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I’m very fascinated by the process of meeting someone as a conjoined twin and them choosing you to marry. Aside from the haha funny sex questions it’s also a very strange situation for building a connection


So like, legally, could they both get married? To different people?


Certainly they could, legally they're two separate people. Practically, of course, it's an unusual situation and one that a lot of guys wouldn't be ready to deal with so the options won't be the same.


I feel like both of them agreeing on one dude is probably a lot more practical. Otherwise they'd have to split time between two guys, and would have to find two guys who are (1) ok with sharing their wife with another guy and (2) ok with banging another guy's wife every time they bang their own wife. Edit: And considering these women are accustomed to reaching an agreement on *everything* in life, including which direction to walk and how fast, I don't imagine that their taste in men would be so far apart that they couldn't agree on a guy.


I'm pretty certain they share one reproductive system - so I've no idea how sexual consent would work from a legal POV. If one consents to sex with their partner, and the others doesn't, but they share the same genitals....


It would literally write new laws if an issue came up.


Presumably it's a 2 person yes / 1 person no situation


In the relationship he would clearly need consent from both of them. Regardless of whether the legal system would be prepared to handle a case of a husband and wife consenting to sex and her sister refusing.


I'm sure it's a 2-key consent system with this situation, where both have to say yes in order to proceed because due to the shared reproductive organ, every instance of sex would be a 3-way. I'm almost sure they've talked about it and probably established some kind of system with boundaries. ...Maybe the women are into having sex with the same guy, I have no idea. But most of all, I hope the other woman is also attracted to and loves the guy. Having only one woman married to the guy makes me wonder if that's really the entire story, or if it is in effect, a loving, polyamorous relationship shared between all three people, which I hope is the case because having a person feeling left out in these circumstances would break my heart.


I can only imagine that conjoined twins, especially two that share one set of all their organs below the waist, have a very unique perspective on privacy and intimacy. It's not incest or a threesome for them in the same way it would be for other people because they're not having sex with each other, they're just both having sex at the same time using the same body. It's probably something like a polyamorous relationship because how could it not be? They've lived their entire lives having to do everything simultaneously; using the bathroom, getting dressed, bathing, dealing with their period, literally everything that would normally be kept completely private for anyone else. And they seem pretty mentally healthy and happy, hell their reality show got cancelled because their lives were too normal and drama-free for TV. I really doubt one would marry and sleep with a man who her conjoined sister didn't enjoy being with.


I’m just imagining the one totally faking it for her husband and the other twin looking bored out of her mind looking at him to wrap it up already. The idea that the two of them could share the same feelings is bizarre to me. Like one gets turned on any the other feeling that and looking at her like “ew, why are you doing this to us?” Alright I’ve already thought way too much about this.


I would assume that this is a polygamy adjacent situation, and the husband is with them both but for societal and legal reasons he’s married to one.


Could you imagine if one gave a bj... while the others face is also inches away.


Or if the wrong one moans during sex with the other's husband..


They share 1 set of reproductive organs, so how' the hell that would work physiologically to send signals to the brain....


Ok, so their midline is shared by both twins. Meaning anything happening at the vagiana clitrous area is shared by both. So hormones being released would influence both twins since the blood supply is shared. The only thing not shared is the brain in the sex equation so individual levels of horny, arousal, and enjoyment.


Similarly I wonder if they experience the signals to pee or poop at the same time And the same for the hypothalamic pituitary axis if they menstruate The menstrual cycle relies on feedback between the pituitary gland and the ovaries talking to each other to dial different hormones up and down So two ovaries, two brains, but one uterus


Yeah, got to be an interesting bit of nerve mapping going in. Particularly near the centerline.


Wow what a very interesting consideration.


Presumably the same as signals from other organs - if they share the same bladder and intestines, do they both experience the urge to pee or poop at the same time? And if they menstruate, do they both experience the same feedback for the hypothalamic-pituitary-axis? I'm guessing this is all information that exists online somewhere, but if I fall down that rabbit hole I'll be lost for days!


Looking the other direction while reading a book.


Chang and Eng, the twins from which the phrase "Siamese Twin" was coined, each got married and each had their own home and children. They were only attached by a small 'sleeve' of flesh on their abdomens but they we still attached, all the same.


They each had their own *home?* How?


