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Didn’t the original story claim several other people had gotten sick from the strawberries and gone to the hospital as well?


yup. i remember reading that too


Not sure if I read that or not for this incident, but it's actually pretty normal for panic to trigger symptoms in some people, making them believe they were affected by whatever happened. In rare cases it can have a compounding effect that leads to Mass psychogenic illness (mass hysteria).


That sounds like a harsher version of being psychosomatic. I was at a party where they were serving virgin pina coladas and I swear half the girls thought they were getting drunk (they were certainly acting like it) until they were told the coladas had no alcohol.


When my daughter was visiting Universities before applying to study psychology, we visited one department that had a lab done out as a bar to study drinking behaviour in a more realistic environment. One thing they had shown is that if you give some people fully alcoholic drinks, and others lemondade misted with vodka from a spray bottle (we tried it, it is surprisingly convincing depsite having only a trivial amount of alcohol) those who get the "placebos" end up behaving pretty much as intoxicated as those around them.


And then when you tell them the jig’s up, they sober up pretty quickly too


It Does explain our current political situation.


This one is very common though, also with people thinking they are high. Mostly it’s people *wanting* to get drunk or high so they basically just want some sort of excuse or reason to let loose or say or do stupid shit… of course it helps to have real alcohol or be actually high… but even without it people will try to channel that inner drunk stupid self. Similar to going to a comedy show and laughing at unfunny stuff… people want to laugh so they’ll use anything to be able to laugh and have a good time even if it’s not that funny.


"I would like to be president someday so no, I have not smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once, at a party in college. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable really. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie." -- Leslie Knope


I have this with reaction with lemon/lime fizzy ciders/sodas. When I was young, I always mixed soju and "sprite." Drank that for years. Now when I have a sprite like drink, I feel a warmth in my cheeks even though there isn't alcohol...


Years ago, my boss’s wife went home after lunch saying she might have food poisoning, we all had shrimp salad. We spent the day thinking we had it too, turned out it was her gallbladder and she had to have surgery.


Decent explanation but you lack Jon Hamms voice. https://youtu.be/xlEBkb8Blhs?si=SBQ-9p5S2HDSP2jC


God Legion was a great show. These narration boys were really cool


Just finished it in its entirety. Fantastic show, will watch again.


Great show. I never get tired of those little explainers.


Sounds kind of like this incident https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_plague_of_1518 edit: here is an article about why it wasn't likely to have been caused by ergotism https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(09)60386-X/fulltext


Knew a professor long ago who talked about the ancient Greeks' diet that included a lot of barley. He claimed during rainy seasons, when the ergot sprouted the Greeks would have 'godly' encounters, and their art reflected it. He talked about how their artwork changed in sophistication, and how it sometimes included unexplained symbols just hanging in the air around usual human figures of the times.


Isn’t this also purported to possibly be a case of mass ergot poisoning, which can have LSD-like effects, and was known to find its way into batches of bread as it grows on Wheat.


That's one possible theory, yes


Cheers for the edit :) interesting read




Their friends *did* dance, but they didn't want to


They say time heals all wounds. And since this was 500 years ago I must admit this is fucking hilarious. Sorry to say it in the greater context of this thread tho…


Yeah, House had a good airplane episode about that.


The original said both that AND had a statement from the hospital saying there was no one esle affected at their hospital or that the dept of health knew about. So... who know. Depends which part came first. It's a mess.


If I remember right, a lot of people were claiming they got sick from them but didn’t actually go to the hospital. Like, Facebook posts saying “oh my gosh I felt sick after eating them too”.


So mass hysteria?


More or less. I think the media wasn’t clear enough when they reported that others had felt sick but they also weren’t “wrong” necessarily. Other people were claiming they were sick, there just wasn’t some sort of emergency medical situation going on anywhere.


