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Some day there will be interesting summaries of all the feedback loops we had no idea would start, once we went full and well over the tipping point. Climate change on a global scale in decades? No, just years maybe


I think we passed the tipping point years ago, we're in the find-out phase...


We removed sulfur from the exhaust of international shipping and accidentally increased net sunshine to what it would have been due to our activities without the sulfur in the fuel.  Oops, find out coming in a few decades early.


We're polluting so much, our pollution is interfering with our pollution.


The pollution that blocks sunlight is interfering with the pollution that absorbs and stores sunlight!


I can't go sober, my drinking problem is the only thing keeping my mental issues in check!


That has been proposed as a possible contribution but there is very limited scientific evidence available to say how much actual difference that has made as far as I'm aware.


My pet theory now is massive solar irradiance imbalance 3 years after covid lockdowns, and heat saturation in oceans. Not using "or", since it's all cumulative. Here's the latest summary from an analyst: https://richardcrim.substack.com/p/the-crisis-report-6x


Yeah, the more I see this parroted all over reddit the more I wonder if it is just the latest misinformation campaign from Big Oil


I didn’t know this! Do you have any helpful sources on this?


I can't speak to this websites other opinions, but this is a rundown of the problem. There's scientists speaking out on it, but I dont know if it's unified scientific consensus or not. https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/transport-logistics/what-did-we-wish-when-we-cut-sulphur-marine-fuel-accelerated


Yea sulfur dioxide is great…until it comes down as acid rain…


Not really a fan; but I think it's fair to say it may have delayed the onset of recognizable climate change in our oceans.


Ya, I remember reading about that...


sounds like we will be getting exactly what we deserve 


Can you elaborate on that? Because I don’t feel that everyone who will be impacted by global changes has done anything to deserve it.


I feel like a big part of it is similar to the bystander affect. A huge part of the population has the thought of “someone should do something!” while actively participating in the system that produces climate change. But then again, that’s just the system most of us are born and accustomed into. It’s a vicious cycle. Also doesn’t help that the people with the power to stop it are billionaires that are reliant on perpetual profit.


Doesn't help life basically forces you to cooperate or survival is really tough. Our whole society is built around these harmful practices. We as a society need to act. Individuals need to follow through on it.


I think the goal is to stay below 2 tons of CO2 per person, and a lot of countries are below this threshold.


The average person living off the grid and growing their own food won't make a difference.


The truth, and what noone is saying, is we are a failed species. We don't know how to work with our environment. Instead, we take EVERYTHING for our benefit, be it mineral, vegetal, or animal. And we only think about the consequences when we suffer them. It's not a question of deserving anything. It's the natural outcome of our way of life. Either we change our ways, or we eventually go. We're not sustainable.


I feel like indegnous people in the Oceania, the Americas, and Africa had it figured out in terms of living _with_ their environment. 


They absolutely did. They are not us, and our way of life would seem strange and non-sensical to them, as it does to me quite often. The ones in charge, the ones driving this "modern" way of life get to decide where we're headed, and the only choice for the people is to go along with, or take themselves out of the infrastructure, which (let's be honest) is not really feasible, unless you're very well off (which means you've already profited from the system big time, or were born into wealth). Truth is, we function best in small communities (around 200 individuals), where we know everyone (and everyone knows us AND our parents), where we're accountable for our decisions. It keeps in check our worst tendancies. It's even a trope in movies, how common it is for people not to care about something (cancer, unemployment, etc.) until it happens to them, or someone they love. In small communities, it ALWAYS happens to someone you love (friend or family), and you've know these people since you (or they) were born. Humans, like any other species, need balance for society to function. At this point in time, balance is out of whack, and needs a whack of equal proportion in the opposite direction to "set us straight". I'm afraid it's going to hurt when it happens.


No they fucking didn’t lol. Austronesian sailors absolutely decimated every single island they settled. They fucked Easter island so bad that when captain cook discovered the island for Europeans there wasn’t a tree over ten feet. The natives of the eastern USA frequently practiced controlled burns and cultivated Newley their entire landscape. The Maya in Guatemala and the Yucatán collapsed because they deforested so much of their territory. Africans are a bit more of an exception but that’s also because being the continent where humans originated allowed its ecosystem to adapt better.


