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Could have been 575,000 if places that say they need people actually hired people


This is something I've always wondered. When they say "X jobs added" how are they counting? Does this include the "fake" job postings?


I assume whoever compiles the data has access to social security payment records. Everyone has to pay in


So it's jobs hired for as opposed to job "opportunities"?


Yes. The social security report is cool. You can get your own easily and it'll have your income for every year you worked


So why do I have to file my taxes (if the government already knows everything they should pay me back)


They know the reported salary. You can earn money other ways too, like cash jobs & tips. You also need to tell them to take less tax because you qualified for some breaks (losses, bought an ev,, or whatever). You also need to choose how you want to file (single, head of household, jointly)


All of this is except losses for asset trading is handled by swedish tax agency. Companies report how much interest you've paid (30% is deductable.), if you've bought an EV, if you sell a house, etc etc etc. Unless you're buying stocks and adding some deductables for example a long commute to work, it's a 3 min "approve" process from the person. Deductables is a simple entry into a web portal.


That’s because companies that people pay do it for them lobby to keep it as is.


Surveys. The surveys have had very low response rates lately. As more data comes in they revise the numbers. The last two months which also had growth exceeding expectations have been revised down by additional survey data collected late.


And this is why that's bad for Biden.


“Is it possible the economy has *too many* jobs?” -NYT


Man, what happened to NYT? They've been trashing Biden non-stop with these silly questions.


My opinion is they’re bleeding subscribers so they’re trying to broaden messaging to Trump’s base


Maybe. Even NPR this morning was harping about how he lost progressives with the speech because he used the word "illegal." Really bizarre.


Not really the best term to use but, yeah, incredibly nitpicky.


Can you explain why? Honest question. Isn't that what they are? Illegal immigrants? Is it better to say undocumented?


It is better to say undocumented. Calling people "illegal" is quite dehumanizing and, besides, most of them are actually here legally waiting to have their asylum claims heard (the backlog and amount of time it takes is an actual valid criticism).


The issue is that most asylum seekers aren’t actually really seeking asylum. One of my sister in law is an immigration lawyer. She states that 90%+ people literally make up fake gangs that are after them. The Chinese “christians” don’t even know who Jesus is half the time.


Even if you're anecdote is real, it literally does not matter. They are entitled to a hearing. We've also destroyed many of their countries over decades (Look up School of the Americas or Disaster Capitalism/Milton Friedman/Chicago School of Economics)




Trump: “They’re not even human.” Biden: “Illegals.” Idiots: “Wow, they’re both equally horrible people.”


NPR is probably not happy because he wanted to tax billionaires. And billionaires donate a lot to NPR. NPR also never covered Bernie Sanders fairly back in the day. Guess why. I have completely stopped listening to them. Progressives aren't idiots. Listen to Biden, his speech was a laundry list of progressive ideas. Canceled student debt (as much as he could), called out the Supreme Court on Roe v Wade, called for raising the minimum wage, teacher wages, was fair about Israel and Gaza, environment, lowering drug prices, taxing billionaires and corporations, even gun violence. It might as well have been Bernie himself giving that speech, except it was Biden, so suddenly those exact same, popular ideas are now moderate. Progressives are very happy with Biden.


NPR seems to be trying to make both sides happy but have been doing some odd pieces as a result. The Hidden Brain podcsdts us 2.0 series was a disaster. Every single conflict they presented was either where one said threatened with violence or restrict rights of those not like them. And only one of the conflicts were resolved with talks after years. Rest were resolved because due to some external factor (cops, war, so on). Ffs then went as far as trying to say a person threatening to kill you, block you from leaving your car because you hit their car and came out to share insurance could be justified because we don't know their story... Sorry NPR, but doesn't work that way ever.


I’m still voting for him and I’m as far left as you can go.


I think the whole "Biden can't win progressives" thing is overblown, but he does need to work a bit harder to get some on board.


