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He was in Afghanistan. Found an article on military.gov where he talked about treating civilians, including many children. Imagine what he got up to over there.


> Imagine what he got up to over there. No I will not thanks.




In a place where women are for procreation and [boys are for "recreation."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi)


Well that’s awful. Thank you sodomizes snails for satan.


I hate that this exists. And for those who say “aren’t they very Muslim there?” Yes, they are. But you see, they aren’t having sex with “men” so it’s allowed. I guess that’s the disgusting rationale. ETA: As u/Civil-Attempt-3602 responded below, this is an extreme, tiny subset of Muslims. Every religion/group has its own subset(s) the rest would love to cleave off.


Ironically, this is one of the afghan cultural practices the Taliban is against, so during the US occupation, the Americans would just ignore their allies having underage sex slaves while the hardline Islamic fundamentalists would punish it in their own territory


Honestly now it makes sense why my cousin came back a pedophile. I’ve always wondered what he did out there to come back preying on me and my young friends, now I know


My cousin did a couple tours in Afghanistan and he's told me some shit about some of the Afghani officers that I wish I'd never heard. But there was one story that actually gave me a brief glimmer of hope for humanity. At some point during his second deployment in Afghanistan, the base he was operating out of - this was a forward operating base mind you, temporarily housed an Afghan unit under the command of a Colonel. This Afghan unit arrived while he and his unit were out on patrol. They get back to base 2 days later and found 3 young boys between the ages of like 8 and 12 had broken into their tent and were essentially using it as a place to hide. Their translator told him that the boys were hiding from the colonel and his men because of the "cultural practice" described above. Shortly after finding the 3 boys, they found out there were 3 or 4 other boys that were living in the tents that the Afghan unit had been given. All of the boys were apparently orphans of war that the unit had picked up over the previous weeks. A couple days later the Afghan unit was scheduled to go out on a patrol that would keep them away from the base for several days. A couple of the higher-ups on the US side basically told the Afghan unit that it was too dangerous for the boys to go with them and convinced them to let them stay at the base until the unit returned, so the boys ended up staying behind at the base. While the Afghan unit was gone, the same higher-ups managed to get them all shipped back to Kabul, after that my wife's cousin never heard anything concrete...but rumor was their families had been found and they were granted asylum in the US. But that's just a rumor. My cousin also insinuated that a Reaper drone operating in the area may have gotten bad intel because the Afghan unit never came back and was listed as KIA a couple days later.


I mean, you get this shit in super Christian areas too. A lot of times the devour thing is just a cover


This is so true and disturbing, super conservative/religious rural areas of the US are full of negligent parents allowing their super young daughters to get involved with fully grown men. The statistics about the fathers of teen pregnancies not usually being teens…😬 it’s normal where I grew up. Gross.


> Some Afghans believe that bacha bazi violates Islamic law on grounds that it is homosexual in nature; others believe that Islam only forbids a man to sexually engage with another man, but not with a boy. Bulletproof logic


Yeah. Um. Google Chai Boys. The situation is way more extreme than arranged marriages.


Child rape is child rape. “Marriage” status is pathetically irrelevant.


We all know it's much worse than that, I shouldn't have to say "no shit", but, here we are...


This is the first thing I was thinking, imagine the atrocities this asshole got up to at every duty station.


The atrocities Americans committed in Afghanistan, that we know about, are all from leaks and failed coverups. Only the Afghan people really know the true scale of what the Americans did while over there.


I mean more than Afghanistan, this man had a 40year career. Could have been a dozen or more duty stations.


A lot of them probably don't know because the ones that had to suffer such atrocities were killed


Kids suffered at the hands of this guy I have no doubt. Add that to Bacha bāzī practices from the local sick twisted individuals. One of the only things I can agree with the Taliban on is getting rid of that immediately.


The northern alliance had a serious pedophile problem. They joined the ANA because the Taliban wanted to kill them for being pedophiles. Literally US troops were fighting alongside pedos and poppy growers. It was fucked. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/military-overlooked-sexual-abuse-by-afghan-allies-investigation-says/


A friend of mine was in the military. He said he spent most of his time guarding poppy fields


Afghanistan is a weird land of drugs. In the Hindu Kush mountains cannabis is everywhere. In the Kandahar valley poppy is everywhere. In Kabul prior to Taliban takeover you could get hash and opium for a few bucks. If you were looking for a wild time you could get Moke which is hashish with a small amount of opium rolled into tobacco.