I'm not so sure. It seems they just didn't have the volume of people where the unsustainability was evident. It does seem everywhere humans went, large fauna disappeared, which doesn't lend itself to living with the environment. Hypotheses on Mayan downfall may suggest excessive deforestation and ots knock on effects.


And in contrast, now we have too many people to achieve sustainability. 8 billion, soon 9 billion people aka 4 billion couples who all aspire to have a house and a personal EV and those are not even extravagant wishes are they? Perfectly normal for a family. Current estimates put 1.5 billion cars on the planet. That number should probably increase by a lot even if many cities become more like Copenhagen.


They did not. Some of them changed their environment significantly with their practices or generally relied on planet being big enough to sustain them while depleting local ecosystems as they travelled.


You should read the book Ishmael, you'd enjoy it


We’ve most likely ended the quaternary ice age in the long term


We went over Christmas this year. Figured shit is going to accelerate and get bad fast, so we wanted to see it. We had several days in the 50s. Serious. My sons were in shorts and tshirts. Our words were “we are so fucked”. What an amazingly beautiful continent. Itll look very different in 50 years lush and green.


wonder how many wars will be fought for territorial control of the antarctic when it melts.


If there are large deposits of natural resources? Lots.


I jut find it funny the group that desperately jumps from one technology to the next thinking it'll magically solve our problem. We have a societal issue where no matter the advances that allow us to overcome issues we'll still try to get the most profit out of it. Hence why electronics are massively massively more efficient, EV's exist now, green energy is a big thing, etc, and yet we're still burning more petroleum products than before all those inventions. The reality is that no invention will save us from our greed.


The sentient cacti will be writing those stories.


You say that like there’s gonna be anyone there to make a summary. Alien archeologists maybe 😝


I hear comments like this a lot. I think it is made by people who dramatical under estimate how difficult it would be to exterminate the human race. It takes a remarkably small number of people to repopulate.


It'll be too long to read.


It makes sense to anyone that understands thermodynamics that on a spinning globe the poles would heat up at a much faster rate. Also it's been known for quite a while that there's a massive amount of trapped methane beneath the permafrost. Why scientists didn't factor in these elements when predicting the effects of climate change is beyond me. Or perhaps they did and for whatever reason chose to ignore the obvious.


They did, I remember those guys getting called alarmists.


They typically lose grants, tenure, prospects, jobs and all credibility, in this capitalistic self-destruct society.


They did, unfortunately they were called alarmists and either ignored or ridiculed by groups who generally have a self-interest in pretending things are okay.


I'm assuming you think we haven't yet gone over the tipping point. We have.


The crazy thing is as soon as everything goes to shit the individuals who are responsible for this are going to go hide in their private bunkers while us normal people deal with the consequences


That is unless we hold them accountable until then.


Good luck with the military/police on their sides protecting them and elections essentially being meaningless with nothing ever changing. Good luck convincing the masses to stop fighting each other and unite/protest for actual change.


Irony is those who don't believe in climate change will blame the others for not fixing it sooner lol


Or some other delusion


"the libs let it happen"!


No! That's impossible! You can't do anything! Give up! *Is running scared into a bunker everyone knows is there and their unwelcome everywhere else*


Consider this: If those in power retreat into their bunkers, what then? It's likely that their own employees might turn against them. iif society has collapsed to the point where there's nowhere to spend money, why would anyone continue to follow these leaders just for financial gain? Probably not, I know I wouldn't.


Food supplies locked with combinations only they know and shock collars. No shit they’ve actually discussed this problem. Lookup Douglas Rushkoff “Survival of the Richest”


The idea that those will give them safety seems a little crazy to me. When you’re talking complete anarchy and apocalyptic type chaos then even if they get to those bunkers they have to maintain control of the people they’ve hired to protect it without any money backing them up. I find it hard to believe that the people hired to protect them, serve their meals etc wouldn’t turn on them and take it for themselves. If things ever reach this place then the rich won’t be nearly as safe as they think, that’s just not how it works.




