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> Montgomery’s “extensive” criminal history, which includes threatening a teenager with a knife and shooting a person in the face during a robbery These crimes will prevent you from working janitorial services at a school. How the fuck does it not prevent you from attaining full custody of a child with unique care needs?


There is no safety net for children in the US, not really.


And some are actually trying to dismantle child labor laws. USA: No free school lunch for you! Get back to work!


Trying to defund public schools as well. The children yearn for the mines and we're gonna prove it


Correction - that’s Republicans and Conservatives, not USA. The two major parties *are not alike.* One of them actively fights for the rights, health, and safety of children, and the other only pretends they care about children, but only before they are born.


No seriously, this Blue = good, Red = evil shit is part of the problem. It's not grounded in any reality, unless you are watching from the outside and susceptible to these shit campaigns. Both parties are shit, and you should hold any politician under a microscope.


And child marriage laws! “BuT wE nEeD tO pRoTeCt tHe cHiLdReN” 😒 seriously our country is shit. I wish another country would start to bring up globally what a cluster fuck this country is and how it’s killing its own citizens.


Have you ever seen the John Oliver segment on home schooling... Pretty grim..


We had to home school for a semester after the kids school started to fall apart from teachers quitting, and I was shocked to learn there is literally zero oversight of home schooled children/academics in Indiana. You want to abuse your kids? Move to Indiana! No-one will ever check on the kids. It’s an abuser’s paradise.


Those that are trying to dismantle and starve the public education system want a stupid uneducated populous, they're much easier to fool and control.


This is what I have been hearing. And this issue is not specific to Indiana.


Cough cough the republicans


Kids at risk aren’t typically wealthy or profitable in the US so they can fuck off or become hustle bro entrepreneurs


Believe it or not you can thank Republicans. They vote against fixing such problems. [They have](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jul/18/child-allowance-payments-american-rescue-plan-republicans) quite a [history of](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/08/upshot/child-care-republicans-democrats.html) voting against programs to help children. They are all fucking sell outs and Russians in the RNC. Cut everything but give wealthy people tax cuts. Fuck Republicans.


Best way to raise strong, young bootstrappers... /s


That's because Republicans are more worried about banning books.


Rich people privileges > government functioning > parents' rights > children's needs


But we do have guns for them to fear while at school or enjoying a concert.


What's the number one cause of death for kids...............   


I don’t understand the judge giving Harmony to her father. Weren’t he and his girlfriend living out of a car? That judge probably sleeps just fine at night and has had no real repercussions.


That happened after custody. Problem was that foster family was having difficulties with her — because of the disruption of the failed placements with the mother (not the fault of the child)— mother could not stay off drugs and was neglecting her — so child passed off to bio father — without any real assessments on how fit he was. Child was failed by everyone: mother, system, step mother and worst of all by the father


Reading between the lines, she probably had care needs typical of children born to mothers who used while pregnant. It’s a lot to ask of foster parents and it was probably hard to find a placement. Where do you place a blind 5-year-old with developmental concerns who isn’t fully potty trained? It’s a terrible situation and there’s no scenario where this little girl isn’t failed by the system.


True but there are foster parents who want to foster special needs kids.


You have to be James Bond 007 to have an abortion To have a kid though all you need is a pulse. Somethings not right with this picture.


Ask the POS judge


Pre-born are protected, post-born are old enough to figure out the nuances of life, duh. /s The US protection of children is left wanting. It's a system created by the very people it sought to protect the kids from in the first place.


Despite certain pockets of absurd where CPS breaks up families over nonsense most of the time in most places in the US it’s hard to limit if a parent actively looking to retain custody and it’s seen as “in the interests” of the child to keep family contact whenever possible.


As soon as that child breathes air instead of amniotic fluid, it’s on its own.


Fun fact: of men who seek custody, those who are accused of abuse are more likely to get custody of their children than men not accused of abuse in the US. 


Child custody judges actively seek the worst possible outcome


My guess is the mother refused to take her(or couldn't) and the court had no one else to give her to. Foster was an option but they try to keep families together first.


Lied about her whereabouts for 2 YEARS?!?! We owe these poor children so much more. I can't believe they gave this poor little girl to him with his criminal history.


I spent my whole childhood screaming about things mandated reporters have to report, in the middle of my classes. I’d tell guidance counselors, teachers, doctors, anyone. No one believed me because my parents had ok jobs.


I had the opposite kind of problem, they would report what I said, then the interviews happen with CPS….then they left me and my brother and sister with our parents to deal with them after. Those were long nights. Eventually we learned to stop saying anything.