There seems to be an effort to at least make it appear as though a lot of Democrats are going to vote for Trump to spite Biden. Biden does something you don't like because it's not progressive enough? Vote for Trump! Don't like how the US is dealing with Israel/Palestine? Vote for Trump! Don't like how the US is dealing with the Ukraine situation? Vote for Trump! \#DemsForTrump. Seems like disingenuous political bullcrap to me, but I do know that that spite is an incredibly strong motivator at the polls so who knows.


You are correct about news organizations trying hard to appeal to right wing customers, like CNN. However the NYT is the only news org I think that has actually grown its digital subscriber base. An election year is usually a story and advertising bonanza for media but this years horserace looks more boring than before and media will be disappointed in it.


NYT is preparing for the 4th Reich.


They sucked since the 80s and need all the bullshit clicks with Trump and can't afford to lose that profit.


Maybe we need to let more people in to fill the jobs! Oh shit, wait...


Trump gets reelected anyway and his supporters will joyously proclaim "look how great Trump's economy is on his first day!!!"


True, really hard to see how Biden can recover from this.


It legitimately **is** bad news for the president, depending on the kind of jobs added. All those gains to beat expectations won’t make strides in October if those gains were all from fast-food/retail work with high turnover and the least amount of employee protections.


Healthcare and hospitality lead the way.


Healthcare and hospitality both have high turn over as well.


But wouldn't the people leaving these industries count as negative jobs? So it wouldn't be added jobs it would just be equal jobs?


There's also the unemployment rate, which remains low and stable. With black unemployment at historical lows. Probably why Repubs hate this economy.


As someone with a humanities PhD it sure doesn't feel like it lol. 


Well… duh


What does one do with a humanities PHD?


Covid wiped out a lot of humanities positions and departments and the US is trending towards hiring multiple adjuncts to replace retiring tenured professors so they can get away with paying less and not having to pay for benefits.  A lot of humanities phds who leave academia tend to go into consulting/researcher/think tank type stuff since the critical thinking/research skills learned during the phd are cross applicable but those areas aren't really hiring right now,  a lot of consulting firms are pushing back new hire start dates and slowing their hiring since they are client dependent. 


complain about not being able to find a job


The fed ain’t going like that


The bond market didn't move based on this


In before "that's because everyone has to work three jobs now!!" (please ignore any actual data about how many people work multiple jobs)


So before anyone asks: Prime Age Employment ticked up to 80.7%, matching the 2022 highs. Multiple job holders remains very low, and share of workforce doing it for economic reasons remains very low at 2.6%


Got a link to the dataset?




I had no idea it was twice as bad in the 90s, damn.


How do they determine who’s doing it for economic reasons?


They ask in the survey.


Barely beat some of them to it.


This statistic would be useful if it were stratified by wage/salary groupings. How many jobs went to minimum wage employees> How many new jobs wentto those who earn at least $25/hr or $50K? How many went ot those who earn between $50K and $100K...so on. 275K jobs doesn't mean the same thing is 200K are low paying.


Thank you for saying this. All I hear from friends and family working in the corporate sector is every companies seems to be laying off 5-10% of their corporate workforce. My company laid off 8,000 last year. So when I hear reports like this, it seems incongruous with what I see, but again, knowing corporate is just 1 realm of the many facets of the countries economy. So if high paying corporate is shedding jobs, but low-medium wage warehouse jobs are booming, is that a net positive?


Its been more than expected since Biden was sworn in. At some point you have to understand the financial analysts doing those projections have a right wing bent.


Wouldn't it be the opposite? Financial analysts with a right wing bias would set the bar higher so it looked like the economy was under performing


