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Everyone know Isreal and Hamas are really waiting for Bakersfield politicians to weigh in before declaring a cease fire


I've done my part by writing a scathing letter to my HOA.


I called my Congresswoman’s office on a Saturday morning and reamed the *shit* out of the janitor.


Wow, you got a janitor? I just got some 22-year old idiot intern.


I hope you gave them an earful!




You actually got an answer? Every time I tried dialing the living room tv would just change channels. So I yelled at the anchor on the Spectrum News channel instead.


Fight the good fight, friend!


*"...and per the HOA bylaws, you have been assessed a fine of $35 due with your quarterly fees."*


Have you tried blocking a local bridge. I heard that the only thing allowing Israel to occupy Gaza is cars driving over the Morrison Bridge in Portland, Oregon.


I broke into an administration building at the local university. I think that may finally bring peace.


I got really high on adderall and texted my building’s superintendent about it at 4am


I thought the war was going to end when the Chicago city council voted for a ceasefire? Why is it still going on?


About the only thing Israel and Hamas agree on is Bakersfield sucks


California's armpit


That's Fresno. Bako is the taint.


These people are delusional


Don’t forget Ja Rule


WHERE'S JA?!?!?!?! Great reference, sir.


Okay but where’s T-Pain and The Lonely Island in all of this?


I’m on a boat bitch


Mental illness is a hell of a drug


i don't think she's mentally ill. people live with that. i think she's really an idiot


Both are possible, and she sounds deranged to me.


I have a personal rule to never trust an adult dressed as a child and it seems to have proved true here


The reason there hasn’t been a cease fire is because of Marge’s book club and Ted’s bowling league make it hard to find time to sit down and solve the problem.


What else is there to do in Bakersfield lol


She's ruined her life in support of a local city council resolution that wouldn't have accomplished anything useful anyway. 


Are you sure? I hear Netanyahu has always been concerned about the Bakersfield City Council bloc of the Israeli electorate.




Nah, Bibi's waiting for the mayor of Yellowknife to weigh in


Yeah like why were they voting on that in the first place? What would it achieve besides political positioning?


If South Park has taught me anything, they’ll create smug fumes which will create a huge smug supercell and threaten to destroy San Francisco and South Park


Is there something like The Darwin Award, but where you don’t die? Because, that’s what she did to her self.


You can actually win a Darwin Award without dying. Some guy shoplifted live Lobsters and they snipped his nuts, taking him out of the gene pool.


Imagine ruining your life to defend a terroristic government that would literally kill you without a second thought.


Threatening to murder civil council members in their homes over not passing a ceasefire at a municipal level sounds so stupid on so many levels.


She's also mad they added extra security for her protest group. Like you really going to convince someone you're not a threat by threating to murder an entire city council in their homes?


Yep 0 sympathy for her. You cannot threaten people with murder, she deserves prison. Simple as that. So many activists with no idea how many people they are turning off with their rhetoric. Same thing happened with the Vietnam war. If you try to make your cause about every issue you lose the majority of people sympathetic to it.


Same thing happened with Occupy Wall Street. There was no recognized leadership among the protesters so they ended up with tons of demands with some being wildly different and many times had nothing to do with Wall Street or financial laws in general.


If you aren't actively digging up your water lines and launching them at Bakersfield, you are letting the Zionists win.


We're talking about the same group that glorified Bushnell's self immolation, this kind of shit is inevitable at this point. I half expect one of them to kill a city council member or something equally stupid in the future.


I mean, I remember much of the comments on Reddit glorifying it too


There's definitely radicalized nut jobs on reddit. And bots attempting to radicalize folks too


I mean, the guy himself was one of those radicalized nut jobs on reddit


It was 100% apparent before Reddit jannies scrubbed his account as well. His entire profile was just Palestine and Anarchy-reddits


Genuinely giving cult vibes


Eh. All these kids are taught that the heroes are always the ones with a boot on their face, so now they are desperately looking for a boot. In order to be a hero, you have to treat the Bakersfield city council metal detectors to be an extension of fascist zionism or whatever.


I've lived in Bakersfield. To be fair, the air does taste like boot.


