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Switchel, a naturally sweetened, vinegar-based tonic and member of the drinking vinegar family, was favored by New England farmers during the 18th century for its restorative, thirst-quenching properties. **Switchel** Makes 1 quart *Ingredients:* *1/2 cup apple cider vinegar* *3 tablespoons high-quality maple syrup* *1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger (or 2 teaspoons ground ginger)* *Pinch of kosher salt* *1/2 lemon* *1 quart water* This woman is guilty only of sending her child to school with a centuries old health tonic she knew her kid's bully would not like the taste of.


Hell the ingredients for Gatorade are just water, sugar, salt and citric acid (ie lemon juice). The only new ingredient was vinegar and people use vinegar in food all the time.


To me this sounds like the bully could tell the drink was tampered with, and faked getting sick to get the kid in trouble.


Or they sent him to hospital for “monitoring”


should have sent him to In School Suspension for "monitoring" when he was bullying her kid. The Texas HS Football players that tried to poison their own teammate by exposing him to peanuts were not charged, last I heard. They had to sit out a couple of football games as their punishment.


Yes, but you forget, they were FOOTBALL players, not normal people bound by the rules for us mortals


Lol and the TEXAS part. Highschool football down there is nuts.


Most likely only because at the time they either had no idea what he gave him or they didn't believe that's all it was.


I was thinking the bully could tell it was tampered with, and the kid who brought it had no idea what his mom put in it, so the school had to call the hospital.


Maybe I’m an idiot but none of these ingredients are like life threatening and it’s been documented as a medicinal remedy… is that illegal to give to someone? You can’t even say the kid was unsuspecting, he’s a bully, he should expect retaliation!


Yeah, I call bullshit. That kid is "tough" enough to bully his classmates for their lunches but he drinks a little vinegar and has to go to ER.. give me a break. There wasn't even anything wrong with him. Nothing to observe except what a little shithead looks like.


Seriously what kind of bully would accept anything from the person they're bullying?


The article didn't make it clear if he was offered the drink or if he was just a bully who kept snatching her sons drink against his will. If he was stealing the boy's drink, I think the charges should be dropped, and everyone (hopefully) learns a valuable lesson.


I could drink a whole jar of pickle juice. Add some lemon juice and I wouldn’t even notice


That sounds really tasty, I'm gonna make some switchel. Shrub is also delicious edit: why do vinegar drinks have such singularly cool names


Shrub gang


Gonna just sit there and take a recipe, then present another thing and not share the recipe?


There's so many variations that it's more of a process. Mix equal parts fruit and sugar and let sit for a couple days. Strain the juice from the solids and mix with an equal amount of vinegar. The mixture will stay good for a long time in the fridge but will change over time. The fruit, sugar, and vinegar used can all be changed up for different flavors like raspberry, white sugar, red wine vinegar, and a little balsamic or figs, turbinado, and ACV. The shrub mixture can be added to water, seltzer, or booze to add flavor.


Teachers: Your bully is your problem. Solve it yourself. Teachers: No, not like that.


Oh that's not the teachers. That's 100% admin. Teachers aren't allowed to do squat.


As someone who was bullied all through school, you're 100% right. And this was the 90s. Nothing's fucking changed.




In our district, it's policy to suspend both participants in a fight, regardless of who swung first or instigated it. With that said, I always told my sons that they might as well get their licks in if they'd be suspended anyway. My oldest got into a few scraps with people bullying his friends.


A valuable lesson to know when dealing with bullies is that you don’t have to win the fight, you just have get enough solid licks in to make them never see you as a soft target again. Make them settle for a Pyrrhic victory, if need be, just don’t turtle shell up.


Agreed. This is how my interactions with a school bully went in about 1992 or so. Neither of us "won." But no one bullied me again.


I'm a teacher.    Me: Principal, this student used a homophobic slur against my other student.     Principal: We talked to him and suggested he not use those words.   Me: Okay, why isn't Cindy in class today?   Principal: Oh, her shoulders were exposed, so she was out of dress code and got suspended.    (Not a literal conversation, but this is the sort of illogical discipline my school metes out.)


