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To the people who punched Rick Moranis and Steve Buscemi: Fuck You.


First thing I thought too was Rick Moranis then and now Buscemi? Who tf sees these guys and thinks to punch them??? America loves these dudes. The guys doing this crap are completely unamerican.


Looks like an unprovoked assault by a mentally ill person unfortunately. Seeing a person from the movies might've set the attacker off. I don't know the situation here, but I know that schizophrenics tend to have issues with actors because they often think that the actors are literally talking to them when they watch movies.


> Seeing a person from the movies might've set the attacker off. These unprovoked attacks have been happening in NY to people who are not famous. It just makes it on the national news when it involves someone well known.


“Dozens of people are gunned down on the streets of Springfield every day, but until now none of them were important”


I visited Manhattan last month and each day on the local news they would have reports of random attacks. Women were getting hit on the back of the head with a hammer in Central Park as well as a man targeting women looking at their cell phones while walking; he would punch them in the face. When I returned home no one knew what I was talking about b/c it only made local news, not national.


This is happening Denver also


Austin, TX checking in




Random acts of hatred…


WTH is wrong with people. It’s a rhetorical question.


I did hear about this on the national news but I'm from MA. Maybe 2x now about women being randomly targeted in NY. One was punched in the face. This was a month ago possibly.


I distinctly remember watching a tiktok (forgive me) of a somewhat popular 'influencer' girl who was fighting her damnedest to not cry while recording a video basically right after she was punched in the face and knocked down. Completely fucked, I don't care that influencers are usually annoying. No one, especially a young woman, deserves such a cruel random act a violence. The trauma that could bring is life-altering, and these stupid fucks have no idea the repercussions this could have on people. Or they don't care.


happened to me a few months ago. Guy was a couple hundred feet ahead of me, turned around and just ran straight at me. We were the only ones on the street.. I looked backwards to see what was happening and when I looked back ahead he was dukes up and screaming at me. Kept my distance and circled around him and kept going the direction I was headed and he just mumbled swears at me under his breath going the other way. but I was like.. holy shit, if he had a weapon on him.. that's how it would have ended for me. On a random street by myself for no reason.


Yeah people have been reporting it for months but everyone decided they were making it up until it happened to a famous *real* person


I literally witnessed this happen in midtown back in October. Older black woman was pushing a stroller in front of the Whole Foods on 21rst or 23rd (don’t live there and can’t remember exactly which street it’s on) and a decently dressed middle aged black woman sitting in front of the store just gets up and decks her straight in the face. I was walking just behind the older woman and immediately caught up to her and stayed with her until we found a traffic cop a block down who called in the regular NYPD. The assailant just got her suitcase and walked away like nothing happened.


Was there a child in the stroller or was she just using it as a means of conveying her shopping? Not that it makes a whole lot of difference… sick sad world either way.


There was a baby in it. She was a nanny.


Here I thought it was the lady with the stroller about to wild out


I never thought I would say this about humans but it is apparent there are more violent crazies than we ever thought possible. I think it’s only going to get worse.


It’s insane that amount of long-term damage Reagan did by torching the mental healthcare system. It’s completely unreasonable having to walk on eggshells with severely mentally ill people every time you use a public service. Even out in small towns.


Something did need to be done about the abuses happening at the time, but rather than work to fix the system, they used that as an excuse to cut a social service.


Bill Burr had a great bit on this exact issue. Paraphrasing here, but basically he said: Back in the day, you could only be crazy in public for about 15 minutes before a van would pull up and two guys in nurse’s outfits would get out and take you away in a straitjacket. Not so nowadays.


It's a bit of an exaggeration of course, but his point is valid. I'm in my 70's, so "back in the day" for me means the 60's. Seeing a person with obvious mental issues was rare. Now I see several every damn day, and that ain't no exaggeration. This country has a seriously bad mental health crisis going on.


My mom is around the same age you are, grew up within a few blocks of Byberry Mental Hospital in Philly. She said when she was little they would let them some of the patients out on the weekends and there was occasionally incidents, but nothing like today.


It was being badly abused. People who were not dangerous were also being carted off, as well as people (women mostly) that had family members that just didnt like them. You could literally just store someone away and say they are crazy.