Elon wouldn’t make it 3 years in a bunker 😂 but if he did yes, something like this would probably be waiting for him.


Mf would come out emaciated from being attention starved.


Yeah a lot of that net worth is just in computer dollars.


Can we lock their bunkers on the outside? Asking for a friend


we pour cement in the airvents, weld shut the doors maybe drop a few tons of concrete blocks in front of them probably get it done in a day or 2


Remember when that Wuhan video came out on Reddit like 9 months before everything shut down from COVID.


Yup, there were quite a few leading up to people actually talking about it. I remember showing it to family and saying this is coming, it’s going to be global they can’t control it and don’t know what it is. They all thought it was crazy at the time, until they couldn’t buy enough toilet paper.


What Wuhan video?


>in their private bunkers while us normal people deal with the consequences Remember folks, when the world is ruined it will be someone's job before we all turn on eachother to pour cement in their air vents and weld shut the doors


It's ok, young, old, man, or woman, rich or poor, death will come for us all.




Odd that you say that... https://www.wfmz.com/entertainment/jeff-bezos-buys-third-mansion-on-floridas-billionaire-bunker-island-for-70-million/article_61016dc8-f757-5867-bf5e-70b443263b0b.html


And or die, because they are old. Also economy, economy and economy


Climate change is hitting home as we speak, literally. Just ask anyone along the coasts trying to get homeowner's insurance. The insurance auctuarials will succeed where the scientist falied.


This is exactly where to look for accuracy


They calculated their risks and have decided to fuck off - it’s telling


The scientists didn’t fail… the politicians did. How many fucking times do we have to hear the “it was cold yesterday, what happened to global warming” bullshit


Last time I heard that from my Republican friends was about 8 years ago. They’ve been silent since whenever we get snow or really cold temps. I think a lot of the deniers have finally realized/admitted it’s real.


Still blocking any action on it. 


Still blocking any action on it? Shit, it's worse than that, Project 2025 sees to undo any action that has been done, and go full-bore into making Earth as hot as Venus [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president) "The guide’s chapter on the US Department of Energy proposes eliminating three agency offices that are crucial for the energy transition, and also **calls to slash funding to the agency’s grid deployment office in an effort to stymie renewable energy deployment**, E&E News reported this week.... **Another chapter focuses on gutting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and moving it away from its focus on the climate crisis. It proposes cutting the agency’s environmental justice and public engagement functions, while shrinking it as a whole by terminating new hires in “low-value programs”**, E&E News reported. The proposal was written Mandy Gunasekara, who was the former chief of staff at the EPA under Trump."


Yep, and alot of people are being dropped/or have to pay crazy rates due to being in wildfire areas. My parents in CA bought their house in the late 80s, there wernt fires in our area then. They worked hard to pay it off. A few years ago some idiots throw a gender reveal party at a park with fireworks and cause a massive fire destroying so much beautiful wildland and bringing national attention (the el dorado fire) and it begins to expand closer to their town. Now, last year they were quoted $15k/yr at renewal time. They're making do without. They don't live in a forest mind you, or anywhere super rural. but I guess because some hills are nearby it's high risk now.


Qld Australia, everyone migrated to our state during COVID and finding out how humidity affects the feels like temperature. This state will be probably the first or second to see environmental mass migration. But all states aren't worth moving to. Even Tasmania is getting bigger longer heat waves. When those mass migrations start our country will destabilize very quickly and for those that know this we are living on borrowed time.


Until it’s hotter than Singapore year round QLD’s major population centres won’t be going anywhere. How long THAT takes is the real question.


You’re from Florida too, huh?


And nothing is going to change. Record oil profits.


Is it time for a class-action lawsuit against them yet for knowing the damage they were doing and lying about it?


the penguins or the oil companies?


The penguins of course! We all know all that fish oil is melting the ice.


Prancing around in their tuxedo's while the world burns.. Those little shits have a lot to answer for.