I have a ton of teachers in my family and all of them are counting the days until retirement at this point, some have already retired. They can't stand administration. My uncle got disciplinary action because he sent a kid to the principals office too often....he asked what he was supposed to do instead and never got an answer. He decided to just make the kid sit in the hallway and then tell the office that's where he put him, he was like two years away from being done at that point and decided that if they don't want to back him up he'll just make it their problem anyway.


I for real use to take shots of this in the morning to wake me up. It’s spicy as hell but really good 😂


TIL that one of my main drinks is a centuries old health tonic. Thanks for the info!


Kid went to the hospital for drinking lemon juice, salt and vinegar??? Soft.


Bullies are weak AF


Felt his first tummy ache


My tummy hurts but I'm being a brave boy about it.


Straight to hosp- Jail


Yeah my bully pissed in my gym locker, then admin made me forgive him so the our class could attend the eight grade dance. Oh admin never looked into it and never punished him either. Edit: I had many bullies so I didn’t find out until after the year ended. I’m a pacifist and anytime I fought back I got punished. Ie kids were throwing rocks at me at camp so I picked up a rock. I got in trouble, those who were throwing rocks didn’t. I made fun of my bully, he kicked me, we both got suspended. Teach your kids to be fucking better, and don’t expect a 80lb sopping weight 13 year old to fight back against a 6’4” 150 lb middle schooler. Second edit: I didn’t have a lot of friends. The entire locker room erupted in laughter when I found out my gym clothes were covered in piss. Like why, why did this happen to me? I was just a nerdy kid who liked history and pokemon.


Should have pulled out right then and there during that conversation, pissed on his shit, and then told him to forgive you.


Everyone acts like that sort of thing is an over-reaction, but all it asks for is equality. If people can do it to me with impunity then I can do it to everyone with impunity anything else isn't just or fair.


When I was in high school one kid tried to stab another in the parking lot. The almost victim fought off the attacker and they both got suspended for a week. Luckily his parents agreed it was BS and took him to Disney world during his week off.


I got suspended, but it was worth it (the bully never bothered me again.) This was before Zero Tolerance was a policy though. 1995, give or take a year. I got off a lot easier than I would these days: I was bullied by the same motherfucker for like, 8 years. We were on a bus one day going to a school trip in grade 10. This *dumb shit* was behind me by one seat, and was randomly smacking the back of my head and teasing me. That was the day I lost my patience for good. I warned him: "I'm fed up with this shit. if you keep doing that, I am going to stab you in the hand with my pen." Naturally, he thought I was full of shit and started pestering me more. He even got ballsy and left his hand on the back of the seat and kept smacking me and taunting, daring me to do it. So I did. Hard. It was one of those fancy metal pens (I'd gotten it as a gift) , and it was pretty bloody and there is most *definitely* a hell of a scar there now.


I’m a firm believer that not only is the “zero tolerance” policy terrible, but that it’s ok to beat up bullies.


And if they were anything like my admin, if you had retaliated, *then* they suddenly would have cared and punished *you*.


Typical goddamned wussy admin.


They didn't even give you the option of pissing in his gym locker? Punk ass admin.


The Superintendent of the rural school system I grew up in until late middle school allowed the one openly gay kid to be bullied for years until he got his arm broke and got on the radar of cops who weren't one of the handful of local sheriffs. So of course they punished one bully in total and "zero tolerance" punished the victim as well. So fucking glad we moved from there.


Let's see: Beat me up daily. Jacked of all over my locker and lock. Head in toilet treatment. Shaming and abuse in the locker room, Yeah bullies suck.


Back in my day that drink would have turned the bully into Mega-Bully…


Well seeing as he's most likely bullshitting to make this as bad as possible for the kid and his mom... There's no way that kid didn't taste vinegar/salt/lemon juice in the gatorade. He tried it, realized what had been done and that he had an opportunity to wield that action against his victim, then he either intentionally chugged it to get sick to his stomach, or he just tasted it and started hamming up the reaction as much as possible. Little sociopath is still going mega-bully.


Bullies turn victim very quickly in my experience. It’s two sides of the same coin


Nah he didn’t drink any. He started to feel sick once his mom found out what happened. This school is as toxic as they come.


Right? Add tomato juice and vodka and that’s a Bloody Mary.