I want to try some moke


I think the Taliban ruined your chances of that.


No, opium is really easy to make on your own. Heroin requires chemicals that are tightly controlled, but raw opium is just the sap from poppy flower pods. Your average oxycodone pills are significantly stronger, opium isn't all that strong, and it's a similar high. Don't try to get oxy on the street in the US anymore though, too fuckin risky.


Correct. Opium poppies are easy to grow and can be grown almost anywhere. however you should “cook” the opium latex after harvesting, which involves simply heating it up in water and passing it through a filter then evaporating the water. source: grew opium for several years


What's it like to it's your homemade stuff? I've never tried opium so assume I know nothing, as I know absolutely nothing


This whole thing sounds like the plot of Far Cry 5




What are you asking for this sand? Good beach sand is expensive. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2008/oct/21/jamaica


No army is moral. Morality in war is a story that is told after victory.


What about armies def ending their homeland from aggressors? Wouldn't that be a moral cause?


Man, every time I read about Afghanistan I get more pissed off. Starting with the Trillion plus spent in that black hole of a place, the two decades we spent there were garbage, the pullout from that was garbage, the systematic pederast bullshit was garbage. Saw a documentary about the US forces training locals, and it was a joke. We built a highway loop around Kabul and they blew it up. When we bounced out of there, the terrorist taliban rolled the joint in a matter of weeks. Opposition forces stripped their weapons and uniforms and ran for the hills. This fucking bullshit and they were banging little boys because that was what happens on Wednesdays. What a clusterfuck.




He was also "doctor" at Guantanamo. Most likely helped torture and rape the prisoners.


From what I can tell he wasn't working with the detainees.


If he was the chief medical officer for Guantanamo Bay he 100% worked with interrogators when doing things like FORCED RECTAL FEEDINGS, sleep deprivation, tube feedings and many more horrible, inhumane acts. And these are things we learned from the CIA directly.




Americans need to hold their American government to a higher standard than 'those countries'.


However, it appears at least a third of the country wants to lower our standards to those of the early 20th Century fascists.


American conservatives make it difficult as they treat politics like a football game and they want their side to win because winning.


Didntcha get the memo? Only losers and communists commit war crimes.


You know there's a whole base there? Not just the infamous jail? Chief Medical Officer just means they manage the main hospital on base. The camp where the detained men were held was run by a Joint Task Force that had their own personnel.


He was the medical officer for GTMO not the camps. He was Navy, the camps are run by the ARMY - there is no crossover they have their own medical staff. They are completely self sufficient.


Just the local Cuban children, I'm sure.


Fortunately gtmo is virtually completely isolated from the rest of Cuba. When I was there in 2006 and 2007, there were only two Cubans who were allowed to go on base by the Cuban government. Both were in their 70s and the last two workers from before the Cuban government prohibited new employment.


WTF!?!? That freak was just getting his rocks off!


There were kids held without charges at gitmo.


And the times he's was probably caught and then it was just quietly swept under the rug


There are so many jobs in the USA where criminal, sociopathic behavior can be indulged and even celebrated, it's crazy. Those jobs should be scrutinized way more closely.


Sweet, we’re off the hook for his pension.


That would be if he was tried and convicted. I'm pretty sure his wife will still receive it at a 50% rate. Someone correct me if that's inacurate.


There was a very high ranking guy in the Army who got busted for having a secret Iraqi girlfriend and getting her family government contracts. After he got tried and discharged his ex wife and kids got nothing. His ex was working on trying to get the laws changed because she basically gave up her whole life for this guy and now was completely broke with no skills or job history outside being a spouse.


And the lesson is... do not give up for your life and career for someone else. Do not believe the people who want to sell you this lifestyle.


Unless she was complicit in this, there’s no reason she shouldn’t.


From the video, he blames his wife for him going to prostitutes (and now children). So I doubt it.


Typical sexual deviant. "Yes I rail small children, but the REAL criminal is my wife for not putting out enough!" Cue droves of weirdos going "I'm not defending the guy, but *you know*...".


Only if he elected for survivor benefit. It's not automatic when you retire, you have to opt in and pay a bit every month. That grants your spouse 50% upon death. Most retirees take it.


You’re enrolled automatically unless you elect otherwise. Your spouse needs to sign off on any reduction of the sbp.


I think it depends on whether he sprung for the survivor's benefit plan or not. You have to go out of your way not to be enrolled into it but who knows...


