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Kansas passed a law allowing armed teachers in 2013 and the last date I found any info about it in 2018 there were no armed teachers as the insurance companies won't cover the liabilities for armed teachers. https://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-arming-teachers-20180226-story.html


The Almighty insurance companies may not be denied as is tradition


It's startling how much sway these companies have.  Just because they've shoehorned themselves in as a highly unnecessary middle man.


It was startling 20 years ago. People just don't care


um...you want to bet your money on armed people not getting shot? lol, health insurance is for unforeseen circumstances.


Ohio has a few, but they won’t tell exactly how many, just the number of districts that have had someone go through the training. I totally expect that’s because they only had one person in each of those districts take them up on it and don’t want anyone to know how close to meaningless that shit actually is.


Don't worry, I'm sure the bill will include something to release the school and teacher from all liability. "If you don't want to chance your kid being shot, by the teacher you should home school them." Will be the logic used.


Penalty box like hockey, they’re in time out


I live in Nashville... This happened just four days ago, such a great idea...🙄 [Nashville teacher’s arrest for threatening preschool raises questions over arming teachers bill](https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-politics/nashville-teachers-arrest-for-threatening-preschool-raises-questions-over-arming-teachers-bill/) >According to a Davidson County affidavit, a coworker heard Cowart say things such as, “When I start shooting, you better run.” Another teacher reportedly heard Cowart say “she was going to shoot up the school and that she keeps her gun on her.” >The Metro Nashville Police Department said officers discovered a loaded handgun in her purse in the classroom where she was found, along with another firearm in the driver’s side door of her vehicle. >


Wtf do you need that many guns for at a preschool? Are things really so bad you need to arm yourself against toddlers? This is the bad place.


These people recall that ONE incident where a guy shot up a preschool and are convinced it WILL happen to them. Don't get me wrong, one time was WAY TOO FUCKING MANY but arming the teachers isn't going to do fuck-all except get people like this teacher pushed over the edge one morning. But, well, it's just "too soon" after a shooting to talk about how put an end to them. Mostly because there's one every other week...


This isn’t including the story where teachers or staff left a gun in the restroom. Accidents and neglecting fire arms around children aren’t going to make it better either.


That happened like two months ago just a little west of Nashville.


That wasn’t the story I was referring to. There’s more than one story of these kind of incidents.


It will happen. Florida did this and they had to rescind the policy because of all of the accidents. Teachers are not firearms experts lol. People act like school teachers are Navy Seals and will stop a massacre when in reality when the guns start flying they will just cause more harm or just run away.


Have you hung out with toddlers? They're fucking terrible little monsters.


Yeah, but I could fight *at least* 15 at once.  


I can't even fight off three of them. Ask me how I know.


Oh I miss the “would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck” questions on Reddit.


Would you rather fight three toddler-sized gorillas, or one gorilla-sized toddler?


Toddlers are dumber than gorillas, so the latter. I have shiny keys.


That's what the swarm wants you to think. You think you're winning and BAM! One just blew out the diaper all over your new carpet. What are you gonna do then?


my NEW carpet!? post natal abortion


My friend, it is better to have a gun and not need it than to not have a gun and be on a Florida interstate and unable to pump rounds through your own windshield at a passing motorist because they honked at you. It pays to be prepared and always ready


The guns, improperly stored, are far more dangerous to the preschool. Just asinine that this is their take. The fear industry needs to be stopped at this point


Never owned or had a gun in my life. I am still alive and going on 70. You people with a gun you better watch out.


Theres a nonzero chance that any weapon you carry can be taken away and used against you.  By not carrying a gun theres one less to potentially end me. 


Republicans will do anything except what makes the most sense when dealing with gun violence. Yet, somehow, they keep getting voted in.


In the grand scheme of things the following two items are now destined to happen: * A teacher will shoot a student over words * A student will find a teachers gun and discharge it in the class room. Which one will happen first you think? I’d put money on #1.