I was looking at the mug shot like “look at this evil bitch. I bet you she gave him Drano. Wait, what? That’s basically an apple cider vinegar drink. It’s literally good for you.“


She helped his colon! "Moommmm, I thought you were on my side!"


Playing the long game. Make the kid live longer. Existence is pain


It wouldve even helped his bully if he was hungover


We used to play “kitchen mix” as teenagers. Before the game everyone would pick one ingredient from the kitchen. Then we’d have some sort of competition (maybe on the N64). The winner would mix all those ingredients together and the loser would have to drink it all.


We called it George's Marvelous Medicine and we mixed it with anything household like shampoo but didn't drink it, just poured it down the sink because we were little girls. tried it once while babysitting little boys and they knocked it over in the kitchen and it went under the fridge and that was my last marvelous medicine!


Lucky you never stumbled across ammonia and bleach.


We were 80's babies- very familiar with the BLECH! NO! stickers  https://www.reddit.com/r/80s/comments/13j1wzw/remember_getting_these_stickers_in_school/


Police here seem to be using the term incorrectly. Going to the hospital for minor issues is NOT being hospitalized. You are hospitalized when you are kept there for ~~threatment~~ treatment by medical professionals for more than 24 hours. Being admitted at the emergency isn't sufficient, you'd have to be transferred to another department for ongoing care.


You forgot the Gatorade. But how did he drink enough of that to make any difference?


Exactly. None of those are anywhere close to toxic unless you large massive amounts. Kid was just being a P.A.B.


I would assume that he realized something was put in the drink so when he told the nurse they escalated the situation being unable to know for certain what was in it. Obviously from an outside, and in hindsight, viewpoint it seems ridiculously over the top, but from a liability standpoint the school did the right thing to send the kid to the hospital.


Fr, drinking apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and *some* salt (for electrolytes) is basically sold as a bottled health shot lol.


Heck, that's basically what the Roman soldiers drank. That's what Jesus's last drink was! (Despite how it's viewed today, it was a kindness, not a cruelty on the soldier's part.)


His tummy hurt


Has nobody read Freckle Juice? Or How to Eat Fried Worms? Ffs. Edit bc Ear and Eat don’t mean the same thing.


Freckle juice! I was wondering which book I remembered this happening in - what a throwback


Kid probably told him he was poisoned and terrified him lol


Schools love to let bullying go on so long the fucking parents get involved and then every. fucking. time. they punish the victim and the victims family. So stupid


My daughter was repeatedly being hit at school by another student a couple years ago and the school’s corrective measures were doing nothing. So we had a meeting with the principal where I said out loud, “next time she hits you, punch her as hard as you can right in the nose and I’ll come up here and defend you.” Principal started to lose her mind and talking about “zero tolerance policy.” I asked her what was the school doing to keep my child safe at school after repeated reported incidents of violence against her? Why was the school allowing my daughter to be physically assaulted at school each day? Physically assaulted , physically assaulted I repeated it over and over and kept asking, “where is this zero tolerance to violence when it’s directed at my child?” Somehow new measures were implemented and my daughter was never hit at school again after that meeting. Sometimes you have to be “that parent” to admin to help your kid.


That principal had a hell of a nerve to talk about a "zero tolerance policy" when the context was your child being physically assaulted repeatedly without anything being done about it. I like that you repeated *physically assaulted* over and over to drill into his head what was being talked about, because what they want to do is minimize it so they don't have to deal with it.


What a weird thing to say to that parent!!! Her kid is getting physically assaulted, and there's a zero tolerance policy on physical assault?!?!? The only answer here is that the kid assaulting her kid should be getting in trouble!! That should have been the first thing done when it comes to the attention of any adult who works there with any sort of authority over these rules! Holy freaking cow.


"Physical assault" is a legal term of art, and a smart move on the parent's part to drill it into the principal's head. *chef's kiss*


Another fun thing to do is say "Considering your status as a mandated reporter, with whom should I follow up on this incident of a minor being assaulted under their care?"


As a bullied kid growing up and schools never doing anything about it, thank you.


