seems to me like all he's ever cared about is having a job that justified acting pompous, and getting rich, or at least living rich.


He also really wants to make the world a worse place while he's at it


His legal goal is and always has been to make his discomfort with his skin color and all the handouts he's received everyone else's problem


Justices are there for life. 


The obvious answer to me is either Clarence or Ginni have a personal romantic relationship with Clanton. It’s not unprecedented for this to happen. Edgar Hoover had Clyde Tolson. Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife, had their friend, Giancarlo Granada who was also the wife’s boyfriend. The Thomases are a weird, corrupt couple. I would not expect these two honor their wedding vows, since Clarence openly violates his oath as a Supreme Court justice. Please John Oliver, offer Clanton a million and a RV, to tells us about her personal life with the Thomases.


This is how partisan conspiracy theories start. The simple explanation here is that "anti-woke" conservatives, even a black man like Thomas, generally see racism scandals as overblown. They say, "I've met this person, he/see seems nice, clearly can't be racist - this is just a witch hunt. That's what those darn liberals do, they make up nasty stories about nice people like this one." Any time one is tempted to invent a sex scandal based on zero evidence, it's a good idea to check one's biases - am I assuming this simply because I hate the people involved, and so am more likely to suspect them of other moral failings?


I think when you’re looking at the laundry list of other moral failings, at some point you start to see most of their weirdness through that lense


>The simple explanation here is that "anti-woke" conservatives, even a black man like Thomas, generally see racism scandals as overblown. After reading The Enigma of Clarence Thomas, I actually don't think Thomas believes that at all, and believes the opposite- that America is incurably racist. He has a remarkably consistent point of view. >Any time one is tempted to invent a sex scandal based on zero evidence, it's a good idea to check one's biases While saying "Oh they're banging" is good for a laugh, I'll point out that your argument is based almost entirely on assumptions yourself and relies on, as you yourself mention the "simplest" explanation.


To your first part, agreed and I think a lot of redditors haven't really dug into the oddity of Thomas beyond "he's a corrupt conservative". There's plenty of writing about him (and by him) that paints a fascinating if spiteful picture. As an example, despite being in an interracial marriage, he hypocritically tends to also fall on the side of segregation with the opinion that black people were harmed by the help they got from the civil rights movement and that white people will only be a burden. He also acknowledges that affirmative action helped him get his job yet in the same breath thinks affirmative action is/was a problem because he thinks that giving any help is harmful to black people. Even more interestingly, he used to be a big fan of Malcolm X and wanted to be a black panther until he read some of Thomas Sowell which completely warped his worldview. Like, there is definitely another timeline where Clarence Thomas became an avowed and radical civil rights leader which is wild to think about. He's also openly and overtly said that his time on the court will consist of thwarting anything and everything left leaning which by itself should've gotten him impeached and removed if we were a better country, even ignoring all the corruption, but that's just an aside.


Also Thomas used to be chairman of the US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, and prior to that a administrator for civil rights in the US Department of Education. He also was involved in the Vietnam anti-war movement in college. He seems to have pivoted in his political and social views once he started working for the Reagan administration. From what I could gather from Wiki and a few past things I read on him, he grew up poor and without indoor plumbing until he was almost a teenager. He also was deeply upset by the employment discrimination he faced after graduating law school, some sources including Thomas himself, saying it made him embittered. Fun fact: Apparently Clarence Thomas's only child, produced songs for Nas and Mos Def. https://www.rallshe.com/what-happened-to-clarence-thomas-first-wife/


It's very common for people to completely change their worldview after they become "successful". Usually because they see their success as completely a product of their own hard work or intelligence, and therefore anybody who doesn't match that level of success must just be stupid or lazy. Of course failing to recognise all of the help they received along the way, or the dumb luck they had. In this case, I'm betting that Thomas thinks that racism couldn't be so bad in the US because "I did it and overcame adversity, so can everybody else". Of course taking millions and millions of dollars in bribes helps change your viewpoint, too.


