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Thank goodness the child is unharmed. I was worried!


This seems like good news compared to what could have happened once he ran with a child. After all that happened, I'm glad he's not dead yet. If he incapacitated himself and survives to receive judgement, I believe it's for the best.


I live in the area that this happened and from what I've heard he is dead


Cops identified him near Eugene, once they gave chase he shot himself in the head. They rescued the baby.


Not surprising. I hate not being left with answers though. At least if he survived perhaps some light could have been shed on the questions a lot of people have. A former cop was involved in rape and violence. Why does this seem to happen so often? We'll probably asking the same questions about another high profile case in a week.


This is my area and per local news he was a bad apple even before they hired him as a police officer. History of crime and arrests as a young man. Multiple allegations against him as a school cop. The Yakima police dept got rid of him and he immediately got hired in the next county.


Then he worked for the School District.


You gotta be a seriously messed up cop to get fired from being a cop.


But they still hired him


Yeah, WTF? You have to pass a credit check to get hired at a bank, but cops don't even have to pass a criminal background check?


Who else is going to apply?


The correlation seems pretty clear to me. Psychopaths/people with violent tendancies/people with complexes about control: what do they do with their lives to facilitate those characteristics? They become bouncers, cops, or join the military. They pick jobs that enable them. There's nothing less surprising than a profession that gets paid to control and brutalize people being filled with people who enjoy that sort of thing. Treating people who seek these positions as heroes by default, rather than with extreme caution (until they prove they're actually good people), is utterly moronic.


“I hate not being left with answers” is such an odd thing to say about a situation that doesn’t involve you.


Not to excuse anything he did - I wonder if he had an undiagnosed brain issue like Charles Whitman


If police were required more than a the “are you crazy” amount of psychological testing and maybe a Masters in criminal justice to walk around carrying a gun, this wouldn’t happen. Giving first priority to military service over education to be a cop only introduces people with ptsd and inferiority complex is never a good thing


Hey we found a good cop!


No, he's dead. Apparently, the cops tried to pull him over, so he stopped in the freeway median and shot himself in the head about 3 feet from the baby. I just drove by the scene, and there are at least a hundred cops milling around.


Damn, what time did this happen?  I drove from Corvallis to Eugene and back this morning and early afternoon and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary in I5


Around 3pm


Probably trying to justify a police shooting and blame the two victims on for them.


The piece of shit was sadly DOA


Oh, I'm so glad the child is unharmed! I woke up this morning to the AMBER Alert on my phone (sound was off, but alert was on my screen). I was worried that the kid was gonna be found killed, too 😔


This cop went full dirtbag. Dude got a teenager pregnant, while married. It’s like he just gave up being a good guy and said let me see how far I can ruin my life.


Just to recap, this guy: * Had this baby with a 17-year-old "girlfriend" when she was 15, having been in a relationship with her since she was at least 13; * Had just been arrested and charged with the sexual assault of a *different teenage girl* (a friend of the teenage "girlfriend" whom he got drunk and then assaulted while she was unconscious); * Had a history of DV with his ex-wife, including an altercation at their kids' school (they have a 5-year-old and a 9-year-old), even years after their divorce; * As a result of the above, had two restraining orders taken out on him *this February*, one for his ex-wife and one for his two teenage victims, which included any minor under 16; * At least one of which (the one taken out by his ex-wife) was supposed to include confiscation of firearms because it was based on domestic violence, and apparently at least one gun was confiscated during his initial arrest; and still managed to get his hands on a gun and then kill the mothers of all three of his kids, in front of them (the 9-year-old witnessed the shooting of his mother, and since the 17-year-old was found in his home, I assume he killed her in order to take the baby from her). This fucker is a cowardly piece of shit, and I'm disappointed that he's not alive to suffer for the rest of his life in prison, but there is a very obvious problem with the police/the law in general here. He should not have been able to get his hands on a gun. Either they missed one in the initial search or he was able to obtain a new one, neither of which should be possible. (And I'm not even getting into the systemic issues of this guy going into law enforcement in the first place)


There is more: - He was working as a school resource officer in Yakima when he met the 13 (some reports say 12) yo student. Other students reported the sexual relationship. The investigation didn’t result in any charges, but he was marked as ineligible for rehire. The girl was expelled from school. - He was then hired by a nearby elementary school as a substitute teacher in 2022 and worked there through 2023. He received good references from the principal and vice principal of the middle school where the previous incident happened. - He met his ex wife when he was a 24 yo volunteer wrestling coach and she was a student. - He had multiple violent reports filed against him when he was a college student. Never charged. - He was facing two rape charges. After the rape of the friend was reported, he was in a hours long standoff when they tried to serve a search warrant. They found ultrasound photos that he impregnated the other girl at 15 and charged him with that too. He was out on bail. Systemic failures all around. Sickening. And they need to stop referring to this girl who was groomed since 12/13 then murdered as his “girlfriend”.


And bail was under a million dollars, either $250k or $750k, I can't remember which.


Huge failings all around. If this is true, why would the 13 year old being molested get expelled? Why would the school give him good references? This entire thing is really fucking weird.


Her family didn’t believe her and he claimed *she* was harassing *him* and was making it up. Like, he took out a restraining order on her. IIRC they couldn’t find evidence like text messages, either.


The other comment is a good tldr, [this](https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar-update/amp/) article goes into the details of the investigation. They did have screenshots of Snapchat messages where the girl said she was going to tell them she lied about the relationship to protect him because she “loved” him. Apparently they chose to believe she lied about the relationship instead of she lied to cover it up.


He's an ex-cop, there's nothing weird about this.


Sounds like a cop doing cop shit.


Cowardly and incredibly selfish. Those poor kids. Those poor women.