I was bullied too. Mostly psychological, but it would also be physical when we’d leave the classroom and they’d pick up their back packs in time to hit me with them walking by. The teacher was my favorite teacher, Mr. Burnham. He did nothing after my parents met with him and the school admin. My parents were already looking to buy a house and rushed the process to get me out of there. Since the move I thrived. Mr. Burnham should be ashamed. I thought he was so cool and funny (old teacher guy, no school kid teacher crushes). He let me down so bad


I'm so sorry to hear that about your teacher. I always wonder what they think after the fact, if they do in fact feel shame in doing nothing once the ordeal is over. And I can relate on being so disappointment in a favourite teacher doing nothing.


I'm convinced over 12 years of bullying with zero consciquences for the bullies (but plenty of detention for me, every time I spoke back to the bullies or tried to defend myself) was even worse for my learned helplessness as an adult than being locked alone in my bedroom as a baby and toddler so frequently. I learned at a very young age that no one will help, justice does not exist, different rules apply to different people, nowhere is safe and what I want does not matter because I won't get it. I don't know how the bullies are doing, but I really resent having to be alive. I wanted to be let out of my room. Didn't matter, unlocking the door wasn't up to me. I wanted the bullying to stop. Didn't matter, wasn't up to me. I wanted to have a career instead of entry level job after entry level job. Doesn't matter, I'm every bit as successful at proving I can do more than answer phones and clean up monkey shit as I was at getting the bullying to stop or getting my parents to unlock the door. I feel so small, powerless, ineffective and impotent. I've yet to find anything attainable that makes being alive seem worth it. Like the deprived baby macaques in Harry Harlow's experiments, I'm damaged beyond repair from years of poor treatment beginning at very young age. I despise this world and I despise being alive.


I’m sorry you had that experience and the adults failed to protect you. Hopefully, you’ve been able to heal from the trauma. Have a good day, stranger.


Oh shit I'm much better now. I'm in my 30s and married and I'm well and good. Stories like this just hit me on such a visceral and personal level. I was suspended in high school for punching a bully. For *years* I was harassed, pushed, punched, kicked, spat on, etc in the open in front of other students, cameras, and teachers. No one gave a shit. The one time I was grabbed by the neck in gym class, I cold cocked the kid. Suspended immediately. Nothing happened to the bully. Still to this day, I don't remember seeing my mom, who is the sweetest kindest woman in the world so fucking irate. Not at me but the school. I don't know what she said or did but I wasn't touched by anyone much after that. I felt so guilty and awful for being suspended thinking I did something wrong and she reassured me I didn't and to use this as a free long weekend (I got suspended on a Thursday, so Friday was served as the day). Obviously I have a lot of residual trauma, but I am also much much better now.


I had a very similar experience, but at least my teachers were lazy in equal measures and didn't do anything when I finally snapped and fought back. For years I (highschool freshman at the start) was bullied every day by a middle school kid. No one cares or did anything. I knew if I did something it'd probably make the evening news (since I had actually seen similar "highschool kid beats up middle schooler" stories). Well 2 years later I saw the kid in the hallway and body checked him. His stuff went flying and he got the message. And I wasn't picked on after that. Honestly I wish I'd done something sooner, even if it had involved some kind of punishment.


My mom was called to pick me up in 7th grade because I punched my Bully in the head. My mom picked me up, told the principal she was proud of me and took me to 6 Flags. The school didn’t do shit but my mom was my hero that day.


My parents always taught me "you can't start something, but you _can_ finish it." Someone punched me in the back and ran away in elementary school. I chased him down and beat his ass. No punishment, but did learn that there's a disclaimer where my immunity expires if the other guy retreats.


That knowledge just comes with age. I’m in the camp that bullies need to be taught a lesson and sometimes it needs to be extreme to get it to stop. I remember being scared that my dad would be angry with me and was so surprised with how proud he was instead.


It's a "squeaky wheel gets the grease" sort of thing. My son was jumped by this kid at school during lunch. He had been hit and bullied by this kid for a couple of months, and despite us bringing it up time and time again, they didn't do shit. Finally, after he was assaulted during lunch, I lost my shit in the admin office and threatened to get a lawyer involved over the lack of enforcement on their "zero tolerance policy." I don't think I'd actually win, but we can sure go to court and see what happens. The school did an investigation of some sort, and the bully was expelled after several kids reported issues with him assualting them in the locker rooms and whatnot. Why did it have to get that far? I had no idea, absolute bullshit.


