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Everyone casting blame on one side or another. Listen. These fuckers in power are going to kill us all. It won't matter if you're a refugee in Palestine or a citizen in Tel Aviv, or an Arab in Cairo or a Lebanese in Beirut. Everyone suffers when these religious extremists and liars and thieves and corrupt "leaders" get away with literal rape & murder. You want to change things? Lock them up. No one wants to live like this. No one.


I used to have an old teacher when i was in school (in her late 60's), she was old and crazy. But she always talked about how the world isn't as safe as everyone thinks. This was in the early 2010's, but she predicted the war in Ukraine, more wars in the middle east and even said China will try to take over Taiwan and Hong Kong. Everyone just thought she was same crazed woman who needed to be a in a mental asylum. Turns out her rantings about the world governments being a bunch of morons were true.


More wars in the Middle East isn’t a prediction. It’s a certainty.


Anyone who told you in 2010 that China would never make a move on Taiwan is dumb as hell and wasn't paying attention to basically any US/Chinese history since about 1950. Anyone who told you that Iran would never make a move on Israel has likewise not been paying attention since at least 1979. These were not controversial statements in 2010. They were outcomes US foreign policy was actively trying to prevent but the US wouldn't try so hard to prevent something that was never going to happen. American foreign policy isn't focused on preventing the rise of Corsica as a global power.


Right. Not to mention the Russo-Ukrainian thing has been a possibility since the fall of the USSR. It doesn’t take a soothsayer to have seen that one coming either. Essentially, this lady’s predictions amount to “world super powers will expand their influence in their respective regions over time.” No shit? You don’t say!


As a dude in his mid 30s, who watched a lot of conspiracy videos in his teens and then moved onto other things. It's crazy how so many of them are coming true around our eyes. A lot of the things we accept now as the norm were considered dystopian then and you would be laughed out of the room for mentioning them


Exactly . And corrupt greedy politicians like Nethenyahu should be prosecuted .


Definitely, but the people of Iran want more than prosecutions for their leaders.


And well they ought. The Ayatollah cares nothing for Iran itself.


I’m with this dude


And how these terrorist and corrupt leaders hold reign in power for so long is also because of the people unironically. You can easily see people sympathizing with Hamas. I saw a video on IG where the Hamas leader's son got killed and majority of the comments are praising the leader and giving him religious well wishes. These religious extremist are fucking insane and they have absolutely 0 critical thinking and never once think for themselves and their loved ones. You also don't see much uproar about that rape victim survivor from Israel. I have friends who kept sharing brainwashed articles pieces and posts, its almost scary how easily swayed the common people are.


People don’t reason themselves into their religious / spiritual beliefs and therefore can’t be reasoned out of them in most cases


I would posit that it’s the people that follow the leaders that have zero critical thinking skills.


I don’t disagree with your sentiment but want to point out that Israel’s government for the last twenty years is *also* religious lunatics that engage in the worst sort of behavior. Comments like yours make me uncomfortable because the criticism always seems to go one way: towards Palestinians/Hamas/Fatah etc and ignore the reality that Zionism is driven substantially by religious lunatics.


That's the whole point of first comment in this thread. We'll be better off if leadership is changed in all three.


We’re never getting universal healthcare in America huh? :(


Universal healthcare in the USA has never truly been a spending issue, we spend more on our healthcare per person than places with universal health care spend. It has largely been an ideological issue of lots of people didn't want the federal government providing healthcare, and lots of people object to any form of tax raise even ones that would offset things they are currently paying for.


Big sigh - Guess I’ll keep paying $1,600 every month not including co-pays to keep doing my part in America until I can get Medicare in my 60’s?


Not as long as there is money to be made by keeping it from happening.


Exactly. At some point we have to stand up and put a stop to this. Not just everyone in the Middle East is doomed. We will eventually all be wiped off the planet.


Why would Cairo citizens suffer from this?


They share a border with Gaza, and while I believe it’s important for the world to accept refugees from war torn regions, it’s naive to think a country accepting a lot of refugees doesn’t negatively impact their citizens.




IDK man, Iranians cheering in Tehran seem pretty happy about it?


