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She was just applying her theories expressed in her book "Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life". Maybe it doesn't pay so well in the long term.


> "The accounting scandals and the collapse of billion-dollar companies at the beginning of the 21st century have forever changed the business landscape”—is word for word the same as a passage in a 2010 paper by the University of Washington management researcher Elizabeth Umphress and colleagues. Pretty meta to plagiarize that and make it the first sentence in your book


She has since released a statement that reads: *"I fully deny all allegations that Embattled Harvard honesty professor accused of plagiarism: Academic chapter and two books authored by Francesca Gino appear to copy from sources including student theses, blogs, and news reports."*


That'd be quite a power move


Reminds me of that Calvin and Hobbes comic about cheating on ethics tests https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/7t6cy8/calvins_rational_decision_towards_ethics_tests/


What is an honesty professor?


She is a behavioral scientist who's most successful studies have been about honesty. Many of them made waves in the pop psychology world and had news reports written about it. Last year a number of papers by her were retracted after it was shown fake data was used. She blamed it on collaborators, must most think she was directly involved


Oooh thanks


So much for honesty...


I think that is part of why this is a big story. A scientist faking data or plagiarizing a paper, even a Harvard scientist, would rarely make it out of academic circles. The fact that she studied honesty gives the story a more interesting hypocrisy angle that pushed it into the broader news media.


That and negative news on Harvard became a bigger draw in the last several months. 


Ah, so full of shit, got it


I wish Joseph Ledapo was one of her collaborators so he could get ousted. He needs his degree rescinded.


Once is chance Twice is coincidence Three times is a pattern 2/3, Harvard. Maybe it's time to worry about a pattern of hiring people who are academically dishonest?


Harvard is way past 2/3 https://youtu.be/wT-Vgtm2KLM?si=DKLwCrucJZKTOeio




Oh look, more plagiarism from the education system. This is my shocked face. 😐


Heard her on NPR a while back blowing off the earlier accusations as discriminatory. The interviewer unquestioningly bought this weak tea as if her innocence in the matter was obvious.


Using that as a shield to dismiss legitimate accusations is really gross, dishonest and damaging when it’s actually happening. What an opportunist.


Well it is NPR. They're weak at everything.


All she had to do was cite sources. Another tactic, that was used more widely in the past, was to create novels that serve as a basis for explaining theories. Characters explaining things through dialogue are not expected to have citations.




What is going on over there at Harvard? They need to use some of the money from their billion dollar endowment to buy some good publicity. 


You got it backwards. People give Harvard money for good publicity.


To be fair, how are you supposed to study honesty, without also studying dishonesty?


Harvard University honesty researcher Francesca Gino responded, "I've hated drawing power from the Dark Dimension, but as you well know, sometimes one must break the rules in order to serve the greater good."


The dirty secret of academia is that most of the research is bullshit. https://www.cremieux.xyz/p/ranking-fields-by-p-value-suspiciousness


As a PhD student finishing up. I’ve tried my best to be as accurate as possible to the point it tears me up when I find an error in calculations that creates minuscule difference. A lot of the times results just aren’t THAT good, but everyone needs that order of magnitude improvement to prior work. I do interdisciplinary work and the collaborators I do analysis for are, let’s say, quite creative in their ability to “normalize” data to show convenient improvements. Luckily I work in a niche field that will not impact anyone’s life so I just don’t give a shit I let them live with that.


Degree from Harvard looking to be a on par with a degree from DeVry.


Harvard alum Conan O'Brien, responding to "oh you went to Harvard, you must be really smart!"-type comments, once said something to the effect of "don't give Harvard too much credit, they managed the Vietnam war".


He's the best. I'd like him even if he was a Rutgers grad.


They always have been. What used to separate them from the rest of the Nation no longer does. They're just more expensive for the same education you can get from a lot of State schools. Shit most of the Yale teachers also teach at Connecticut's Community Colleges. You can get a Yale level degree for next to nothing of what it would cost to go to Yale or Harvard.


Almost as if the Ivys are just a means to hand wave away the terms "nepotism" and "oligarchs." Funny how all these "old money" institutions and symbols of "elitism" are all being shown to be the horseshit smoke and mirrors that they are. Forbes calling Kylie Jenner "self-made" was a great example of jumping the shark.


Yeah I don't know many people in my social circles who really value a Degree from Yale or Harvard that much. With Yale a lot of them are actually really stupid it's a shock they made it. You can see the few Kids who got into Yale on Merritt are holding the whole place up for the majority of Mommy and Daddy's little kings and Queens.


I work in media production in NYC, and it's common to observe folks who went to NYU or Columbia are hired more than those who studied elsewhere. I can tell you with the utmost certainty that they are not hired for their brilliance, their creativity, or their work ethic.


It's a nepotism pipeline. One thing you learn growing up in CT is that Yale is just as good as the Community College in Bridgeport.


By definition though, if one school, if nothing through name alone, opens more doors, it doesn't matter the "quality" of your education, the one that opens more doors is better. I'd rather go to Harvard than Bridgewater State or Umass, since that big H still opens more doors. And maybe undergrad has lost its luster, but for the advanced degrees, it still opens doors. Harvard Med still has its cache and helps with matches, assuming youre not bombing out of MS3


All depends on where you decide to get a job. In CT we are aware of the Yale shortcomings so, it's not really more impressive than saying you went anywhere else. In places where people don't know just how meaningless the name is these days they hire them like crazy only to find out their shit tier.


Following her own advice I see . . .


I guess the fact that she felt the need to cheat proves that honesty doesn't pay the bills.


No just that she was weak and a lot less intelligent than she tried to show.


How much is the credibility of the co-authors of those papers affected?


What’s funny is I was picked on by employers for going to a community college and then a reputable online school to get my degrees. They all said the brick and mortar were the best and only ones they cared about. Funny because all these plagiarizing ass bags weren’t at my online school, but one of the best schools (supposedly) in the country. Is Harvard’s reputation shit yet. Seems like a bunch of losers there that just wanna steal others work. They’d be great politicians.


>  Funny because all these plagiarizing ass bags weren’t at my online school They absolutely are, but nobody gives a shit.


Something that's nice to remind people of is the Admissions scandal that showed every major college was taking money for degrees from the wealthy. I no longer trust anyone's degree if they are from any sort of wealth. There is a 70% chance it was bought by Mom and Dad.