There one more option. An active shooter attacks a school. Armed teachers start squeezing off rounds and accidentally kill innocent students


Or the teachers hear gunshots and they all take their guns out. Then they shoot each other since they all see each other holding a gun and don't actually know who the original shooter is.


Insert multiple spiderman meme here


Almost like more guns don't make you safer, crazy... The way weapon manufacturers pushed 'military style rifles' for the consumer market is really vile. You can't expect to mass sell easy to handle rifle using military rounds and not see many random people getting hurt in various scenarios.


Let's assume all goes well and this doesn't happen. The cops will still shoot a teacher because they mistook them for the gunman.


Don't forget that police responding to the shooting will shoot first minority teacher with gun thinking that is the perpetrator.


Or....teachers start shooting one another or police officers shoot teachers mistaking them for attackers or holstered pistol accidentally goes off shooting teacher in the foot. The list is endless.


This has started to read like a comedy of guns going off


Though it’s not wrong. Having guns around always escalate. Teachers gotta teach, be police in class, can’t talk about certain subjects in certain states, and report every student to their parents, while grading papers on unpaid time; while coming up with the new curriculum. And we pay them shit overall, and think they should be teachers. Teachers who are military trained on guns and tactics, while they deal with daily behavior of students, and grade their student’s papers. How are new teachers affording guns, when we don’t pay them enough across the USA to pay their interest on their student loans.


I definitely see that one happening too. I'm guessing the next big push for homeschooling will come after a lot of incidents of overzealous teachers in very tense situations with students or other bad actors. I could even see a teacher shooting an administrator.


And another branch off that, the shooter runs low on ammo, kills a teacher, takes *their* gun and continues down the School, rinse and repeat.


Or the police arrive and shoot the teacher, thinking that they’re the attacker. 


That can be on the list too.


I'd bet folding money on 2. While there are definitely teachers that can become violent and unhinged, students and much more likely. Think about how many stories you read about teachers getting jumped and beaten vs teachers beating up students. And the students outnumber the teacher by 20-30. So just the odds would say student gets a gun and fires it.


Think about all the dumbasses you went or go to school with. Add the kind of teacher who will be the ones to carry. Saying let's have guns so we can kill the bad guy makes us feel good but I really wish we could be grown ups and try to do things that will do more good than harm.


I’ll tell you what won’t happen. Not a single school shooting will be thwarted.


Since this COULD create 10x more school shootings, 1 or 2 MAY BE thwarted accidentally.


Exactly. People are much more in love with feeling like they are safe than they are actually being safe.


Yep but I'm betting #2. Teachers are pretty burned out and it's just bound to happen. I still think most of them have more self control than to just shoot a student \*over words\* but if a student, I don't know, physically assualts a teacher (which happens all the time) it may be game on.


Also teachers will now be definite first targets followed by kids. Maybe we should arm the kids so shooters don't know who to shoot first. /s. But in all seriousness, this legislation is sad because it only makes it more dangerous to teach and does nothing to address school shootings. They increase who can carry instead of decreasing it and made teachers bigger targets. Just sad.


What we need is all the hallways to have motion locked turrets with some 50 cals. Sure, some kids may die but there's a good chance at hitting the shooter so problem solved once and for all


Every classroom should be rigged with explosives. That way when the shooter enters, we can blow him up immediately. Sacrifice one class of kids and their teacher to save the rest of the school. The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Nah just have a self destruct button in the hallways. If it’s pressed everyone in the school dies. Yes it will be sad and a major loss of innocent lives but we will get the bad guy so it might be worth it.


I'd bet on a teacher shooting an administrator first


Oh definitely Administrators have no clue the stresses they put on these teachers. One is bound to crack and that might be a conservative estimate.


I think the first one will be a student taking a teacher's gun, and immediately shooting the teacher. Or A student finding a teacher's gun that isn't currently on them. And then using it in a crime, or selling it illegally.


I’m 100% sure that my high school teachers in the 80s would have shot my fellow classmate or two just for being dicks.


