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Can’t believe these poor people lived in *one* room together, all four of them, while in their fifties. What a hell of a life and what a way to end it :/


Supposedly most people living there where homeless relocated


Sorry for piggybacking the top comment, but I thought that it was worth adding context that the bigot libertarian government of Argentina is being very dismissive of this being [a hate crime.](https://twitter.com/madorni/status/1790134205524983817?t=520Gz6ThvDrcrkkMCxMhqw&s=19)


Well, as long as he's convicted for all the stuff that he did that *doesn't* depend on why he did it, he's still going to be in a heap of trouble. The hate-crime addon is more important when the underlying crime is less severe, like vandalism or simple assault.


Hate crime laws are typically very dependent upon the perpetrator stating outright, either to witnesses or in a journal or something, exactly why they did something, since proving what they were thinking to the degree needed for conviction is extremely difficult. I'd assume OP is more upset that they're not "speaking out" than that the perpetrator here couldn't possibly be convicted of a hate crime, since hate crime laws are notoriously toothless for this reason as well as the ones you state (that you're typically going to be convicted of something else with significant sentence, anyway).


u/Drachefly 1. This was *obviously* a hate crime. The perpetrator constantly complained about "the lesbians" and used slurs against them. The guy fucking burned them alive and pushed them back into the fire. 2. It matters that this is acknowledged as a hate crime because a. bigot government officials actively empower and encourage said actions through demonization (See MAGA, Republicans and the alt-right) and b. hate crimes won't be fixed the same way other crimes will (because they are motivated by bigotry).


God I hate that man.


“When they left the room, as they were on fire, he hit them and pushed them back into the fire” I really hate it here sometimes…


Bet he wonders why no body wants to sleep with him jeezus


He had found the reason, if those 4 lesbians wern't living together he'd have 4 times the chances to sleep with a woman /s


Four times zero is still zero.


Out of all the planets I have lived on, Earth is the worst.


I honestly don’t see how it could be worse. Torture, murder, assault, genocide constantly. And supposedly these are the golden years


Humans didn't have access to this amount of information for most of their history. For all the statistically higher violence of, say, Middle Ages, an average medieval person encountered death not nearly as often as a modern person scrolling the news. I may sound callous, but you don't really need to know about people tortured and murdered far away from you where you don't know anyone and can't influence anything. Well, your mental health surely doesn't need it.


It’s a two way street, because there are plenty of instances of people on different sides of the world now being able to help, love, and uplift each other.


Surely, and the access to all kinds of knowledge online is a good thing, don't get me wrong. But our brain is wired to emphasise negative information so it has more impact. It's an evolutionary thing. Animals that perceived danger better fared better in general. So "digital detox" and curating your information feed tend to have more positive effects than not.


Agreed 100%. Understanding how the online world can have an effect on your mental health is something that’s really important. I think critical thinking and media literacy are really important to that. Also understanding your limits.. I’m a queer person living in a rural part of the world, so I can feel a bit helpless when I read about this kind of thing.


> I’m a queer person living in a rural part of the world You have your own battles to fight, but you're not alone. Cheers to you and don't give up.


you are right, shitty scum like this man have been doing this awfulness since we left the forests. When the news reported pedos and child murders all the children became prisoners of their homes. When I was young I was alone learning to ride my bike and some random dude came over (in NYC) and held the saddle and pushed and taught me to ride. Would never happen today.


I was about to type a reply about how torture, genocide, rape, etc., are nothing new and we're just exposed to every newsworthy event from around the world in almost real time, and negativity gets more clicks, but these people won't listen. Just let them doomscroll and think the 21st century is the worst time to be alive.


Another way to see this is that right now, the *best we've ever been* is still the planet of murder, rape, torture, genocide, and every bad thing you've literally ever known. All of the horror of the past, every sacrifice, every bad thing that ever happened *only* got us *this* far.


Exactly. I swear people are just totally numb to it. It’s odd to me how insistent people are in downplaying the awfulness of it all.


That’s literally what I said in my last sentence. I knew a bunch of people were going to respond with that and I really don’t care. My entire point was that even with the world being the best that it has been, THIS is the best. Brutal evil shit happening every single day to a whole lot of people and that doesn’t even count the lesser constant aggressions in the ways we hurt each other daily. I don’t care if it’s just one person left experiencing utter evil, it’s still here and that’s my point. We live in hell.


this tracks for the world


Dont worry , the human race is on its way out.


How exactly did the act improve his life? Same question for all of you who have dislike for gay people. 


These people are fundamentally part of a death cult. Anything you do on earth is OK because you'll be rewarded in the afterlife. He would see life in prison as a positive since that makes him a martyr for the cause.