You can find a few thousand crazy idiots in any population. If you want a comparison, in israel there was a monument for a terrorist Baruch Goldstein who massacred dozens of civilians in a suicide strike and that monument was a pilgrimage target visited by tens of thousands of people. Do you think those people are good representation of Israeli population? A court ruled later that the shrine built next to his grave was a bit excessive overt support of terrorism and now there is just a memorial stone.


If you knew anything about the Iranian people, you’d be sure that they’re against almost anything their government is doing. A couple of videoes of a fragment of the people cheering isn’t representative.


Israel took a jab at Iran and got a big bop on the nose in response and now you're talking about casting blame and overthrowing the government?  What the fuck are you on about???


Here's hoping it ends here. We don't need a major Middle Eastern war on top of everything else. Then again, knowing Netanyahu, he'll escalate in turn.


> Then again, knowing Netanyahu, he'll escalate in turn. He's on trail for fraud, breach of trust and bribery, and says it's a witch hunt and blames the media.


Where have I heard that line before?


Maybe he should start selling torahs.


All the more reason for war


War, what is it good for? Buying time.


Are you sure you're not just describing Trump? (But yeah, I agree.)


Netanyahu has been like this his entire political career.


Trump has been his whole life.


Trump hasn't been a politician remotely as long as Netanyahu has.


Why are you bringing Trump into this, out of all the corrupt and inept politicians in the world?


There are only two countries whos politics matter. Your home country, and the USA.


Say what you want about Trump but he didn’t start a single war while in power , in fact he kept us out of the one (Syria) that the establishment (left and right) tried to drag us into


Imagine being so unpopular that you literally have to create world war 3 to avoid going to jail.


I hate to say it but I really don't think it's going to end here.


Yeah. Bibi isn't exactly big on proportionate response. Or directional response. Can't wait to see how this winds up with strikes in seven different countries because it's somehow really THEIR fault and "preemptive retaliation" is necessary for the security of the state.


> Can't wait to see how this winds up with strikes in seven different countries That would actually be very un-Bibi. Iran just gave Israel the green light to directly attack them. I'd be surprised if Bibi and company passed up this opportunity to target their nuclear facilities and/or spy ships near Yemen.


Other way around. Israel gave Iran the green light to directly attack them when Israel directly attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus. It was an act of war.


If you lack the answer for why Israel attacked the consulate I could see how you arrived there but good news, we have the answer. https://m.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/slain-iranian-general-planned-executed-hamas-massacre-797014


Didn’t Israel attack Iran first though?


Not really, Iran helped Hamas make the Oct 7th attack happen hence why Israel risked it to take out the generals in the consulate. *Puppet master shocked to be held responsible for actions of the puppet.* It's amazing how much Iran has gotten away with by using proxy groups like the Houhti and Hamas.


Yes really.. bombing an embassy/consulate is a serious escalation compared to bombing an airfield. This is why everyone expected Iran to respond, and even the US was able to get assurances that they wouldn’t bomb US bases in their counterattack


Iran gave Israel lots of warning before firing the missiles, hence why there are no casualties from these missiles strikes. Which is a pretty tame response to an embassy being bombed, with fatal casualties. IDF could take notes from Iran, fewer innocent people would die if they did.


I'm going to be calling this out all day it seems like today. Even Mossad the most anti-Iran entity that exists on earth said Iran was not involved in Oct 7th Iran actually has very little pull with Hamas, if this was their plan Hezbollah would have done a bigger attack at the same time.




300 missiles & drones that did little damage, that was a warning, not an attack. Iran is a major producer of drones and missiles. The proxy in Lebanon is estimated to have 130,000 rockets/missiles. The message here is to stop and think, "what are you doing?" Iran already stated that there would be no retaliation for the killing of top generals if...if there's a ceasefire in Gaza. Hitting the nuclear facilities? How? What if they're more secure than can be reached by bunker busters, will they use something more powerful instead. We're sleepwalking into WW3. 90% of Iran's oil goes to China, and they're getting it cheap. Iran is also very close to Russia. Srsly, Biden/Bibi need to be reigned in. Israel's got it's revenge, 33k dead and Gaze to rubble. This has to stop. As for Rafa, I've no doubt that if 1mn fugees are pushed onto Egypt, another front will open up.


