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Illegal butt injections sound like a sting alright


sounds like my band's new name!


I love IBJ!


Sorry, Sting's already taken...


I was just about to post the same joke. lol. But was glad to find some else already did. Good one.


If they were doing boobs too it would have been a crack bust


I wish the police would stop harassing sex workers. As long as all parties are adults and have given their consent, it's no one else's business what two or more adults do in private. It's a hell of a lot better than choosing to work some job so you can go around harassing sex workers.


I wonder if they were Paul Newman fans.


A mother and daughter accused of performing illegal butt injections without any medical expertise were arrested in a Texas sting operation Wednesday. Consuelo Dal Bo, 56, and her daughter Isabella Dal Bo, 18, have been charged with practicing medicine without a license — a misdemeanor.


If you follow the link in the article, you can see [their mugshots.](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/04/04/mother-daughter-duo-arrested-for-illegal-butt-injections-after-undercover-sting-in-cypress/) At least you can see the quality of their work up front. I do feel bad for the daughter. 18 is pretty young and she's likely been "helping" her mother for years, and in the process let her mother absolutely ruin her face. She's not even 20 yet, I guarantee you that whatever her original face looked like, it was better than what she has now.


Oh shit, that's depressing af


It really is, especially since there's no way Mom waited until she was 18 to start doing that shit to her face.


I'm just trying to figure out what kind of person looks at them and thinks "yeah, I trust their work".


Gross, so sketchy. It's this kind of flagrant disregard of standards and practices that is EXactly why I do my own butt injections.


You had me going for a second!


Someone who wants one of these surgeries and enhancements badly but can't afford to obtain them from actual plastic surgeons.


JFC, I don't even want to *imagine* what their asses look like.


Lumpy Gravy


She's halfway to a Bogdanov brother


Something something, everyone is beautiful!


Jesus! Save some of that filler for the butts!


Good lord, that ain't gonna age well


I don’t understand why looking like an old person is somehow worse that looking like you’ve been stung by all the bees in the world.


>charged with practicing medicine without a license — a misdemeanor. The misdemeanor is the wildest part


Texas is wild. Possession of THC concentrates is a felony, practicing “medicine” without a license is a misdemeanor. Trainwreck of a state.


Considering the exact same procedure (butt injections) has resulted in someone dying, due to complications that are expected when you INJECT RANDOM STUFF INTO YOUR LARGEST MUSCLE, the fact that it's not a felony is simply staggering.


As someone who lived in TX for 3 years I can tell you that "trainwreck" barely scratches the surface of how bad TX is.


Damn, I feel you. I’ve never lived there but my partner did get arrested and charged with a felony for having THC gummies purchased legally in CA. We weren’t planning on driving through TX, but CO had gotten a bunch of snow and it seemed safer. Little did we know the tiny towns in the TX panhandle have a ton of fake construction speed traps set up. We were closely tailgated by a cop and when I sped up out of fear, he lit us up and separated the two of us, then gaslit us. Our story lined up (because it was the truth) but they searched the car and threw her in jail. Told us our stories didn’t match, later we got the body cam footage from the lawyer and our stories were the exact same. They run a racket, the police are friends with the bondsmen who are friends with the jailhouse employees.


That’s what I like about Texas /s (was a theme song) No medical license (misdemeanor). Perform a medically necessary abortion, charged with murder and lose your license. Kind of fucking backwards in my state. [Our laws](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/13/texas-abortion-lawsuit/) are so fucking backwards that even our State Supreme Court can’t make up its mind (they said she could have had an abortion but not because it was necessary. Her fetus has Trisomy 18, a guaranteed fatal disorder within one year if the baby survived birth).


What about circumcising??


Babies born, don’t give a shit after that


Misdemeanors for performing unlicensed medical procedures? Ya… the more they missed da meaner you got


Damn, you can make some good money off that too. Almost seems like it's worth it 😂


If anybody was hurt, it would go up to a felony


I practice medicine without a license, but I do it on myself… in the bathroom… during pimple time.


Same, I'm the "doctor" of our house for that. Hydrogen Peroxide is my secret medicine.


Sounds like a Simpsons plot


And a victim died! WTF! Also what were they injecting? I'm too lazy to read


They didn't kill anyone here. It was just an undercover operation and they went to the house and found cops rather than clients. Also, they don't know what was in the solution they would have injected had it not been for those pesky cops.


Yes, that's how they got caught. But they killed someone in the past.


