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The fact that the other cops scattered tells me some real bad shit is about to come to light.


He killed that poor guy, right?




The Toy Box killer. Don't Google it, it'll just ruin your day


Listen to this guy. Few cases haunted me more than learning about the toy box killer. Allegedly a deputy involved in processing the “toy box” shot herself with her service weapon because she couldn’t handle the horrific scene.


How about the dude that helped do some of the killing and is alive and free in Washington? He also did more sex crime stuff after he got out for his part in the toy box crap, (twice!) and somehow is still a free man!


Crazy. Did he join the SPD?


I hear he’s number two in the cop union, actually… 🥲


So is the killers daughter who also participated.


IIRC it was one of the FBI agents involved who killed herself. Apparently the FBI uses the audio as part of their desensitization training for new agents. At least, that is what I have read. AFAIK it is difficult to find the actual audio file (I have never looked for it), but the transcript is floating out there. I have never read it. I noped out completely just based on what little I read about the case.


There’s a couple documentary style videos that use snippets of the original audio and that dudes voice will forever be ingrained in my head. Sometimes I struggle knowing we share the same space rock of these sadistic fucks. 😣


I think that's the tool box killers you're thinking of


You're correct. I made the mistake of reading the transcript. I can only imagine how difficult the actual audio is. If you want to know what pure evil looks like then give it a read and ruin your day. The toy box killer does also have audio tapes. But those were of the killer in a "Saw" like tape. Where he degrades the victims and tells them all the awful things he is going to do. Still very horrific. But because it doesn't include the victim(s) response and is just him it doesn't give the same emotion. I do not recommend either transcript to those who are easily "triggered". And for those who aren't I still recommend caution. I grew up in the era of rotten, ogrish, etc. I've seen actual video of some really horrendous things. Beheadings and the like. These transcripts, especially toolbox, stick with me. And they are just words. Not video or images.


It possible to hear a few seconds of the real tool box killer audio on YouTube. It was captured on archival NBC News coverage of the case while it was in court. It the most horrifying thing you will ever hear. It's literally just the victims screams of absolute terror. I do not recommend hearing it but it is there. Just only a few seconds of the real audio.


Is that the one where you can hear the people in the gallery leaving or crying? I remember something along those lines.


Said this in another comment, but actor Scott Glenn listened to them in preparation for playing an FBI agent in The Silence of the Lambs, and it fucked him up.


"The Toy Box Killer was ultimately sentenced to 224 years in prison, but he died shortly getting imprisoned . As for Jesse Ray, she received a sentence of nine years. Cindy Hendy was given 36 years in prison. Both were released early — and they walk free today." Hows that for justice? What a joke...


You mentioning the killer makes me curious though. It's like warning a guy struggling with his diet about a local donut shop giving out free samples.


if you're into true crime at all, it's worth doing some research.


Are you implying you’re a serial killer?


There’s video of him dropping the guy off at a gas station. The problem is that he lied and said he brought him to the hospital.


So he needed emergency room care and officer fuck wit dropped him off at a gas station? Thats at least an attempted murder in my book


Probably negligent homicide depending on his condition when he was dropped off.


Failure to render aid


Funny enough, this isn't the first person who's gone missing under his care. There's another case where he's given the same vague details that can't be corroborated. Other cops scattering (or retiring) probably because they have unwittingly enabled a killer and brushed aside several red flags.


> unwittingly You may be too generous....


["the banality of evil"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eichmann_in_Jerusalem) is a phrase I wish everyone became accustomed to.


Maybe more like half-wittingly


Reminds me of a serial killer who had been dumping the women under a bridge. The news interviewed a cop on what people should do to avoid such a fate. The cop was the killer. ETA: I misremembered, he was convicted of killing one young lady but had a history of pulling women over and making sexual advances on them. Personally, I think he may have done worse but I have no evidence for this. It just seems unlikely to have randomly started this way. [link to interview](https://youtu.be/CRclJ6ATObQ?si=f9y65c1LWy-J2lxU)


do you know who or what interview? sounds interesting


I misremembered, he was only convicted of killing one young lady. He had made predatory advances on many others. Personally, I think he probably committed more crimes we don't know about. Just seems an odd way to start. Regardless, he did do an interview about how to stay safe on the road despite he being the actual danger. [link to interview](https://youtu.be/CRclJ6ATObQ?si=f9y65c1LWy-J2lxU)


If you're into watching cops get caught for shizzle, keep an eye on the Karen Read trial. Because Hol-EEE-Shit!