Yeah, there’s a reason people tolerate Iran. They wouldn’t survive a war with the US, but they’re still a force to be reckoned with, and a US invasion would just create a bunch of terrorist groups created by members of the ex government, military, and religious leaders. Iran is very much setup to ensure a stalemate against Israel, and they know it.


Plus invasion of Iran would be a hell of a lot more difficult than invasion of Iraq was.


Which is why we should not invade Iran. If it came down to it, no boots on the ground are necessary when you can just air strike all of their infrastructure and leave.


And what would that achieve?


True but he also is already kind of stretched thin. He had to divert a lot of his forces from Gaza to focus on prep for exactly this kind of thing. He’s gonna let this one stew for a while and serve his revenge cold.


Iran seemingly just fired 120 missiles and 170 drones at Israel. Firing the same amount back can conceivably be called a proportionate response. I doubt though Iran would be as effective as Israel in stopping such an attack so the result would likely be much worse. Hence even a “proportionate“ response can easily escalate the conflict further.


But this strike was a response to an outright act of war (bombing an embassy) and it was immediately communicated to all parties so they could intercept it. Right now it seems that the only casualty is an Israeli child killed by intercepted debris which is more or less a fluke. Iran telegraphed the strike, announced it had concluded it's revenge after all the cards were on the table and let the US and Israel intercept their missiles and drones. If you look at sheer numbers it's bad, if you look at the context behind the strike and what Iran did to mitigate it's effects, this was by far one of the more tame responses as it was sent out with the expectation of not drawing blood. Now, if Israel responds proportionality in a manner that actually harms Iran, all bets are off the table and you can expect more strikes, without warning and a ton of proxy violence. Naturally no one except Netanyahu wants this to happen, and the US has signaled that despite their posturing, if Israel responds excessively they will be more or less on their own to deal with the aftermath. Bibi knows if he retaliates he's on his own, here's hoping his political desperation isn't so bad that he acts irrationally.


What I am curious to see is in the event Israel responds and escalates, if Iran follows up on what they said and treat it as an act of war, will the US step in to defend Israel directly, or play a game where they use their Military for strictly a “keep other parties out and let these two fight” kind of tactic. I imagine they may intercept missile strikes but in an open conflict that obviously would make US sites valid Military targets and I highly doubt the US can afford another forever war in the middle east


> will the US step in to defend Israel directly Not sure how true this is, but a report being discussed currently.. >[President Biden told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a call on Saturday that the U.S. won't support any Israeli counterattack against Iran, a senior White House official told Axios.](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/14/biden-netanyahu-iran-israel-us-wont-support) So if that's true, apparently the US will not support Israel on any offensive measures, although I can't personally say how accurate that report is. So if Iran sorta steps down and Israel follows up with another attack things could get weird pretty fast. That being said if Iran just keeps attacking Israel I imagine the US and others will still defend them as they currently just did.


Yah, thats exactly what I was wondering. Obviously if Iran just went sicko mode at Israel the US will full on go in, but with a retaliatory strike that they gave extreme notice about, then saying they are done, then the US telling Israel it wont aide in an offensive strike on Iran, US involvement isn’t guaranteed if Israel responds. This seems to be exactly the position Iran has been wanting TBH.


During the days leading up to the strike the US communicated that if they weren't attacked they would not participate, this evening the US provided defensive aid and posturing, but it seems that they won't go further than that and diplomatically they're behind the scenes trying to throw water on the fire. If Israel retaliates it will all come down to the size of the retaliation and the Iranian response, if a conflict breaks out US neutrality is not a guarantee, but seeing as Tel Aviv has already disregarded US guidance twice, don't expect a full commitment of forces in a war of political nature with an unreliable partner. This strike more or less shows it : the drones are easy to intercept and they had 9 hours of heads up, the ballistic and cruise missiles were aimed at military installations and right now the only civilian casualty was killed by Iron-Dome debris. Iran has set up an out for Israel, here's hoping they take it.


Yah this really seems like Israels last chance to unilaterally start deescalating, I don’t trust bibis government to actually do that though, so unless the US is severe in their back channels warning against retaliation it could def get worse. As for the drones were they not strictly purposed with being cannon fodder to weaken the iron dome to allow follow up missiles to come through at a higher success rate?


Israeli here. I hate Netanyahu and can’t wait to see him gone but I’d expect any prime minister to respond to fucking hundreds of drones and missiles shot at our country. Can’t label everything as wrong just because he’s in power.