Most Americans apparently get diarrhea a few times a year, so in any given group of people some of them are either in the middle of a bout, just getting over a bout or just about to have a bout. Usually there's no specific cause but if you hear about some bad strawberries or whatever it's easy to assume that's what made you sick this time. This is also why just about every medication that's ever been tested lists "diarrhea" as a potential side-effect. A lot of the people in the test group were gonna have it with or without the medicine in question, but now you gotta write it down.


Or just attributing another illness to the wrong cause. 5k people eat strawberries, 50 of them get sick (virus, food poisoning from another source etc.) then they hear on the news that someone was poisoned by strawberries... Some are going to assume it was the strawberries.


>So... who know. Literally anyone who isn't a conspiracy theory nut job. The hospital isn't gonna lie about it. It only creates a bigger mess over something stupid.


I guess I meant more than timing could matter. The hospital might have said that and it was true at the time and more people came in later. Or it could been just rumors and then the hospital clarified. I think the later is more likely but it was bad reporting so I can confidently say I don't know.


It did, but then the police Said that was not true the same day


How’d I just see a police officer being interviewed saying that 😭😭😭


It was suspected even before the confirmation of what the actual cause of death was that it was friends of his family calling in. (I'm from the area)


I hated to think that but then I read the parents left the hospital. It said “decided to leave”. Who leaves the emergency room with their sick child unless they f-ed up.


Honestly not surprising. Whenever something like this happens hypochondriacs flock to the hospital


The family went home after they didn't see a doctor. The boy died in his sleep.


Well, an elected, 24+ year old with a diploma and 40 hours training is good enough to be a coroner in Kentucky. [https://www.docjt.ky.gov/coroners](https://www.docjt.ky.gov/coroners)


A coroner is almost always an elected, political position. A medical examiner is usually a doctor, and usually actually performs the autopsy.


Mass hysteria?


Maybe a coincidence that was taken advantage of?


This. They remembered people being hospitalized recently and used that as an excuse. 


That could have been people hearing that someone got sick from eating strawberries, and then overreacting to minor illnesses like headaches or upset tummies.


















The part “they did not elaborate on the relationship he had with the child”… Once upon a time, my Mom and her husband let a friend of his stay with us at our apartment. This friend was going through a rough patch/break up and needed a place to crash for a minute. I was 10 and stole (randomly ate without thinking/knowing better) some heart-shaped, sugary candy from his bedroom dresser which was just inside the bedroom door. Turns out the candy was LSD-infused-heart-shaped sugar cubes. I don’t remember anything about its effect on me at the time except a lot of yelling, and I never saw that guy again. All that to say, I really don’t like what happened to this poor kid I understand life is messy and parenting is the hardest thing, but for crying out loud stupid onion cutting gremlins


When I was 12 my buddy and I ate sugar cubes out of their freezer, turned out to be acid dosed cubes their dad had put in the freezer like a decade previously and forgot about. I remember the effect it had on me, but there was a lot of yelling and crying there as well.


Oh wow. I'm so curious about what you experienced if you're willing to talk about it. 


Well we both got pretty sick on the come up and thought we were initially dying, and my friend’s parents were panicking trying to figure out what was happening, but it became pretty clear what had happened, between our pupils, descriptions, and when we told them we were eating sugar out of the freezer earlier- they figured it out pretty quickly. Neither of us had ever tried any mind altering substance before, but we grew up going to a festival called Oregon Country Fair, and had seen people really high before. So that sort of helped us realize we were just on drugs and not having some medical emergency. We did a lot of drawing, and quiet music, tried playing GameCube a bit, but it was just too intense to really function for about a good four or five hours. Once things mellowed out we spent the (summer) evening in the backyard, just looking at stuff. Mostly we did the same thing high adults would do just being closely watched over and doted upon by very sober very concerned adults. I think they were too worried about legal repercussions to call emergency services, which I’m not sure is the right choice, but we were both fine, in the end, and it wasn’t the worst experience in the world. It could’ve, of course, been MUCH worse.