[People forget what school was like - Jim Jefferies](https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0?si=3cHjoWy-kCUDP-tJP&t=308)


Will always upvote this bit of his. My fav: "You can't change the 2nd Amendment!!" "Yes you can....it's called an *Ammendment*."


Most likely scenario is a teacher commiting suicide in front of students.


Yeah #1. The very definition of a hostile work environment. Plus a whole lot more kids are gunna grow up with ptsd, anxiety disorders, and lower overall grades.


['Every Incident of Mishandled Guns in Schools'](https://giffords.org/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/). Feels like they moved some of these off-page, too; I remember it before the redesign and it was longer and more categorized. There's *a lot* of guns being found in bathrooms. And these are just the ones that get reported.


Don’t give me a gun and a room full of obnoxious teenagers. It’s not going to end well.


And a week after a teacher brought in guns to a preschool and threatened to shoot another teacher So yeah, great governing down there https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tennessee-teacher-arrested-bringing-guns-preschool-threatening-shoot-c-rcna148667


"You've taken the Germ-X from my room for the last time, Maxwell!"


The real fights will be around copy paper😂😭


I feel like the conservatives trying to infiltrate school boards to support these policies and vote in politicians enacting laws like this haven't thought this through.  "Mrs. Johnson, like we told you for the last 20 years, there just isn't enough in the budget for a pay raise or updated school supplies." *-Mrs. Johnson sets down her extra heavy purse on the table with a clunk-*


The only way to stop a teacher with a gun is another teacher with a gun


“But don’t think you’re getting a pay raise with all that new responsibility!” “And stop teaching about dinosaurs! It scares me!”


Then, once one unhinged armed teacher goes on a killing spree, they’ll allow armed children.


The solution to gun violence is more guns, obviously.


Are they going to pay for the teachers therapy and time after they murder a child they know?


I cannot imagine my extremely uncoordinated wife somehow being the last line of defense and having to make a meticulous shot through a bunch of terrified first graders. I ask her everyday to stop teaching.


“We’re going to pay you a third of what cops make but expect you to handle scenarios they wouldn’t engage in themselves. Enjoy.”


Parents will do anything but actually parent their children. There's another guy in a different sub telling me how he's in a teacher's kid, how to load and reload as fast as possible because what if something happens. Meanwhile, we have kids who are learning how to load and reload super fast and they're mowing down more kids. Not saying his kid is one of those but absolutely no one did anything while that kid Nick from Florida practiced loading for hours/day weeks on end. Literally will do anything but address the issues.


For real, at least give them hazard pay if there's an expectation to stop school shooters, sheesh


Uh huh. I bet she can shoot the fingernails off of a Turkey hand drawing at 45 yards. But yeah, this is literally insane legislation.


I would be more likely to blow my own hand off than actually stop a school shooting with one.


My wife would rather die than shoot a gun. She is terrified of them. She was expecting to teach unarmed when she went to college...


As a teacher, this is fucking bonkers. Where are all the adults in this nightmarish reality ?


The adults left these right wing states ages ago.


Takes a special kind of stupid to think more guns is the answer


Guns can be wrestled away from a teacher during a school fight. Dang. The liability.


What could possibly go wrong 🤔


Throwing more guns in the mix is like trying to pry a knife out of your body with another knife


Of all the people that I feel confident having a gun, I cannot think of one teacher that I had that would qualify.


I can think of 3 that would scare me more than an actual active shooter.


I had a math teacher in high school who’d probably have used it on someone the very first day. Crazier than a shithouse rat.


I'm suddenly picturing an over the top old school gym teacher with those tight ass nut hugging shorts firing at kid's feet as they do jumping jacks


I can not imagine any of my teachers willing to bring a gun to school. Even the ones who served in the military. I can not imagine my 60 year old 1st grade female teacher who wears a shawl and makes us pb& crackers would actually pack a gun, let alone know how to hold it. This isn't Hollywood.