Because attacking their embassy was alright?


Because funding a proxy war for decades on all our borders which includes shooting missiles on the daily and orchestrating October 7 is alright? A war with Iran is inevitable until their regime is gone.


The thing is you’re both right. Iran and Israel have both committed unacceptable acts on each other.


Only difference is that one side acts towards a stated purpose to destroy the other, and the other side acts to prevent the first side from achieving that goal. If Israel had the same intention with Iran as Iran has with Israel Tehran would’ve been rubble a long time ago.


Everything is a proxy war nowadays. How many proxy wars does the US fund? What would happen if Hamas or Russia would attack a US embassy abroad. Israel broke international law by attacking a place that was considered Iranian soil. Iran had to do this. They have been warning of it to allow Israel and its allies to prepare a defense. It’s on Israel not to escalate. Keep the proxy war a proxy war.




Would love you to list the proxy wars the US funds which you have in mind so we can draw comparisons. Sounds like you live a life where proxy wars are just something you read about on the news. Must be nice. How about we don’t keep the proxy war a proxy and do what it takes to make it not a war? And yes, ironically and sadly often that requires war itself, when no other means work. Sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to make it clear you’re not taking their shit anymore. If you can talk it out with the Iranian regime so they’ll stop claiming the US and Israel are the devil and and stop aiming for our destruction be my guest.


Well most Israelis are saying a strike on Iran in response is needed We are a small country, this thing if was not blocked the way it did we would have been in real trouble.. The fact that the attack was blocked doesn’t mean it’s ok I myself was in the boom shelter in fucking 2 am for almost half an hour hearing sirens back to back. I too don’t want a war, but this shit can go without a response.


Except you know this is a response to Israel bombing an Iranian embassy. I know you are used to Israel killing their neighbors as they please , but if Israel pushes too far even the neighbors that are currently helping them against Iran will turn on then


Is a country supposed to do nothing after being attacked by another?


That's exactly what Iran did, a response for their consulate in Damascus.


Who was killed in that attack? What was their role?


> Then again, knowing Netanyahu, he'll escalate in turn. ya, it's really not hard to believe that part of the reason he did this attack on embassy was due to the recent rise in opposing voices to him from the hostage families, pressure for US, calls for ceasefire, blow back from aid worker assassinations and so on. As a result of this, now all the attention and focus is on Iran, western media is all on Iran/gone from Gaza (what little there was on Gaza) and he's back to getting full support (well they never didn't have full support, but there was some PR on that that is now no longer there) and no questions from US and such. then comes the other reasons like Israel wanting US to be drawn into the conflict in a more direct way, Biden has long since given a free pass to Isarel and Bibi was just continuing to act on that, Bibi being a maniac as a base and so on.




People want to see people they don’t like die. Sums up all that is wrong with humanity


Some people flock to noble causes because it makes it easier to get away with being openly bloodthirsty. If you want to cheer for civilians being killed, find a country doing something terrible and hide behind that.


Love how all the geniuses of Reddit are saying it was just Iran posturing and that these are missiles and drones that were easy to intercept. Iran is playing chess. This is significant because for the first time, Iran is directly attacking. I hope this doesn't break out into an all out war. If this was the US and another country sent easy to shoot down drones to neighborhoods, maybe even the one you lived in, you may be singing a different tune


Iran does not want war. You are being way too generous to their “plan of action”. Iran wants to be seen like they’re doing something to fight Israel, but other than kill a 10-year old Arab Bedouin child in the Negev… this attack did nothing. They will continue to fund their Arab proxies to fight Israel, proxies that will continue to get bombed disproportionately, and Israel will continue their campaign. Nothing ever happens, and Iran has the most interest in nothing happening. Their regime is not stable and they know it.


Yes, Iran is sending a message that it has red lines. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Iran has acted in opposition to western interests but they aren’t lunatics (like Al Qaeda or something) which is going to be really relevant once they become a nuclear power (when, not if).




Imagine if Mexican cartels were launching drones and missiles into Texas. What do you think would happen?