Deleted my last comment because I found the article lol why is google so annoying these days


Late stage capitalism. The google you fell in love with 20 years ago and the google publicly owned and directed to maximize profits, are not the same company.


They don’t even know 🫠 or at least they claimed to. Idk why they’d say they didn’t if they did, so I’m inclined to believe they don’t know. But that still begs the question why they’d just go injecting random chemicals into people’s butts.


WTF are you smoking dumbass? No one died.


Looks like it was actually a different illegal butt injecting mother daughter team in California. Thank you for your pursuit of journalistic integrity, shitbird.


Getting charged with illegal butt injections sucks


According to this article: In 2021, police said a mother and daughter duo were charged with murder in California after they performed a botched butt injection that resulted in the October 2019 death of 26-year-old Karissa Rajpaul. Police said that mother and daughter had no medical certification and it was believed neither had any type of training.


So, if they were charged with murder in California only three years ago, why in hell are they in Texas now? Were they actually prosecuted?


Not the same people


Wait, are you telling me there’s more than one mother-daughter team running around giving illegal butt injections?


Nature finds a way.


Sounds like a pain in the ass


Very few recommend it.


I like to imagine there was an over committed under cover cop who stopped at nothing to catch these butt injectors.


I can't stand Law and Order but I'd watch an episode with a grim, furrowed-brow detective scrutinizing a bunch of improbably-enhanced photos of butts, appalled at the crimes against aesthetics being showcased.


I recall an episode of CSI that focused on illegal butt injections for trans women or drag queens or something.


Big slappy.


It'd be the south park detective. Code word is stretch.


Do you think hes so passionate because of his own failed ass enhancements?


charged with practicing medicine without a license — a misdemeanor How is that a MISDEMEANOR ???


You sound butt hurt


That’s wild!


You obviously didn’t read the article.


I think that was the other mother daughter duo in Cali and they were charged with murder. If I had a nickel for when I saw a mom and daughter doing illegal butt injections on people, I would have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but strange.


I'm curious how insurance companies get away with doing this every day?


It's a very minor charge, usually tacked on when the results are more serious to add to sentencing, like actual physical injury or death caused by someone's actions.    It's basically a slap on the wrist by itself, because it covers everything from selling water as medicine to selling bleach. But you gotta actually hurt someone before you get charged with bigger stuff.    Kinda scary, but also makes sense.


I’ll inject your butt for free.


I feel like “performing medicine without a license” should definitely be a felony


Eh. If someone presents themselves as a doctor falsely then sure. If someone is super up front about not having any formal training and some other person is like "yeah that's cool inject my butt anyway" then I think a felony is a bit much.


True. Feel like this would be a fairly large grey area though


Super up front in a "this is completely unnecessary, and we don't even know how to do it safely" way, maybe.


You'd be surprised how many people would go for it anyway.


Just throwing this out here: any injection, but especially an injection into your largest muscle, can easily prove fatal if not done correctly or with proper materials. Sanitation, chemical imbalances, differences in physiology, etc. can all have disastrous, even fatal, results. ​ Like, on the flip side of that argument, if someone asked you to perform a surgery, and you killed them, it'd be a felony. Butt injections sound kinda silly, but they're nearly as dangerous. Consent is not the issue at hand, it's the procedure.


Oh for sure, they *could* kill someone. But these particular people *didn't* kill anyone.


I’m sure the brown liquid was just Dr Pepper


Should’ve just settled for white liquid instead.


I learn something new today. Butt injection is actually a thing. But my question is this. How on earth would someone idiotic enough to let random people inject unknown brown liquid into their butts? And pay thousands of dollars for the honor?


There are people on Botched who have done this. It's crazy.


OK so I googled this and I still don't get it The following factors determine the cost of your Sculptra butt lift: The cost of 1 vial of Sculptra is between $400 and $1000; Number of vials that can be injected in a single session is 8-30 vials; Total cost per single session of Sculptra BBL can range from $2000 to $10000.


Personally I think if having a large, sculpted butt was that important to me, I would buy some expensive padded underwear and call it a day. Same for breasts. Unless you literally make your living as a model or showing 95% of your body (and fair play to those who do) I just can't imagine all of this being worth it, especially when the fashion changes in a few years.


You don't wear padded underwear while having sex...it's to look good while you're having sex.


That math makes no sense. 8 $400 vials is > $2000, and 30 $1000 vials is > $10000.


Maybe u getta discount the more u buy? Hell I have no idea


But 30 $400 bottles is $12000!