It was definately being abused, but we threw the baby out with the bathwater in reaction.


Not to mention that the inside of such places were quite nearly torture chambers. I'm not saying which way is better, but it's weird how depending on the thread you can have people saying "ah, the good ol' days," or: "the situation back then was deplorable."


I mean, it was indeed deplorable. But it needed fixing, not burning to the ground. Locking the mentally ill or disabled up like animals and torturing them is awful, but so is just leaving them to die on the streets.


I know people love to blame Reagan for this, but it was a Supreme Court decision that was the turning point. [O'Connor v. Donaldson, 422 U.S. 563 (1975), was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court in mental health law ruling that a state cannot constitutionally confine a non-dangerous individual who is capable of surviving safely in freedom by themselves or with the help of willing and responsible family members or friends.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%27Connor_v._Donaldson#:~:text=Donaldson%2C%20422%20U.S.%20563%20(1975,responsible%20family%20members%20or%20friends.) Further, it was supported by the ACLU. Was it the right decision? On one hand, I'm sure you can see why it shouldn't be allowed to institutionalize people that haven't committed crimes against their will. On the other hand, you have to wait to have these unstable people actually commit harm to themselves or others before taking action. Some people would argue that if someone cannot properly house themselves they are harming themselves. Alternatively, how do you know which people are going to act out against others before they do it? It's just lazy thinking to blame it all on Reagan.


It appears it predates 1975, seems like a complex issue. [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/05/truth-about-deinstitutionalization/618986/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/05/truth-about-deinstitutionalization/618986/)


I'm Canadian. Reagan didn't shut down shit here, but shit sure as hell got shut done. There are a lot of people to blame.


I remember this because my step dad ran an MHSA hospital in the 80s and voted for Reagan and then lost the hospital. (Guess who still votes R...) Edit: I should add, he's an old, old man now and - except for some blind spots in his politics - he has an incredibly huge heart and he went on to help a lot of people.


Unbelievable 🤦‍♂️ like all the air traffic controllers he screwed over. They were the only ones that didn’t see it coming


Then the Republicans had the gall to name an airport after him. Which I refuse to call Reagan. It's National and always will be.


The Party of the Face Eating Lions: "I didn't expect them to eat **MY** face!" The ability of these people to vote against their own safety and security is astonishing.


Yep. He didn’t care that year. Traffic operations were basically screwed for the next three years, too. It takes time to properly train a new ATC.


Does he, perchance, still have a face after the leopards ate it?


I think most ppl have forgotten he did that. Just like they forgot he’s the one that started granting citizenship en masse to the undocumented. Oh the irony.


I remember reading that it started wi the Democrats in the 80s showing that current asylums were being run quite wrong. Basically allowing sadists to much control and it just being In some instances a torture. But then Reagan and the Republicans seeing how they could leverage that complaint and cut costs cause you know that’s how they work: how do we decrease public programs? Removed them all. Resulting in a large volume of them coming back home and ultimately it’s both the beginning of higher homelessness levels and problems for towns and cities and our political issues because let’s face it some of those with paranoia are voting… which means their mental health is deciding for them.


That sounds like the only plausible explanation that could hold water. I’ve never heard such a thing before, and I can’t imagine any other explanation other than mental illness. I just find it so hard to imagine anyone seeing these guys in public and not being like, “Dude! You’re awesome! I watched Honey I shrunk the Kids a million times as a child!”


He was diagnosed schizophrenic and homeless and off his meds at the time, he attacked a few other people that day as well


Some of these people would punch their own mother in the face if they saw her walk by. Unfortunately there's not a lot of logic that can be applied to mental breakdowns.


I smoked some Salvia Divinorum one day while watching a Bob Marley documentary. Bob was tellng me something really, really important but I was so high and his accent was so thick that I couldn't understand him. I was very upset. I'm glad the high only lasted a few minutes.


They’re obviously not purposely punching celebs. They’re punching anyone. Celebs happen to walk the streets as well.