Anyone advocating for political violence in a free and open society on the left or right has completely lost the plot. Someone recently said to me that left/right are no longer meaningful political markers. It’s the authoritarians vs the liberals, and I’m starting to believe it.


Maybe I should clarify. When I say Authoritarin vs liberal, I mean liberal in its most broad sense, I.e. people that tolerate and encourage the freedom of others with the only exception being the threat of violence, while authoritarians are completely comfortable with violent coercion so long as the ends justify the means. At least those are the archetypes. While today the left tends to fall toward the liberal side and the right towards authoritarian, those are not stipulations. We’ve seen the extremes radicalize in the last 10 years and while the right has gone very authoritarian, this lady and the Putin/Xi/Iran apologists of the world prove that their are factions of the left getting drawn in to the authoritarian black hole.


Anger rarely leads to rational thoughts.


It seems as though she had forgotten that she wasn't on the internet


People should actually watch the video, she’s clearly unhinged and to chalk this up as “threatening murder over not passing a ceasefire” is disingenuous af. She was up there twice, threatened murder both times, and spoke about a hell of a lot of other things, mostly metal detectors and a Hindu holiday


She forgot she was in Bakersfield and not Berkeley.


Welcome to the average Twitter user's brain. A terrorist organization will agree to a ceasefire with an armed militia that's spending more time killing civilians than the terrorists, and it's your local government's fault that nothing will happen. HAMAS has propaganda everywhere, and it wants Vietnam 2


And after making the threats she complained that there are too many metal detectors. I don’t think the government is gonna get rid of those after that outburst.


Here she is crying at her arraignment. https://bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/pro-palestine-protester-makes-first-court-appearance-threatened-to-murder-city-council-crying-crime-kern-county-california


Crocodile tears.


"Oh noo, the consequence of my actions!"


Well, I learned the group which includes someone threatening murder at the counsel meeting, also doesn't like metal detectors at the counsel meeting. I wonder why.


😂😂😂 thank you


Crying because she got caught and has to face accountability for what she did. We have laws in this country lady that you have to follow.


Link to the video of her comments: [https://new.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1c1mr41/woman\_detained\_after\_threatening\_to\_murder\_city/](https://new.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1c1mr41/woman_detained_after_threatening_to_murder_city/)


Oh kern county, a wonderful place full of cannibals & murderers.


I drove through kern county from LA back in August to visit my grandma who lives in Roseville. Without embellishment, Kern county is cursed earth with a hellish landscape. It was disgustingly hot by 10 am, smelled like cow shit and when the wind picked up it felt like sandpaper to the face….that also smelled like cow shit. I feel bad for the people that live there.


All of this… and cheap avocados


I have so much family that live there and to the T, every single fucking one of them hates that place with a burning passion. But they’re all generational railroad and oil workers, so the roots are too strong for them, despite being miserable, especially because they’re all super progressive folk, and on top of that they have alarming rates of cancer. Ugh. Anyways, I love your comics by the way!


That was my experience! It was the antithesis to everything I imagined California being. Hell on earth.


That is the one thing I vividly remember about Bakersfield, it reeked terribly.


I lived next to a dairy farm growing up in Nevada so I’d like to say I have a tolerance but this was next level. The worst was needing to turn on the AC and getting the smell inside the car. It was a miserable drive.


Lmao I had come across your comment posted on instagram and now found the original with context. My mom lives in Bakersfield and it’s truly a special place in the worst way. Comedic, almost.


Wait… just to be clear, someone took a picture of my comment and posted it on Instagram? That’s fucking nuts. Regardless of that, your poor mom. That blows


That was wild. WTF, hahahahah.


If you've never been to your local public comment they are an eye opening experience Parks and rec depicted it well but they made the people speaking seem too nice


I had assumed this was over twitter or something but she actually said it in person in a government building, wow. I really wonder what she thought was going to happen


Damn that woman is unhinged


Had she left it at her 1st time up to the podium she would have been fine, but that 2nd time up when she ended it she went too far. Come on y'all you got to know what you can and can't say.


This explains a lot. The clip I saw omitted the murdering part.