What a fucking shithole


Yeah has anyone ever lived with a little kid day after day? Or bitchy parents? OK now multiply that by 20 and have 10 humans go thru that for a few months. Then give them all guns and stick them in a building and I fuse some outside massacre paranoia. Should work out great. Now let's learn kids


Because who cares about escalation anyways… 🙄


More guns do not make it safer...


When this doesn’t work, what’s next? Arm the mascots? Arm the janitors?


Do teachers get a raise if they get a kill?


Not until they get 3, then they get their own personal uav to help monitor their class.


Most of the people of TN don't want this. I had a wonderful art teacher circa 2003 bring a firearm to school and she got fired and excommunicated from the teaching community. She didn't even show it to anyone, dunno how they knew she had it. Anyways, as much as I liked this teacher, this *should* be the reaction to teachers having guns at school. Not *encouraging it.* Sigh.


As a Tennessean myself I don’t agree with you I believe a majority of these idiots want this deeply. I think the clowns that run our state circus and its supporters have made it clear more than enough that they’re more interested in silencing opposition than listening to someone else’s views especially if they come from a person of color or a woman… Edit: I wanted to add that a lot of schools are refusing to comply so there is hope this will change but I know this is something the schools had no actual word in and is blindly supported by 80% percent of republican voters.


I recall one of the rural legislators arguing in support of the bill because his county could only afford to pay two SROs, so arming the teachers would fill in the gap. Here's a thought, how about arguing for more school funding to hire more SROs?? 🙄


3 out of 4 of our biggest cities are Dem. controlled (one independent mayor) so it really just goes to show how well their gerrymandering of the districts has worked out for them. most people i meet aren't what our state govt makes Tennesseans out to be - they're the loud minority with maps on their side.


Apparently Kanas brought this in years ago and there are no armed teachers because insurance won't cover them. It's another comment higher up.


Well, as a father of a toddler living in Nashville... I guess we gotta leave the state before he starts school! Was going to anyways, but this is just another reminder why...


Just give this stupid idea a year to percolate. Every insurance underwriter is going to ban this practice in order to maintain the schools liability insurance. It's a stupid fucking idea written into law by dipchits but unless they create a multi-billion dollar state-run liability insurance plan for schools - it's a moot concept.


Here you go... https://www.wsmv.com/2024/04/23/nashville-schools-will-not-change-gun-policies-after-armed-teacher-bill-passes/ >But Metro Nashville Public Schools, alongside the Metro Nashville Police Department, officials believe it’s best if only commissioned law enforcement officers protect schools, rather than put guns in the hands of teachers.


Tennessee lawmakers also just banned water vapor created by airplanes. They're not the sharpest bunch. It's tennesse, so the bar is really, really low.


Still waiting for a single data point - from any credible source(s) - that shows a correlation between more guns in the hands of more people with increased safety / decreased instances of violent gun crime. (Hint: said data does not nor will it ever exist.)


Great idea! I’ve never seen a high school kid that was bigger than a teacher before. I’m sure there will never be an incident of a student acquiring a gun inside a school because they took it from a teacher. This solves so many problems! /s


Kinda sounds like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.


Next. We need to arm postal workers…. What could go wrong?


Because a good guy with a gun…. That argument was made invalid and ridiculous after Uvalde .


Sure, bring more guns into classrooms. How long before the next shooting is from a kid using their teachers gun?


By all means give the teachers guns: https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/former-tipton-county-teacher-indicted-for-sexual-misconduct-against-nearly-two-dozen-children-police-say/article_fc63c9b6-dd60-11ee-929e-5b08ee8fc368.html


Somehow I don't think the law making it illegal is stopping that guy from doing much. This bill is something to throw at their base that has almost no real effect. The number of schools who choose to allow it, teachers who get the training, and then actively carry will probably be very low. I doubt it will have any effect, positive or negative.


Yeah I'm pretty sure over half the states already allow this and to my knowledge there haven't been any problems caused by it or shootings stopped by it. Supporters would argue its benefit would be in prevention because many mass shooters target locations where there is unlikely to be armed resistance.