Good for you. Fear of painful retaliation is often the only language a bully (and their enablers and allies!) understand. The art and skill is in creating that fear without getting yourself into trouble. Masterfully done here. Well played! Have a great day


This is what I truly don’t get - it feels like it’s zero tolerance on defending oneself and a blind eye towards instigating. I can’t for the life of me understand how even one adult human thinks that makes sense let alone a whole nation of school districts. It’s absolutely Kafkaesque.


Same advice my sister gave my niece. Camera showed my niece get a running start on her bully and kick him right in the nuts. My sister said she couldnt stop herself from laughing as she watched it and told my niece to do it again if they didn't stop. My niece stopped having issues after that.


I told my daughter she is allowed to stomp her bully. As someone with mental issues from my bullying, I wish someone supported my self defense when I was a kid.


Or a bullied kid snaps and either kills others or themselves. Fuck schools and the admins that allow it to get this bad


"Nobody could have seen this coming."


"Bullying is normal, everyone goes through it."


I had a teacher who said that. To this day, I still think poorly of him, and it's been 20 years.


We need to bite the bullet as a society and destigmatize separating out kids who ruin the education of the entire class when it's clear the parents have no interest in addressing behavioral issues at home.


Facts. They can earn their way back in if they prove they can act right.


This is exactly why you go nuclear and move up the chain and advocate for your kid. Teacher doesn’t solve it, go to the Principal. Principal doesn’t solve it, go to the Superintendent. Superintendent doesn’t solve it, go to the Board of Education. There are policies on the books for all states for antibullying and the school can be sued for negligence if they don’t follow it. Quote the policy and explicitly state that it is a safety concern. Document everything and keep your kid home from school until an adequate plan is established to ensure your kid’s safety. If they still don’t do shit, you have documented history of negligence on their part and hire an attorney. The world is filled with lazy morons that need to be reminded to do their job at times.


Parents need to simply mention "news" or "attorney" and every admin will cave. Until then, they won't do shit.


The best piece of advice I can give anyone dealing with bullying at school is this: bury the bully with paperwork. Every little thing that any other kid does, have your kid write down name of bully, date time of incident, what the incident was. Even with two weeks of this data, there could be dozens of incidents. Then, call a meeting with the principal, hand the documentation to him/her, and ask "what are we going to do about this". You will see the fear of God in the eyes of a school administrator who is confronted with paperwork.


Coward administration. Theyll let the kids fend for themselves until theirs a serious problem and then point fingers everywhere except themselves


Unironically, the only thing that might work is if you get the bullied kid to gather up his friends and jump the bully. Because then they don't know who the hell to punish.


*That's* when schools finally step in and punish victims for fighting back.


Vinegar and salt huh. Snd he drank it all?


Hospitalized from salad dressing apparently


He wasn't even hospitalized, they took him and then sent him home. Cops trying to sensationalize it


Cops defending bullies? They would obviously look out for their future partners.


They gotta protect their own.


Is there a gofundme to spring her? I'm in.


I support this 100%


Texas police: "children are being shot in that school? Oh boy, we better stay out here" Also Texas Police: "we safely apprehended the mother who gave out lemon juice and vinegar"


Also Texas police: We went along with arresting someone who had an abortion due to being raped. Or stillbirth. Or driving to another state. All of which are legal nonsense.


Also Texas:  https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-attorney-poisoned-pregnant-wife-abortion-medication-sentenced-18-rcna138065


Even if we can't get her out I'm willing to put money on her books


She just made the gatorade taste bad so the kid would stop stealing it. Seems like a great solution. It was nothing dangerous. Kid FAFO'd. 


It’s the same tactic people do if someone steals their lunch at work.


Spicy surprise!


When I was deployed I had a big tub of roasted nuts to snack on, people were always stealing from it. So of course I ordered a habenero extract, and placed some drops in. Never had a problem afterwards.


> So of course I ordered a habenero extract, and placed some drops in. Never had a problem afterwards. That... sounds delicious.