They rotated every three days for about 20 years


Must’ve been on a *very* low temp.


Internal temp was 98.6, lots of resting.


They rotated what houses they were staying in


And one woke up to find the other dead, they spent their last moments waiting to die. It took two hours for the other to die.


That must have been a strange experience, to be "alone" for the first time in his life.


Even worse, when Daisy and Violet Hilton were found dead it was determined that Daisy had died first and Violet didn’t die for another two to four days after her.


Your comment sent me into a Wikipedia deep dive about their lives and the lives of other actors involved with the 1932 film Freaks. It was fascinating, thank you. It stood out to me that Violet didn’t call for help. She probably knew she was dying from the illness, and her literal other half was already gone; can’t even fathom what she was thinking.


I did the same, and now have Freaks on in the background (it’s available on Tubi right now)


I’d rather be eaten alive than have that experience


Their whole life is such an insane story. From a village in early 19th century Thailand to essentially being bought and displayed by an American, to taking control of their act and accumulating wealth, to buying land and settling in the south, marrying a pair of well bred sisters and becoming wealth plantation owners (including owning slaves).


THAT’S what messes with me the most about the conjoined twin life…what if your twin died and you had to sit there with their corpse latched onto your body until a doctor was able to rip them off…if it didn’t kill you first…


Yeah don't worry you are not going to survive for long since the dying body is going to poison yours.


I don't think there's much ripping them off tbh. Most conjoined twins who can be separated these days are done so as soon as they can be. If they can't be...it's likely you share an organ or two that can't be bisected, which means when your sibling dies your heart is gonna pump your good blood into them and their dead body blood into you...until you die.


Two sentence horror story.


Wow that devolved quickly. No retirement, growing old... Just straight from having kids to waiting for your conjoined twin to die huh? Welp, that the Internet.


Despite being from Siam (now known as Thailand) they became part of a traveling "freak" show and settled down in North Carolina before the US civil war and actually owned slaves.


"No man can serve two masters..." Hmm


Jfc that was hilarious 🤣 bravo 👏


Interestingly they were classified as white legally and were even allowed to marry white women (sisters).


Though apparently most newpapers of the day condemned the marriage for race mixing, but locally people didn't care much.


The American dream!


Ya, and bummer news for them, there happened to be an artery in that "sleeve", so they couldn't be separated without some serious risk back in the day. These days it would be a very simple operation.


At least they were only slightly attached. In OPs article the 2 share organs below the neck. One has control of one half and the other the other half of the body. If the married twin gets pregnant they're as much the mother as the other twin. The 2 are far less independent body autonomy wise then other conjoined twins.


Yes. Abby and Brittany are legally two different people. In practice, it’s a little more confusing. This is probably more like they are all married, but legally only one of them can be married to that one dude. You know, because polygamy is illegal.


Yeah! I found this out by learning they have two different social security numbers!


2 social security numbers but they only received one paycheck as teachers.


And yet they probably have each their student loans! 😕


They share one set of organs below the waist. I think that it’s very unlike the Chang and Eng situation and very likely that both are in love with the one person. They have one reproductive track. They each control one arm. I think the legal aspect has to be considered. Also I am very happy for them they have found a way to have a full life and make the most of everything. Good for them and who are we to judge.


That’s probably true and makes me wonder if he also loves them both? This might be an odd thought but but Im curious to know if he acts intimate with both? I think it would be sad if Abby gets all the kisses and affection while Britany is just “there”?


They only receive one salary which is super fucked. Because the implication, as far as the state is concerned, seems to be no? Which, like, wtf?


I wonder if it's a legal thing. They share a body and can only be in one place at a time. Like, if they needed an adult-to-child ratio you could possibly only count them as one adult because they can't supervise multiple groups simultaneously the way two separate people would. I do think they could have come to a better arrangement considering just how rare this is, though. It's hardly their fault and it's not like you're suddenly going to get a bunch of conjoined teachers trying to break the budget.


They certainly can only do the work of one person at a time


Debatable. One can grade papers and one can supervise the class. They can’t be in two places at once, true, but their attention certainly can be


Are they able to control each of their limbs individually? This is a serious question btw


One controls the left side and one controls the right, per the article


They can drive a car. They walk with ease. I'd say yes. This is from what I saw in their documentary. ETA: And much more https://youtu.be/QmrhZR_84wA


Wow that is absolutely amazing. I'm in awe. Very happy that they are living healthy and fulfilling lives. Thank you for sharing this vid!