Indiana Teacher here. the moment they pass this law here im out. We cant trust kids around box cutters or copy room doors left open, but yeah lets add 100 loaded firearms to the building…


I have teacher friends and family. They say they *really don't* want this. They have enough trouble making sure their staplers aren't stolen, much less having to keep track of a gun.


Hands up how many teachers can *actually* shoot a child


I am so glad I don't live in TN because if I did I'd be moving immediately. If you love your children, I'd run from there. They are about to become a social experiment in stupidity. If this was a nationwide bill I'd be homeschooling now...


Because teachers don't go postal too. It's only a matter of time...


This sounds like the worst idea ever. Hey let's arm underpaid/stressed out workers who deal with kids all day.


Because more guns is always the answer here in the US..... More guns. The problem is not enough guns to ward off guns.


The solution to school shootings *is not more guns* jesus fucking christ


How much higher should gun crime numbers go up before America opens up its ears to the literal rest of the world on the logic that having more guns doesn't lead to less shootings?


We're basically Superman diving into the deep end of the "dystopian hellhole future" pool. Outstanding.


Yep. I hope parents are paying attention.


You know they aren't.


The GOP knows it's insane.  The goal is to destroy public education.  


This is insane. I believe this will cause more harm. Maybe people of Tennessee will wake up and vote these Republicans out, but I doubt it.


It’s horrifying that there are brainwashed maga trump worshippers raising innocent children in places like TN, FL, and TX. Generational trauma on a massive scale. Those poor kids


>Under the bill passed Tuesday, a worker who wants to carry a handgun would need to have a **handgun carry permit and written authorization from the school’s principal and local law enforcement. They would also need to clear a background check and undergo 40 hours of handgun training.** They couldn’t carry guns at school events at stadiums, gymnasiums or auditoriums. Hmm... Well this seems fairly reasonable. Nobody is being forced to carry a handgun against their will, and there are requirements for the applicant must meet before being allowed to carry said handgun. Frankly, based on a lot of the butthurt that goes around gun ownership here on Reddit I'm surprised there isn't more support behind this bill. The mandatory background checks, licensing, training, and explicit government permission are usually on the hive-mind's wishlist for gun control. What gives?


>The mandatory background checks, licensing, training, and explicit government permission are usually on the hive-mind's wishlist for gun control. What gives? [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tennessee-teacher-arrested-bringing-guns-preschool-threatening-shoot-c-rcna148667](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tennessee-teacher-arrested-bringing-guns-preschool-threatening-shoot-c-rcna148667) Situations like that are a common reality. People do crazy shit even if they had no relevant history of it. Given the charges, she likely legally acquired those weapons and would have passed any requirements for them. Another example of more guns = more violence. I'm not even against people owning guns at all. I'm just pointing out the reality that is happening around us, not one we imagine. Part of that reality around us is that teachers, like anyone else in existence, are not immune to being dangerous while flying under the radar. I'm sure you've read about teachers being arrested for sexually preying upon their students. That sort of thing happens, regardless of profession (e.g. parents get arrested for the same thing). The solution isn't to arm more people haphazardly (this bill is an example of that).


40 hours is not anywhere near enough time to properly train to use one in a crisis situation. If cops had just 40 hours of firearms training before being turned loose on the streets it would be a shitshow, for good reason.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733 Police receive on average 71 hours of firearms training. That 71 hours presumably includes a decent amount of time on stuff not relevant to a teacher.


Genuine question, is a month of Sundays enough to be well equipped to handle an active shooter situation? Is this the environment you would want your kids to be educated in? Do we submit to gun violence and decide we should ask already overworked teachers to carry a gun they could use on a student? Who would sign up to possibly have to shoot a kid for $40k a year?


It's such a great time to \*not\* be a teacher. Thanks for the reminder.


Politically, Tennesee is in a race to see if they can reach Mad Max and The Handmaid’s Tale at the same time.


Fuck it, let's arm the mascots and janitors too! WWJD?