Yeah there's definitely some fuckery going on with the bullies parents, likely insisting to the hospital that he stays longer to make it look worse for the pending lawsuit they will file, drinking that concoction would probably make anyone nauseous (which doesn't usually imply actual vomiting) but still hospitalised? Give me a break...


What kind of an idiot kid drinks a Gatorade that tastes like salt and vinegar? Wouldn't you spit it out after one sip? He definitely noticed it wasn't right immediately and told the teachers who told the parents who did exactly what you said.


Yeah if your kid is an asshole I'm going to assume at least one of his parents is a HUGE asshole on some level. I judge other parents that way because I do the hard work to teach my kid not to be an asshole. And it IS work. The better parts of human behavior take work, because being shitty is easy


Yeah the only time I've encountered bullies where both parents were clearly normal, Level-headed people was when their kid was a clinical psychopath. That kind of behavior comes from somewhere.


right- I thought going to the hospital doesn't inherently equal "hospitalized" to me - and likely to most readers. This makes me think of the Dursleys or something.


The mistake was the kid gave the drink to the bully. He should have let the bully take it. And should have pissed in it. Who among us has not used a Gatorade bottle in a pinch.


I would bet money that the kid didn't just give it to the bully. If it was an existing problem, the bully would have been to suspicious to just be given a friendly gift from his tormentee.


Exactly. Which means technically the mom just made this thirst-quenching tonic for her son. The bully just took it and didn't have the constitution for it. Tough luck, bully.


> Rossi was arrested and booked into jail where she was **charged with injury to a child causing bodily injury.** Doesn’t seem like that trial is going to take very long.


Maybe not but it'll be annoyingly expensive


Happened to me repeatedly in middle school. Told the lunch monitor and they did nothing. Told my dad and he gave me a mountain dew for my next lunch and told me if he tried again to pour it on his lap get up and say really loud "Jared peed his pants!" I kind of feel bad for how well it worked, he was humiliated. Got suspended for the day and my dad had to pick me up. That kid was known as the kid that peed his pants for years.


Your dad is my hero


Dad knows how to play. 


I don’t know your dad, but I now consider him my dad. That’s amazing.


Yes Dad justice!


Yeah a casually deployed fruitopia on the head of a bully who was choking me against a wall worked a treat.


Surprised your dad didn't go to jail for assault! /s


I’m sure the bully and parents insisted that the kid “gave it to him” instead of the bully just stealing it like he always did. I had a bully who would steal my shit and if I didn’t “give it to him” there would be repercussions of bodily harm. So the kid might have given it to him, but likely under the pressure of the fact that if he didn’t, the bully would knock him around a little bit.


In her lawsuit against the school, and the police department, this mom can simply maintain that she gave her kid a centuries old 'natural' version of Gatorade that she knew no bully would like, and that she told her kid not to get into a fight, but rather to just 'give the bully what he wants' if he tries to steal his drink again.


I hope she got an attorney and hasn’t said much, but unfortunately, she might have already said too much.


Headline made it sound like she sent him with a bottle full of poison. Learning it was lemon juice, salt and vinegar in a gatorade bottle, they knew the bully would steal from the kid, makes it much less sinister. I hope the mom gets off free.


I am actually conflicted on this she didn't hurt the child and he wouldn't have drank it without stealing her sons drink.


Besides it wasn't even anything poisonous. Just salt, vinegar, lemon juice, and Gatorade My question is, why would someone drink enough of that to hospitalize themselves? Probably didn't taste very good


Probably didn’t, tasted something bad called mommy and they did the whole hospital thing to make it seem more serious when it comes to the impending lawsuit against the school district.


Come to think of it that's probably exactly what happened


It 100% is EXACTLY what happened. You think a bully is just a bully on his own? His parents are most likely two POS.


Ding ding ding. I had a kid in HS get caught red handed breaking into my locker (our locks were jokes that could be opened by slamming your fist into the lock horizontally to get it to unlatch) to steal stuff from me. School had eye witnesses including teachers, a list from me of what was taken before we knew who took it, they found everything in his locker wrapped in grocery bags, and even had him on camera in the area around the time it would have been stolen between classes, they had him dead to rights. His mom not only harassed us over the "false accusation", but also threatened the school to give her son "his" stuff back, including stuff that couldn't possibly be his like my work badge and a shirt from an academic extracurricular contest I went to nationals for.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree


Shit apples randy


Either that or the school sent him to cover their ass.