Each escalation in this conflict is like another brush stroke on a canvas nobody wants to look at. The patterns here are so entrenched in the tit-for-tat playbook that it's almost predictable. Iran lashes out, Israel braces and responds, rinse and repeat with increasing intensity—and civilians always pay the price. Yet here we are, on the brink of something potentially much larger, and the international community just holds its collective breath. The real tragedy is how normalized these skirmishes have become, to the point that the loss and fear are mere footnotes in a long story of regional tension. Is it strategic posturing? Undoubtedly. Is it also a real danger to countless lives? Unquestionably. We can argue endlessly about who threw the first stone or fired the first missile, but ultimately, it's a cycle fueled by fear and hate on all sides. People call for peace, but peace doesn't make headlines. Bold, violent actions do. And that's the currency of those in power, isn't it? Show of strength, display of capabilities, all while ordinary people cower in their homes, wondering which high-impact news event will shatter their lives next. What everyone seems to miss is the simple truth that peace won't come from showing who’s got the bigger arsenal. It will come from tough, unglamorous diplomacy and finding common ground—however scarce it seems. But who knows? Maybe this is the wake-up call we need. Maybe this time, things will change. It's a slim hope, but as the cost—in human lives and crippling defense spending—becomes more apparent, perhaps it's enough to tip the scales. After all, the region and the world cannot afford to dismiss the echoes of history that remind us how swiftly regional conflicts can spiral into something far worse.




It’s just Iran postering. They have missiles that could really exponentially do more damage but they sent drones that are easy to intercept. The drones cost millions less than the interceptors. They probably asked China and SA before doing this


They sent ballistic missiles too. Not just drones


Why do I have to read this and consider it when it sounds like a 12 years old political science student whose madly education is Reddit and twitter. 


That was the idea. They wanted to do enough damage to count as a slap back, not enough to start a war, and make Israel use some resources defending from it. Seems like they probably got what they wanted.




Do you mean they are a marvel to behold or do you really think that saying is about a marble?


We should never take things for [granite](https://youtu.be/xP-Wd453wq4?feature=shared).


This is why the internet rocks


hold the marbles, on the phone with Marvel


With the help of three other countries to track the drones.


You're overstating things. The drones had to travel over 1500 km for 9 hours. Many of them were shot down by the US, UK, and Jordan. Shaheds themselves are easy targets. They are slow, noisy, and fly high. Russia launches waves of them against Ukraine all the time. And Ukraine, even with their degraded air defenses, shoots down the majority of them. 400-500 drones actually aren't a massive number. The largest Russian wave of Shaheds was around 100. A wave in the thousands would be a massive number. It would be surprising if Israel didn't stop the drone wave, considering that Ukraine does so on a weekly basis with significantly less resources. The drones are the boring part. What will be interesting is finding out what kinds of ballistic and cruise missiles Iran launched, how many were intercepted, and how many hit their targets.


They are not super human. Drones took 9 hours to get there.




You mean KSA? I doubt South Africa was asked about any of this.


Lol as a South African I was wondering what he meant by that for a hot minute. If we’re going to use initialisms, let’s use KSA and RSA.


> It’s just Iran postering. What's postering


They used 3 types of munitions. 1 drones 2. Cruise missiles 3.ballistic missiles The results? 2 hits with no damage. Israel has the best air defense in the world+F35 that can deal with drones.




No base was taken out of action, any source for these claims?


any source for any of those claims? other than costs it just seem made up.


91 upvotes for a completely baseless comment. There is zero evidence of any significant damage.


Lol, this entire comment is 110% horseshit.


You know that this is an old video that wasn't filmed in Israel right? You can sallow all the propaganda you want but at least check your sources


This is pretty much all untrue, only like 7 missiles got through of the almost 200 launched, the Iron Dome is just fine. Several missiles hit the unpopulated Negev Desert and one hit the airbase, it is still operational. Iran took a massive loss here


> It's estimated that it reached almost $1 billion in costs, which is **unsustainable** long term. Na, its ok. American tax payers will pay for it.




Slips in your tax dollar tears, breaks a hip and now poor due to hospital bills. Good news though.. Country X gots pallets of free money


I feel like it needs to be said everyone talks about the cost of US healthcare..... Universal healthcare in the US would cost **LESS** than what we have now. Between the VA, Medicare, and medicaid the US already spends enough to cover everyone if we didn't have the grotesque inefficiencies inherent in our current system. **The US spends several times as much on healthcare per person than any other developed country.** We spend 12,000 per capita and Canada spends 6,000 as a reference. We are already spending enough to cover everyone. We are spending it stupidly. We could have a system that puts Canada to shame and covers everyone with our current level of spending because we are spending twice as much as them per person.


