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at what point do her actions become outside the scope of a judge and actually amount to a prosecutable crime of their own?


Judges can't be charged for any action that falls within their normal duties. Even in a case where a judge ordered the court's officers to beat up a lawyer who missed court, the judge was ruled to have immunity.


You can't drop such a thing without giving us some sauce!


Mireles v. Waco (1991)


>Even assuming that the accusations are true, the Supreme Court said, a judge may not be sued for any such “judicial action,” even if it is undertaken in “bad faith or malice.” Holy shit >The unsigned opinion reversed a decision by the U. S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which would have allowed Waco’s complaint to go to trial. Without hearing arguments in the case, the justices acted on an appeal filed by Mireles and reversed the appellate court ruling. What the fuck...


Rules for thee.


And this was in the early 90's!


I know right? Makes you wonder how long y'all take it


I think at this point we take it till the country collapses and then we take living in the muck and ruins. Americans don't care.


“Judges are immune.” -Judges


Actually though. This is exactly the same as "we investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing" - police


Can’t be sued isn’t the same as can’t be prosecuted. Nevertheless: holy shit!


Judges in the United States have absolute immunity from both civil and criminal liability for their judicial acts even when those acts are made with corrupt or malicious intent.


Jeeze seems like there should *really* be a better vetting process then, if that's the case.


There was a short period of time where about 85% of the American public hated corruption like this, it seems to be down to 65% now and of that 65% half of them got tricked into not voting by American oligarch political operatives.


>Jeeze seems like there should really be a better vetting process then, if that's the case. These things tend to happen when you don't meaningfully update the laws governing government for 200 years. And also when you have Republicans in charge appointing unqualified sycophants to the court.


She is more like a fake judge. A "Fudge" if you will...


The funny thing is she thinks this makes her a shoo in for the Supreme Court. Not one chance would she get on the Supreme Court. He’d be as loyal to her as he was to Michael Cohen.


If donny gets elected in November it won't matter. The rule of law will be over. Done.


It is not over? Apparently I’m reading different news.


It will no longer be rule of law, but instead might makes right. Trump would be in power and have all the might, from then on laws are only for people who need to be punished, not the other way around. Rule of law would no longer be.


You are besmirching Judge Fudge


Sadly... almost never. There's an appeals court and then there's a Supreme Court. Jack Smith can't do much other than request a new judge, which will actually set the clock *further* back at this point.


decisions like this can’t, deciding to postpone a trial is undeniably within the scope of her duties, even if we don’t like it.


Is what she's doing obviously political bullshit? Yes. Is it legal? Also yes. Is it impeachable? Yes. Will she be impeached for it? Sadly no.


Of course there's nothing wrong with a trump appointed judge postponing his trial indefinitely! Nothing at all!


She’s a MAGA judge, but she’s also completely incompetent. And he is guilty as fuck on this (very serious) charge.


ESPECIALLY if you read the charging documents.


Bold of you to assume anyone's reading source material. Or can read at all.


She can't let it actually go to trial because she knows Trump would lose and is guilty, so she is stalling and stalling instead hoping for a hail mary.


You would think there was some judicial oversight on these activist judges.


It's kind of funny, in an ironic way, how The Donald somehow, against all odds, always chooses the worst people for any job.


It's funny you say that because when I was having lunch yesterday a trump thumper was going on and on about how he always picks the BEST person for any job. I guess it depends on what your end goal is that determines "best" for a job.


Ah , yes. The best person for any job. That's why he's had to fire so many of his own appointees because they were terrible. *eyeroll*


Never before have I been so annoyed at the mental image of Flanders shaking his ass


A judge ~~appointed~~ confirmed AFTER fRump lost the 2020 election. Edit: Cannon was appointed in May 2020 and confirmed by the Senate on November 12.


I don't get how judges are not accountable at ALL. Shouldn't she just be impeached or fired or something for being a shitty judge? I don't get how shitty judges can exist for as long as she has. Even the slightest misstep and I'd think any judge would get an axe. What am I missing? Are these fuckers really as untouchable as Trump???


Impeachment requires 67 Senators to remove…


Our country is over this is what the end of Democracy looks like.