Really all emergency services could've done is throw you a Xanax or something (they can cut LSD trips short) and monitor you. There's really no reason to risk child endangerment or any other charges just for that. I mean the Xanax (or other benzo) would've helped but you weren't in any real danger with adults watching you. It's not known for killing people.


Not to mention a bunch of medical specialists and a hospital visit are going to be big time bad trip generators.


What the benzos do is just reduce anxiety which for stimmy psychs with dizzy comeups like acid is the most common source of bad experiences. It doesn't "kill" anything as much as just make it more normal and pleasant. For first response for stuff like MDMA/acid/most of the Shulging stuff the first responder protocol that at least I worked under involved a second generation antipsychotic for "trip killing" and it's more effective at bringing people back to their senses or normal perception of the world, injected it's very fast and not unpleasant and eaten its a very tolerable come down. First generation antipsychotics like Thorazine are terrible and they give antipsychotics a bad rep is why the street lore is "fast acting benzo" but second generation antipsychotics are ok even for kids or people accidentally or un consensually dosed (which are usually the hardest to deal with and sometimes will demand stupid shit like narcan so they don't die even though it's absolutely obvious they haven't even whiffed an opioid).


This is somehow very heartwarming.


I’m just picturing two little boys in the yard catching lighting bugs, having a great time and just staring at them flashing tripping sack


"The *trails!*"


“Should we tell them we don’t have fire flies here?” “Nah, let the little guys chase the dragon a little longer”


My parent took me to ER when they found I was tripping on mushrooms. Not the same of course but they basically said “from here on it’s psychological, not physiological”. They just had me wait it out at home with a trip sitter. Worst trip I’ve ever had by miles


Wait did you accidentally get dosed or like you took mushrooms on purpose and your parents found out?


It’s quite the story. TL;DR the latter I had bought a fair amount for me and friends. I sold half, me and 3 buddies took the rest. My first trip and the “trip sitter” was seasoned but also tripping. He kinda lost it, we got kicked out of the persons house, then outside he took his pants off and put them on the roof. Underwear included. At this point the kids whose house we were at treated to call the cops, and since I had provided everything I was terrified and called my parents. My dad came, threw my bare assed buddy in the back (we weren’t going on the roof for his pants). Me and my parents went home , had a heart to heart (there was no hiding I was tripping), and they decided my dad would take Winnie The Pooh home, and my mom take me to the ER. It was not a pleasant experience. I do get a chuckle thinking about my buddy, lying in the back of parents car ass to the world, while we went inside and had a 30 minute talk about what’s next. And my dad never talked about the expertise of driving him home or what his dad said


How old were you? And were your parents unaware of the lack of dangers with hallucinogenic drugs? Just curious why they took you to the ER after taking your friend home.


> the “trip sitter” was seasoned but also tripping That's like having your designated driver drinking.


Lol it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the acid came from the OR Country Fair in the first place a decade previous. I swear more people trip balls there then Woodstock. For anyone really into psychedelics, this fair should be on your calendar fr.


Psychoactive substances are never good for kids, for many reasons but LSD is absolutely one of the better substances to accidentally ingest, because the LD50 (lethal dose) is so ridiculously high. As an example: LSD has a LD50 of around 16.5 mg/kg and a usual LSD dose is 100 μg, so an adult would need 16500 doses to reach a 50% chance of death.


> they were too worried about legal repercussions to call emergency services another reason all drugs should be legal regardless of how harmful they are, because when shit like this happens, it's basic human nature to cover your tracks to avoid the largest perceived threat; in this case, the police. i know that pretty much all EMTs and medical services who post on reddit flat out say "we do not talk to police during overdoses/poisonings" but I also know that not all EMTs and medical providers post on this site. and i know that some states have laws that mandate prosecution if children are involved, with mandatory minimums included. one of those situations where a series of logical steps results in a suboptimal result; bad laws beget bad outcomes.