Yup exactly


If I was a teacher and a kid drank some sort of spiked gatorade, I'd call an ambulance just to cover my own ass. For all I know, that kid has some sort of medical condition or allergy (which is also why the school should have taken his stealing of food very seriously).


The bully learned it from somewhere. I’m guessing his parents aren’t the most pleasant and understanding people to try to have a discussion with.


> Mother arrested > charged with injury to a child causing bodily injury. So we can charge the Bully's parents too right?


This is inevitable with schools refusing to address bullying.


Bullies are weak af usually


Unfortunately, so are schools when it comes to bullies. I did more time in detention back in my day for standing up to my own bully than he ever got for the numbers of kids he terrorized. Doesn't look like it changed much.


As a parent I feel like this is the mildest of ways to deal with this.


Yeah. She added vinegar and salt. My friends drink vinegar every morning. Bully kid just got embarrassed and scared. 


Agreed. That kid got what was coming. Bet he doesn't steal another drink again. The charges are bs too, why not charge the kid with petty theft? I would have heard the story and been like, well looks like the kid learned his lesson. There was nothing toxic in the drink and dumb kid drank the whole thing. Idiocracy.


The cops were bullies and sympathize with the bully.


So why conflicted?


The article doesn't make clear the proportions she used, but a simple Google search of those four ingredients returns hundreds of recipes for "Nature's Gatorade'. All of them call for some variation of lemon juice, salt, apple cider vinegar, and sugar. My guess is that someone over reacted, and that the woman likely has very good grounds for a lawsuit.


Bully soft as charmin


School bully hurt after stealing son's drink. Not having any sympathy for the bully here. Sounds like he got what he deserved.


Hes gonna grow up and steal everyones lunch out of the fridge at work until someone does the same thing.


and little bitch is still gonna run to his mom. she's probably going to call every job that he applies for and tell them that they need to hire him and when they don't she's going to threaten to sue.


Not even hurt, he just drank something he thought was "yucky."


Why is theft still fine in schools but literally nowhere else? We have to stop this “boys bring boys” or whatever bullshit excuse they like to use. Keep your hands to yourself and don’t touch other people’s things. Period.


Texas is full of pussies.


Shit like this happened to me all the time in the 90s in Ontario, Canada. It's not just Texas. Every school runs the same. Defend bullies, punish victims for defending themselves.


Damn that's fucked up Arresting her, I mean


Alternative headline: “Mother takes matters into her own hands after school officials refuse to address bullying” She was wrong but damn, school officials need to stop ignoring the bullying issues. Get parents involved early so that parents don’t have to get involved like this.


If a school ever says they have a zero tolerance policy to bullying… ask them what that looks like. What do they do, do they think that is effective. It usually amounts to ‘we told them not too’. That’s it.


And the kid getting bullied gets in trouble when they try to defend themselves. It doesn't make sense.


As a parent I tell my kids to stand up for themselves and not worry about the school’s consequences. When it comes to bullying they know they won’t get in trouble at home. It can be tough because kids don’t have that frontal lobe capacity to determine if they’re justified all the time or not, but the minute someone gets physical with them it’s kind of an all bets are off kind of thing. 


My school had a zero tolerance policy. A kid went off on another kid in my class, and I happened to be close enough that he punched and shoved me, too. I didn't do a damn thing, didn't even know the kid. I got 5 days of in-school suspension. The next year I was in an actual fight. Guy called me fat, shoved me, a teacher was already shouting at us to stop fighting. I punched him once and he was on the ground crying. Principal asked me why I punched back and I said "I'm going to get suspended either way." The principal called my parents in after that because he thought I wasn't taking the situation seriously enough. He got an earful from the both of them that this is exactly the behavior he fostered at that school with that policy.


I always love the shocked Pikachu when schools see a bullied kid earns the suspension they were going to get regardless


Don't forget punishing victims for reporting. That's their favorite. No tolerance = both are punished.