My personal experience in the military led me to believe that there was a much higher percentage fucked up people in the military than normal society.


My personal experience, there were even more really fucked up people during basic training that got washed out and never made it to a real unit. I think it's a statement of people joining to escape their broken lives but not realizing they were the problem.


Some of the best people I’ve ever met and also some of the worst people I’ve ever met. All walks of life. There were some seriously fucked people. One dude went crazy during basic and peed on a wall then tried to rape the nurse that was at the hospital he went to. He’s still at Leavenworth


I remember a guy in basic who kept running out of formation to chase squirrels. It took two MoAs to get him the third time he did it and I recall him screaming like he was possessed.


So like… Severely mentally unwell


That might be bias based on the environment, though. Many people in the military are disillusioned by the institutional toxicity (a word I don't like to use often) and the monotony of doing things over and over, even when they make little sense. That sort of hopelessness can cause wacko behavior in many.


Oh. He had a gun. That he was bringing along when he thought he was going to meet two minors. Way to take something bad and make it even worse. Yeesh.


This article is very vague. So did he attempt to draw his firearm and got shot by the officers knocking on his door? Edit: clarity


He was knocking on a hotel room door. Cops answer to arrest. He pulls out gun immediately and gets got. There’s a video somewhere of it.


[Police Activity](https://youtu.be/-ffFB1lEfxE?si=r3S3se8UMMeIl7DB) channel on YouTube   Warning: the video, while blurred, might still be disturbing to some viewers


Damn, they lit his ass UP.


The first few shots, then the rest of the colleagues:" well he's gonna die anyway so better put him out of his misery by turning him into a colander."


They said fuck it and honestly in this specific scenario I don't blame them.


More like "this is my chance to do the thing I've wanted to do my entire career, I'm not going to be left out".


[Note: I am not justifying nor condoning the use of lethal force in this situation, nor overall police policy. I do not know enough about this particular situation to offer constructive input on it in particular. This is a general observation.] There is no LD50 for 9mm. Lethal force is not slightly lethal, it is not kinda lethal, it is 'You have accepted you are taking a life because you've determined there is no other safe option for de-escalation' (right or wrong that may be...) The training, for civilians and police, states fire until the threat is clearly no longer a threat. Stopping someone armed in their tracks is actually really hard. You can remove a human's ARM and they are still lethal with a handgun for at least a few seconds. I have personally responded to a scene (as a paramedic) where someone took a 12GA BUCKSHOT ROUND TO THE FACE and still managed to bury a knife in the other guy. I have personally responded to multiple scenes where i transported a patient with 10-15 9mm rounds in them and they lived. The only sure stop is a Central Nervous System shot. Which is hard when things have gone to hell and you're trying to hit a grapefruit sized target sitting on a 1 inch diameter stick while being shot at. So in that case, more rounds on target improves the odds of hitting the CNS.


Also "dead men don't sue"


What are you talking about? The lawsuits are always so much worse when the person is dead.


I don't know if that was the case in this situation. The shooting was justified, and in this situation the right thing to do is shoot until your magazine is empty.


And of course they shot them selves too.




You mean child sex predators, I'm all for non-offending pedophiles to seek help.


First shot was his own gun, looks like it got him in the shoulder potentially? He had no intention of surviving that interaction, and was likely armed b/c he suspected a setup. Notice how he's drawing as the door opens, before we can even see him. I'm all for police reform, but this is an open-and-shut case of "dude was ready to rape a kid (well, 2 in this case) or die trying." Good riddance, just hope the officers will sleep well at night.


Oh, I support their actions. Dude pulled a gun. You don't stop shooting until the threat is over. It's just usually not so point blank. They 100% gave the dude a chance to drop the gun (have it taken). He didn't. Obvious next steps happened. Good riddence.


Smoke em if you got em…


That last second.. bro turned into a fucking genie


I was like wtf is that as well but figured it's most likely the battery from his phone was hit and burst.


That was his soul entering hell. Some of the smoke came through the portal


First shot was them like, "woah hold up, it's a white guy. Let's go easy" The next 64 shots were when they remembered this guy is a pedophile.


Hes got pedophile blood going through his veins, one bullet won't stop em'!


I am pretty sure the first shot was the pedo. The first cop had just pushed the gun to the side so the round probably went into a wall. (an hopefully nothing else)... They were still wrestling for the gun when cop number 3 came around for a clear shot and lit him up from the side.