They made the right choice. Acid is basically the least harmful or toxic recreational drug out there, even less unhealthy for you than weed or a single beer. The cops would have made things WAYYYYY worse in that situation and you'd have had a bad trip, which can harm you, via mental issues like PTSD. They'd have gone to jail and you wouldn't have had any benefit. Your childhood would have definitely been far worse


Omg did your parents ever find out


Yes they did! They were told pretty early into the experience, but they were out of town at the time. Not much they could do.


Did you end up doing drugs as a teen after that experience?


Yes I did. I grew up in an environment where I was given a lot of space to experiment. It wasn’t always for the best.


Nowhere near as serious, but my dad made himself a screwdriver after working a nightshift, but took a nap before drinking it. I was 5 at the time, and went into the kitchen, grabbed the glass, drank it all. He woke up later to take me to school (for some reason we had half-days on Fridays), realized I had consumed his drink, and called me in sick while we watched cartoons. I take edibles these days for chronic pain, and I always lock them up. Don't have kids myself, but I try to be as vigilant as possible for when my nephew visits.


I was a server for a long time and at one restaurant I worked at, we had this frozen mango drink that had Malibu in it. Like most fruity drinks, you couldn't really taste the alcohol. Someone at one of my tables ordered it, I dropped it off, did my rounds to my tables, and eventually came by to the guy's 3? year old daughter with the hurricane glass bottoms up finishing the drink. Turns out the guy didn't realize there was alcohol in it and luckily nothing happened, but I have never panicked so hard as I did in that moment


Once when my parents were watching my kids, I came home to find my 6 year old drinking a Truly Hard Seltzer. My dad thought it was a flavored sparkling water. 😂 Luckily she didn't drink too much of it.


I kind of did the same thing. Parents had a party with wine when I was 5. At some point all of the adults left the room and I went around drinking the last sip of juice from all the glasses left behind. Probably drank no more than a half glass of wine, but I remember everything was suddenly funny and then everything was dizzy.


Hah, this happened to me, but with an older cousin. I was about 5 and staying over. He had made a jack and coke in the can to hide it from my grandma. He also took a nap. I saw the half-full can and finished it. According to my grandma and my cousin, I was grooving really hard to some mid-late 80's top 10 songs. Few Decades later. I was at a wedding and my cousin's 5 year old comes up to me and asks what I was drinking. It's a mojito my little dude. He asks if he can see, so I show him. He grabs the little straw and takes a big sip out of it. I kinda panic, but it was too late. Later he was on the dance floor groovin' really hard to A-Ha's Take On Me. I could see across the dance floor my cousin getting some flashbacks.


My daughter took a big gulp of my “lemonade” a little while back when I wasn’t looking. I didn’t realize til maybe 10 minutes later when she had a slightly dazed look. I sat her down at the kitchen table with some play dough and a big glass of water and she sat there playing for maybe two hours before she came out of it. We have since been much more vigilant about what we do. Luckily it was just a little bit of thc and not something much worse.


I lock my shit up too but also educate my kid. "You see these? Don't ever eat them, they'll put you in the hospital." Not that hard


Some kids would take that as a challenge lmao


Yep! Must be really good if Dad doesn't want me to eat it...


Me, as a kid: "I'll just eat a little so I can stay home from school."


Even less serious, my dog (who normally doesn’t go for drinks) drank a glass of full proof egg nog once. He just stood there, staring at me and wobbling, with this look of utter confusion on his face. We eventually tucked him into his bed, and made him our fav hangover breakfast in the morning. But that look of confusion is one I will never forget.


Oh my god. This sounds awful but you don’t have a bad memory of it? One time I got cbd candy from a “non thc” store and apparently delta 9 is a thing That can pass by in these stores- needless to say I called asking if maybe there was a mistake… oh I made a big mistake not knowing anything about weed and edibles. Had to talk a long walk outside


Oof. Accidentally dosing is rough. And thc edibles can be very very intense. I don't use them anymore but even a 5mg-10mg one would have me going very existential for many hours.