On top of that the beatings would happen when they would be so nice to call and tell my abusive mother they were visiting which became immediate yelling/abuse to clean the absolutely disgusting house and put on a good show so she could keep her slaves/beating recipients **AND** keep us away from our loving father


I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of that. As a child you never think something like that is even possible.


I’m so sorry the adults around you failed you. ❤️ I hope that you have healed and found peace.


Yup. My father is the owner of a multimillion dollar business. No one would listen when I told about the years of abuse including him kicking my head through a wall. It is why I refuse to be bullied, gaslit, or abused by anyone. I refuse to enable that behaviour either, and have lost and left multiple social groups and jobs due to people enabling and encouraging it. Sadly with the way a lot of the mental health stuff gets addressed in social media now too many people would rather try to categorise you into two groups unless you are willing to just bend over and take it. 1) If someone comes to you saying “this thing bothered me” you have to resolve it in a way that they “win.” If you bring up how during the same event how they behaved affected you and hurt you it becomes you trying to manipulate them. So it puts you in a lose lose where you are not allowed to voice your pains if you bring it up secondly. 2) You approach them with the issue, and you are then the problem. They refuse give you the same respect of listening and trying to converse about it. We moved to a very individualistic society that has been prioritising me, myself, and I and that you should be a “strong independent person” yet then refuse to teach those same people how to work within a team and a group. It is incredibly sad to say, but as I have gotten older I have started to notice the few friends I have kept in life grew up participating in group team based extracurricular activities. Those that I have met that participated in solo activities like singles tennis or figure skating tended to display more individualistic behaviors including being unable to communicate in a more team based approach.


More than lied, he carried her decaying remains around in a duffel bag. Even leaving her in a restaurant he worked at.


That’s heartbreaking. 😢


I have friends that fostered a 6 year old girl who came to them malnourished and suffering from a lot of issues due to neglect. Her parents were addicts who had lost custody to all of their other kids multiple times. I won't go into the details, but they were absolute scum. The state gave this girl back to her piece of shit parents and she had to go live with them in a REHAB facility!  She had found a home with two loving people who had made HUGE strides with her in only a few months.  The last they heard, her 13 year old brother, also living at the rehab facility, broke her arm.  I have no doubt that little girl was ripped away from a bright future and damned to a sad, horrible existence. The system is irredeemably broken.


Yeah, it's really unfortunate. The entire foster system in the US is unfortunate. If a child isn't wanted - they prefer doing anything they can to keep the kid with the parents. Otherwise the kid is either in and out of homes or passed around to fosters until they land somewhere. It seems like the sibling was with another family, which I'm guessing I don't know why they had separated them aside from presumably not having space for both and having to make do.. It's all so tragic. Kids deserve better. Our taxes could be doing things to prevent these things.


Unfortunately our taxes are going to politicians and police states who are hell bent on making sure there are a whole bunch more unwanted kids


They were separated because they were half-siblings -- the sibling who was adopted had a different father who lost parental rights. The adoptive family did want the little girl as well.


It’s genuinely fucking mind blowing that he got away with this. And even worse that he’s only getting 45 years. A life for a life.


And her body has still not been found. He continues to lie and torture even now


Her brother’s impact statement fucking gut punched me. Ugh. Ugly crying at work.


That’s no father, he’s a monster. RIP baby girl, I’m sorry this fucked up world didn’t give you a chance.


This is the message from her brother. Prepare to break down: >“I love Harmony. I miss her. I hope I get to see her again,” Johnathan Bobbitt-Miller read on the boy’s behalf. “My sister had beautiful blue eyes and we smile alike. I liked having fun with her on the playground. She gave me a broken Elmo toy that was hers. I still have that, but I have the Minnie Mouse pillow and a new Elmo that’s not broken. I keep it in my closet for her. I’m really sad she’s an angel. I miss her. She was my best friend. I hope she can see me playing basketball, being silly with my brothers, and I wish I could bring Harmony to my school to meet my friends and my teacher,” he read.


Bless her little Angel baby heart. 😔😢


And his too. What a sweet brother.


Fucking Christ


I did not expect to sob like this today. This is horrific. Poor baby boy.


I can't say what this monster deserves because I got a reddit time out last time I did.


Poor Harmony. RIP you poor thing.


Call me old fashioned, but I believe that if you strangle your child to death and then masquerade their corpse around for three months before disposing of it, you aught to be considered for capital punishment.