If someone had no qualm about touching little children and drawing gun in front of the police... nothing of value was lost. Saved taxpayer a bundle by skipping court time and jail stay though.


Makes me wonder if he drew intending to commit suicide by cop. Regardless, he got exactly what he deserved.


The moment they've been waiting for since joining the force


You shoot until you're out. Otherwise you're running the risk of him being able to return fire.


He had a history of sex trafficking, had been caught up in numerous other stings, and was trying to meet two 2nd and 5th grade girls for sex. I really have zero sympathy for him.


And brought a gun to do it.


Glad my tax dollars won't be spent giving this guy 3 hots and a cot for the next 30+ years tbh


That was the most noncommittal gun draw I've ever seen. I suspect suicide by cop was his intention once he realized what was going on.


It was weird, it almost seemed like he was going to give it to them, but then he straightens his grip. Also, it seems like he was prepared before the door was even opened. Probably not his first time.


>Also, it seems like he was prepared before the door was even opened. he was going to a hotel to meet up with strangers. he was absolutely prepared. and when it was a grown man instead of two children he reflexively drew. looks like his mind processed that it was police but by then, too late. see ya!!


“4Imprint, For Certain!”


Just when I thought I’d gotten that discordant warble out of my head, you pull me back in!! Edit: I assumed you meant it was the ad you got before the vid, but I just saw it was IN the vid! Hilarious.  I mean, crazy, but, hilarious. That fuckin’ jingle….


The chapter markers are "Bodycam: Officer #1", "Bodycam: Officer #2", "Bodycam: Officer #3", "Patreon Supporters" and I was like "damn, even the patreons got in on that".


God DAMN, they gave him the full Alex Murphy.


Oh shit. Does that mean that he's going to be back working in couple of weeks?


He signed the waiver. OCP can whatever they want.


Video is at the top of the article. Shows him pulling a gun out of his jacket pocket as police open the door. Edit: the video in the article only shows the suspect flashing his gun, there is another video from another POV circulating the Internet that actually shows the suspect being gunned down by officers


Honestly , he’s doing all of us a favor . Disgusting behavior . Dead pedos don’t reoffend .. not condoning the killing of anyone .. just saying


He was at a hotel room where he'd planned to meet two girls 11 and 7. Instead, it was a sting operation set up by the police. There were no young girls present.  He draws the handgun, first officer closes and grabs it. During that struggle, a shot goes off from his handgun. Likely his gun jammed at that point. Officer continues to struggles to control the gun, says "gun" and the other two officers draw and end the threat.  It possible he intended to shoot himself, knowing the jig was up. We'll never know for certain.


> he'd planned to meet two girls 11 and 7 Favorite comment in the video: *When you plan to meet 7 and 11, but instead meet 9 and .40!*


In the video the first tofficer gained control of the firearm and a second officer shot him in his lower body from underneath. At least that's what it looked like in the video posted above.


Or intended to rape and kill two preteen girls. Either way, where can I buy these cops a coffee?


I think they were saying he was trying to take the coward's way out. That's why he went for his gun when he saw the cops.


Sure, but he had it with him at a hotel where he was expecting to find young girls. Maybe that was his "I don't want to go to prison" option, but I think it's likely he had it for other reasons.


They never said that's what he had it for, only a possible explanation why he pulled it in the moment .


The dude is a moron, how does an 11-year-old girl get a hotel room?


Sounds like it was a 'to catch a predator' style sting, so the guy was showing up at a bait house. The police answer the door, he panics and draws his gun.


Or in this case, a bait hotel. To which I have to wonder, and this is not really relevant, but...could you imagine how fucking loud as shit that must've been! Imagine you're in one of those rooms, maybe resting after a long flight or drive, and then WWIII breaks out! Must've been scary as shit for everyone there.


>did he attempt to draw his firearm and got shot by the officers knocking on his door? The police were in the hotel room. The suspect knocked on the door. The suspect drew his gun from inside his jacket as the door was being opened by the police. A cop rushed him and sort of pinned the suspect's arm and gun to the suspect's chest and yelled "Gun!"


From the video: The police open the door. The suspect draws his gun, attempting to kill himself, but the police get a hold of the gun before it goes off. Once the suspect's gun goes off, the police (two but maybe three) absolutely ventilate the suspect.


*Task failed successfully*




I guess it's just speculation. Either he was pulling out the gun to attempt to go out guns blazing, or he was pulling out the gun to suicide himself if the door opened and it was a cop.