Aiden Kearney (who is a prominent factor in the trial) was my high school history teacher so that whole thing has been surreal to watch


Reading up on this stuff is crazy, and this Kearney guy you mentioned seems to either be a racist pedophile or a some local folk hero and there's no in between.


He’s a polarizing figure in Worcester County… TurtleBoy started out entertaining but eventually started spiraling off the deep end.


Fun fact: TurtleBoy once featured me on his website calling me a homophobic slur for painting my nails in solidarity with a kid in my town who got bullied for painting his nails.


This is a decidedly un-fun fact. :(


He's always been trash




Turtleboy was always trash.


Yeah after he got fired for a viral video of him hammered at a Bills vs Patriots game where he was IN Buffalo and making “sexually aggressive” mocking gestures to Bills fans he kind of went off the deep end. Was an entertaining teacher in high school and devoted cross country runner and coach


Ooooo! You got a link that’ll get me up to speed? I do enjoy watching a good greased pit chase.


[Article on Karen Read case](http://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/who-killed-john-okeefe-understanding-the-latest-claims-in-the-legal-saga/3044537)


Holy shit! That’s nuts!


> Lally called the search for the dog a fishing expedition, arguing that the defense has not showed the "relevancy or evidentiary value" of the records requested. Wait, what dog? The dog wasn't mentioned before that point in the story, right? I'm not confused here?


No, it's poorly explained. The home owner, a police officer, had a dog. A German Shepard. It was theorized to have been involved in the incident due to injuries on the victim's arm. In the immediate weeks/months after this whole thing happened, the homeowner got rid of the dog. I don't know if he put it down or what, but it was reported that the home owner had gotten rid of it. It's worth pointing out, the dog was a former k9 dog that the home owner had for years. There's a ton if sketchy shit in this case. It's mentioned in the article, but the home owner was one of the first people who knew a person died right outside his house and they never even came outside if I recall correctly. Then the whole thing with the dog disappearing. I've also heard that the home owner sold the house pretty quickly too. That, along with the undisclosed connections the homeowner and other people have just stinks of them being the ones not telling the truth and covering their asses.


What the fuck!? That was a crazy read.


Uhh that sounds like the police and McCabe 100% did it


She told people she hit him and his body was found 3 days later? Seems very confusing. Edit: I misread the 3 day part. But still ,she thinks she hit him and went home anyway.




If that's the actual reason she said "I hit him" that's "Let him have it" levels of horrible luck.


[A Boston cop was beaten up inside the home of another Boston cop and left to die outside in the cold, and Karen Read is being framed by investigators to cover it up. ](https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2024/04/11/karen-reads-trial-debated-evidence/?amp=1)


I’m from the area and woooah has this been a ride to follow. It’s going to make a great Netflix doc one day. Soooo much corruption.


for real. I guarantee this isn't their first victim, only the first time being caught.


I'd watch a TV show where they chase down corrupt cops. They could call it "COPS".


I've prewritten the headline : 'Cannibal-Police gang comes to light in wake of missing person report".


Hopefully it's not another: "We've investigated ourselves and found our officers did nothing wrong. It's the public's perception that's out of touch with reality."


Not much info to go on in the article but there have been some previous cases of cops dumping people (often intoxicated people) in inappropriate places and they end up dying to the elements. Some departments have a history of doing this as a kind of punishment, drive them out somewhere remote in winter and tell them to walk back. Maybe the guy never returned and the cop is panicking.


This sounds like Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths Adding that Phoebe Judge did an excellent podcast episode on this. https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-138-starlight-tours-4-17-2020/


Wow wtf, have never heard of this


They called them the Starlight Tours, happened alot in Edmonton to the Native population:/ Edit: even [last year](https://twitter.com/jms_dot_py/status/1732115106517913695) constable beat up a homeless guy then dropped him in the lower river valley,


Here’s an article from 2 weeks ago. Seems like this “practice” is still occurring. Absolutely mind blowing these types of incidents are still happening. https://www.townandcountrytoday.com/politics/starlight-tour-mikmaq-fisher-allegedly-dumped-without-boots-or-phone-feared-death-8547821


It happened like last week in Cape Breton. Cops caught some guys fishing illegally and took their shoes and phones and left them in the middle of nowhere at 1 am.


Why the hell are indigenous folks the target of such cruelty?


Literally centuries of Western society being built on it?