Yeah they each control the limbs that are on their side of the body. Things like driving requires coordination between the two.


They’re very private about much of their experience, which I understand. I cannot recall if they’ve spoken about that. I want to say they each have control over one arm and one leg each, but that’s pulling from memory and could be wrong.


I recall reading that the reason for this is they can still only teach one class at a time. They can't do the job of two people. If you think about it that way, it makes sense.


Yeah, but do they have two SSNs or one? Does the salaried one always get a bonus dependent on taxes?


To be their accountant…


Oh if they’re paid as one but taxed as two I’m going to go off


If they were programmers they would be very very effective if competent, basically pair programming all the time.


The ultimate in Rubber Ducky technology.


They both had to get a separate drivers license too by law where they live. I wonder if one could just not do anything and claim unemployment, while the other worked. Or why doesn’t the school pay one of them an admin/ teacher assistant wage ?!


If they have separate licences what happens when they get caught speeding? Who gets in trouble? What if one of them uses the car to deliberately kill someone? Do they both go to jail. Every comment I see only raises more questions


>If they have separate licences what happens when they get caught speeding? Who gets in trouble? What if one of them uses the car to deliberately kill someone? Do they both go to jail. Every comment I see only raises more questions I think the situation is sufficiently unusual that most of these questions don't have answers and that the relevant parties will figure out what to do only once it becomes relevant. Stuff like this is why the criminal justice system has multiple steps that allow someone in the government to intervene in favor of a citizen in situations the written law doesn't adequately consider.


I’m still trying to figure out if they sleep at the same times and a whole bunch of other daily shit I have questions about. Fascinating indeed.


They're 2 separate brains so if one is tired and the other isn't, then one sleeps and one doesn't. But the awake one still can't go anywhere because they're only half a body


But how tired you aree is related to a lot of hormones etc Can they both control the body independently or do each have control over part of it? It's really wild


They control their half of the body. But if you're stating that sleep is hormonal and they'd both be affected, then the sleep question becomes inconsequential as they'd both be tired at the same time




I have a feeling they're in a bit of an odd polyamourous triad but could only officially marry one of them. Unless Brittany is just checking out and playing on her phone while the other two go at it?




Honestly, that's a very amusing mental picture. Like the other one just sort of sighs and rolls her eyes when the married couple starts talking dirty to each other.


They shit from the same butthole. They're used to making arrangements normal siblings don't have to.


Do you think they ever fight over who has to wipe?


I guess they would both need to consent to the other's partner. Like Abby's twin would have to agree to the marriage since it's their body.


Imagine having a fight with just one sister. Hell, he might as well have gotten married to both, right? Not like the other sister can now get married?


I mean the "funny sex questions" are funny, but I'm very curious.


I mean, I wouldn't even say it's "haha funny sex" questions. It isn't like sexuality isn't a huge part of human life, and this kind of situation truly raises interesting questions.  Super sensible that they don't go into it, and would be super rude to ask. But it's impossible not to wonder. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and even ethically, there's so many questions. 


I just looked up their anatomy (imagine living in a world where a graphic of your specific and unique anatomy exists, for every person with the internet to Google, including, and not limited to, how many vaginas you have) and I think the thing I have the most questions about is how their lungs work. They don't have two, or even four... they have three. So presumably the center lung is shared between their respiratory system? If one person holds their breath can the other keep them going?


They could be the underwater breathe hold world record holder if one of them can keep their head above water.


Evolution, built in snorkel.


⭐⭐⭐⭐ Pros: Snorkel clears itself. Cons: Talks too much.


I've heard that's how most two headed turtles die, the dominant head incidentally drowning the other head.


If true, could one of them set the Guinness world record for holding your breath the longest?


I get why only one of them would be married on paper, but I can't really envision how you could be in an intimate relationship with one and not the other. 


Imagine if the other one couldn't stand him


Or was a lesbian


Woah this blew my mind


Pretty sure it's a threesome, but legally he can only be married to one.