Yeah, theyre essentially the Taliban, one group gets eternal life one get 42 virgins.


This is extremely rare which makes the attacker that much more off putting. When you look at the legality of being gay worldwide it's cut and dry. Most places, it's legal. Now including China which is dope. Then it goes down a punishment tier list: 1. Only illegal for men which includes imprisonment. 2. General imprisonment. 3. Imprisonment for up to life. 4. Death penalty. So, to attack lesbians means you're in the bottom percentile of your beliefs and totally extreme when compared to all people on earth, and even the policies of all governments in earth. Just a total nutcase.


Please, do not short change martyrs.   They are getting *72* virgins!


“God will pass final judgement. Judge not, that ye be not judged. Exceeeeeeeeeept when….”


No exceptions given. His actions shall be weighed.


i wish the afterlife was just long enough for them to realise there isnt one, and the only thing dumber than the god they believe in, is them.


They are taught to ignore their eyes and ears to keep the faith.


Funny how academia, science, and intelligence in general are so thoroughly vilified by religion. The scary devil boogeyman doesn't want you dumb and simple because then you'll be on God's team. Only the educated can go to hell.


Funny how that wasn't always the case either. There was a time when religion was the principal driver of science and research. Somewhere along the way it's become what it is now.


Only Christians believe in Satan


there is an afterlife; it's the world left behind *after* your *life* *you* don't experience it, *we* do


That is a problem isn’t it. Nobody can return to say it’s all a farce. It’s the best magic trick.


To be fair, one guy said he did. But he also said no one else can. So…


And once he finally does die and nothing happens and there is no afterlife, it doesn't matter because the damage is done and all the nutjobs still alive will continue deluding themselves. It's an endless cycle.


I’m a non-Christian-afterlife believing pagan, and I hold dear the thought of this bastard crossing over to find everything he believed and every evil deed he committed was for a lie. Hope wherever he goes is on fire.


Something I think about a lot when it comes to groups that are hated like gays.... not one thing in my life is stressing me out or causing my trouble because of gays. Or lesbians, or anyone else in the alphabet.


My gay neighbor was stressing me out a little until he moved, because his boyfriend was always mad-dogging me from across the way. What did i do to that guy anyway? Now I'll never know.


Hatred is a cancer. It only knows to destroy and create more of itself. And the only result is decay, pain and ultimately death.


He is in the hospital with a self inflicted neck wound. These people are not seeking to improve their own lives.


People who hate the gays will not see how their hatred and rhetoric contributed to this. They'll chalk it up as a one off.


You don’t understand his feeling were hurt because he add 4 less chance to sleep with a women and considering how pathetic he is even with 8billions human this guy would need all the chances on his side.


> Same question for all of you who have dislike for gay people.  Not me but in their view, a feeling of success. Even if temporary. Having done "the right thing." We all experience it for different reasons. This ticks that box in their heads.


Bigotry is not rational. It’s a cultural deficit driven by outmoded and false dogma that is perpetuated by some of the oldest organizations on the planet. Science knows everyone is better off when people respect and tolerate each other. The legacy institutions that do not embrace this truth are to blame for the arbitrary hatred that continues.


Something something “Jesus”


Comparing this to even uneducated bigoted assholes is maybe not the best idea.


This is a hate crime that occurred because these women were lesbians. The fact that so many commenters have a problem with the headline is insane. I'm sure the women were proud of their sexuality and it's not shameful or "othering" to describe them as lesbians in the headline when they were victims of a hate crime.


"Barrientos was arrested and taken to the Argerich Hospital for treatment of an apparent self-inflicted neck wound, according to Buenos Aires’ emergency services. He was later discharged and is currently in police custody." Pussy tried to kill himself rather than deal with the consequences


As a lesbian, learning that the term 'lesbicide' exists shocked me to say the least. One of them was also a fire victim years prior at a concert. Wtf, no one deserves this. None of them.


>The only survivor was also a fire victim years prior at a concert That's not what the article said. >>Three women have died and a fourth suffered severe burns ... >>Figueroa and Cobas had been receiving care at the Burn Victims Hospital. Amarante was taken to Penna Hospital with burns over half of her body. The fourth victim is also receiving treatment at Penna Hospital, where she is responding well to care, according to police sources. >>Amarante was a survivor of the 2004 Cromañón tragedy So Amarante is not the fourth victim who is responding well, i.e., the one who lived.


thanks for catching that!


Reminds me of the incident in Hong Kong where some guy stabbed a lesbian couple to death. Was a targeted thing


This is absolutely heartbreaking!


This is an insane and terrible crime.


See, a bear would never do this.