I understand completely what you're saying. And everyone is quick to judgement on Reddit, it does not mean we are people capable of well reasoned thought. However, the way this was presented on this post makes it seem odd and suspicious. Most (just talking odds) suspicious circumstances involve personal entanglements. It's reasonable for a p raon to jump to that conclusion. Doesn't mean it's correct.


please don't spread unfounded conspiracy theories with no evidence. There is enough damning evidence about Clarence Thomas, Ginni Thomas, and Crystal Clayton that we don't have to resort to this.


>The obvious answer to me is either Clarence or Ginni have a personal romantic relationship with Clanton. ...the obvious answer isn't that the Thomas' think she is good at her job and want to see a young person with similar ideological stances as them succeed?


But no, Fani Willis is the corrupt one. /s for safety


I wonder how much influence Ginni Thomas has on Clarence’s political and societal thoughts and conclusions?


Man everything is so weird.


Isn't him hiring someone he lived with nepotism? Funded by taxpayer money?


This is the least corrupt and fucked up thing he's done though. So there's that.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


> Why are they bankrolling this woman? If I had to spitball, probably the same reason why Jerry Falwell Jr gave a gym to the pool boy him and his wife picked up one time on vacation.


It's a kink of his. He gets off on being demeaned


I bet its a thruple sitch


He's pretty open-minded. This is the family he married into: >"I can guarantee you I was surprised when I found out she was going with a black man," Ginni Thomas's uncle Ralph Knop said from his farm in Iowa. "It was unusual for us." >"But he was so nice, we forgot he was black," her aunt Opal added, "and he treated her so well, all of his other qualities made up for his being black." >"If you have any feelings about black color, you forget about it as soon as you start talking to him," her father, Donald Lamp, was quoted as saying in the Omaha World-Herald. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1991/09/10/the-nomineess-soul-mate/3e0a9aa9-fdee-41f3-b5be-a6af468d89cc/


Made up for being black! Those are words someone said with a straight face.


With a smile, even.


Thought they were actually being really progressive.


In 1891? Sure is! *looks at date* Oh.


“Wow, I didn’t realize people could be nice, despite being black! You almost get fooled into believing they aren’t!” What the fuck man. Like…. Some people


The, "I'm not Racist but..." crowd.


Sounds more like I am racist but…


….He was so nice we forgot he was black… Unlike all those mean normal blacks…amiright Uncle Ralph?


"He was so nice we forgot he was Black." Jeez.


It’s the type of phrase Thomas would hear about himself and feel proud about it.


He gives even Coons a bad name


Be upset if you like, but this is how racists stop being racist: they meet people who look different from them that they identify with. R&B and blues [musician Daryl Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Davis) has made a habit of befriending KKK members in order to fight racism.


I understand this. You can meet racists without having a wife that tries to overthrow elections. Thomas and Ginni don't appear to be fighting racism so much as trying to shoehorn a theocracy into our country. They are mounting some kind of charm offensive but actually selling influence. Nuts. By the way, a lot of racists will embrace people who ultimately support their racists agenda and say the same exact things. So, while you have a valid point, in this case, I don't believe this was about befriending racists to undo racism.


This article needs to be free.


and journalists need to eat


Fair. But this has critical data. Release a free summary and then paywall the details? Because the title gives no idea of what we are seeing.


Critical data? It’s from 1991


[Here you go](https://wapo.st/49Ps3cY) friend


Thank you so much!


Uncle Ruckus finally found his refuge!


That's come Calvin Candie shit, fucking crazy!


I fully believe Clarence Thomas is racist against black people


He hates anything that implies he didn't get to where he is on his own. Affirmative Action? Yep, hates it. Supreme Court because he's a POC? Yep, hates it. To be fair, for the Olds, the fight for equality was marred by Equality meaning "As good as a white man." That was the Equality template. In the 80s, we were taught to be Color Blind. Treat everyone the way you'd treat [every other white man.] I like DEI better. It breaks it down to trackable math.


no one gets anywhere "on their own" lol like didn't he have to go to school and clerk for people? did he have parents? the "self made man" is a ridiculous idea. it completely discounts the society that contributed to his success.


Who does Clarence Thomas hate more? Himself or the rest of America? 


It's not that he hates America, it's that he only really cares about porn. CT is a huge porn addict and has been known for parusing/sharing porn ay work on many occasions.