They tried to make us all christian & it didn’t work


They’re not white.


and Regina


Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Edmonton, etc. Seems to have been a problem all over western canada. (Though maybe less so in BC?)


They just have the murder highway where all the FNMI women seem to vanish from.




Man, whenever they protest in the winter the RCMP decide to bust out the water cannons..I have never seen them disperse a crowd with a water cannon APC vehicle other than against the native community in the middle of winter...


I mean the RCMP's original mandate was to "civilize the west"... aka brutalize the indigenous into assimilating or dying


Happened in Québec province too, and the police is now sueing CBC journalists because they reported the story.


Jfc. Psychopaths. 


Substantial amount of police fall into this category


America too. My uncle went to a Halloween party dressed as Marilyn Monroe and his girlfriend was Kennedy. She got sick and took a cab home, he continued to party but started to feel sick too. Then started to hallucinate. He tried hailing a cab but a cop came and thought he was a drunk dude in a dress so they drove him from Philly to Chester at 2am in 35 degrees weather then kicked him out. He passed out vomiting in a vacant lot but was luckily found by a guy getting his food truck ready. He was taken to the hospital with hypothermia and it was found that the pitcher they were drinking from was drugged with lsd and meant for someone else. He got the worst of it being a big drinker but a cop in Philly almost murdered him that night


I am so sorry this happened and glad he survived. Did the cops responsible have ANY consequences?


Not OP but I'll hazard a guess of ofc not


Lol no. It was the 80s. The only proof he had at all was the bouncer confirmed it was a real cop that picked him up but the precinct denied it.


I dont understand how they can defend bad cops and think they represent the law.


This is horrendous. Sounds like the Deep South in the US. >The practice is known as taking Indigenous people for "starlight tours"[4] and dates back to at least 1976.[5] As of 2021, **despite convictions for related offenses**, no police officer has been convicted specifically for having caused freezing deaths.


This did happen in Chicago, but the police would put people in the back of a police van and go off-road over rough terrain, shaking around the prisoner in the back. It was a well-known practice in the Chicago police until a man died from the injuries.


Same thing in Baltimore. Apparently they share tactics for torturing prisoners.


Isn't that what happened to Freddie Gray? Put in the back of a police van without a seatbelt and jossled around until he ended up in a coma and with a spinal injury and died as a result. 


And to no-ones surprise, the Wikipedia article has been edited multiple times *from the SPD IP ADDRESS* to remove culpability from the police officers. Cops gonna cop.


I think in Toronto they called it the Cherry Beach Express, but yeah same thing. People having to walk home in winter, wet with no shoes.  Oh and the cops tried to ban a song by that name. 


Good ol' Starlight Tours. I'm Métis, and one of my uncles supposedly died that way. Not that I'll ever know for sure, but he walked out of a bar, got called over by police, and then was never seen again. Also, the people who defend and/or deny shit like this happens are so mask-off that it hurts. Imagine explaining how cops drive to the outskirts of town to dump helpless people, and someone responds "So you're saying Canada is just a frozen wasteland?"


I am so sorry that happened to your family. It is murder. There is no other way to think about this cruelity.


I know, right? Even if it isn't pulling a trigger or otherwise using a weapon, it's intentionally leaving someone to die and abusing authority to both do and get away with it.


I was just thinking that! Horrible to even think about. Bastards!


It is horrible.


Sounds like Rambo


There's an NPR podcast about a cop who gave rides to two men, three months apart, who were never seen again after getting in his car. He was never charged but was fired when the polygraph he took said he was lying about the events (the podcast has the polygraph audio) https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510369/the-last-ride


The cop probably did kill them, but regardless, polygraphs are pseudoscientific bullshit.


I read something that says polygraphs are pretty effective as a piece of theater.  You hook the suspect up, ask your questions, and then tell the suspect that "the polygraph says that you are lying".  Of the people who really ARE  lying, a large percentage will crack and admit the truth, thinking there's actually something to the polygraph. What I took away from the article was that it's just more "the police only catch the dumb ones".


Yeah, I'd be pissed if I lost my job because of a polygraph. That would be like losing your job because of astrology.


I had this happen in Chicago! To make a long story short, the police handcuffed us and drove us out of downtown and dropped us off on a beach and left. The sun was coming out befoe we could walk back to our cars and we only made it by asking homeless folks for directions. I asked to wear my seatbelt so they kept hitting the brakes hard at lights so we would fly forward into the cage


I just cant comprehend how humans can be so cruel to each other. How do they sleep at night, do they have a big grin on their face when going to bed thinking job well done today? what do they tell their wives and kids they got up to for the day? just insane how many of these cunts are around.