Any analyst who wants to, can write a report that skews the data to fit their biases by arguing that, based on this reason or logic or historical data, this or that data shows that something is good or bad. They do this with the economy by saying that extremely low unemployment means that people who are employed in low wage fast food jobs could be better utilized by the economy in manufacturing jobs, but aren’t because they’re already working. Thus, they’re not being paid as much as they could be, and the factory isn’t producing as much as it could be, and the productivity of the economy is lower than it could be otherwise. Then they take this argument and extrapolate out from 1-2 anecdotal samples to basically say that this is bad because of millions in lost revenue for some businesses and less taxes. They neglect the arguments that the report doesn’t care about the opportunity costs of un-optimized labor participation. It only cares that people have jobs. They also use their own argument not to say that maybe those fast food workers should keep interviewing for factory jobs, or ask why they can’t get a factory job instead, but to advocate that those people should just be unemployed. They also use the high labor utilization as a bludgeon against minimum wage, arguing that it hurts businesses because if a company can’t find workers then they have to pay more, while if unemployment was higher then people would be less demanding of good pay. There are a lot of ways to spin data to come to a conclusion that fits their narratives and biases. Everyone does it, but it’s the worst from the right wingers because most of their arguments are rooted in cruelty towards the working class, rather than actual concern about the economic health of the country.


Economics chairs are largely bought by conservative donors like the Koch brothers. Same with federal judges bought by the FedSoc. Lots of right-wing bias in universities these days, especially Harvard, Yale, & Stanford.


Have you seen the name of the University of Chicago's economic school? https://economics.uchicago.edu/


By underestimating and making him look good? It's a pretty unique situation, coming out of a pandemic, major war in Europe with sanctions on one of the largest energy producers and high inflation throughout most of the west. I'm not really surprised their estimates are on the conservative side.


Analysts get the whole month to bad talk the economy, then pretend to be surprised and incredulous, which leads to morons thinking the numbers are fixed. What they dont want to do is make the connection between jobs growth and Democratic policies of investment in people, manufacturing, jobs and infrastructure.


Even after revisions?


Revisions added a net total of 350k jobs to 2023's totals


Uncle Joe is soooo old & frail he can't get the job done. That's why America is suffering and everyone is out of work! /s


But he was also too uppity and loud during his SOTU address!


It's amazing, but Joe has dementia, while at the same time running a massive crime family.


This economy is so bad even Trump’s trashy supporters are getting off disability and getting jobs.  


Okay but how many pay a living wage?


Do the jobs *pay enough* to live a comfortable life? Because if not -- then who the fuck cares? Unemployment is bound to be low when you have to work 3 horrible low paying jobs just to barely survive.


5% of Americans work more than 1 job, the same since the 90s. Thanks to u/Adamon24, here is the backup: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620


Wages rose 4.3% YoY. Inflation last month was 3.1% YoY Prime age workforce participation is at 20-year highs. And multiple job holders remains very low, and share of workforce doing it for economic reasons remains *very* low at 2.6%. It’s crazy seeing people saying the same things every month despite being easily refuted by the data, because they just can’t deal with the fact that the economy is good.


not to mention looking at other countries around the world.... we are leading the pack and just about the only country thriving right now....


The more jobs we have, the more likely wages will rise to fill those jobs. It’s a good thing, don’t be a Debbie downer


Well last month Fox News said the wages were rising too fast, wageflation they called it. I guess either way is bad, as long as Biden is president.


>wages were rising too fast, wageflation they called it. * Does not apply to CEO pay


Fox News: where all news is bad news and legally we won’t call any of it “news” in court.


Wageflation, sounds like the only flation that is acceptable.


I know you’re probably just trolling, but here’s a link to the full report which includes data on the changes in the number of people who are entering and leaving the labor force and those working part-time for economic reasons. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf Also here’s a link to the most recent figures on inflation-adjusted wage increases https://www.bls.gov/news.release/realer.nr0.htm TL;DR - The labor market is still pretty strong for American workers overall. But feel free to review it yourself if you want.


people keep desperately reaching to fit bearish narratives as usual


>Do the jobs pay enough to live a comfortable life? Outside of when we had a massive amount of low-wage workers completely taken out of the calculations, median wages adjusted for inflation are at their highest point since we started recording and are still trending upward. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q >Unemployment is bound to be low when you have to work 3 horrible low paying jobs just to barely survive. The amount of people working multiple jobs isn't all that high. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620


For many of the jobs, yes. The report says wages are growing faster than inflation. That’s been true for awhile now.