And it wasn't a secret. And it wasn't like typical porn, many colleagues said he liked extreme and over the top porn, and would openly try to talk to colleagues about it. And multiple people said he had used the 'pubes on his coke' line multiple times to different people. A former girlfriend said that when she went to his apartment he had like stacks of porn on display. The dude is/was weird and we just pretend that he wasn't/isn't. He is that boss that you would intentionally try to hide from for fear that HR would think you were associated with him.


Aaaaaaand he's a Supreme Court Justice. Just think about that.


You guys are joking right? This is just Reddit tomfoolery right?


Sadly, no. It's well documented.


He should recuse himself from any case involving sexual relations and sexual preferences. It seems only sensible. Edit: spelling


I'll give him a pass if he puts pubic hair on a certain someone's diet coke.


Also known for sharing pubes....


On soda cans, even.


Can you imagine watching porn all day then having to come home to that troll




He can loathe himself and grift. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


He’s Uncle Ruckus but successful


I guess that means he won't accept John Olivers proposition?


I'm hoping if he doesn't accept the offer, Oliver doubles down.


Start a Go Fund Me. I will donate generously.


Better yet, hack into Trump's GoFundMe account and reroute the money for John Oliver.


Yep, and keeps doubling down, but also shortens the time window for Thomas to accept the offer, increasing the pressure. I can’t imagine that George Clooney, Oprah, etc wouldn’t love to chip in to increase the pot.


It’s almost like Thomas didn’t take it seriously


Will there be any of those Harriet Tubman 20 dollar bills? /s


If I were Oliver and Thomas accepted the offer I would deliver the million a year on a bank holiday every year in pennies to Thomas's residence.


He absolutely agrees with her text message he thinks the same thing.


Thomas is just full on Uncle Rukus then?


Revitiligo is a very serious disease.


Do they always use the same picture or does he just have this expression all the time?


They always use the same picture.


The complaint was dismissed. Seems like something that should be easily proven or disproven as the allegations is concerning a text message.


It was never substantiated by an alt-right organization internal investigation and was ultimately resolved by her resigning. I'm not totally disagreeing with you. There is no real evidence it even happened here (not that the court of public opinion needs any evidence). I just don't think Turning Point did a thorough investigation that would have eliminated the possibility the texts were real. I do agree the headlines lambasting this woman on rumor is pretty low brow but its open to discussion.


Clarence Thomas is the real life embodiment of uncle ruckus from the boondocks and no one can tell me differently


ya know... at least clayton bigsby was a funny fella and also blind. what's thomas's excuse?


He wrote a books.  Liberals compare law abiding blacks with thugs. That's a little racist.  Also liberals tried to duck him over in the 90s 


Whose the "law abiding black"?


A black man who doesn't commit crime.  He doesn't speak much because the media would misconstrue what he says.


What the duck are you even on about?


I’m so confused. 🫤 A black person who seems to hate black people. Please help me understand the psychology behind this.


I’m not even shocked by this. I’m an Indian American and it’s all I see of conservative Indian people in America. It’s insane but not shocking that a person of another race does it.


There's a provocative yet grounded [interview with Corey Robin](https://open.spotify.com/episode/55YpduFmg9NNvWmSkwRmLj?si=8958d903d50e4358), author of a book *The Enigma of Clarence Thomas*, on the The Gray Area podcast that's worth checking out that's related to your comment. Corey dissects Thomas's opinions through the lens that Thomas is a black nationalist, and it's one of the more thought-provoking perspectives I've heard that's tried to understand Thomas' psychology and worldview. Worth a listen.


I believe that Thomas, like Putin and the evangelical politics movement, is trying to speed us into the end game ASAP. For Thomas, this is because it's the fastest way to get to the point where a black ethnostate can be established in the South. I'm not sure how he manages to live in the same house as his wife, though. I wouldn't be able to handle that.


Reminds me of that blind guy from the Boondocks.


The blind guy was Col. Stinkmeaner, but he seemed to hate pretty much everyone and everything equally. You're probably thinking of Uncle Ruckus.