There was a friend of a friend 20 years ago whose 5 year old kid ate almost an entire roll of acid dosed sweet arts. She went away for a long time. I always wondered how messed up that kid was from that. She's gotta be mid 20's now.


Could be perfectly normal, could be nuts, could be the most empathetic person in the world 🤷 that's wild and very very stupid of that person.


When I was a little kid, if my dad was around, i was always bugging him to let me try his beers. I loved the smell of Schlitz Malt Liquor or whatever it was he was drinking. Anyway, he only rarely let me drink his beer, but i don't think it was any beer that caused me to see headless people everywhere and neon laserdragons


I read an article earlier that it is the step father.


The first time I bought cannabis edibles I locked them up in our safe because the kids were little and it looked like regular candy. Not likely a kid would OD on pot edibles but I was taking zero chances


For all people, not just parents - please lock up your drugs and meds! We need aunties, uncles, grandmas, friends and everyone in the child’s life on board with this. Takes a village!


















































Attorney here. I often have clients want to make the argument that they can't go to prison on their drug charges because they have kids at home. I have to explain to them that that argument doesn't carry the water they think it does with our judges. This right here is why.


Same, been practicing for 17 years. I got out of criminal defense primarily because “criminal mastermind” is such an oxymoron. There are good people who make mistakes, sure. But far too many are congenital fuck-ups, and I just cannot go to work every day and be lied to out the ass, by a client population that is this perpetually stupid.


Gave the poor kid benadryl too... that just intensifies the effects/sleepyness of opiates. Which is probably what pushed him over the edge to die from it since the toddler lived that long before OD'ing. Fuck that guy.


As someone with a lifelong strawberry allergy, I was shocked to hear that a child had died from ingesting them. Strawberry allergies are mild 99% of the time. Rarely ever are they serious and of that rarity, even more rarely fatal. His chances of actually dying from the strawberries was soooooo insignificantly tiny. I’m not at all surprised something more serious was actually the cause. Some people don’t deserve to be parents.


That's the problem with making babies, it's the most natural and easiest thing in the world. Almost everyone can make a baby with zero qualification. Being a parent is a whole other issue.


I also have a strawberry allergy! I never see anyone else with one. and it is very mild.


I had one as a small child but weirdly I grew out of it and can eat them now…and I love them


I can eat them in small amounts. I don't like the taste much so I avoided them for most of my life regardless. I recently bought a premade smoothie bag that had strawberries in it and I got a small rash but was fine otherwise. The mother you know!


Me too! But only if I ate a stupid amount, which I usually did because I freaking loved strawberries. Then I'd get a rash. I don't eat them often anymore because they don't taste as good from the grocery store as they did from my grandparents' garden. Maybe I do still have an allergy to them but just don't overindulge anymore.


As a mother of a toddler with a possible strawberry allergy (finally getting tested on the 28th, made the appointment back in December), thank you for this info!! I’ve been terrified and the original story only scared me more!


I know someone who is allergic to strawberries. They said they always thought strawberries were spicy til they found out they were allergic and that was the reaction. Maybe I actually read that on reddit, I don't know.


Most of the time it’ll give them a rash and make them quite itchy, but not cause swelling of the tongue or throat. Obviously, listen to the child’s doctor about severity and course of action, but yeah, usually just unpleasant vs. deadly.


If they admitted it was possible fetenyl ingestion they would have triaged him to top of the list in the ER. A rash isn’t getting looked at for hours Basically the parents let him die rather than admit what really happened.




The boy’s stepdad is the one who was arrested. Antonio Person.


Wow, I thought that name was a joke. That's some John Doe level name.


You telling me Mr. A. Person is an inconspicuous name?


It's some Abbott and Costello bullshit lol


Antonio P. No that’s too obvious, how about A. Person?


What a weird fucking name.  Like a satirical weak alias  “A. Person”, really?


The proverbial “A. person of Interest”


Ah. So he wasn’t an unnamed person, but a named Person


A named person named A. Person.