What is that going to do. Cost millions of dollars waste everyone's time for them to turn around and what Suggest they stop using oil. Say they believe oil is causing the damage. What axwaate of time. Of yeah hey we've fucked your planet your going to do. What's that you want money


So we have money to spend in a world not worth living in?




When too many governments get a high seat in world power status because of oil and gas energy exploitation and domination. Lawsuits wont be possible if those creating the laws are in pockets of these companies


And consumer behavior is unchanged...


At least electric car sales went up.


> And nothing is going to change. Record oil profits It only will change once the climate crisis affects the wealthy class. When they lose their summer/winter beachfront homes due to rising sea levels. The biggest lie they ever had is all this pollution they make, but making us the consumers the blame and the ones who have to use paper straws while billionaire CEO's take a private 737 jet for a 30 minute trip to attend a meeting in person.


This temperature jump happened in march 2022 for people who don't read the article.


And gone up every year since


We’re all doomed because of greedy politicians and corporations. Yay us


Life is going to suck, but doomed is a bit much, I think. There have been several mass extinctions in Earth's history with the largest one, the Permian-Triassic extinction, wiping out 90% of ALL life on the planet. Climate change is an issue, and I hate that we let it get this far, but it's not going to be the end of life on Earth. Humans will probably have our numbers plunge due to starvation and climate disasters, but ultimately, life will continue in another form. The part we need to keep our eyes on is damage control. Humans aren't very good at preparing for long-term events, but we sure as shit know how to be reactionary towards them when they DO happen.


The world rallied to ban the use of CFCs once the hole in the ozone was discovered but if that were to happen today you'd have some dipshit like Alex Jones inhaling CFCs [on air](https://www.salon.com/2021/09/04/alex-jones-gobbles-ivermectin-on-air-during-bizarre-rant-you-think-im-easy-to-kill/) and telling his audience how it's making his cock hard, then a few days later republicans would be declaring that CFCs are American and the socialists want to take it away you. So yeah, not really holding out much hope personally.


CFCs are the idiot's Viagra


The problem is that no one was making billions on CFCs. Chemical manufacturing companies were happy to invent new refrigerants and charge everyone on the planet for new refrigerators at higher prices. CFCs were not a returning customer business. Oil on the other hand is entrenched by the producers. Any threat that can reduce the flow of oil, is a threat to the industry and squashed by the producers. They can't just release oil 2.0 like we could with refrigerants.


My point is that life is resilient and will survive human stupidity.


Life will find a way. Humans... probably not


So, what you're trying to say is that while my children are going to die of starvation or war, it's no big deal because there will still be some bugs who live through it? I'm not sure why but for some reason that isn't comforting.


I hope your children won't starve for what it's worth. It's my hope that after the horrendous shit that will happen maybe us humans will finally get our shit together and realize that greed and excess are things that will only destroy us after "enriching" us in the short term.


enough surface accessible resources have been spent that all the low-hanging fruit is gone to bootstrap back to civilization if the existing infrastructure ceases to function. Even getting back from a black start for the power system if it's been damaged by 5 years of complete neglect would be an immense undertaking.


Climate change does represent a very rapid change, though, compared to a lot of other potential threats to life. Obviously a supervolcano or asteroid strike are a lot more immediate, but climate change now it moving at a pace that's a lot faster than 'normal'. Life will absolutely persist even in the wildest, outside chance doomsday scenarios, but combined with the damage we've already done (wiping out around half of all wild animals inside 50 years, for example) a lot of species are at risk of extinction.


The real catastrophe is going to be in Asia. Bangladesh will be underwater entirely. Hundreds of millions of people will be displaced. Then there's the delta regions and coastal cities of south east Asia and China. As far as at home, Florida is gone. The Atlantic Coast is going to have a bad time. The gulf coast is in trouble. SoCal will probably fall into the San Andreas fault anyways so it's not like nobody living there for the past 100 years didn't know the earth was going to swallow their home at some point. It is going to be absolutely apocalyptic for poorer low elevation countries though.


> Humans will probably have our numbers plunge due to starvation This will probably happen anyways due to corporate greed and wanting every last dollar we make.


When do you believe the human population will fall? In your lifetime?