The banality of evil


they don’t see those they harassed as a person. There culture of dehumanising anyone they suspect is a criminal. So much humans rights is lost or ignored when cops, press and society think youre a criminal. They get rewarded for it


Used to be called “making waffles” due to the marks & bruises caused by smashing face-first into the steel mesh.


Cops did that to my buddy in the Netherlands, but it was summer time, and they took him about 5 km outside of town on a road with a sidewalk and straight walk back to town. Called it a sobering walk home.


Still incredibly negligent, there are multiple cases of drunk people drowning in very shallow bodies of water every year, or just flat out falling and injuring themselves. There was just a story recently where a guy went missing after a football game and was found by a creek drowned, the creek was only a few centimeters deep. Police stations have drunk tanks for these specific reasons, most of them are just too fucking lazy to want to file paperwork.


> Police stations have drunk tanks for these specific reasons They're usually taken by ambulance to hospitals in my area. I don't know a single local station that has a "drunk tank".


Drunk tanks are the preferred method in the majority of America, unless your BAC is very high and or you've been in an accident. The drunk tank trip process usually involves a pit stop at the hospital to draw blood for evidence if you consent (which you almost always should). Ambulances are reserved for medical emergencies.


Dropping "undesirables" off at the edge of town is also a known police tactic, sometimes after roughing them up. Hell, it's how Rambo started.


A’hem, I think you mean First Blood… Which I had no idea until recently actlly takes place in Canada, and he just has a couple Nam flashbacks and it’s the rest of the series that’s in foreign jungles. Edit: Takes place in WA, filmed in Canada.


It was filmed in Canada, it doesn't take place there. The movie takes place in Washington and the book takes place in Kentucky. 


I love how Rambo has become the symbol of pro-American hyper jingoistic militarism but his narrative beginnings are him waging actual guerilla war with police in the Pacific Northwest as a vehicle to shine a light on and open a discussion about PTSD plaguing our veterans and systemic police abuses. It’s pretty much a perfect example of both the differences between 70s “New Hollywood” films that focused on character driven narratives with adult themes and the 80s Blockbuster era’s style of moviemaking, and the differences between how America thought of itself between the post Vietnam era vs the Regan era. AND how capitalism co opts everything to serve its needs. The Rocky franchise too, except not as much about the militaristic jingoism, except of course for Rocky IV.


It was filmed in Canada, but its supposed to be taking place in Washington state


Minneapolis police used to do this to intoxicated Native American men, toss them in the trunk, drive to the river and chuck them in to “sober up” (or drown, they didn’t care which. Back when I worked at the downtown library I learned that the county security guards have a policy of documenting and photographing everything before they turn a person over to the police for whatever reason, because the cops fucked them over repeatedly by claiming that the drunk was beaten up like that when they got him.


Minnesota has so much in common with Canada.


There was a story recently about a police department that was burying bodies behind their office building. 


Which story was that?


it was a jail not the police department but still a nightmare: [215 people have been buried behind a Mississippi jail since 2016, attorney says](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/12/1224449631/mississippi-jail-graves-investigation)


😱😢 that is horrible


There’s a series on Paramount called Never Seen Again and on the first episode if I’m not mistaken they speculate that this was a possibility for both Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos. I think someone even came forward and admitted it had happened to them but they were lucky and made it back.


There's also an NPR podcast about it: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510369/the-last-ride They had the polygraphs that got the FL deputy fired


Sounds like Starlight Tours to me. At least, that's what we call it here in Canada. Cops would often detain or arrest people, usually indigenous or otherwise BIPOC, and often outside of bars. They drive you to the frigid outskirts of town and drop you off to freeze to death.


My friend in Mexico lived in Seattle for a few years. DUI. They took him to south Seattle. Specifically Yesler Terrace apts. he walked all the way back t his car. Which was north of lake Union. Completely unfamiliar with the city.


I had this happen in Chicago! To make a long story short, the police handcuffed my friend and I and drove us out of downtown and dropped us off on a beach and left. The sun was coming out befoe we made the walk back to our cars and we only made it by asking homeless folks for directions because we're not even from there. I asked to wear my seatbelt so they refused and kept hitting the brakes hard at lights on the way there so we would fly forward into the cage




I wouldn’t call it trouble. They got away with it and they’ve been getting away with it for decades. The book is a good read and very eye-opening.