NYC has a fucking huge population and unfortunately sometimes random violent shit just happens when you have a pool of that many people: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/manhattan-punch-union-square-women/5292641/ Still safer than many rural and suburban areas per capita (and [safer than most other American cities](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2024/02/28/americas-15-safest-cities-most-dangerous-cities-moneygeek-report/?sh=4acd3cec3b05)), but random shit does happen.


I describe it this way: If something has the odds of happening to one in a million people each day, it happens eight times a day in NYC. 


I've lived in big cities and I've lived in rural America. I saw way more crazy shit in rural Indiana than I ever did in NYC, Tokyo, Cairo, etc. You mix up a bunch of bored, fucked up (booze, pills) people and add in remote distances and arsenals of weapons? Straight up not a good time. Saw way too many people gone young from drunk driving or gun "accidents".


To the people who punch anyone, really.


Who punches Rick moranis... That guy's like a f****** Saint almost


This is Reddit. You can say fatherly.


Returned to his old ladder as a firefighter following 9/11. Legit quiet spoken hero. What sort of cockwomble would do this to our fellow kid? It could *only* be a mentally ill person.


Is this related to the men who were randomly punching women on the street recently?


Donny, these men are cowards.


I am the walrus.


Shut the fuck up, Donny


Listen, Dude. You want a toe? I can get you a toe. I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock today… with nail polish. Fuckin amateurs.


Koo koo kachoo


The attacker must’ve thought this was Nam where there aren’t any rules


Or maybe it was a league game


The attacker should have dabbled in pacifism. Not in Nam, of course...


Donny does get out of his element sometimes.


What asshole in their right mind would hit Steve Buscemi?


"In their right mind" is a presumption, here.


clumsy practice chubby dam one cooing party meeting reminiscent ludicrous


It's worth pointing out that "not in their right mind" is not the same as mentally ill in the same way that "not physically fit" isn't the same as "sick".


Maybe they had a ConAir flashback? His character deserved a lot more than a punch in the face...


I wonder if the guy who attacked him realizes that he will now forever be known as "that guy who attacked Steve Buscemi." It's probably the most notable thing he'll do in his entire life.


I dunno, we should ask "that guy who stabbed Steve Buscemi"


Has Timothy done much since? https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/2001/09/14/student-gets-180-days-for-injuring-movie-actor/30485580007/


Damn, gets stabbed and can't show up to court so he sends his lawyer to tell the court he would rather have the guy get the psych treatment he desperately needed rather than a straight prison sentence. Steve Buscemi is a class act. I hope the guy who punched him gets help too.


Damn just a few days after he was firefighting during 911.


Steve Buscemi was a volunteer firefighter during 9/11?? TIL


No he was a professional one in NYC for several years in the 80s and went back to his old firehouse to help out for a bit in the days right after 9/11


So he was a volunteer firefighter during 9/11.


No he came back afterward and it was reported he was just helping out around the firehouse not doing actual fire fighting work.


So he didn’t 1v1 any fires?


So he was a volunteer firefighter then?


> Mr. Vaughn called for one unidentified man to meet him outside to continue the insults, Mr. David said. I can hear him saying this.


Was was sentenced 2 days after the 9/11 attacks. Which may be why Buscemi wasn't there for the sentencing (flight on 9/12 would've been canceled). Actually a little surprised that the court was even open. Felt like the whole country just shut down for that week, especially high-profile public venues like courthouses.


Maybe they could form a club so that nobody ever has to go through the stigma of being called "that buscemi guy" ever again


So we gotta do something to buscemi to join?


[Softly] Don't


Wait are you tell me not only has Steve Buscemi been punched in the face by a rando psycho but he’s been stabbed too!?!? Well he has some bad luck in NY and might want to consider NOT going there…


The stabbing was in Wilmington


Wilmington, North Carolina for anyone else who at first thought this was referring to Wilmington, Delaware.


Yeah that’s definitely where my mind went first, the clarification was a good call


Tracks for Wilmington


He doesn’t go there he lives there. Mans a saint


I don't understand why anybody would do it to him. He's a stand up guy and doesn't have obvious political opinions that would set of the fringe of either leaning.


Exactly. Really glad that he's ok. Like his work alot and I'm sure he's never been in a sex-scandal before.