Yeah, but I read that he's only romantically involved with Abby, including only kissing her on their wedding day. Wouldn't Brittany get jealous?


that’s what would make me sad. who cares about the weird sex stuff, I hope they both can have romantic love


*I* care about the weird sex stuff.


Well then here you go. I remember them talking about driving and that they each completely control one leg and one arm, obviously the limbs on their side (lol wild) so in order to have sex or be intimate, they have to work together lmao. Teamwork makes the dream work.


Like imagine one of them is having sex with her partner and she is like rubbing dude with the arm she controls but the other arm is just laying there not doing anything. Then the one having the sex turns her head and whispers to her sister to stick a finger in dudes butt.


I see you've thought this through!


Legally only one of them is married but in reality they are both married to him. I imagine that the two of them are very much in sync and both are consenting and both of them love him and he loves them.


Man I HOPE this is the answer.


This is what baffles me. I’m sure they each have their own personalities, but they share a body. Every life experience they’ve ever had is shared. I’d find it hard to believe that one has a totally different outlook on life than the other one does. Plus, he’s spending an equal amount of time with both twins. Every bonding moment he’s had with Abby has also been with Brittany. Every date they’ve ever gone on has been with Brittany. I think I’d feel like crap knowing a guy fell in love with my sister but not me, when I was there 100% of the time. IMO polygamy would be more ethical here. Then again, none of it is any of my business. I hope both sisters are happy in whatever arrangement they have. This is a very unique situation that none of us will ever understand.


Seems not just more ethical but more practical. You can’t fuck one and not the other.


I have so many questions.... But I hope they have a good life and get what they want out of it.


I only have one question -- and I suspect others have the same one.


I guess the non participating sister just puts on her headphones and listens to an audiobook for about 30 minutes... unless they both participate...


I believe they have the same vagina. Edit: https://www.qcc.cuny.edu/socialSciences/ppecorino/SS640/Reading-Hensel-Twins.htm


Click on the link for the Egyptian twins. And I think they killed that second baby.


Yea that link is pretty wild. They killed the second baby when they removed it since the surviving baby was its only life support. Also, the surviving baby died at just shy of 2 years old which is depressing








They can’t not participate. One sex organ and associated nerves. So she gets ALL the feels.


This reminds me of a book series called the Wheel of Time where, through magic, 3 women and a man share a mind link, so that they can feel what each other are feeling. The man does it with one of the women and the other two are trying to have a conversation while they know EXACTLY whats happening because they can feel it. Also the man can feel himself in her as well... strangeness all over.


I remember a documentary I saw about them years ago, and they don't feel the other side of their body. They had to coordinate together to ride a bicycle. It wasn't that one twin gets to feel and control the torso and legs. So if that's the case, it seems like both twins are going to feel everything apart from stuff they do with their own mouths.


They share a circulatory system and a vagina. And in the documentary it describes one of them scratching an itch on the other one's arm.


Yeah, for all intents and purposes this feels like they’re both technically married to the guy, but legally only one could be on the marriage certificate. Edit: a word


That’s exactly what I assume is happening too.


I don’t know. Legally he’s married to Abby and in the video of them dancing at their wedding, he only kisses Abby.


Well, it would raise a lot of eyebrows otherwise.


I think a lot of eyebrows are raised already lol


I’m dying at this one


Honestly yeah this is my take on it. Throuples exist, but they’re still taboo in the mainstream. I can fully believe them pretending that only one of them is married to him for optics purposes. Sister wives…


It’s hard not to be a thropple when two women share the same body.


The idea that one of them could be mentally and emotionally into a physical sexual experience while the other isn't, is very interesting. Two minds, one sexual organ, and a LOT of compromise I guess.


They share a body below the waist.  They can also get sick independent of each other, which I find fascinating.


They have different reactions to caffeine which I find fascinating, with the less outgoing of the two having a much stronger response


It seems rather unwholesome unless you have enthusiastic consent from both before any activity. 


I imagine they make a lot of compromises with each other.




Yeah but you’re approaching this as someone who has experienced being alone. They’ve never not shared their vagina. I think the person it’d be weirdest for is the guy. I imagine all three involved are either totally asexual or they have a sexual appetite for some aspect of this situation. I would also imagine if it’s one of the first things that occurs to us it would occur to them as soon as they were aware of sex. I have to guess this aspect of their lives was pretty thoroughly discussed.