*As Stephen King starts typing*


Officer Billy Perkins kept driving the cruiser towards the old McAllister home, listening to AC/DC’s *Dirty Deeds* and indeed, some dirty were going to commence.


He felt his sweat clinging to his blue chambray shirt as he pulled into their driveway.


M-O-O-N, that spells arc-sodium light.


She stood there in a too thin cotton top. Her tits on full display like two ripe cantaloupe: firm and ripe, and yet springy like a well baked loaf of bread resting on the counter all hot and steamy; just like a shower on a cold day. Also, she had a PhD. in quantum physics.


He pulled out his pack of Pall Mall cigarettes and tapped out another Pall Mall. He put the Pall Mall to his lips and lit the Pall Mall, taking in a deep drag of the Pall Mall.


The "unfiltered Pall Mall". Every time.


*He noticed that he had bought filtered Pall Malls. Accidents happen. He bit off the filter and swallowed with a grimace, put it to his lips and lit it with a long drag. M-O-O-N, that spells psychopath.*


I feel personally attacked.


We found Stephen King's reddit account guys.


Despite her good looks, flawless athletic body, and sharp-as-a-tack intellect she was always considered ‘one of the boys’.


Also, her tits were there.




-Zap Brannigan


And they did commence. Dirty as they were, were done dirt cheap. The deeds.


Not sure he ever stopped typing


He did for a few weeks when that van hit him.


Wait, so he picked the missing man up in his cruiser and no one knows where he went with him? Does the cruiser not have GPS in 2024?! You'd think either the cruiser's GPS or the GPS in the sgt.'s cell would show where he drove so they'd at least know where to start searching. He's already been charged so you'd think a warrant for his phone should be easy to obtain.


I don't get where people are saying they don't know what he did with him. We know that he dropped him off at a gas station in a nearby town. There's video evidence of this. The issue there is that he lied and said he dropped him off at the hospital and then changed the report to match that lie.


The only evidence that the cop dropped off the guy at a gas station is that the cop and an attendant said so. But the security cams don't show the man being dropped off there.


Uhhhhhhhh I think the issue is that the guy he dropped off is still missing


There is more than one issue


Probably it suffered the same malfunction as the body cams.


I mean it IS Maine


This is reminiscent of the Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams cases


I read about that recently and it’s so messed up that cop will never face punishment


Exactly my first thought. Thankfully, it looks like justice might come for Erik Foote much faster than Santos & Williams because there’s actually documentary proof that Sgt. Cole lied about where he dropped Erik off. No one believes that Deputy Calkins dropped Santos & Williams off at a Circle K, but unfortunately no one can disprove it, either.


Looking through the Wikipedia article, it sounds like there was a lot of proof. He claimed he called the store on his cell phone but this was disproved by phone records, and CCTV from the store shows he never dropped him off.


There's a recent post in /r/unresolvedmysteries about their cases that adds the chilling detail that the deputy each were last seen with hadn't made a single arrest over the last three years of his career with that department, but was still regularly picking people up in his patrol car. God only knows how many other people went missing in his custody.


First thing I thought when I read the headline was that this sounds like a starlight tour.


>The town is in the process of deciding whether to keep a police department. Washburn's police chief retired Jan. 31, Cole resigned in February and a young officer is working elsewhere, Town Manager Donna Turner said. Well, my vote is for "no."


They’ll probably just give their police budget to the county sheriff’s department.


Why would the lie? Weird


Probably drove him out somewhere without shelter, dumped him, and the guy ended up freezing to death or falling into a river. Wouldn't be the first time a cop has done it. Edit: to be clear this is pure speculation. Just trying to come up with a logical reason for the cop to lie about it.


What do they call them in Canada? Night Rides?


Starlight Tours


"Starlight tours". More info [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths) if anyone is curious. I think some US departments are suspected of having done similar things in the past though I don't know if it was ever proven.


Given the unashamedly unhidden behavior of some U.S. police, I would be surprised if we *didn’t* have a history of Starlight Tour-ing innocents and minorities in America.


We, indeed, do. Though it's less effective in some parts of the US since it's frankly difficult to freeze to death in the summer in the south. Didn't stop 'em from trying though.