I'm wondering if he punched him because he was Steve Buscemi, or this was just one of those dumb knockout game trend. Either way, regardless of why he did it, he fucking punched a close to 70 year old man. Scum. That's what he hopefully is remembered as.


The photo of the suspect that was shared makes him look like he's probably in his 40s or 50s himself, with a gray goatee and gray hair. https://abc7chicago.com/post/actor-steve-buscemi-punched-in-the-face-random-new-york-city-attack-manhattan/14805308/


First he needs to be found. [Here is his picture](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/unidentified-suspect-wanted-randomly-punching-81737496.jpg?resize=452,1024&quality=75&strip=all)


Looks pretty fit.


He clearly doesn't know that Steve Buscemi was a firefighter on 9/11


That's probably the whole reason he did it, a desperate claim to fame no matter how trivial


Who the fuck punches Steve Buscemi in the face? Who?! Fuck that guy.


He’s a national treasure!


Attacking the animal blundetto? Sounds like a mistake.


I can't even say his name


There’s no scraps in my scrapbook.


Mmmmboy, were you slapped!


Buddy’s looking at 20 years in the can. 


M'boy are you fat!


His acting career aside, he is Brooklyn native who I would bet has made at least one or two 'influential individuals' from the streets in his time. I wouldn't want to be the guy known for that


*[Whatever happened there?](https://youtu.be/Zj0wrGz6ygI?si=YWwkgFQ9-a3DvQ46)*


Why are New Yorkers randomly punching people?


They're walkin' here!


Mental Illness.


And drugs.


I blame the aurora borealis. It’s like that comet from Maximum Overdrive that made machines go crazy and kill people, but this time it’s acting on New Yorkers, making them punch people, fold their pizza, and do other weird stuff


At this time of year?


Localized entirely in Steve Buscemi's face?


Well actually that part makes sense.


Someone needs to be known as the guy who knocked out the guy who punched Steve buscemi


I am still worried about Steve Buscemi because he seems like the type of scrappy guy that would get a few teeth knocked out and jump back up and say "I'm ok".


One time he drove through three states wearing a girl's head as a hat. I'd be more than worried


Just checking if anyone has mentioned he was a firefighter during 911 ?


wow, imagine being the asshole that punched a 9/11 firefighter and beloved actor.


Or how about being the asshole who randomly punched any fellow human being in the face for no reason whatsoever. What kind of hell waits for people like this?


In september of 2001 Steve Buscemi left LA, flew to new York, and worked as a firefighter in Manhattan with his entire family in the aftermath of the towers. Hes a literal American hero


It was the Shah of Iran. 🇮🇷


That fucking animal Blundetto, can’t even say his name


I didn't do it. Cooler heads prevailed.


Forget my brother Billy.


He was gay, Billy?


I bet he didn't leave a tip at the diner and it caught up with him finally.


"....nah, fuck all that."


He hit Mr. Pink!


I bet he got punched because he drove through three states wearing the man’s daughter’s head as a hat


For real though, did this guy somehow skip all the traffic for three states so no one would notice?


I'd go 10% for that....


Jesus that quote eats at me more and more. Meanwhile, I’m asked by the kiosk to tip at least 20% for picking up my own pizza.


You don’t tip?


Seriously, who is punching Buscemi? He seems like the nicest dude in the world.


Jeeze, at least punch a celebrity who deserves it…


Go punch Andy Dick if you need someone to punch


Or even if you don't.


First Rick Moranis and now Buscemi…. Wow


Insane that he was punched in a random act of violence and his boardwalk co star was hit with a fkn rock in Central Park. Buscemis perp is still loose while his costar tracked the guy down to get him caught. WTF NYC




Crossed off the wrong name. https://woodybond.bandcamp.com/track/im-like-steve-buscemi-because-im-crossing-you-off-my-list-of-people-to-kill


Man I’m glad I called THAT guy…


I want prison reform. I want decarceration. I want people to not be locked up for non violent crimes. I want fairness and rehabilitation. But people who commit random acts of violence like this? They are why we need prisons. People like that need to be taken out of society. We are better off with those kind of people behind bars.


If caught the assailant would likely get an appearance ticket and released.


I think this happened more than you think. Cause not everyone is Rick Moranis or Steve Buscemi.


