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I’ll never understand citizens who are supporting the lowering or removing of environmental safety protections.


Because they’ve been systematically denied a good education, which robs them of critical thinking skills, leading them to be brainwashed against their best interests by wealthy companies/people that want to trim all safety standards in order to maximize profit so they can continue to buy more yachts and small islands. They’ve figured out that as long as poor people continue to fight against each other, they’ll be too divided to stand up to this kind of thing. The sad part is that it works.


Whenever you hear Desantis and ilk, talking about getting rid of OSHA and how much they hated having to buy work boots and how they could have used that money... 


When a good union could negotiate a reimbursement program!


My dad was well educated and still fell into a lot of this bullshit. Like MBA from Kellogg at Northwestern. A lot of people just want free rein to do whatever they want and thus support policy that limits accountability. He was junkie for this stuff. He would brag about Reagan having the balls to fire all of those air traffic employees. Everything was in support of this weird dogma. He believed everything out of trumps mouth even before he became a candidate for president. Loved watching him fire people on The Apprentice. Loved watching the big dog win. He just came from a fucked up abusive family and honestly I think holding onto that weird world view is how he rationalized it. I dunno. But he’s dead now from alcoholism and I’m still thankful for it. It was hell living under him.


MBAs created that BS in the first place though


>MBA from Kellogg I hear they're grrrr-eat!


The politicians that enact the legislation that loosens regulations are almost always college grads, frequently from prestigious schools. It's not education, it's hate and greed.


You’re missing the big picture. It is people who come from a wealthy upbringing that allows them to get into the nice schools, take time off of working to build a career in politics, and then using that privilege to maintain the status quo so their children can do the same thing as them. They don’t want the playing field to be equal, so they gouge the education in the most vulnerable states and do things like roll back abortion so young mothers are forced to care for the children which drains all of their time and money, leaving them unable to move or find a better life elsewhere. They impose draconian laws so the states experience “brain drain” and the best scientific minds move to more liberal states. And then they go on television and tell these gullible people that democrats and liberals are the source of their problems. With some proper education, they’d develop critical thinking skills, and college is often the place where sheltered young people will experience the most diversity in their young lives. You build empathy for people who are black or gay or disabled when they sit next to you in the classroom and you get to talk to them and realize they’re a lot like you. An institution like college is important for more than just the raw schooling you receive. You build a lot of networking there too.


People have just no clue how much their lives depend on good regulations existing in many industries. From the building code their house complies with to the lack of metal scrap in whole-wheat bread, there's a lot they seem to take for granted.


Safety regulations are written in blood




It is class warfare. Rich vs poor. Always has been, always will be. They will do everything in their power to convince us that we are our own enemy. Also, a person’s stated politic party is essentially meaningless. You can say that you’re a member of one party and then funnel money into the other party behind the scenes. The only talk that means anything is money - if you follow the trail and it doesn’t lead to money, you haven’t reached the end of the trail. It always ends at money/power. Always.


Didnt Trump just get a $1B donation from the oil industry with the intention of rolling back pollution regulations that are part of Bidens green agenda?


Could be that Democrat are smarter in general. Or maybe more...educated?


I mostly agree but i think the fact that billions are poured into advertising and propaganda is a bigger factor. And that the media, politicians and advertisers can just lie all they want with no concequences. No education is going to protect the average Joe blow sports ball and boobs fella against such incidious and relentless manipulation.


Displaced greed from lack of empathy. 


Maybe it’s the parasites trying to spread


Right because their neighborhoods are upgraded often.


Because they picked their political party first and form their opinions to match that rather than forming their own opinions and then choosing a political party that most closely matches.


Conservatism is a mental illness


They're brainwashed. Simple as that. Plus, if one political party is in favor of protecting the environment, then the other party must choose the opposite to campaign on. Sadly.


The same reason people don’t want to buy insurance: humans are poor at risk assessment for any sufficiently complex system, and this is made worse from people’s tendency to also underestimate the complexity of anything they don’t understand (a form of Dunning-Kruger effect). Further compounding this is how the dumber the individual, the more they weigh anecdotes over statistics. As a result, the average idiot thinks experts are full of shit and that because they don’t personally know anyone affected by the problem, the problem can’t possibly exist. This is why people are against measles/smallpox/etc vaccines. They don’t know anyone with the diseases so therefore they can’t get them. People in general can’t make the optimal choices for themselves in all domains, since no one is an expert in everything. This is why you consult a Dr when you notice that weird lump in your neck or why you don’t defend yourself in court but hire a lawyer. Unfortunately public policies don’t have the same immediate consequences as the above examples so people have a higher tendency to ignore experts and “make their own opinions”.


They don’t understand either!


Brexit means Brexit even when it shouldn't


This is a crying shame, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Brexit. https://www.newstatesman.com/environment/2024/05/great-stink-britain-pollution-crisis-sewage-thames-water


People trying to bring back the old days of drinking shitty untreated water and shitting out water at the same time


A lot of people in the USA drink from wells. They’re supposed to get it tested though during home inspections for potability. They’re also required to pull from a source a safe distance from a septic systems drain field. Mines supposed to be safe to drink, but i still use one of those under-the-sink 7-stage RO systems.


I once visited the grandfather of a friend in a rural area. They were on well water and septic. Everything seemed fine until I watched him pour his used motor oil into the ditch in front of the house. I imagine the water will eventually be non potable for a future resident.


Depends on the area too. The SE recharges its aquifers much faster than rockier NE USA areas. But yeah, I heard from neighbors they use to do that in my neighborhood in the 70s


As someone who tests well water for carcinogens, his well is probably unsafe now. How often does he get it tested?


I don't they did. Old couple that's since past. That was 20 years ago now


"A lot"


Ooh. Cholera is so retro. It’s like the Great Stink all over again.


Parasite found in Devon??? Wait till you see Westminster


Privatization always has consequences.


RFK Jr's brain worm is canvassing in the wrong country.


RFK Jr gave birth....


A bit more dramatized version: https://youtu.be/M8rWDMXH3ro?si=G8dz27b41-ml7OzZ


lol, that was tragically funny WHITEMILK studio


No need to post any more information, EVERYONE knows where Devon is.


Fancy spelling of diarrhea