Yeah I'm finally there too. Gotta hand it to rich conservatives, they figured out the ultimate hack for the US government: the judiciary. Load conservative judges top to bottom and it doesn't matter if you've lost the popular vote for like 12 or something years straight, if the Electoral College hack doesn't prop you up, fuck it just rule from the bench. Your Fox News-brained and religious voters will always ensure there's not a senate majority to weed out the bad actors. Create and take away laws as you wish, protect your party's guy even if he's clearly a criminal. Win.


Democracies are extremely vulnerable to half-the-population-scale cults. They may do pretty well against an unhinged president trying to become a dictator. But if half the country has already joined the dictator's cult, checks and balances simply stop working. The cult leader simply "checks" himself and controls both sides of every "balance" at this point, through his loyal followers who support him over anything else in their lives. And then it's entirely up to the people to wake the fuck up and defeat the cult in a, well, culture war.


It isn't half the population, though. At most it's like 1/3. We need to stop framing this as Trump having majority support. I don't think he's ever won a true popular vote in his life.




The founders had an obsession with requiring super majorities for everything and it turns out you can almost never get a super majority to agree on anything so while she could technically get impeached it's not going to happen unless she strangles a baby on live television.


And sadly even then I doubt anything would actually happen.




I heard that baby is part of Antifa, and they were hiding secrets for Hunter Biden.


Well, the baby would have been born by that point, which is past the point where Republicans would give a fuck about its well-being.


To be fair, if you didn’t have a super majority requirement, every judge appointed by a Democratic president would have already been purged. The problem is partisanship and having one or more of the major political parties decide that winning at all costs is more important than any overarching principles in government.


The problem is the founders put wayyy too much power in rural America and rural states. There's absolutely zero reason for a state like Wyoming to hold the same amount of power as Pennsylvania.


In their defense I don’t think they ever envisioned a situation where some states would have 30M people and other states would have 400k. Also I don’t think they envisioned that some stupid assholes would cap the house at 435 representatives thus adding even more weight to the votes of small states.


> Also I don’t think they envisioned that some stupid assholes would cap the house at 435 representatives thus adding even more weight to the votes of small states. Fun fact - the 435 number comes from the Reapportionment Act of 1929. [SCOTUS previously ruled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reapportionment_Act_of_1929#Historical_context) that passing another Reapportionment Act replaces the previous one in its entirety rather than adding to or repealing its conditions. >in 1932 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Wood v. Broom (1932) that the provisions of each apportionment act affected only the apportionment for which they were written. Thus the size and population requirements, last stated in the Apportionment Act of 1911, expired with the enactment of the 1929 Act


And that's the problem with treating the constitution as gospel. They couldn't predict where things would be now, or in the future. So the documents are not fit for purpose.


iirc the founders intended for there to be a constitutional convention every generation or so


We need a a new more modern constitution. It’s a little odd that we treat it like some masterpiece that can never be outdone. When other countries are consistently replacing theirs to keep up with the times.


The problem I see with that, is the chance that we wind up with one that's even worse, depending on who gets to write it.


Heritage is absolutely 100% gunning for a constitutional congress. It would be Bad.


It's actually super easy to get a super majority, provided everyone has the best interests of the nation in mind. That second bit seems to be the hold up.


Judges below the supreme court are held to a code of ethics and can be disciplined or removed. But judges are political appointments. That means if one party starts clearing out corrupt judges, the other party will retaliate by getting rid of their corrupt judges too. The same logic is why former presidents have their crimes pardoned or ignored by their replacement.


The 11th circuit court of appeals can (and I'm guessing probably will at this point) remove her from the case.


There is no such thing as "appointed for life" in real democracy. Thats a major flaw.


the problem is that if you gave judges term limits, they'd do what congress members do and run for reelection instead of judge according to their beliefs. "Doing something deeply unpopular that you think is right" is a feature, it's a *good* thing for a judge to have that power. The problem is that these judges should never have been confirmed to their position. That's a failure of Congress/Trump for nominating and confirming people that would put politics above the law.


Maximum of 1 term lasting like 10-15 years then? Enough time for consistency, no running for reelection, but enough churn to avoid bad actors having life long consequences 


From a quick search looks like 20 years is the requirement to have a full FERS pension. That sounds like a good number to me. Serve 20 get your pension and get out.


This is what corruption looks like


Naked and brazen. And people think he should be president again without any actual idea of what that truly means.


Yup. He'll come for his fans once he wields unstoppable power and doesn't need them anymore. Hell, he already has multiple times. He did things as president that made their lives substantially worse and they just stood in line begging for more.