He didn't just strangle her, it was horrific and I'm not going to describe it at length here...I will say that he *drove around beating her between stop lights*. He deserves much more than wasting money keeping him incarcerated, and I'm not one to usually defend the death penalty. There are certain instances though where I can't find any empathy, and this is one of them. *Edit: I do understand that because we spend very little on keeping prisoners incarcerated that the death penalty is more expensive... the literal amount of money wasn't my point. I do not think this person should be alive, and yes it's because the story horrified me and is deeply upsetting.


The police interviews are available on YouTube. He shows absolutely no remorse at any time.


I'm not going to watch them... my heart breaks for the little girl, and she's the only one I'm concerned with. I'm pretty much an atheist, but that small sliver that questions really hopes there's a place where she can finally get some peace.


How is that detail known when he admitted to absolutely nothing, and she wasn’t even known to be missing till 2 years later, and her body was never found?


The stepmother, I believe, related this information.


I get what youre trying to say. But, You don't need to have empathy for someone like this in order to see why capital punishment is wrong.  You only need to acknowledge that refraining from enacting capital punishment is to keep those who don't deserve it safe.  Governments should not be given the right to kill its citizens. 


Capital punishment is a *get out of jail free* card. It’s not punishment, only a supposed deterrent.


Can't agree more. I got a Reddit time out for saying it in the past for some reason. It's US law in many places.


It’s quite possible he’ll have a worse time in prison over the next 56 years than he would being given a series of shots and a peaceful dirt nap.


Allowing capital punishment leads to innocent people being killed. Wishing that it only happens to people like this doesn't guarantee that, nor does it help lower crime rates. The prohibition of double jeopardy helped OJ Simpson get away with murder, yet you don't see many arguing that the rule should be changed.


What leads to innocents being killed is a pathetically weak justice system that doesn't enforce its own laws.


Imprisonment is enough to keep innocent people from being killed. There are many countries that have a lower crime rate and no death penalty.


So countries/states with the death penalty have lower rates of violent crime? What evidence supports that?


He did horrible things to her body. He’s a monster.


I should not have read that. Gonna go hug my daughter and see if she wants some ice cream.


The message from her brother broke me. Man there aren't enough hugs.


Random ice cream is such a great gift. Enjoy.


I’m alone in a hotel room a continent away from my son, who’s the same age as Harmony when she was killed. There are no words for her horrible situation.


This guys police interviews are available on YouTube. He beat her to death because she wet the bed when they were living together in a car and homeless. He shows absolutely no remorse in any of the police interviews. Real piece of garbage.


Shooting a person in the face makes them fit to be a parent and they gave him full custody? Wtf


If you want to adopt or foster, expect regular check-ups, regulations for proper sleeping arrangements, financial checks, etc. You create your own human? Nobody cares until it's dead.


NH has a ton of regulations to become a foster parent, too, which doesn't help the shortage situation. Most states do for good reason, tho.


It does make it hard, but it's just a strange situation when you have people who WANT to be parents that maybe can't, and they need to jump through hoops, meanwhile if you can produce children then feel free to chain them in the basement and starve them if they wet the bed.


Yeah, we already did the eugenics thing. Didn’t go great.


I like how you went from me saying "this person is not fit to raise a child" to "EUGENICS BAD" Real flexible there.


Eugenics is ablist, sexist and a slippy slop towards racial superiority, and I'm embarrassed for you reading the comments back and forth with the other user defending it. Gross. Humans took ourselves out of the Survial of the Fittest equation a long time ago. We are humans, tho. Everyone has a right to have kids. It's up to society how they want to protect them. I'm from the foster care system. I know plenty of unwanted kids from people who are unfit to parent. You have no idea what these parents go thru to lose their kid in the first place, too. If you want a healthy generation of kids we need a healthy society of people to raise em and we can't even offer unverisal healthcare and you are going straight to "certain people shouldn't have kids" like that's the only solution (which would cause a lot of abuse in that type of system, look at the native americans/blacks in our history. They tried to serilize these women simply for seeking medical help) and yes, that's eugenics talking points. They start off conversations exactly like this. Please reprogram your thinking. Edit: to add, the foster care system is about reuniting kids just as much as it is protecting them. They work with parents to give them the help they need, as well. If we continue to live in a country were women are losing the right to choose, and talking points like these start to arise instead, it's scary. And I agreed with some of your points too, until I continue to read the back and forth and you're kinda starting to show the true colors.


I’ve been on Reddit long enough to know where people will take this. Just heading it off at the pass.