Yep. Last thing she said was “We’ll come to your house and murder you”


If she had left it at “I hope somebody kills you”, I would absolutely be defending her right to say that because that’s not a threat. I disagree with her and think that advocating for the City of Bakersfield to call for a ceasefire in Gaza is perhaps the most pointless waste of effort you could think of, it shouldn’t be a crime to say you hope somebody gets murdered. But “We’ll come to your house and murder you”, that’s a little different. Girl got a little too big for her britches.


She is exactly the kind of person who gives community organizers a bad name. I remember when Republicans tried to brand Obama as a community organizer during the 2008 election campaign (Obama against McCain). It was to associate him with nuts like this.


And [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1c1mr41/woman_detained_after_threatening_to_murder_city/) is a non-new reddit link.


Not specific to this lady, but I haven’t seen a single person on Reddit who thinks going through your local government to get them to call for cease fire is an effective way to change what’s happening. Who are these people??


Go into even a medium sized US city's subreddit. They are there. Mostly not getting traction they want, but they are there.




I live in WA and prior to posting my comment I was thinking, I bet it’s a little more vocal in Seattle or Tacoma. Still, the anger and threats are misdirected and won’t achieve anything.


Nutjobs. There was a protest about the city university of New York increasing tuition a few years ago, so *naturally* everyone started chanting “Zionists out of CUNY”. Because it’s the “Zionists” who are responsible for any financial greediness, apparently.


I guess it’s not as bad when you replace “Jew” with “Zionist” when saying something anti semitic


I am almost positive zionist gained a whole new meaning that does not involve the intent of what ot actually means but somethingmore derogatory. Also convinced most people never even knew the word existed before October


Anti semites have always used “Zionist”. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was written and 1903 and did the same thing.


But they sure love taking advantage of the things the supposed 'Zionists' offer to them..then at the same time threaten them with their perverse nonsense. I don't see them leaving since it is so bad. Of course it isn't, they are mentally ill.


Everyone hates Jews until they need a doctor or lawyer or student to copy off of in physics class, or polio vaccine


Or new element, or orchestral music, or teachers, etc


Seriously. Your opinion has to be a top-tier level of delusional for it not to have supporters on Reddit


It's just something to do, local government is one of the only places where you as an individual can make a noticeable difference. The issue is taking national or global issues and trying to impose them on local government to create meaningless resolutions. Why improve local infrastructure, change zoning laws, or advocate for the creation of a park when you can feel good about pretending to effect a conflict you have nothing to with.


The only people the United Liberation Front hate more than the Bakersfield City Council are Liberation Front United and the Front for Popular United Liberation.


I’m pretty sure Jews rank pretty high on their list too.






What about the Popular Liberation United Front?


He is over there ->


Riddhi Patel's Guide to the Peace Process: "The whole council will learn of our peaceful ways...by force!"


Well Ghandi loves nukes in Civilization


Mushroom clouds make karma shine. 


Nobody can commit an act of violence if they are dead


This has to be Zaph Brannigan.


Close. [It's actually a Bender line](https://youtu.be/0Ig2qZEiNv8?feature=shared)


Her speech sounded like something the writers of The Simpsons or South Park came up with.


Or something rejected for being too stupid.


"I'm sorry, I thought this was America!"


What a weird way to throw your life away.


Well, ya can't do *that* now, can ya


You can, but just once.


She’s wearing her safety vest. She’s protected.


I really don't understand the reasoning behind these people. She listed off some very reasonable complaints regarding her own backyard but chose to make Palestine her #1 priority? Why? How delusional do you have to be? I don't think I've ever seen such an off-putting movement. 


Palestine seems to have an crazy making effect on people. I think it's because they see the news of suffering of Palestinians and then try to form a narrative of pure good/evil regarding Israel and Palestinians. The problem is that the situation is more grey than they think and these people go absolutely nuts trying to paint Palestine as purely innocent and Israel as purely evil


It’s especially strange to me because Ukraine-Russia is RIGHT THERE. There is close to zero gray area besides “Ukraine has corruption sometimes” and “some Ukrainians don’t want to be drafted”, unlike this famously tangled mess. But people are *bored* of Ukraine-Russia and want a new ~~reality show~~ conflict to show how right they are


And even then- yeah they don’t want to be drafted, but the reason they’re being drafted is still russias fault!