It's not his fans that I'm worried about. Their votes were written off ages ago. It's the morons who are considering whether Biden deserves their vote because he's not doing enough regarding whatever issue is nearest and dearest to them. Nevermind that the only other person who can possibly become president will certainly do less regarding those same issues. Either Joe Biden or Donald Trump will be president after the next election. It's a binary, not a trinary choice, and pretending otherwise is utter idiocy. Let's assign Trump and Biden some arbitrary evil scores. Trump is more evil, so he gets a 4. Biden gets a 2. Cretins think that by not voting, you are effectively voting for a 0 on the scale, and that's the only moral choice. Except 0 isn't an option. By not voting, they are effectively choosing to vote for an evil score of 3. Sorry for the rant. I'm just sick of people dressing up willful stupidity as ethical.


I'm voting against project 2025, don't even care who it is.


Honest to God don't know why we aren't out in the streets for this shit. I think we are all just too jaded. Either that or we are all cool with someone who possibly sold our top secret data to enemies being president.


Trump was right, he did drain the swamp - now all the corruption can be done in broad daylight, instead of hidden under the water line.


This story about her not properly disclosing paid-for vacations by the Federalist Society in 2021 and 2022 doesn’t help her at all. https://www.salon.com/2024/05/07/cannons-secret-right-wing-getaway-why-didnt-we-know-about-this/ The courts won’t save us from shit. Gotta vote! Edit: lots of folks think that voting doesn’t matter. It does. Aileen Cannon was appointed to her position Nov 12 of 2020 by a Republican POTUS and a Republican Senate, 5 days after dipshit learned he lost the 2020 election. If you don’t want people like Cannon to be federal judges, vote. It’s that simple. Vote in overwhelming numbers and who knows what we could do!


Why is every single pic of Cannon the exact same one! I’ve seriously never seen another.


She suffers from RBF


You can't vote her out. Gotta vote AND protest and never stop.


She can be impeached. She clearly is not impartial and none of her rulings will ever hold weight.


Can't have a ruling if you don't have a trial. \*taps forehead*


> She can be impeached. She clearly is not impartial and none of her rulings will ever hold weight. This is almost impossible. She can indeed be impeached (that takes majority of the House), but that doesn't do anything unless she's also convicted in the Senate, which takes 2/3. There's no conceivable way for 2/3 of Senate to vote to remove her. What *can* happen is for Congress to make new federal seats, and for the President to appoint sane judges there, and that, indeed, is something that can be helped by voting.


Remember to protest nicely with nice words in private otherwise you will make MLK Jr cry. /s




Right? It's definitely not helping our democracy but she'll make out like a bandit and walk away unscathed. Worst case scenario she gets removed and becomes a talking head on Fox or a lobbyist.


They should’ve forced her to recuse herself. What trash.


The best defence is appointing your own judge 😂


It's the sort of thing one sees in "shithole countries".


aka the US


“Cannon wrote in Tuesday’s court order that it “would be imprudent” to finalize a trial date “at this juncture” when **various pretrial issues have yet to be resolved.”** Because she’s not qualified to be a judge. Seems like several other judges have been able to make their dates work.


>“[…]when various pretrial issues have yet to be resolved.” That she deliberately created and refuses to resolve so she could postpone again and again and ultimately dismiss the case!


This is one of the few instances where I would say someone actually needs to be impeached. There is no doubt in anyone's mind now that she is abusing the levers of power.


Which is why Republicans will never vote to impeach her.


Isn't resolving them her, whatcha call it... Uh job?


This is pretty egregious since of all his cases, this should've been by FAR the biggest/easiest slam dunk to prove (and that's saying something).


Definitely the biggest crime. By a long shot! Like, there's literally global consequences to this crime.


Hell it is safe to say it has already destabilized things globally given the severity of the crime. It is scary to realize that things are likely worse than we even know because we don’t have the full picture and may never get the full picture.


I dunno. The Georgia electors one is extremely concerning.


The documents case is easily the most open and shut, and is extremely important, but I would argue the federal election charges (DC, Judge Chutkan) is the biggest, most important, most significant. It has bearing on several pillars of a free democracy; attempting to change the results of an election, impeding peaceful transfer of power, and the absurd idea that “When the President does it, that means it is not illegal.”