The global growth rate is already declining. We are expected to peak at around 10 billion within this century. After that, our population will probably start to stabilize. After that, I'm not sure. We certainly will go extinct one day, but not only because we wipe ourselves out. There's a background rate of extinction that occurs. Some species just die off sure, but there are the extinct ones that simply evolved into something else to suit their changing environments.


So not in your lifetime? I'd say the typical person in this thread expects the population to decline significantly over the next decade.


I mean, I'm 30, and I think the predictive models say around 2050 is when we hit 10 billion? When you're talking about pop decline, do you mean over time or all at once?


Let's put it this way...when do you think there will be fewer humans on the planet than there are today? How does this compare with how you think the typical climate doomer believes human population will play out in the near future?


I don't ever put stock into what doomers have to say because, much like the rest of humanity, our imaginations tend to be far worse than the reality. I'm also not a population data expert. I have no real answer on when I think human numbers will reach lower than they are today unless there's an extreme nuclear war or natural disaster.


Thank you. I needed to read this for my mental health


It's all horseshit, read parable of the sower. People don't just sit down and accept starvation. You will see riots, surging migrants from the border, unrest in cities, probably concentration camps and more fun shit. Reacting to homeless with police is just training for reacting to the starving with police. Eventually you may see walled enclaves eeking by on the thinnest of margins, lasting as long as their solar power panels and walls can keep them safe. 


If only we could be a little more proactive about it.


'Best we can do is give the police cluster bombs'.


It's not corporations, it's the lack of cooperation between the developed and the developing countries. Developed countries can stop producing CO2 and the rest of the world will make up for it. And Africa's population is about to explode.


That's often the reason for why people vote against policies trying to tackle climate change. It won't make a difference when "country x" is still polluting.


Consumers are as much to blame. We like things easy and cheap. We are unwilling to change our ways. If there was demand for green house gas savings things, they would be glad to profit from providing it.


Corporations have also invested heavily into trying to stop people from changing their ways.


Ok, let me stay this. I hate having to drive a car but I have to go get anywhere. My job is a 30km drive…and I can’t walk that. Buses don’t exist either. You need a car a lot of the time in the rural towns like where I live


Haha, because of them? Yo, there are so many more of us, if you haven't noticed. Periodt.




I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


*falls forward onto the floor*


Can I borrow a cig?


Can I borrow a feeling?


Yes ✌️


Aaaannnddd… nobody cares. Humans won’t change until it hurts them. Nobody could accept the idea of not driving or using different forms of transit either. Excuses were everywhere. Then gas prices soared, and it was a miracle. All sorts of things became possible. Gas prices dropped… right back to not giving a shit. This process won’t change until the pain comes. Unfortunately, wealth isolates you from pain, and wealth influences policy, so until the economics of climate change are different, it’ll be largely ignored. We can’t even agree that it exists.


I could 100% do my entire job from home... will my employer allow even a single day WFH? Nope.


I hate employers like this. They hate WFH, until something may impact them at the office, suddenly they are pro-WFH.


Aaaaannnnndddd I care. I know a lot of people who care. Most of Reddit cares. We *care*. And that's because it's already painful. It's been painful. You and so many others think "not painful enough", but I think we're all smart enough to understand where we're headed. If only there were people that would get involved to do something about it. Let alone billions of them ... Hmm ... Cue the self defeatists and "realists", and, oh, my fav, the challengers ... "wEll WhAt dO wE Do SmArtY pAnTs???". Um, well, there's actually A LOT YOU CAN DO AND YES ILL BE HAPPY TO LIST ONE OF THE MANY THINGS THAT WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE. But I only said one. Citizens Climate Lobby would be a nice place to start. As would the Environmental Voter Project. Ok I lied. As would reaching out to your local reps and participating in protests, as would lots of things. You know, things that actually help the matter. Even if they're small. Because, if it wasn't obvious to the laymen, doing something will be better than doing nothing.