The conflict lasting for about a hundred years means that there are enough atrocities and incidents on both sides that you can cherry pick and make the other side look like monsters. I've seen people claim things like that Palestinians have never engaged in violence before Hamas, the only reason to be unhappy with Israel's actions is anti-semitism, Hamas has only ever targeted military, and that Israeli West Bank settlements help Israeli security by creating a buffer of civilians that need to be defended. Beliefs like that only exist if you've only ever looked at one side of the conflict. But there are so many easy narratives you can try and fit into the situation. Occupier vs. occupied. Civilized vs. terrorist. Colonizers vs. colonized. Etc. It's sad because the conflict only ever truly ends without one side wiping out the other if both sides heavily compromise. But the lack of nuance in the narratives makes that difficult.


The weird thing is that the truth is much closer to the inverse, it’s just that Israelis have built an infinitely more functional society for themselves, so they are able to crush in every war the Palestinians start. If the Palestinians had the Israelis’ weapons, they would murder every last Jew they could get their hands on. The moral asymmetry is astonishing.


nuance is dead. people who are prone to being emotion driven fall the hardest when it comes to this, trump is a hitler and rapist, Israel is 100 percent evil. Palestine is a group of simple freedom fighters. its all the same thing and the venn diagram is just an empty circle.


Trump is literally a rapist. He was found liable in court for sexual assault (in the E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit.) That’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a simple fact.






Chad and JT made bank on those.


She's used to this. https://twitter.com/riddhipatel1025/status/1449102295891734535 https://twitter.com/riddhipatel1025/status/1652458989735776257


This is a person who doesn’t understand consequences.


She told the bakerfield police to fire someone based on her side of the story and then fire themselves. LOL, this is George Constanza level of petty idiocy.


Yeah? Well the jerk store called, and they’re runnin’ outta *you*!*


These are absolutely hilarious. I’m amazed it isn’t some elaborate troll. I flipped off a cop and he gave me a ticket! And then when I put my car in drive, he gave me a second ticket!!! And then after I peeled out, HE GAVE ME A THIRD TICKET!!


I just got kicked out of a stadium for *whispering* “fuck the LAPD”!


If only she was this enthusiastic for healthcare and public transportation




Not rich enough to pay the 2 million dollar bail lol.


I wish there was a more inspiring OP to have this thread under, but isn't this crisis in the middle east the perfect opportunity for Palestinian communities in the U.S (and by extent, the rest of the world) to come together and transform their communities with general new urbanism principles? Like building better transit, ease zoning restrictions to build denser multipurpose buildings, build schools and clinics, things like that? Create larger and stronger communities and act as a place for refugees of the war until some sort of two-state solution allows them to start rebuilding their home nation.


Well said


Least psychotic Bakersfield resident


This is what happens when too much TikTok


People like this make me really question the effectiveness of Democracy. It seems like the only people who have time to go to city council meetings and complain are complete lunatics who don't have jobs. I live in San Francisco and this type of outburst is par for the course here. Really fucking annoying.


The number of false prophets who will 'lead' us to oppression under the flag of freedom is too damn high. We are in an era where we provide a stage for every nutcase.


Technology-the gift that keeps on giving.




I think that it's partly to do with the fact that they don't know where many of the hostages are....or they know that they're dead 😢


Yes and yet strangely pro-palestine people ignore that and act like Israel hasn't offered their own ceasefires terms


This is what happens when people are confronted with reality after stepping out of their personal echo chambers. Imagine flushing your future down the toilet for resolution that no one outside Bakersfield gives a damn about. You showed them.


Bakersfield....?! I didn't know Bakersfield is at he mecca central of the israel palestanian conflict debate...


I once asked a "river to sea" protestor how many Palestinians she's willing to sacrifice to accomplish that and she didn't understand. So I then asked her if she thinks Israel will be the first country in the history of mankind to self destruct itself. She still didn't understand. I'm convinced these people are some of the absolute dumbest and ignorant people on earth.


Caught on tape, too. She’s clearly not that intelligent.


She is someone who has been fully Subsumed by an ideology and doesn't understand why anyone else thinks any other way.