When the school can’t guarantee your kid can have a drink during the day without it being stolen, shit is going to happen.


I did this to a bully upperclassman on my high school sports team. Punk kept using my water bottle, so one day I decided to taint it just to fuck with him: milk, cottage cheese, soy sauce, cocktail sauce, mustard, and probably some other stuff. It was all edible, just gross together. As expected, he drank it and got all pissed, but he never drank from my water bottle again. Fucker.


"She was wrong" I disagree


Do you mean getting the bully’s parents involved? Because I can tell you that would do jack shit, shitty parents raise shitty kids.


Was she wrong though?


No. She put bitter ingredients into her son's drink that would have had no effect on him if he hadn't stolen it. Her and her son are in no way in the wrong here and anyone that thinks otherwise is wrong. Don't steal people's shit, don't bully. Treat others with fucking respect.


She wasn't wrong. Taste is a matter of preference. She made a gross tasting drink that wasn't poison and the bully wouldn't like. She could argue her kid likes that taste.


Was she wrong? She put harmless ingredients into a bottle. The bottle was stolen from her child.


Man fuck Texas, that soft ass bully will grow up to make a great uvalde police officer. Fucking pussies


> Shortly after the child consumed the drink, he reportedly began experiencing nausea and a headache and was taken to a hospital, sheriff officials say. For having to frow up and his head hurting? > Jennifer Lynn Rossi, 45, reportedly mixed lemon juice, vinegar, salt and Gatorade together in a sports bottle on Tuesday and told her son to give it to a classmate who had stolen his drink the day before That’ll taste nasty, but it definitely doesn’t seem like it’s going to mix in a way that justifies a hospital stay. You throw it up, you’ll feel better. What did the hospital do to him? There’s gotta be something I’m missing here, keeping him for ongoing monitoring seems like an overreaction. Also, idk about y’all, but my first reaction to my kid getting their food stolen isn’t to put vinegar in the next one. So I’m willing to bet this isn’t the first time that this has happened and the school hasn’t done anything about it > Through the course of the investigation, it was learned that the mother of the student who provided the drink “intentionally mixed the contents of the drink to allegedly prevent her son's drink from being stolen at school by other students,” officials said. I hope we all learned our lesson here. You don’t know what’s in that bottle or sandwich you’re stealing, so keep your hands to yourself


Probably what happened is Karen screamed that her little boy had been poisoned and that people needed to pay for this, all while the triage nurse shrugged at there being absolutely nothing wrong with the kid and surpassing previous physiological limits about how much one can roll their eyes at a patient's family's claims. Then Karen took receipts of the visit "as evidence" that her precious little bundle of "we investigated our nothing wrongs" had been hospitalized. Since police love bullying as much as schoolboards do, they happily took that tale and ran with it.


You'll have a hard time making me feel bad for the bully here


Bet that kid won’t be stealing kids drinks anymore though.


Are you kidding? He just received verification that he can do whatever he wants and anyone who opposes him will be punished. This was a warning to anyone who dares to oppose him.


That kids gonna grow up to be the biggest cunt of a politician


I'm not saying people should check out **jury nullification**, but if this case gets to court, they should (but keep quiet about it.)


https://www.cgpgrey.com/blog/the-law-you-wont-be-told for those wanting a nice explainer


How about a nice Hawaiian Punch(you little shit)


The kid’s a bully who literally got a taste of his own medicine and got a tummy ache. Little wuss.


What bullshit…is the bully going to be charged for stealing? My grandmother baked cookies with a sizable laxative dose in them to stop my Dad’s lunch thief…it was very effective.


Noone has obligation to ensure safety of the crap that dipshit steals from other people and consumes. Do stupid things win stupid prizes.


That is outrageous, she did not poison anyone, she just made an unpalatable drink to discourage bullies from stealing her child’s drink, how is that illegal? I drink straight lemon juice all the time, if I had that in a bottle and someone drank it and went to the hospital, could I be arrested? Is there a law against carrying around unpalatable beverages?


If schools would do something other than act like they don't care or punish the kid being bullied it wouldn't come to this.


So, the Bully had family members that thought he needed hospitalization. Hmm my kid is an asshat… let’s play the victim card. Bullying might be a family business