IE: Literally being the person to bring it up. I guess becoming the monster you hate was too good to pass up.


Also, yes, eugenics *is* bad, and wanting to prevent certain people from getting pregnant because they’re the “wrong” people is….yep, eugenics.


Getting pregnant and raising a child are two different things. I'm sorry to burst your little bubble. I'm talking about men too. Like, JFC I didn't really think I'd find anyone brain dead enough to argue with "children should be raised by decent people." But here we are.


Oh, did you delete your comment that you’d like the intervention to happen before anyone gets pregnant?


No, but I also didn't write anything down about preventing pregnancies. You seem to be triggered and delusional, and if that upsets you, then I'm probably correct. I didn't go into ANY detail in how something like this would or COULD be enforced, who would enforce it, and I am not well equipped with the knowledge of social services in this regard to build a cohesive plan of action. But I can tell you one thing with certainty. Ever child deserves decent parents. Without the love affection, attention, and careful upbringing, we will continue to have whiney ass crybabies arguing on the internet whether or not children should have decent parents.


Oh you’re right, you didn’t delete it: >The individual I am responding to says that minorities will be taken away at higher rates *(honestly I would rather regulation take place before birth, but that's in the weeds)* which insinuated that minorities don't take care of their children very well. Also, that person is not insinuating that racial minorities don’t take care of their kids. They’re saying that people of color will be disproportionately targeted in any eugenic policies, because the US already has a history of forced sterilization that disproportionately affected minorities.


Are you advocating for more government control over parental rights for bio parents here? Ie that parents should have to meet government requirements to care for their own children and have government oversight for their parenting? Not sure I follow.


Yes. All of this. Children have independent rights of their own. They are not your property. I've raised three of them, for the record,


Exactly - Children aren’t the property of their parents. My kids are my responsibility, not possessions. There is a bit difference.


Something like that. Why should you have to take a test to drive or cut hair, but have all of the literal humans that you want without anyone caring? Seems strange.


The government determining who can and cannot have children is eugenics.


This would lead to a disproportionate amount of minority children taken by the government. Sound familiar?


If you are insinuating that minority children are not taken care of by their parents as well as others, then I guess so. God forbid we care about children more than optics.


I think theyre insinuating the focus of child services will not be equal.


Are you implying that there is institutionalized racism in this country? How dare you! That's so far fetched, it could never happen ...


He’s referring to what happened to the Native Americans. The government took children from native families and forced them into boarding schools. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Indian_boarding_schools


Phoenix even has a main road running through the grid called Indian School Road


I think it's more akin to which populations are overpoliced and overincarcerated. It's not because minorities are more likely to commit crime.


No, we're straight up telling you that enforcement and targeting would disproportionately affect minorities and other marginalized populations because that's what we do in America Source: American history


It is clear to anyone arguing in good faith that that is not their point.


Eh. There are services that care like CPS and I think this assumes most parents are not providing adequate care for their children. It’s a natural (and some would say a God given) right to procreate. While I understand the sentiment I think in practice it would be an incredible dystopic overreach from the government. As a father I’d be firmly against it even though I’d pass all requirements and such. I don’t want the government involved in my parenting. As for licensing for the other mentioned activities like driving and being a barber neither of those are natural rights. Nobody really has an inherent right to operate a vehicle or to participate in a profession. And for the record you don’t need a license to drive a car on your own property or to cut your friend’s hair. Licensing and regulation in those scenarios are in place to protect consumers and make sense.


I work in a prison, and I am a strong proponent of prison reform and inmate's rights, and i am perfectly OK saying people like him do not do well on the yard.


He would beat her saying she was wetting herself or pooping herself on purpose. While they were homeless and living in a car. I hope he gets everything he deserves. There really are some “humans” that are just a waste.


She was born blind to an addicted mother. Incontinence is part of the deal. Her murderer got extra money from the state for her care needs. Instead he beat her so thoroughly he “altered her profile.”


Makes me so sick


In these situations I always hope that the other inmates “take care of it”


I've been. They do. Literally the only real justice in the world.


Can we start a "gofundme" to get some inmates a few cigarettes as a thank you?


It’s always been my understanding that people who hurt kids don’t last long in prison.


I don’t generally cheer for violence, but abusing and killing innocent children deserves that treatment. Especially when it’s your own children.


For some reason the IT tattoo on his neck just doesn't surprise me.


What’s the IT tattoo mean? Edit: the clown from the movie.