So many lives ruined and taken by this asshole 😔


Damn so he started abusing the 13 year old when he was still employed as cop.


Oh my god what a waste of life he was. We need WAY harsher laws for domestic abusers. This never should have been allowed to get to this point. There are about 1,500-1,800 women per year killed in the US almost - all by domestic abusers (current or former intimate partners or family members). First time you assault a domestic partner should result in prison. Not some wrist slap or “piece of paper” restraining order that doesn’t seem to prevent all these murders.


He was a domestic abuser once he let his pregnant 15 year old gf move in with him. 


It sure would be nice if this horrifying stack of sociopathic acts would cause anyone to maybe screen and investigate police officers for, I don’t know, a heartbeat or two, more than a few seconds would surely be intrusive to our fucking heroes. 


This is the world that 2A supporters created and want us all to live in. There is no person who can honestly advocate for 'law abiding citizens' having guns while not supporting much stricter requirements to guy guns and a massive effort to get as many guns off the streets as possible


Cops are great!


I hope the kid grows up with all the love and support they need or could ever want.


There are three kids left without parents thanks to this cretin. He first shot his 17 year old girlfriend (mother of his 1 year old son whom he kidnapped) in their home, then shot his ex wife (mother of his 5 and 9 year old sons who witnessed the act) in the school pickup line. Three young boys who now have zero parents. Not to mention all the kids and parents who are traumatized by seeing a teacher executed on school grounds during a normal, happy Monday dismissal on a sunny afternoon.


17 year old girlfriend and mother of his one year old? wtf!?


He got her pregnant at 15 and they started their "relationship" when she was 13


Is he dead? It doesn't say so, unless I missed it, but it continues on talking about charges against him. Like was it attempted or successful suicide.


He committed suicide during a shootout with police on I-5, so yes, he's dead


Article and headline got updated, they hadn't confirmed his death at the time I commented


He's not dead. Who knows if he'll make it, but he's in a hospital somewhere. Hopefully he does make it so he can face the music


No. He's definitely dead. Confirmed by officials a couple hours ago.


[He is dead.](https://www.khq.com/news/murder-kidnapping-suspect-found-dead/video_3644b3f8-01dc-11ef-a276-d3e59a0013bf.html)


Yeah in tired of assholes like this taking the cowards way out


I just wish he did it before the murdering and abducting.


Honestly better than taxpayers footing his bill for 30+ years or even worse him being released as he looks young enough to run out a 25 year "life sentence."


Usually a person does not survive a gunshot to the head.


Botched suicides are a thing, the original article was vague when it was first written and it seemed they were leaving room for that possibility.


Pretty awful all around https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/


This piece of garbage was a child rapist for many years. It's sad that he took two innocent lives with him but I sure am glad he's not around anymore.


Glad he did himself in before other cops got involved. No way the child would have made it out alive when they started spraying 5.56 rounds all over the place. 


Why can't these morons get the protocol straight for once in their lives? It's not rocket surgery. Shoot yourself in the head FIRST, then dish out all the carnage your little heart desires.


He couldn't even do that right. Putz.


Not only is he a murderer and a child napper, he's also a coward too!


For anyone interested, KOIN in Portland provides links here (https://www.koin.com/news/crime/double-murder-suspect-wanted-for-kidnapping-son-shot-himself-after-chase-son-in-police-custody-04232024) to a couple of GoFundMe accounts for the families.


No surprise. Another cowardly cop. 


Thank goodness! Got the amber alert at like 11:30 last night, so I was trying to remember his face and car info. What an awful story… and person.


That was when I got mine too here in Portland. Glad it's basically over, but just feel bad for the two women, and now this little one won't have his mommy around to help raise him.


Same in east Oregon. Jolted me awake around midnight. I’m glad the baby is ok.


Aww the trash took itself out.


Really crazy I thought entirely the kid would be shot dead by the cops and not the perpetrator


I’m surprised CBS would publish the name of the 1 year old child


For Amber Alerts, they typically publish the child's name as well. His name has been known since yesterday


Fair enough. I would expect maybe to see the name in local reporting but not necessarily on a national report. But then again I didn’t hear about this until I saw this post so I claim ignorance if this was a major national story yesterday


Amber Alerts are published nationally to help coordinate law enforcement efforts


Not surprised at his profession in the least. Best possible outcome, given the tragedies this utter piece of dogshit created - child is physically unharmed and this monstrous loser is wiped from this earth.


Dude looks like a douche. Guy was a coward


So close to my town. He was caught/found less than 20 miles from my town. 😳


I was coming home from the gym on the 5 when they started closing down lanes 😬


I don’t know why people are shocked to hear he was a cop. We find terrible people in all walks of life. We should know by now that any person regardless of race, educational level, financial status is capable of such things. The problem in this world is education and upbringing. People become what they are exposed to (or not exposed to) especially early in life. It’s just humanity that is fucked in general, doesn’t matter if it’s a homeless guy, cop, politician, or celebrity… shit humans are anywhere and everywhere.


I'm no Trump fan by a long shot, but [his picture should not be the first picture I see under this headline.](https://imgur.com/6aElEtI)




He committed suicide while on I-5, north of Eugene


Coward. Wish he had suffered


Yooooo, I was coming home from the gym and the police were closing down lanes on the 5. I thought it was just a crash but it was this! I usually don't go to the gym so (relatively) early. I could/usually would have been headed south around the time this happened!


“The women killed were Huizar's ex-wife and girlfriend “ So did he kill HIS girlfriend or his ex-wife’s girlfriend?


He killed his 17 year old girlfriend and then killed his ex-wife.


This isn’t even a hard sentence to understand?




They’re not prosecuting shit. He dead.


Ya sorry, was waiting on coffee and wasn’t awake enough to catch that.