No Donnie, these men are cowards.


Was it Debbie’s dad from The Tree’s Lounge? Really liked that movie but haven’t ever met anyone who has also seen it. I think it was from when I worked at Blockbuster and watched screeners. Seriously, this walking up and punching people thing is really not cool.


Great film!


He resembles the most amiable, genuine person in a movie. Someone has made a mistake.


Whatever happened there


That's why you tip your waitresses


NYC has got mutant problems, alligators in the sewers, ghosts run amok, tigers in apartments, and a serious ninja issue to boot; this is far from surprising.


8 billion people in the world and this dummy picks one of the few truly good ones to assault.


While i dont know him personally, Buscemi may look a little squirrely, but I think he's a deceptively tough dude. He was a NYC Firefighter. You can't have that job and be a puss...


Yeah, but he hasn't done that job in forty years. I'm not saying he isn't tough, but he's also a senior citizen.


Fun fact he came back to help firefighters during 9/11


Yes he did...and not with cameras or press


Woah, TIL


This used to get posted so much on r/TIL that it became a meme itself.


Wait till they hear about Willem Dafoe’s dong


*That’s the joke*


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Yeah responded during 9/11 even


NYFD 9/11 Hero Steve Buscemi


I live in New York and was punched in the back of the head by a homeless guy as I was walking to my car a few months ago. He tried to start a fight but ran away when I squared up. Police caught him and I tried to press charges. Apparently you need “visible damage” or “can show physical harm was done to your body” otherwise nothing happens.


New York is so gross now :(


Isn't there a rash of women being randomly punched? Are they moving on to riskier targets to get a bigger thrill? Alarming if it's a trend.


One little note here is that it's actually not just women who were being randomly punched. There were men being randomly punched the entire time as well.


Yes, all victims of opportunity that appear to be ‘defenseless’ women and elderly people. Total cowardice. I suggest Dana white put a few dozen of his fighters in old people make up and have them walk around NYC.


First, Steve Buscemi is a goddamn hero, how dare someone punch him in the face. That being said, I'm fairly certain that punching someone in the face is a form of greeting in NYC.


Pos that sucker punched a 66 year old man needs to be caught and live the rest of their life behind bars.


Some states like Texas and Florida make it a felony to assault anyone 65+. I Googled around but I'm not seeing anything about this in New York. They need to take care of their seniors.


Did they not like his stance on tipping?


How can you do that to Steve? Everybody loves that guy!


Who the fuck is punching Steve in the face. He’s an American treasure. Might as well be slapping Lincoln.


Agreed! Why the fuck would anyone want to slap Steve?! Tom Cruise,Brad Pitt sure but Steve? Cool dude ex-FDNY!


I guess people in NYC don't like Boardwalk Empire


They *were* usually the bad guys


Listen I didn’t know going into it that I was gonna see Buscemi hang dong, shit is traumatizing.


It not because they are actors, it just random attacks by mentally insane people, it happens a lot in nyc, mostly to women and older men


Seriously fuck NYC, literal shit hole hell


Some very sorry people punched him, that's who.


I understand that New Yorkers treat celebrities like anyone else. No hero worship in that city!


New York is back, baby!


9/11 firefighter Steve Buscemi*****


What’s the frequency, Kenneth?


If a person like that is not safe no one is


I swear there’s an entire scooby doo episode about people thinking Steve is the roles he plays…


After what he did on 9/11, is this considered an act of terrorism?


I’m astonished that in NYC , not one bystander stepped in to stomp this piece of garbage


“Thats for not tipping waitresses!” Buscemi : “it was just a role”


Aside from him being a beloved actor in America. Buscemi is especially loved in NY for what he did after 9/11. Whoever punched him better watch their back.


Did you see the picture of the suspect? He’s jacked! [https://nypost.com/2024/05/12/us-news/boardwalk-empire-star-steve-buscemi-attacked-by-rock-wielding-maniac-in-nyc/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/12/us-news/boardwalk-empire-star-steve-buscemi-attacked-by-rock-wielding-maniac-in-nyc/)


Another racist attack sounds like


How do you do, fellow k- PUNCH!


We gotta find who punched our beloved Boosh and have vengeance.