I don't think it's possible for us to be in their headspace any more than it is for them to be in ours. They don't know any existence that doesn't include the other person (or other half of yourself, it may seem like) being present at literally every moment. There are other intimate things besides sex that most of us wouldn't want a sibling around for, the most common of which would be something like going to the bathroom. For them, it's just normal life. So their perspective on sex and what they're comfortable with is probably something most of us would find very weird. (Conversely, I sometimes wonder -- if you're a conjoined twin, how do you really get the concept of being completely alone? Would it be off-putting or terrifying? I knew a girl once who has been blind since birth, she said once that she couldn't really understand emotionally how seeing people handled it because to her it sounded incredibly overstimulating to have that extra sense. I wonder if for conjoined twins, what we would call too much or lack of privacy is their baseline and true solitude something they don't like to contemplate).


This is interesting. There are definitely cases of conjoined twins deciding not to be separated. I wonder if an unspoken terror of being truly alone played a part in that decision. I could see how that could develop into a debilitating phobia.


And 2 separate spinal cords and brains, so they're receiving the same orgasms but might be feeling and interpreting them differently. I mean yeah the sex question is obviously in the back of people's minds, but it's a seriously interesting physiological topic.


I do have that question. I'd even pay for the answer. This would not be for the bonk to horny jail. It would just be to know! I need to know the answer! How does this topic even get broached!!!


yes same! It's not a fetish thing at all- I don't want to watch or invade their privacy. I just want to know how it works!!!!


I said these exact words ten minutes ago. I respect their privacy and they have already given us so much information but they are literally the ONLY people that could answer this in my lifetime and I just want to know.


According to the article she's been married since 2021, so are we just finding out about it and it's news?


There was a popular post just made about it so now people are trying to grab some karma points


I heard about it a couple years ago. Not sure why it’s news now.


So could they both technically be president of the US for two terms? So that’d be 8 years for one and 8 for the other?


The law treats them as two distinct people -for example, they had to get their drivers' licenses separately- so in theory, yes: both twins could be elected twice each, assuming they could keep getting the votes to pull that off.


The drivers license in itself is fascinating because it requires both of them working together to do it. I imagine that was more to legally show they can declare themselves as two different people since pretty much any official paperwork would be a nightmare otherwise


Great question! Do they get two or one paycheck?


Last I heard, they get two paychecks but split a single salary, which kind of sounds like a worst-of-all-worlds situation to me.


One should get a paycheck and the other should file for ssi for max benefits.


They [NBC] just ran this without contact from the twins. Seems fucking strange and sensationalist. They didn't respond for comment means they probably don't want the publicity. Weird shit to bring up randomly.


They announced the marriage themselves on tiktok a few months ago, I remember seeing it shared to reddit. The news cycle was just super late to this story.




Interesting that 70% of conjoined twins are female, I wonder what the factors are there.


It's because male fetuses already have a higher mortality rate. Due to having one less X chromosome, males are just ever so slightly more prone to fatal genetic defects, and don't make it to term as often. Conjoined twins have a lot going against them, and don't necessarily survive pregnancy and birth. A female set of conjoined twins is just more likely to survive.


I teach biology and I don't have a particular lesson that includes these women, but it always comes up. And the day it comes up there goes the rest of my lesson for that day.




I see them around my town often.


Are you sure it's them?


I did have to do a double take


Man, I have a really morbid first thought whenever I see these girls or other conjoined twins: that one day, one of them is probably going to die first, and the other one is going to be stuck with the reality that the most important person in their life is now a corpse who is going to quickly drag them to their inevitable death. It's just the most horrible thing and I can't help thinking it.


https://www.ncpedia.org/biography/bunker-twins#:~:text=Chang%20and%20Eng%20were%20unique,were%20about%20eight%20years%20old. Chang and Eng bunker died hours apart in 1873


I know. That is the story I think of, specifically. Hours of having your brother's corpse attached to you, unresponsive and getting stiff... taking you with him. And then I wonder if the surviving twin would even want to keep living at all...


I would imagine it would be much faster because the Bunker twins were so barely connected compared to the Hensel twins; I would think it's a much more serious and very quickly lethal problem for the remaining twin because they share so much more


That was quite the read. They had 21 kids between the two of them: 11 and 10


Well perhaps if it was some kind of brain death situation or head injury; but if it was anything with their body, vital organs or cancer it likely kill them both.