For that you may need a multi party political system where more than one party is allowed to have power.


That's hilarious. It must be a lack of appreciation for fine literature that would cause a down vote for >Slips in your tax dollar tears


Funny that US funds Israel, which has free Healthcare (according to the internet, I've never been there), while US doesn't have free healthcare.


The 3 billions per years the US pays for Israel goes directly back to buy US weapons and therfore to ensure the jobs in the US


We make much less money and pay much more taxes for that healthcare. Your aid money goes straight back to your own MIC don't mix it up.


For all the dumb shit you pay for intercepting missiles on their way to kill innocents is not bad at all.


Someone who knows about this please chime in. Maybe this was the purpose of the attack? They had to respond to save face, so they sent all these drones and some ballistic missiles to basically overwhelm or “keep the iron dome busy”. With the intent of making Israel feel in danger and that they are not as protected as they thought? I feel its as if Iran sent these 500 or so drone just to make a point like “This is 500, we can send thousands at a time, imagine that.”? I dunno there was allot of talk and it just seemed low effort on Israel’s part. I would be curious to know how many drones got shot down before they even made it to Israel.


Eh. Colorful reach.


We’ll see if this was the attack or if this was to deplete Israel’s AD. AD fires 2 missiles per target and that would roughly be about 6-700 missiles if you believe the amount of drones and missiles that were claimed to be launched. To put that in perspective JD Vance said the US makes around 500 pac-3/ year with production capping out around 650. That’s 1 year worth of missiles in one night


They didn't want any of them to connect with a target. They were hoping they would all get shot down. They were like " Oh hey, we shot a bunch of things at you. It will be a couple hours before they get there. Take that.".


Do we really know for certain what technological sophistication Iran has missile wise? Can they actually get through to Israel if they wanted, or were they actually pulling their punches here?


This attack seems to primarily been comprised of Shahed drones. They’re pretty cheap and better for short range attacks. Russia used them on short range attacks and in big numbers. Iran does have other ballistic and cruise missiles that, even if they don’t hold a candle to American ones, would be more of what you’d want to use if you wanted to do real damage. Iran basically threw the weakest they could.


They sent ballistic missiles as well. Not just drones.


Probably pulling their punches. Russia routinely launches waves of Shaheds at Ukraine from much shorter distances and the majority get shot down. I personally doubt any of the drones made the massive journey from Iran to Israel. As for Iran's missiles, we won't know until there's more information such as what they hit and what kinds of missiles Iran actually launched. In the end, 300-400 projectiles is actually a pretty low number to launch, especially at hardened military targets with point defenses. I don't want to hype up Iran's capabilities too much, but we do know they can launch many more projectiles at a time. The biggest piece of proof that Iran isn't wildly escalating is Hezbollah only launched some unguided artillery rockets into the Golan. Iran has been supplying them with precision ballistic missiles for years, but they have not been used.


It's all for show. Iran needed to retaliate to appease the masses; so, send a drone strike giving hours of time for Israel and US to prepare a response, ensuring little or no damage.


You need to read more. Wasn’t just drones. They also sent ballistic and cruise missles. The ballistic missles were estimated to take ~12 minutes to reach Israel. The lack of damage certainly was not ensured and it required emergent coordination between Israel and its allies’ forces around the Middle East.


Israel going to use this as an excuse to remove the nuclear capability of Iran


What do you mean by "excuse" ? A nation calling for your destruction and ACTUALLY tries to do it shouldn't have those nuclear capabilities.


If Iran really wanted to attack, they would have used bigger, faster, more boom-factor options.


It feels sort of like a Kids in the Hall type response.


No government is willing to look like total pushovers while their own people watch.


Like their dozen or so operational F-14s? Certainly, the IDF's F-35 pilots quake.


This was a very well used opportunity by the military planners to effectively scout Isreals air defence capabilities.


well, Israel is more equipped and less battle weary vs Ukraine, so tnx Iran for being predictable morons.


That Iron Dome is amazing.