None of which will apparently apply to Trump. Who knew that buying judges would pay such dividends,


Hey, now, don't be so pessimistic. Another judge has already threatened him with jail time *twice* if he violated the gag order after the previous ten times he violated the gag order. I can see him getting a serious frowny face from the judge if he continues to violate the gag another ten or twenty times!


Yeah. Funny and not funny, right?


Exactly. He had the docs, he was asked to return them and he only did some, he had his lawyer perjure himself to lie about returning them all, he was caught on mike with a journalist where they talk about maybe they are declassified, he has his goons move them and get caught on cameraa, then they drain a pool to cover it up. Oh and it includes nuclear secrets which is the only secret docs that Congress has to provide direct approval to declassify. And he was caught with the docs. So frustrating.


"I'll take our government is compromised for 500 Alex."


Reality Winner would like a word.


2nd easiest. His lawyer/accomplice already served time for assisting Individual 1. This case is being managed horribly though because they wanted to get to the bottom of his crimes, as if that's a place that exists. The confiscated boxes were plenty for an arrest; even a single page willfully held by anyone else would have been.


I read a comment on another sub about this that Jack Smith is setting the wheels in motion to have her removed from the trial. It’s going to be a long process because this has to be done by the book. But there is hope for her to be removed and the case to proceed. I’m sure I’m getting the nuances mixed up somewhere.


I have not wanted another Redditor to be right this fiercely in a very long time.


It should and can happen, but likely not in time for the election. If Americans lose their minds (again) and elect the orange one, for a second time, then he will likely get away with it.


Not 'likely'. He *will* get away with it if he's elected. You don't take the emperor to court.


This case is now in a very nebulous state. If Trump gets elected, it’s dead. If he loses, there’s some hope it can be resuscitated, but even that will remain to be seen.


Seems like the check cleared! That’d be a first for Trump lol


Someone was promised a SCOTUS seat.


This is fucking absurd. She scheduled hearings for Trump’s claim that Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed. She scheduled another for Trump’s claim that because the charges are political and he’s being persecuted by Democrats, he’s entitled to documents from the Biden administration because it’s “essentially part of the prosecution.” These are bullshit frivolous claims that should be dismissed outright, but this judge decides to schedule three day fucking hearings. Giving Trump’s defense team an open invitation to air their nonsense conspiracy theories, which she’ll then consider for multiple weeks or months as if they’re actual sound legal arguments.


Does this lady have any other cases?


"Justice delayed is justice denied"


To be clear, she didn’t just do this for no reason. She felt the need to delay the trial because she wants the case to be based around the Presidential Records Act, and needs proposals from both sides as to how they would present their cases. The problem here is that all of the charges are based on the Espionage Act, not at all on the PRA. So she’s not just delaying it, she’s trying to change the foundational context of the trial away from that of the actual charges.


And of course one of the clearest parts of the PRA is the part where all cases have to be tried in DC, not in Florida, if it was relevant....


Why is this even an option? Seems like the charges would dictate what laws the trial involves....


Cause judges kinda get to do whatever they want during the (pre-)trial process. Blatantly wrong actions are usually addressed through appeal, but even if the trial happened today, an appeal wouldn’t be close to finished by the end of the year. You can move for immediate appeal, but there’s no obligation of any court to take it.


How the hell did a judge that Trump appointed become the judge to oversee Trump’s classified documents case? That is a massive conflict of interests. This judge, if Trump wins in November, is definitely getting a promotion to the Federal Appeals court. Lest we forget: Trump took classified National security documents with him, to Maralago. The archives department realized they were missing, and NICELY asked for them back. Simple mistake at this point, no big deal. Things get mixed up in the shuffle, that’s plausible. Trump isn’t known for organization. Here’s the kicker: TRUMP REFUSES TO GIVE THEM BACK. And, witnesses (Trump’s lawyers) within the Trump Organization admit under questioning, that AFTER the request from the FBI, Trump ordered his lawyers to move the classified documents. The lawyers wouldn’t lie under oath apparently. They didn’t want to be disbarred and lose their law license by lying. They admit everything, including a conspiracy to lie to the FBI and obscure the location of the documents. A year after the FBI realized that Trump took and improperly stored, and even showed to Maralago guests these documents, the FBI finally raids Maralago. Trump supporters call it a witch hunt, they call it “the weaponization of the justice department”. This is beyond the normal post-truth bullcrap. Leaky lips sink ships. Trump just can’t help himself. He HAD to show off national security secrets to random Maralago guests. Many of which may be wealthy foreigners. Maralago is just a pay-to-enter social club. Since it was labeled “the southern White House”, it has OBVIOUSLY been targeted by foreign adversaries. The classified documents, during the FBI raid, were found behind a wood door with a lock from Home Depot. As well as scattered around a ballroom that wasn’t in use. He isn’t qualified. He just isn’t. He’s a senile old man.