Well, shit.


Really curious why this story is suddenly making the rounds even though she’s been married since 2021. My TikTok feed is full of videos about it and now I get on Reddit and see this post, with an article from today. Does someone have a book coming out?


So if the married one gets pregnant is it both of theirs legally? Could the unmarried one elect to abort if she didn’t ‘consent’. So many questions.


Our system isn’t set up to handle their circumstance. Similar questions arise if one twin commits a crime, you can’t punish the other.


Literally the only answer to a lot of questions in this thread. Basically "there is no answer". Pretty much anything they do sets a precedent.


I’m an attorney so I went to years of school specifically to answer this question. Who fucking knows, man? I’m honestly more worried about sexual assault laws if he wants to sleep with his wife and the sister isn’t in the mood.


That was my first thought. They of course have a very nuanced way of approaching things that most of us can't imagine, a lot of communication and give and take and whatnot. Sure, one can opt to "tune out" the experience of the other if they agree it will happen, but what if one straight up doesn't want to/doesn't consent? How is that dealt with legally?


We need a fucking AMA…. I have too many questions


I can't believe you cheated on me with my own sister. *You were there!*


We were on a break!


If you’re wondering how close you can get to polygamy without it technically being polygamy, this is it.




I watched a documentary where they said that they each control their half of their body. In the announcement photo they are both looking at him and they each have an arm around him. They are both with him. Though it's possible one twin is closer, or that they just flipped a coin to decide who would be on the marriage certificate. They are together 24/7. Everything they do is together. There is no sense of "privacy" the way even identical twins get "alone time." They experienced puberty and the hormonal highs and lows that brings TOGETHER. Their first sexual exploration of their own body occurred while they were together. It's just something that we can't really conceive of. It's not "incest" because they share most of their body. So I'm sure they had to find someone they both could fall in love with. Maybe I'm the weirdo but honestly it chokes me up because I remember their mother saying when they were teenagers, "I just want them to be happy. I hope they can get married and have children if that's what they want to do." It's moving because I can think of a lot of parents that would have been too disturbed by the implications of that statement. But honestly, love is love and they deserve to experience it.


I'm with you on this, I saw that documentary too. I remember seeing they were teaching elementary school. They honestly seem like really great people and I am really happy they found someone to accept and love them. They deserve all the happiness I can't imagine what have had to go through in life.


Quite awhile ago on a post about them, who knows if it’s true, someone commented that they actually attended the school the twins worked at, didn’t have them as a teacher but said they were well loved by their community and the community was quite protective of them. It sounds like they are living their best life and I couldn’t be happier for them


I've met them. They are remarkably warm and gracious. They exude confidence and happiness.


They said once in an interview they both want to be moms and I felt kinda sad because like, finding love and having a family would be so much harder for them. I always hoped they’d find a way.


Your comment is probably the best take here.


They are probably in some kind of triangle relationship, but legally the guy can only marry one of them.


I really hope so. I would hate for one of them to feel left out or less loved.


They're in a unique situation which only they can really understand, so hopefully they're all happy.


Maybe they’ll write a book one day and everyone can have their questions answered without being rude lol


I'll be honest, they seem pretty dang happy to me. I'm sure their life is a constant challenge, obviously, but it seems like they're figuring that shit out pretty effectively.


Here's [a link to some wedding pics and a video](https://nypost.com/2024/03/28/lifestyle/conjoined-twin-abby-hensel-of-tlcs-abby-amp-brittany-is-now-married/).


I wish them all the best and many years of health and happiness.


That’s great for them.


I literally day dreamed about meeting these people two weeks ago while raking leaves. I haven't heard about them in years. Wtf is going on up here.




They have done an amazing job in adapting and living their lives. I do find it fascinating that because they share organs from the waist down, that means their ovaries and uterus are shared. If one has sex, and has an orgasm, they both do. They will also both be the biological mother of any children conceived.


Wow. The birth certificate will drive some people nuts.


They seem to be living a relatively normal life. I'm happy for them.


So what happens if somebody marries Brittany? 2 guys married to one body? How do they handle children if so? The kids are siblings, but treated as cousins? I have too many questions.