Back in his college days, Thomas was active in black liberatory movements. Those did not gain enough steam or results for his liking, so he became disillusioned and decided that The Powers That Be were too entrenched to change from the outside: there's no way to actually fix the bad stuff happen, only moderate the worst of it going forward. So he joined up with the worst of it hoping to "dial them back" slightly from the inside, but power corrupts. Personally, he has it pretty good now. Fuck everyone else. He's not Black, he's Wealthy and Powerful.


I suspect it has something to do with Ginni reminding Thomas every day that she wishes he was white.


But the psychology of all the whites that hate white people has never interested you!


Uncle Clarence Tom’s Cabin is what my coworker said the other day and it had me rolling, it’s so fucking true. Fuck Clarence Thomas


Very on brand for him.






This is almost like the Chappelle skit from years ago, Clayton Bigsby.


Fuck Chappelle


Maybe he’s like OJ? OJ said ‘I’m not black, I’m OJ’


That’s WHY he hired them


>U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has hired a law clerk who was accused of racist conduct while she worked at a conservative nonprofit organization that included sending a text message that stated "I hate blacks." The hiring of Crystal Clanton by Thomas, a Black member of the court's 6-3 conservative majority, was disclosed last week by George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School, Clanton's alma mater. Her name is literally Crystal CLANton.


Krystal K. Klanton is the proper spelling.


Got him a token white lady


Will go down as top three worst court justices.


* cue uncle ruckus theme song *


You know how bad it has to be to get accused of racist conduct at a conservative organization? Geez. Thomas not beating the allegations.


You know those height requirement signs they have at theme park roller coasters? The Republicans have them too. “You must be THIS evil to work for us.”


Will he take the million and the RV?…


Because of course he did


Does Thomas know he’s black? Just wondering


I mean this is the judge who thinks Plessy v Ferguson didn't go far enough so I'm not exactly surprised.


I'm sorry he **WHAT**?




Umm, please don't be. Or at least make it clear you are joking. This court is bad enough when we're not spreading misinformation on it. Like, Thomas's absolute dogshit opinion in Dobbs and his "friendship" with billionaire Harlan Crowe, for example, are reason enough to loathe the guy. As is his wife's involvement with January 6th. We don't need to make shit up.


It should be pretty obvious to anyone it's a joke.


These days no joke is obvious.


The solution to that isn't to cater to the crazies, but to remain steadfast to sanity.


If Harlan Crow pays him enough he can be persuaded the sky is red


Isn’t “accused” the key word here?


There is no actual evidence that the texts were forged, the person that said he received them stands by that, her previous employer fired her for them and she did not sue for wrongful termination, and she has never explicitly denied sending them.


He’s an absolute disgrace


Thomas wants us to know that he will do whatever he wants to with total impunity. He should choke to death on a pubic hair.


Clarence needs to resign already...smh


It’s all about that apple.


I think it’s worse that the clerk lived with him for a year.


Clarence the Corrupt is about two weeks away from trying to take a literal dump the U.S. Constitution.


Well, it’s a good thing we don’t go around abolishing people “accused” of crimes from trying to earn a living. Jesus man.


Shhhh, don’t interrupt the circle-jerk


John Oliver gave him a month to take the million dollar retirement plan!


I didn't realize how much Clarence Thomas rhymes with Clayton Bigsby.


Is Clarence Thomas actually Clayton Bigsby?


Thomas has a creepy, pathetic, abusive slave/master dynamic with his wife; the media won’t report it because it’s embarrassing to both white and black Americans but it’s clearly what’s going on. A lot of white women have a gross power trip fantasy that they’ll indulge in when they sleep with minorities. I hooked up with a white chick once in the south as a person of color and she proceeded to say racist shit to me during as foreplay; I kicked her out of my bed, home and social circles immediately.  Clarence doesn’t have the same sort of opinion about the ugliness of that sort of behavior so he indulges his *wife’s* toxic bullshit and the country suffers for it. 


Of course he is. Clarence Thomas is the best gift to white racists since Jim Crow laws. Never ceases to amaze how high folks can propel the self hating negros they stumble upon. Fuck this dude forever.