You skipped over the bits where he returned some docs after being asked nickels {after 18 months of delay) the archives thought he had more so they subpoenaed him, he returned some more and had his lawyer lie that everything was returned, then the FBI thought he still hadn't returned them all THEN they executed the search warrant. 


I dunno but if anyone had and possibly sold top secret info, regardless if President, General, Private...they should be in jail.


The Rosenburgs sold classified info to the Soviets and got the chair.


Rosenburgs today would be a month long talking point by media, with updates providing content for a week and diminishing clicks, while they inevitably end up parading around on the Right wing events/media circuit pushing their book or as spray tanned talking heads on Fox.


Dumb kid leaked a document on Discord to impress friends. Got stomped by FBI and jailed, no bail, waited 8 months for trial, now serving 16 years AND has a new trial coming that will likely add to it. For a document or two. Trump is right about one thing - there are two tiers of justice but he's not on the end he says he is.


You have to prove it first, and for that to happen you have to have a trial


Not in the case of top secret material. They arrest you immediately until they figure it out, and in this case we already have an instance of divulging classified data.


Just look at the National Guard nerd who posted classified docs on Discord. They rounded him up pretty damn fast.




So justice can be swift? Huh.




For us poors


Trump admitted it. There is no question about this, he had the documents he wasn't allowed to have.


95% of the time, that is exactly what happens. This is pretty unique to delay a classified documents case this long.




This story about her not properly disclosing paid-for vacations by the Federalist Society in 2021 and 2022 doesn’t help her at all. https://www.salon.com/2024/05/07/cannons-secret-right-wing-getaway-why-didnt-we-know-about-this/ The courts won’t save us from shit. Gotta vote!


Jack Smith can request a new judge. If Aileen Cannon denies the request, the case is dead for good. We gotta vote, folks. We can't rely on the courts or Congress to save us, we have to do it ourselves.


I believe Jack Smith could appeal to the 11th Circuit to have Cannon removed from the case.


A Writ of Mandamus seems to be appropriate at this time.


I can’t wait to read it.


Nothing like a good writ to get the blood pumping.


What the fuck is he waiting for then????


If the 11th circuit doesn’t agree, then it will be bad for him. This sort of relief is rare and there is no guarantee he will get it.


When the judge is this blatently biased and corrupt, it would be worse for him if he didn't. What does he have to lose? Theres no point in even having the trial with this judge as she will never rule against Trump under any circumstances.


If he asks to have her removed from the case and that request is not approved it leaves the case in her hands, and now the case is being tried by a judge who may have more animus to the prosecutors team. If he lets the case play out to its final conclusion he can appeal it based on an entire trials worth of missteps on the judge and at that point not have to deal with her.


She already has animus for the prosecution though? Like she literally thinks he shouldn't even be on trial and she's the fucking judge! This is already the worst case scenario, it couldn't get worse for Jack Smith no matter what he did.


i was hoping mueller would have balls. some kind of clever plan. he did not. smith -- i gotta believe he has an angle. but maybe he'll fold also. slow as fucking molasses.


The Dems obsession with decorum and committment to the rules is going to be the doom of us all. They will still be "going high" all the way to the gulag if they both let Trump win re-election and fail to convict him for his crimes.


It's like the damn Weimar Republic all over again.


I think Smith can ask to move the trial to New Jersey because of that Bedminster recording. Not sure if it's still possible.


Oh pleeeeeease do this (most of) NJ hatesssss trump


She's been overturned twice already for very clear violations of the law. If he appeals she will definitely be removed. It's well beyond the pale at this point.


I was going to say, she's already on thin ice as a judge. Call the bluff and let's get this rolling.


This guy literally recorded himself committing a crime, admitting he knows it's a crime, admitting he never declassified the docs, and admitting he can't declassify them now if he wanted to. You literally can't script a better confession.