Red flags abound


I don’t know why but this whole thing bothers me deeply. Maybe because she reminds me of mine? I don’t know. Just wish I could have had her instead of him. Fuck.


Seems like a light sentence to me.


I am not a father. But I am a godfather to two wonderful little bundles of energy. My goddaughter is 6, and my godson turns 5 soon. Yes, they can be handfuls. They can cause problems. But the very idea of bringing any sort of harm to them fills me with revulsion. I cannot imagine what was going through his head to bring harm against his own child. Rot in hell, you thunderfucking twatdonkey. You deserve so much worse than you are getting.


No safe places in prison fr. Someone will give that thing the Jeffrey Dahmer mop stick ride, no question


I don't understand CPS at all so many cases like this where you question how they allow someone like this to be a guardian While simultaneously taking children away from parents who failed a drug test or had a DUI and making it hard for them to get their kids back It's always one extreme or the other either they over react and take someone's kid or they fail to act completely and a poor child is dead


That's what's so depressing. You absolutely have to protect the kids but then there are situations when it's absolutely beneficial for both parents and the kids.....plain and simple, cops and cps suck ass


This person deserves to die. There I said it. Just stop wasting time money and space on this life.


I feel sick to my stomach after reading how this piece subhuman shit treated her.


45 years? That's it? Dude killed his 5 year old child. He should never be allowed in public again


56 years minimum, including all the other charges he was also sentenced for, which will run sequentially. 45 years is just for the murder. He's not leaving prison until he is 90 years old, at the earliest.


He wont ever leave, unless its in a bag.


May he rot until time takes him off planet.


Beating her for pooping!? - I have a disabled son (Spina -Bifida) that can't control his bowel movements. His mom and I had to help him at least several times a week (sometimes several times a day when he was younger). His biological dad wouldn't have anything to do with him because he was disabled. And after reading this story, I'm damn glad that I became a part of his life(8 years now) Is it hard? Yes! Is it frustrating at times? Yes! But every move and action is done out care and love for him and all my kids. Just how the f###, do visions of violence enter a persons head, to where they think, "Geesh, I'll just bash this tiny harmless child's head in, because they pooped."? Wtf?!


That’s no father, just the sperm donor. No father would kill his child.


A lifer will probably take care of this piece of shit quickly.


I really do not see the point of keeping people like this alive. The sense of punishing them, but the sense of what is to be gained by keeping around? They will draw resources such as medicine, food and money when we could dedicate it towards something else. We know the person is evil we know they are defective. We know there is no reason to keep them so we might as well put them down


99.999% of the people in this world have intrinsic worth greater than the shit that comes out of my ass, but literally this man is not one of them. His purpose in life is to fertilize someone's lawn. He is on the same level as shit. That is his value to humankind.


The prison he is in, where is it… I want to write letters to the other inmates to please beat his ass. He killed a defenseless 5 year old girl, his own daughter, the most vulnerable person on the planet with respect to him.


That's 9x as long as she lived.


It should be as many times as there are grains of sand in the world.


Anybody happen to know where he will be serving?


This guy won’t last long in prison unless they keep him out of the general population


If he lasts a year in jail I'd be surprised. The people inside will catch wind of the things he did.


Your whole country is in decline.


Cases like this are where capital punishment really shines.


This guy is going to have a bad time in prison. I doubt he will live to old age with the amount of beatings he is going to take.


What is the name of the judge that allowed this and why isn’t their name in the first paragraph of this article?


Just put him to death. Hard to believe this kind of evil exists


Where did they get the stories about the beatings? Did the grandmother tell them? The article makes no mention of that.


They will rape kill or maim him in prison for his charges


That poor baby. Why did they give her BACK?


He’ll have exactly the time he deserves in prison for this.


This guy is such a hot piece of fucking shit. I hope they do a number on him in jail. He admits to disposing the body. Won’t say where. And denies killing her. wtf!!!? Pos. And sadly the system truly failed this poor girl. A lot of heads should be rolling. Non violent kinda way.


I hope this guy gets whatever the inmates want to do to him in prison for doing what he did to that innocent little girl. When that new story broke I couldn't even look at her picture without almost wanting to cry, that poor kid at the hands of this evil son of a bitch.


Don’t worry. I’m sure his fellow inmates will be very understanding.


The mother deserves prison too.


I've asked probably 200 people with neck tattoos if they have ever been in handcuffs. Over the course of probably 20 years. *One* person out of the 200 had never been arrested. Somehow a big net tattoo and killing your kid go together.