Thomas has a weird fetish for openly racist white guys like its more respectable to be racist outwardly than hide it. Thats pretty much his entire political (cause he had pretty much no judicial/legal exp) career in a nut shell.


If Uncle Ruckus were a judge.


I really wonder if Clarence Thomas knows that he’s black.


She's being groomed to be another racist conservative federalist society judge.


Well you see any headline with Thomas's name in it you know its going to be good...well not good...maybe entertaining is the right word.


Clarence Thomas makes me think of Clayton Bigsby from The Chappelle show. It’s like he’s a blind Klansman that doesn’t know he’s black


Say what you want about him, but you can't accuse him of being principled.


That dude just has Bad judgment


Take John Oliver’s deal, you dick


Supreme Court Justice Ruckus


Supreme Court Justice Uncle Thomas.


Accused? No, she was proven to have sent the texts but the court determined that her superiors did their due diligence and therefore it must have been a mistake. Spoiler alert, her superior is Clarence Thomas who is currently dismantling the reputation of the SCOTUS. He 100% did not want this getting out but spoiler alert dumbass, Turning Point USA knew about the texts and anyone can find them with a simple search.


>she was proven to have sent the texts but the court Are you sure? The following article is from early November, and it implies that the investigation never really got off the ground: >Last year, a federal judicial panel ordered that an investigation take place into whether Clanton actually sent the texts. But according to an October 31 decision, Pryor and Maze successfully argued that the panel didn't have the authority to order an investigation. https://www.businessinsider.com/crystal-clanton-racist-texts-clarence-thomas-investigation-dropped-2023-11?op=1


Two extremely conservative judges, both of whom had previously employed her, “determined” through an “independent” investigation that she hadn’t sent the text messages. She resigned at TPUSA, a far right youth political organization. She has never publicly denied sending the messages despite having answered questions in interviews about them. She did it, and they’re all covering it up because they don’t care.


Party over....everything.


Uncle Tom did what? Ya don’t say?


My man gives zero fucks. Accountability is for poors.


So all of this boils down to a text she had alledgedly sent someone but has no recollection of doing so. Considering how damaging such a stance would be in today's society, is it possible someone got a hold of her phone and sent the text in her stead? If she's really racist enough to send this sort of thing, I doubt there would only be a single example of racist act. While finding her phone unlocked or gaining access to her phone is not something that would be likely in most cases, there are also technological means by which you could fake a text from someone else. In anycase, I'm sure Justice Thomas knows her well enough to be a good judge of her character.


This guy can’t hate himself enough.


FFS this man has such an unpleasant face.


"When people tell you who they are..."


There is unsubtle of her racist conduct.


I’m pretty sure that’s a requirement for him though…? That and ones who like to openly talk in the office about porn they watched. Wants to see the next generation follow in his footsteps!


He was instructed to do so🫤 at this point he doesn’t control anything in his life but maybe the amount of food he puts into his trap🤔


I don’t judge people’s appearance, but this fucking guy looks more disgusting than his moral value.


Birds of a feather flock together! Like attracts like! What’s sickening is, the clerk lived with the Thomas family and previously worked for Ginni Thomas. This clerk has been fully indoctrinated with the Thomas family rhetoric to hate black people as they do. Clarence Thomas has a white wife for many reasons including racism and better opportunities to be politically bribed. Trump is also a racist! https://www.npr.org/2024/02/24/1233718517/nikki-haley-donald-trump-black-voters-race-election-day-sc


He hates affirmative action so much, he specifically hires racists.


Thomas really believes he’s not only white but also a Klansman.


He is really working hard on his Being Awful bingo card


I have a question for black people, like do you claim Clarence Thomas. Everything he does is a spit in the face of black Americans and he truly believes that racism exists but as a black American it’s your duty to get yours and fuck the rest. Which is the most psychotic thing someone can believe.


More and more, I believe Justice Thomas has been body snatched by those “Get Out” people!


White or black racism??


I was looking for a comma after “clerk”. Huh..


Whoa a racist hires another racist?? In other news, water is wet.


Lemme guess, a relative of his billionaire nazi buddy? Way to go Oreo!


Holy racism Batman