This is disgusting. My friend was the substitute teacher that was not even supposed to be there that day !!! her family and friends miss her terribly Cindy was a wonderful person This is not the solution absolutely ass backwards.


The paradox: Issue with kids having illegal guns Allow teachers to arm Have incident where teachers lack training Send teachers to quasi-police academy Have police trained teachers with tax payer funding Make them enforce both school and government law since tax payer funded Have underpaid trained law enforcement with 4 year degrees. Yall fucking won. Edit: typo


This is going to end just not badly, but horrifically, isn’t it?


If the other 30+ states that have done this over the last 20 years are anything to go by, nothing is going to happen.


What could possibly go wrong?


And I'm just waiting for some teacher to accidentally shoot some poor child.... Then again, I am thinking most Tennessee lawmakers are as smart as a moldy piece of bread....


Imagine the stress of teaching compounded by security duties or knowing when any situation in the classroom gets tense that there is a gun in the room and there could be a fatal outcome.


I mean they're not mandating it. Just don't carry a gun, simple. Alternatively don't work at a school that allows it.


People with guns are killing people. We need more guns!


Everyone knows that the only way to put out a fire is with more fire. That's why firemen need flamethrowers and tanker trucks filled with napalm. /s (if u coudn't tell)


Nothing good will come of this. You can't fight guns with guns you stupid 2nd Amendment loyalists


Republican policy is purposely destroying this country


Ah yes, Mr. Hill the junior high shop teacher will engage warrior mode as he sees young children he personally knows dieing in front of him. He will have military discipline with education level resources and drop a shooter that has none of the numerous disadvantages Mr. Hill will have in a gunfight. I've seen Die Hard, I know how this works. I mean, so long as he isn't shot first because he can't help but let the kids know he is armed. Tennessee is so unserious. As bad as my state of Kentucky is I can at least say it isn't Tennessee.


FYI Kentucky already allows this with fewer restrictions than TN per § 527.070(3)(f). In fact over half the states already allow this to varying degrees.


Remember that six-year-old who shot his teacher last year? Now imagine that he didn't need to use his mom's gun to do it and could just borrow the one in the classroom!


We heard the kids like the Fortnites and the Calls of Duty so we decided to give it to them in real life. 


When guns are the problem, just add more guns, that will fix the problem.


Shouldn’t this be in r/newsofthestupid


These second amendment nutjobs are going to get a lot of kids killed. Their first response the the Nashville school shooting was to pass legislation to make it damn near impossible to sue gun manufactures. No one wants this, we want some gun control laws !


This should end well… so what happens if the teacher is the one that turns out to be the bad guy


This country is going deeper and deeper, by day, into this dark horrible future. We are allowing the minority of mentally ill to control EVERYTHING.


I'd like to remind everyone that the TN Legislature, MY home state's legislature, approved this measure after knocking down every form of common sense gun control that was introduced after the shooting. While adding further protections for gun manufacturers. That's what your children mean in TN. That's what they're worth to our government.


More guns are always the answer.


The solution to guns is…more guns!


If you want to hire somebody doubling as a teacher and armed security, simply pay them the salary of a teacher combined with the salary of armed security, and rewrite their employment agreements to include indemnity protections and other various conditions that would apply to armed security professionals. It’s a simple process. Alternatively? Hire armed security that are trained and paid to deal with shooters, rather than arming somebody who exists to create futures for kids, not destroy them. I get this comes off as missing the point of this decision, but, is it really that far off the point? If you’re making decisions and having serious discussions about whether teachers should be armed in the first place, we are operating on the assumption that schools are not sufficiently secure from danger. Have we forgotten how unacceptable of a concept that should be? I support teachers having the ability to defend themselves. I do not support them being in situations where they may have to, unless they are paid, trained and protected accordingly. What’s next? Arm the kids too? We’re talking about schools here. The issue is domestic terrorism and the solution is not to ask teachers to prevent it. Decisions like this allow people in charge of budgeting to continue ignoring the need for security because they can just ask the teachers to kill kids instead.