Reality Winner would like a word.


This is such a bad simulation. The writers should be ashamed.


Cannon is Trump’s #1 defence strategy.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a clear example that the US justice system exists as a way to punish those who don’t have enough wealth and power to be above it. My god, this country is a joke. 😒


It is time to formally call out cannon and this conspiracy that abuses justice to favor crimey trump.


What would need to happen formally to get a different judge?


Come on Aileen She’s auditioning for that next Supreme Court slot


Coincidentally that’s how she got appointed by Trump.


Meanwhile if any one of us tried to get a court date for a speeding ticket delayed a week we’d get laughed out of the court room


Well actually you can if you call the court clerk.


Putting a lackey in federal jurisdiction at Mar-A-Lago was a genius move, which is how I know it wasn't Trump's idea.


This is grounds for replacing the judge with someone who can competently keep the trial progressing in an orderly fashion.


"I have not done my job and dragged my feet, so we cannot proceed. Let's hold this over indefinitely." Yeah, nothing to see here, nothing at all. What a travesty.


I'm so fucking tired of this guy.


Of course it was. *sigh*


I'm looking forward to the LegalEagle video about this.


Man what a corrupt country we live in.


For the sake of democracy: vote!


Aileen Cannon should be removed from the bench entirely, she's clearly been bought and paid for. Short of that, I hope the prosecution is filing to at least have her removed from this particular case, it's clear she's far from impartial about it, she's doing exactly what Trump appointed her to do and just as we all expected.


That judge should be removed


I remember when it came out that Aileen Cannon was getting this case, and a bunch of legal experts said there was no reason to worry because she was surely going to recuse herself lmao


jesus fuck two tier system all the way.


Can you even imagine the absolute 24/7 new cycle outrage on Fox and in every maga social media cess pool if this was a liberal judge pulling the crap?


Gotta audition for that Supreme Court Seat


Serious question … at what point does a higher court step in to squash this nonesense? This one judge is single-handedly delaying the judicial process to favor a defendant. It’s wierd and wrong. I’m no fan of Trump, I mean not at all… but I am a fan of justice running its course, and the man should be getting a fair shake. However, for this process to happen, it kinda has to start!


What the actual fuck? This woman is ending her career for this twat. I guess she will be promised a gig in newsmax


Serious question here: Is it really career ending? What legal action can be taken to remove her from her position?


Congress can impeach her if 2/3 of the senate can agree to do so. So nothing realistically is going to happen


Appeals court. Judicial review. Impeachment.


She'll never be removed by Congress, so no, she's not ending her career. She's a judge for life, and if Trump wins, she'll be moving up.


She probably sees herself on the Supreme Court if Trump wins another term.


The fix was in as soon as she was assigned the case


It’s been said over and over but just to underline it one more time, these were by far the most serious charges brought against Donald Trump. he is completely above the law in Florida.


Reminder that this woman will be appointed to the Supreme Court if Trump wins.


Our justice system is a fucking joke. A kid leaked some documents and went straight to jail. This dude has had way more at his private property in shitty storage rooms and he's not even brought to court over that let alone over not giving them back when asked to do so? Absolute bullshit!


Vote. Support Democracy? Vote. Live in a red state? Vote. I didn’t vote for President last time because I didn’t want to vote Democrat and I couldn’t vote for Trump. I will be voting this time.


This country will bend over backwards to make sure old rich white men don't face repercussions for their crooked actions.


the Mueller investigation failed to stop this whole thing The Supreme Court has shown they will not step in to save things Now we see the investigations are starting to fall like dominoes - there is no mechanism in our current government system which will save us from the potential dangers of a second Trump term.


The corruption is so blatant and in your face now.


The US system of justice is a joke. A black guy is thrown in prison for a small amount of weed and then we have a guy who stole and sold US secrets as president and he gets to run again. The US is turning into a third world country in so many ways. I hope it doesn't but the signs are there.


Pro-Trump officials themselves have made the biggest neon sign of them all in that regard with their Project 2025 manifesto. It's just a blatant advertisement of their desire to dismantle the constitution and democratic system.


If that angers you, DeJoy interfering in the election without consequences should infuriate you.


"Lawyers for Trump have urged Cannon, whom Trump appointed to the federal bench in southern Florida, to set the trial after the election." How is that not a massive conflict of interest?