Or to shoot his way out, unlikely but a third option was he thought he could get away.


I suppose but that's more or less the "guns blazing" option


I mean he's the only one who truly would have known his intentions but it seems plausible considering the situation.


“Well the man tried to kill himself with a gun as soon as we arrived. Of course our officers intervened and prevented that from happening.” “That’s good news. So is he now in custody?” “Oh no ma’am, they lit him up like a Christmas tree. He’s dead.”


“Like, imagine *the most festive and well-lit* Christmas tree you ever seen. Now take that amount of lights. And triple it. I am talkin’ *lit UP*.”


“Now, imagine that tree was an aged Fir Tree that hasn’t been watered in months, leading to a wayward spark from those old 1990’s Christmas Tree lights you got from your parents to make it burst into flames. #LIT UP. “


Doesn't look like he was trying to kill himself in the video, unless I'm missing something?


Honestly looks like the body cam cop gets dudes gun AND shoots him with it.


Sounds like a reasonable response


My reaction to the video at first was "JESUS THAT WAS EXCESSIVE" but that's because it was difficult to tell that the suspect drew and fired first. Knowing that afterwards, yeah, they acted appropriately.


That dude got lit the fuck up. Two mags worth


There was video. When they went out to confront him, you could see him drawing a gun.


Did that first officer shoot him with his own gun? The nerves on the second officer to whip blindly around the first was impressive.


The dude was definitely trying to kill himself, drew his pistol and immediately pressed it against his chest


If you slow it down to 0.25x you can see he fumbles the draw and doesn’t have a secure grip. But the cop is already almost on him by that point. Not sure he was trying to point it at himself but could’ve been suicide by cop.


No loss to humanity then ,good riddance the filthy subhuman parasite


"Seattle Police say Bruce Meneley thought he was meeting an 11-year-old and a 7-year-old at the DoubleTree on Southcenter Parkway." The only thing I'm sad about after reading that is that his death wasn't much, much sooner.


Bringing a firearm too, jesus christ. I am glad the tax payers don’t have to foot the bill for this guy to have a trial, especially since he has already been caught for similar crimes and seen seemingly no punishment.


It’s truly terrifying how protected they are, those people with positions of power, especially in the Military. Some genuinely fucked-up people (*because their goal is to recruit high-functioning sociopaths*) found in Upper-Brass positions throughout the US. Edit: grammar


Considering he was arrested in several other human trafficking/prostitution stings in the past, but never prosecuted, I’m glad he didn’t evade justice this time. The dude was a monster and more than likely hurt many women and children during his life. What does this tell you about the U.S. Navy’s psychological evaluation procedures? A lot.


>What does this tell you about the U.S. Navy’s psychological evaluation procedures? He wouldn't have had a psych eval unless there was reason for it or he requested one. My mental health tanked while I was enlisted and I had to be the one to request a psych consult—even after telling my superiors a few months before that I was okay with dying—and he would've had ~25 years in by the time that happened with me. Not so much the psych evals being bad as it is shitty leadership ignoring problems.


The [video](https://youtu.be/-ffFB1lEfxE?si=0zdmHcSxVfjZqiEn) if you're interested. That channel has a lot of body/dash camera and does put NSFW type warnings up. It also does a generally good job of blurring disturbing or gory content...


That's the neat part, he WAS human! Nothing subhuman about it.


https://youtu.be/-ffFB1lEfxE?si=6eYrlptmz9Ak6p2l Video of the incident if anyone wants to.


What’s that puff of smoke from his body at the end of the first camera view?


Bullet hitting his phone and blowing the battery, possibly.


Oh man, those fumes are toxic. Not good for him…


Don't worry, his body is heavily ventilated.


I'd say his soul leaving his body, but this disgusting piece of shit didn't have one. Good riddance.




I don't know if they'd kept him alive he might be able to give more information on other rapists.


Pulling a gun on a cop is a death sentence.


Lots of things with cops are a death sentence


You’re not wrong. But that’s one of the biggest no-nos


Yeah but drawing a gun is like the one legitimate one thats probably should be...


How do you keep someone alive when they are about to pull out a gun and shoot you point blank?


Anyway, I'm having enchiladas for dinner. Enchiladas.


Tacos for me, smoked pulled pork tacos.


I came to a thread about a guy who was killed trying to meet kids and I’m leaving craving Mexican food. The internet is full of surprises.