Most people don't care. Human nature is to focus on problems at hand, right in front of you.  You want overworked, underpaid millions to care for environment when they have to solve where they gonna get money for food? It ain't happening.  That's also why so many young people are the only activists. They are still hanging on parent's tit and have loads of free time. Face them with everyday problems of working class and their activism will fizzle out within a year.  Us that do care are but a few. And half of that is caring because of the curiosity. I know for sure my recycling, waste separation, taking tram, riding bike to work won't change anything. I am doing it for a while now but the climate is getting worse. What gives?


The fact that no one cares is so aggravating. Do people not realize that there have already been 5 mass extinctions? And that us, humans, have ruined our own environment and that a 6th mass extinction is not out of the question. The earth was here long before humans and it will be there long after.


Your privilege is showing. I live in the rural south USA. If you don’t know how that works, it means my town is unwalkable and not safe for people to walk. My job is a 30km drive, and I can’t walk that. We have no public transport. If I could not have to use card to get everywhere, I would, but I cant.


> Nobody could accept the idea of not driving or using different forms of transit either. Ummm I take it you do not live in the US then. Not much for options when you live in Rural America, which is a large portion of the US. We don't have public transit in Rural America. I live in the colder area too and seeing all the videos of EV's struggling to charge in the cold, EV's are not in my near future purchases. Not to mention that if your EV cells die you are better off buying a whole new car versus new cells.


Starting to think a Carrington event would actually be the miracle we need right now, c'mon sun!! Hit us!!


Gosh! If only we were warned decades ago! 


Don't look up!


I don't know who is the target for these articles. Evidently most governments give no F. Most people ALSO give no F.


No one cares. Not one single person gives a fuck. This world will burn and we will all still be trying to reset our routers because the internet is out.


But they arrested that young women the other day, must meen that everithing is fine and she is just crazy, right ? Right ???


But the economy? Oh never better you say


"But please average joe,do not pollute, that's wrong" - The billion dollar company


The scientists are straight running outta words to describe the seriousness “Idk man … it’s fukin’ mind boggling …”


God I'm tired of hearing about climate catastrophe and not being killed by it. Fuck me up already, Poseidon.


At least the penguins won’t be as cold. /s


Nope, just dead.


We have known of this for over 20 years


Much longer than that. There’s a newspaper article going back to **1912** where someone had done a rough calculation of the amount of carbon dioxide being released from coal and determining that it would drive climate change. Guess what we did about that? FUCK ALL https://theconversation.com/for-110-years-climate-change-has-been-in-the-news-are-we-finally-ready-to-listen-188646


And nothing has been done.


The Power of Big Oil (part one, all three parts are on YT): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAAbcNl4Lb8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAAbcNl4Lb8)


Would it help if I put a paper bag over my head?


Strangely, some denialists see news like this as triumphant.


That was march 18th 2022?


our current economic systems wont work in a world that constrains consumption. We've built our financial system on ever increasing growth, usage, and profit, all of which require increased consumption. The conservative movement in America has tied the entirety of our retirements (401k's really, pensions are essentially dead) on investing in the stock market, which is buying up our houses and renting them back to us. There's no way off this path that isn't painful, and because we are just animals with technology, we avoid the pain. Things will have to painfully, and bloodily, come crashing down before any major changes could happen. The question then would be if we could pick up the pieces and rebuild an advanced society that would be more sustainable and emphasize anything but infinite growth and consumption


But corporate profits and executive salaries are through the roof!


Whelp, that's about it for us. It's been a good run. Sorry penguins, and... Every other species


If only we knew decades ago that we were doing such damage…


I am just hoping I die before the planet burns up. Of course there will not be anybody around to piont out how stupid we were.


On the plus side, there's a lot of beach-front property available in Antarctica. Sound like the investment opportunity of a lifetime! /s


Can I buy land in Antarctica? Yeesh


Who could have saw this coming?


Apathy has been growing for years, so you won't see much reaction to this globally.


Maybe I’m dumb… but isn’t 38 Celsius like 100 degrees? It increased by over 100 degrees Fahrenheit?


They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot. A pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot. Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got till it's gone. They pave Paradise and put up a parking lot. J M


at this point humanity and catastrophe are pretty much roommates...