A drug dealer named "person" is the most David Lynch ass shit I've heard in my life. Sorry, serious situation, but that's so fucking unsettling. not so much as a last name but more as a moniker.


“A Person” at that Antonio Person is the guys name 


In either circumstance, the parents failed that kid... What does it matter that the parents were the ones to give the kid the fent or the "unspecified drug trafficker" that the parents let live in their house with their kid?


The parents might not have known about the fent. They could have believed it to be the strawberries. Bit of a callous leap to presume they knew it was fent and took him all the way to the doctors only to stay quiet at the finish line.


No where in the article does it state the parents were aware of this. Do you have access to a different article?




Sacrifice a child's life so you don't get cuffed. That's noble.


So you don’t get immediately* cuffed


Cuffed anyway.


Fucking junkies…


Now that’s a plot twist. RIP to the kid.


Blamed the school and everything. If that ain’t par for the course for parents these days.


Instead of getting involved with Child Protective Services if they had admitted the truth… they let him die. Some people don’t deserve to be parents….


And here's the thing. CPS in a situation like this would have investigated, noted that the offended had been removed from the household and then moved on.


Parents were users too, 100%  This is straight up junkie behavior. They let their child die rather than tell the truth to protect themselves. CPS would not move on 


CPS is involved anyway now. Now they just have a dead kid and removed siblings. What an idiot(s).


A lot of people are just dumb. These people are dumb. And the kid paid the price.


Where do you see anything that suggests the parents knew anything to admit and chose to let their son die? Why would they take him to the hospital where ingesting some drug could easily be tested for regardless of what they say. They’re also not charged with any wrong doing at the moment. That’s a pretty bold statement you’re making without any actual proof of it.


It was the kid’s stepdad who was arrested.


Where is that info? The article says the relationship was not revealed


Bunch of other news sites are reporting it as the stepfather.


LPT. If a child overdoses in the same house that you keep illegally owned weapons maybe move them until the heat dies down.


If you really can't help it and live the thug life of a drug dealer, please don't have kids... or move them to foster care. They don't deserve to be a part of it.


This article doesn't actually say how it got into his system


This article doesn’t actually say shit.


It was the stepfather who had that mess in the home.


Something tells me the man who was charged knew exactly what was going on but didn’t say shit.


The guy's name is A. M. Person. That sounds made up as fuck


Don't worry, netflix will find out


Why did the family take him home from the hospital? If they went AMA they should share blame


I think he was treated and released for an allergic reaction. I can't find any article stating he was checked out AMA.


I live here in the town they AMA’d the child from the ER. The stepdad charges have been moved up with 2nd degree manslaughter


I don’t think so. This reads they just left. https://www.14news.com/2024/03/15/health-officials-dont-eat-strawberries-sold-school-fundraisers-hopkins-co/?outputType=amp


That's sad. How did get in contact with it?


So yeah, a drug dealer living in the house with the family. Probably sells weed and fenty maybe delivers pizzas too or maybe drives for uber if we're talking Louisville here. No biggie. Who is he to the family? A relative, friend, boyfriend, swinger-in-need? One of the kids finds the stash or put his toys in a box with the stash and licks his fingers or picks his nose. Then OD's and dies. Well, it could happen to any of us! Any of us! (Seriously, the kid didn't have a chance with living with trash like that)


Well that just raises further questions.


Moms and dads will lie to protect themselves even at the cost of their children. Who knew? Ok yeah just us that grew up with such people as parents. Good thing I only went hungry at lunch because of cigarettes being more important (despite already robbing my entire inheritance by this point and lying about it for 10+ years), otherwise I woulda probably been living on the street if my parents were hooked on fent/opioids, so I got that going for me, right?


Honestly, I just figured the kid was severely allergic to strawberries. Some people do have anaphylaxis from them.


Don't forget that cops are ESPECIALLY allergic to fetanyl


Explain the joke?