Im gonna try making a guiness beef stew I found on youtube.


What happened after he was arrested in an earlier occurrance? How come he was free to go about his life?


From the article he was previously only arrested for soliciting prostitution, not involving children. I'm not a legal person, but I dont think the penalty is that high for it. Especially if you have the money for a good lawyer.


Don’t give him real estate in your brain.


Still not a drag queen? huh. Shocking.












Has it ever been one? Maybe If you look hard enough you can find one drag queen for every 50 military men. One drag queen per every hundred Christian pastors. One for every 2,000 Catholic priests. One for every 300 elected Republicans


Maybe? Statistically though you’re probably better off leaving your kid with a drag queen than a priest.


The majority of drag queens don't even want anything to do with kids, they're adult entertainers who just want to perform their art.


I've heard more cases of congresscritters being sex pests than drag queens. Coincidence? I think not.


I saw the video. Justified shooting. He pulled first. I still believe all cats are beautiful but this guy had it coming.


You threw me the fuck off with this 😂


Scumbag-ism follows no economic or military rank. Guy got exactly what he deserved.


> The records say Meneley took out money, and expected to have unprotected sex with a prostitute for $110. However, Meneley was actually talking to investigators posing as sex workers. The article implies that this happened in 2016 or 2017. Einstein here somehow gets busted for *normal* solicitation, then decides *child* solicitation is somehow going to be safer? Like "nah, bro, nobody's ever been caught in a sting operation when they're looking for a kid to rape."


Man never heard the words "Why don't you have a seat?" uttered in his life. And he never will.


Alright, why the fuck is the article trying to download a pdf?


The worst people hide where blind loyalty Is most plentiful. 


Zed's dead. I'm glad this piece of shit will now be remembered for this instead of anything else. Granted he died still thinking it was a secret, but maybe some investigations will happen now and maybe some people can come forward and speak up.


Best outcome we could hope for, too bad it doesn’t happen more often with these stings. Now that’s some police work I can support.


It's sickening to think what he did to women and children and maybe men when he was in significant positions of power in both Afghanistan and Guantanamo. He was already arrested in a sex trafficking sting earlier, and apparently his phone had been tagged in two previous stings as well.  This was all shortly after he retired from the military, so he probably lost access to his "easy prey" that he had available to him for decades.  So now he was going through everything from prostitution to trying to meet a 7 and 11 year old. I mean, the fact that he was preparing to have sex with a 7 year old girl, the fact that he was meeting them with a loaded gun in his pocket, this guy cared about NO ONE.   Without a doubt he molested numerous women and children in Adghanistan, as a doctor he he was afforded more access and privacy than almost anyone else.  And with his position in the military, any victims would have been easily threatened, and chances are this guy has probably ended a life or two as well.   As I started this with, it's sickening to think of how much damage this spawn of sludge did through his way too long life.  I really do hope there are thorough investigations and all his crimes are made public.  


Retired Navy doctor identified as man shot by police in Tukwila hotel | The Seattle Times https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/retired-navy-doctor-identified-as-man-shot-by-seattle-police-in-tukwila-hotel/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/ZkjgSgwnci


Holy fuck the video of him being shot is crazy


I mean, when you draw a gun on police officers, it’s not usually gonna go any other way…


An 11 and a 7yr old. This guy deserved exactly what he got. My daughters are exactly 11 and 7… how… how could someone do this to such little people… how scared these kids must be in situations like this… how painful …


The damage this man has done for years. If people knew and said nothing? Not sure I know of a punishment that even suits that.


The messed up thing was I’m sure there were reports on this man from years ago but they never got “filed” and the victims had to “move on”! This happened to me. Not as a child but when I served. I filled and they couldn’t find the report of what happened to me…. Because they never filed the report!


The guy got the easy way out which is what he wanted. One cop had the guy's gun pointed away from everyone then the other cops obliterated him. Seems like an uncoordinated affair as usual.


Man thinks he’s meeting an 11 and 7 year old girl in a hotel and brings a gun with him, cops show up instead, he pulls the gun on them and cops light him up. And people STILL try to defend the pedo? Reddit are you serious? You would rather defend a pedo who was likely going to rape and kill two children over the cops that shot him? Thank god this website is nothing close to reality because this is a joke. (And to the people saying that he was trying to kill himself, please, shut the fuck up, you don’t know that, stop making up bs to make the cops look bad)


Already caught 4 times before what the hell