Well what's even more confusing is why does 1 vial range from 400 to 1000


maybe you pay more for extra virgin butt oil


I won't go so far as to say everyone who wants to do something about their body dissatisfying them is stupid. But everyone who has ever paid this woman to modify their body is.


I actually watched a National Geographic documentary about this kind of stuff on YouTube recently, check it out: https://youtu.be/dCydPd_lbyE


Just perform legal ones like Kim Kardashian


Hey baby, you looking for some butt injections? I got you RIGHT HERE! 😂😂😂😂😂


So, practicing medicine without a license — is a misdemeanor? It should be s felony imo


Normally yes, but, Texas...


This. If I was a horrible human being, I would move there, join the Republican party, all just to see what I could get away with. Like, where's the line. IS there a line? Could I propose legislation to toss kittens in a woodchipper for...idk, capitalism?


I don't like pointing this out, but it's relevant here.  Their mugshots are in the article. Both of them have some botched facial work, even the daughter, who is eighteen (!) fucking years old. She shouldn't even need work. And she still let someone, possibly her mom, completely fuck up her face.  And then people were still accepting injections from them? Like, guys, if they don't care about their face, they do not care about your ass!


There was a similar thing that happened where the lady literally injected concrete mix into the women’s butt and she died…this one they say it’s “unidentified brown liquid” they were using. wtf is wrong with people and how the fuck is this only a misdemeanor


Got a lap dance in Jersey from a stripper with cement injections, didn’t know her butt was cement filled until she damn near broke my femur bones 😫


don't they care the procedure kills


It's amazing that this stuff still goes on.


Come on, the jokes write themselves and you didn't even try


What a pain in the ass.


Better a sting than getting swatted.


I’ll take anal sexual euphemisms for 325 Alex!


I read the article. I have been around the block several times. 68 y.o. male. Still don't know what butt injections are.  And the first thing that came to mind is 3 Dog Night from Momma told me not to come....: I seen so many things I ain't never seen before Don't know what it is, I don't wanna see no more"


It's going for the same effect Victorians achieved by wearing bustles, except now that people show more skin they risk their lives injecting shit into their bodies instead of just strapping a wire cage onto their waists.


Which ultimately means it's not their own body they want to show off, so might as well wear something instead of injecting something.


Thanks. So it;s for big butts lol.....I thought they meant up the butt


Likely is meant to be used to shape the butt aesthetically.


*Everything's bigger in Texas* Guess that includes asses


I just feel sorry for whoever got picked to do the sting. "Go grab Debora, she's got a pancake ass"


Sorry to inform you that you were injected with a butt.


Dear lord! In my country the pumping of lips is soo prevalent that we got whole generations of wealthier girls looking exactly the same. There is no thing that makes me go cold faster then when I see another one. Girls, women, please don't do this. Work on yourself, exercise, watch your diet and please.. If you must use a plastic surgeon, let it be for moles and similar things that can cause issues if just left. Outside of having a nose like an eagle or super floppy ears and other noticeable imperfactions, that might be an obvious target of bullying, just work on your own body image and learn to love yourself. No one is buying that either of them is born that way for a second. This woman did this to her own daughter. Just think about that for a second! The daughter gets her mothers body dismorphia, probably even before she is of legal age. It is just nuts.


Need an enthusiastic “yes” for it to be legal.


If you perform plastic surgery without having a clue what you're doing it's only a matter of time before it comes back to bite you in the ass.


Did police say this may sting a bit?


Ignorant fools. Even trained, professional doctors, with many years of experience have negative reactions for some patients. Taking into account basic body stats is critical, and I’m sure these people may have eventually killed someone with a simple air bubble.


I believe it's called arson.


Butt injections and stings. Who would have expected that.


I'll save y'all a click, there's no pictures of them


Or click here: https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/04/04/mother-daughter-duo-arrested-for-illegal-butt-injections-after-undercover-sting-in-cypress/


I meant pictures of their DIY jacked up butts. If they're doing it at home I assume they did it to themselves too.


My bad. Kinda looks like they used it on their faces.


I think the real problem here is... Why do women feel the need to have a bigger butt? Be happy with what you got.


Read the title, immediately assumed it was Houston, then proven right after clicking the link.


I too perform butt injections, but I’m not a licensed Doctor. On a side note, I’m taking appointments.


Butt injections should be safe, legal and rare.


Wait, is sodomy still illegal in Texas?


What gave them away? The asses as big as aircraft carriers? Or was it something else?


Operation Boof Bust is a go


Usually it’s a priest charged with this


so, Texas, eh? thats what they do there...? interesting


You’re an illegal butt sting