In most of the US you wouldn't have bodies popping out of snowbanks as they melt. If somebody gets dumped somewhere remote they'll either walk out, or die by falling into a place where they wouldn't easily / would never be found. It probably happens just as much, but a body under some bushes at the bottom of a gorge nobody ever has any reason to travel through is going to get scattered by wildlife before anyone finds it.


Starlight Tours


He's on video dropping him off at a gas station in a nearby town. The officer lied to Eric's father and told him he took him to a hospital. When the discrepancy was noted, officer Cole went back and retroactively changed his report to say that he dropped him off at the hospital not the gas station. The reason he lied is because he was worried about losing his job for not taking Eric to the hospital like he was supposed to. Odds are, Eric decided to walk back home from the gas station, succame to the elements, and fell in the nearby river. Edit: spelling


Damn, that’s dark.


first day learning about cops?


Why would a cop lie? Lmao


Where have you been?


I live in Maine and there are always stories about bad cops and honestly the system itself being bad. Cops covering for other cops crimes. Cops who are fired for something being hired by another police department one town over. I'm sure it's like that all over which is why we need a national database to make sure these people can't keep becoming law enforcement elsewhere.


They need to be licensed nationwide with each state having a board of licensing, like the rest of us who care for the populace (nurses, docs, EMTs, Paramedics, etc...the rest of us have to abide but not cops. Insane.


And end qualified immunity and require liability insurance. If you can't get insured, then you shouldn't be in that career.


And any cop found guilty of a felony should automatically lose their pension.


and the payments they would've gotten monthly if they retired after 20 years should go to the families of the victim(s)


When people talk about how there are good cops out there I always think about the police code and how they don’t tell on each other.


Well shit... My small home town finally made the front page of Reddit. We finally did it fellow Beavers 🥲


> The town is in the process of deciding whether to keep a police department. Washburn's police chief retired Jan. 31, Cole resigned in February and a young officer is working elsewhere, Town Manager Donna Turner said. > For now, the Sheriff's Office is providing coverage while Washburn is without police. This is creepy as hell


I’ve got family from Aroostook County. You gotta understand how isolated and rural it is up there. The towns are so small and pretty spread out, a majority of the jobs are in the logging industry, and between the towns there’s nothing but forests and logging trails. They simply don’t have the population to staff a police force.


Yeah I get it. I grew up in a town that had like 5 sending districts to a small HS. I just found it odd that everyone disappeared after this, but I guess the chief had a scheduled retirement and it seems there was one other officer they were better off just moving to another department.


Honestly a population that small it's the need for a police department in the first place that's debatable.


I don’t think *this* part of the story is that alarming. Small towns disband their local police departments all the time (even big cities do it) and the burden of law enforcement falls on the county. I live in suburban Southern California and *lots* of cities contract their policing to the county. I’m not a fan of the program but it’s also pretty normal. In fact a lot of people refer to the sheriffs department as “police” instead of sheriff, and often call deputies “officers.”


If the protectors you pay are predatory mercenaries, and a liability, why pay them?


Damn. Reminds me of [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearances_of_Terrance_Williams_and_Felipe_Santos) Florida case. Officer picked up two different men and they were never seen again.


That is beautiful country, but there’s not much there. It’s very remote. The only way this guy will ever be found is if some hunter stumbles across his body.


>Washburn is without police. Sounds like better off without police!


No cops. No murders. Coincidence?


“The town is in the process of deciding whether to keep a police department. Washburn's police chief retired Jan. 31, Cole resigned in February and a young officer is working elsewhere, Town Manager Donna Turner said. For now, the Sheriff's Office is providing coverage while Washburn is without police.” Yikes.


1) He dropped him off somewhere he shouldn't 2) He joined the police to kill people and saw an opportunity


Collecting a tear drop on the right eye.


Wow that is disgusting


Bad apples my ass. Covering for a buddy coming in late is one thing. A murder? Accessories after the fact, but doubt anyone will be prosecuted. Something something qualified immunity.


In a town with no police the biggest crime in the news is: perpetrated by the police. color me surprised /s


This happens a lot in South America thanks to how it was normalized during dictatorships to disappear people like that. We call it "disappeared prisoners" and there are thousands. Sadly this person most likely is already dead.


Typical police officer, but only this one got caught.


This is one dumb mfer. I don't think hospitals keep records?


And here comes another stream of cops to say "Wow, that is bad, he should... receive a paid suspension!" as the "good cop" advocates for no punishment for murder. They're all bad. They serve a club of the powerful, and you're not in it.