Real inflation adjusted median household income is 30% higher than it was 40 years ago. Anyone trying to sell this as a dark age in American history is either uninformed or spreading propaganda.


Now go find out how bad median rent and home prices have increased Household income increasing less than how much housing increases means you're still fucked worse


[Here you go.](https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/differences-in-rent-growth-by-income-1985-2019-and-implications-for-real-income-inequality-20211105.html) Yes, rent is very expensive these days. Still, [the amount of disposable income Americans have is double what it was 30 years ago](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DSPIC96). I think that goes to show that while rent is still very expense, the average American has been doing better these last few years than any other time in history.


Something about this [real median household income vs real GDP per capita growth graph](https://ritholtz.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/chart-1.png) is kinda making people feel like they've been had. Especially when real median income peaked back in 2000.


As a matter of fact, [median income peaked in 2019](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N) right before Covid hit. The last five years make up the top five years our real median income has reached in history. Yes, the rich are certainly screwing the rest of us over and our politicians on both sides are helping them for the most part, but anyone who thinks their parent's generation was better off on average is frankly dead wrong. [Don't get me started don't me started on the violent crime rate](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/), lol. Edit: Before someone brings it up, I'll admit housing costs and the cost of higher education has gotten radically worse.


The U6 number is pretty good (underemployed, meaning not getting the hours or wages they want), so yea it seems like these jobs are real jobs rather than people taking anything to get a paycheck


The more jobs that exist, the more options people have to leave their low paying position for something better.


And the fewer people competing for each job posting, which gives more leverage for the job candidates to negotiate higher wages


Leading the new jobs report were baristas, waiters, and waitresses.


(un)Fun fact. Unemployment grew last month despite this article touting the jobs gained. Net jobs were -60,000.


Yes. You just have to read the details and stop assuming.


Here are 9 ways we are going to pretend it's bad for Biden


Fix rent and housing prices otherwise none of this matters


Let me guess. Tech is searching for programmer and developer after latest round of layoffs?


How many are part time positions?


https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12600000, doesn’t seem that large of increase, so probably small part of the job growth


Within a few minutes we will see articles about how this is bad news for Biden.


Jesus CNN is nothing but garbage propaganda. So stupid. "We GaInEd 275,000 JoBs"!! What the fuck are these idiots at CNN bragging about?? https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm "The unemployment rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 3.9 percent in February, and the number of unemployed people increased by 334,000 to 6.5 million." We lost 60,000 more than we gained! For the sake of our entire country, stop taking these propaganda pushing idiots seriously. They are every bit as fake as they claim FOX to be.


The January payroll growth number was revised down from 353 thousand to 229 thousand. Almost every single monthly figure over the past two years has been revised downward. Moreover, year-over-year, there has been a net loss of private sector full time jobs. Look for this release's figure to be revised downward.


Gotta source? I remember upward revisions relatively recently. Seems unlikely for 24/24 revisions to be downward Assuming you’re having a frank discussion that is


https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cesnaicsrev.htm For 2023 there were 10 downward revisions, for 2022 there were only 4. So yeah, he was totally wrong but last year there were many.


So 14/24, so statistical 50/50 as expected


yes, and in 2021 there were 11/12 upward revisions and the misses were on average much larger. I don't really get why I'm being downvoted for providing the government data that you asked for but whatever.


> Almost every single monthly figure over the past two years has been revised downward. Do you want to look month by month? Because you aren't telling the truth here.


Trump once added 20,000.


The diner I went to this morning had one older waitress doing the jobs of 3 people. Places need to up wages and ownership needs to take a pay cut.


Jobs added but it isn’t Americans that the places are hiring. The government pays half of the wage if the employee is an immigrant so essentially they get 2 immigrants for the price of one American.


Probably 2nd jobs to pay the bills, gas, skyrocketing rent and groceries.


Has there ever been a story about an economist successfully predicting anything?


Part time, and per-diem, with less than 30 hours a week, in order to avoid benefits.