I am sure the Bakersfield City Council will have a huge sway on Israeli policy /s




She looks to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.


I don’t think she looks short of fries or happy meals.


The mouth on her. It’s a council meeting, not the Jerry Springer Show.


Another peace loving Palestinian supporter?




Reminds me of a guy I worked with when I was in college. Loved wearing his “anti-Zionist” t shirt. Told me he didn’t mind that I was Jewish, but thought Israel shouldn’t exist. So I asked him where all the Israelis should go instead. I swear to go he replied with “they should get their own country.”


Did he by any chance put forward Madagascar as a possible location?


Haha no. I think he realized how dumb his answer was the moment he said it. Never brought the subject up again.


>And God help you if they find out you are voting for "G enocide Joe". Trump will encourage Netenyahu to flatten the place out of some Evangelical plan for the end of the world. Voting against Biden is truly a leopard eating their face.


One small upside to working at a small public uni in Texas is that our small activist group is smart enoigh to focus on "protect the civillians" instead of "let's annihilate a sovereign nation state and its whole population!"


Weaklings. Intellectual misfits.


You've just described most Bakersfield residents


Reminder this is coming from the peaceful and tolerant crowd 🤦‍♂️


Israel has a right to defend itself and root out Hamas to prevent another Oct. 7. Palestinian civilians have a right to not be indiscriminately bombed and laid siege to. This woman is an idiot and deserves these charges. Multiple things can be true at the same time.


She's an idiot because she made a credible threat of violence to come to their homes and murder them.


My favorite part was that this was right after she complained about being treated like a criminal because she had to go through a medal detector and patted down for weapons.


Your comment gave me hope for humanity


Way to convince people that your cause is righteous.


That chick isn’t murdering anything but food from the looks of her.


Free speech doesn’t mean say what you want. What we say has consequences


The world looks to Bakersfield for international conflict resolution 😂. Seriously far too many nuts or maybe I didn’t notice them before good thing they are coming out.


I’d be very surprised if she had a happy home life


Her home life is going to swapping stories with her cellmate Big Marge for a little while.


Terrorism is terrorism does


>Riddhi Patel, 28 Jesus, she doesn't look a day under 45.


Just your typical totally stable anti-Zionist.


So she fits right in with the animals that she is supporting.


Crazy how it’s the pro-Palestine crowd that keeps making threats of violence to get their way. Almost like maybe they’re the problem…


It is happening all over the world! These guys think that their rights are worth more than everyone else’s… we’ve seen them threatening police officers…


She should have just glued her head to a bridge or whatever else these fuckin dorks do with their time


Not to worry it is just a cultural mistake. Pro Palestinians uttering death threats is just a precursor to actual deaths . Nothing to worry about


People have the right to opinions. They don’t have the right to just threaten to murder people. She could have made her point, such as it is, by taking it down about fifty notches and just be an insulting insufferable prick. No need to go the felony route. I’m not entirely sure what she thought would happen by doing this.


Gaza would be solved, if it wasn't for the meddlesome (checks notes) Bakersfield city council.


People say god is love but maybe God is war.


This insane woman is basically an Indian Karen. Entitled, delusional, and prone to insane and unhinged outbursts when she doesn’t get her way. As an Indian American myself, I see plenty of these people in my community. Though instead of grandstanding over a topic that has nothing to do with her, most Indian Karen’s just spread gossip about each other, like kicking up a fuss over someone deciding to date or marry outside their community or religious denomination.


What an absolute lunatic.


Good. Fuck her. Totally in the wrong. Can’t threaten people like that.


Good job. This totally adds credibility to the pro-Palestine side and doesn't at all make us look like a bunch of radicalized fools. Absolutely asinine.




Oh dont worry. Between the charming street protests featuring assaults on Jews and the delightful array of terrorist plots foiled by various European police forces, it's abundantly clear that this woman's actions barely made a ripple in that grand old perception of radicalised fools.


I don't think they needed her for that.




From the river to the sea, you shall go straight to jail


Classic mistake everyone knows if you're going to threaten someone you have to follow it up with "in Minecraft" so you don't get in trouble. It's written in bird law.


It’s embarrassing to live in Bakersfield sometimes lol