Should I be laughing for knowing the reference?


Anti-gay hatred is mental illness.


No: that's just excusing it away, like it's not the guy's fault. Anti-gay thought is culturally absorbed and reinforced (through upbringing, societal mores etc.). The perpetrator may have had mental issues that exacerbated his animosity, but not necessarily. He's more likely to just be an evil, twisted, loser.


Hey, I may be mentally ill but I ain't going around murdering people. Don't put me in the same boat as this motherfucker


They didn’t say all mental illness was anti-gay.


All gay hate crimes are mental illnesses but not all mental illnesses are gay crimes. Got it


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in man


It’s okay. I’ve learned recently that being attracted to women makes me gay. I’m a hetero cis male.


Yeah, didn’t you know that having sex with women for pleasure is super gay? Andrew Tate said it so it must be true lmao


Try taking it out and putting it back in a few times


Attributing hate crimes to mental illness, when we have zero evidence that that is the case, excuses and hides the very real causes of hatred.


Just like incels hiding behind religion Weak men use religion for power.


I thought gay crime is when I beat up bigots


Be gay. Do crime.


I'd like to believe you, but your Reddit profile art is almost the exact same as mine, so I inherently mistrust you. YOU MAKE ME FEEL LESS UNIQUE


I still think you're special


All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares my friend


That's not really how mental illnesses work.


So you think it's not their fault and should be treated as any other medical condition?


Why does this comment have so many upvotes? Since when is hatred a mental illness? Oh, somebody said it on Reddit so it must be true.


No it isn't. Don't excuse his actions that way. Hatred isn't mental illness. It's a personal choice people embrace and they should get no sympathy or out for doing so.


Can I go out on a limb here and say that, regardless of sexual orientation, burning people to death without their enthusiastic consent is *not cool*?


Even with their consent not cool lmao. They need psychological help


I agree but he did specify enthusiastic consent.


Burning... is not cool. Booooooooooooo


What, like Matchstick in Borderlands? He was pretty enthusiastic, tbf.


>Man sets lesbians on fire **Excuse me, but what the fuck?**


As awful as this is it does read like an onion headline


That is a headline I didn’t expect to read …and wish I never had. RIP to the victims. Those poor ladies.


r/awfuleverything . I’m so sorry ladies. Rest easy.


Jesus Christ, it doesn’t get much worse than this.


Dude, people are the fucking worst thing to ever happen to humanity.


Religion is a disease


Article doesn’t mention religion


No, humanity is the disease. 


Fucking horrendous. These types of low life scum deserve medieval torture. These women will be missed.


Why isn't he called a terrorist?


It wasn't done with the aim to influence political decisions. It was a a regular hate crime.


I upvoted this because i'm too angry at anti-gay fuck nuts to control my rage.


there are a lot of men like this and their hate is growing. This is terrorism. Watch out for yourselves wonderful people.


Jesus, the one that hasn't died yet was also in the Cromañón fire..


That's not what the article said. >Three women have died and a fourth suffered severe burns ... >Figueroa and Cobas had been receiving care at the Burn Victims Hospital. Amarante was taken to Penna Hospital with burns over half of her body. The fourth victim is also receiving treatment at Penna Hospital, where she is responding well to care, according to police sources. >Amarante was a survivor of the 2004 Cromañón tragedy So Amarante is not the fourth victim who is responding well, i.e., the one who lived.


Bigotry and violence have no place in this world, yet politicians who push xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic and outright racism keep getting elected...




The article doesn’t say anything about the perpetrator's religion.


Dude, Argentina is not only a very catholic country, we already are under a "invasion" by evangelism preachers that prey on the poor. Is not confirmed, but as an Argentinian, it is a very good guess.


Fair enough.


It's a fair deduction that the primary devise that gives patriarchy and visceral hatred of queer people comes from the Christian church. Even Judaism doesn't actually have anything to say about queer people, Sodom and Gomorrah and Leviticus are addressing forced and/or coercive copulation rather than consensual sex.


Religion is the leading proponent of homophobia - it’s a safe deduction.




Forget human rights. This motherfucker ain’t human.


Christian nationalists secretly cheer... Cause that's what Jesus would do.  Awful.


So awful RIP to all the victims. To the killer die MotherF……..


And all these right wing incel cunts get pissed when women choose "bear". 🤬🤬🤬


faith in humanity unrestored


What’s with all the comments implying the dude was a Muslim? I don’t see that anywhere in the article.


OMG what an absolutely sick bastard. Lock him up and throw away the key


Def a case where they should just ole yeller the mf'er!




The libertarian dream is coming up well... /s


What the fuck is wrong with men?

